例えば↓ But if you are not, and if I start to think that you are not working hard, then I will lose interests in teaching. これとか↓ I am just here to help you with your English and all that, because I think you are working hard.
> i think more than twelve. = I think (that I have lived alone abroad) more than twelve years. で、( )内はわかりきってるので口語ではよく省略されます。
> It's stupid to be dependent on others. いわゆる「It is 〜 to 〜」の構文。「基礎英語」や中学の参考書にも不定詞のあたりで解説があると思います。 この文ではdependentの主語はyouとわかりきってるので明示されませんが、 It's stupid of you to be dependent on others.などと書いて明示することもできます。 ・stupid : not very clever or intelligent (=silly) : It was stupid of me to lose my temper.(Longman Active Study Dictionary [LASD]) ・dependent : needing someone or something in order to exist, be successful, healthy etc [<->independent] : [dependent on/upon] The local economy is dependent on tourism. (LASD) otherは複数形で「other people : 他人」という意味で使われます。 ・others : people aside from oneself (The American Heritage Dictionary) [代名詞] (複数形で) 別の[違った、ほかの]人たち[物], 他人 (プログレッシブ英和辞典)
> help you with your English = help you with your (learning) English これも口語でよくある省略表現。learning はわかりきってるので省略できる。 ・help (verb) to make it easier for someone to do something, especially by doing something for them : [help somebody with something] Dad helped me with my homework. (LASD)
Hum, yes, all the time. うん、そう、いつも。 So I have lived alone abroad more than ten years. で、10年以上は海外でひとり暮らしをしてきた。 hm, i think more than twelve. いや、12年以上だな。 I am used to that. もう慣れた。 I don't like people and I don't like communities. よその人々は好きでないし、人の集まりも好きじゃない。 I only care about the people I care about. 自分が気に入った人だけ相手にしてる。 At the end of the day, that's how it is in life. 一日の終わりにね、まあそんな感じだよ。 Don't you agree? そうじゃないか? It's stupid to be dependent on others. 他人に頼るなんて愚かなことだよ。 You, yourself, need to sort out your own life. 自分の人生は自分でちゃんとしなきゃ。 No one will help you on that. 誰もそんなことを手伝ってくれたりなんてしないんだよ。 And I am just here to help you with your English それで、今こうやって英語の学習の手伝いをしてるけど、 and all that, because I think you are working hard. それはすべて、がんばって学習してるのだと思うから。 But if you are not, もしそうでなくて、 and if I start to think that you are not working hard, もしがんばって学習してないんじゃないかと思い始めたら、 then I will lose interests in teaching. そしたら教える気も失せてしまう。 That's how it is, and that's how I am. そんな感じだよ、自分はそうだな。 Sorry to be blunt, but I am in a bad mood. そっけなくて悪いね、ちょっとイライラしてるんでね。
Oh, I forgot about this thread. Thanks all for your support. I was thinking of giving up, Y'know, I knew I didn't have what it took to be a good speaker of English. I'm not the type of person who can bear it when things become repetitive. Let's say, I've never completed even a puzzle. Yeah, I've always got fed up with anything of the sort. And from my brief experience, learning English usually takes repetitive work. Honestly, I didn't... don't like it... How many time do you think I would throw away all of my learning materials? The whole lot of them? Everyday, everytime I've got my hands on them!! I'm such a loser. But you guys here always support me with heart-warming comments, and don't take it personally, but I have to tell you I felt you twisted my arm to do this and that...It was kind of irritating. But since you guys expected me to keep going, I thought I shouldn't betry your trust. And I went on and on... Now I'm really thankful to you. Keep paying compliments to me so I will never stop this.. Love you guys, and love me in return!!