

For the next eighteen pages, Katz writes about Simpson's trip to Chicago,
the noise outside Kato Kaelin's room, the bloody glove found by Mark Fuhrman,
the Bronco chase, the booking, the hiring of lawyers, the assignment of Judge Ito, the talk show interest,
the comment on DNA, and the selection of a jury. On the hiring of lawyers for Simpson, Katz writes:

These stanzas and the illustrations simply retell the Simpson tale.
Although The Cat NOT in the Hat! does broadly mimic Dr. Seuss' characteristic style,
it does not hold his style up to ridicule.
The stanzas have "no critical bearing on the substance or style of" The Cat in the Hat.
Katz and Wrinn merely use the Cat's stove-pipe hat,
the narrator ("Dr. Juice), and the title (The Cat NOT in the Hat! ) "to get attention" or maybe even "to avoid the drudgery in working up something fresh." Acuff-Rose, 114 S. Ct. at 1172.
While Simpson is depicted 13 times in the Cat's distinctively scrunched and somewhat shabby red and white stove-pipe hat,
the substance and content of The Cat in the Hat is not conjured up by the focus on the Brown-Goldman murders or the O.J. Simpson trial.
Because there is no effort to create a transformative work with "new expression, meaning, or message," the infringing work's commercial use further cuts against the fair use defense.