I need your help with translation I need your help with translation
You do not need to give me anything when I arrive in Japan next month.
But Can you do this translation for me?
Yuka, (My soon to be wife) is not feeling well and alone from family. and her mom worry about her. I can only know romanji. Can you Please translate into Japanese for me?
please translate this for me. I want to write her mom and say this: Hello, I contact Yuka everyday to see if she is OK. Thank you for the cranes for my sister. Steve
its pretty simple. I just need to let her mom know that she doesnt need to worry alone. Yuka and her mom folded 1,000 orgami cranes for my sister because she has a cancer. so let me know about interpertation PLEASE. if you have question about meaning, let me know.
I will still hope to see you next month, you right now, i need your help.
Your friend Steve :)
ps I will still bring the tanks model for you next month.