Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 110

952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:04:46
KGKGKG is something like an internet transmitted disease that you get infected with.
You become a KGKGKG and start talking like him if you watch one of his videos.
You should do vlogging and show your face.
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:10:01
what is KGKGKG exactly?
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:14:29
Will you talk about kgkkgk on more appropriate thread like
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:14:42
it's an Internet Transmitted Disease.
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:22:09
KGKGKG, a korean Japanese, speaking English and posting videos on Youtube.
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:25:25
He sometimes hosts a live chat room.
Go check.
958アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 03:26:45
I'll try it out sometime. I am pretty open to new foods, even if the taste is quite shocking at first.
Taste buds can be changed very easily. You quickly get used to foods you dislike if you eat them a lot so I try to eat all foods.

While we are on the topic of food, what is everyone's favorite food?
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:30:13
2ch is everlasting. 2ch will never die unless we kill tatemae!
960名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:31:33
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:32:53
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:33:32
I don't have any specific foods I like.
All I wat is what my mom makes everyday.
As a Neet and sort of hikikomori, I can't complain dish she serves.
If I hav eenough money to eat out, then I would like to eat at a
fancy Italian restraunt with a beautiful woman. I'd order see ood pizza
or nice pasta. If she wants to drink a glas of wine with that, then
that can be a good choice. But that's just a pipedream.
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:33:54
I don't mean to stick to Natto, but I like Natto maki, or Natto roll (sushi).
It's tasty, but I don't recommend it if you don't like sushi or natto.

And there are too many foods i like other than that.
964アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 03:35:23
www Would real life become 2ch if that happened?
965アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 03:38:49
I was wondering, why is curry so popular in Japan? Indian food isn't all that popular here in America although I do enjoy curry as well.
Hey, don't get your hopes down. Anything can happen you know. I honestly respect your lifestyle, I don't see why there is anything wrong with isolation.

Oh and for my favorite food I would have to say salmon. I eat a lot of fish and salmon is probably my favorite.
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:40:21
Are you really an American.
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:45:05
Japanese curry tastes completely different than indian curry.
Believe me. Real yummy. *drolling*
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:46:44
I heard American don't like to eat raw fish in general.
How do you eat salmon?
The best way to eat salmon is without cooking just put a dressing on it.
like marin.
969アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 03:47:31
Yes. Although I have to say my mindset is way different from most people. I don't really identify myself as American just as a person who happened to be born in America. Where you are born is just chance anyways.
Maybe it's my very unusual philosophy of life that makes me not seem American? If it helps to see me as more American, I do have blonde hair and blue eyes. lol
I am visiting this Japan again this summer so I will try some then. Looking forward to it! Any type or place you would recommend? *drooling*
970アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 03:51:57
Actually sushi has become popular recently. I wouldn't say that REAL Japanese food has become popular or anything but a lot of Americans like sushi now; it's a trendy thing to do.
I've liked salmon all my life. I usually bake it and prepare it with some sort of glaze or seasoning. However, I do occasionally have it raw.
The problem is that where I live it's hard to buy fresh fish at the store so if I want to have fresh raw salmon I have to go to a sushi bar. Raw salmon is so good. What is marin?
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:52:27
I'm sorry I love Boncurry
972名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:53:52
I heard that curry is the most loved food in England.
973アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 03:55:42
I don't know much about England but this article seems to agree:
Maybe not the most loved food but it seems like it's at least very popular.
974名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:58:33
One Japanese took his collegue from India to a restrant and ordered curry
because he thought his Indian colleague missed his country's specialty.

They had wonderful conversation and enjoyed the dish.
When they got out of the restaurant, he asked his Indian collegue
how the dish was.

The Indian colleague replied, "That was a really delicious meal.
What's the name of the dish?"
This is a joke that explains curry served in Japan and curry in India is two
different things. Actually, in big cities, there are Indian restaurants
which serves real Indian style curry. But It's a bit different if
curry is served in places other than real Indian style restaurant.
But this joke exaggerates the differences between curry in Japan and
India, so in reality the indian colleague could have recognized what he ate was
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 03:59:48
which area do you live in in the US?
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:03:14
Oh dude, you're going to Japan this summer? Haha, nice. We might be there at the same time then.
Where you gonna be?
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:03:17
I mean, marinated salmon.
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:04:06
Where are you from? What part of US?
979アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 04:04:20
lol I see I see. I will be sure to try both kinds of curry in Japan then.

I live in the south right now, in Georgia. Eventually I will be moving to either a city in the north or maybe California for school.
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:05:52
>Maybe it's my very unusual philosophy of life

Tell me more? Are you a party animal? I doubt American who come to
places like 2ch tend to be a person who like parties.
981アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 04:06:18
Oh I see. I'll try it out, what would be something good to marinate it in? Any recommendations?
Tokyo, I'll be there at the beginning of June for a few weeks.
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:08:13
w00t. My state! (California) Stick to the north, the south sucks.

Ah, cool. I'm gonna be traveling around. Have fun!
983名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:09:41
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:10:29
>I doubt American who come to
> places like 2ch tend to be a person who like parties.

????? Read >>1
985イギリス人:2008/04/07(月) 04:10:45
A lot of 'Indian' curries which are popular in the UK (and West) started off as a
mixture of sauces either made from scratch, or adapted from foods originating
in India, but changed by British diplomats and soldiers stationed there while
it was part of the British Empire to suit a non-native taste.

Anyone who goes to India to try and find their favourite curry will probably
have a very hard time actually finding it there.

If you haven't tried it already, I'd very much recommend uni.
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:11:38
Midnight train to Georgia ♪
Georgia on my mind ♪

One of the popular canned coffee sold in Japan is called Georgia.

Maybe person in charge of marketing in the company thought it's a good name
because Georgia has coffe plantation, perhaps.
987アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 04:12:39
Ahaha you are spot on. I am not a party animal at all. I tried it out for a short amount of time and quickly realized it's not for me.
I am a bit introverted. I enjoy sitting around on the computer surfing the net and such things a lot.
Basically I just do whatever I find the most entertaining and for now it's occasionally hanging out with people and spending my time on the net or reading. I'm also really interested in science and philosophy.
I am not in college yet so that explains my lackadaisical lifestyle. Once I get into college (in a year) I'll probably start spending more of my time on studying and such.
988名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:12:43
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 111
989名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:13:17
the shop that serves real Indian curry or nealy are increasing
in Tokyo area.
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:13:59
hahaha, Chatting here and a real party are different things.

My image toward party in America is upbeat people gather and
get wild and have a fun. I think American who come to 2ch
is reserved and a bit nerd and geek and thigs like that.
No offense meant.
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:15:44
>>have a very hard time actually finding it there

there means England?
992アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 04:16:15
>the south sucks.
It really does. lol Not to mention no good colleges in the south.
Last time I went to Japan I brought home a can of Georgia coffee as a sort of joke. Canned coffee in Japan is actually really good.
993イギリス人:2008/04/07(月) 04:17:53
... goes to India ... have a very hard time actually finding it there.

In this case, 'there' is India.
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:18:05
bible belt
995アメリカ 人 :2008/04/07(月) 04:18:53
You're right. The only type of American person who would even know about 2ch would probably be someone like me who has spent a lot of time on the internet.
996名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:20:36
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:20:37
I disagree with that. You just have to be interested in Japanese culture.
I learned about it from Densha Otoko, not from spending a lot of time on the net.
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:21:25
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:22:31
Oh, I misunderstood then, thanks
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/04/07(月) 04:22:46