Let us now consider the relationship between the value of BL and the dimensionless number (h/d) indicating the design feature of a pot. Date from all tests are given together in Fig. 4, where the values of BL are plotted against the values of (h/d). The different marks show corresponding values at different diameter opening ;for 12mm, 15mm and 18mm.
I can see you listen the same kind of music I used to! I can see you are better than I with this game. I just started and learn how it works. Can you let my sloders free, please?
Whether the opening diameter and the neck height are large or small makes a difference. As a simple method to express the combined effects of such differences on the selectivity of many types of pots, we introduce a dimensionless number, (h/d), where h/d is the ratio of the neck height above the base, h, to the opening diameter, d. Date from all tests are given in Fig.2, where the value of A are plotted against the value of (h/d).
The different marks show the corresponding value at different opening diameter d; 12mm , 15mm and 18mm. The results are distributed in three clusters that is for d =12mm, for d =15mm, and for d=18mm. The a values tend to increase (h/d) increased, which means that parameters h and d affects the number of individuals escaped. There is an inflection point in each case. This point corresponds to the pot with flat type funnel. When the pot has a convex shaped funnel, the value of a rapidly increases. It is reasonable to assume that the interior shape of a pot considerably affects the escape behavior individuals. This is further evidence that the design features of the funnel are important factor affecting the escape of prawns from the pots. It is ,however, difficult to find how the design affects the size distribution of prawns escaped.
I am really excited to catch up in Bali so let me know your dates when you know. Awesome!! Do you have any plans for accomodation? I don't, just cruising around and organise accomodation as I go. I am sure it's going to be wicked!!!! Sooooo amped.
Usually, the number of individuals escaped is closely related with its size distribution. We now consider a relationship between the value of a and the prawn’s size escaped. The evidence indicates, however, that the funnel selectivity is low.
I am pleased to confirm availability as follows: Single room: 150.00+7% /from 04 to 08 check-out). ( per room per night) iva with complimentary breakfast
I am afraid we dont have the facility to take credit card. And we can work out the arrangements no problem when you are here. I will hold the room for a week for you as it is getting busy now.
Wal-Mart is the largest grocery retailer in the United States, with an estimated 20% of the retail grocery and consumables business, as well as the largest toy seller in the U.S. Wal-Mart also owns and operates the North American company of Sam's Club
ex-boyfriend the other day. He has asked someone's help and advice, like me... Because he is really worried about his job these days. Such as he's thinking of going to quit his job and so on. To tell the truth, I broke up with him about 5 months ago. He's 5 years yonger than me. He graduated from university in Nagoya,and decided to start new job in Osaka last spring. After few months later, he got transferd to Nara. He was really busy from then on. (He is still busy now) He couldn't take a day off,and had to work overtime. So it was so hard to keep relations between him and me at that time. But we still keep in touch by e-mail once in a while.
I wish I could help his matter. But I couldn't advice to him easily... I hope to it turns out well!
I'm sorry for writing my poor English diary. Thank you for reading. 皆様にはご迷惑をおかけいたしまして、申し訳ありませんが、 以前からブログの移転を検討しておりました。ずっとずっと迷いながらも このブログを利用しておりましたが、この度、思い切って引越しをすることにいたしました。 GABAへの誘導はもう出来きないかな・リクエストがあった公開ボイスに行く事もできません。 沢山生徒やスタッフが泣いた事はしっています。しかし私は結構儲かりました。良心は痛まない、金が全て。 ながいけいこ(ブログ名 本名不明 横浜一代91年卒)のビジネスモデル。コピペしてる中にながいけいこ本人もいる気がする。
long-term alteration in global weather patterns, especially increases in temperature and storm activity, regarded as a potential consequence of the greenhouse effect
First, to make clear the differences in the size distribution of each pot, here, we employed the value of BL as an index to evaluate the combined effects of escape number numbers and funnel feature on the characteristics of size distribution for each pot. BL is the mean value one third of all the samples arranged in descending order of samples (Here, to simplify the calculation, we use the class marks).
In this case, as can be seen from the figure, although the BL value tend to increase as (h/d) increased, the date obtained are arranged into two group according to the diameter opening. The first group is over 12mm, and the second group was at 12mm. It is, however, the design feature of funnel that affects the body size of individuals escaped. In case of D = 12mm, it is probable that the effect of small neck diameter on the value of BL may apper strongly on the results comparing with the other cases. This is another evidence that the fertures of the funnel design are important factor affecting the escape of prawns from the pots. It is , however, difficult to find how the design affects the selection process of entrance for a target species. The effect of number of individuals entrapped in a pot; such as the interaction between individuals and the size distribution on the selectivity of pots must be taken into account during future analysis. Furthermore, the extent to which the BL value as an index of the selectivity of prawn pots can be examined in additional tests.
In particular, it does not assume that a region will be entirely managed on a single host, nor that an agent will or won’t be managed by a single process.
文の構成と意味がよくわかりません。will or won't?どっち・・・。 hostはホスト、agentはエージェント、processはプロセスとそのまま訳してください。 よろしくお願いします。
歌の一節なんですが、特に最後の行がよくわかりません。 どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか。 I'll disappear Take flight on the wind of wishing you were here Fading light Like a star whose life has been gone for years
After all,this was what we had been taught to do! But over the years I come to see that her impulsive response precisely captures one of the deepest mysteries of science ;Why is nature shadowed by a mathematical reality? Why does theoretical physics work?
Over time, the amount of energy sent from the sun to the Earth’s surface should be about the same as the amount of energy radiated back into space , leaving the temperature of the Earth’s surface roughly constant.
He is one of a handful of robots used by tech firms to trumpet their technological advances. Technology developed for asimo could be used in the automobile industry as electronics increasingly take over from mechanics in car design. For the moment asimo's biggest role is an entertainer and the audience gathered to see his public run greeted his slightly comical gait with amusement, according to reports.
Many of us who grew up watching television in the 1960s and '70s have fond if vague memories of "Speed Racer." Those big-eyed characters (Trixie! Speed! Racer X!), their mouths never quite moving in sync with the dialogue; those bright colors and semiabstract backgrounds; those endless, episodic story lines.
It has long been a rule of female wisdom that men are good for nothing without tne support of women. For Their part, men have played along with the game, even if they recognized the female strategies being used against them, and they worked very hard indeed.
Im going to hong kong on thursday until sunday for a football competition. これは、サッカーの大会に参加しに香港に行く、ということですよね?サッカー の試合を、見に行く、ということではなく・・・ あともうひとつ質問させて頂きたいのですが、「試合はどうだった?」は、how was your game? で通じますか?もっと適切な英文があったら教えてください。宜しくお願いしま す。
Assessments generally suggest that the Earth’s climate has warmed over the past century and that human activity affecting the atmosphere is likely an important driving factor.
I will like you to send the item to my store in Nigeria and i will also like you to send me your bank data for immediate payment Via bank to bank transfer .
So these are the information needed for the transfer to be done ok.
So send me these informations as soon as you can so that i will go and make the transfer ok.
However, there is uncertainty in how the climate system varies naturally and reacts to emissions of greenhouse gases. Making progress in reducing uncertainties in projections of future climate will require better awareness and understanding of the buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and the behavior of the climate system.
Licensor has adopted, has registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the trademark offices of various foreign countries, and is using the trademark Intergraph (“Trademark”) throughout the world in connection with computer graphics hardware, software, and related services
I will write in Simple English for you start from now, so your translator machine can translate my English better. I mean it make you to understand easier. Do not worry, I understand your translation. Please use English to talk to me, okay?
BL漫画、♂♂の事後会話です。 A:Don't you have anyone? A:You can't only hang out with guys, right? ←←← A::Don't you get confessions from cute girls too? B:Girls are troublesome. Guys, well...
ya, i have terrible handwriting too :P but since i'm typing you you really wouldn't know :P unless i had a way to send you a letter ;) then you would realize my horrible handwriting, i draw alot better than i write :P
The sacred baby born out of a womb, the Japanese word for which consists of Chinese characters: shrine of a child, is supposed to be taken to a shrine on seventh day after birth.
お願いします。 The sentences which Charo is always speaking right now on this story is making you realize that you can speak what you want to express only with such a less knowledge of vocavularies and grammar!!!! So you had better believe that It isn't no use Charo's lines in this show. right?
High School Animation: Undergraduate Animation Undergraduate Animation: Films directed by students enrolled in a post-secondary (diploma or degree) program that lasts from 6 months to 4 years, with the standard requirement usually being a high school diploma. Graduation Animation お願いします。
when I first came to Japan, j-girls were refreshing because they were: thinner、more considerate、helped clean/cook more、cute、feminine but then, as I got settled, and learned more japanese, they, things turned. now I see all their flaws. 1) no muscle tone whatsoever 2) very needy, very dependent 3) very jealous 4) ridiculously unopinionated about important things, and overopinionated about idiotic things. 5) clingy 6) unmotivated 7) shallow 8) passive 9) apathetic 10) bad teeth 11) stubby feet/legs 12) no breasts 13) pancake ass 14) always freaked out about getting sunlight on them 15) afraid of rain 16) horrible taste in music (with very few exceptions. very few) 17) backwards 18) racist without understanding they are racist. 19) Cool good at finding bent divorce-lawyers 20) crap in bed 21) crap at kissing 22) inapable of original thought 23) sexist (i.e. subservient to inherited, unchallenged phallocentric patriarchal values) and unaware of it 24) stupid 25) surprisingly hirsuite (down there) 26) good at applying make up: scary with it off 27) unimaginative at selecting underwear 28) English leeches!!! whew. I feel better. I have realised g-girls are much more attractive than j-girls both outside and inside. j-girls suck.
The setback for the European Union is the second time in seven years that the WTO has found against its banana imports regime after a ruling against a previous system in 2001.
お願いします この文章は英字新聞の切り抜きです タイトルは WTO rules against EU in banana tariff dispute
There is a third formant that is important for distinguishing some sounds, notably the r-colored vowel that occurs in American English pronunciations of words such as bird, and the French vowel that occurs in tu(you).
日本のみなさんこんにちは。 私benmoody99xというサウジアラビアに住んでるアニメオタクです。 日本語わからないので、代理の人に書き込み頼んでます。 アニメ関連でいろいろ翻訳してほしい文章があるんです。 A translator person is needed to translate Japanese text into English. Either a Japanese person who knows English very well or a person who knows Japanese language at least. Contact me : [email protected]
Another is Glastonbury, the multi-talented scholar in Disraeli's Henritta Temple, whom the Armines invite to construct for them a rich and beautiful flower-garden.
customer「Would the handling of this order be performed definitely? Please cancel an order if it seems not to be performed definitely. I change card information and will order it again.」
store「Please forward the billing address used on the order.」
But where roses are concerned, he combines a prosaic concern for practicalities and a high level of erudition with a touching, almost childlike affection for the flower that blooms everywhere in his own cottage garden.
I recently visited an autobahn retailership and underlogged the reticulate. As I approached the quizitive gentleman, he cocked his brows and underscored a terrible contemplation. お願いします
http://ps3.ign.com/articles/877/877611p3.html にある Aside from the fact that the cut-scenes bear repeated viewing, you’ll want to play through MGS 4 again and again, simply to unlock ever more exotic weapons, items and player rankings. この部分なんですが。
Whats the purpose? The castle had the exercise to defend from enemys and the people from the land can go there if the enemy comes closer. This time was about 1000-1500.
We have received your registration for the conference. However, we have a problem with your credit card, it has been refused. Please contact your bank and give us any information about it in order to consider your registration.
The candidate is taking a serious drubbing on the most popular video-sharing service on the Internet -- and the virtual town square for millions of young voters.
I wish i had a sister so i could harbor secret sex desires about her and then one day lead up to a climactic and foolish slip on her part revealing that she's always had sexual longing towards my huge penis and then we fuck for weeks and somehow we don't turn into fucking creepy weirdos when we grow up and phone conversations aren't awkward.
Here I attempt to the measure of their success and concider some of the evolutionary adaptations that have made it possible for them to flourish ―the mechanisms through which they obtain food,find mates,escape enemies,and meet the other challenges to surviving and reproducing in complex and often unforgiving environments.
It's very satisfying to start at the beginning and read straight through to the end.Some books,such as novels,have to be read this way,since a basic principle of fiction is to hold the reader in suspense.Your whole purpose in reading fiction is to follow the writer's lead,allowing him or her to spin a story bit by bit.
Cuz you can use the accounts to create clans If this accounts was created with new way for register you will cannot create a clan o add friends on nexonplug. i can remember when i created these accounts, when i create my personal account [QuiksilverMen LvL42] If u need and buy some account, i can help you with some tutorials (create clan, move in nexon web, create oficials clan wars, change ur password) I can prove that this accounts works... adding you at nexonplug... (with the new accounts without mobile autentication you can't add friends or create clans)
Supporters of the measure say it would level the playing field for European companies facing tougher domestic emissions penalties . The new rules would be part of a raft of post-2012 proposals covering issues that include national emissions targets and clean energy subsidies.
お願いします。 His landscapes seek not just the blissful enjoyment of a beautiful view, as in the Classic conception, but rather an instant of sublimity, a reunion with the spiritual self through the lonely contemplation of an overwhelming Nature.
According to the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the main purposes of Internet use (not including e-mail) among Americans are : using search engines,reading the news and going online just for fun ―― indicating that people in the U.S. mainly use services and information provided by businesses.
the Pew Internet and American Life Projectはインターネットの使用目的を調査した計画のことです。 宜しくお願いします。
>>347 the Pew Internet and American Life Projectによると、アメリカ人のインターネット利 用(E-mailは含みません)の主な目的は、検索サイトを利用したり、ニュースを読んだり、 単に娯楽のためにネットに接続することだ、とのことです。これは、アメリカ人は主に企 業が提供するサービスや情報を利用しているということです。
France, other EU countries and energy intensive in Europe, such as its steel sector, want to avoid further losses of competitiveness against producers in china and other emerging economies as well as rivals in the United States. よろしくおねがいします
But many of the books you'll read during your undergraduate and graduate years,and possibly during the rest of your professional life,won't be novels. Instead,they'll be non-fiction:textbooks,manuals,histories,academicstudies,and so on.
There is possibility of your attending our twoーday meeting in New York on July 22nd and 23rd. To allow plenty of time for the discussions we have asked that papers bekept to half an hour long.
I wish i had a little brother so i could harbor secret sex desires about him and then one day lead up to a climactic and foolish slip on his part revealing that he's always had sexual longing towards my huge penis and then we fuck for weeks.
so once you received the confirmation payment receipt approval from my bank via Bank Of American , kindly go and ship out the items immediately and get back to my bank with shipment evidence via shipment tracking number and scan receipt ok..
From Anthony Wallace(1970), we learn; An individual woman might, if she wished,"own" a patch of corn, or an apple or peach orchard, but there was little reason for insisting on private tenure; the work was more happily done communally, and in the absence of a regular market, a surplus was of little personal advantage, especially if the winter were hard and other families needed corn. In such circumstances hoarding led only to hard feelings and strained relations as well as the possibility of future difficulty in getting corn for oneself and one's family.
Of course, it's fine that Japanese borrows promiscuously from foreign languages. All languages evolve and change with time. But katakana English is more of a foe than a friend when it comes to studying English.
Cleopatra, who is famous for her beauty, may have been loved not because she was beautiful but because she was fragrant with the smell of the thousands of roses on the floor of her room.
May 30th - Please Note: To serve you better, we are upgrading our shipping department from today until Sunday, June 8th. As a result, your order may be delayed by one day during this time.
Once the social background of children attending different schools, as measured by the characteristics for which data are available, is accounted for,some evidence suggests that private education produce higher achievement.
OK, so my instinct is to call 'bullshit' (pardon the pun that will become clear shortly) on this news story. However I then found it in the Washington Post and Fox News and wonder whether they would be conned too - in fairness to both they did decide to look on Snopes first - Fox even reckons the BBC have reported similarly from Zambia in the past.
What am I talking about? Well allegedly an advisory was sent out in Florida about a new drug doing the rounds called "Jenkem" which is a mixture of a mixture of human feces and urine in a bottle which you then "huff" to get high.
Gives a whole new meaning to the term "crackpipe" or someone saying "man this is good shit" doesn't it? Feel free to add as many jokes as you can think of in the comments, there must be so many.
A Japanese company in the United States failed in its efforts to make its American workers report along with its Japanese workers every morning before work for calisthenics, as is frequently done, I understand, in Japan.
Ignore the doubts these trigger and instead explore what was behind mistakes, and you’ll put past ones right while investigating, and ultimately transforming, the confusion you’re currently facing into more worthwhile pursuits.
The purpose of reading books like these is to gain information. Here, finding out what happens ─ as quickly and easily as possible ─ is your main goal. So unless you're stuck in prison with nothing else to do, NEVER read a non-fiction book from beginning to end.
Today the wearing of gloves is considered obligatory in chemical laboratories and the discovery would never be made,so the sweetness of the dipetide would probably remain hidden from us for ever. お願いします!
If the late manager had been alive, he would have been moved by the fact that another shiny fruit has been produced thanks to the benefactors' watering and fertilizing of the nursery tree.
Once a week he plays baseball with his friends. I once lived in Los Angeles. Once we begin to imagine what the world ought to be, we are apt to be blindto what it is.
Shirking and bad behavior was minimized by the long-term relationships of mothers, daughters, granddaughters, and neighbors living communally, and the sharing provided a form of insurance against poor individual harvests and bad times.
「」部をお願いします 'Spit that gum out at once!' ordered Mr Beauregarde. 'Mercy! Save us!' yelled Mrs Beauregarde. 'The girl's going blue and purple all over! Even her hair is changing colour! Violet, you're turning violet, Violet! What is happening to you?' 'I told you I hadn't got it quite right,' sighed Mr Wonka, shaking his head sadly. 「'I'll say you haven't!'」 cried Mrs Beauregarde. 'Just look at the girl now!' Everybody was staring at Violet. And what a terrible, peculiar sight she was! Her face and hands and legs and neck, in fact the skin all over her body, as well as her great big mop of curly hair, had turned a brilliant, purplish-blue, the colour of blueberry juice!
'I told you I hadn't got it quite right,' sighed Mr Wonka, shaking his head sadly. 「'I'll say you haven't!'」 cried Mrs Beauregarde. 'Just look at the girl now!' 「私にはどうもよくわかってなかった、って言いましたよね。」とWonka氏は、寂しげに首を振りながらため息をついた。 「ええその通りよ」と、Beauregarde婦人はわめいた、「あの子を見てごらんなさいよ。」
Instead, when you're reading for information, you should ALWAYS jump ahead, skip around, and use every available strategy to discover, then to understand, and finally to remember what the writer has to say. This is how you'll get the most out of a book in the smallest amount of time.
Lacking the means and the education to garden scientifically, or with the self-conscious sophistication of the better-off, they either garden for love, or, not at all.
チャリチョコから。「」部お願いします。 The moment she entered the room, one hundred squirrels stopped what they were doing and turned their heads and stared at her with small black beady eyes. Veruca Salt stopped also, and stared back at them. Then her gaze fell upon a pretty little squirrel sitting nearest to her at the end of the table. The squirrel was holding a walnut in its paws. 'All right,' Veruca said, 'I'll have you!' 「She reached out her hands to grab the squirrel . . . but as she did so . . . in that first split second when her hands started to go forward, there was a sudden flash of movement in the room」, like a flash of brown lightning, and every single squirrel around the table took a flying leap towards her and landed on her body.
This game is a cheater studio and is like i will do it in any map or the new map if im a winner as a master or if ima greatest master peace or a winner if i try ones i will win in specail force or soldier front winning and operate with a glitc i will win today or many days to have a grand prize if im ready to beat my enemies and winng togheter with my team mates i will win today and many days my team.
Using the methods described here, you should be able to read a 300-page book in six to eight hours. Of course, the more time you spend, the more you'll learn and the better you'll understand the book. But your time is limited.
Here are some strategies to help you do this effectively. Most of these can be applied not only to books, but also to any other kind of non-fiction reading, from articles to websites.
The American workers deeply resented being called upon to do something on a regimented basis that they couldn't see as directly connected with their work. They refused to cooperate. Appeals on the basis of group solidarity fell on deaf ears.
Using the methods described here, you should be able to read a 300-page book in six to eight hours. Of course, the more time you spend, the more you'll learn and the better you'll understand the book. But your time is limited.
Here are some strategies to help you do this effectively. Most of these can be applied not only to books, but also to any other kind of non-fiction reading, from articles to websites.
> Here are some strategies to help you do this effectively. 「此処に、あなたがこのことを効率的に行う助けとなる幾つかの方法がある。」 Most of these can be applied not only to books, but also to any other kind of non-fiction reading, from articles to websites. 「これら(の方法)の大部分は本に対して適用可能であるのみならず また、新聞記事からウェブサイトにいたるまでの、他のいかなる種類の ノンフィクションの読み物に対しても適用可能である。」
> >>566 > > Yes of course you can, but its not the room with view, but on the backside at £80. やっとわかりました。 「もちろん可能です(部屋がありますor予約できます)。 しかし80ポンドだと、見晴らしの良い部屋ではなく、 (建物の)裏側の部屋になります。」 ということでしょう。 ともかく、英語をよく解ってる人なら 適切に切り出せますが そうでない場合は 出来る限り全部打つ必要があるのです。
I must tell you, that I find bandmembers in this time. so thank you really for your interest! it was nice to wrote with you! good luck for you to find a band too!
In reading to learn, your goal should always be to get all the way through the assignment. It's much more important to have a general grasp of the arguments or hypotheses, evidence, and conclusions than to understand every detail. In fact, no matter how carefully you read, you won't remember most of the details anyway.
Being in Japan can't be to bad Living on a island can't be bad. Living in Arizona can be hard when it gets to be over 100 degrees in summer and being over there would to me be a great weather change.
Let us define that θis the angle between the direction of the i-th star and the center direction of the j-th telescope and ψ is the angular radius of the sight field of the j-th telescope. the i-th star is observable through the j-th telescope if and only if θ is less than ψ.
Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds or exchanges. ×××’s policy once a booking has been confirmed it cannot be exchanged or refunded unless the event is cancelled. This is made clear at the time of booking.
Taking the case of a signal that has a bandwidth of zero cycles per second (Hz) to B cycles per second (Hz), it is clear from the above discussion that we will not be able to reproduce the fastest changes unless the sampling is done at least as often as the highest frequency present.
What you can do is remember and record the main points. And if you remember those, you know enough to find the material again if you ever do need to recall the details.
i have to say that your germany is much better than my japanese. i can't even say how are you in japanese... XDDD so, yeah...i like a lot of japanese j-rock bands. unfortunately they don't come to germany that often... :( what kind of german music do you like? i'm curious ^^ hope to hear from you soon!
>>637 A: Something truly captured his imagination. B: What was it [ that truly captured his imagination ]? C: It was the French fries [ that truly captured his imagination ].
>>644 I am a swimmer. These men are swimmers, too. Who will be the swimmer [ that swims at the Olympics in Beijing ]?
I will be the swimmer. Ready, go! Crawl, craaaaaaaaaaaaawl, craaaaaaaaaaaaaaal, craaaaaaaaaaawl Finishing! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! I am the swimmer.
If you know in advance that you have only six hours to read, it'll be easier to pace yourself. Remember, you're going to read the whole book or the whole assignment.
In fact, the more directly and realistically you confront your limits, the more effective you will be at practically everything. Setting time limits and keeping to them (while accomplishing your goals) is one of the most important life skills you can learn. So never start to read without planning when to stop.
As people turned to a diet consisting largely of grains and vegetables, supplemented by the meant of domestic animals, obtaining salt became a necessity of life,giving it great symboric imporance and economic value. 長い一文ですが和訳お願いします。
We were in rooms 23 & 41 and they were both horrible .. they were in the back of the hotel and I did see one of the front rooms which did actually look okay but the rooms we occupied were purely horrible and we dreaded going back to them. They were tiny and in dire need of a complete decorative overhaul to say the least.
Japanese immigrating from the high-carbohydrate Pacific to high-fat America have a greater risk of heart disease the more westernized their diet becomes. The same pattern holds for developing nations that emerge from poverty into prosperity.
The original signal shown in Figure 1.9a isshown again in Figure 1.9e being sampled at a rate equal to twice the highest frequency it contains (this frequency is that shown in Figure 1.9b).
Clearly, the signal can now be reconstructed quite accurately from these samples.
We can now easily caluculate the amount of information present in an analog signal.
if the accuracy of measurement for each sample allows it to be specified with N bits (e.g., N = 4 for 16 possible levels) and the signal bandwidth is B(e.g., 3kHz for a speech signal), then the amount of information delivered per second is 2B (Nyquist sample rate) times N (bits per sample), and thus equal to 2BN bits per second.
For the speech signal this qould be 2×3,000×4 = 24,000 bits per second, or 24Kb,s-1 in conbentional notation.
In other words, the speaker is providing information at arate of 24Kb,s-1 to the listener.
I'm back painting. Currently don't have the time to sell my cars on a regular basis (as I barely have enough time to paint 'em lol!) BUT thanks to Jizzy Shizno you can get your hands on any of these. So if I don't get back to you give Jizzy a shout and you'll get hooked up either way! Cars have all been painstakingly, replicated, recreated and painted and by me.
Actually, since coming to Japan I've only dated Japanese men, and I was really hoping for a change of pace. I'd like to be friends, though, and I really appreciate your e-mail. Thanks again for your e-mail!
will im here in japan its not my home town, im working here almost 8 yrs. my status im permanent VISA already. i like to stay here in japan, because its very nice and peaceful country. my family name in a japanese is TAKEDA desu. yes i like rock music, sometimes i like love songs also?
no im not particular band musician but if i request to join the band will im join because i know how to sing and im a singer, when im high school and college until now.opps im not icluding girls japayuki, i hate that hehe.sometimes i sing here with my friends omse here in japan, every sunday only i guest for 1 hr.
to sing request all the japanese costumer. i have so many2 friends here japanese people. yes i have so many filipinos here but i dont like it take it or leave it, i like japanese people for me everybodys ok to have friends a japanese people here in japan i like it very2 much.
Before you begin, figure out why you are reading this particular book, and how you are going to read it. If you don't have reasons and strategies of your own ─ not just those of your teacher ─ you won't learn as much.
As soon as you start to read, begin trying to find out four things. ・ Who is the author? ・ What are the book's arguments? ・ What is the evidence that supports these? ・ What are the book's conclusions?
The explosion of the Net as our comminucations medium →コミュニケーションをとる場としてインターネットが急激に成長を遂げた背景については、 has to be seen in a wider context for its importance to be fulluy understood. →ネットを十分に理解することは重要であるという点で、いろいろな視点から見る(理解する)必要がある。
"Doctor," he said, "I don't mind telling you, but I'm a little upset because my daughter has red hair. She can't possibly be mine.""Nonsense," the doctor said.
上の英文の「I don't mind telling you, 」が、上手く訳せません。 何か決まり文句みたいなものなのでしょうか?
Cause good friends are hard to find! I AM BACK! Did you miss me? My timing is purr-fect! あだ名 is back just in time for Humping Day! I hope yours is a ball!=) Please be sure to put me back in your top friends! That way you can keep on eye on me!=) HAPPY HUMPING DAY! Kisses あだ名のところは名前です。
There are no differences except that it was most likely revised and made a paper back edition. We do not have any of the originals available.
I would try searching the internet and seeing if anyone is selling used copies! Let me know if I can help you with anything else!
上記の文の翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m ちなみに出版社(New World Library)に送った下記の質問メールに対して、出版社から返ってきたメールです。"The Message of a Master"は本の題名です。
Are there any differences between "The Message of a Master" published by New World Library and the original "The Message of a Master" published in 1929?
If any, I would like to look at the original. Where can I find it? My guess is that the one on this website is it. Is that right? http://cornerstone.wwwhubs.com/tmoam.html
The body's only effective means of removing excess heat(←おそらく発汗作用のこと) is compromised with little warning to the victim that a crisis stage has been reached.
will im here in japan its not my home town, im working here almost 8 yrs. my status im permanent VISA already. i like to stay here in japan, because its very nice and peaceful country. my family name in a japanese is TAKEDA desu. yes i like rock music, sometimes i like love songs also?
no im not particular band musician but if i request to join the band will im join because i know how to sing and im a singer, when im high school and college until now.opps im not icluding girls japayuki, i hate that hehe.sometimes i sing here with my friends omse here in japan, every sunday only i guest for 1 hr.
to sing request all the japanese costumer. i have so many2 friends here japanese people. yes i have so many filipinos here but i dont like it take it or leave it, i like japanese people for me everybodys ok to have friends a japanese people here in japan i like it very2 much.
Once you've got a grip on these, start trying to determine. ・ What are the weaknesses of these arguments, evidence, and conclusions? ・ What do you think about the arguments, evidence, and conclusions? ・ How does (or how could) the author respond to these weaknesses, and to your own criticisms?
Keep coming back to these questions as you read. By the time you finish, you should be able to answer them all.Three good ways to think about this are. a) Imagine that you're going to review the book for a magazine. b) Imagine that you're having a conversation, or a formal debate, with the author. c) Imagine an examination on the book. What would the questions be, and how would you answer them?
Keep coming back to these questions as you read. By the time you finish, you should be able to answer them all.Three good ways to think about this are. a) Imagine that you're going to review the book for a magazine. b) Imagine that you're having a conversation, or a formal debate, with the author. c) Imagine an examination on the book. What would the questions be, and how would you answer them?
>>761 読みつつもこれらの疑問に立ち返り続けろ。 読み終えるまでにはこれら全てに答えられるべきだ。 それについて考える3つのいい方法とは、 a) 雑誌としてその本を吟味しようと考えること。 b) 著者と公式のディベートや会話をしていると考えること。 c) 本についての試験を考えること。どんな質問があり、それにどう答えるか。
We must learn to extract the sweet and endure the bitter, often from the same portion. The dice are loaded, but only in the sense that it takes us so long to absorb the elementary lesson that it may be too late to benefit from it in time.
>>785 leave+目的語+補語(SVOCの"C"に相当)で、 「目的語」を「補語(の状態)」に残しておく、とか、放置する、の意味がある。 よく歌の歌詞で、"leave me alone"で「ほっといてくれ」みたいな意味になるけど、 "me(私(目的格))"を"alone(独り)"の状態にしといてくれと解釈できるからそうなる。
従って、"leaving tens of thousands of residents homeless"は "tens of thousands of residents(数万人の住民)[目的語]"を"homeless(家がない、家のない)[補語]" の状態に残すと解釈でき、『数万院の住民が家を失った』と訳される。
Staff at the hotel were all friendly, the air conditioning great the gardens and buildings were all well looked after so all in all it was worth the originally quoted 450RMB but not really the 750RMB we ended up paying.
Don't wait for the author to hammer you over the head. Instead, from the very beginning, constantly generate hypotheses("the main point of the book is that...") and questions("How does the author know that...?") about the book.
Making brief notes about these can help. これらのことについて短くノートすることは役に立ちます。 As you read, try to confirm your hypotheses and answer your questions. 読み返し仮説を立てるようにしあなたの疑問点にあなたが答えるようにしましょう。 Once you finish, review these. 出来たら復習しましょう。見直しましょう。
sorry with the amount of time left on the current book i dont think i will be able to sort it out, however if the book does not sell i will relist and send to japan.
What makes you suited for the role to which you applied? From the research you have done on our industry, how does our firm fit in with your career aspirations? Describe a recent development in the industry. What implications might this development have for our firm or the division to which you have applied? お願いします!
The proximity of all four makes for intense relationship, and despite the rivalries they have shared much down the countries-not least a maritime history.
After these heavy industries went into decline Glasgow was left with a treasurehouse of glorious Victorian architecture and some of the worst post industrial slums in Europe.
The reality for many of us today is that the stressful demands of everyday life may repeatedly activate our alarm reaction day after day, year after year.
This is the key technique. You'll get the most out of the book if you read it three times ─ each time for a different purpose and at a different level of detail.
I've been enjoying my early-morning hikes about as much as I could, although I sorta feel like Sisyphus, cursed forever rolled that boulder up a hill, trying to make it to the top.
I played jsf once when they allowed americans to play and u ddint have to put in a japan address. It was fun I played the night hawk and canyon bfore it came to usf, and also fortress.
There were other production nightmares to come, but as if by sheer force of will,the comedienne and her bandleader pounded through them and made their show. On Monday,October 15,1951,right after Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts,right across from NBC's Lights Out and ABC's Curtain Up,I Love Lucy made its debut. Rating were high. Reviews were glowing. Word of mouth was even better. While CBS was still fretting over the letdowns of Amos 'n' Andy and Burns and Allen,Lucille Ball had sneaked up and handed the network the sitcom hit it had been hungering for.
The resource class the capability represents will dictate which verb (or verbs) can be used, and what the request and response bodies (if any) should be.
Mr.Linen saw all the young players present. Even the Michael. Michael has normally present, although last week, the chairman had revealed that it will be past.
Not knowing what to say, he kept silent. He didn't recognize his father, not habving seen him for years. The teacher, not having heard the chimes, kept on teaching.
my little brother just copied four full sketch books of mine that are full of drawings, doodles and crazy art pictures :P i spend alot of my time drawing, even when i'm at school i would doodle on my assignments :D
Here you read very quickly, following the principle (described below) of reading for high information content. Your goal is to discover the book: to get a quick-and-dirty, unsophisticated, general picture of the writer's purpose, methods, and conclusions.
・He used to smoke, but now he doesn't. ・"May we park here?" "No,you must not." ・Could you show me the way to the art museum? ・Take it easy. ・Betty doesn't like Jack, does she?
Mark ─ without reading carefully ─ headings, passages, and phrases that seem important (you'll read these more carefully on the second round.) Generate questions to answer on your second reading: what does term or phrase X mean? Why doesn't the author cover subject Y? Who is Z?
Viewers must be prepared to handle that invoking "event_queue/get" may take a relatively long time to return, as the entity may choose to delay responding if there are no requests pending, or if it believes it would be better to wait for more requests to queue.
No adult motor transport worker shall be required or allowed to work for more than eight hours in any day and forty-eight hours in any week, except where any motor transport worker is engaged on notified long distancwe routes,
Dear Author, We are arranging the conference program. In order to improve it, can you confirm your presence at the conference, in Amsterdam, The Netherlands? We would like also to inform you that your paper is already included in the Conference Proceedings. Please reply to this message in any case. Thanks for your information and best regards,
Microtiter plants have been used to generate up to 96 individual biofilms under batch culture and cotinuous flow conditions, although typically as monocultures.