Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 112

( ´・ω・) Let's have some Nilgiri tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread:

Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 111

Hey!!! you NEETs, nerds, YouTube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboos from all over the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, and cunning
linguists. And Let's pray for the rehabilitation of the Internet-addicted

Here is the place to have a blast!!!!!
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 23:06:57
Die, you fucking child molester!!!
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 23:57:20
Korean babe, where are you?
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:21:52
Does anyone still have a drill penis?
5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:24:04
And what is it called in English? Not the sientific name
6名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:24:47
i am here,

i am korean.

lets go!
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:28:15
Can I
8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:28:01
I like KIMCHI.
Do you enjoy KIMCHI?
Sometimes I bathe in KIMCHI.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:29:08
Good job, idiot.

I hope 2channelers overseas who have been denied access to 2ch will
manage to come back.
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:53:19
But why are they denied access?
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:53:32
What? Denied access to 2ch?
What happened? That's got to have a huge negative impact in this thread!
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:55:23
If that's true, this thread is finished.
What's the use of a bunch of Japanese losers talking shit in Engrish...
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 00:58:22
No wonder the quality of the thread is crap.
Some guy just keeps saying Kimuchi or some korean bashing crap.
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 01:07:48
Hiroyuki, let good foreigners post
15イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 01:09:23
I've got no idea why some people can't post here. Perhaps their
ISP or college/university network decided to block access for
some reason. I can't see why 2ch's host would block access from
certain countries.
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 01:54:05
>>15 It is not by country, it is by proxy. There are many ISPs, that have open proxy problem. Those ISPS are blocked.
The ISPs get a notice email from 2ch when that happens. They need to fix their problem, then contact
2ch, and they become unblocked. So if you are having problems posting. Please contact your ISP to fix
their Open Proxy problem. Or you can use the 2ch reader.
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 02:03:58
Is it me, or has 2ch been down?
It irritates me!!
18jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/17(木) 02:09:04
>>17 Actually it has been a DDOS attack from Korea. It has not been down, just hard to get to.
I have no idea why the Koreans would be angry. Has someone said something bad about them lately?
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 02:12:32
What is this faggot calling himself jim?
Does anybody know?
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 02:17:06
Not what, but who
21イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 02:21:53
Hmm... the problem there is getting an ISP in a foreign country to
actually do something about it. I'm wondering why an ISP would use
an open proxy in the first place. Surely a reputable ISP wouldn't
need to use a separate forwarding service to access DNS and http
services, and if it did, it shouldn't use a public proxy.

Also, as a foreigner, I've found that I can post to 2ch through the
form itself, but have a lot of problems when using JaneStyle.
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 02:27:30
>>21 You have to register the JaneStyle, then it will work well.
Foreigners are not blocked. Just ISPs with open proxy problem.
Sometimes Japanese ISPs are blocked as well.
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 02:28:30
You don't have to register anything.
What are you talking about?
24名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 02:41:41
Yes, I used to use the Yahoo internet provider and one time got blocked.
I lost the will to live. I died inside.
But when it got back on, I ressurected.
That's when I decided I would never leave 2ch whatever happens.
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 02:51:35
>>23 After you have your user name and password. You register it, and your Janestyle or any other 2ch reader will work well.
26Hal Turner:2008/04/17(木) 03:18:18
Savage negro beast!
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 03:23:23
I have no idea what you talking about.
I can only speak for myself,
but I was able to just download Jane Doe Style and install it, and just start using it.
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 03:28:46
I can't speak English !! ><
Tell me about way of learning English!!
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 03:37:18
Read a book, watch a TV show or movie, or simply chat to us here.
It does help!
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 03:37:46
Read a book, watch a TV show or movie, or simply chat to us here.
It does help!
31めりけん ◆gY8Fip1mTE :2008/04/17(木) 03:37:47
Actually, 2ch selectively blocks posting from foreign
countries. In fact, I couldn't post to 2ch from campus
computer labs when I was a college student in the U.S.
Most of these posting-related problems should be resolved
with a paid account with 2ch, however, as >>22 and >>25 have
already pointed out. You can get an account at the following
32イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 03:41:52
Ahh, now I see. Never knew 2ch had a subscription system. $33 really
isn't very much, either, considering it's for a year. Thanks for the

I hope those who are having problems posting at all are able to read
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 03:55:51
Road Runner has been blocked for a long time.
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 04:09:21
Cox too
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 04:17:37
Pay to do 2ch?
That's insanity.
Don't do that.
36Randugulf:2008/04/17(木) 04:21:10
Any money to post on a message board is too much.
37イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 05:47:34
If a user is suicidal through withdrawal, then it might be okay. Then
again, maybe it's better that they be put out of their misery if their
life comes to that...

Anyway, you're right. Something Awful's a good example of that.
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 05:57:58
It is a small amount of money, and it solves the problem because then the system recognizes you as an authorized poster
even if you are using an ISP that is blocked because of problems.
What happens is bad guys attack the bbs.cgi then post many garbage posts, and ruin everyones conversation.
How would you like to read >>26 Hal Turner's inciteful post 100 million times, instead of what you want to read?
That is the reason for the blocking. The alternative is to make 2ch a login type system where your identity is known.
Is that a good solution? I am safe where I am, but many of the users on 2ch, could be executed for the things they say
by their local police and governments. It is better to not have to show yourself. Even though that makes things inconvenient for
the users at times.
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:12:58

Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy efficient kind,
and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been
completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them.

Hellloooo ...just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what
his fast talking sales guy had told me last year... that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves!

Helllooooo? It's been a year! I told him.

There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up.... He never called back.
Guess I won that stupid argument.

I bet he felt like an idiot
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:18:08
You are blonde?
I envy you. I wish my hair were golden like yours.
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:20:15
Hair color is how I tell Japanese and Koreans apart. Japanese have brown or blond hair. Koreans have black hair.
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:22:52
You can't tell the difference in taht way.
A better way is to look at cheek bones.
Korean cheeck bones are protruding.
43イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 06:23:10
The userbase would be much, much smaller, because people either won't
think its worth it, or would be just too lazy to sign up. If the
userbase is a lot smaller, then would it be worth posting here anymore?
Sure, you'd get people who are serious about 2ch, but would miss out on
people casually dropping by. It would be nice if everyone could get along
and there was no troll or spam posts, but there aren't so many, so it's
bearable and they're easy to ignore.

I'm sure once people give it more thought, they'll understand this
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:24:04
Joke is on you. lol
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:26:50
>>43 Do you even realize how big the user base is? Last christmas, the blocking systems were turned off on the bbspink servers by mistake.
It was a disaster, and bbspink is only 25% the size of 2ch. Your ability to post now is a result of the blocking systems working effectively.
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:30:45
I can't quite follow his post.
Why was it a disaster?
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:31:33
OMFG >< I have real black hair! Am I Korean??
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:32:17
Yes, you are.
I am watching who wants to be a millionaire.
49イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 06:32:36
I have an idea of how big the userbase is, but no idea how big the
paying userbase is. I'm not attacking what you're saying, just
trying to understand things.
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:35:54
Why did you emphasize the fact that your hair is real as opposed to fake.
Do you have something against bald people?
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 06:37:48
It was Puma!! Fucking bitch!!
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 07:17:40
2ch is a double-bladed sword like that; its anonymous posting system makes it
so lively and opinion-based that people can just post their honest opinions without
losing any personal credit, but on the other hand, it can be overstepped to the extent
that they are full of false information, or worse yet, malicious misinformation.
And also, dealing with trolls and kichigai is a part of fun in 2ch.
Not everybody is a model citizen after all.
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 07:26:53
Regarding >>39, I'm sure the puch line is this "that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay
for themselves!" and this is one of those blond jokes.

The blond was dumb enough to think the windows would pay the money
literally instead of her? That's the point?

As a Japanese English learner, maybe I'm as dumb as her.
Does this mean even if it costed a lot for her to install those windows,
that pays off just in one year?

Would you explain what "that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves!"
54名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 07:29:12
>>47 Yes, it is true. I am sorry.
55名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 07:35:15
You got it I think.

When something "pays for itself" it means it will benefit you by
saving you money. In this case, the cost of getting double glazed
windows would save her heating bill so the cost of not having
heating on after a year might be the same as having the windows
56アメリカ 人 :2008/04/17(木) 07:45:02
What does everyone think about Magibon on GYAO? I just saw the video and she looks even worse than she did in her original videos. Do you guys agree?
Do you think she will still be popular even though she looks like this in real life?
57イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 07:47:18
Not exactly related, but my biggest disappointment when I first
came to 2ch was the lack of ASCII cats, such as Mona and Giko,
being posted in a chaotic manner everywhere.
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 07:47:53
When something "pays for itself" it means it will benefit you by
saving you money.

This is wrong.
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 07:49:08
What's wrong with lacking Giko or Omaemona-?
I don't see it.
60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 07:54:52
Just saying something or somebody is wrong doesn't do much help.
Would you give me the reason?
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:01:10
( ´・ω・`)   You can always check out  
( つ旦O    or and copy & paste any AA 
と_)_)    along with your post, though.
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:04:46
Thank you for your detailed explanation. I completely understand the joke.

I think >>55's explanation is perfect.
63Randugulf:2008/04/17(木) 08:09:30
When i saw that i was laughing so hard at all her crazy fans that kept
posting here.

Seriously guys, stop worshipping camwhores.
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:15:11
You're delusional if you think that'll ever happen.
65名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:17:23
I'm more curious if you're a girl or guy, actually.
I thought you were a shy blonde macho for some reason.
This is a very important question.
66名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:23:31
I don't think so. I'm totally disillusioned.

After all, nanako sos rules.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:30:34
I'm one of those people who got a little disappointed by real her.
Magi in Gyao proves she is not as attarctive as she really is and
she shoots heself on youtube videos from the best possible angle to
look as attractive as she can be.

But still, she's good and I don't abuse her as some people do.
She pursues her beauty and makes efforts to look good. As before she'll
try to look attractive with makeup and clothes she wear and that's good
thing. Every people in show business try to look good.

In her threads on youtube board in 2ch, some people say they are betrayed
but the views of her blog increased drastically after she came to Japan
so, she has gotten new fan base and everybody is paying close attentions
to her next move.

Even if you are her fan or not, it's like she is making Japanese dream
come true, so quite a few people root for her I think. What an Internet!
A girl who is nobody living in a small town are making her dream
come true.

As a person who has known of her since she was not famous on Youtube and
who knows she came here to this English board to anwer our questions,
I root for her. I'm not sure she can be a big success like Liah Dizon,
but her dream has been gettin out of the small town and her stalemate situation
and making something new happen.

Wel, to avoid misunderstanding she didn't start youtube to become
famous. It's just that she wanted to know how she looks on youtube
on the moniter of her PC. She was just curious abuot that. And someone
on youtube board in 2ch found her on youtube and made a thread for her
and invited her to the thread as far as I know.
68イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 08:32:58
 ( ´∀`)Thanks very much, they look like a great place to vent.
 (   /,⌒l
 | /`(_)∧_0.
 (__)(゚∀゚; )⊃⌒⊃

Before 2ch, I used to hang around BARギコっぽい. To me, they're just
fun, interesting characters. On my 21st birthday, a friend gave me a
set of pin-badges featuring ASCII characters, and they just make me
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:38:23
           (・∀・ ) You're welcome. Glad you liked it there.
      ∧_∧ (つ  つ
.      (,;ω(:::(⌒_  〈
     /つ /  し ヽ、ヽ \
     (   /       し' \
      (,,/,,/        \  \
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 08:49:05
Personally, the beauty of ASCII characters is how well and elaborately
those characters are made just by using fonts and characters and
you can see them on PC monitor.

Once mona or other characters are handwritten or drawn by hand, like
you see on T-chirts and a mug, the beauty of them reduced almost to zero,
if you know what I mean.
71Bill White:2008/04/17(木) 08:52:09
Negro crack head!
72Alex Linder:2008/04/17(木) 08:56:17
No jew. Just right.
73アメリカ 人 :2008/04/17(木) 10:23:03
I am a guy. I'm blonde and fairly tall, not exactly macho though lol. I'm a bit shy with new people.
74Alex Linder :2008/04/17(木) 10:40:08
No jews. Just right.
75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 10:49:00
If a user is suicidal through withdrawal,

What does this withdrawal mean? withdrawal effect?
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 10:50:12
withdrawal is what we call the symptoms a drug addict has when he stops taking whatever he's addicted to.
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 11:02:23
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 11:35:34
Oh shit!
My gf told me that she has genital herpes!!!
79名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 11:44:16
She must have fucked with lots of men.
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 11:46:21
I think you should get money back from her...
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 12:30:14
fuck you
82jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/17(木) 15:50:02
>>78 Don't worry about it. It won't kill you unless it gets on your penis.
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 16:22:26
How many trollops do you fuck???
You have said that your wife has genital herpes
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 17:56:49
oh... you touch my tra la la... mmm, my ding ding dong....
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 19:47:05
What does eyewatering mean?
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 20:25:24
Eyewatering is when you water your eyes.
Especially when you want to water your eyes, you eyewater.
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 20:41:04
What does it mean when used as an adjective?
88名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 20:47:13
An example of it being used as an adjective would be "That was an eyewatering situation."
The general implication is that the situation was a tearjerker, or very sad. Conversely, although not nearly as common, it could mean "eyewatering" in a happier sense, as people sometimes shed tears when overjoyed.
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 20:57:01
What about when grilling meat, smoke hits your eyes and they start to water?
Could it be called an eyewatering experience?
90名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 21:16:24
Yes, but it is used as a sort of joke to brush off the experience. Although it's grammatically correct, it's not used seriously.
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 21:27:06
Do you have blue eyes? I am not >>65 though,
this is also very important question for my fantasy.
92名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 21:29:30
nikuben otsu
93イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 21:47:51
As you say, ASCII characters are most impressive on-screen. If the
ASCII pattern is copied directly onto a t-shirt or mug, I agree that
it just looks strange. I find, though, that sometimes their
characterisation in other ways can be fun too.

Such as...

I see that we have a love-hate relationship...
94名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 22:40:34
nikubenki = slut
she/he is not nikuben but hakujin fechi!
95名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/17(木) 22:57:29
Na, it was merely a reflex reaction, nothing voluntary.
Maybe it's just that you hate to love me but it won't be acceptable anyway, so let's drop it..
96イギリス人:2008/04/17(木) 23:15:36
Our stars are crossed, and it was never meant to be, I guess.
It was good while it lasted.
97名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 00:13:14
Alright, I don't know what's wrong with you, but this one's gonna help put you back in the right track.
Hope you snap out of it.
98名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 01:50:22
I didn't know Pantera and his vocalist had racist kind of mentality.
I don't know if he is really racist or white patriot. But The media prefers to
label 'white pride' and something like that racist as he pointed out.
It's unexpected that band including person who openly spoke out for his race was
recognized and promoted by the main stream media without problem though.
Was pantera an undergrand band? But even me japanese knows the name.
I don't have interest in and knowledge about heavy metal either.
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 01:55:50
So who do you think cares about what you say?
100名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:02:08
I don't know much about heavy metal. So I just lump Pantera
in with Metalica, probably most famous slash metal band.
Is it strange in USA that non-white(incliding asian like me) eagerly listens to the music like Metalica and
tries to shout and move like them? (on the corridor?, shouting and
banging on the corridor may be strange regardless of the race)
If non white is O.K, Is it possible that I am excluded by white circle and
seen strange because most of their fans(impersonators) are white?

And is it possible that Metalica members hide their real racial consciousness
because of the media code?
I heard vocalist is german or german descent.
And I know some americans loath that kind of music, including white.
Educated people tend to hate heavy metal.
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:06:21
The negro is quite dangerous to be honest.
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:09:46
Some pantera fans are yelling to his agitation simultaneously.
Is it dangerous for japanese alone to go to the concert
of bands like Metalica and Pantera?
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:09:49
Yeah. Niggers better be spayed or neutered.
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:10:31
Japanese alone is dangerous.
105名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:11:40
non non
106名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:12:02
Most white guys must have the experiece of calling black nigger in
white circle, don't they? (must not they???)
Will you debunk this secret only in this thread?
107名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:14:58
Debunk may be strange usage. rather expose secret.
108名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:15:52
X japane fans should have beaten white otaku fans.
109名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:25:11
Hey you guys! Did you guys watch the new south park episode?
I thought it wasn't so good as the last one.
What did you think?
110名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:26:36
Hello.I am a beginner. Everybody are proud English?
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:41:46
112名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 02:42:31
Ahhh you guys crack me up.
113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 03:30:18
Hey, the vocalist of Pantera spoke under the assumption
that all or most of the audiences were whites.
Think about the situation I japanese are alone among whites who chant
with the speech who promots white pride and complains about
non-white pride.
I must feel very awkward and eyes from others must be very
keen for me.
At least I can say pantera's fans are mostly white.
And I can conclude that the fans of similar bands like
Metalica is not different.
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 03:33:47
Metallica correctly. Sorry.
115名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 03:34:31
And Lars Ulrich is Danish. lol
116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 03:37:01
Don't lie to me. The audiences are all whites, all mentally ill whites.
I would be killed!
117名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 04:02:18
>>94 Isn't it more like nikubenki= flesh toilet
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 04:03:06
german neo nazi boys love rammstein
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 04:05:08
Lanser? was banned in Germany, I heard.
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 04:14:34
Rammstein is the band who covered 'shout' by 'Tears For Fears'?
Flames on the stage was very impressive.
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 04:19:09
I may have been confused. German bands really love shooting flames on the stage,
don't they?
122名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 04:33:02
Actor Jason Beghe turns back on Scientology after 13 years
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 05:24:02
Some people want to mix up nazism with degeneracy and aberrance.
And they think it cool.
But true nazism is utterly the reverse thing.
It's more pure and ordelry thing. It requires you honesty, modesty,
courage, challenge and love.
I think Rammstein and their fans would be purged and purified under
New Hitler reign.
124名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 09:10:27
No. basically I prefer Japanese men.
But if there was a westerner, who has blond hair, lightly macho, blue eyes, good tan, not too friendly but has cute smile, it would be nice. It is not related to fetch things.
125名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 10:15:22
Niggers claim that their shitty existence in Africa is whitey's fault. Whitey stole all the natural resources of the land
(as if it's possible to 'steal' the earth's ability to grow crops) and split the continent up to cause niggers to fight each
other all the time.

Even on their own continent, niggers blame whitey for their failures. But the fact is that no matter what situation niggers
are in or what part of the world they are in, niggers consistently fail. This fact has remained true throughout history and is evident by the
present-day status quo. No matter where they are or what their present condition, niggers will invariably FAIL. They do not improve or
advance at all. In fact, when niggers get together they destroy and denigrate and they do not stop until they have beaten down their
existence to the point where they are crawling in the dirt and living in crude straw huts.

Can anyone reading this prove me wrong? Can anyone show me ONE single area in the world or in history where a dominant
population of niggers have created a living situation that is better than a toilet bowl? No.

This nonsense that niggers are equal is a LIE.
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 10:17:01

You are right.

National Socialism is about order, purity of blood, strength and kinship.
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 10:47:21
I took a fancy to this song. German language is pretty fit
for oration, which adds their contemporary music very distinctive
I doubt any japanese hardrock band has created a music as creative and
innovative as this one.
128名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 10:50:04
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 12:30:29
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 12:58:55
Hello from the english chans. This topic needs more sexy raving.
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 15:23:01
>>130 isn't that exactly what kusomiso means?
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 15:55:01
scat porn? I'm afraid to click that link ><
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 16:10:07
Are you Ms. kgkgkg by any chance?
134名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 17:11:00
I can`t speak Einglish.
I can`t read English....

135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 17:54:08
Speak Engrish then.
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/18(金) 18:24:55
You can type
137Kevin Alfred Strom:2008/04/19(土) 00:06:10
Welcome to the American Dissident Voices, I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 01:08:00
I'm still waiting on a South Park episode to mention 2channel. Ever since the Chinpokomon episode, the Japanese are fair game.
139名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 01:08:36
but only...
doesn`t 文

140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 01:31:50

Not to mention "Let's Fighting Love"...
141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:21:44
142名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:24:02
I am gay.
I love men like you.
I want you to suck my dick.
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:26:32
Cybering tends to be serious business
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:32:09
Are you okay?
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:36:10
Are you dont like girl?
I want you to friend!
146名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:49:47

Kevin, why did you disgrace the movement by getting arrested?

You were a good person.

Yet your stupidity in downloading illegal pornography is incredible.
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:55:55
That is so great! It should be on TV, not just youtube.
148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:56:50
leave him alone
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 02:58:06
But why do you think they would bring up 2ch on their show?
Is there something special about this place?
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 03:09:10

It was Kevin's own fault he got arrested. One should set an example and be
law abiding.
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 03:15:16
I so cry (´・ω・`)
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 03:17:32
hEllo Fukudome is on on BS.
LetS' watcht him!
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 03:29:26
We tend to think of this great invention of the sewing machine
as being of use chiefly in the home. It was not this, however, that
made the sewing machine of such value to the progress of mankind.
Native speakers, I have a question. Please read the sentences above which are excerpted from the example
sentences in the most famous English text book in Japan.
Do you native speakers can understand the meaning
and the structure of the sentences on the spot?

From "made the sewing machine of such value to the progress of mankind."
'of such value' seems to be complement and similar
to 'so valuabue.
Can some native speakers take 'the sewing machine of such value ' as one set of words or
one objective and 'to the progress of mankind' as complement?

Even if 'of such value' is a complement comparable
to adjective, I don't get the essense of the usage of
'such'. Such is a word which functions as simile.
So if the word 'such' exists, there must be an implication of Omitted 'as'.
I was going to do no such thing (as.....), for example.
But there is no 'as' in an example sentence.
'It was not this, however, that made the sewing machine of such value to
the progress of mankind.'
In this case, is 'such ' Omitted before 'to the progress of mankind'?
Or in this case, 'such' just functions as adjective like 'very', which
puts an emphasis on a word.?
Or is 'such' pointing at 'to the progress of mankind'?
But like before I said, 'such' must be followed by 'as'.
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 03:38:28
155Kevin Alfred Strom:2008/04/19(土) 03:53:47
Had we suggested to George Washigton and Ben Franklin that Indians and Africans
be called citizens only because they happened to be inside our borders,
they would have called you insane.
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 03:54:54
so true....
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 04:12:33
Kevvy what's your favorite movie?
158Kevin Alfred Strom :2008/04/19(土) 04:17:22
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 04:35:46
Thanks! My favorite is Ghost World.
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 04:42:50
Don't forget my question, please.
161153:2008/04/19(土) 04:45:03
Don't forget my question, please.
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 05:05:51
What question?
163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 05:25:45
be patient! or go to chiebukuro...? >>153
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 05:42:40
I want to Skype.
I cant English
Skype chat play
It doesn't understand.
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 05:43:17

166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 05:58:08
please don't cry
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 06:05:18
Stop crying your heart out...
168名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 06:09:48
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 06:12:27
I could be wrong, but I think in this context, "such" refers to the
actual historical value of the sewing machine.
The text assumes the reader to be knowledgeable enough about the
historical context to have general idea about the value of the
sewing machine to the progress of mankind, thus not referring to an
indefinite value, but to a specific ("such") value the reader is
already able to estimate.

In case the reader doesn't know about the historical context, "such"
at least puts an emphasis on "value", foreshadowing to the uninformed
reader that it was of no ordinary but of special, of "such" value.

Doesn't "こんなに" in the Japanese language work similarly?
170153:2008/04/19(土) 07:10:01
Are you a native speker? Are you a white nationalist guy by any chance?

Thank you for your explanation. Aha, Your explanation is excellent and
really understandable.
I'm relived to know my understanding of 'such' was not wrong.
I think writer was a native speaker and japanese author used the
sentences. And it was excerpt from book or article, so we don't know
what was written before the sentences.

As for "こんなに", yes こんなに workds the same as "such".
171153:2008/04/19(土) 07:17:11
I was a little stressed out. So
Your explanation was really helpful. Thank you.
172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 10:04:06
Neonazi wannabees are faggots. Period.
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:09:08
Faggots are the most abominable thing for neo-nazi.
The situation of nazi faggots is like fantasy story that jewish Hitler was
expelling the jews.
174片岡数吉 ◆MCd.kyynfw :2008/04/19(土) 12:14:11
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:36:54
I think "don't look back me in anger" is rather a good song
for Oasis.
Now I understand why. The song was not sung by their lead vocalist.
Liam's raspy and drawling voice is really irritating.
I think Oasis should have replaced the lead vocalist, then they would
have been much more popular band.
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:40:24
I heard Oasis didn't make a big success in US market while Cold Play
made a big splash in US market. Maybe the diference is due to marketing
strategy or something.
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:41:44
Oasis is gay. That's why.
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:42:07
Oasis is just a revival of Beatles.
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:42:27
Cold Play is more gay. lol
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:45:43
Oasis sucks like a vacuum cleaner. That's why.
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:55:14
Brit pop is mainly for british.
I don't know why brit pop is acclaimed all over the world.
Even Americans(English speaking people) don't turn to
most of their music.
Japanese should quit admiring brit pop. It has nothing to do with us
with a few exception like Beatles.
Maybe Beatles' legacy adds magic and illusion to another
british bands and make them bigger than their life size. I'm not Beatle fan.
But Beatles is now world standard. I have to admit.

UK ruled the seven seas. But it is over. They want to cling to
the control us culturally through Jewish and Anglo-Saxon media power. Don't be delusioned
by them. UK is now just one of English speaking countries.
Nothing special. Just a tiny island.
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 12:59:50
They want to cling to the power and control us.
Some words were missing.
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 13:19:58
I agree. Japan should re-assert itself as an independent state. The negro rapist
on Okinawa and the negro marine killers elsewhere made me feel very ashamed as an American.

These people do not represent we real white Americans. Japan should not take influence
from Jewish controlled media about race mixing and other such things, especially
in a cultural sphere, Japan is culturally powerful and is more pure racially
than the US.
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 13:36:03
Umm where did you get your info? I don't think british pop is that big in Japan...
You just wanted to blab so you can show off your vocabulary, no?
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 13:52:14
Shame on you
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 14:04:02
You don't sound like one.
Are you an American wannabee now?
187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 14:21:39
You can hear opinions like his everwhere on white nationalists sites.
He does sound like one.
Are you refering to his English ability?
I'm japanese, so I can't distinguish.
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 14:36:49
What is wrong with white nationalism?

I believe in nationalism and self-preservation for all races.
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 14:38:43
>>183 is either Japanese, or an American purposely using shitty English to pass himself off as Japanese.
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 14:39:15
14 words?
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 14:41:35
What is wrong with his English?
It would be helpful if you point out his unusual English usage concretely.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 14:58:27
I want to TOEIC score 720. but I can`t solve part2 well.How do you solve it well?
I want to how to part2 solving method!! I have to get TOEIC score 720 to univercity Entrance exam.
Please teach the person of a gentle bulletin board.
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:06:05
I Japanese can tell obviously >>192 is not a native speaker judging not only from
the content but also from English structure of his sentences.

But I can't tell >>183 is Japanese or non native speaker.
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:12:31
I like shit very much.
because shit smell is exciting for me.
I like shit more than girl.
shit is valuable goods and treasure.
I eat shit`s garbage sometimes.
shit is delicious and interesting !
Everybody will also eat!!!!!!!!
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:13:04
I am 183, I'm not really sure what caused 189 to think I am not American.
My English is fine, it is after all, my native language, I think 183 is
a proponent of liberal policy towards race, and therefore it is in his interests
to distort the facts like a true liberal would.
196名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:16:42
The foreigner must not come to the bulletin board of Japan. An inhumane group that treats the black like an American as a slave thinks that it is necessary to be purged we by day books.
No, it is necessary to purge it. A lot of Japanese hope the United States for the full-scale war and rupture of diplomatic intercourse. We are not slaves in the United States.
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:23:29
We're all living in America.
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:27:52


199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:32:09
I lawled.
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:42:13

Nothing is really wrong with the English grammatically, but some of his choices
are unusual for an American; for instance:

>>The negro rapist
on Okinawa and the negro marine killers elsewhere made me feel very ashamed as an American.

If he really was an American white supremacist, he probably would break this sentence down differently
and use the racial slur "Nigger" instead of "negro".

>>Japan should not take influence

There's nothing wrong with the above phrase, but I think an American would be more
likely to say something like "Japan should not be influenced by",

it's just a feeling I get.
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 15:59:53
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 16:07:55
There's a run-on sentence in there, which implies that he's not very good at grammar and
composition and will drop out of school soon, and the contents suggest that there's not
much choice left but just to be a lower member of the KKK or something.
203イギリス人:2008/04/19(土) 19:08:37
British pop is generally quite terrible, Oasis being no exception.
Of course, it's all a matter of taste. If you want to see the real
atrocities of European music, you should visit:

Personally, though, my favourite British musician is Mike Oldfield,
but I'm not such a big fan of his Tubular Bells series. They go on
far too long...

"UK ruled the seven seas. But it is over. They want to cling to
the control us culturally through Jewish and Anglo-Saxon media power. Don't be delusioned
by them. UK is now just one of English speaking countries."

You're starting to sound like Robert Mugabe.
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 19:18:16
die you fucking fat pig ^oo^
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 20:09:06
Ahahaha, Bill White and Hal Turner for instance are usually using the word 'Negro'
like 'Savage negro beast!' and 'Negroes are mentally unstable'.
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 20:14:37
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 20:55:49
What movie did you see recently?
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 21:01:45
macros ・・do yo remenber love ?
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 21:41:58
I watched There will be blood.
This movie is powerful. just overwhelmingly powerful.
You should watch it. really.
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 21:43:09
"In America"
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 23:12:55
I love you all. Please love me.
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/19(土) 23:31:07
I love you!
213J:2008/04/20(日) 00:04:28
Saturday,April 19,2008
It was windy today.
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 00:17:09
Wang (chinese name)
Dong (korean name)
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 00:46:33
I secretly adore you.
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 01:42:53
Is Beyoncé popular in Japan? I don't know why she is so popular in US.
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 01:52:02
Very popular. Even a comedian who speclialize in impersonating
her exists. lol
218名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 01:53:25
I look forward to your diary every day.
219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 01:54:33
she is a nigger mixed with white. That's the reason which
makes her more beautiful and unlike typical nigger.
I previously thought she was half white. But it seems not to be
She has french blood in her but percentage is not known.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 01:56:44
How about her. More gorgeous than real ビヨンセ
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 01:58:55
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:00:00
Do you find Beyonce sexy?
I don't because she is so overwhelming.
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:04:38
I wonder how long Beyonce last with Jay-Z...
3month, 6month...
Jay-Z is a one ugly mother fu*ker. I think.
224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:07:24
She is popular here, I guess, at least among people who like Hiphop and R&B.
Even if a person hasn't heard of her name, they might have heard of
"Destiny's Child." She is African American but her face and skin doesn't
look like typical African American maybe because her portion of bloods of
white American is high.

It's sad that she got married with J-Z, the gorilla. I know he earns
a lot and has a talent as a performer and producer, but look at his looks.
He is fat and ugly. Personally, I wanted her to get married with a man
who earns a lot and famouse and looks good. Maybe NFL's star African
American might have been good. J-Z isn't an athlete type and just a
fat guy. IF you ask me, Black without talent in sports is just garbage.

One Japanese comedian is very good at impersonating her.
Pay attention her lips and you'll find out that she remember ever words
in the lyrics.

She knows she is ugly and fat but as a comedian she takes advantages
of those disadvantages and makea eveyone laugh with them.
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:11:42
The reason of divorce will be wife beating with drag use.
As always.
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:12:11
Sorry, drug-use.
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:13:17
Hey! What is drag use?
228名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:14:09
Anybody have any clue why Youtube is down?
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:14:14
I wanna be a drag queen.
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:14:26
Dragging car and beyonce together.
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:17:04
Beyonce's sex tape hasn't still hit the market?
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:17:52
Britney is far better than Beyonce.
Beyonce is like an animal to me.
Britney is a beautiful woman.
233名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:18:18
I don't think Beyonce is sexy without a ton of the make-up she always has.
234名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:20:32
But you think beyonce with a ton of makeup sexy.
That's weird. What do the makeup exactly do to change your mind?
235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:23:22
Yes! Britney is beautiful and talented.
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:23:43
Hey! You guys heard of the polygamist cult that got busted by the authority in the U.S.?
In that cult, men can marry tons of 13 or 14 year old girls and inpregnate them.
Isn't that heaven? I think heaven is real and got busted.
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:25:11
Are you for real, or being sarcastic or just playing along because youre bored of life?
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:26:07
239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:27:17
Do you guys know this youtube guy who defends Britney saying " Leave Britney alone!"?
I found out about him a few days ago, and don't find him to be funny or witty or .. anything.
Why is he so popular?
240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:29:16
thats remind of Asahara. Is he still in jail???
or he is coming out soon...
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:30:00
Hey ! You guys heard about the news about the Pope's adress to the U.N?
He said human rights should be based on God.
Isn't that craziest thing you can possibly say about human rights?
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:30:46
I thought he was sentensed to death and killed off.
I may be wrong here.
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:35:47
Do you guys know why food prices are high lately?
I went to a local supermarket and try to buy Umakattyan, and found out that 5 packs costs 399 yen.
I couldn't possibly buy it. This has got to stop!
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:36:03
I'm for real.

I love Chris!
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:42:17
Asahara still thinks that he is a god, so he can't be killed...
246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:43:52
But the fact that he thinks he is a god doesn't mean anything if you inject him with lethal stuff.
Or is he really a god?
247名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:48:05
Asahara is korean!!!
248名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 02:56:55
He is chinkasu on the earth for sure.
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:06:12
>>235 is probably woman who feels pity for Britney. Maybe Britney
is like daughter to her. She is vulnerable because of mental illness.
She also admires Chris because she wants to marry American man. Even
though Chris is uho and typical loud American.
250名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:10:15
Hey, Youtube is back!
Glad you are back youtube!
251名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:11:49
Native speakers, I have a question.

[Genuinely discriminating readers have decided , generation after
generation, those books are worthy of perservation.]

If you make "those generation' an antecedent, sentence will be like this?
[ The building up of a taste for those books(←antecedent) which genuinely
discriminating readers have decided, generation after generation, [that] are worthy of
perservation, is gradual]
This is an excerpt from an English text book.I rarely met this kind of sentence on the net.
Is this sentence rather complicated even for native speakers? [that] is ommited
in an original English text book.

Does that sentence function as objective pronoun as well as as nominative(subjective?) pronoun?

My assumption is that [those books which genuinely discriminating readers have decicded] is a
form of objective pronoun and [those books that are worthy of persevetion] is a form of nominative(subjective?)
pronoun. Is my assumption correct?

I know this kind of transformation below.
[S called books worthy of perservaiton.
Books which S called worthy of perservation.]
But transformation of the example sentence was new or unfamiliar to me.
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:12:28
Which do you fuck, Britney or Beyonse?
I don't waste a second in choosing Britney over Beyonce.
253名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:14:41
What do you think about a life in prison...?
Is it easier than an execution?
254名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:22:27
Britney started to look like a typical red neck now.
She was pretty 4-5 years ago though.
255名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:35:05
"He decides that religious tolerance is important for his country "
This kind of sentence is permissible but
"He decides that religious tolerance important for his country"
seems not to be permissible. OK?
so "religious tolerance he decides is important for his country"is permissible
while "religious tolerance he dicides important for his country" is not permissible.
OK? 'which' is needed between antecedent 'tolerance' and ensuing words?
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 03:36:26
"He decides religious tolerance important for his country"
seems not to be permissible.
is What I meant. 'That' is needless. Sorry.
257名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:13:42
Are you noriaki guy?
Your thinking method is the same as his.
258名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:24:31
I just love celebrities...
I admit that I have a fetish for (depressed) white/Japanese men.
But I'm not going to be like nikubenki
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:30:19
I am a white nationalist, and I don't see what is so wrong with such a position.

As for my education, I have college level qualification up to a Masters level (MSc in Econ.)

I think that >>196 is mentally challenged. He is only critical of my opinion of the negro
because he does not have to deal with any significant negro population in Japan. However, if the US
bases are anything to go by, then a black presence in Japan is not a positive thing. This is hardly
an 'inhumane' position. If whites are so inhumane, why was South Africa and Zimbabwe having better
living standards under white rule?
260名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:35:25
>why was South Africa and Zimbabwe having better living standards under white rule?
You're not white.
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:36:48
Last time I checked I was.

Perhaps I have turned into a negro overnight though, I will go and check.
262名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:37:19
Hey,sorry for interrupting your conversation but let me ask!
why are you awake such a time?
Are you in oversea?
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:39:33
I am on the Eastern Coast of the US. It is 5:00pm here.
264名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:43:35
Then for someone who claims to have a master's degree your English sucks.
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:45:17
This is the internet good sir, who cares about accurate grammar and spelling?
266名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:46:37
I'm neet.
267名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 05:56:52
thx for your reply.
I am on Auckland of New Zealland.It's 9:00am.
268名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 06:16:58
Bingo! Yes, I am.

Now that you mentioned the name, Noriaki, I think he was the best guy
to get married with Biyonce. He is the king of Japanese Hiphop.
269名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 06:19:05
Asking that question on a board about English language full
of English learners is a bit stupid.
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 06:24:06
Yes. Yes.
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 06:44:54
>why was South Africa and Zimbabwe having better living standards under white rule?
This is exactly what Bill White thinks.
Blacks can do better under the white rule.

If I was given money covering all the expenses like ticket fee, airplane fare, accomodation fee and so on,
I won't go to World Cup 2012. lol
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 07:44:06
Hmmm, I haven't heard of Bill White but he sounds interesting and rational.

World Cup in South Africa is a bad thing. South Africa is the rape capital of the world.

Many blacks want white rule back. They are the hard working black people who are sick of
the corrupt and inept ANC.
273名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 07:47:57
ANC has been funded by the jews!
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 07:50:19
Bill White is a Hollywood nazis.
So His outfits may ruin every valuable thing he says.

275名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 07:57:22
Has ANC been funded by Jewish interests?

I have never heard that myself. Bill White is a bit odd in my opinion.
I prefer intellectual elements like Jared Taylor.
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 08:14:38
I've learned that a master degree in Econ in the US doesn't mean a thing today.
277名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 09:03:36
278名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 09:11:10
He must have got a degree from a prestigious university.
279名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 09:29:05
I have a Phd in blowjob.
280名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 09:35:48
Korean took a kimuchi in the space.
must be stinked up there now !
281名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:10:16
I'm not really into the pure faggotry.
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:50:46
Someone ask me a question.
283名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:53:10
where do you live
284名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:53:32
LA right now.
285名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:54:44
Do vlogging and show your face.
286名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:56:05
287名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:57:45
Why not?

Give me five reason why you won't do vlogging.
288名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 10:59:44
Most important: I don't have a webcam.
Second most important: Nor do I have my digital camera (which is in my dorm room at school, and I'm at home right now), so I couldn't make a video and up it even if I wanted to.
Third: I'm not a camwhore.
Fourth: I can't think of anything amusing to do in a video which would make the effort worthwhile for both me and you.
Fifth: I didn't take a shower this morning and my hair is somewhat messy.
289名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:01:37
camwhores from 4chan are worthless people.

why did /b/ attack hal turner? fuck them all.
290名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:07:05
Female youtubers aren't camwhores so the third reason is not persuading.
Just taking a shower every day delete the fifth reason.
When you go back to your dorm, you have a digital camera so there are
no technical problems.
Regarding the Fourth reason, you can give you English lesson on your
channel or just ask viewers what they want to se you doing in a video.

That boils down that you have no reasons not to do vloging.
291名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:08:36
Do vlooging and show your face.
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:08:59
Do your university a footbal team?
Are footballers popular in US high school or university?
293名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:10:12
I'm Japanese and was grown up in a culture where showing yuor face on the
net is cosidered to be dangerous.
294名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:13:51
Female youtubers aren't *necessarily* camwhores. But most of them are, in my opinion.
I'm lying around relaxing at home today, why should I take a shower if I don't need to? I'll take one tomorrow.
Yes, when I go back to my dorm I *could* take a video, but that leads to my fourth reason.
Why would I give English lessons? I'm not a teacher. If someone wants to learn English, they have plenty of options open to them already.
In fact, English is probably the language with the most material available. The last thing the Internet needs is another self-important dipshit taping himself giving "lessons" on anything.

>just ask viewers what they want to se you doing in a video
They don't want to see me doing anything. Hell, *I* don't want to see me doing anything. I'm a regular person. Nobody's interested in watching videos of regular people, they see them every day already.
Unless you have some kind of special talent, are making some kind of artistic or otherwise cool video, or have some kind of message to get out there, making videos of yourself is just attention whoring as far as I'm concerned. Nobody gives a shit.

Actually I take it back, guys like watching videos of cute girls even if they're not doing anything at all.

Nope. In fact it's a big joke at my school. We have a T-shirt that says something like, "Caltech football team, undefeated since 1993!"
1993 is when we discontinued the team. XD

Yes, football is generally pretty popular at most schools. But I go to an engineering/tech school, so we're not big on sports.
295名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:18:18
I want to see you stating that on YouTube. 
Do vlogging and show your face.
296名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:19:49
See, that would make me a hypocrite. So, >>286.
297Zeus:2008/04/20(日) 11:20:46
i sent this homepage to the white house

President Bush on Saturday said,
"We've had great visits. And this is an important visit for me
to get to know you. I heard about your background -- I admire
your strength of character, and this is an important visit
to strengthen the relationship between our two countries and
I believe we have done so. ...A good relationship is based
upon common values, and our countries share common values --
values of the rights of each individual to live in a free society.

We believe in human dignity and justice."
298Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 11:22:53
Funny thing about that one, yes our university does have a football team
and as my mom works there and is friends with many of the professors, i've
learned that our quarterback is illiterate. He cannot read or write at all.
A total idiot. He has to get tutoring and special attention just to keep a
high enough GPA to stay in school. The only reason he's in uni is because he
is a really good player.

And thats hilarious. Or hilariously pathetic.

Dunno how popular they are though.

Also to the vlog guy, no one likes a camwhore.
299Zeus:2008/04/20(日) 11:23:51
President and Mrs. Bush welcomed His Holiness
Pope Benedict XVI to the White House on April 16,
during his first visit to the United States as Pope.
The President and the Holy Father continued discussions,
which they began during the President's visit to the Vatican
in June 2007, on their common commitment to the importance of
faith and reason in reaching shared goals. These goals
include advancing peace throughout the Middle East and other
troubled regions, promoting inter-faith understanding, and
strengthening human rights and freedom, especially religious
liberty, around the world.
300名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:24:55
The fuck? Do you live in the boonies?
301名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:25:30
I want to see you refusing so hard on YouTube.
Do vlogging and show your face.
302Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 11:26:13
I live in a ghetto.
303名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:31:14
Footballers are admitted to their universities just for their
football skills, right? Is it true that they are actually as
bright as junior high school kids since all they did in school days
are almost football alone and nobody expect them to be a good student
304名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:34:29
I don't want to see a ghetto bird singing on YouTube.
Don't do vlogging and never show your face.
305名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:35:25
I don't know anyone personally, but I've heard that some students get into schools purely because of athletic ability.
>>298 just gave an example of this. There's apparently really nice athletic scholarships you can get if you're good, too.
I don't think it's ever a good idea to stereotype or generalize.
Some of these guys are probably dumb as a brick. They only did sports in high school and didn't give a shit about studying.
But I'm just as sure that some of them are very intelligent people who also happen to like doing sports.
306名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:36:32
>a ghetto bird singing
This is oddly poetic. I like it.
307名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:37:56
No, there is a 'jock' and 'nerd' dichotonomy. It's not as pronounced as it is
in the movies but it still exists somewhere under the surface.

Generally footballers are given a lot of undue praise, they have no academic talent
and in 99% of cases they will not make it big in sports either. Yet the praise
from their various coaches, teachers and so on inflates their ego to such an extent
that they feel invulnerable. In some cases this has led to rape and other such
events (most recently of a 14 year old girl who was a genius and managed to get into
college at a young age, so they abused her naivitie and raped her. Basically they feel
invincible, as if they can get away with anything.

Plus their intelligence is quite low so they don't allow themselves to see the consequences
of their actions. But I have heard of individual cases whereby certain 'sporty' types can be
quite intelligent too, though these are exceptions to the rule and not the general

Also, a lot of the more scientific department staff don't like sports teams because
they feel they suck up a lot of the budget for things like stadiums and so on, and that
it's not really worth it.
308名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:38:32
You may not be a camwhore but you mentioned often you go to calitech when
nobody asks the name of your uni. Girls with looks do nothing on their video
and still they get enough viewers. You mention the name of your university
and some people are impressed. Don't you think that what you call camwhore and you have
similoar mentality in that you try getting attention by touching on the name of

If Internet conveyed smell, I would find out that you might somewhat stink.
309名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:41:41
Um, sorry?
Next time I'll say, "________ football team, undefeated since 1993!" instead.
It's just a school name, I don't think anyone cares...
310名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:44:21
But chances are he can land a good job in a big company?

Have you ever felt envious toward footballers? After all, they are
always the center of attention in almost all school events right?
Always surrounded by gorgeos girls?

What do you tink the cases of footballers of Stanford or Harvard or other IV league?
I guess they are at least literate.
311名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:45:18
>Also, a lot of the more scientific department staff don't like sports teams because they feel they suck up a lot of the budget for things like stadiums and so on, and that it's not really worth it.
Haha, yeah this is very true. Eh, I agree with them mostly. Basic athletic facilities are important, kids need to exercise and shit.
But otherwise, the money can be used for far better things IMO.
312名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:49:51
Are male in US are obcessed with working out to look muscular?
313名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:50:12

What college do you go to?

I try not to discriminate against sports minded 'students' but it's hard sometimes.
So many fit the stereotype perfectly. Their bravado will be short lived though, such
people provide an endless source of disposable labour for the likes of Burger King and
314名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:53:24
No, but some of them are.

I'm >>294. Meh, to each his own.
Maybe that guy is having the time of his life playing football or basketball or whatever it is.
Maybe he's the happiest he'll ever be when he's out on the field or the court. Good for him. You only live once. I say do what you love doing, and fuck what anyone else says.
Honestly I wish I were more athletic. I really love exercising and playing games with my friends and stuff, I love that feeling you get when you're out there. But for various reasons I don't have the opportunity to do it very often.
Or at all, these days.
315名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:55:48
What is the most embarrasing thing you've experienced in your life?

In my case, It was when I pooed during a class when I was a third grader.
I was too shy to ask my teacher to go to men's room during a class.
I tried to stop the poo from coming out but that was in vain. after that
the smell of poos spread in my classrom and some clasmates started to whisper
it smells something like poo.
316Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 11:59:09
But chances are he can land a good job in a big company?

Nope. There are a lot of people of that type that end up in labor or worse
bagging groceries for the rest of their lives. The guy is too much of an
idiot to make good use of a college degree.

Have you ever felt envious toward footballers? After all, they are
always the center of attention in almost all school events right?
Always surrounded by gorgeos girls?

Not really. Actually i've always felt there was an air of sadness too it all.
If they don't go pro after they get out of college the fact that they were
more important for those 4 years of life than they ever will be again has
to hit them hard.

What do you tink the cases of footballers of Stanford or Harvard or other IV league?
I guess they are at least literate.

Well i'd hope so.

Also >>304 ;_;
317名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 11:59:35

It is important to do what you love to do, but entertaining pipe dreams of stardom
are damaging for your future. You know as well as what I do that to honestly buy into
a myth that you are going to become some kind of 'star' is absurd. Yes, obviously you
should pursue your dreams but realism is neccessary too. And you are quite right to say
that sports are fun, but when they consume your life to the point that you are a semi-literate
20 year old as some of these people are, then you have lost all sense of the phrase 'everything
in moderation'.

I just dislike arrogance I guess. I know plenty of people who love sports but are hard work.
The problem is, i know far more that don't.

Here is the link to the story about that football team by the way:
318名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:00:36
is 4chan down again?

is that why so many of us have relocated here? I was just posting in /jp/ and *bam*, F5 won't work!
319名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:01:44
What do you think of the future of yahoo?
Is it better for them to go hand in hand with AOL or Google?

There was a person called merkin in this thread long time ago.
He said he works for yahoo. I wonder how he's doing now. Maybe he
get axed. He offered to send New Years Greeting card to everybody in
this thread but no body responded to him. lol
320Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 12:04:04
Quite a few are here but it might just be my school. Hell my friends even
got me started on it.

I think it's back up. /tg/ is working anyways.
321名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:11:19
Hmm, right you are Randugulf. So you're a fa/tg/uy then? One of my best friends, who incidentally
is very fitness minded and obsessed with working out, is also a huge warhammer fan. What
traditional games do you like?
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:13:45
Too long and difficult to read.

Give me synopsis.
323名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:16:10
324名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:16:36
>It is important to do what you love to do, but entertaining pipe dreams of stardom are damaging for your future.
It's part of growing up, I think. And it's certainly not restricted to athletes.
There're plenty of aspiring singers, actors, etc., dreaming of making it big.
And for most of them, there's going to be a pretty tough time when they sit down and admit they're just not going to make it. They'll get over it, and move on with their lives.
Some of them will cling to that dream a little too hard, and they might get a little fucked up. But well, there's not a whole lot you can do for those people...
But like you say, it's always important to be realistic and honest with yourself.

>when they consume your life to the point that you are a semi-literate 20 year old as some of these people are
Eh, I think this is a little off. He said he lives in the ghetto, so I'm assuming that kid was illiterate because public education in those areas tends to be underfunded and very poor.
At the age when kids are still learning to read, they're too young to be preoccupied with sports or anything else.
Once you get into high school/college, it's your choice to stop studying and focus on sports. And honestly, what you or I or anyone else thinks about that decision doesn't really matter.
Besides, if we're going to talk about people who go overboard for one reason or another, there are far more dangerous people we could be talking about.

>I just dislike arrogance I guess.
Oh, definitely. And intellectuals just like athletes have their own brand of arrogance. Arrogance in all of its shapes is a sad thing.

325名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:17:06
I read that article. Seems like the biggest problem was that girl didn't know what the fuck was going on.
She was still a child, on top of that her parents sheltered her like there was no tomorrow. Then they throw her into a big city school and expect... what?
What the fuck did they think was going to happen to their precious snowflake when she grew up not knowing what the hell the world was like?
It just makes me fucking angry... You can't raise a kid like that. You *can't*. This isn't the America you see in 50's TV shows. It's *not* a nice place, it's *not* a safe little haven.
You have to be not be completely fucking stupid, and teach your kids, gradually, how to take care of themselves and deal with the shit that they're eventually going to have to deal with.

>Brittany's social life revolved around a church youth group, its skate parties and Bible classes. Her folks were strict about what she could do.
This girl could not POSSIBLY have went to an American university without shit hitting the fan. Especially not at fucking 15.
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:18:23
Wow, epic fail on my part.

have went -> have gone
327Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 12:18:59
D&D, but all the warhammer fluff i've seen makes me want to try it out.

Too bad i'd have to sell a lung or something just to get enough money to
start an army though.
328名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:19:37
14 year old girl goes to college as she is, for all intents and purposes,
a genius. Starts out working hard but is a bit lonely, has an older student assigned to her to look
after her and so on. College football team get her drunk, one fucks her, then
another does the same thing, they get her addicted to all kinds of drugs and cigarettes
and then all fuck her. Her GPA collapses as she stops turning up for class. She goes from
bad to worse and nobody bother to do anything about it at the college - nobody contacts parents
and so on - one of the players even offers to pimp her out. Now she is at home.

Is this the way a civilized group of people behaves?
with her parents
329名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:19:40
Er, and one more typo.
You have to be not be -> You have to be not
330名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:21:58
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:25:51
>It's part of growing up

Some people grow up, others do not. Others entertain these pipedreams for their ENTIRE LIVES. Intelligent
people usually grow out of them at the age of 13.

>They'll get over it, and move on with their lives.

To what end? To realising they wasted so much time and energy on something that was never going to happen?
We encourage these pipe dreams, and we end up with unproductive members of society because film and TV constantly
says all your dreams will come true. No. They will not, that's a fact of life.

>I'm assuming that kid was illiterate because public education in those areas tends to be underfunded and very poor.

I disagree, I think it's genetic.

>there are far more dangerous people we could be talking about.

Hmmm, like whom?

>And intellectuals just like athletes have their own brand of arrogance.

Really? I don't think Einstein, Szilard, Hawking etc... were 'arrogant' in
the slightest. Read these people and their philosophy of life, they are about
the most down-to-earth people you could meet, to the point of false modesty even.
I do not sympathize with people who have NPD I am afraid. I consider them a bane
on society.
332名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:28:00

But the college never told the parents.

You can't posture and say that "that's life", because it isn't, I go to college
and that is not normal behaviour, not even from the resident football team. All this
talk about 'going out into the real world', your real world is what you make it.
If you choose to hang out with scum then your real world and worldview is going to be
one of scum. If you choose to mix with educated people, then the reverse is true.

I honestly have never heard of anything like that at my college, not even close.
333名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:29:06
Honestly I just code, I don't know a whole lot about the industry.
Once I start working in September, I'll probably start getting a feel for what condition all the big-name companies are in...
Yahoo! gave me their little spiel about how amazing they're doing when I was interviewing with them, but we all know how reliable a source of information *that* is.
According to them, though, they've got a lot going on and they're in good shape.

Can't really tell if she's actually wapanese just from that vid.
334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:31:27
The usage of the word 'weeaboo' tends to differ in meaning from board to board
on 4chan. So it's hard to say exactly, I would say yes though.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:35:14
Thank you for the synopisis.

I think special school counseller or something had to be assigned to
her when she got into university. It must have been tough for 14 year old
living alone away from their parents.
336名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:35:44
Just because your looks can't meet the demands in the camwhore market doesn't mean
you cannot do vlogging and show your face. Do vlogging and show your face.
337名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:36:31
>Intelligent people usually grow out of them at the age of 13.
>To realising they wasted so much time and energy on something that was never going to happen?
Hey, how the hell do you know? All those big-name celebrities and rappers and rock stars, they all started somewhere.
Some of them used to wait tables, mop floors, wipe toilets before they made it.
Why not give it a try? Why *not* go out there and see what happens? Maybe you'll make it and maybe you won't, but it's the journey not the destination anyway.
Even if you end up where you started, you met some new people and you learned some things. And that's worth a lot, in my opinion.
Well, maybe we just disagree but I give them massive props. It's good to be realistic, but not to be cowardly under the guise of realism.
People that have a dream and go for it, they've got balls. And I think that's awesome, personally, no matter what comes of it.
There's plenty of schmucks like me, going to college and getting a job, just doing their usual thing. And we help the world go round, sure.
But it's people that take a real chance that really make the big things happen.

>Hmmm, like whom?
Well, let's start with President George Bush and go from there.

>Really? I don't think Einstein, Szilard, Hawking etc... were 'arrogant' in the slightest.
Nor are they the entirety of the group of people known as "intellectuals."
There are plenty of modest people, and there are plenty of people who are convinced they're the greatest thing since sliced bread. Believe me, I know a lot of them.
338名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:39:08
339251 255 256:2008/04/20(日) 12:40:18
>>251 >>255 >>256
Please, somebody answer my question.
340名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:42:38
>Hey, how the hell do you know? All those big-name celebrities and rappers and rock stars, they all started somewhere.
>Some of them used to wait tables, mop floors, wipe toilets before they made it.

This is the trap you fall into, just because some people did it, the chances are still slim to none.
Entertaining the idiocy of pipe dreams is a sure fire way to damage society. What have rap stars ever done
that is beneficial to society? What do they encourage but the most corrosive influences?

>Why not give it a try?

Because my life is pretty good as it is. It's not perfect, and I probably won't be rich
but I attend a very good college/university and I do a course I really like. I will probably
take that course beyond a bachelor's level too. Maybe even to a phd level. That is my 'journey'.

>but it's the journey not the destination anyway.

Excuse me, this is sheer lunacy, if the journey involves taking drugs and messing
yourself up, what is the point?

>And that's worth a lot, in my opinion.

I learned how not to be an idiot from a much younger age, I don't need to entertain delusions
and fail to learn it again.
341名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:43:01
>People that have a dream and go for it, they've got balls.

Or maybe they were just lucky?

>But it's people that take a real chance that really make the big things happen.

Really, are they pushing the boundaries of what we understand about the universe? Or inventing
new life saving medical technology? Please.... They are pantomine actors, nothing more.

>Nor are they the entirety of the group of people known as "intellectuals."

Nor are your anecdotal experiences. At least they are arrogant with commensurate achievements.
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:44:24
What's your difinition of weeaboo?
Any specific characterictics?

I see.
343名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:44:36
>All this talk about 'going out into the real world', your real world is what you make it.
No... no, it's really not, I disagree with you. The real world is what smacks you in the face when you step out your front door every morning.
You can't get away from it, and you can't always shut out the elements you consider "undesirable."
What happened to that girl, in one form or another, happens at campuses across the country, and probably the world.
That article was an extreme, and sad, case. But women come to college and get caught up in alcohol and sex, it just happens.
It's not even necessarily a bad thing. If that's how they have fun and enjoy their college years, go for it.
The problem is when, as with that 15-year-old girl, they're not mature or socially intelligent enough to make that decision for themselves.
She *couldn't* choose to hang out with a certain crowd, she wasn't even capable of discerning what "crowd" a person belonged to.
You aren't able to make your way in the world until you've been in it for a while; you have to know the ropes before you can even begin to decide where you want your place to be.

That's why I think middle and high school are so important. Fuck home schooling.
It's when kids have a chance to figure out, on a smaller and more sheltered scale, how they want to interact with society, and what kind of person they want to be,
while still being young enough for their parents to give them a little guidance (when the kids bother to listen to it).
Take that training ground away, and you end up with cases like that girl in the article.
344名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:46:00
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:48:59
We're not going to get anywhere, and any further responses from me would just be an explanation of my worldview, which really doesn't matter and which isn't going to convince you of anything.
So, good luck with your life, and I'll see what I can do with mine.
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:49:25

No, the world is what you make it. That may happen at campuses throughout the country,
but that is an individual's choice in whom they want to mix with (given they are of a mature
enough age). I chose to mix with intelligent people, ergo it's not my problem how fuckups behave.
Similarly, my parents worked hard and we live in a wealthy area with little to no crime, they MADE
that world for themselves and that it what I plan to do. If I want to shut myself off from it then
that is my perogative, nobody can force me to accept responsibility for the lunacy and idiocy of people.

I refuse to accept any responsibility, through taxation or other means. It irritates me greatly that people
give off that idea, people expect me to accept not the existence but the underlying 'society' bullshit
about how me and millions of others like me need to accept that is the world and cough up the bill for it.

347名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:50:42

On /v/ it is people who like JRPGs like Final Fantasy and so on.
On /b/ it is anyone who likes anime or manga.
On /a/ it is people who do not 'conceal their power level' (people who talk about
anime and manga all the time, wear Naruto headbands and so on).
348名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:51:46
>Good luck

I would wish you good luck too, but I think you are too far gone for providence and fate to extent a helping hand :)
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 12:59:28
I see. I guess different borads have different definitions.

A school kid from USA might visit my house this summer.
The reason he'll come to Japan is he loves Japanese anime.
I think he might be wapanese. I wonder what reaction he would give me if
I asked him "Are you wapanese?"
350名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:00:25
>I chose to mix with intelligent people, ergo it's not my problem how fuckups behave.
Sure, sure. My main point in my previous post was about the girl, people who can't make that choice because they don't know how.
If you're one of the minority with the money and means to do so, then yes, you can control who you regularly associate with, the area you live in, etc.
And unless you're very unlucky you won't be the target of some crazy guy with a gun the next time you go to the mall. But then again, you never know.

>I refuse to accept any responsibility, through taxation or other means.
Wow. Well, whatever makes you happy.
351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:01:14
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:01:22
If he is a 4channer, he'd probably find it funny.

How do you know he likes anime? And what does he like?
353Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 13:01:37
If he likes anime he probably is.

Don't ask him that though, remember wapanese is an insult.
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:02:30
liking anime != wapanese
355名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:04:48
>Wow. Well, whatever makes you happy.

Wouldn't it make you happy? To not have to pay such hefty taxation?
356Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 13:06:12
I said probably, not definitely.

Also if he likes anime and is going to live in japan for a while because of it he
probably is.
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:07:18
Maybe he conceals his power level though. If he likes rubbish such as Naruto and Bleach
then probably he is wapanese though, I agree. If he is a fan of Akagi, he is probably less
likely to be so.
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:08:02
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:08:58
To have my government grind to a screeching halt? No, that wouldn't make me happy.
360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:11:14
Government != The Welfare State.

The only truly 'public good' is the military and police anyway, and police work
in gated communities in being privatized to some level.

I think you are quite wrong about life in general. You need to re-examine your
worldview. You said that rappers were people worthy of respect, how is 50 cent worthy
of respect?
361名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:12:06
Because the reason why he wants to come to Japan is he wants to see
Japan the mecca of anime frist hand. Don't know what anime he likes.

He would be surprised if he knew I know the word wapanese.
He's a high school student.
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:13:23
Does he want to go to Akiba? How did you get in contact with him?
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:14:45
Er, sorry, I think I misread your post. I misunderstood and thought you meant taxes in general are bad.
I agree that the "welfare state" has gone too far, and reforms are necessary.
If/When that will ever happen is anybody's guess...

>The only truly 'public good' is the military and police anyway
Schools, anybody? They're a fuckton better than the military in my opinion.

>You said that rappers were people worthy of respect,
No, I didn't.
364Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 13:15:17
Think about how the average person uses the word. Whos more wapanese, they
guy watching the stuff the bad ones go annoying everyone with? Or the guy
into the hardcore cult stuff only 30 people have heard of. With anime the
more you win the more you fail.

Also i hope the guy keeps quiet about it. Otherwise hes in for a nasty surprise.
365名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:15:48
If 4ch was not an image board, what change would you expect?
You 4 channelrs can't communicate well without images?
Without images 4ch would be desereted place?

366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:17:16
>Schools, anybody?

There was a good case made in a political journal recently, similtaenously published
in an economics journal about a case for privatizing the education system.
367名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:17:42
Maybe he will go to Akiba.
My sister went to a high school in USA and he lives in the neighborhood.
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:19:06
True, but I guess I still think they fail more. If I enjoy something I will watch it regardless of it being live action or animation.

Pretty much, 4ch has text boards, nobody uses them.

369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:19:39
Oh dear.

What does your sister think of his otaku-ness?
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:21:53
This is the system we have now, and honestly I don't see it ever changing in such a radical way.
371名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:22:33

Watching these videos makes me feel people all over the world are
all wapanese but in reality, the are exceptions not the rule, I guess.
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:23:59
Why do you keep going out of your way to find videos of gaijin doing stupid dances and posting them here?
373名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:25:32
She doesn't know him in person. It was a long time ago when my siter
went to USA to study. A teacher of the school she went to asked her
if it's OK he can stay her house during summer vacation.
374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:27:11
oh shit.

he's probably going to be watching naruto all day.

i am sorry.
375名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:30:01
I like to see them dancing to the song. They all look happy when
dancing and seeing them dance with happy smiles makes me feel happy.
And I want to share the happiness with you.
Take it, man version.
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:30:55
Fuck, come on man. Could you at least find me a vid of a hot Japanese guy doing it?
377名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:35:54
What about them?

They don't look otaku Japanese but they sure are DQN.
378Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 13:36:32
At least make sure to tell the guy not to be all open and crazy about
the anime stuff in japan. It is for his own good.
379名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:37:19
Thank you. I love you.
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:43:36
Why not?
If he is open about his enthusiasm about Japanese anime, that can
be an ice breaker or conversation starter.
381名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:43:40
>>Einstein, Szilard, Hawking etc

I think you're confusing "intellectuals" with "scientists", two
completely different things in my opinion.

Intellectuals: Sartres, Rousseau, Tolstoy, Marx, Chomsky, Ibsen.

"Intellectuals" are often what one would call philosophers, they are
explicitly unscientific, mostly auto-didactic (self-taught), and what
is certainly common among them is that they display a misplaced
sense of self-importance, Tolstoy even went so far as to call himself
"God's elder brother", and, based on his correspondence, and
literature, he seemed to genuinely believe that. This patter repeats
itself over and over again among the intellectuals, Rousseau was
characterised as remarkably callous towards his family, Ibsen a
raving drunken lunatic, remaining friendless until his death. I could
go on, if you want.
382名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:47:17
It's a fuzzy line. I don't think anyone would say Einstein or Hawking wasn't/isn't an intellectual.
There are the intellectuals you're talking about, and the more general definition of "a person of superior intellect."
383名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:48:25
people will hate him for being otaku though.
384名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:51:44
Einstein was remarkably callous towards his family too though...

Ibsen may have been a difficult person to deal with but it's a non-sequitur to
state this was due to arrogance.
385Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 13:53:50
Because if he's open about it a bunch of people are going to make fun of
him and ruin his trip.

He's probably naive and thinks that since anime came from japan everyone
would be okay with it.
386名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 13:55:33
To his face? Not likely.
387名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:00:43
I don't think we Japanese make fun of him. We just feel similarity and
mental distance between him and Japanese will be shorter.

But yes, if he thinks every Japanese are into animes and knows a lot about
them, he'll find out that's wrong. If he dwelld on anime and manga in conversation,
he might be annoyed by that.
388名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:07:03
X he might be annoyed by that.
O we might be annoyed by that.
389名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:07:53
Hm. Maybe we should ask each other random questions more often. I think this was the most interesting discussion we've had on here in a while.
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:09:34
Hey, 387, you sound like a reasonable, mellow person. But what if he started hitting on
your sister? Would you be forced to use violence to pacify him?
391Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 14:12:36
I've read a few stories that say otherwise. While most Japanese will probably
at least tolerate it there is always going to be some asshole that will
make fun of em.

May not seem like much but when you're new to a country it can really get
to a person.
392名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:15:55
That sounds like an extreme case. lol
It's impossible for him to hit on my sister. She has two kids and a lot
older than him.
393名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:18:14
Oh, I do apologize. I thought she was around his age. Is she MILF?
394名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:20:51
It's not that there are people who make fun of someone unproportionately
in Japan. Some do, some don't.
Not many people know Japanese anime and manga has a fan base overseas,
so if we Japanese hear he/she is Japanese anime fan, we get interested in
them rather than making fun of them.
395名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:22:27
What does MILF stand for?
=Moro Islamic Liberation Front?

That's what I found in my dictionary. Doesn't make sense here.
396名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:23:16
Mother I'd Like to Fuck
397名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:27:25
Still I don't get it.

>Is she MILF?

You are asking if she is a mother whom you are turned on?
If so I don't know. If woman have two kids, her boobs sags and in case of
asian, nipples turns to darker. lol
398名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:28:04

Moms I'd Like to Fuck=MILF

399名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:30:41
Sometimes I think older women can be attractive. But they have to be in their late 20s
or 30s. Over 40 years old is too bad.
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:32:08
I'll ask her if she is a member of Moro Islamic Liberation Front
next time I call her.
401名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:35:45
402名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:36:22
403Randugulf:2008/04/20(日) 14:40:50
Oh of course, but i still think it would be best to at least warn him that
anime is not as popular in japan as he might think.

1. 30 something?
2. Probably.
404名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:41:19
first link does not work, but the second I can see.

Yes she is quite attractive in my opinion, but I find the Kimono quite an attractive piece of clothing. Maybe that
has something to do with it?

Oh, and I estimate around 35 years old.
405名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 14:56:14
Randugulf is right.
Unless the person youre talking to is obviously a nerdy type, you shouldn't talk about anime.
406名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:02:39

Other links.

She'll be 48 this year. She is considered to be a role model of aging
beautifully among beauty conscious middle aged women. Unfortunately,
some women don't care about how they are looked by men and become
less beauty conscious.

The female actor above is on the top of the list of "ideal female boss."
The survey conducted by a life insurance company or something.
407名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:06:12
Maybe she is a Japanese version of Meg Ryan, who'll turn to 47 this year.
408名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:08:13
>Unfortunately, some women don't care about how they are looked by men and become less beauty conscious.
Unfortunately for who?
409名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:12:22
Unfortunately for their husband first.
Then, maybe for all men. Nobody wants to see women throw away their
identities as women. I can't blame them though. When they are
hectic with raising kids or jugling work and housework, they have no
room to be beauty conscious.
410名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:14:04
>Nobody wants to see women throw away their identities as women.
Uh, I hate to break it to you, but most women don't consider their "identities as women" to mean they have to look pretty for men.
Or maybe they do in Japan, who knows.
411名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:16:29
But forgetting how they are look at by the opposite sex is the
beginning of aging for both men and women.
412名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:20:47
I don't think that's a bad thing.
Young people can be obsessed with looks and attraction and all that bullshit.
There should come a point in your life where it just doesn't matter to you anymore. When you can relax and forget about your fucking appearance for once.
413名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:30:08
Then you are on the fast lane to オバタリアン.

オバタリアン is a word for middle aged women who forget they are
women and act following their selfishness can be a nuisence.
It was a buzz word long time ago.
414名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 15:31:29
Because there're only two extremes in life, women who obsess over their looks and women who act like selfish bitches...
415jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/20(日) 16:02:17
そう です
416名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 16:06:24
>>194 Are you from Korea?
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 18:24:24
418名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 18:39:22
419名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 19:10:15
She's dancing to a song from a group designed for otaku.
She's 26 and claims she's Japanese.
Yes. She is wapanese.
420名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 19:40:46
421名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 19:41:59
422名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 20:10:44
423名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 20:36:21
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 20:43:55
I see. She meets some requirements to be called wapanese.
She's cute. I don't know the group was designed for Otaku.
I know Tokito Ami is an idol for Otaku, though.
425名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 22:20:48
HELP, my English sucks. It's hopeless. Should I commit suicide now?
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 22:24:15
427名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 22:45:49
I think we stinkin' Japs should all commit suicide now. We are useless.
We can't even pronounce Ls and Rs correctly. It's stupid. It's hopeless.
I rike Engrish. I rike baadz. I want to fry rike a baad. It's fuckin pathetic.
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 22:46:04
Yeah your English sucks and my english sucks too.
I'm young and hopeless so please kill me before you kill yourself!
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 22:52:52
Your English as well as Engrish is good, so you may live.
430名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 22:55:08
Nor nor nor It's furckin parsetic. ahaa aaha
431名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/20(日) 23:49:16
fuRckin paRsetic? do we rearry sound rike zat?
432名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 00:49:12
Not really.
While I was typing 430 I was thinking about Atsushi. ><
433名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 01:13:27
Who is Atsushi?
434名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 01:19:15
Atsushi is a "NHKテレビで留学" guy.
435名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 02:05:03
There is a myth in japan that Tiger Woods is good at academics
as well as at athletics in Stanford University.
But from the information gathered from this thread, Woods seems to be just another muscle bound.
Woods dropped out of the university. It's one of the evidences.
436名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 02:12:06
Woods's muscle is flexible. So I want to retract the word
"muscle bound".
437名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 02:16:57
Happy Birthday, Hitler!!!
It's too late??
438名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 02:44:08
I'm thinking about starting up a male-idol group named 'morning woods' that is
comprised of a bunch of neo-nazi freaks, to countervail the dominant all-girl group
in the industry, 'morning musume'. Do you have any ideas to make this break without
being banned in Europe?
439名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 02:55:59
Hitler is so sadistic. He makes me swoon.
440名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 04:12:36
”しかいし しちゃ いけません”
ーMorning Musume
441名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 12:29:29

At the end of the video, they dance to Rick Astrey's song.
Any reasons?
442名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 12:35:17

I recently saw her on TV.
I felt she is really "aging".
443名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 12:43:12
That was interesting. It felt like the brains were being sucked out of my head
while I watched.
444名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 13:18:37

Japanese comedian. Maybe you've seen him here beofer.

Doesn't the firs man look like NEL?
NEL looks tall but the man is as tall as Nabeatsu, so they are different men.
445名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 13:26:37
446名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 13:46:06
Oh, He is Nel. I thought he was tall but actually, he is not.
Nabeatsu is 174cm so Nel must be 175,6 or so.

It seems like he is shorter than I imagined. He looks taller than 180.
Actually I thought he is 185 or so.
447名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 16:47:16
It's pathetic for an ugly aged woman to belive that she is cute
and behave like that.
Nobody can point out because she is so powerful in the showbiz.

She is nothing special. Yuki Amami or Risa Junna is better.
448名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 16:49:19
I know noriaki but not hideaki.
And who is nel?
a loser in america traveled to Japan to get money?
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 17:01:02
Of course those two are better because they are younger than her.
I don't think she is ugly.

Hideaki? I haven't herad of him either.
I don't know if he is a loser or not. He works part-time in Geos or
Berlitz (I forgot) language school but his goal is to make a major debut.
He is a singer of his band. He graduated from UC Barkly so he is not
a moron. Maybe he is to think that he'll be a professional singer.
Anyway, He'll be on HEYHEYHEY tonight. For more details, check his website out.
450名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 17:12:33
Sorry, nobeatsu,,, I converted the word in my brain.

UK Barkley. So what?

Don't expect him too much with just a bachelor's degree.
It's a myth that American university and american university students
are better. Some are exceedingly brilliant. But most of them are
jews and immigrants from asia and foreigners.
451名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 17:23:40
If you really love noriaki, throw away worthless music.
452名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 17:25:11
You are officially invited to participate in Morning Woods. You'LL be the front man.
453名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 20:25:01
Anime conventions are full of hardcore wapanese people.
Therefore some of these are bound to be 4channers.
So they're trying to "Rickroll" the convention.
454名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 21:26:04
Don't understand Rickroll thing.
Tell me more.
There used to be mentioning about his music here before and I didn't
understand you were talking about.
455On behalf of スウェーデン人:2008/04/21(月) 21:50:06
スウェーデン人 is saying hello to us in "The English Chat Room" in 4-ch
Post number 330 there. He is trying access to 2ch from various ISPs
but no luck. Below is the copy of his post.

I see people are talking about the blocking issue right now.
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 112

Is anyone else here in Sweden, and have you been able to post there lately? It would be nice to know if it's the whole .se top domain that is blocked, or not. (So far I've tried three different ISPs, and my university, with no luck.)

>>314 Still here? Say hello from me.
456On behalf of スウェーデン人:2008/04/21(月) 21:52:14
314 isn't 314 of this thread, which is obvious.
457名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 22:01:04
"Rickroll" is where someone posts a link to someone else but
it doesn't go where the user who received it expected it to
go to, but instead ends up at the video to Rick Astley's

The BBC did a report about this, which you might want to read.
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 22:04:13
I'm glad to hear that Swedenjin-san is alive.
459名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/21(月) 23:04:43
Hey, that link IS the rickroll! lol

I wonder if there is a reason why a link has to go to Rick Astrey's link.
Why not Beatles or other artists? Is it because the first person happened to
put a link to Rick Astrey and other people follow him? And did that
start at 4ch and get popular?
460名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 00:17:09
It started out in 4chan as a trick-link to a video of a duck on
wheels, known as a 'Duckroll', but people got bored of it (maybe
because there wasn't any sound and very little animation) and
someone linked to that music video instead. I guess it helps that
it's a catchy song, as well as a kind of strange singer. Nobody
really expects a skinny ginger guy to have a strong voice.

Some real links.
461jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/22(火) 04:00:34
>>455 Sweden is not banned from posting. Only open inside Sweden are blocked.
Perhaps you tried to access the internet with various ISPs through their open proxys.
.se is not blocked. Or maybe just you are blocked......;)
462名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 05:18:20
Wow! Jim-san can blink!
463名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 06:23:49
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 06:31:13
jim-san, can you explain to me what an open proxy is please.

Also how is your big ero community doing?
465名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 09:59:38
Thank you for the real links.
So, now that it has become a big Internet phenomina now, I guess the majority
of people don't even know it started in 4chan anymore.

Maybe 4channelers are proud that they are the origin of the Rickroll.
I don't know about 4chan much but 2ch is worse.
I have tricked by a malicious decieving links several times.
They were what's called browser crushers. And once you click the link,
new windows pop up endlessly until you have to turn off your PC with an
ubnormal percedure, which is to push POWER botton.

Another deceivng link was that if you click it, your ISP is shown up
in a list. That's not a big deal itself but I felt kind of scary.
466名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 10:44:21
Hey man!!! whats up...
467名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 11:10:03
4ch is nothing but porn site advertiser now
468名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 12:02:07
469名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 14:05:46
Maybe you should go to jim-san's thread!
470名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 14:44:06
Edison chen announced his retirement from show business but now
he seems to be planning to his comeback.
471jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/22(火) 15:08:18
Here is an explanation of an open proxy.
PINKちゃんねる is healthy.
472名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 15:50:25
I didn't know about you so I went to the thread mentioned in >>469
and skimmed through the posts there.

So you are a person in charge to run BBS Pink smoothly, in other
words, administrator? You said in >>461 that Sweden is not banned,
but aren't you talking about BBS Pink, 2ch's sibling or cousin so to
speak? Aren't posters from Sweden banned in 2ch itself either?

Sorry if I misunderstand facts about the relation between 2ch an BBS Pink or other stuff,
but what I want to confirm is whether ".se is not blocked" from 2channel or not.
473名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 16:12:36
Talking about Rickroll, did you know what he talked about British music
scene when he came to Japan on his first world tour?
Full of humor and to the point.

474名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 16:19:38
Oh no... I got Noriakirolled...
475名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 18:55:11
476名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 19:03:25
Can you see the IP of each poster in 2ch? Like mine right now, for instance.
477名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 22:55:08
478名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 23:18:31
479名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 23:18:57
Speak Engrish then we'll talk.
480名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 23:25:54
Don't study, just use.
481名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/22(火) 23:27:48
482名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 00:19:42
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 02:43:21
Frizzy hair supposedly white guy's name is Cohen. Very typical.
484jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/23(水) 03:16:45
They use the same system for blocking, I can not see the IPs of the posts on 2ch.
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 03:23:20
I love Rachel Bilson.
486Jim Crow:2008/04/23(水) 03:45:45
Nice to meet you.
487名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 03:49:56
Can you explain to me what 「海外ドメイン規制(au)。」 means?
I have not good knowledge of this, sorry.
488名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 03:51:55
Is it true that the name Rachel is conceived typical jewess name
in America?
A brave woman, Rachel, who blocked an israeli bulldozzer and were run over twice,
must have been not jewish.
489名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 03:56:07
'Perceived as' might have been better than conceived.
490名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 04:38:13
I love Evan Rachel Wood.
491名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 05:01:52
But She is not jewish, is she?
She was quite popular in Japan.
She looks rather Asian or childish face for a white person. I think
she looks like Akane Oda or Rio Hirai a bit. And Oda and Hirai have
clear-cut face for japanese. They must be looking totally asian to foreigners though.
And Rachel Lee kind of looks like Islaeli Natalie Portman.
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 05:37:40
Rachel Bilson, Evan Rachel Wood, Rachel Leigh Cook,
Rachel McAdams, Rachel Weisz, etc...
Jewish or not?
493名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 05:57:12
Rachel Weisz. Apparently jewish name.
494Heinrich Himmler:2008/04/23(水) 06:03:49
Evan Rachel Wood is entitled to choose to live as a gentile if she
wants to survive.
I'll give her a choice.
495Evan Rachel Wood :2008/04/23(水) 06:06:50
I don't wanna live a a goyim(pest or vermin).
496名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 06:41:30
I love Evan Rachel Wood but I hate her creepy boyfriend.
497472:2008/04/23(水) 06:49:56
Thank you for your response, Jim-san.
498>>472:2008/04/23(水) 07:23:18
>>497 How do you put the track back in the name spot.
You have >>472 where your name should be.
I will try that. Test
499472:2008/04/23(水) 07:23:55
test again
500497:2008/04/23(水) 07:26:15
It only works in my Jane Doe Style
501472:2008/04/23(水) 07:45:22
Problem solved?
I only wrote "472" in my name field without >>.
Do you mean if you use Jane Doe Style, you see ">>472" in my name field?
Maybe that's one of the advantages of Jane Doe Style that provide you
easy use of 2ch.

I use IE by the way.,
502名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 08:12:42
British CNN anchor was arrested for drug possesion in NY central park.
Rope tied to his penis? Wow! He is said to be openly gay.
New York post is third rated newspaper so it mentioned rope tied to his

Reuters on the other hand didn't mention the rope tied to his penis.

I wonder which works well as a medium in that they report the incident more
503名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 08:57:51
Yes I see >>472 in the name field when you put it there.
504名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 09:32:39
505名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 09:57:23
Mashioka' japanese is almost perfect.
I don't know whether I could notice he is japanese if I didn't know
he was brought up in America.

And mashioka's pronunciation of "Perfect Storm" is
very japanese (i think he spoke intentionally) and
He called L.A.(Los Angeles) Los(ロスrosu). lol
506名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 09:59:26
Mashioka's japanese is high-pitched and high-paced.
I think his English must be the same type.
507名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 12:02:49
I saw him appear on a TV program called "sukkiri" this morning.
508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 12:41:25
509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 14:01:23
This is very good for practicing your English.
160 pages of internal microsoft email, most of them are comlaining how shitty Vista is.
510名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 14:10:27
Mashi Oka was on the cover of Time magazine as a kid.

Don't forget 2channelers' hero Masashi Tashiro was on the cover of it, too.
He won the 1st spot of Person of the Year 2001 pole on the Internt.

2channelers tried to make him win the first spot and balloted on
the Internet. This was the year when he was arrested because of shooting
a video in which a woman's panty can be seen at the train station without
being noticed by the woman, and a few months? later he peeped another woman taking a bath
in her house. That deserved him the pserson of the year.
511名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 15:22:14
Do you mean he is known as a pervert in the US?
512名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 16:22:12
Tashiro is on en.wikipedia
513名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/23(水) 19:59:19
> In Japan, "Tashiro" is a slang word. Tashiro refers to acts of peeping and
> taking sneak shots.

I have been hanging around on 2ch for quite a while, but I wasn't aware of this usage
of "tashiro"... I thought "tashiro" is more like an interjection or something.
514名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/24(木) 03:29:06
So, you can also see them if you choose to.
I guess that would make things a lot easier here but take out some fun in a way.
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/24(木) 03:47:10
On, you, brothers, seizes the weapons and closes the Reihn raises comrades!
Up, on now to the bloody, holy fight. Defeat the enemies, you worker people.
On the barricades, on the barricades, conquer the world, you worker people
516名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 00:02:49
Hahaha, another jewish pervert.
His dishonor will be tolerated by
jewish controled media and he will be on TV with nonchalance.
517名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 00:18:42
You misunderstood. Reuters is a jew media. That's why.
And Jew York post is also jew media. But their
task is to degenerate american culture. They promote
prostitution, pornography, violence, sex, divorce, etc etc.
So the article just fits in their taste.
518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 00:47:17
later he peeped another woman taking a bath
in her house. That deserved him the pserson of the year.

Story is slightly different. The decisive reason which makes tashiro
God is as follows. Tashiro wanted to shoot a young woman.
But It was a man who was taking a bath...
He dashed out of the bath room and chased tashiro
with towel warpped around his underpart.
Tashiro run to escape.
He finally arrested him.
519名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 00:49:32
Oh typo. "wrapped around".
520名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 01:30:30
Don't forget his legendary excuse, mimi ni tako!

A woman reporter asked why tashiro shoot a skirt from low angle.
Tashiro explained lengthily with a perplexed look on his face.
Tashiro told that his hobby was making joke videos at that time and he wanted
to use miniskrit footage for his hobby.
In japan there is a proverb tha says 'mimi ni tako'
'mimi耳' means ear and 'tako胼胝' means 'foot corn'.
"foot conr in the ear". It says that
we are sick of being told again and again even to the level of creating foot corn
in the ear. And there is a homophone word which respond to
tako胼胝. That is 蛸tako, octopus. And mimi is one word different
from mini. So from tashiro's words, tashiro aimed to use 蛸tako, octopus and mini (skirt)
together for his fun video!
The reporter's reaction was very funny. She stayed polite on the surface but
her behavior included derision and arrogance like huh?
And tashiro's blushed face and mumbling, faultering voice. LOL
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 01:38:31
Do you understand now why tashiro is GOD and deserves the cover

And the story goes on. Arrested twice for stimulant use and...
Living legend tashiro. Sieg heil!
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 01:43:07
I want to punish Mirror man and Tashiro.
They must be filthy masochists.
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 01:46:16
I once thought uekusa could be possibly greater than
I was fool. uekusa has the competency to do next great job?
Let's wait and see what he is gonna do!
524Yuya Takahashi:2008/04/25(金) 01:46:40
Don't forget me.
525法の下の名無し:2008/04/25(金) 02:32:41
Do you know some people who can be a foster mother during my job in Kanagawa.
I ask for taking care of my child to native speaker of English.
So, I hope my child will be able to speak Engilsh and Japanese both.
If you have some information please answer me here.
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 04:19:39
You are low IQ and Your japanese is terrible. So your child will be halfway
between English and Japanese.
527名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 04:49:26
you are → you have ?
528名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 05:08:21
Anyway, you knew what I meant.
529名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 06:18:16
Now, イギリス人 is busy with his work as much as
being unbale to see this thread?
530名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 06:37:54
Without him overseeing everything, this thread will never be the same, will it?
531名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 07:45:16
the same as what?
532イギリス人:2008/04/25(金) 07:45:29
But I can still see and post in this thread...

Just been really, really busy preparing for an exam that was
earlier today.
533名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 09:34:14
I have a question!
Why did you start to study English ?

I want to know for reason.

534名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 09:42:42
it's a subject in junior high. that's why.
Why, start voluntarily?
many reasons. For job, qualification test, and first and foremost fun.
535名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/25(金) 21:42:25
Good grief, 2ch makes it really difficult to post nowdays.
536名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 02:37:09
537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 02:46:31
Tibet and uyghr was independent countries or real autonomous regions
before communist aggresive war.
America was fool. America once supported Kuomintang party
and changed their strategy.
Chiang Kaishek guranteed independence of tibet.
Chiang Kaishek was a dictator, but better dictator than mao,
who never bathed and brushed his theeth in his life.

538名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 03:28:22
4ch is sooooo kaso!
539名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 03:53:45
Hal Turner dispelled all the scums in 4ch.
540Freeman ◆Freezit77A :2008/04/26(土) 06:18:42
For me, English is one of the most efficient ways to communicate with foreign people.
Though I stopped studying the language once when I was a teenager,
I later realised that it would be useful to broaden not just my knowledge, but my persepective.

My main reason to study English is to take Cambridge ESOL Exams.
I'm taking CAE(Certificate in Advanced English) class at the moment,
whereas the class is much more difficult than FCE(First Certificate in English)

To be honest, I want to take CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) exam one day,
but I'm not sure how long it takes to get the certification because
my English is a bit rubbish.
541名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 09:43:32
fuck Chinese this is Japane here
542偽の自夢 ◆vuOVTodTfg :2008/04/26(土) 10:00:20
I think that the Japanese are making that statement clearly here.
543名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 10:30:55
┏━━┳━━┳━━┳━━┓ ┏━━┳┳━━┳━━┳━━┳┳┓
┃┏━┫┏┓┃  ━┫  ━┫ ┗┓┏┫┃┏┓┃  ━╋┓┏┫┃┃
┃┏━┫┏┓┫  ━┫  ━┫   ┃┃┃┃┏┓┫  ━┫┃┃┃┫┫
┗┛  ┗┛┗┻━━┻━━┛   ┗┛┗┻━━┻━━┛┗┛┗┻┛

┏━━┳┓┏┳┳━┳┳━━┓ ┏━━┳━━┳━━┳━━┓
┃┏━┫┗┛┃┃  ┃┃┏┓┃ ┃┏━┫┏┓┃  ━┫  ━┫
┃┗━┫┏┓┃┃┃  ┃┏┓┃ ┃┏━┫┏┓┫  ━┫  ━┫
┗━━┻┛┗┻┻┻━┻┛┗┛ ┗┛  ┗┛┗┻━━┻━━┛
544名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 11:48:19
Nagano City in Japan was occupied by Chinese.
The torch relay of Beijing Olympics came to Nagano City.
To tell the truth, a sacred flame was a flame of the misfortune.
The police in Japan assisted the Chinese's Nagano occupation
putting the restriction on the person
who had the Tibet flag or flags other than the flag of China.
545名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 11:53:53
Japanese police men surrounding torch bearer are
wearing hat which is the same colour combination of chinese
flag. It's odd..
546名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 17:22:38
Poor China...
547名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 17:24:03
CHINA on the shit
548名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 20:12:46
You guys!! Japanese people are killing themselves like crazy with hydrogen sulfide gas!!
What do you think?
I think it's bad.
549名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 20:17:23
Survival of the fittest.
550名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 23:45:27
Beware of the nigger when you are in the US. They are animal.
Not cool as descirbed in the jewish controled media.
551名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/26(土) 23:51:21
552名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 04:21:00
This is a nice music video about Imperial Japan.
You can learn English, and how the rest of the world
thinks about you.
553名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 09:04:47
Go away you black troublemaker.
554名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 10:25:55
More than such a thing
What did you eat morning?
555名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 11:48:28
Chinese or Korean?
556名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 11:48:48
I ate nothing...
557名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 12:57:02
I use other thread to chat about it.

French toast is delicious(゚Д゚)
558名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 14:26:44
I had Ham and Cheese on multi-grain bread.
559名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/27(日) 17:24:23
I hate nothing either:)
560名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/28(月) 21:17:25
Eating is for pansies. Real men don't need anything to survive.
561名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 00:22:39
hello anybody here?
let's talk about something.
562名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 00:38:46
563名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 00:53:00
A suggestion for the topic: Fujyoshi novels
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 00:55:09
But nobody cares who fukuyoshi is...
565名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 01:08:20
Fukuyoshi must be the Ochiai's chubby son. lol
566名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 01:27:54
hi there. anybody?
i'm new here.
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 01:31:58
Hello I'm new here too
I'm watching the movie "Superman".
568名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 01:47:31
Let's talk about lonely people!
569名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 02:11:07
Are we going to talk about YOU?
570名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 02:23:57
571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 02:27:40
Who likes the band Perfume?
They are my favorite group.
I could eat them up with Chocolate sauce.
572名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 08:16:10

I live in America and I'm very lonely. Is everyone on a BBS lonely?
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 08:20:48
>>572 No, a BBS life is one with plenty of friends, and always something to do.
Without a BBS life, then it is so lonely. Living in your tiny apartment and being
quiet so that the neighbor next door who is lonely too, does not hear you.
It is better to be free online, then alone without a BBS.
574名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 09:36:51
i think its nice to talk about lovely people like in >>571 instead of lonely ones.
575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 10:03:01
>>574 They certainly are lovely. How many ways can you say pretty?
576名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 10:14:34
"Lonely people" reminds me of "Eleanor Rigby" by Paul McCartney
and "Message in a bottle" by Police.
I think sting and Paul are mentally stable and mature.
They must have not known real loneliness.
They wrote the songs for money or they are mature
enough to care for lonely people other than themselves.
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 10:15:03
in Japanese?
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 10:30:52
What's the colour of the jew? Color of avarice, selfishness,
and greed.
579名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 11:25:22
I'm fairly sure they vary from white to a tan colour.
580名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 14:51:15
>>579 In Ethiopia they tend to be dark brown.
581名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 17:04:53
The 80s and early 90s were the absolute best era don't you agree?
Everything was so sweet and brilliant. We will be the last generation in the human history
who knows what a life without the Internet is like. Kinda sad.
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 17:38:56
And the music... We have many awesomely nostalgic songs from the 80s-90s, like this
(I can smell the air of the early 90s watching this)

But what songs will the next generation people listen to to remember the good old days?
All they got is stupid soulless cheap ass crap like Hamasaki, or some hip-hop/R&B wannabe shit.
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 22:56:22
komuro music left nothing. It scarcely overlapped the internet era.
At that time internet was still for otakus. Most komuro listners were
using pocket bell, I think.
The late 90's can be called the internet era but komuro music was
running on the last leg.
584名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 22:57:31
Boys were called bobio or something.
Komuro imitated that kind of trend and created TRF.
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 22:58:50
The word, bobio came from Bobby Brown, who represented
hip hop dance culture at that time.
586名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 23:10:03
Bobby Brown was a wife-beater.
As is always the case with negro.
587名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 23:35:23
I agree. the quality of music around that time
is much better than today's music. Also actors/actoresses
are no longer attractive after year 2000.
588名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/29(火) 23:52:21
What songs make you most nostalgic? I'm not talking about your favourite songs,
but songs that have sheer nostalgic value to your generation. Like that song in 582,
it's not the best song but certainly makes anyone of that generation super nostalgic for the old days.
I especially want to hear from foreigners.

Here's another nostalgic Japanese song from the early 90s
589名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:04:37

won't be long

There is a Kouda Kumi and Exile's remake recently.
590名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:08:42
Oh, that song sure makes me feel nostalgic, aside from **** roll.

Off the top of my head, these two songs makes me feel nostalgic.
One is from Japan, the other is from, I don't know, maybe from US?
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:15:58

This song makes me feel nostaligic, too.
592名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:18:00
Good stuff...
Ori ori and goody goody.... good stuff.
593名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:18:44
594名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:21:20
ahaha it sure is nostalgic.
595名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:23:11
Are you from the UK? Are you Jim?
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:32:36

This is remix version. The original version was far too slow.
597名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:46:26
You broke the first rule.
598名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 00:56:46
All BBS goers are lonely in their outside lives. I don't know anyone who uses one and does not feel sad when not plugged in.
599名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 01:26:52
Rick's awkward move is pretty laughable.
600名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 04:08:53
I don't think today's music is worse than japanse late 80's and
early 90's music. Do you like series of being production music?

And I think today's music is much better than around mid 90's to
late 90's music represented by tetsuya komuro.
601名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 04:18:36
I think hip hop? music at this time is much better than
today's trend of gangstar rap or dokyun rap.
I don't remember precisely. But some japanese company used
Bobby and his music for its commercial film. What was it?
JR railroad company?
Bobby is much more talented than eminem, snoopdog? and
other craps.
they said they succeeded in apolo theatre. But actually they got
booed out of the stage. lol years later they changed the name
from the bubblegum brothers to da bubblegum brothers to
make them more 'yo! nigger'.
I think rats and stars, which legendary tashiro was a member of, was
much better. rats and stars are conscious of their gimic.
And do you know bublegum was standupcomedian before?
602jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/30(水) 04:37:33
Where is UK? I am from the United States. The youtube site seems to think I am uk though
because it forwards me to uk servers everytime I go to the front of
603jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/30(水) 05:24:15
>>601 Boobby is nice, but can you really discount Snoop Dogg and Eminem?
I think Eminem has won about 9 Grammy awards.
Snoop Dogg - Beautiful
Eminem Stan
Eminem My name is

Some of his awards are listed here.
He is definately tuned in to what the world wants to hear.
604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 05:56:35
I don't like his eminem's nasal, obnoxious singing style!
I can't understand most of what he is singing about. lol
But i can conjecture what he sings about
605名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 06:07:15
Jim cannot be European. He has too much hate for Europe. Maybe
he sees EU as a threat.
606名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 06:34:25
Euro is rising against U.S dollar.
607名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 06:59:09
What the hell are you talking about? Eminem FTW.
608jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/30(水) 07:15:38
Fuck the haters. I don't hate anyone. I am just talking about music.
609jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/04/30(水) 07:18:08
I made a mistake. I hate Hiroshi Nozaki
and O.J. Simpson and other guys that like to cut
women up.
610名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 07:42:38
who is jim? is he igirisujin san's kagemusha?
611名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 07:43:16
I like 'Is this love' by White Snake.
That tune is absolutely awesome and makes me nostalgic about the
good old days.
Sorry I must run, so cannot paste a link.
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 08:09:40
Finally, somewhere that I can actually talk to people. I've been looking for 'treasure' here on 2ch to bring back to /b/.
Just curious, how many people here are wapanese?
613名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 08:13:53
Have you already heard the news that Roger Waters' inflatable pig
went missing?
614名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 08:51:19
615名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 09:36:12
Untill recently I didn't know white snake is a british band...
I only know their 1987's album and songs and they were
american to me. And David Coverdale's sex partner in the videos
looked american too. She was very nasty and vulgar.
I saw their proomtion video of 'here goes again' just before and
ending scene was impressive.
She was thrown into an ambulance and door was shut. and
word, SEX was written on the door.... What was it?
Probably message of their song.
Cover Dale just confuses love with Sex. He is just obsessed with
young girls like playmate.
616名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 09:36:41
please read this.


Let's find the pig and get some money! lol
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 09:41:25
Sorry correctly 'here i go again' and the video I was not
this one. 'still of the night' was the one.
tight pants looks corny today?
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 09:44:29
Look at his way of swing hip and holding a mike high. lol
619名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 09:56:02
And look at his way of bending the forearm up, clasping the fist.
620名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 09:59:46
Def Leppard is also geared for american style.
Don't you think so?
621名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 11:11:45
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 11:43:04
treasure? what do you mean?
there are hardly any wapanese in this thread.
non-japanese people around here seem to have no interest in wapanese stuff at all.
they are usually talking about some deep stuff or racial superiority, or just answering to
questions from japanese.
623名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 11:49:13
gas station was so crowded now. I came back just now but I had to wait
more than 30 minutes for self-fueling. From tomorrow the price of
gasoline will skyrocket. oh no〜
624名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 12:37:10
Actually I don't know much about recent music in Japan. Or anywhere else.
Around 2000 Japanese music was like flooded by rappers, cookiecutter
R&B singers, a whole bunch of bandwagon folk duos etc etc.
Most of them were devoid of spirit and originality and I sort of stopped
listening to music altogether.
625名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 12:51:50
I've seen some damn good ASCIIs around here. I suppose you could call that treasure.
Is there a place where these are compiled?
626名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 12:58:44
AA Salon is a good place to start:
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 13:02:23
Thank you, good sir.
628名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 13:43:31
Are you asking if I posted 404? If so, no. I'm new here.
And I'm now interested in why you made such a wild guess.
Is there any particular reason for you to try identifying
me as 404? lol
629名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 13:49:28
630名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 13:56:00
Hey guys, what's up. I'm doing my homework and it sucks.
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 14:01:51
632名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 14:15:46
what kind of homework are you doing?
633名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 14:20:25
Right now I'm working on an assignment for a class called Books.
It sounded a lot more interesting than it really is. We don't actually talk about books or the history of books at all, the prof just blabs about old philosophers.
For this week we had to read 150 pages of Pierre Bayle's Critical and Historical Dictionary. I only read half, I couldn't take any more.
Now I have to write one page (double spaced) answering a question she asked about the reading.
After that I've got a long list of other work I need to do. Sigh.
634名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 14:34:19
thats sooo tough!!
last week was really tough one for me.
i had three papers dur, one exa, and one quiz.
i coped with them but the grades were ok...haha

well, hear ya...good luck;)
635名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 16:00:51
kochla-mo yolosik

【AR】Americanized Romanized 【ローマ字日本語】
636名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 16:42:46
>>613 It must have taken to wing.
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 18:20:10
The American National Socialist Workers Party
638名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 18:23:17
The good ones are all gone...
639名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 18:28:03
I'm the one.
640名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 18:29:16
You're the poopy one.
641名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 18:57:13
including you
642名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 19:48:29
That's kind of moe... poetic bittersweet kind of moe...
643名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 20:00:44
oh i'm glad to see this thread is somewhat thriving
up untill couople of days ago there was absolutely no activities in this thread
and I was devasttated by that.
644名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 20:52:25
645名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 20:57:49
What does everybody think about this?
I think it's disgusting.
646名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 21:25:37
Your face is disgusting.
647名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 21:32:50
It looks fake
648名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 21:36:20
Not only your face but also your hip are ugly and disgusting.
Do't expose your anus.

649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/30(水) 22:47:31
>>622 says theres no wapanese in here, but is it true?
My guess is that there are a few closet wapanese hanging around in here
but they are scared of the anti-wapanese police.
650名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 01:18:10
Wapanese are everywhere you look. Watch and learn...

Rozen Maiden is awesome, Tenchi Muyo sucks! Harem is decent, but only when it's in the sense of Ichigo 100%. To hell with the rest. Also, Naruto and Bleach are a disgrace. You want good anime? Get into Tales of Eternia.
651名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 01:35:34
Gohst in the Shell is really good anime.
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 01:39:22
Definitely, as is Akira, Princess Mononoke, Spirited Away, Hellsing, et cetera. But in terms of harem, it's just not for me.
653名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 01:40:23
I am very busy.

Good night!
654イギリス人:2008/05/01(木) 03:43:36
But he's nothing like me...

Life is far too busy at the moment. Despite having received a rejection
letter a week after my interview with that company I mentioned, they
phoned a week after that and offered me the position anyway.

The people there are generally alright, except for the guy who runs the
whole thing. He had the nerve to criticise my spelling and grammar to my
manager, when there wasn't anything wrong with it at all. The previous
design manager left a week after she interviewed me, and the current one
is already looking for other jobs.

I sort of wish I was a NEET.
655名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 04:17:37
To Master Chief actual,
Thank you for your response.
You have a very intersting background.
If the e-mail address you presented in this thread is still active and if you don't mind, maybe I should e-mail you instead of putting my questions here and there.
What do you say?
Over and out.
656名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 04:26:10
It's entirely up to you. I have no problem answering your questions here. If you'd rather email me, you can do that, too.
If you want to email me, send 'em to... [email protected] (it's an old email address >_>)
657名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 04:32:00
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 04:33:06
sorry that was just cute.
659名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 04:34:33
Motherfuckers... www
660めりけん ◆gY8Fip1mTE :2008/05/01(木) 05:06:39
Seriously, there is nothing wrong with 'suzumechan'.
'Chibisuzume' is even cuter.
I personally like these handles anyway :)
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 05:30:21
She knows what she's doing. I wouldn't write her off as anything though.:P
662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 06:07:37
I was gonna say congrats but maybe not..
Nah, you don't wish you were a neet. Hope you get along with your co-workers anyway.
663名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 08:15:36
Harem is decent, but only when it's in the sense of Ichigo 100%.

lol. I serched Harem and learned what it meant.
Harem reminds me of kimagure orange road, in which a protagonist
boy was surrouded by different types of girls, one is aggresive and sexy and the
othe one is like cute sister and all went convient for him.
I think evangelion is another harem anime in a broader sense.
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 08:48:23
>I think evangelion is another harem anime in a broader sense.

what do you mean...
NGE is not harem at all
665名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:01:12
Harem is more blatantly obvious stuff like the whole series of faggotry
created by the fag of all fags, Ken Akamatsu or whatever that fag's called.

Isn't >>650 just an anime nerd with strong crotch odor? Do they call normal anime otakus wapanese?
I thought wapanese were hardcore people who try to act like they grew up in Japan or something.
666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:23:21
Wow, Goody Goody I heard that song countless times at a local clothing store when I was a kid.
And after all these years I still can't make out what she's saying.
Goody goody, goody goody duuuuhven(?) do you wanna piss on Ma
667名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:29:42
You don't understand at all. I said 'in a broader sense'.
A fragile, unattractive boy happened to live with a tight skirt older gal
and be training with different types of cute girls at the work place.
I think ayamami corresponds to ayukawa in kimagure orange road. They
are brusque and mature looking.

The essence of the story must be different but the side of the story is
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:29:44
Wapanese should post more in this thread. It would make this place livelier. or more lively
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:34:35
do you wanna piss on Ma

Even native speaker can't hear? IT's no wonder that japanese mishear it
as pizza man(manju or steamed bread?)
670名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:38:40
>>666 just isn't very good at hearing lyrics. I understood it immediately.
She's saying, "Do you want a piece of my goody goody, goody goody lovin'."
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:38:49
No I'm Japanese
672名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 09:50:45
Oh cool..
I just noticed the lyrics goes tell me do you wanna piss on ma, goody goody x2 duuuhven
Hearing in that order could have helped much.
673名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 10:01:17
Kotti-mo yolosik.
Nihongo-mo Latin Alphabet-de kaita-howga
sowjowkowka (synergy)-ga alto omoimas-yo

【AR】Americanized Romanized 【ローマ字日本語】
674名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 10:16:39
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 10:20:34
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 11:51:33
677名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 11:52:36
It sucks balls I'll stick to romaji thanks.
678名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 13:09:54
So you land a 9-5 job? Sounds good except having to handle the mean guy.
Hope you get accustomed to your new envirnment soon.
Maybe you are thinking about quitting the job like other employees there.
I guess it's a tough decision.
679名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 14:21:12
Wow! what a good song. I can't get away, I can't get away, I can't get away.
Gotta get me lovin. I can't keep away.
680名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 14:41:13

How about this? Is that true?

681jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/01(木) 15:15:55
682名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 15:46:38
fuckin advertisement
683名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 15:51:48
The part where the guy talks about people's prblems with that background music
scared the hell out of me. Seriously.
684イギリス人:2008/05/01(木) 15:54:18
9-5:30, yeah. The mean guy isn't really that mean, he just has no
idea what we're doing. His background is purely sales, so he doesn't
really know much about code and design. However, his mindset about
what websites should look like is still stuck in the late 1990s. Since
all we do has to be approved by him first, as long as we make it look
cheap and outdated, he'll probably be okay with it. I think that's why
everyone's leaving though... it's embarrassing having to make them look
that way.
685名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 17:18:28
You have many time to post afetr 5:30.
do it!
686名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 17:57:21
Seems like it's against your company's benefits to put a guy like him
in the post in charge of final decisions.

Maybe this is off the point of what you are trying to say, but I think
"Simple is best" when it comes to a website. Flashy Flash is irritating
because of both taking a lot of time to download a page and not easy on my

If a visitor get to know easily what the webiste is for, and if the site provides
easy navigation to all of its pages, then I would call it a good website.
Up-to-the-minuite technologies for websites are impressive and I guess web designers
want to use them to make websites look good, but that tends to satisfy
web creaters egos, not vistitor friendliness.

Maybe what you are talking about is deffirent from what I'm writing now,
but I just wrote what I think about websites. Too colorful, too new web technology
oriented website is nothing but annoying. Even I have fiber optic Internet
connection, it took lots of time to download too flashy sites.
687名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 19:33:25
I'm starting a secret elite club called THE I'LL FUCKING SODOMIZE KEN AKAMATSU CLUB.
Anybody can join this club. You don't even need to ask. The only rule we have is you must not
tell anyone that you are a member of THE I'LL FUCKING SODOMIZE KEN AKAMATSU CLUB.
What members do is slip I'll fucking sodomize Ken Akamatsu in between any sentences you feel like
slipping it in.
688名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 22:48:19
Can some native speaker please give me some serious explanation about the difference
between "will" and "going to"? People say "keep using engrish and you'll just sorta learn it"
but I've been using Engrish for some time now and still havent got a clue.
689名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 22:50:25
Google: will vs "going to"
690名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 23:50:20
Evident or non-evident? Is this about the speaker's opinion?

This is easier to understand... but
"What are you gonna do now?" Is this asking if you are prepared for the situation? Not about
what you decide to do at the moment? Is the question different from "What will you do now?"
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/01(木) 23:54:10
I see. I am Japanese but my understanding was
will = with some decision, intention
going to = it is already set and is kind of the situation that
passed around on a conveyor belt
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 00:12:22
"I see?" You do know that I'm asking questions, not answering right?
693名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 00:19:58
really? you were asking a question? sorry
I didn't really read your >>690 until the end.^^;
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 00:29:16
695名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 01:44:13
Native English speaker here.
Will = spontaneous decisions
Going to = intended decisions
"What are you gonna do?" is asking if the person is prepared for the situation.
"What will you do?" is asking what the person is deciding to do at that moment.
696イギリス人:2008/05/02(金) 02:40:07

You're right, some of the simpler sites do tend to look pretty good.
A lot of more complex sites are just way too cluttered up. However,
we've found that he doesn't really like 'clean' sites, and insists on
having every space used, even just with recycled stock images. Unless
the user actually specifies not to, we have to also embed a Google Map
on the Contact page.

And you mentioned Flash. I really like using Flash, because it can
produce some interesting and good looking results. It just happens
that the day after I joined the company (myself and this other new
guy), they put up a special offer on their site selling sites with
Flash headers. The example they gave is truly a horrific site, using
quickly put-together graphics and totally overboard on special effects.
It's like adding ten Photoshop lensflares to an image, thinking it makes
it actually look good. Using technology is good when used right, but can
be disastrous when not.

Anyway, this is just for an income until I set up by myself.
697名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 04:03:35
I want to hear your long statement.
698名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 05:05:21
699名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 07:17:44
Jew are Daemon which take form of human-beings.
700名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 09:19:49
What about predictions? That's the hardest part to understand.

Lets say 2 guys are going to fight in UFC or something. And I'm predicting the winner.

a) Bob will win
b) Bob is going to win

What's the difference?
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 09:25:57
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 09:33:30
I'm a native English speaker, and I'm pretty sure that there's no difference in that case.
703名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 10:22:57
Ok thanks. This interchangeability ting is what confuses me.

What about this?

Bob is moving to Iraq for some reason. I tried to stop him but he didn't listen.

So I said, Bob...
a) You will die.
b) You are going to die.

Is there any difference?
704名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 10:28:13
Zog's nightmare!
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 11:22:29
ive heard that
"be going to" means NEAR FUTURE, and
"will" indicates UNDECIDED FUTURE.
706名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 12:21:48

707名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 12:50:45
I'm a Hitler worshipper now because of this thread. Der Fuhrer is so fucking charismatic you just can't resist him.

708名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 12:51:57
Why are you bored?
709名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 13:09:53
oh maaaan!!!
JAPS will become more and mre baka maan!!!
710名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 15:02:07
Can any native english speaker confirm this?
711jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/02(金) 15:53:02
>>710 You have it backwords.
712名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 15:59:25

Or does "backwords" have a linguistic meaning?
713jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/02(金) 16:01:47
>>712 it is a pun....;)
Also you can use going to when you plan to procrastinate.
I am going to wash the dishes. (someday)
I will wash the dishes. (now)
714名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 16:14:09
>Also you can use going to when you plan to procrastinate.
Cool thanks, this will help a lot.
715名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 18:01:17
Just dragging a conversation here that started in another thread.

You know, it's probably just the bias of being a native speaker.
I know how complicated English can be, but I don't yet fully understand all the complexities of Japanese. The opposite is true for you.
I'm still kind of leaning towards English being more difficult. Part of it's yeah, the flexibility of Japanese that you mentioned, and other things.
We've got specific tenses, and you've got to be careful not to mess up there or you'll sound very weird. This isn't really true of Japanese.
Of course, Japanese is difficult/complicated in other ways...
I guess I just feel like the subtleties of English are harder to master. Where you place a certain word in a sentence, where you choose to put the emphasis, it can change the whole meaning.

Well, I offered a shitty explanation above. It's not very articulate but it's hard to really put a finger on what it is, it's just a feeling I get from the language.

>I think you can say weird things just as easily in any language if it's not your native language.
I agree with you on that, I said as much in the Japanese part of that post.
But I do think that, in general and given the same relative amounts of experience,
it might be easier for a non-native Japanese speaker to string together a decent sentence than it is for a non-native English speaker.
Like I said above though, this is probably just my native bias. And these kinds of things are entirely subjective anyway.

I've got no experience with German, but I studied French for a few years, which is pretty crazy too.
At the risk of sounding like a giant language nerd... grammar is fascinating. It really is.
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 18:54:25
I can say this, English is definitely a lot harder than Japanese to speak without sounding GAY.
I said GAY because it really is GAY. Not just weird and stuff, GAY is what it is. You know what I mean.
I could explain why it's that way but dont have time now.
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 19:01:46
Do you realize that the more flexibility a language provides, the more varieties and subtleties
of it are allowed accordingly and each conveys its own nuance in meaning?
718名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 19:02:01
Yeah, really hard. Somebody said something like this to me and
I raed it many times and still don't understand the idea.

>there is no real "core" to people, unless you cite the irreconcilable
conflicts and paradoxes which are both universal and form.
The seed of our identities. xxxx the "deeper" you get to your "core"
the less of you they are accurately is
719名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 19:23:06
Haha! Yeah, I know exactly what you mean.

Yes. But in my opinion, getting a handle on those isn't *as* difficult as acquiring the ability to (in English) eliminate the 48048293042 possible sentences that sound strange/awkward/wrong or have the wrong meaning,
and choose the proper one from a relatively small pool of possible candidates. Obviously it comes quite naturally to me, but from listening to and reading things written by ESL people, I can see how hard it is for others.
I'm not saying Japanese isn't intricate or complicated; it is, any language is. I just personally think English might in general be harder to get the hang of...

He's basically saying there's no inherent "core" (base, central part of your personality/heart/soul/etc.) in people.
The only thing you could call a "core" are these conflicts and paradoxes that exist in everybody.
There's a strange period in there but I think he's saying these universal conflicts/paradoxes form the "seed" of our identities.
The last sentence is fucked up but I think he means, the deeper you try to get to your "core" (which doesn't actually exist), the less accurate of a reflection it is of who you really are.
Like, supposedly your "core" should be the deepest, most central, most basic part of you. It should be all those basic things that make you who you are.
But according to him, the more you try to wrap your hands around that core, the less you actually know about yourself.
720名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 19:30:39

wow! thanks for your explanation!

>Narcissism to me has superficial connotations - when an artist
admits to being narcissistic, they're simply vain and unable to
probe deeper. Perhaps it's my belief that there is no real 'core'
to people, unless you cite the irreconcilable conflicts and paradoxes
which are both universal and form the seed of our identities.
In that way, I can agree with xxx - the 'deeper' you get to your '
core,' the less of you there actually is: which to me makes for
more sincere art.

sorry the above was the original writing. I misspelled.
I always like what he says so this time too, I think his philoosphy is
great. Thanks your explanation means a lot!!!

721名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 19:39:06
Thanks. Very interesting.
I think it's not really a bias thing. It's rather where you look at in a laguage.
Japanese is flexible so you can say, for example, 私、きのう、公園行ったよ、or きのう、公園行ったよ、私
or whatever the order or you can even omit the subject, 私. This flexibility gives kind of easiness
specially to non-native lerners, perhaps.
But if you get into a certain stage, Japanese becomes very difficult. Politeness things(like 謙譲語, 丁寧語) for example,
or how to call yourself or other people, わたし、俺、オレ、僕、ボク、ぼく、拙者、我輩、あなた、君、おまえ, and so on.
English is more strict in grammar; word order, things like articles(the, a, my, your, etc), tense,
and you make one mistake and you can destoy your sentence.
Well, I guess every language has its easiness and difficulty.
By the way, I leraned (only tried to learn) French for a few months and I gave up! It just drove me crazy.
French grammar never fascinated me. Haha...
722名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 19:49:01
I see what you mean; I also see lots of non-Japanese speakers mess up 'aspects' in Japanese,
which isn't very familiar to non-native speakers I suppose. For me, it's easier to follow strict rules
than figuring out unset rules, but it wouldn't be fair to draw a conclusion anyway, unless I achieve
spotless fluency in the language.
723名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 19:53:53
Yo! Are'nt you supposed to be in bed right now?
724名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 20:45:16
To everybody who's trying to determine the difference between "will" and "going to," there may be a subtle difference, but it is hardly ever acknowledged.
99% of the native English speakers don't even know the difference. If you say "I will go to the park" or "I am going to the park" to an English speaker, they'll get the same idea. Don't worry about it.
725名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 20:53:02
native speakers are probably not conscious about the difference
between will and going to, but I'm sure they unconciously
command them slightly different.
726名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 21:00:43
English speakers reduce "going to" to "gonna," so "will" and "gonna" are stated just as fast and are, thus, processed the same.
727名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/02(金) 22:59:56
Heh well if it's so unimportant I think I'll just forget about it for now then. Thanks.
728名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 00:15:57
World's Top 3 Most Charismatic Leaders

1) Adolf "Der Fuhrer" Hitler

2) Osama bin Laden

3) Captain
729名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 01:24:42
Jim is yankee jim. google yankee jim and vangurad news network
730jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2008/05/03(土) 01:33:34
731名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 01:59:07
James Leshkevich sounds unyankee. lol
732名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 03:05:20
Jim is Ero Jim, of course.
733名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 10:49:15
I shooled my pupill today. She told me "you're living tiny dorm"
734名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 12:20:29
Yeah, I agree. I guess it's like, Japanese seems deceptively easy. It's not too hard to get a semi-firm grasp on it.
But moving from intermediate to advanced is where the real pain is, whereas in English I think the pain is getting from beginner to intermediate.
I don't blame you on the French. XD It's like the more French you learn, the more you realize that there's still a lot more to learn. XDDD
I'm more interested in Japanese, though, so I kind of gave it up once I graduated high school. And my French accent is terrible. orz

That's one of the things I really love about language, figuring out those strict and unset rules. It's kind of like a puzzle, except the more pieces you get the bigger the puzzle gets. XD

Nowadays seems like even "native" speakers don't speak English all that well, though, so who knows...

Psht, I did go right after I posted that^^
735名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:06:27
Uh, seems like I'm always writing here for other threads...

Mm, okay, long story short: I had made my travel plans in early July, so it turned out that I headed to Niigata shortly after the earthquake there last summer. orz
Of course some of the trains weren't running, so there were huge delays and part of the trip had to be by a special bus.
I ended up getting to Niigata way later than I had expected, and I had already missed the last ferry to Sado Island.
I had no place to stay that night (I had made a reservation at the youth hostel on the island, thinking I would make it there).
There was some kind of festival going on, too, so it looked like most of the hotels were full.
I have a friend who lives in Niigata, so I felt like a complete asshole but I had no choice. I called him and asked if I could crash (stay the night) at his place.
I apologized like ten billion times. Luckily he said it was okay. He later told me he'd been planning on going to see fireworks that night with his friends, but he'd cancelled at the last minute.
If he'd gone, I would have been fucked. T_T
So I stayed at his place that night, made it to Sado Island the next day.

The first day I'm there, I decided to just walk around. It was really, really, really fucking hot. I walked for a really, really, really long time. XD
I didn't realize what exactly I was getting into, and by the time I was an hour away from the hostel I said, "Fuck it, the scenery is pretty, I'll just keep going."
Now on the way I passed a foreign guy going in the other direction on the other side of the street. I waved to him and he waved back.
736名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:06:56
That afternoon I make it back to the hostel, and the foreign guy is there! Turns out he was a German guy traveling in Japan.
He had the same Lonely Planet guidebook that I had (which is how we found out about this particular hostel, it was in the guidebook).
He had nowhere to stay, so he was visiting all the hostels in the book, looking for one with room. XD
Luckily ours had an open room, so he ended up staying there. We kinda got to be friends, so the next day we decided to go out biking to 二ツ亀.
I don't think I really realized just how far it was... We left in the morning, picked up some lunch to eat later, and started biking.
I hadn't ridden a bicycle in *years*. We ended up biking a total of around 70 km that day. My ass hurt like a bitch at the end.
I had so much fun though. He was such a cool guy. We ended up not even learning each other's names until the middle of the second day, we'd always just talked like we were friends and forgot to ask each other. XD
At one point some construction workers on the side of the road waved to me and yelled, "Hello!" in English, so I yelled こんにちは back and really surprised them.
It was just a really, really fun day. We ended up getting back after the sun had set, and it was raining. So biking in the dark, in the rain, on a road with a lot of cars, was kind of scary for me.
I'm glad he was there. >_> I just followed the light on the back of his bike and prayed I'd make it back alive.

Er, I tried to leave out most of the details... yeah. That ended up being really long. There's my Sado Island story.
737名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:16:51
There's no detailed lust scene to it?
738名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:17:46
What made you write such a boring story in the first place, I wonder?
I don't expect your answer. Cause I know it's boring again.
Plus, it's just a rhetorical question.
739名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:18:57
Unfortunately no. I'll work on that this summer if I go again.

Well. Someone asked me to.
740名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:20:14
I did.
741名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:20:45
Hi. (I'm >>721. Thanks for your reply)
What a trip. But sounds very exciting!
I saw some of your posts in J->E thread.
You're planning to come to Japan again, huh?
742名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:23:24
Eh, I guess it's one of those things that's really awesome for the person who's doing it, but isn't very interesting to hear about. XD Ah well.
Yeah I'd really, REALLY like to. Especially since this is my last summer before getting a job.
But if my friend can't come with me, I don't think I'll go alone. So... I'll find out next week if he can make it or not.
Shit, shit, shit. I hope this doesn't fall through. >_<
743名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:28:28
Hey, things never are as bad as they seem.
Dream, hop, wish, and pray, (gee, I know you don't pray....)
You will be in Japan with your best friend.
744名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:28:40
Oh, you are a college student or something, huh.
I hope you can make this trip.
BTW, if you come to Tokyo, maybe I'll teach you how to enjoy Tokyo, haha.
(I was born and raised in Tokyo)
745名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:32:37
Thanks man. I hope you're right. Gotta hope for the best and all that.

Yeah, I'm a senior. Graduating in June.
Hehe, I dunno it'd be cool to have someone show me around, but then again I don't want to be ちょー迷惑 for the other person.
I mean most people probably don't want to guide some random foreigner around for a whole day or something...
Maybe it helps a little that I can speak some Japanese, I dunno. I'm just afraid of getting on people's nerves without realizing it.
746名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:37:39
No, no, I'm not saying I'm taking you around. :)
I meant I will teach you how to enjoy this town by e-mail or something lika a guide book.
747名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 19:38:47
Ahh! Eh that'd be cool then. Although I've got a pretty good guide book already.
748名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 20:41:35

Does this woman's English have British accent?
I don't think her accent is American but I'm not sure if it's British
accent. Where do you native speakers think she is from?

From 3:32 you can listen to her English.
749748:2008/05/03(土) 20:44:02
The more I listen to her the more I started to think she is from
sounthern part of America. If I'm not wrong, she has southern drawel.
Maybe I'm wrong.
750名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 20:54:54
Definitely not American or British, in my opinion.
I'm not good enough with accents to place the country though.
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 21:03:27
So she is from a country somewhere in Europe?
Tell me your opinions if even if you aren't so sure.
752名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 21:06:03
Yeah, Europe is what I'm thinking. Honestly no clue, somewhere in eastern Europe maybe.
753名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 21:46:24
HAHA damn that's my type of comedy!! I could only make out about 20% of what's being said but
thanks to the comments there I got the funniest part.
754名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 21:58:07
youtube down?
755名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 22:08:09 is down...
756名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 23:00:42
OK. Thank you very much.
757名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 23:13:52
Is this another jewish fraud?
jews are genius of extortion, I'll fucking sodomize Ken Akamatsu ,
758名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 23:37:07
It sounds German.
759名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 23:37:17
Didn't you post it like 2 days ago?
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/03(土) 23:58:42
Wow, white kinship! beautiful!
you waved to him not thinking he was an american but thinking he
was white!
761名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:01:17
I think when japanese say 'last scene', it sounds like 'lust scene'.
Is this an usual joke?
762名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:02:31
kindred spirit. white power. sieg heil!
763名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:04:22
Lust doesn't last too long, baby.
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:07:23
She's persian or something. Not white.
765名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:21:40
Really. a sand nigger purpoting to be a white aryan!
But many persian in the north america are mixed with white, like
agazzi and wwe diva leyla milani?
I heard persian in america are pricks, saying they are decendants of
persian empire and white aryan and stuff like that!
Just a sand nigger!!!!
766名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:30:09
Is she really Jane Garcia?
She doesn't look spic Garcia. another jewish fraud!
Is she white hispanic like Cameron Diaz?
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:31:56
What do you think of rice niggers trying to be white?
768名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:33:21
Wow...What a mutation...
Diaz is not white because his father is not white.
769名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:35:32
I'm not as black as sand nigger. at least I'm not nigger
and I'm not saying I'm white while sand niggers are saying.
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:39:44
Cos it's fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
771名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:40:59
Yea maybe, but whites think you are just a rice nigger.
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:44:21
i love 2 chan
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:46:25
So what? And sand nigger has a connotation of ridiculing
non-white middle asians trying to be or regarded as white?
But almost all 'real' asians don't think themselves white.
Some idiots are trying to be like nigger.
In this sense word, rice nigger really works.
But they don't think they are really black while sand niggers
think they are really white.
774名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:49:47
eat rice you whity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
775名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:49:55
Cut out your lame bullshit, you moron.
You're embarrassing other Japanese people in here.
776名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:50:18
rice is white. so rice nigger means white nigger!!!!!!!!!!!
777名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:51:10
That doesn't change the fact that whites think you are just a rice nigger, though.
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:52:10
then, You are white nigger.
779名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:52:50
Pack you!
780名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:53:06
I'm as white as rice.
sand niggers are as brown as sand. hehehe.
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:55:16
I'm pac-man! pack pack pack.
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 00:56:24
No, you dumbass. I'm a rice nigger myself. Go eat bread nub!!
783名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 01:03:19
How can I say パクパクpakupaku in English?
I'm not sure americans really understand nuance of
pac of pac-man.
むしゃむしゃ equals to munch?
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 01:03:37
i have nothing to do on GW.
785名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 01:12:02
Correctly むしゃむしゃ is equal to mucn?
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 01:43:47
787名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 03:54:57
Why only americans?
788名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 04:00:30
I thought pac-man was big sales mainly in america.
789名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 05:12:34
>>787-788 Yes but pac man sounds like pack man to Americans and they probably think it has something to do with carrying many things.
Americans are not good at nuance. They are generally country bumpkins.
790名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 05:31:58
791787:2008/05/04(日) 05:36:48
Okay, I see now. You are right.
792名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 06:19:41
793名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 06:43:15
It's hard to explain. Pac is an imitation sound of
human putting some food in one mouthful.
I don't know the nuance of mouthful. You don't have to
open your mouth open. just open mouth and throw some food in your
mouth at one time and close mouth. That's paku.
When you do it consecutively, for example, twice, it's paku,paku.

The situaiton of fish biting bait is very ideal situation for
paku!パクッ!, I think.
794名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 07:24:20
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 13:00:58
How about Mighty Morphin White Power Rangers. The protagonists are all niggers.
The leader was Red, who was hispanic, but Black capped his ass and took over the position.
Black is a real gangsta nigga, Blue is a water-loving sand nigger,
Green is a nature-loving prairie nigger, Yellow is a curry nigger.
Rice niggers work in labs for whites. But they are spies and saboteurs.
The rangers morph into white and fight the evil, and whites praise the White Power.
Then the rangers reveal themselves thinking whites will accept them.
But after all niggers are still niggers and whites are like, sorry niggers you'll never be one of us
and niggers quit saving the world and the evil dudes kill all whites and niggers and move to the next planet
searching for prey. Green rests in peace knowing earth has been cured of cancer that is human.
796名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 13:15:58
Nice story line. You are genius.
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 14:02:18
Yes but Americans don't hear that sound. They chew with their mouths closed.
798名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 14:23:13
I don't think many Japanese people know the origin of Pacman.
I thought it comes from pack-man as in >>789.
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 15:10:59
Paku is when you move your mouth like that. Doesn't necessarily mean putting
something in your mouth. It's about the motion. (e.g. kuchi-paku, lipsync)

That's probably because your a america-lovin rice nigga, or just plain stupid.
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 17:00:57
^ what is the rice nigger?lol

Anyway, I want to ask you if you have a feeling of this.
Recently I feel some changes in Internet world. The age range from
15 to 20 these days are so lack of tenderness. They just talk what they want
and then they never care about others or even won't reply to others. 2ch is famous for their rudeness but
even any other sites where I visit, I feel the same. I mean mature people are ok but the youngsters' attitude
is horrible. about 3 years ago, people were more caring to eachothers.
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 19:20:27
Almost nobody says "nigger" or "niggiers" but what percent of white people think
in their mind "They are niggers. Niggers are niggers."
or "Some can be called black people but some are just niggers."?
802名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 19:40:01
What the hell is a niggier?
803名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 19:49:13
804名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 20:13:14
Please tell me what is the most famous BBS in America and England.
805名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 20:42:36
806名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 21:37:22
4chan. lmao
807800:2008/05/04(日) 22:39:35
yeah, but it's like shi*ting everywhere unless it's your neighbors.
We are supposed to be kind to everybody even on the internet, aren't we?
they're just so strong and grab whatever they want and run. well
not THEY but I just met some people very unpolite on internet recently.
808名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/04(日) 22:41:36
is BBS this style of place, you mean? I prefer places like
Face book, My space, Hi5 etc.
809名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:12:39
You are right. I think the way of fish opening and closing their mouth
embodies paku very well.
Look at this video around 24-30 seconds.
We say 金魚が口をバクパク(pakupaku)させている。(a golden fish
is doing pakupaku of its mouth).
As I said, pac-man's pac came from paku(パク) in japanese.
There seems to be a suspect that namco plagiarized the name of coin box called also
Look at the shape. Pretty similar each other. I owned one, which could reveal may age.
lol. We put the coin on the palm of pakkuman and pakkuman throws the coin into his mouth by using his arm, then swallow it(closing his mouth).
The move was pretty amusing and pack man was also quite a big hit, almost
a social phenomenon?
There must have been a song joking about pakku man. lyrics were like pa pa pa pakkuman.
What is the names of song and band?
810名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:13:54
To be more precise, there seems to be a suspect that namco plagiarized the name and shape of coin box called also
811名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:23:58
> As I said, pac-man's pac came from paku(パク) in japanese.

Ah... that says,
"The original title was pronounced pakku-man (パックマン)
and was inspired by the Japanese onomatopoeic phrase
paku-paku taberu (パクパク食べる),
where paku-paku describes (the SOUND of) the mouth movement
when widely opened and then closed in succession.

It's NOT a sound. It's a motion.
Sombody, correct that.
812名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:24:01
813名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:26:15
= onomatopoeia
814名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:36:36
Then how can you say pakupaku in English.
And I want to learn English onomatopoeia more.
Do you know good learning site for japanese?
815名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:38:36
Wow I easily found one just googling.
But there is not paku.
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:43:47
That's wrong. But I thought over what paku-paku really represens, and I think
it's a cambination of, say, 40% of sound and 60% of motion of the mouth movement.
817名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:50:51
I don't get it.
Would you elaborate your explanation on "paku-paku."
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:55:43
Your conjecture is nonsense.
There is no sound without movement.

repeat opening and closing of your mouth rapidly.
You must hear the sound of "paku paku paku paku paku.."
Oh, that's the easiest and the most effective explanation.
819名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 01:58:15
You don't have to hear the sound necessarily.
Paku originally comes from the sound paku. But when it looks like paku
movement, it's paku.
820名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 02:00:47
Was >>816 intention like >>819?
When it comes to onomatopoeia, there have to be real sound?

so paku is not a onomatopoeia in a rigid sense?
821名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 02:13:11
Sorry for my poor English. I'll put it this way, then.
If you asked a Japanese to do and show the 'paku-paku' motion, he would show you a motion and a sound.
Not a motion or a sound alone and you would get a feeling that this expression consists of 60% of motion and 40% of sound.
Something like that.
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 02:19:01
Thank you very much.
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 02:26:38
>>819 may be right. You can say it's an onomatopoeia and it's a motion, too.
I think nobody is 100% sure.
824名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 03:10:42
I'm happy again.
825名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 05:43:09
English can crunch, chomp, munch and slurp .
826名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 08:17:33
The conservative party won a land slide victory in the UK.
But イギリス人 must have been itching to know the outcome of the vote
of BNP, British National Party.
Did BNP leap as イギリス人 expected?
827名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 08:30:26
Congrats! イギリス人さん!
BNP increased their seats to 100 in the local election!
イギリス人 must have been so happy and drunk that he can't post in 2ch!
828名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 08:53:17
Japanese media is ignoring BNP victory.
nikkei newspaper didn't mention the voting rate and seats of BNP at all
on sunday. nikkei newspaper seemed to ascribe the labor's defeat to minor problems like
economy and leadership. British white workers' hostility toward immigrants has been
increasing. That's the prominent reason that the conservative party
won. And hostility is a rational reaction to barbarism, intimidation,
violence, etc.
nikkei seems to be unable to see the fact or turn its face away from
the fact even though it boasts itself as quality news paper...
829名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 14:26:16
830名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 14:32:06
Is that real?
831名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 14:36:12
"Damn, four."
832名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 17:45:24
Do British people really say "it's been donkey years" to mean it's
been a while?
833名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 18:26:56
I'm british bloody hell speak english monkes.
834名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 20:22:49
Is it just me or are the Koreans attacking 2ch again or what?
English and Hangul are on the same server right?
835名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 20:54:00
is it real??
why on earth are English and Hangul on the same one??
it is heard like joke for me
836名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 21:26:08
I don't know, I could be wrong
837名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 22:05:40
838名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 23:24:26
READ 100 times.
839名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/05(月) 23:56:50
Read what?
840名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:05:38
I believe you are native person.
841名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:09:22
I is native person too.
842名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:30:00
I is too.
843名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:30:40
you is not!
844名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:36:33
When I received a response "Jagshemash!" from native in a forum overseas,
is it a offence toward me???
845名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:38:41
846名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:39:39
oh thanks! I'm relieved now. xx
847名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:45:17
anytime nigga.
848名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 00:47:50
I is can answer for your native asking. Please go ahead.
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 01:22:55
I am the king of England. And I bloody hell speak English monkes.
850イギリス人:2008/05/06(火) 02:26:44
I'm just happy that Labour are failing. My local area, however, had
no elections, but if they did, I'd have voted for Liberal Democrats.
I'm also happy that Boris Johnson was voted as the new Mayor of London.

Increasing dissatisfaction with Gordon Brown's government is the main
reason people are voting elsewhere. It's just been error after error,
with the latest being the abolition of the 10p range of income tax (before,
people who earned less than around £15,000 only had to pay 10% income tax -
now they're in the 20% range). This made a lot of people unhappy, despite
getting increased tax credit, especially after he spent so long defending
the choice, only to admit error in the end. We didn't even vote him in. He
assumed office as Prime Minister only after Blair stepped down.

British publications aren't really paying much attention to the BNP.

Yes, some people do. One of my mothers' friends often says it, anyway.
Some say the origin of this is from a book called 'The Vermilion Box', by
E.V. Lucas, which mentions "Donkey's Ears", as a sort of rhyming slang for
'years and years'.

>>833, >>849
For a moment, I thought you really were British...
851名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 03:15:49
Then what's your opinion about BNP's leap?
You must be dissatisfied with tactical concillatory change toward the jews, which is
intended to make BNP more respectable to the common people.
BNP tries to distance itself from Nazi and anti-semetism, true conservatism
and patriotism.

I heard local assembly members included a half-negro, who
claim she was white and a jew.

Anyway, Nick Girffin looks like Kyle Maclachlan. He is handsome.

Keep the good work for Britain, イギリス人さん.
852名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 03:30:04
Nick Girffin seems to be concentrating on muslim immigrants.
When he disposes of these people, He would trun back on
the jewish supporters and jewish comrades and try to expel all
the jews from the UK? ah, including mongrel people.
If so, very smart tactics like Adolf Hitler!
First seemingly legitimate, then go all out with the majority's
enthusiastic support .
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 03:51:33
I don't know about Boris Johnson.
I knew about the former London mayor a little.
He was very courageous and assertive guy.
He opposed against zionist tyranny in the middle east.
He compares its atrocity to so-called nazi atrocity.
He is not afraid of jewish propaganda and really loves democracy
and peace.

I thought you were typical of politically liberal person. But you seems not necessarily .
When one japanese guy called for consent to his liberal opinions
about politics, You got along with him or just accepted him?
was that スコットランド人?
854832:2008/05/06(火) 08:38:16
Thanks for our resonse.
It's good to know that British person like you confirms that.
855名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 12:06:51
You deadshit noobs!! He's obviously not English.
My textbook says kings live in England and he's obviously not a king.
856名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 13:39:31
Did you book your flight?
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 13:48:14
Na, not yet. My friend said he'd probably know the answer by Tuesday, so if I don't hear from him by tomorrow night I'll call him and ask what's up.
I'm not sure I want to know. (;_;)
858名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 13:52:52
I just want toI see a big smile on your face this coming Wednesday.
859名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 13:53:39
Shit, me too, dude. Believe me. The suspense is killing me.
I'm still trying to decide if I want to go alone, even if he can't make it.
860名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 13:58:07
Every tick you hear, your heart trembles.
That's really something.
Hey, if you go alone, "Sentimental Journey" is going to be your song.
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 13:59:51
Wanna play a game, if you're bored?
862名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:02:48
Which is what?
863名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:04:27
Take turns asking each other questions, whatever we want. But you gotta answer as long as doing so doesn't reveal personal information or something.
864名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:07:12
Seems tough. But what a heck. Go ahead.
865名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:07:57
Hehe, cool. Okay, guess I'm going first. What have you done that you regret the most in your life?
866名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:16:20
You threw me a tough question from the beginning.
Here's my answer to your question.
Well, this is not exactly something I have done. But what I regret most is the fact that I do exist on this planet right now.
867名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:19:11
Wow. You threw me a harsh answer right off the bat, too.
Do you have a question for me or do you want me to keep going?
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:20:39
its usually hard to suck at the very beginning...
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 14:23:29
My question to you is this:
What you have done that you can be proud of the most in your life?
870名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:02:33
Intriguing. Now I learned how to play this game. This is kind a fun.
Well, here is my answer to your question in 871.

Why do I regret existing?
I always ask this question to myself? How come I undergo a lot of pains as long as I live? Is it due to my sins?
Is it due to my karma? No, no, no! I undergo all the pains because I do exit.
When shit happens, playing a blame game is not my option.
I just blame the fact that I do exist on this planet right now.
As long as I do not exit on this planet right now, whatever happens, they are nothing to do with me.
They cannot affect me at all. They cannot touch me.
But unfortunately shit does happens. Unfortunately I do exist on this planet right now.
So I just blame my existence. And I wish I did not exist at all.

My next question is, what is the meaning of your life?
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:12:05
I gotta go now.
Play this game again sometime soon.
Oh, gee! Looks like shit has just happend. does happens -> does happen
Bye for now!
872Foreigner Hater:2008/05/06(火) 15:15:25
suck my cock
873名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:16:44
Meaning of my life... I'm not sure if it has one.
I want to be happy. I want to make others happy, help people out, in whatever way I can.
Ideally I'd like to "make a difference" (whatever that means), but I know that most likely I won't.
So I guess it comes down to, I want to have fun and I want to share that fun with as many people as I can.
For most of us, I think that's the best we can really hope for.

What is it that causes you so much pain that you think you'd rather be dead than alive?
874名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:17:08
Aw, okay. Well, my next question's waiting for the next time then~
875名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:19:44
Bye for now? No, FOR GOOD you fuckass emofag. I mean fuck please,
that's the faggiest emofaggin I've witnessed in a long time. Fuck.
876名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:26:24
What the fuck? It looks like a couple of posts disappeared.
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:26:54
Hi,is that you?
878名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:27:41
yeah, i also noticed that. what's wrong with this thread?
being attacked?
879名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:32:43
Shut the hell up you clueless fucks, the Korean intraweb disruption waves are
like earthquake in Tokyo. Nobody fucking cares except fucknubs in here. Fucking nubcakes.
880名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 15:39:55
It's called "collective hallucination". You guys are meant to be like soulmates to each other.
Congratulations. Next, you'll have a simultaneous orgasm.
881名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 16:06:34
when are you going back to high school?
882名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 17:51:55
Meaning of life?
Nothing. We live because we cannot die. Any living things are born and live
because that's the way we are and nobody knows why.
So, find whatever fun, amusing, exciting. Stay away from shits or don't let them bother you
or don't think they are shits, maybe they only appear to be shits, maybe they are nothing
and maybe only you think they are shits.
Focus on the things you find fun. Life is a game, only a game so enjoy it or try to find fun.
And as long as there is a room to enjoy, dying is もったいない. Play and enjoy this game
that you happened to be given, in any way you want, there is no rule.
883名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 18:01:24
Emo faggotry is not allowed here. Please take it to an appropriate thread. Thank you.
884名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 18:07:05
game? is no game.

I think you need to have an experience first. If you are 25 yo and have
no social life ever since age 20, your life has stopped at that age of 20 which
means you are physically 25 yo but your mental is still immature.
some hikkey would feel like they have experienced some kind of life thru
game and virtual materials thru internet etc, but it's not called life.
only human relattion makes you grow. but it's good to use internet as
the place to deliver your true messages to the public or exchange some otaku, limited
subjects with same tasted people. but about life, without experience, without the real
human communications, (not one way or forcing), you can never grow.
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 18:29:34
I'm not 882, but you just totally and utterly missed the fucking meaning of "life is game."
This embarrassing post of yours right there is a fine example of lame ass faggots who think they
know English and life and everything. How pathetic.
886名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:02:41
"life is game." -> "life is a game."
887名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:05:19
your post shows your anger. otherwise you don't have to
reply as harsh as so you must be hikkey hehe
888名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:08:03
when yo'd have a problem, it's a great chance to grow.
once you'd overcome the problem, you grew one step higher.
that's called life.
889名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:12:45
>>884's post can be nothing, amusing, interesting, suggestive (of something) or whatever the reader thinks it is.
That does not mean you need to agree with >>884, though, of course.
890名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:13:06
Yeah, assumption is really awesome isn't it? Makes you feel better when you get owned and
can't do shit. Just face it and admit that you were wrong as shit if you think you are grown up enough.
I was just annoyed by the total lameness of >>884
891名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:20:15
have an experience first! get out from your small stinky room!
and go out and grow!
892名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:23:01
what if I was a 50 yr old guy with many children.
worked in a several companies for 30 years. I have many years of social experience,
that's not assumption then.
893名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:24:21
That's a great chance to grow, but what you think a problem might not be actually a problem
or something you have made into a problem in some or many cases.
Some people have lots of problmes and some have few.
894名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:27:39
Stating the obvious is fun!!!!!
895名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 19:50:39
yeah, that's the point.
but let's say, if the problem is something that money is involved, you have
to work hard to pay back your debt, so even you don't mind
working extra, it is actually a problem. If the problem is that
child is a handycapped, even if you don't thik that's a big deal,
your son can still be happy with a disadvantage. You and your son have to
put more effort to it to overcome. That's what I meant a problem. So that
kind of the case, is the great opportunity to grow.
896名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 20:28:03
^ That's just one of the rare examples.
but even small things in everyday life, many problem come
one after another if you are socially related since you have
responsibilities if you get older. any kind of problems are precious.
897名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 20:37:21
I just don't think some old faggot who didn't get the meaning of >>882 right knows much about life.
898名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 21:13:35
>>882 You pessimistic gay faggot queer cock suckin' piece of shit.
899名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 21:15:20
Meaning of life??

Have kids
Have fun
900名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 21:22:51
Finally someone who knows what he's talking about.
901名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 23:01:30
>>899 translated
Meaning of life??

Jack off
Have loli
Have /b/
902名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 23:29:15
are you American?
or is >>889 American?
903名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 23:49:45
I don't know but he should've said "fap" instead of "jack off"
904名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/06(火) 23:56:05
If he was a /b/tard, that is.
905名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 00:05:11
And why do you rice niggas keep saying American this American that. How about Canadians.
906名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 01:05:57
I love Canadian.
907名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 01:31:41

"Disco" song that brings me back to 90's.
I'm not a disco nor club person though.
908名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 01:39:47
909名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 08:02:04
Oguri Shun and Yamada Yuu are officially recognized couple.
they seem to introduce eachother to their parents. they'll get
married in a few years.
910名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 09:59:09
I've never known they are seeing.
They must make a good couple.

I never feel jelous of him cuz, I never want to go out with her.
But she has good figure. Actually she is a model so fuck with her
sounds good. But no marrage with her.

Make her get on her four and insert my cock from her back, doggie style
must give me a sense of conquring a woman, like climbing up Mt. Everest.
911名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 10:10:18
in that sense, Amami Yuuki is more suitable for you.
coz she's tall, beautiful and seems like higher grade of
woman (much more sophsticated) than Yamada. Yamada's still an ordinary
even though she is a model.
912名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 10:20:32
or Ando Yuko sounds more like Mt Everest to me. lol
913名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 11:33:23
ogiri is ordinary face. I assume he is in a big talent agency.
When I saw blue eyes of oguri in a commercial film, it's disgusting.
But he has only one merit. He is tall. Yamada seems to love to hang out with
the guy much taller than her.
914名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 11:43:29
Oguri is in a rather small talent agency.
But it does film making as well as talent promotion.
And most of its films features oguri as an important role.
915名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 11:49:51
rather a small.
916名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 13:39:12
Yeah, Amami Yuki is from Takarazuka women's troupe and has more skills as an actress
ans is more sophisticated but she is old. So I'm not interested in her
at all, not to mention Ando Yuko.

Yuu Yamada looks arrogant so I have to tell her how to behave by
doggie style. She seems to love a good looking man so Oguri must be ideal
to him. Yes, Oguri's face itself is not so good but in total he is absolutely
a good looking man, tall and good figure and so-so face.

If I had to lick either Oguri's nipple or Ando Yuko's nipple,
I would choose Oguri's nipple. lol I can't boast about licking
Ando's nipple but If I told someone, especially young women, that
I have licked Oguri's nipple, at least they admire me.
917名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 13:40:51
Xso Oguri must be ideal to him.
Oso Oguri must be ideal to her.
918名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 14:25:09
Shall we play a game?
919名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 14:26:13
Hey! Is that you from yesterday?
920名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 14:28:08
Yes, I am. I want to tell you one thing before we proceed.
I am NOT suicidal at all.
921名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 14:29:06
Understood. But am I correct in saying you'd rather be dead than alive?
922名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 14:34:37
I say, no. I simply hate the fact that I have to exist. Nothing more.
Killing myself does not solve my problem. Instead of killing myself, I want to terminate my existence from the beginning. I know that's impossible, but I wish I could.
923名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 14:51:48
Sorry for the delay, my friend called me^^
But if you killed yourself, you'd never know that you had existed. It's basically the same thing as never having existed at all, as far as you're concerned.
924名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 15:08:27
Looks like you seem to take a materialistic approach. I mean you deny the existence of spirit or something like that.
Taking one step further, you might assume everything we sense can be reduced to the brain function.
If I take this approach I have to say "yes" to what you have pointed out in >>923.

Well, I unexpectedly presumed the presence of the spirit in me.
What I have experienced in my life remains as is even after my death.
That seems to be my assumption.
925名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 15:12:38
Ah, I see. Yeah, I'm pretty "scientific" when it comes to things like that, I guess.
Okay then, I guess I'd revise my question to why exactly you hate the fact that you exist. Do you want to answer that?
The rules say you have to answer, but if you *really* don't want to talk about it...
926名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 15:29:18
How come exactly I hate the fact that I exist?

My answer to this question is this.

I hate the fact hat I exist because I have to face four questions as long as I exist.
Those questions are:

Where did I come from? (This is not a biological question, of course.)
Why am I here?
Where am I going?
What awaits me after my death? (Hey, we have no report from the dead yet.)

They are too much to carry.
927名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 15:33:19
Don't forget it's your turn to ask something...
928名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 15:41:13
Oh, yes, it's my turn.
My question to you is this.
What is/was the best moment in your life and whyt?
929名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 15:52:09
Ahhh! I've asked myself this a couple times in the past. It's a tough question.
There are a lot of "happy moments" in my life, a lot of nights where I stayed up all night laughing with my friends or something.
All the times I made my mom happy and saw her smile are really important moments for me, too. But I think this is the one time that's really special for me.
Funny thing is I don't even remember it all that well. It's almost more like I remember *that* it happened, rather than actually remembering the event itself.
My memory is *terrible*, seriously. But anyway, here it is.

I moved to a town called Danville in the summer before third grade, and I moved again to LA in the summer after seventh grade.
I don't remember exactly when this happened, but it must have been during that last summer, close to when I was moving to LA.
There was a boy named Xander (short for Alexander) who went to my middle school, who I was really crazy about. I'd had a crush on him for two years.
I won't go into the details 'cause it's a long story, but I think we'd kind of half-flirted with each other for a long time.
I'd like to think he liked me a little, he even asked me out to a movie once (and we snuck into the theater without paying for tickets XD).

930名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 15:53:30
>>929 cont.

Anyway, I was at his house, in the back yard. I knew then it would be the last time I'd ever see him.
There was a short wall around his back yard and we were sitting on top of it, watching the sunset. I can't remember a thing we said to each other.
But I remember sitting there next to him, wishing this moment would never end, wishing I could hold onto it forever, wishing things could be different.
Then at some point my parents came to pick me up and drive me home. Out the window I saw this group of three stars that I always saw there in the night sky, they formed a triangle.
It reminded me of the triforce in Zelda (the videogame), and Xander and I had both liked playing videogames. So it reminded me of him.
I said to myself I'd never forget that "constellation" (if you can call it that), that I'd always look for it in the sky and think of him.

Since I moved to LA I never found it again... I know the stars you can see from different areas are different, and besides the light pollution is so bad here you can barely see any stars at all.
Well, at least I never forgot, just like I said. As for "why" it is... I think you can tell^^

I'll ask you the same question, what's the best moment in your life?
931名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:03:54
While you claim you see things scientificly, you think one of the reasons why
you haven't seen the stars is you moved to another place in the same states.
California is a relatively long state but that's not the reason why
you haven't seen the stars.

Go back to middle school and learn from basics.
932名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:06:40
Fuck should I know. I don't remember exactly where in the sky it was, nor do I know how many miles effect a significant change in the night sky.
And they don't teach us astronomy in middle school here. Or high school for that matter.
933名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:19:44
Well, I must say what I have just read is poetry. Well, looks like you were in your dream land with Xander.
How charming it is. Well, the story of Perseus and Andromeda came to my mind.
They are still up in the sky. I just hope you two too will be up there some day.

One reminder tough. Was there too much "personal" information on you in >>929 and >>930? I just wonder....

Here's my answer to your question in >>930.

My best moment is yet to come. (You know what my answer will be since you are very intelligent person, right?)

My best moment will be the day I breath the last breathe.

My journey on this plant is over. Nothing can bother me anymore. I will be free from the fear of dying.
Well, I have to confess there seems to be self-condtradiction to some extent.
It will be the best moment in my life if and only if I have an answer to the 4th question I put in >>926. Well, there is still time. I believe that I have enough time to figure out the question.
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:25:46
Oh, gee!
breath the last breathe -> breathe the last breath
935名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:25:57
Christ, that's pretty dark. Well, whatever makes you happy...
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:28:18
She won't admit it but she is absolutely an attention whore.
She doesn't understand what 2channel is all about and has put
her personal information here.
937名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:41:42
Hey, it's jut a game. Take it easy.
938名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:45:04
Eh, just saying, I can't really understand how someone can be so actively disinterested in their own life.
I'm scared shitless of dying, I'm happy to be alive right now and I want to keep it that way for as long as I can.
939名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:50:23
My apology. It was way too negative.
No intention to hurt you at all.
I DO NOT go for those again. I promise.
940名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:53:27
Eh? Dude, no worries. I was just trying to express the fact that I totally can't understand where you're coming from.
Which is fine, just saying I can't imagine what kind of reasons you might have for feeling that way.
You can say whatever you want man, the point of this game is to get to know interesting things about each other. Nothing you can say will bother me or anything, trust me.
If you want to keep going, it's your turn...
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:54:37
Easy on her please... I know it's annoying but she has contributed a lot in other serious English
translation threads. The emo stalker faggot is the one who should be blamed for all this shit.
This faggot seriously needs to learn to shut the fuck up.
942名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:55:50
943名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:56:43
The fuck?
944名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:57:42
Here's something completely different.
What is your favorite Video game and why?
945名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 16:59:10
Can you say that to my face?
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:01:52
Woo, light question. XD Ah, that's a tough one. So many options...
Okay, if I had to pick one, it'd be Final Fantasy X. I played through it with my best friend in high school.
He lived like a block away from me, so after school practically every day he'd come over to my house, and we'd play it for a couple hours.
So much fun. I have so many good memories of those days. We've played through a lot of games together, but that one really stands out.

Okay, my next one is, what's your favorite book and why?
947名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:02:29
Bring it on!
948名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:02:40
No. I don't fancy looking at some mental faggot's face.
949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:03:31
"I don't fancy." That's comic gold right there. I lawled.
950名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:05:54
Who are you? Are you the american?
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:06:54
One of several, yes.
952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:09:37
Is that your excuse?
Then you're the confirmed chicken.
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:13:57
Yea, I'm a chicken on interweb and you are a tough mofo on interweb. I'm so scared.
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:16:20
Chill out, hot teriyaki chikens, this is just internet.
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:16:38
Very funny. I call you a joker.
I'm looking forward to hear your jokes again.
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:17:23
Pshychology of online attention whores is must for you.

Those who are confident of their looks show their faces on the Internet,
those who are confident of their academic records boast their academic
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:20:40
The smart American person dudette showed her face. What about that?
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:27:14
Who are you talking about?

Don't tell me you are talking about her.
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:29:48
Reveal your face first, prove it's worth saying anything to.
960名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:29:57
Well, it looks like he got manly so I'm ok now. I just can't stand EMO FAGGOTRY and that's all.
I get enough of that in real life.

Please continue from >>944
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:30:42
I don't need Internet.
Most of my time spent on the Net is reading and posting in 2ch's English
board. 2chan is less than garbage. I feel miserable.

Internet is less than nothing. It is used for copy right infringement.
Fuck the Internet.
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:30:52
Answered that already in >>946.
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:30:54
It's a tough question. Pick just one book out of hundreds of books in my library.

What came to my mind instantly was "Slaugherhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut.
Vonnegut is a visionary. He was able to see things we ordinary people cannot see at all.
It's great to learn the visionary like him does exist even now.
I like the way he sees things. Well, it has been my survival manual.
Take it easy whatever happens to me. That's what I learned from this book.

Well, let's call it a day, shall we?
964名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:31:47
I read that back in high school... Don't remember a thing. orz
Okay, thanks! Was fun.
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:33:40
Shall we dance now?
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:33:50
Don't behave like a moderator or something.
Who do you think you are?

2Chan is like Wild Wild West. No morals no laws.
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:33:59
Yes her. Why?
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:34:31
Shall We Dance was a great movie. The original Japanese one, I mean.
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:34:47
Emo faggotry is an exception, faggot.
970名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:36:18
Just wondering, did you come here from /b/ for the sole purpose of trolling?
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:36:35
Then you will be shaking hands with Buddha very soon.
The world will be a better place.
972名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:37:03
Time for the next thread.

973名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:37:21
I don't know. I just got here and saw the phrase 'shall we?', so.
That was a really good movie actually.
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:38:29
Yeah, I loved it. I didn't think I would, usually don't like movies like that. But I was pleasantly surprised.
Never saw the remake, but I'm willing to bet it sucked.
975973:2008/05/07(水) 17:39:33
Oops, you weren't talking to me. Sorry
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:41:38
If I was a troll, I would do much better than this, so no.
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:42:47
Me neither. It was kinda romantic in an odd way. I heard the remake sucked so hard.
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:42:56
979名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:44:52
I kind of assumed you were >>875, which if it isn't a troll is still pretty unnecessary.
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:48:32
Like I said I can't stand emo faggotry. >>875 was 75% joke though.
Stuff I posted here today aren't really serious either.
981名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:49:12
I can tell you one thing.

Everybody here is nuts.
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:49:52
What's behind your hatriod against emo faggotry?
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:51:28
Emofagging about emofagging? Pretty intense.
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:51:45
Eh, fair enough.
985名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:55:30
Someone, please define "Emo faggotry"!
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:56:31
Look up emo and faggotry on
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:57:28
Basically what I've been doing in this thread is, use whatever English words/phrases I picked up
on interwebs to practice and reinforce my vocabulary.
988名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 17:59:03
This has been bothering me so I gotta point it out. Always say "the interwebs." You need the "the."
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:01:28
lol ok, interweb is a stupid sounding word to begin with so I just didn't care about the details.
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:01:44
nice to meet you
i study english for toiec
i wish i get 730

advice please!
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:01:55
Your frequent use of cuss words bothers me, too.
992名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:02:48
Eh, sorry. That ain't going away any time soon...
993名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:04:02
Can't you guys just ignore each other? That's the only way here.
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:04:06
All I can say is just pray to God.

Sounds miserable and stupid that here is the only place for you to write
in English.
995名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:04:41
Hey, you are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
996名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:05:37
Come on guys, let's take it to 1000...
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:05:43
No one said that here is the only place, but whatever man.
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:06:33
The best place for TP is "Verbal Battle in English."
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:07:08
No one said but in reality here is the only place.
I know it and you have to admit it.
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/05/07(水) 18:07:26
Finally, I'm going to sleep.