>>15 I can't tell any of them apart except for Kago and Yaguchi. They all look like the same person to me. I have no idea who the current members are, but I do know the line-up changes frequently.
>>47 I've been interested in your profile when I watched it. If you don't mind, would you let me take your lesson once? Right now, I am been teached by a teacher who is from the same country you are from, but I am worried that if you happen to know of my teacher, because of my small country. I'm not dissatisfied with my teacher, but I would like to try your free lesson.
>>60 I don't want to acknowledge that, although I've found it for some time. I was making sure someone didn't find out about any of my trying to treat my athletic foot stealthily. For example, I would rub my foot with pumice during bath time, and I usually put a toe-separated socks on whle at work, and so on.... Although my efforts had been spreaded among my co-woker, and someone put some toilet deodorants under my desk in the office, and there were two one!
>>60 > 認めたくはありませんが、私は以前から気がついていました。 > 誰にも分からないようにこっそりと直す努力をしていました。 > 入浴中、軽石で足の裏をこすり、勤務中は五本指靴下をはく等...。 > 所が私の努力は虚しく同僚にはバレていました。 > トイレの芳香剤が私の机の下に置いてあったのです。 > しかも2つも。」 I didn't want to admit it, but I knew all along that my feet smell terrible. I had been secretly trying to do something about this problem. I tried rubbing my feet with pumice stone every time I took a bath, wearing socks with fingers, etc, etc.
Despite my best efforts, however, my colleagues all knew my problem. One day, I found air fresheners for bathrooms under my desk. Not only one, but two!
>>61 I am been teached by a teacher -> I have a teacher the same country you are from -> the same country as yours because of my small country -> because my country is small
>>71 Although my efforts had been -> However, my efforts had been (althoughは副詞としては使えない。また、althoughをつかって 二つの節をつなげるときにはandは使わない。) spreaded -> spread (spreadの過去分詞はspread)
>>81 I made ○○ community two months ago in Mixi, which is the biggest SNS in Japan. Only three people have joined the community and they and I know each other before I made the communiy.
>>81 Anyway, I made a community called "○○" about two months ago in the Mixi, Japanese SNS. But only three persons are belong to it, and most of them are my friends(families). lol
>>81 I tentatively set up a web community called oo at the Japanese SNS known as MIXI two months ago. So far we have three members. Most of them are someone close to me.
>>71 And my efforts had been spread among my co-wokers, and someone left a card under my desk that said, "Thanks. I did exactly what you did and it really worked." In fact, there were not only one card but two.
>>47 I got/became interested from seeing your profile. (becameのほうが丁寧) Your profile stirred/sparked/piqued/caught my interest.
Would it be all right if I took a lesson with you? I'm currently taking lessons with a teacher from your country, but we're out here in a little rural area so I'm worried he might know who you are. I'm not dissatisfied with him at all, I was just wondering if I might be able to take a trial lesson with you.
>>48 I have arranged for a meeting/conference at the above time. I would be grateful for your attendance if possible.
>>56 to act annoyed/bothered (by ...) to act (as if he were) weary/tired (of ...)
>>63 I'll play as dirty as I have to, but I'm kicking him aside and moving up!
>>69 Which size would you like, small, medium, or large? It comes either iced or hot, which one would you like? What kind of drink would you like? It will take about two to three minutes, is that all right?
>>125 "It's not like..." felt a little too casual/colloquial given the context, at least to me. But it's all up to >>47, of course. Just one thing, there's no "that".
The lines which the puppy is always speaking right now on this story is making you realize that you can also speak what you want to express only with such a poor knowledge of vocavularies and grammar. おかしいところがあれば、教えてください。お願いします。
>>133 They've translated a *lot* into English now, what kind do you like? やまねあやの先生's Viewfinder and Crimson Spell are out now in English, you can't go wrong with her work...
>>138 You realize from the lines the puppy always says in this story that even with such poor vocabulary and grammar, it's still possible to express what you want to say.
>>143 Well, it says this: it is called sticky but should not be confused with the other varieties of Asian rice that become sticky to one degree or another when cooked. So maybe on that show they meant sticky as simply an adjective?
>>147 Yeah, kind of. If I correct the mistakes: The lines (which) the puppy is always saying in this story make you realize that you can also say what you want to express, even with such (a) poor (knowledge of) vocabulary and grammar.
>>586 U know suzuki right? he's sick and dying. He won't be back anymore. Btw, my name is yamada. Oh, u will receive whatever u ordered the other day sometime next week. How was the ??? Did u like ??? If u want more, i'll send u more. Let me know. U pay me first okay? Then, i'll send u whatever the stuff.
Weird... I posted from my cell like two hours ago that I was in class so wouldn't be around, but it never showed up. Well, if it randomly gets posted like twelve hours later, it's not 'cause I'm a retard.
>>158 I'm not getting the email with the security code. How should I proceed?
>>162 No, not at all. It depends on the sentence. In this case, it just so happened that, as I was thinking of the best, most concise way to translate >>138, I decided starting with "You..." was a good idea.
>>202 (I think you got the characters for his name wrong.)
I'm often told I look like former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, but the comparison doesn't make me very happy. Despite his position, Abe lacked effective leadership and was not popular at home. Are you all familiar with Shinzo Abe? On the topic of popular celebrities, my name is similar to the baseball player Ichiro.
Anyway, that's enough silliness. This is the first time I've gone overseas to work, but I hope to bring my experience to the table and contribute to the development/expansion/growth of ○○. I look forward to working with all of you!
>>224 Talking about tomorrow,can I change the place to meet to ***street(avenue/boulevard)? Because there is a shop(restaulant/boutique) I wanted to go. Location : ***street(avenue/boulevard) Shop*** Time : at our convenience
Please e-mail me to let me know when you don't want to go because you are tired.
>>246 A: I've been thinking about taking a vacation for a week to visit Switzerland this coming summer. B: Sounds wonderful. You can enjoy a beautiful view there. Things are really expensive though.
A: Nothing replaces the joy of traveling. B: I agree. But I rarely travel abroad because I cannot stand a long flight.
>>251 So sorry for my late reply. How are you doing with your girlfriend? I'm in a rough mood now because I've been told by my folks that I should eat more. Eating makes me sick because I haven't eaten much.
Lower labor costs and extensive lands allow large-scale production to be achieved in China. Thanks to such beneficial factors, outsourcing manufacturing activities to China has resulted in numerous advantages for sellers of goods manufactured there.
>>252 Outsourcing manufacturing to China brought great benefits to distributors in terms of the following three points: Lower labor cost, Lower land cost and the possibility of large scale mass production.
>>274 I'm sorry this late reply. At first, I planned to come back to Tokyo already, but I'm still working in Yamagata Pref. Maybe I'll staying in Yamagata through the end of the year. By the way, I could read eCommerce's site which relates to your friend because it was written in Japanese. The site is expensive-looking because of the famouse brand, so I like it.
>>281 Oh, he is young. The peak of instantaneous force is five years after, so I think he is better able to improve his performance. I wish he even greater successes for the future.
>>284 I sent you a wrong e-mail which was not for you by mistake a little while ago. Please ignore it.
I asked the Ritz Carlton Hotel you are supposed to be staying but I couldn't find your name on the list. Have you already left Japan ? I hope I could meet you tomorrow if you would like, so please contact me.
> Staining the stars of heavens scarlet > Gather the grains of miracles > Before the still unseen night > I want to tell you that I’m escaping from illusions > Even if they are not words that seem passionate > Now, the fact that I’m here, that is my truth. http://byakuya.wordpress.com/2007/08/
4行目は"I want to escape from illusions and tell you" のような気もするが…
japan and china have a lot of connection in our history. to make a safe and reliable relationship, it is important for us to understand law, business customs and culture each other. one of the nearest, and one of the farest country , it is china.
>>347 I heartily pray that the forthcoming aid from Japan to sites devastated by the recent big earthquake in China will bridge the gap, and contribute to closer friendship, between the two countries as much as possible.
>>366 I plan to go to OO with my friends next Saturday. If you are around there, Why don't you join us and have a drink? They are very nice girls, really!
I was savo(u?)ring green tea in a hut with mild sunlights raying through leaves from above and cecadas singing their tunes, when I heard a sound of **** from out of nowhere.
>>380 Many Japanese, too, keep it seacret that they are doing コスプレ. If I told everybody in my class that I'm doing コスプレ, they would look at me differently. People showing up on TV and people doing コスプレ(または、コスプレ girls) in Akihabara are not like us.
>>380 Many people who do cosplay in Japan also keep it secret that they are cosplayers. If I told my friends/classmates at school that I do cosplay, they would become biased against me. I would say that cosplayers on TV or on the streets of Akihabara aren't average cosplayers. They don't mind letting everybody know they are cosplayers but most cosplayers don't want everybody to know that they are.
I will be shipping the existing order now and just want to clarify that you do want me to get the backordered items in for you for a subsequent shipment?
>>390 >>388に訂数ヶ所あり 訂正版 Sorry it took time to have sent you [送ったもの]. There is a national holiday week called the Golden Week here in Japan and I could not send it till it ended.
>>381 Sorry for the delay of shipping. We were unable to ship any items from April 29th to May 5th due to the national holidays called the Golden Week.
Matsunouchi had already passed and the mood of New Year was gone. I was sitting in an arbor in a garden, quietly enjoying the cicadas' voices and the bracing sunlight through trees. As I was having a bowl of green tea, the silence was suddenly broken by the sound of a bamboo water fountain.
>>409 I'm/We're going to start a band and make a lot of songs.
>>405 Has the following item already arrived in stock? XXXXXX I'd like to place an extra order in addition to the above item. About how long will it take to restock?
>>375 I'm still (a minor)/underage, so I wish they'd do those kinds of things somewhere else.
Inside of a pine tree had been anywhere. I was drinking a bottle of Japanese Matt-Tea straight from the bottle at the house of my lover named Chizuru Azuma, while the sun shines was burning out fierily, fresh air had stuck out of my urethral tube, and Mr. Tsukutsukuhooo had been crying out diabolically over the eirth. Suddenly, the sounds of Mr. Shishi-odo cried out in the throes of labor, like "kalaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnn!!!!!!!".
>>356 Are there any problems with shipping things like silicon or resin to Jakarta? I'll send/forward you the papers/documents as soon as I get them. I appreciate your prompt instructions.
>>426 All of my tool is simple. I am attaching the brief instructions in case of necessity. So, you'll rarely fail to understand how to use them. However I don't speak English, and I will not support you except in an emergency. Please keep that in your mind. With reading this page and looking the images, if you can't understand what are those tools for, refrain from buying.
>>426 The tools I've made are all very simple, and those requiring further explanation come with a brief operation guide. You should have no trouble figuring out how to handle them. However, I can't speak English myself so except in case of emergencies I will be unable to provide you with support. Please bear that in mind. If you have looked at the text and images on this page and still do not understand what these tools are for, please refrain from purchasing them.
“It does have a reputation as a dodgy, scabby industry,” says Tom, who does a lot of business with property management and letting companies. But rubbish is booming he plans to double the size of the business in London and set up franchises nationwide.
> こちらのチケット、ポップコーン単品のみでしかご利用できないんです。 > セットの場合、すでに割引させていただいてますので。 > 次回、単品のみのお買い求めの際、ご利用下さい。 You can use this coupon only if you buy popcorn as a single item. You cannot use it with combos since they come with a discount. Please use it the next time you buy popcorn.
> コーヒーの方、ブラックとなっておりますので、 > よろしければ、あちらからミルク等、ご利用ください。 The coffee is served black. Milk and sugar are over there.
> こちらのカゴ、上映終了時に出口にいる係の者にお返しください。 Please return this basket to the person at the exit after the showing.
> ・こちら、大変お熱くなっておりますので、お気をつけください。 This cup is very hot, so please be careful.
> ケチャップ・マスタード、よろしければそちらからご利用ください。 Ketchup and mustard are over there.
>>453 Do you (still) remember me? After you helped me out in Hawaii ten years ago, you sent me several letters but back then I didn't know much English so I couldn't reply.
I was really surprised when I saw the picture you had sent with your letter. You all looked so mature, I couldn't believe we're the same age!
>>513 Writing in English is extremely tiring for me, so if my replies seem curt or poorly organized, have a lot of typos, or they're a little late in coming, you'll have to excuse me. It should (improve)/(become more polished) with time, or so I hope.
>>517 >I don't know the exact opening date of the film, but I think it was in mid-January, 2009. >but I think it was in mid-January, 2009. >it was in mid-January, 2009. >it was
>>526 Eh, just me but your sentence was pretty jarring to me when I read it. If you're going to use "was" that way, IMO you should remove the "in". I think it was mid-January...
Otherwise, present/future. I think it's (gonna be) in mid-January...
>>546 It's the word "apple," of course it's spelled with an 'a'. There's only one 'a' in the English alphabet. The 'a' of the spelling of apple is the same 'a' that appears in every word with an 'a' in it... I mean, it just doesn't mean anything to say "the a of the spelling of apple" as if there were some other kind of 'a'.
>>548 Yeah, basically. But when we say something like "the 'a' in apple", 99% of the time we're talking about the sound, the pronunciation of the letter. So nothing really to do with spelling.
>>555 Assuming that >>550 is >>523, yes. And even if that's not true, I can't imagine a native speaker saying that [the "a" in "apple"] doesn't make any sense.
>>572 That's a little different. It's specifically geared towards little kids in elementary school. I think they're purposely mimicking the picture books we learn to use the alphabet, that have things like "A is for Apple!" with a big picture of an apple or something.
>>579 Eh, it's not about that. If you're reading back someone's name, it's perfectly legit to say, "That's 'a' for apple, 'b' for baseball..." etc. But the way we *usually* say it is, "That's 'a' as in apple..."
I'm just trying to tell you the guys the most natural way, not saying the other guy's wrong.
>>604 I think we just call that spamming. w If it's only twice, we say "double posting." Usually people don't do it more than twice (unless they're spamming).
>>606 おお サンキュー I'm pretty happy with goo so far, but I always like trying out new ones.
>>607 Basically. -ge at the end of an adjective: 様子・気配・感じなどの意を表す。(Hope you can read that.)
>>610 No offense, but some of you guys really can't tell the difference between native and そこそこ English. I mean it's totally cool. There'll be times when some guy posts (here on 2ch) and y'all go お前チョンだろ and I don't know why. ww Guess it's tough to develop that really fine sense for a language.
知らなかったよ。/聞いてないよー。/突然そんなこと言われてもなあ。 I didn't know that. 私に何をしてもらいたいのですか?/私にどうしろと…?/そんなこと言われても…。/お門違いでしょう。 What do you want me to do?〔【場面】相手の苦情などに対して「私に何ができるというのか」と尋ね返す。〕 私に言われても困ります。/そんなこと言われても。 What are you telling me for? (人)が何と言おうが知ったことか。/そんなこと言われてもね。 It doesn't matter what someone says.
>>624 >やっぱり自分専用の「表現集」とか「単語帳」みたいなのを作ってるの? orz............ I've been meaning to start one for years. *Years.* I've just been... too lazy. Seriously, I'm gonna do it. Tomorrow, I swear, promise, tomorrow, I'm gonna start writing them down...
>日本語を「日本語の頭」で考えられるようになったのは、勉強始めてどのくらいの時なの? I can barely remember. Couple years? Three, four? From the very beginning I was trying to keep my thoughts in Japanese, but it was only after a while (probably yeah, like 4 years) that I became any good at it. w
>>625 Mm, IRC is the only specific chat method I know. I don't go into random chatrooms, so I'm not the best person to ask. Just Google the word "chat". You'll find tons of shit. Like the first hit is Yahoo!'s chat rooms.
>>626 Yeah, goo's got 国語. I use 国語 more than J->E. Really the only time I use J->E is when I'm translating, and I can't think of the right word in English right away. w
>>633 またその女かよw Na, I think I'm definitely slower than she is. I can't construct my sentences that fast. I can read very quickly, like if I have a script, speaking quickly is no problem. But yeah, can't come up with my own words fast enough. I mean even writing Japanese takes me a kind of fucking long time. And the only time I speak Japanese is the few weeks out of the year when I'm traveling in Japan, so... my speaking sucks balls. (;_;)
ニュースは無理かな、辞典がないと My vocabulary is actually pretty limited, since the Japanese I read 99% of the time is either 2ch or BL novels... w It's about time I started reading, you know, "real Japanese." But I'm kinda lazy... orz
>>645 Well, studying something 'cause you really love it, and studying it because you want a good score on a test, are totally different. I really do wish y'all would relax a little and try to have more fun with English, 'cause it's really an amazing language. I think so, anyway. But I guess if you've got classes and tests to worry about, it's not so easy.
English, to me is something that makes me irritated, frustrated. I don't like the language of English itself. I just thought speaking, writing English is just cool. Back then Something American looked cool, being infuluenced by American musicians and hollywood movies.
Now that I'm grown out of Adolecense, I don't think American is cool anymore. They are just arrogant, celf-centered creatures. Some American are nice, though. Idon't think I'm talented in acquiring other languages. I reached current English fluency level with hard srtudying. I made my share of efforts to imrove my English. But I have to admit that my learning curve isn't steep compared to someone who really love the language they are studying.
Maybe I should have an attitude to enjoy the process of learning English. Easier said than done though. My motivation to improve my English is to look cool and now that I don't think American cool, I have lost the cause of studying English. I'm a refugee as an English learner, so to speak.
>>650 >They are just arrogant, celf-centered creatures. And Mexicans are lazy, blacks are stupid, and Japanese are just close-minded racists--but some of them are nice. Right? Give me a break. What do you even know about America? How much of it have you seen? I *live* in this country and I don't even feel like I know it that well. All I'm saying is, watch what you say, man. Why say shit like that, there's enough dumbasses in the world who stereotype as it is.
Look, if you're not studying English because you like it and you're having fun learning it... just stop. Just stop, dude. Don't waste your time.
>>651 You love Japanese people. You think they are nice.
Give me a break. What do you even know about Japan? How much of it have you seen? Don't tell me just traveling Japan a few times or mabe more makes you know about Japan. You've just scratched surface. You have your own images of Japan by reading manga, watching anime, traveling and whatever.
I have my own image of America, too. Unfortunately that's not good ones. Images toward America aren't good across the world. That's a fact. As for my studying my English, Yeah, I'd better stop wasting my time.
>>654 I do not love Japanese people, nor do I think they are nice. I don't have my own image of Japan. Who do you think I am? Some kind of wapanese moron who thinks Japan is a gaijin wonderland? I know a little more about Japan than I do other countries; that's the extent of my knowledge, and I'm more than well aware of that.
Yeah, America's fucked up. We've done very stupid shit. So has Japan. Japan's image across the world ain't particularly good either. Same with China. And England. And Iraq. And... just about every other country in the world. What's important is not to take that as a reason to incriminate all the people living in those countries.
>I do not love Japanese people, nor do I think they are nice.
Don't make me laugh. You are looking forward to visiting Japan soon. And I can imagine you are too excited to sleep at night. You love Japan and you think Japnaese people are nice.
Sorry. I just got up on the wrong side of bed and I just tried arguing with someone. Sorry again for making you waste your time. In a nutshell, all Americans are idiots. Just kidding.
>>656 Yeah, I love being stared at like I'm a freakshow. And you know, being ignored when I try to talk to people. It's great. But I am still looking forward to it, 'cause you take the good with the bad, wherever you go.
Eh, it's all good man. In the end we're all free to think whatever the hell we want, not my place to be lecturing anyone anyway. Maybe you had some fun arguing in English, huh? It's a good language for arguing. w
21.(b)のallowは重要表現(>>590)だから各自研究汁。 ☞の「身体の一部」に就き饂飩学的に重要な"gut"(胃腸/消化管)に注意汁。 此は「ガツツ石松」等のgutであるが、胃袋と脳味噌は密接に連絡がある。 英語でgut feeling(マーチト上品にgut instinct)と云へば和語の「直感」に相当汁。 腑に落ちると云ふから「腑感」でも宜しい氣汁藁。 口語つぽい、つか堂々たる口語だが"My gut tells me"と云ふ言ひ方がありググれば "My gut tells me"の検索結果 約 218,000 件 ようつべ上のエヴァソゲリオソのコメソトに For some reason my gut tells me this is a good Anime when i watch it, but my Brain tells me it is just too damm preachy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuqYeG3-M5k 等。或は個人のブログ上に I'd really wish we could meet face to face for real, but my gut tells me that he wouldn't feel comfortable doing so. http://whimsicality-.blogspot.com/2007/01/i-want-to-remember-yesterday-forever.html 等。
>>677 ちげーよ(BLのもあるけどw) There's Fark.com. Basically a site for "funny" news stories, but they cover the major headlines, too. The articles about the Iraq war, government policy, foreign events, etc., those get pretty heated discussions. Lots of really serious debate. Some of the threads are fucking hilarious, but you have to be pretty familiar with American culture to get a lot of the jokes and references, I think. But I think it's a really great way to get an idea of how a lot of Americans (and people from other countries, too) think. When I'm bored I can easily blow a couple hours browsing.
There's also slashdot.org, but this is mostly "tech" stuff so you might not be interested. I actually haven't checked slashdot in a while myself. There's a Japanese version of the site, but it's not that popular as far as I can tell.
>>679 All of the above. w 簡単に参加できるサイトじゃないけど、読むならかなり勉強になるはず
>>680 Dude, Japanese's fuckin' awesome. I love it. Speaking it is just, *fun*. Hearing it makes me smile. I don't know what it is, this language just clicks for me. (Wish I could speak it competently. orz)
Aw, man. w I can't explain it to you. I just love writing. I love the English language, I love how many words there are and how many different shades of nuances and I love playing with them; how you can tweak a sentence just so and suddenly change the whole feel, the whole ring of it; when you get to that point where you really *feel* what you're writing, I mean it really resonates for you and means something to you, and where you put a word can make or break the sentence; there's just so much you can say and so many different ways you can say it, and 90% of them are dull and utterly lifeless but that last 10%, if you can make it there, is beautiful, it stays with you a lifetime if you let it.
I guess that's true of any language, but this is the one I grew up with, and I love it the most.
I suppose there are things that can really only be said in one language. Maybe it's just that I love the things you can say in English the most. w
It is said that learning a language is learning the culture where it's spoken. But that's the most difficult part in my opinion when you study the language without living in the country.
When you say, "A man in a pink dress is passing by," no cultural things are involved. It's just a fact. But when it comes to expressing your ideas about something, the differences of ways of thinking depending on in which culture you live in, come in.
>>695 One more thing. What I find amazing about English is you don't have to take differences in age, races or whatever into consideration when talikng. Whatever the differences are, you can talk with someone like you are their friend. In Japan, it's difficult to ignore those differences, age, senority because some people feel bad about your language.
>>699 わーってるよ、それくらいw I just meant, rather than thinking of it as a strong point of English (that we don't have it), I consider it a unique thing about Japanese (that it does).
>>697 Sweeney Todd won the Golden Globe award and its leading actor won the best performance award. It won an Oscar for art direction in Academy award, too. Charlie and Chocolate Factory raked in more than 5.3 billion yen in Japan and more than 400 million dollars in the world.
>>706 I mean, we do the same little bullshit everyone does. Tell white lies to make people feel good, kiss up to the boss, w/e. We don't go around saying whatever the fuck we want, no matter what you may think. w
But yeah, when it counts, you gotta be straight up with people. If you're not, it's... it's bad. It's not cool.
>>707 I've never seen it yet. I'm interested in seeing it though.
>>706 Maybe it's not the matter of the language but the culture where it's spoken. Many people who speak English are too friedly, especially, American.
>>711 I know that. lol Correct me if I'm worng but there's an interview program, Acors Studio, right? The fat old bald male interviwer plays up to his guests to much and I don't like him.
>>713 That's a nice show. lol Good actors make appearance in the show. The interview with Robert Deniro (spelling?) was fabulous. But the bald man sucks chimpanzee balls. And you can tell the students there admire and respect guests more than necessary.
>>716 I'm just translating your Japanese, although I have seen the show, too. He looks shy and timid. Can't believe he is the principal of the acting school.
>>723 Then replace it with whale's balls. I guess yours and mine are smaller than chimpanzees's ones, though.
>>722 If you go to see the festival at Torigoe Shrine, I'd recommend you visit Kappabashi shopping street, too. I would especially recommend you see food samples made of wax at a shop which specializes in making them. I'm sure you'd be amazed by how they look like real dish. ***** is the name of the store. You can ask any shop clerk for the direction, too. You can see (a) big portable shirine(s) going in the part of this area. You can see it/them around AA.
>>731 Thank you for your answer but broadcast is better than air when you translate 「TVで放送している」into English?
I'm getting tired of acting like a troll but when you look on the bright side, It looks like I'm trying to make this thread stay on the track and function as J--->E translation thread, not a thread for chitchat.
>>739 Well, either I have an idea just from the instinct I've built up, or I've got not fucking clue. And if I've got no clue, then yeah, my only choice is to Google lots of different phrases and see what looks like the most "normal"...
>>734 I see! Thank you again.m(__)m >>736 How can I tell if a word or expression is colloquial or not? Googling doesn't help. Any ideas? >>737 There's anything you can do except asking a native speaker of English. >>739 How do you know if one particular Japanese word is colloquial or not, I wonder. >>740 Is that right.... orz >>741 All you can do is just hone your sense just by reading a lot of books, watching a lot of dramas and things like that.
>>750 Th curiusty is killing you? I'm an automatic program which posts relavant comments or translation. Seriously, more than ten years, maybe 15 years.
>>750 You are right. Don't feed the troll as they say.
>>752 After arriving in US, I'm going to stay in NY for the first and last few days.
>>760 I think all of them are good enough to make themselves understood. When I saw 到着して"から" I jumped to the conjunction "after" but the native speaker uses "once" and I thought that makes sense more than using "after."
I found it hard to translate 初めの数日間と最後の数日間.
The Japanese sentence is very short but was kind of tough to translate. I don't think my translatin is perfect but at least it's good enough to make myself understood.
>>763 If I'm not wrong, >>753 is the one translated by a native speaker.
>>773 The best way to practice swimming is to swim in a swimming pool or in the sea, not to read a book about how to swim.
I think it's the same with writing. The best way to improve writing in English is to write in English. I'm not saying reading a grammar book isn't important but I think you already understand basic grammars so the most important thing for you is to write without being afraid of making mistakes.
>>775 I see. As I said, you seem to have basic knowledge so all you have to do is keep going. Keep up the good work.
10. (used with adjectives and adverbs of quantity or extent) to the extent or degree indicated: that much; The fish was that big. 11. to a great extent or degree; very: It's not that important.
Today, Japan experiences an flourishing economy through past economic growth. In terms of its businesses as well, it changed largely from before the war.
>>828 These are the video clips geathered just some instrumental tunes by バンド. Not only does 名前 have a talent for performer, but he also has a talent for composer.
>>828 もしくは This is a video clip just geathered some instrumental tunes by バンド. Not only does 名前, a member of バンド, have a talent for performer, but he also has a talent for composer. のほうがいいかも
>>816 Origami is a Japanese traditional art that makes the shape such as bird, goldfish, helmet ,and so on ... by folding the square of paper. Especially, the crane is widely known as a representative of Origami. 1000 cranes are tying with the string is called the senbazuru, and we pray sick person's early recoverry and sent it. Origami seems to be loved widely by various foreign countries today.
>>843 Dear professer ○○, I apologize for my long silence. One year has passed since you helped me a lot when I stayed there. I am very sorry that on the occation of your coming to Japan, I couldn't meet you for reasons of my own . I hope you enjoyed Japan during this stay. I would really like to meet you in your next visiting Japan.
>>862 疑問形にできないんだっけ・・・?>>865 I was wondering if you could tell me wether or not you would have a 〜. (〜がもしかして置いてあるかどうか私に教えていただいてもよろしいでしょうか?) これは文法的におk?>めりけんタソ
AならWalk two blocks, not including this block, along this street and turn right. BならWalk three blocks, including this block, along this street and turn right.
>>890 I spent a whole precious day off at home today (doning nothing particularly). ↓ I spent a precious day off all at home today (doning nothing particularly).
>>892 Sunday and holiday are off . Moreover wednesday is off several times in a month . I have examined it now , It was off on wednesday May 14 . Please go to see yourself next time .
>>909 I have a month to go to the final exam of the semester. I' worried that I'm likely to fail the credits if I don't do something about it. I want to study hard and keep working on curriculum I have taken.
>>918 > 何日か前人生に意味はあるのかという本を見つけた。 > 私は意味はあるのかどうか考えたけどよくわからなかった。 > きっと死ぬまでの暇潰しなんだろう。 > 死んだ時に意味はあったのかどうかわかるのだろう。生きるのが辛い。 Several days ago, I found a book entitled "Is There Meaning in Life?" I tried to come up with my own answer to that question, but I couldn't. I suppose my life is a big waste of time that ends with death, and I will figure out the answer to that question at the end. This thing called life is just too painful for me.
フランクルの「夜と霧」は超お勧め。 Frankl, V. (1988) The will to meaning. New York, NY: Meridian.
>>919 > 人種が違おうが宗教が違おうが > 優れているものは優れている > 学んで何が悪い Great people are great people, regardless of their races and religions, so I don't see anything wrong with learning from them.
>>939 There have been a lot of other photographs he has been shooting other than what I pointed out here. His theme has been something related to fantasy or horror.
>>934 I'm thinking of buying denim (jeans)(from you) via the Internet, but do you have any new line or design set to release in near future? I'll wait if any.
>>960 Probably. It's pretty common in fansubbing for them to translate from the Chinese subs, apparently there are more Chinese->English tls around than J->E. By 合ってるよ I meant the general meaning is accurate and you'll get what they're saying; they're not perfect subs. "Tomorrow is still spring." sounds pretty weird.
0:12 At this rate how do we cover all the materials ----> At this rate how does he cover all the units? or ----> At this rate we can make it to entrance exam. 0:50 The next question will be answered by classmate Yamashita ---> The next question is for Yamashita 0:58 That hurt---->That hurts 間違いじゃないかもしれないけどこっちが自然では。 1:06 Class has started も変じゃないかな。 1:08 Does anyone know the anwer to the question? --->Can anyone answer this(these) questions? 1:23 I undersatnd.---> I know. 1:37 Read these kanjis with your three years of training! ---> Nine graders have to read these kanji! 1:44 Tommorw is still spring---> Even before summertime 2:03 summer vacation is here---->summer vacation is coming up. 2:05 The principal will speak--->Time for the principal's speech
>>975 That's the kinda thing you just gotta get a feel for by listening to a lot of different kinds of English. But don't use that video as something to go by. The subs don't necessarily match the "tone" of the original Japanese at all.
>>984 Hm. I don't think it's really restricted to one side of the couple. In America, it's more like, the humor is in the concept of "those crazy in-laws." Or specifically, the crazy mother-in-law. But it can be either the wife or the husband who's having the trouble with them, I think.
>>991 I'm sorry I had a problem with my credit card. I have promptly contacted the credit card company and solved the problem. My credit card information is as shown below. If my card gets denied I'll use some alternative ways. Please mail me when the registration is completed.