
001 2002 第1回 午前 1. Japan's declining birthrate --- a national crisis?
002 2002 第1回 午前 2 .Cars-convenience vs. environmental concerns
003 2002 第1回 午前 3. Should capital punishment be abolished?
004 2002 第1回 午前 4. Is the Internet bringing the world's cultures closer together?
005 2002 第1回 午前 5. What is your philosophy of life?
006 2002 第1回 午後 1. Is medical care too expensive in Japan?
007 2002 第1回 午後 2. Are environmental groups making a difference?
008 2002 第1回 午後 3. Should developed nations do more to help developing nations?
009 2002 第1回 午後 4. Will newspapers become obsolete in the Internet-driven 21st century?
010 2002 第1回 午後 5. Word peace -- a realistic future possibility?
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:16:09
011 2002 第2回 午前 1. Species extinction --- a natural process?
012 2002 第2回 午前 2. Can age restrictions in the workplace be justified?
013 2002 第2回 午前 3. To what extent should public manners be governed by law?
014 2002 第2回 午前 4. The pros and cons of a world currency
015 2002 第2回 午前 5. The characteristics of modern society that our ancestors would find most surprising
016 2002 第2回 午後 1. Will renewable energy sources ever completely replace fossil fuels?
017 2002 第2回 午後 2. The pros and cons of the double-income family
018 2002 第2回 午後 3. The government's need to protect information vs. the public's right to know
019 2002 第2回 午後 4. Can the Japanese economy ever return to its former strength?
020 2002 第2回 午後 5. Do people get wiser as they get older?
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:16:55
021 2002 第3回 午前 1. Do you think there is life elsewhere in the universe?
022 2002 第3回 午前 2. What will Japan be like 10 years from now?
023 2002 第3回 午前 3. Who should provide public services --- the government or private-sector corporations?
024 2002 第3回 午前 4. Can terrorism ever be eliminated?
025 2002 第3回 午前 5. Teaching children the difference between right and wrong
026 2002 第3回 午後 1. Are you for or against human cloning?
027 2002 第3回 午後 2. Is our pace of life too fast?
028 2002 第3回 午後 3. The increasing unemployment rate in Japan
029 2002 第3回 午後 4. Are war and violence an inseparable part of society?
030 2002 第3回 午後 5. Does university education prepare young people for real life?
38名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:17:45
031 2003 第1回 午前 1. What is the biggest health threat facing mankind today?
032 2003 第1回 午前 2. Will technology ever be able to predict natural disasters accurately?
033 2003 第1回 午前 3. Does the media sensationalize crime?
034 2003 第1回 午前 4. Obstacles to nuclear disarmament
035 2003 第1回 午前 5. What rights should children have?
036 2003 第1回 午後 1. Are genetically modified foods safe?
037 2003 第1回 午後 2. Is space exploration worth the cost?
038 2003 第1回 午後 3. What type of crime most threatens society?
039 2003 第1回 午後 4. Is the clash of world religions inevitable?
040 2003 第1回 午後 5. Is the family becoming obsolete?
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:18:30
041 2003 第2回 午前 1. Healthcare: prevention versus cure
042 2003 第2回 午前 2. Is Japan democratic?
043 2003 第2回 午前 3. Could we eliminate crime by eliminating poverty?
044 2003 第2回 午前 4. The importance of the "classics" in the study of literature
045 2003 第2回 午前 5. How important is self-esteem?
046 2003 第2回 午後 1. What kind of scientific research should receive the most government funding?
047 2003 第2回 午後 2. The pros and cons of capitalism
048 2003 第2回 午後 3. The company versus the family in modern Japan
049 2003 第2回 午後 4. Can world hunger be alleviated?
050 2003 第2回 午後 5. Can creativity be taught?
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:19:12
051 2003 第3回 午前 1. What qualifications and experience should a world leader have?
052 2003 第3回 午前 2. Is technology advancing too quickly?
053 2003 第3回 午前 3. Japan's role in the global economy
054 2003 第3回 午前 4. Are educational standards in Japan declining?
055 2003 第3回 午前 5. "Better safe than sorry" - do you agree?
056 2003 第3回 午後 1. Which was the greater invention: the printing press or the microchip?
057 2003 第3回 午後 2. The importance of preserving our cultural heritage
058 2003 第3回 午後 3. The future direction of Japanese foreign relations
059 2003 第3回 午後 4. Should specialist knowledge of a subject qualify a person to be a teacher?
060 2003 第3回 午後 5. "Nice guys finish last" --- do you agree?
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:19:50
061 2004 第1回 午前 1. Are we doing enough to protect the environment?
062 2004 第1回 午前 2. Would you be willing to pay higher taxes for better government services?
063 2004 第1回 午前 3. Should certain books, movies, or music be censored?
064 2004 第1回 午前 4. The pros and cons of self-employment
065 2004 第1回 午前 5. "Love conquers all" --- do you agree?
066 2004 第1回 午後 1. Will all of the world's wilderness areas eventually disappear?
067 2004 第1回 午後 2. What patriotism means to you
068 2004 第1回 午後 3. Is the Internet harmful to children?
069 2004 第1回 午後 4. Which would you rather work for - a multinational corporation or a local business?
070 2004 第1回 午後 5. "The pen is mightier than the sword" --- do you agree?
42名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:20:34
071 2004 第2回 午前 1. Does political activism make a difference?
072 2004 第2回 午前 2. Do foreign management style work in Japanese companies?
073 2004 第2回 午前 3. Are food-safety standards strict enough?
074 2004 第2回 午前 4. The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
075 2004 第2回 午前 5. "What goes around, comes around" --- do you agree?
076 2004 第2回 午後 1 Is the fossil-fuel era coming to an end?
077 2004 第2回 午後 2. Is there a tendency for people in power to abuse it?
078 2004 第2回 午後 3. The need to improve security in public places
079 2004 第2回 午後 4. Should Third World debt be forgiven?
080 2004 第2回 午後 5. "Ignorance is bliss" --- do you agree?
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:22:22
071 2004 第2回 午前 1. Does political activism make a difference?
072 2004 第2回 午前 2. Do foreign management style work in Japanese companies?
073 2004 第2回 午前 3. Are food-safety standards strict enough?
074 2004 第2回 午前 4. The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
075 2004 第2回 午前 5. "What goes around, comes around" --- do you agree?
076 2004 第2回 午後 1 Is the fossil-fuel era coming to an end?
077 2004 第2回 午後 2. Is there a tendency for people in power to abuse it?
078 2004 第2回 午後 3. The need to improve security in public places
079 2004 第2回 午後 4. Should Third World debt be forgiven?
080 2004 第2回 午後 5. "Ignorance is bliss" --- do you agree?
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:23:42
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:24:53
081 2004 第3回 午前 1. Is the gap between the "haves" and "have-nots" increasing?
082 2004 第3回 午前 2. Should companies reward individual employees for outstanding contributions?
083 2004 第3回 午前 3. Can we win the battle against AIDS?
084 2004 第3回 午前 4. Are computer games blurring the line between the real and virtual worlds?
085 2004 第3回 午前 5. "Where there's a will, there's a way" --- do you agree?
086 2004 第3回 午後 1. Do young people today have shorter attention spans?
087 2004 第3回 午後 2. Are labor unions necessary in the modern workplace?
088 2004 第3回 午後 3. Which is a greater threat to mankind, terrorism or world hunger?
089 2004 第3回 午後 4. The moral issues raised by stem-cell research
090 2004 第3回 午後 5. "Time is money" --- do you agree?
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:27:18
091 2005 第1回 午前 1.What role should the United Nations play in international politics?
092 2005 第1回 午前 2. Do the rich have a responsibility to help the poor in society?
093 2005 第1回 午前 3. Is tradition always worth preserving?
094 2005 第1回 午前 4. Should students be asked to evaluate their teachers?
095 2005 第1回 午前 5. “Honesty is the best policy”----in all situations?
096 2005 第1回 午後 1. Is globalization good or bad for developing countries?
097 2005 第1回 午後 2. Should the retirement age be abolished?
098 2005 第1回 午後 3. Do the media exaggerate the dangers of crime today?
099 2005 第1回 午後 4. Should there be more public funding for arts?
100 2005 第1回 午後 5. “Failure teaches success”---do you agree?
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:28:16
101 2005 第2回 午前 1. Is scientific progress always beneficial?
102 2005 第2回 午前 2. Do businesses have certain obligations to the local community?
103 2005 第2回 午前 3. Is inequity in society inevitable?
104 2005 第2回 午前 4. Can working parents play a sufficient role in raising their children?
105 2005 第2回 午前 5. “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”---do you agree?
106 2005 第2回 午後 1. Which has more value in modern society, science or art?
107 2005 第2回 午後 2. Why are certain countries more economically successful than others?
108 2005 第2回 午後 3. Is it possible to eliminate racism?
109 2005 第2回 午後 4. What responsibilities should have to their parents?
110 2005 第2回 午後 5. The pros and cons of conformity
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:29:11
111 2005 第3回 午前 1. Do young people today have too much leisure time?
112 2005 第3回 午前 2. Are consumption taxes a fair way of raising government revenue?
113 2005 第3回 午前 3. Should everyone be guaranteed a job?
114 2005 第3回 午前 4. Have the Olympic become too commercialized?
115 2005 第3回 午前 5. Are humans superior to other life forms?
116 2005 第3回 午後 1. Are people today too reliant on what the “experts” say?
117 2005 第3回 午後 2. Which should schools emphasize more, competition or cooperation?
118 2005 第3回 午後 3. Are advances in telecommunications making it less important to meet people in person?
119 2005 第3回 午後 4. Do the media have too much influence on politics?
120 2005 第3回 午後 5. “Actions speak louder than words”---do you agree?
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:29:56
121 2006 第1回 午前 1. Will the 21st century be the Asian country?
122 2006 第1回 午前 2. Should there be more emphasis on the science in education today?
123 2006 第1回 午前 3. Is the family today as important as it was in the past?
124 2006 第1回 午前 4. Will the trend part-time employment negatively affect Japanese society?
125 2006 第1回 午前 5. Why do you think some people in power abuse their position?
126 2006 第1回 午後 1. Are foreign workers the solution to Japan’s predicted labor shortage?
127 2006 第1回 午後 2. Should democracy be the goal of all nations?
128 2006 第1回 午後 3. Should Internet crime be taken more seriously?
129 2006 第1回 午後 4. Do you think company loyalty is a thing of the past?
130 2006 第1回 午後 5. Is spirituality losing its importance in modern society?
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:30:39
131 2006 第2回 午前 1. Has technology changed education for the better?
132 2006 第2回 午前 2. How will the economic growth of China affect Japan in future?
133 2006 第2回 午前 3. Prevention vs. cure in the battle against crime
134 2006 第2回 午前 4. Do people today pay enough attention to traditional remedies and medicines?
135 2006 第2回 午前 5. “Win some, lose some”---Is this a good attitude to have?
136 2006 第2回 午後 1. Should couples have the right to choose the sex of their children?
137 2006 第2回 午後 2. Do you think outsourcing is good for the Japanese economy?
138 2006 第2回 午後 3. Is too much attention paid to the human rights of criminals?
139 2006 第2回 午後 4. Are modern telecommunications creating a common world culture?
140 2006 第2回 午後 5. Why are science fiction and fantasy so popular today?
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:31:31
141 2006 第3回 午前 1. Should Japan focus more on relations with other Asian nations?
142 2006 第3回 午前 2. Is it possible to report the news objectively?
143 2006 第3回 午前 3. Have modern farming methods become too industrialized?
144 2006 第3回 午前 4. Do competitive sports build character in chidlren?
145 2006 第3回 午前 5. Do arranged marriages have a role to play in society today?
146 2006 第3回 午後 1. Is it possible to create an effective world government?
147 2006 第3回 午後 2. Are people today becoming less interested in the news?
148 2006 第3回 午後 3. Does the Japanese custom of gift-giving have a place in modern business?
149 2006 第3回 午後 4. Hi-tech sports equipment vs. natural ability in sports today
150 2006 第3回 午後 5. Do young people today lack direction in their lives?
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:32:10
151 2007 第1回 A 1. Have people today lost their interest in politics?
152 2007 第1回 A 2. Is government action the key to dealing with climate change?
153 2007 第1回 A 3. Is the declining population the biggest problem facing Japanese society?
154 2007 第1回 A 4. Are patrols by local citizens an effective way of reducing crime?
155 2007 第1回 A 5. The pros and cons of zoos and aquariums
156 2007 第1回 B 1. Do you think celevrities and entertainers can make good politicians?
157 2007 第1回 B 2. Is the extensive media coverage of environmental problem having any effect?
158 2007 第1回 B 3. Is builidng more road the solution to Japan's growing traffic problems?
159 2007 第1回 B 4. Does Japan pay enough attention to domestic issues like the homeless?
160 2007 第1回 B 5. Do modern societies spend too much money on pets?
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/06/22(日) 18:35:19
161 2007 第2回 A 1. Shoud Japan's wealth be distributed more evenly among it's citizens?
162 2007 第2回 A 2. Is it possible to keep politics out of international sporting events?
163 2007 第2回 A 3. The value of an arts degree vs. a science degree in the real world
164 2007 第2回 A 4. Should more be done to promote equality for women in Japan?
165 2007 第2回 A 5. Does fortuntelling have a role to play in today's society?
166 2007 第2回 B 1. Can Japanese companies remain competitive in today's global economy?
167 2007 第2回 B 2. Do fathers today play a big enough role in their chidren's upbringing?
168 2007 第2回 B 3. Is reducing poverty the best way to tackle crime?
169 2007 第2回 B 4. Should potentially dangerous sports like boxing be banned?
170 2007 第2回 B 5. The value of studying philosophy in the modern world