Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 111
What can I do?
874 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 17:52:18
>>873 Email him a link to a porn site that he would love. This will calm him down for now.
875 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 22:14:10
I'm realizing I will never be fluent in English at this rate, so I'm thinking of learning
another language.
B English + C+ Someotherlanguage is better than just B+ English, I think.
What language should I learn? German, French or Spanish would be useful but
speaking something like Russian or Czech is 10000 times more badass.
876 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 22:24:38
I could not say I really do love you at that time..
877 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 22:31:32
878 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 22:39:19
>>877 Whatever i feel like, dude.
879 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 22:45:17
880 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 23:10:35
If I learn another language, I will learn french or german.
881 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 23:12:16
>>860 He looks like a different person in the video. Actually when he makes
a serious face, he looks cool. I think his acting skills awesome.
Version is a mobile phone carrier as far as I remember. Or ISP?
I forgot.
>>875 If you put how practical the language is on top of your list, then
Chinese is the best, assuming that you are Japanese. Because I heard
Chinese is easier for us Japanese to learn and Chenese ecnomy is getting bigger and infulencing
its power on word economy. The socond top of the list would be Spanish.
Peaplewho speaks spanish is large so it's practical to learn it.
882 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 23:15:17
Spanish or French... difficult selection.
When I master Spanish, Is it easy to master French at the time?
883 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 23:20:58
Ken Tanake everybody here knows is ex-husband of
Kotegawa Yuko.
But When I googled Ken Tanaka, The first and second of ken tanaka
was a creepy american who looks like Bruce Springsteen.
Japanese is also difficult language for foreighners to master perfectly.
Even Dave Spector has strange acccents.
Some european descents master English perfectly like Charlize Theron.
884 :
イギリス人:2008/04/15(火) 23:55:59
>>882 As heavily Latin-based languages, they are very similar in the way
they are constructed. From experience, it was much easier to learn
Spanish after learning French because of the similarities.
>>875 Learning Russian is pretty fun too. I still can't roll an 'r', so
I'm still a failure at both Russian and Spanish.
>>840 If I make everyone read about hats enough, maybe one day they'll
learn to appreciate them too...
885 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/15(火) 23:58:41
>>881 Hmm I think I read somewhere that Chinese is hard to speak properly, with some
complicated tones and stuff...
Plus, the thought of having to re-learn how to pronounce all the damned kanjis scares me....
886 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:03:16
>>884 How about vice versa?
French first, then Spanish?
>>886 I'd say French then Spanish is probably just as effective as
Spanish then French.
888 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:16:59
In japan, there is a rumor French is a very difficult language.
Is Spanish as difficult as French?
If so, I may prefer Spanish. Because Spanish is more influential
But in advancing the understanding of English, which is better?
Britains borrowed many words and maybe sentences from France.
Yo! Time is money, friend!
890 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:21:14
But I won't study another language untill I get
toeic full score or first degree in English Proficiency Test.
So When will it be? I may never learn. lol
891 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:22:17
No a full mark in Toeic is pretty easy.
I'd say it'll happen in 6 months.
892 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:22:59
6 months? How did you study?
893 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:26:08
omg goblin
My bad memories of endless grinding and mob-stealing farmer bots... ugh!
894 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:26:10
895 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:27:23
What I meant was you would achieve that goal in 6 months considering your English level right now.
896 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:27:47
I want to understand Hitler's speech.
This strong motivation will lead me to mastering German speedily!
897 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:31:03
>>850 2chってのがそもそもショボイ
898 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:32:41
Engrish, motherfucker. Do you speak it?
>>888 The English language (in general, not just British-English) has a lot
of French-derived words. Apparently around 30% of the English language
has French origins. French-derived words are more similar in British-English, because the
American Spelling Reforms tried to simplify a lot of these words.
900 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:36:25
Jaaaa Sieg, heil! Sieg, heil! Sieg, heil!!!!
901 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:41:24
But probably Spanish has the similar words derived from Latin.
So don't I have to care much about the etymology, between
French and Spanish?
Can I learn French derived words through Spanish?
902 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 00:52:33
Learning Norwegian might be a good choice too, since the war between
Ninjas and Vikings is inevitable.
That norwegian guy in this thread could help us learn it.
903 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 01:10:30
The war between ninjas and vikings?
What are you talking about?
There was one before or something?
904 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 01:17:35
Spanish spelling and pronunciation is easier than those of French for
Japanese, I think.
You read spanish words like you read ローマ字 so it's easier for us
I don't remeber exactly, because it was a long time ago but I chose
French at university as a second foreign language and failed. Next year, I chose
Spanish, instead. I managed to get a credit for the spanish course
because Spanish was easier than French.
All in all, I was not interested learning both the two languages.
So, the point is that how much eager you are to learn a foreign language.
>>901 Not all words, but a great number have the same roots, yes.
Colour in Spanish is 'Color', and 'Couleur' in French.
Food is 'Alimentos' in Spanish, and 'Alimentaire' in French.
Mountains is 'Montañas' in Spanish and 'Montagnes' in French.
This is just a very small example... depending on the words, you
could link it from Spanish to French and then to English if you
really wanted.
906 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 01:27:45
Maybe spanish is better for me.
French would frustrate me at the beginning and I would stop and
learn 0.
It's fun to learn French. Why Spanish?
You know what? Spanish subjunctive is a killer.
Pronouncing words is easy, but can you survive the Spanish subjunctive?
>>905 Thanks for all your advices. It's likely that I can learn both spanish and
english in some regions in the us. lol
And it's a high chance that one man can handle both languages in the us.
Spanish is more efficient language than French. More occansions to learn
are provided.
But you know, French has an elegant and affected image
in japan. So you can boast French in Japan.
French people are more tanned and short than japanese imagine they are.
Many japanese image typical french as more sophisticated like Aland Dolon or characters
from shojo manga, blonde and tall.
And their accennts and culture intimidate us. I'm not the one though.
I don't like their arrogancy. lol
Sorry, Alan Delon.
910 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 01:38:49
I love their arrogancy too!
advices, lol!
Thank you for giving me many useful advices.
Is this sentence wrong?
Even mentally challenged President George can speak Spanish,
I heard.
914 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 01:44:07
I think President George W Bush is not mentally challenged even though he looks like it.
>>912 From now on, you should say, "I had many funs today."
You can learn only Spanish in some region in USA?
Going to USA to learn Spanish. It's a new style.
>>915 Be more specific, please. Correct my english.
918 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 01:48:18
Why learn mexican spanish?
You had better off learning spanish spanish.
Because it is more authentic than it.
Spanish Spanish for whites.
mexican spanish for muds.
920 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/16(水) 01:49:26
>>917 You are very rude.
You should be more respectful towards people who you learn things from.
Would you be a little more specific about my error, please? Would you correct my English, please?
>>912 "Advice" is an uncountable noun, so it doesn't have a plural form.
You should say "a lot of useful advice" instead of "many useful advices."