次のフレーズを和訳。 01.[reek] This room reeks strongly. 02.[rueful] a rueful tale 03.[recoil] recoil at seeing the snake 04.[parochial] a parochial viewpoint 05.[plunder] live by plunder 06,[aplomb] with perfect aplomb 07.[paucity] a paucity of information 08.[snag] run into a snag 09.[anemic] an anemic face 10.[recant] recant one's statement 11.[prognostication] gloomy prognostications 12.[bucolic] a bucolic landscape 13.[lampoon] He is lampooned in political cartoons frequently. 14.[proclivity] have a proclivity to catch cold 15.[pulverize] pulverize the opposition 16.[disdain] look at him with disdain 17.[eclectic] an eclectic house 18.[abort] abort the rocket launch 19.[emancipation] The Emancipation of MIMI 20.[cherish] cherish a dream of becoming a teacher 21.[indolent] lead an indolent life 22.[vicinity] in the vicinity of A 23.[cook up] cook up an excuse 24.[boil down to] It boils down to the fact that... 25.[be up to one's ears] I'm up to the ears in debt.
01.[reek] This room reeks strongly. この部屋は悪臭がきつい。 reek [自]悪臭を放つ 02.[rueful] a rueful tale 悲しい物語 03.[recoil] recoil at seeing the snake へびを見てひるむ recoil [自]後ずさりする、ひるむ 04.[parochial] a parochial viewpoint 狭い視点 parochial [形]狭い (ものの見方などが) 05.[plunder] live by plunder 略奪で生活する plunder [名]略奪 06,[aplomb] with perfect aplomb 自信満々で aplomb [名](難局を前にしての)冷静、自信 07.[paucity] a paucity of information 情報の不足 08.[snag] run into a snag 思いがけぬ障害にぶつかる snag [名](思いがけぬ)障害 09.[anemic] an anemic face 無気力な顔 anemic [形]貧血の;無気力な、よわよわしい 10.[recant] recant one's statement 発言を撤回する [recant] 〜を撤回する (≒retract) 11.[prognostication] gloomy prognostications 暗い預言 [prognostication] 予言、予知 12.[bucolic] a bucolic landscape 田園風景 [bucolic] 田園的な;羊がいの 13.[lampoon] He is lampooned in political cartoons frequently. 彼はしばしば政治の漫画で風刺される。 [lampoon] 〜を風刺する 14.[proclivity] have a proclivity to catch cold 風邪をひく傾向がある [proclivity] 性向、傾向 (≒propensity) 15.[pulverize] pulverize the opposition 異議を粉砕する pulverize [他]〜を粉砕する 16.[disdain] look at him with disdain 軽蔑のまなざしで彼を見る disdain [名]軽蔑 17.[eclectic] an eclectic house 折衷様式の家 18.[abort] abort the rocket launch ロケットの発射を中止する 19.[emancipation] The Emancipation of MIMI MIMIの解放 20.[cherish] cherish a dream of becoming a teacher 先生になる夢を抱く 21.[indolent] lead an indolent life なまけた生活を送る indolent [形]怠惰な、なまけた 22.[vicinity] in the vicinity of A Aの近所に 23.[cook up] cook up an excuse 言い訳をでっちあげる 24.[boil down to] It boils down to the fact that... つまるところ事実としては・・・だ。 25.[be up to one's ears] I'm up to the ears in debt. 借金で手がいっぱいだ。
次のフレーズを和訳。 01 [poach] poach on his preserve 02 [perfunctory] a perfunctory kiss 03 [reticent] She's reticent about her son. 04 [racketeering] sue him for racketeering 05 [tepid] a tepid reception / tepid water 06 [frazzle] I'm worn to a frazzle. 07 [hackneyed] a hackneyed phrase 08 [spurn] spurn a bribe 09 [exult] exult in one's success 10 [felicity] a life of felicity / a felicity of language 11 [recapitulate] recapitulate what he said 12 [decorum] behave with decorum 13 [feign] feign illness 14 [sedition] be charged with sedition 15 [posh] a posh campus 16 [novice] a novice swimmer 17 [obsolete] an obsolete word 18 [obliterate] obliterate New York 19 [ovation] a standing ovation 20 [impart] The carpet will impart an air of luxury to your room. 21 [pungent] a pungent smell / a pungent criticism 22 [go awry] The plan has gone awry. 23 [in the bag] I think I'll be in the bag. 24 [on the ball] The new office girl is on the ball. 25 [make a splash] He made a splash in the history of the world as possibly America's greatest president. 26 [hit the books] It's time to hit the books.
01 [poach] poach on his preserve 彼のことに首を突っ込む 02 [perfunctory] a perfunctory kiss おざなりなキス 03 [reticent] She's reticent about her son. 彼女は息子について話したがらない。 04 [racketeering] sue him for racketeering ゆすりで彼を訴える 05 [tepid] a tepid reception / tepid water 気のない接待 / ぬるま湯 06 [frazzle] I'm worn to a frazzle. 私は疲れ果てている。 frazzle [名]すり減った状態 07 [hackneyed] a hackneyed phrase 使い古しのフレーズ 08 [spurn] spurn a bribe 賄賂をはねつける 09 [exult] exult in one's success 成功して有頂天になる 10 [felicity] a life of felicity / a felicity of language 至福な人生 / 言語が器用であること 11 [recapitulate] recapitulate what he said 彼の発言を要約する 12 [decorum] behave with decorum 礼儀正しく振舞う 13 [feign] feign illness 仮病を使う 14 [sedition] be charged with sedition 騒乱罪で起訴される 15 [posh] a posh campus しゃれたキャンパス 16 [novice] a novice summer 水泳の初心者 17 [obsolete] an obsolete word 廃語 18 [obliterate] obliterate New York ニューヨークを全壊させる 19 [ovation] a standing ovation 立ち上がって拍手喝采すること 20 [impart] The carpet will impart an air of luxury to your room. 絨毯を敷けばお部屋が豪華な感じなるでしょう。 impart [他]〜を与える、添える;〜を伝える、知らせる 21 [pungent] a pungent smell / a pungent criticism つんと鼻をさす匂い / 辛辣な批評 22 [go awry] The plan has gone awry. その計画は失敗に終わった。 23 [in the bag] I think I'll be in the bag. 自分が成功すると思う 24 [on the ball] The new office girl is on the ball. 新しくオフィスに入ってきた女性は有能だ。 25 [make a splash] He made a splash in the history of the world as possibly America's greatest president. 彼はおそらくアメリカの最も偉大な大統領として世界の歴史の中で注目を集めた。 26 [hit the books] It's time to hit the books. 勉強する時間だ。
1 [phlegmatic] phlegmatic manner 2 [irk] Tell me what irked you. 3 [inculcate] inculcate good manners in one's children 4 [parch] The sun parched the field. 5 [peev] Peeved at his silence, she left. 6 [parochial] a parochial viewpoint 7 [pariah] I don't want to be a pariah. 8 [anesthetic] be under an anesthetic 9 [quip] a quip attributed to him 10 [ado] much ado about nothing 11 [voluptuous] voluptuous pleasure 12 [bungle] The whole operation was bungled. 13 [demure] his demure nature 14 [lambaste] lambaste his plan for being inadequate 15 [livid] He was livid with rage. 16 [tide over] This food will tide us over till spring. 17 [make a splash] 18 [pert] a pert reply 19 [malady] suffer from an unknown malady 20 [wrest] wrest a secret from her 21 [foil] foil his attempt 22 [en masse] They resigned en masse. 23 [gratis] do a small job gratis
・make do, force ・criticize severely, reprove, condemn, impugn ・strengthen, reinforce, buttress ・check to remove objectionable information (that might be useful to the enemy) ・confuse, perplex ・wheedle, cajole, beguile ・hesitate, refuse abruptly ・disparage, downgrade, deprecate, depreciate, put down ・find a way round, evade, outwit ・sit or lie back in warmth and light, warm oneself, repose ・do clumsily, screw up
1 on the air 2 in the bag 3 as of 4 on the block 5 full of beans 6 beef about 7 in the air 8 act out 9 bring home the bacon 10 across the board 11 down one's alley 12 spill the beans 13 at bay 14 act up 15 for the birds 16 get across 17 be alive with 18 back out
・reach the highest point ・surround with a line of persons or objects ・make up, be equivalent to, be tantamount to, establish by law ・obey, submit to, conform to, act in accordance with ・plot, scheme, machinate, collude, intrigue ・consist of, be composed of, include ・admit as true ・reduce in extent, cut back ・wear away, rust, undermine ・praise, extol, applaud