Chat in English (英語で雑談) Par

( ´・ω・) Let's have some hot tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 105

Hey!!! you NEETS, nerds, Akiba maid-cafe frequenters,
Youtube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts,
Internet-addicted housewives-in-therapy, Diplomats' spoiled sons,
Losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big-boobs fans,
and Weeaboos from all over the world,

Here is the place to have a blast!!!!!
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 00:45:50
YOU FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 00:50:44
thank you for your care...
im gonna go to bed and cry secretly...

F YOU!! but i admit it was my mistake...
4イギリス人:2008/03/03(月) 00:52:21
We have to just remember that this is Chat in English (英語で雑談)
Part 106...
5980:2008/03/03(月) 00:54:43
I tried but my host was also blocked..
6名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 00:55:34
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 00:56:29
Who gives a flying fuck what number this is.
Let's go numberless and break free from the onus of numbers.
8980:2008/03/03(月) 00:58:39
I will forgive you..
In the name of god and Buddha. (Famous KG saying)

I'm glad to know you love GODAIGO.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:04:26
Thank you very much and sorry for the last minute request.
This is not going to be big of a deal, since this thread will be consumed pretty quickly anyway.
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:07:39
hey please put nanako sos admirer instead of pedophiles.
I'm not a strict pedophile cos I don't wanna molest
innnocent girls, so it's ok to list both though.

I wanna leave proof of my existece befor death. Please
make sure to add nanako sos admirer next time.
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:09:15
You never die how often we ask or even try.
12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:10:28
I don't like made-cafe either. they are fake.
don't demand too much from innocent girl(rarely exist in made-cafe).
her existence is just a relief.
she'll save the world by doning nothing.
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:13:51
You must learn the word "compromise".
14980:2008/03/03(月) 01:14:59
And I also forgive you in the name of Matsuken too...
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:15:45
compromise or consciously deceived by fake relation?
16イギリス人:2008/03/03(月) 01:17:10
Just been watching a couple more 'Noriaki' music videos (one was
posted late last thread). Is he real? Is there some sort of background
to why this music exists?
17名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:19:56
He got audition and was chosen.
lyrics are not his own but he seems to compose music.
He kind of makes fun of zeebra, so-called hip hop king in
japan, actually just a dokyun.
18名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:22:27
I know. I was going to take it out, but since I already did drop a couple,
I decided to leave it so that >>1 wouldn't look too skinny. Perhaps, it can be
replaced with something current and appropriate soon.
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:22:27
Have you thrown away all of your CDs?
20名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:25:15
project of Audition was 後輩オーディション(junior audition)
He was in rather prestegious university, tukuba university and
didn't go to school and became hikikomori(retreat?).
Then he send an application form and was elected.
21名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:27:08
had an audition seems to be more clear.
22名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:30:23
I've just inserted an anal painkiller for the first time in five? days.
The pain is less severe than the last time but I thought it's better
to put it in anyway.

The problem is that it doesn't work. Then why I put it in? Because
I have a little bit of hope that this time it might work. Although
my expectation to uho painkiller is always in vain.

I hope this pain in my foot tonight stay this level of pain or getting
lessen gradually. Anyway I don't think I can sleep with this pain so
I think I kill time on the Internet, maybe making a haiku or two.
23名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:30:27
I like noriaki's きょどった behavior.
How can I say きょどった in English?
frighten, restless, ??
24980:2008/03/03(月) 01:32:21
Are you interested in him ?

I never found the possibility in him at all.
If real R6B people were raising him so much,
then why he go to the states and compete with REAL people ?

He is just a fake,
who is cailming all the time suchlike "I'm real one!".
25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:35:15
Don't take his videos too seriously.
They are all joke videos.
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:37:41
Actually, Zeebra is said to be a very spoiled brat from a rich family, which
is what hip hop heads make fun of behind his back because he says he was
"brought up on the street" that made him "real."
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:40:12

2channlers loved to make fun of this lyric.

by the way, how native speakers count lyric?
One sentence is lyric and two sentence is lyrics?
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:44:20
Wow. Today must be called "Pushy R&B Salesman's Day" ?
29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:44:35
I love wching chick in zeebra bikini.
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:44:50
If イギリス人さん could understand japanese, he would know
how noriaki is trying to be charismatic and imitating zeebra.
It's very subtle nuance. I don't know whether even
dave specter could understand his gag.
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:47:25
Wow he is not a salesman but just turned out to be a spammer.
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:49:07
33名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:50:21
I don't see any R&B here, though.
34名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 01:55:58
Why no pussy?
Were they born like that?
35名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:05:00
Sorry, I missed your post. Okay, if you make sure to keep posting about her.
36名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:06:39
Forget all live performances you have been to. Cuz they are all FAKE.
This is the REAL live.
37名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:10:57
Wow Noriaki is like a REAL cockroach in a mess.
38ヨーロッパ人:2008/03/03(月) 02:11:50
what's going on here?
39名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:12:59
>>36 Are you fuckin out of your mind?
It was a funny video!!
I searched videos by word ノリアキ at youtube
and some crazy shit came out.
Noriaki reminds me of Taku Hachiro or a guy imitated Michael by singing EAT IT, not BEAT IT.
40名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:14:49
Noriaki is gonna be huge here. LOL
41名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:26:27
I don't think so. taku is very distorted, mean man.
he looked weird and tried to annoy somebody for getting attentions.
the more he tried to get attentions, the more creepy he got.
He took advantege of his creepy style. But people started to
really abhore his style.
very pathetic man. only buliding connection with the world
through creepy stunt like stalking and teling about his enemies behind
their back.
And taku is very complacent and narcisistic man.
But he can't create anything but bitch about somebody.
He is just a bystander otaku but can't create otaku culture.
pathetic. still want to be rocognized by society.

noriaki is essentially a good natured man.
42イギリス人:2008/03/03(月) 02:29:36
The only time I've ever heard Zeebra was in one of Kitano's movies,
'Brother'. Not really my thing, so don't know much about him.

And thanks to everyone who explained who Noriaki is. Though I'd
not really buy anything of his, it's nice to see someone not taking
that kind of music seriously.

Finished making and serving dinner, and my grandmother's managed to
steal a lot of my food and run back home with it. This always happens.
It's like a hit-and-run, except the victim is my refrigerator.
43名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:30:20
44名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 02:43:16
taku's worst enemy kiridoshi risaku won suntory prize.
I don't like kiridoshi either lol and don't have any interest in him.
but at least he was recognized by main stream. Althogh kiridoshi
has some mental abnormality and problem with his personal life,
he is surely talented in some genre.
It's worthless to attack someone's personality.
45名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:00:04
Have you ever felt lonly or isolated living alone?
46名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:03:28
Excuse me.

If you say he is nice, I got not a littel interested in that video.
Would you show me which video is nice to you ?

I just watched only one of them called [home] though.
47名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:06:51
Aren't you mixing shimizu Shouta and Noriaki, the REAL man?
48名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:09:11
49名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:19:47
I'm glad that I sometimes have the same opinion as イギリス人 on some
specific issues.
I think shimizu shota's voice is good but void of something
and unnaturally geared to american singing style.
I would rather feel stress.
50名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:20:43
Sorry I might have done.
Then where was Noriaki's Video in last thread ?

Please dont post the link but tell me the Res No please.
51名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:31:06
I mean, Response Number.

If you dont like it, then go through it please.
52名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:34:03
The one at >646 says it all.
53名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:37:10
Appreciate it to you.
I'll try.
54名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:39:33
hehe. I'm sincere. so I'll check it out.
Actually I'm the man who introduced noriaki first. LOL let me see...
Probably the number 902? the number 897 is mine.

55名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:43:51
Maybe my English sounds strange.
Much appreciate. >>52
56名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 03:50:07
Thanks to you, I got to know him and since then, I'm encouraging anybody who are
satisfied with fake music to listen to Noriaki's REAL music.

The most hilarious part of the video is, when he was interviewed sitting on a chair
outdoors, a dog bumped into his knee. Since he pursues REALity, he didn't edit the scene.
57名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 04:04:50
I'm very much amused. LOL

Please make one thing clear.
I heard Shimizu Shota got the 5th in certain music ranking or so. Is that right ?
Then, Noriaki... What on the earth did he do ?

Of course, still I'm really amused without any achievements of him.
He is not cockroach ! Much alike a drone beetle flying in the free sky !
58名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 04:10:50
And I remember one thing 明和電機 is also talented musicians from Tukuba Univ.
I feel their tastes and sense of humors are almost same.
He must have something to do with them.

And now I really wanna remix his music. LOL
59名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 04:16:00
60名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 04:23:37
He looks Kitsch like Tei Towa from Dee Lite.
61名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 04:28:27

>>60 is mine.
And Noriaki do looks Kitsch.

So now I can tell the REAL music from the FAKEs.

Noriaki is REAL ! LOL
62名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 04:29:48
X do looks Kitsch
O does looks Kitsch
63名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 04:35:01
No edit at all !
64名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 05:15:18
Bree Olson is so gorgeous..
65AZ:2008/03/03(月) 05:16:24
Nice to see the thread is alive and well. Too bad I don't really care about
pop culture (in either the US or Japan).
66名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 05:25:11
Grab'n'hold me. Grab'n'hold me. And fuck me.
Yah, aha, show me how bitch I am.
Show me what a cunt I am.
67名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 06:00:29
You said you like classical music before, didn't you ?

How would you listen to them ?

In your room, with big sound systems and components ?
6867:2008/03/03(月) 06:01:13
X >>75
O >>65
69名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 06:59:10
OMG he might have gone.
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:16:36
Classical music and 12-gauge shotgun...
sounds like Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs.

This guy must be a writer.
71ebifurai55_暗行御史 ◆AOGu5v68Us :2008/03/03(月) 07:22:55
Finland School Attack Event. Listen to Rockband music for Criminal?
anyone answer here!!
72名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:27:08
Or a cannibal!
73名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:28:24
Carnival?? Party time???

YEAH, Lets have a ball!
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:32:52
You mean, cannibal carnival ?... horrible...
75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:37:35
I believe that Mr.Miura is gonna be convictied with murder.
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:39:55
How ever I believe that there must have been someone else who actually pulled the trigger at the crime scene.
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:42:55
Another detective is coming with his pocketbook.
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:46:47
What Mr.Mura is possibly going to be charged of is conspiracy with murder at the moment.
79名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 07:59:32
why do you call Mr Miura? he is a criminal.
when we call a bad person, we should ommit the compellation.
80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 08:01:45
cause he has not been even charged yet.
81AZ:2008/03/03(月) 08:16:08
Who's a cannibal, now? I like guns, and Classical Music. I don't think human flesh is tasty at all.
82AZ:2008/03/03(月) 08:18:53
Cannibalism, uh... yeah, I'm gonna go check my freezer...
83AZ:2008/03/03(月) 08:24:12
Cannibalism, yes, uh...I'm going to go check on my freezer now...
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 08:33:14
you don't have to post such a boaring commment twice.
85名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 10:44:06
who is AZ? what is the abbreviation for?
86名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 11:16:32
Suicidal anime mania from state of Arizona.
87名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 11:22:28
Another US marine, 21 y/o, got arrested.
He broke into a building by smashing a glass wall with an iron pipe, drunken.
88AZ:2008/03/03(月) 11:59:28
AZ stands for ARIZONA, my home state.
89名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 12:11:35
Is i true that you are suicidal?
Are you a Diamondbauks fan?

One Japanese player joined the team last year.
90名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 12:14:23
oh poor 米軍海兵隊さん。then the whole marine in Japan
will be punished again?

then there will be more trip code posters such as NG (Nagoya),
FUK(Fukuoka), IBRG(Ibaragi), STM(Saitama=Igirisujin san)
91名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 12:26:04
I'm sure there must be a soccer team named AZ in Netherlands.
92名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 13:08:54
Arizona have a border with mexico and faces a lot of illegal aliens,
mostly spics.
How do you tackle with these muds?
shot them on the spot?
93名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 13:18:56
Ican't speak English.Hush!!Hush!! Are you Okay?
"Don't copy we Blogs,that's cheating!! Feeling that everyone
looking at U critically=Self consious.and Pessimistic,Doudtful,
Nouseous,Odd,Peculiar...She lives in a web. U A quite welcome.

Do you like 2chan?/ Ofcouse enthusiastic 2chan!!
to go what one deserves. Todays lesson/Angly

Yoshiko Hara
94名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 15:32:17
How do you drink a Japanese tea?
Do you put milk or sugar in it???
95名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 15:59:06
Drink it straight like a real man.
96名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 15:59:45
Are you joking?
Are you a foreigner?
97名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 17:15:14
Let me think if there is any japanese tea requires milk sugar tec..

Green tea--straight
Mugi tea--straight
Sen tea--straight
dokudami tea--straight

Well, I can't think of any.
98名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 17:44:10
Once there was a young girl
but old enough to know girl
99名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 18:34:08
What the fuck are you talking about, you fat fuck?
100名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 18:39:20
sweet green tea with milk makes me puke
101名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 18:42:32
Try both. Trust me.
102名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 18:54:53
Maccha Milk rules for a cold drink, actually.
I've also read that coke and milk make some nice drink, though I've never
got the balls to try it. People try crazy things and the result is 99% likely a
waste of time, but you might innovate a new drink for the next generation.
103名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 19:01:35
Try Mayonnaise with it. That is REAL next generation.
And /リマ干 always loves this way.
104名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 19:02:21
Sea Shepherd...! LMAO
105名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 19:29:50
Who decided what's inside the Bible is all true?
What evidence can you give me?
106本玉儿:2008/03/03(月) 20:13:47
Yoko Osita is my best onapet.
I rub my oily penis madly while I imagine the scene Yoko Osita fight against Mona Yamamoto.
Yoko Osita won this game , but I don't know the tomorrow game.
I like Yoko Osita all the better because her pelvis is compact.
107本玉儿:2008/03/03(月) 20:37:57
I like woman having a compact hip.
If her compact hip collide with the huge hip of the glamour woman at speed of sound , what become of that result ?
When I think so , I cannot help touching my penis unintentionary !

108名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 20:54:41
(electromagnetic field)の形態を以て約8分掛けて素早く到達汁。

付記してheat radiationと汁、或はheatを単にradiationにコソーリ

109名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:11:00
sea shephard is annoying
110名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:15:04
本玉儿 is a funny guy!!! I like him.
111名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:15:53
黄砂is annoying
112本玉儿:2008/03/03(月) 21:18:50
Do you know a competition called the tug of war ?
The tug of war is a competition performed many people pull one rope from both sides , at the time of Undoukai.
Are you interesting to pull Yoko Osita's crotch as substitute of the rope ?

113名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:22:39
How could possibly Miura's accusation be made ?
Has he actually ever been behind bars?
114名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:32:16
Hondama is in China somebody said yesterday. lol
he's gone there for good, right?
115名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:33:50
it is you and me. pornography.
116名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:36:31
Miura Kazuyoshi is a notorious guy. but
he is good at juggle it, so many crimes had been
covered and nobody knows it.
117名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:39:29
I am foreigner learning japanese. that is all kanji I know.
日 月 火 水 木 金 土 山 川 田
人 子 女 口 車 門 学 生 先 年
一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
百 千 万 円 上 下 中 大 小 本
半 分 力 何 私
林 森 明 休 体 好 男 間 畑 岩
目 耳 手 足 牛 馬 鳥 魚 貝 朝
昼 晩 夜 物 石 糸 肉 花 竹 米
茶 文 
字 雨 方 前 後 新 古 長 短 暗
高 低 安 多 少 行 来 帰 食 飲
買 見 話 聞 読 書 教 夕 午 毎
週 曜 作 泳 油 海 酒 待 校 時
言 計 語 飯 宅 客 室 家 英 薬
会 今 雪 雲 電 売 広 店 度 病
疲 痛 屋 国 回 困 開 閉 近 遠 
速 遅 道 青 晴 静 寺 持 荷 歌
友 父 母 兄 姉 弟 妹 夫 妻 彼
主 奥 元 気 有 名 親 切 便 利
不 若 早 忙 出 入 乗 降 着 渡
通 走 歩 止 動 働
118名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:44:28
Are you also foreigner learning English?
119名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:47:29
yes. I am spanish.
120名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:50:32
Work hard? Why should I?
121名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:50:35
I've seen that copypasta before.
122名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 21:57:41
Matsuken is not here on TV tonight..shi*
probably he's being with Nagasaku. shi*
123名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 22:28:22
nemu sugi
124名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 22:33:06
125名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 23:48:00
Rub your foot on israel flag, which is used as carpet in my home!
126名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 23:56:15
of finally I could get in here....something wrong with 2ch
127名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 23:56:53
what is LMAO?
128名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/03(月) 23:58:46
Do you love uchida kyouko known as uchiii? I thought uchida
kind of looked like oshita and oshita was an inferior version of uchida.
And uchida is younger than I previously thought she was.
Doesn't she look old?
129名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:00:16
What do you think it is?
130名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:03:06
I used to think that's "I am going to" but it looks different.
no prob I'll find it out later.
131名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:03:54
you guys are still talking about such boring topics.......
132名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:04:24
Hey man....
Price of a pizza is going up everywhere.
133名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:05:02
I don't think Ucchi looks like Oshita. Ucchi is very pretty
while Oshita is not.
134名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:07:34
Laughing my ass off. oowarai
135名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:07:38
how old is Ucchi? she's stil in her 20's?
136名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:08:31
No, it's more like she is from the 20's.
137名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:08:53
One REAL a day keeps doctor away.
138名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:09:00
So talk anything you like without Matsuken matters.
139名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:09:20
oh thanks. I was about to take out my english dictionary
from the shelf. you were quicker than me.
140名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:10:07
Would you stop spamming this thread? It's really annoying.
141名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:10:44
let us talk about shalks
142名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:10:54
Do you like a spam sushi???
143名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:11:02
It's just because it's such a basic knowledge. I think everybody here knows it.
144名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:12:06
I went on a safari to Africa to see the lions.
145名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:12:08
Yes. I undestand that people think uchida is pretty while I don't personally
think so. I said "inferior verision". both have faces like donky.

Sometimes an ugly woman looks like a beautiful woman in some parts.
It's exaggeration. I don't say oshita is ugly.
146名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:13:40
Some idiot turned off the fridge, and the milk has gone off.
147名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:14:59
Which shalks ?
Anyway, you start first
148名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:15:37
Why did milk go off while fridge was tunred off.
I think milk would cool off...
149名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:15:58
....chotto shock...
Matsuken's home is the place for the delivery of SEIKYO shimbun...
(newspaper for Soka gakkai).
150名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:16:42
Let's talk about chalks. I like pink.
151名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:17:03
I want to expel sokagakkaki and pachinko from japan.
152名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:18:42
Any talents will do. Nothing special.

You ever heard about Def Tech ?
153名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:19:25
Have you seen post of matsuhe home with your eyes?
then seen seikyoshibun put down in matsuken's post?
154名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:19:57
What? Are you stupid?
Milk goes bad when it's not cool. Get it?
155名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:20:28
Then let't talk about how to beat Souka Gakkai to pulp.
156名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:22:45
I think Souka Gakkai is a myth.
Ive never met people who beleave in Souka Gakkai stuff.
There are two possible explanations for it.
First there is no Souka Gakkai. Second I'm hikikomori.
157名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:24:00
pachinko? why? they are ok for me but...
that was a surprising news for me.
Soka gakkai people are the last ones whom I want to go out with.
but now it rings a bell because whatever he comments are so deep
and has some religious taste...
158名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:24:28
communist party is better. cos it's not a party of personality cult
and hereditary succession. sokagakkai is another north korean in japan.
I think their political activity is virtually against constitution.
koumei party is defacto sokagakkai branch.
Nobody can touch on this. japanese are very afraid of touching taboos.
It's not taboo actually.
159名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:24:47
Billionaire Warren Buffett said Monday that the U.S. economy is essentially in a recession even if it hasn't met the technical definition of one yet.
160名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:25:23
161名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:26:16
I used to hate Soka gakkai but found they are harmless unless you're not an enemy of thme.
But Pachinko industry is much worse.

Governor Mr.Ishihara has to build up the another gamble industry.
162名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:26:28
but if Matsuken wouldn't insist me to be a member of Souka Gakkai,
I would still go out with him. yeah...
163名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:27:37
Then Japan will follow the path the US has taken and fall into a reccesion, which I don't really care.
There are two possible explanations for it.
One; I'm ultra-rich. Two, I'm hikikomori.
164名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:27:46
"go off" means "become tasteless"?
I hit upon "explode".
Are you a native speaker?
165名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:29:00
They are not harmless. they are exercising their political power.
their end is to make japan ikeda's property.
166名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:29:23
There is no such thing as a "harmless religion".
They are all harmful one way or other.
167名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:29:54
X they are harmless unless you're not an enemy of thme.
O they are harmless unless you're an enemy of thme.
168名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:30:44
169名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:31:02
One; I'm ultra-rich. Two, I'm hikikomori.

really. I envy you. How many assets do or your family have?
170名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:31:14
What Souka is doing is the most dangerous thing you can possibly do.
They are trying to get rid of the separatioin of church and state, and rule Japan.
Souka should be stopped.
171名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:33:14
I think Koumei is much better than Soka gakkai.

Because all Koumei politician is selected somhow, however Soka gakkai believer isn't.
172名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:35:39
they are blave. lol
that's kinda untouchable topic to talk about souka gakkai but
they are really annoying. imagine if your house was next to the
souka gakkai's building. lol
anyway, Matsuken was so cute last night his way of talking was really
adorable....his Akita accent made my heart melt! *^^*
173名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:36:32
if the believer finds here...
oh i'm afraid. i can't tell
174名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:37:25
You maybe persuaded by him. We call it shakubuku. "折伏" You can't refuse anyway.
175名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:38:19
X all Koumei politician is selected
O all Koumei politician are selected
176名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:38:21
why? they'll attack me?
then I should shut my mouth. I'd respect Matsuken's home business.^^;
177名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:40:00
It seems like Souka Gakkai works like a social club, though, as some TV talents do get their
gigs through it in the entertainment industry, but I don't know exactly how it works.
Are they really religious?
178名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:42:52
hisamoto masumi is a hard core believer.
179名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:43:40
Miura opposes transfer to California at Saipan court hearing
180名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:45:05
Don't use the word "talent" in the same way as in Japanese.
What you meant there by "TV talents" is I think "TV personalities"or"TV celebrities".
181名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:46:21
Must be, But it's all our fault. Especially people in finance business suck.
They are just running after the back of US for many yaers.
We all know that but nobody can't stop them.
182名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:47:35
and I'm not sure if Matsuken's blood type was B...
but analyzing from all the comments what he had said so far,
he seems like a typical B guy...but there are still some
possibilities of type A...
183名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:49:45
Celebrities sound much different I think.

Most of talents in Japan are not celebrated so much.
184名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:50:54
hisamoto masumi is a hard core believer.
NHK was threatened to shut up its mouth.

There was a youtube video in which hisamoto said "this truth is
awesome!" and something like that. this video seems to have been
185名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:52:11
Well, actually, the uncoutable noun "talent" will work precisely for this meaning.
186名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:52:37
really? so Hisamoto is from Soukagakkai family.
oh that's why they (Hisamoto and Matsuken) seemed like good friends on
one Hisamoto's TV program. thanks for the info.
187名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:54:54
Yeah, I know
188名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:56:32
lol that was very funny.
yeah, somebody off the scree must have stoped the announcer. lol
189名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:57:01
Her youger sister is also believer.
her friend sibata rie was 折伏converted into sokagakkai by hisamoto!
190名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:58:21
Where is that video where Hisamoto cries her eyes out praising the Souka God, Daisaku Ikeda?
I love the creepiness of that video.
191名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:58:37
Ok I'll tell you the truth. Matsuken is kind of hard core believer and his blood type is actuallly B.
192名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:58:43
her younger sis? shibata is her older sis, I think.
shibata obviously looks older than hisamoto.
193名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 00:59:57
how do you know? you are just kidding
194名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:00:59
Oh. younger sister and shibata are separate individual.
195名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:01:41
That was a really quick job. It didn't take more than two seconds to stop her.
Souka rooks, I guess.
196名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:02:40
How do you deny that ? You are just persistent. lol
197名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:02:42
I actually think her devotion to her faith is something we all should emulate.
It is no wonder she is the most well thought of TV personality for years.
198名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:03:00
oh I see. when one becomes a member of souka gakkai,
usually the whole members of his/her family also become the members.
sometimes they even persuade other relatives to become members..
199名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:04:36
I have a friend whose father is a member, but he is not.
200名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:04:36
Souka's control is really pervasive throughout NHK.
It is not so wide off the mark to say that NHK is virtually under the control of Souka Gakkai.
201名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:05:57
her? who? shibata? announcer? hisamoto?
202名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:06:32
Really? Then, you should keep some distance from him. It's dangerous.
You could be a target in any day.
203名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:07:01
>>200 do they threat media? or NHK?
204名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:08:36
Then you should watch him out in long term.

NHK is so weak against complaining groups. That's all.
205名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:08:44
So, in a nutshell, Matsuken creeps you out, right?
206名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:10:30
ok sure I should be double triple careful to soukagakkai.
they are terrible, they solicit us and take our money away, hurt us and so on.
I wouldn't get any closer to them. Matsuken is my Japanese idol and my
favorite at the moment.
207名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:10:58
208名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:11:47
Her collegue in theater troupe.
209名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:12:12
I've already told him that I'll be fine with him as long as he doesn't push some rediculously
expensive Butsudan or tomb stone to me.
210名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:13:02
no just few minutes ago I got this information that Matsuken is
a member of SG. but now I just try to think separate between him
and his religion. tx
211名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:14:02
Glad to hear you have reason.
212名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:15:06
213名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:16:44
214名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:17:43
What makes you think so ?...
Have they dived into you room threatening you and stole some money ?

You should exchange the word "soukagakkai" to aother religious groups,
and say it again yourself.
215名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:18:45
that's a good idea. never have a sympathy to soukagakkai.
even you are a fan of Matsuken. sougakkai is too dangerous.
never touch them XD they are happy with their own. they sleep
with dirty money XD
216名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:21:22
Yeah fuck every single cult and fundamentalism in the world
217名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:22:44
Think more of Pachinko industry's danger.

You are all blind.
218名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:23:39
I don't care what religion you guys are into.
I don't wanna hear anything about your religion.
Do you wanna hear me saying

219名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:25:45
I believe in Harry Potter.
220名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:26:32
No need to express your feelings in such a way.

Some care. Others don't. Everyone knows.
221名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:28:43
That would be like,
I'll be terra-careful with Aleph(formerly known as Aum), but I love Joyu.
222名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:32:42
If you think you don't know what to believe, think about what Bay Bruce said.
Treat people like the way you wanna them to treat you.
223名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:34:10
JoYu IS REAL ! lol
224名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:35:46
LOL Babe!
225名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:39:47
Osaka Bay Blues?
226名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:42:26
Osaka bay blues~~ moeru sango~~sho~~
Ryudo Uzaki BABY!!
227名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:44:40
No. It seems kind of Bruce Lee or something.
228名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:46:32
Uzaki sang the theme of Hokuto No Ken before ?
Or is that a guy called Uzkiki Tuyoshi ?
229名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:47:04
I thought that its Babe Ruth.
230名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:48:28
Tell it to >>222 again please.
231名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:51:07
Blu Swillis
Rich Ardgheer
Tinn Arturner
232名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:52:19
So, to sum up, it's Osaka Bay Bruth Lee.
233名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:53:23
Funny. I like this.
234名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:53:25
235名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:56:22
Hills Diet is on TV now!!
Do you see Aiko Sato!!
I think she is very hot!!
236名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 01:58:32
Her eyes are bigger than anybody I know.
237名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:02:41
Now any foreingners here ?

I rarely meet them for the moment.

Except Chinese gyoza or Aussie anti-wahale maneuvers.
238名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:03:41
I mean, anti-whale-hunting.
239名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:09:14
Whale.... I love to eat whale!
Fried whale meat, looks similar to ton-katsu.
That was the most amazing thing I had for Kyu-Shoku when I was in Jr.high.

240名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:10:38
Now it seems I'm alone...
241名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:13:10
What do you mean?
I'm here for you.
242名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:13:11
Feel lonely?
Why don't you play with your dick?
243名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:14:11
Really ?

I almost forgot the taste of wholes.
Is that a pork cutlet flavor ?
244名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:15:21
X wholes.
O whales
245名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:17:34
No. If I got to be alone, I would leave.
246名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:22:09
I remember the taste of whole whores I whokked.
I also remember the taste of whale.
I did not like it. I like ham-like whale meet better.

247名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:22:43
I remember the taste of fried whales are bit sweet.
I don't know why.

But >>239 was likely to eat them with sauce.
248名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:26:02
Hello Dr.Hannibal Lecter.
249名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:26:38
Anyway, why aussy men are pissed at us for hunting whale?
250名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:27:36
Are you a owner of a lonely heart?
251名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:28:52
How is the Kangaroo meat?
252名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:29:53
I don't know. But they wanna get more attentions from Japan, I guess.

Why you ask so ?
253名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:32:42
Then you do never start talking about KFC please.
254名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:37:16
255名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:38:27
Do Austrarian eat kangaroo?
256名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:43:16
They sell it at supermarket!!!
257名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:44:41
Just because..
I remembered that song.
258名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:45:11
Eccentric food eaters

Snake - China
Dog - Korean
Cat - Korean
Monkey Brain - Philippine?
Snail - France
Uni - Japan (how do you call this? Shell fish? with hundreds of spike stickin out)
Eel - Japan
259名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:46:35
>>256 JFC!!
260イギリス人:2008/03/04(火) 02:48:35
Last time I visited Australia, I tried kangaroo. The meat's quite
tasty and quite low in fat too (one of the lowest-fat meats, I hear).
There's a bar in the next town along which apparently serves kangaroo,
but haven't tried it there. Mainly because it's a horrible town.

Trying (and failing) to work out how to export a bitmap from a Flash
application. Managed to correct one very stupid mistake last night
(which took two hours to find), so this is quite frustrating. But sort
of fun too. Wearing a hat to see if it gives some inspiration.

Uni is known here as 'sea urchin', and isn't really eaten. But having
tasted uni, it is one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten.
Snails don't have much taste, other than what they're cooked in. And
snake is a little tough, but not bad. Frogs legs are quite tasty too,
but there's not much meat on them.
261名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:49:07
I know.
But that is result. No topic to talk.
262名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:49:47
British people eats eel.
Pie and mash
263名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:56:10
Alligator meat are served at restraints in Florida US
264名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 02:58:31
It may taste same as wild boar, I guess.
We Japanese was not eating maet before Edo era, you know.
And started with some wild boar as a kind of medicine, I heard.

Anyway now Chinese seems to be eating also wild mouses to get rid of them...
I don't want any further food imports from China..

I got it. Please don't mind what I said. I'm just curious.
265名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:00:10
Eccentric food eaters

Snake - China
Frog - China
Dog - Korean
Cat - Korean
Monkey Brain - Philippine?
Snail - France
Sea Urchin - Japan
Eel - Japan
Whale - Japan
Kangaroo - Australia

Animal rights activists...
A bunch of unhealthy looking skinny vegetarians...
They need to eat brutally slaughtered dead animals
266AZ:2008/03/04(火) 03:01:32
I don't care about whales. But here's a thought, we domesticate pigs, and they're pretty smart, right?
Why don't we make whale farms, for minke whales and the smaller species, and whatnot.
It would be an expensive initial investment, but the price of whale meat would dramatically fall
over time. We're going to have to kill the environmentalists to get this to work, though.
267AZ:2008/03/04(火) 03:03:08
Why don't you domesticate minke whales, and start harvesting them
for meat, like we do with pigs and cattle? Just imagine the
huge amounts of meat you could harvest, and domestication would
make whale meat hundreds of times cheaper.
268名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:03:50
The people surrounded by the sea are tend to eat seafood
much better than those surrounded by the mountains,

X We Japanese was not eating maet
O We Japanese were rarely eating kind of maets
269名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:08:04
Then Law-Brokers (like Chinese or Koreans) will be get a lot of advantages for poaching.

Good boy, The public is not so simple.
270名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:11:26
X Law-Brokers
O Law-Breakers

X Chinese seems to be eating also wild mouses to get rid of them
O Chinese seem to be eating also wild mouses to get rid of them

Post for all my correction. Excuse me.
271名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:15:49
I'll post it again..

Then Law-Breakers (like Chinese or Koreans) will get much advantages for poaching.
272名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:18:04
Largest BBQ in the world is BBQ camel in Saudi alabia
273名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:21:16
poarch? = to domesticate?
Poarch = ポーチ... ポチ.... 犬をポチと名前をつけ餌付ける.
274名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:22:19
I learned recently that Japanese sightseer can't get Visa there.
275名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:23:08
Poach = 密漁/猟
276名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:25:38
Camel. あーらくだっとラクダの上でJoe Camelを吸う...
I don7t know what I'm talking about.
I think I'm too tired to think. Later!
277名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:27:24
poach = 密漁/猟 Thanks!
278名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:28:52
We are just talking about food resources on the earth today.

Good night.
279名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:33:47
The word "poach" must be verb.
Precisely in Japanese, it means "密漁/猟する or 侵入する".
Use your dictionaly for details please.
280名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:37:47
Porsche is a German manufacturer of automobiles owned by the Austrian Porsche and Piech families.
281名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:39:41
AZ is still here ?

Let me know your taste of classical music please.
Or any pop music will be okay if you like some of them.
282名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:49:14
He has gone again
283名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 03:55:26
Tiger penises are served in restaurants in china
Testicals too.
284イギリス人:2008/03/04(火) 04:08:52
A tradition London meal, I guess. We don't really see jellied eels
outside of the city, though. I've never seen a pie and mash shop
outside of London either, though it's very popular as a meal eaten
at home.

Do you have an opinion of Holst?

Also, poached eggs are quite nice.
285名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 04:09:20
Do English people eat some kind of fish roes ?

Someting like tarako (cod roes) or ikura (salmon roes) in Japan.
286名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 04:13:43
Don't eat ells came from China!!!
they are contaminated!!!
287名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 04:15:18
I like poached eggs but now we Japnese are much terrified by Bird Influenzas
Any news in EU countries ?

Holst ! Nice.
How do you listen to them in your everyday's life, イギリス人さん ?
288名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 04:20:10
I mean, Avian influenza, Bird Flu.
289名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 04:39:18
London calling.
290名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 04:40:53
Dont trust over 30s.
291イギリス人:2008/03/04(火) 04:50:54
Caviar is popular with some people, though it's an acquired taste
(I really don't like it). This is usually sturgeon roe, and served
as an appetiser. In Europe, decent caviar is quite expensive, so it's
mostly seen as a food for the rich.

Once tried mixing ikura with bolognaise sauce for some spaghetti, and
it was quite nice. Didn't need salt, like the sauce usually does.

We're not really worried about bird flu affecting humans, here. We had
a few outbreaks of H5N1 over the Autumn months (at a few Turkey farms).
Our biggest bird-related health scare was over a decade ago, with salmonella
in eggs. I'm not really sure about the rest of the EU, though.

Hmm... how do I listen to them? There's a major radio station dedicated to various
types of classical music, but the quality isn't always so good. Usually I
download what I enjoy and listen to it through decent speakers or headphones.
How about there? And which movement/era do you prefer?
292名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 05:29:12
Thank you for your information. And for your good English too.

I imagine that many rich russians and Arabian people are living in London streets.
The word "caviar" reminds me of them somehow.

Ikura with bolognaise sauce ! hummmmm.... sounds so good !

And salmonella.. I've not heard so much around here.
Does it kill the people ?
And eggs are made in Britsh ?

I prefer baroque.
In fact, I love only Bach and not so particular about other classics.
So I wanted any suggestions of others or any clues.

You mean speakers and headphones connected with PC ?
If you not mind, tell me your output devices in detail.
Now I'm thinking of my new sound systems.
293名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 05:35:37
One more, the classical music site you like.
I always use free music site which need no registrations.
But never found good site especially in classic fields.
294スコットランド人:2008/03/04(火) 06:00:30
So, where did that Russian guy go anyway?
295AZ:2008/03/04(火) 06:01:17
Mozart's Don Giovanni is my current interest. Particularly,
Il Commendatore.
296名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 06:09:28
How about The Marriage of Figaro ?

However I can't get used to Mozart in many ways.
297AZ:2008/03/04(火) 06:14:33
Whenever I hear The Marriage of Figaro I think about Bugs Bunny,
I don't know why...

But why not Mozart?
298AZ:2008/03/04(火) 06:17:00
Then again, I think the exact same thing when I hear The Barber of Seville...
299名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 06:24:41
I don't know exactly why.
I learned playing violin in my child youth and gave it up.
Now that experience may cause some effect on my taste of classical music, I guess.

So finaly you came back !
Tell me your output devices too !
300AZ:2008/03/04(火) 06:27:50
Heh, I chose the Alto Saxophone, so my choices weren't nearly as fun...
301名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 06:35:38
The original drama seems to be same,
I only know the name of The Barber of Seville though.

Mozart wrote The Marriage of Figaro from original.
And Rossini wrote Barbiere di Siviglia (Italian).
302名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 06:38:02
Saxophone and alto.
Not bad.
303名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 07:12:18
I finished listening the sample music of J.S.Bach at wikipedia.
And nobody is staying or responding.

Then I'll go and will be back.
304AZ:2008/03/04(火) 07:34:24
So what did you think?
305イギリス人:2008/03/04(火) 08:02:35
Your intuition is good, because the word 'caviar' originally comes from
the Turkish word 'havyar', and they're about as Middle-Eastern as you
can get in Europe (technically, the country exists on both Europe and
Western Asia).

Salmonella is a bacteria which can cause illnesses such as typhoid fever, but
usually it's not so severe and just causes nausea and vomiting. In some
cases, it can kill though.

I'm not entirely versed with Baroque music, but do enjoy the works of such
composers as Pachelbel and da Palestrina. My only problem with Bach is that
most of his work is too technical, which makes it hard to relax to. It can
be impressive, though. Lately I've been into Mozart's 'The Magic Flute', and
especially the Queen of the Night's arias. It's a shame that Diana Damrau has
retired from the role, but due to the demand and strain of the voice, it's
understandable. If it works, you may like to sign up to
and have a listen to what they have.

My output device is just a SoundBlaster X-Fi Platinum, which I listen to through
a pair of Audio-Technica ATH-PRO700 studio headphones. My speaker setup is very
generic, so usually I stick to the headphones.

Last we heard of him, he'd just failed one or two of his exams. His father probably
had him imprisoned in the basement.
306名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 09:41:46
Hey I'm back and will go out after this.

What did I think ? ...It's too short for representing all Bach's achievements.
How about you ?

Yeah. I read once the manga about Eumenes (Greek general and scholar, who served Alexander III of Macedonia)
and it also said about caviar and Turkey.
However I never heard the word "havyar". Quite interesting.

And about Bach.
I understand.
I found that the reason which annoying you a little is also amusing me much,
it sounds like irony though.
Both Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina and Johann Pachelbel
must be earlier than Bach and have some relations like church organs.
And the site. I'll try after coming home.
Thank you anyway. Much appreciate.

About ATH-PRO700.
It makes me surprised. Because it is a kind of professional DJ headphones.
You maybe much youger than I ever imagine..
Of course it doesn't matter at all.

Au revoir.
307イギリス人:2008/03/04(火) 10:06:58
Hmm... I find that Pachelbel and de Palestrina's melodies are much
simpler (and often slower) than Bach's, so if I'm concentrating on
work, it's not as distracted and helps clear my mind. Bach's melodies
are often much more intricate, and have (at least) two distinct melodies,
weaving around each other. Though it sounds very nice, I find it needs
more concentration, and so can't relax as much.

Oh, thank you for giving me back my citizenship to Saitama! You took
it away last thread, which was quite mean, especially after baking the
special cake!

More people should bake Saitama cakes, because I'm sure they could do
much better than mine.
308名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 10:23:44
Ahh, I forgot to write my info, I'm not using special speakers.
Just equipped (prepared ?) with PC sets.

And headphone is a ATH-AD7 open-air type.
It's fit better for my ears than closed one.

309名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:10:32
How do you remove hair from your ass???
310名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:17:08
311名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:35:17
312名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:35:50
313名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:40:41
I have my ass hair shaved by my mom.
I'm 36
314名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:42:42
315名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:47:39
WTF is your problem?
Shave it off or put some hair remover gel on your fat f'n ass!
You hairy mother f'ker
316名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:47:43
Is there any store I can go to shave my butt?
317名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:52:10
cute bare
318名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:52:43
Go to a gay bar.
You will find a bunch of guys love to do it for you.
319名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:55:13
320名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 11:56:56
I mean SICK!!
321名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 12:01:44
322名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 12:04:28
I love Bjork!!
323名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 12:05:43
Not easy to shave around butt hole.
I think...
324名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 12:09:10
sick = 病気 = byoki ≒ bjorky ≒ bjork

cute bare ≒ cuta bare ≒ くたばれ ≒ go to hell
325名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 12:16:07
Soon or later You will have some butt hair.
and you'll be wondering that how to deal with it...
326名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 12:51:55
327AZ:2008/03/04(火) 12:54:08
I just rip mine out, in big bloody fistfuls...
328326:2008/03/04(火) 13:00:03
where are you from?
329名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 13:07:32
Hahaha. I've done it tooooo
if you don't remove them, I know that a toilet paper gets stuck to your butt when you wipe.
I hate that...
330名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 13:10:46
I think this guy expresses today's main stream of HIP HOP and criticises
fuckin "HIP HOP musician" who just pretend like musician by use of
cheap midi sound and rap which can easily be done by anyone. this
video and Noriaki connote how today's mainstream of Hip Hop(or POP)
became bull shit.
331名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 13:51:45
Who wants to wrestle with her?
332名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:22:41
I wanna her to sit on my face!!
333名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:26:56
334名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:30:43
But you would feel choked.
335名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:31:39
Did anyone see TV about a big tits model charged for break-in.
That was entertaining.
I wanna see her doing the same thing in bikini.
336名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:32:39
I wanna be choked, at the same tme, i wanna eat her.
337名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:32:51
But noriaki's lyrics are pretty unique or peculiar.
338名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:45:35
Shit sucks all the way.
The worst PV ever.
339名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:47:20
Why does he smoke two cigaretts at a time?
340名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:49:24
I watched the part of the show but soon turned off the TV, because

1. I thought she used the show for her publicity as a model.
2. She sure seemed to have huge boobs but she is too old to sell only
her big boobs. Shame on her.
3. I'm not very young, so just big boobs aren't enough to keep my attention
to her.

But I would definately put my face deep between her boobs.
Do you know her name? I wanna see her photos, preferably in bikinis.
If I know her name, I can google her.
341名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:50:42
Is noriaki british?
He pronounces ass as arse.
342名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 14:57:34
What's the difference between bikini and bathing suit?
bathing suit includes all the categories?
343名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 15:07:23
Seems like you can't tell the differences between FAKE and REAL.
You need to chizel his messages in your mind to have REAL music literacy.

Because that's his style and that's da REAL thing.
Plus if you chain smoke, why not smoke two cigaretts at a time?
344名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 15:07:34
Young Clint Eastwood is really handsome and cool.
I like the way he frowns...
Today's hollywood celebs are really cheap and shallow, represented by
Brad Pitt who looks like a nigger with white skin.
345名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 15:15:34
I agree he is no good. but is Brad young? lol
346名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 15:34:12
If Bradd Pitt was not blonde(fake) and blue-eyed, he was just a
wide nose holes with square face.
plus not musculine. He is desperate to be cool. pathetic.

He is no match for Robert Redford, who is just breath-taking
just as he stays.
347名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 15:44:39
348326:2008/03/04(火) 15:54:24
Hey everyforeigners.

please check my english .
I recoreded.
349名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 16:06:47
What is he doing with a bread, mushroom and honey??
350名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 16:51:21
die vipper
351名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 16:54:32
nanako sos. nanako sos.
352名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 17:25:33
353名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 17:48:31
Why do you know I like keane as well?
Do you know me?
354名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 18:03:06
355☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/04(火) 18:24:28

ALL hip hop music is SHIT.

The uneducated probably like such foul mouthed things.

Not anyone else.

Frederic Francois Chopin has yet to be surpassed.
356名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 18:37:16
Yea!! I'm willing to go to the mat for it.
357名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 18:45:26
As if you were not uneducated...........
358名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:03:22
he is educated according to him. I am not educated
that's why I'm here. mostly people are here for the same reason. lol
359名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:05:13
I don't know you! lol
360名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:07:01
Have some Shitsh Kebab and relax.
361☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/04(火) 19:19:51

I am adequately educated to pass comment on hip hop, there are many more...
impressionable people who emulate the likes of these black people in countries all
around the world. They cause problems for society as a whole.


I don't even like that shish kebab, it is Turkish - not Greek anyway.
362名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:27:36
you eat that food alone first
kebab is very economical. it is very good food for you.
cheap foods are your favorite. lol
363名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:27:37
Have some Bakalava and calm down please.
364名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:30:22
Grab some spicy pickled cabbage and vomit please.
365☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/04(火) 19:33:45

spicy pickled cabbage?


too sweet, ok for festivals when I eat a lot, not much else.
366名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:36:00
You don't know KIM CHEE?
Sir, you're an abomination.
367☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/04(火) 19:37:49

I thought Kimchi was a selection of various vegetables? Not just cabbage.
368名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:41:21
spicy tasty kimchi with worms and their tiny eggs
369名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:47:05
370名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 19:54:43
Tapeworm kimchi works better than prune juice.
371名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 20:04:59
it's raining here in my place.
I tried not to get wet when I was walking outside
because I'd get bald after getting wet this
contaminated rain. the rain in Japan now is
contaminated heavily because of the toxic 黄砂 (yellow sand?)
coming from polluted air of China.
372名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 20:25:28
Why you guys are yelling "ノリアキ" all the time ?

ノリアキ is FAKE. /りマ干 is REAL !!
373名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 20:49:06
All right. They are all fake.

374名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 20:54:27
So I'll be staying till the fight between anti-Koumei communists
and anti-Pachinko conservatives starts.
375名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:08:58
I am eurotrash.
376名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:12:31
Welcome. I'm an asiantrash.
Where are you from?
377名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:20:23
378名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:22:40
Wow. We have any spanish visitors before !?
379名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:28:15
Anyway, relax yourself. Then how come you're here.
380名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:32:55
When he came to, he was still in the room where he had been tortured.
381名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:35:16
In 2001, President Bush famously said that he had looked Russian president Vladimir Putin
in the eye, gotten “a sense of his soul,” and found him to be “trustworthy.”
382名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:39:06
I want to sleep with Putin.
383片岡数吉:2008/03/04(火) 21:40:50
kazuyoshi > i like heaven-directing raised hot rod (3/4 tue 21:37:07 JST, )
flyyy > hi (3/4 tue 21:36:35 JST, )
hiro > Nico< ohh so long as you are happy and satisfied with the girl ..i know i should not ask you to go look for a nice lady with me (3/4 tue 21:36:34 JST, )
Hideki_sama* > ...urg..sextok (3/4 tue 21:36:32 JST, )
kazuyoshi > especially in their 20s bodies (3/4 tue 21:36:08 JST, )
kazuyoshi > i like toshare bodies (3/4 tue 21:35:29 JST, )
Hideki_sama* > Catherina..sunny,..... here (3/4 tue 21:35:22 JST, )
hiro > cathrina , if you are not unwilling to be with me in the next world i would really prefer to go to hell with you (3/4 tue 21:35:18 JST, )
kazuyoshi > wouldnt that be wonderful? (3/4 tue 21:35:13 JST, )
kazuyoshi > i hope that we will come together and share our bodies among ourselves (3/4 tue 21:34:56 JST,
384片岡数吉:2008/03/04(火) 21:42:48
kazuyoshi > and if i lift the penis, the rod will spring back to his belly hard patting the belly baassh (3/4 tue 21:39:24 JST, )
hiro > cathrina < oh pity -_- (3/4 tue 21:39:06 JST, )
ward > Cathrina > are u saudi??? (3/4 tue 21:38:44 JST, )
hiro > kazuyoshi < from strong tribe KUmaso ? (3/4 tue 21:38:42 JST, )
Hideki_sama* > kazuyoshi<..ithink ur gajin inJp argg## (3/4 tue 21:38:31 JST, )
Cathrina > hiro > hahahaha.. go alone.. i prefer the heaven lol (3/4 tue 21:38:31 JST, )
Nico > hiro > yeah, thx XD (3/4 tue 21:38:23 JST, )
Nico > kazuyoshi > lol i want to keep my young body lol (3/4 tue 21:38:07 JST, )
kazuyoshi > which is big (3/4 tue 21:38:00 JST, )
kazuyoshi > upward curving hot rod (3/4 tue 21:37:38 JST, )
hiro > ward < dou you have any question ? (3/4 tue 21:37:09 JST, )
kazuyoshi > i like heaven-directing raised hot rod (3/4 tue 21:37:07 JST,
385名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:45:58
Oh so suicidal
386本玉儿:2008/03/04(火) 21:51:56
How much pulling power is necessary to tear off Yoko Osita's crotch ?
300kg ? 500kg ? 800kg ? or more than 1t ?
How about Azusa Mano's crotch ?
Which is hard to break off , Yoko Osita's crotch or Azusa Mano's crotch ?
Do you want to test it ?
387名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:53:31
388名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:55:36
I need some fun...when I want to create something new
you always ruins it. I was almost there to reach the new
front but when I see you around....I feel shit...
389名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:56:25
How about checking other boards or threads in 2ch.
390名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 21:59:01
leave me alone you just go away and have fun with putin. bush
it really annoys when you are around. I want to do some revolutionary high
tech improvement. you just go to little putin's trash box. get lost
391名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:03:18
...If you wanna be alone, then you should turn off your PC...

Are you OK?
392名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:04:24
you just stick out like a sore thumb there.
you ruined my creativities all the time, when I get my energy back
you always ruin it. and I become sick again after all. I wanted to write
a lot of new stories tonight and wanted to craete many new things, however
the presence of you made me sick again. asshole
393名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:07:52
no I wanted to write something new here on
2ch but your presence really make me feel demoralized.
I'll try to find the time when you are not around
and I'm gonna write something new. you asshole. you one pattern
disgusting kid
394名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:17:58
Just ignore them and keep posting, >393 !
395イギリス人:2008/03/04(火) 22:20:13
I had a dream where a wasp was laying eggs in the soil. Just two eggs,
though. When these eggs hatched, the grubs were long and thin, without
legs, just like earthworms, except they had quite big mouths and sharp
teeth. The wasp brought them food every few hours, but only enough to
feed one. So the one who kept getting the food grew stronger until the
other couldn't compete at all. Eventually, adulthood grew near, and the
bigger grub started swelling in the middle, while the other grub just
died off. The swelling burst open, and a small bird flew out. There's no
explanation for it except that a bird laid parasitic eggs inside them.

It was really strange hearing my own comment read back in an accent. I
assume you're the guy who used to live in Australia (or still does?)?

There was a time, about a year ago, when I went to a Turkish restaurant with
some friends. After the main meal, the owner asked us if we wanted any dessert,
so I ordered baklava. Ten minutes later, he returned with a plate with baklava
and said, "Baklava, it is like a viagra!".

Anyway, back to work.
396名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:20:59
You had better write them on your own blog, I guess.

If you're so serioul.
397名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:23:35
I don’t know anyone who wasn’t caught off guard by that!
398名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:29:44

do whatever, but get your papes on, y'all
that's all that matters
399名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:32:49
As of now, イギリス人's citizenship has been officially reacquired, and he is reinstated to
the SIS (Saitama Intelligence Service) as a double agent to Yamagata. To defeat Noriaki someday,
he is encouraged to rhyme some more sometime to prove that he is someone sublime.
400名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:36:27
Sounds like the Cuckoo.
401名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:50:42
402名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 22:53:09
X Sounds like the Cuckoo.
O Sounds like Cuckoos
403名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 23:32:53
My real older brother イギリス人, who is younger than
me in reality.
I wanna hug you. You must smell good!
You wrap me up with your kindness.
Don't leave me alone!
404名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 23:39:18
STFU fagggot
405名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 23:47:54
I'm not a faggot. cos I don't wanna have a sexual relation with him.
Just love and care and encouragement I want.

I wonder which position he is situated at in his family.
Is he single child? Maybe so. Or oldest brother. Or only one boy
with sisters.
He must be brought up in family full of love.
406名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 23:51:11
you're pervert
407名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/04(火) 23:55:26
Is that compliment for me?
408名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 00:00:43
Joking aside(truth aside), He is so generous that I'm worried
that stalking temperament girl would be misguided
and chase him..
Is イギリス人 the type of "say no clearly", depending on the situation?
409名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 00:05:01
Spread love. But i want イギリス人 to pass his racial purity to his child.
don't have mongrel child from japanese.
tall, blonde, blue-eyed, white-skinned, handsome English gentleman!
410名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 00:24:06
Igirisu−jin is busy with making malwares.

He might likes to refresh by watcing this video.
411AZ:2008/03/05(水) 00:35:39
Racial purity...what is this, 1936?
412名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 00:39:10
HaHa. He has the same taste as hand mirror uekusa.

I myself don't know why hirosue is so praised. She is not special.
mediocre. masami nagasawa is much better. not my taste again though.

And the drama beach boys.. Is it japanese version of big wendnes day?

413名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 00:50:42
I don't know why she was so popular, either. But I read somewhere that
if you don't understand why she was popular, it's a sign that you are
beginning to get old.

That somehow convinced me. She was not exceptionally gorgeous.
Just like an ordinary girl like a girl next door. That's the key, I think.
414名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 00:53:01
Girl next door. Do you know onyanko club?
That must be the trend starter, I think. I myself abhor them..

And morning musuke is today's girl next door.
415イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 00:59:08
It'll be a miracle if I have blonde-haired, blue-eyed children, because
I have neither (well... I did, up until I was six years old). A miracle,
or a cheating wife.

When my parents married, my grandparents (on my mother's side) heard that
she had married a foreigner, and her friend had told them that he was "dark".
My grandparents were so relieved when they met him because they then realised
that by 'dark', they had meant dark-haired and dark-eyed, rather than a black
guy. The older generations in the UK are still quite racial-intolerant.

It's alright to want a hug. Anyone who tells you otherwise secretly wants one
too. As for my family, I grew up as a single child, but have two older sisters.
I don't like small children though, so try to avoid my nephews and niece...

When there are people promoting charities on the street, I have a bad habit of
being caught by them. I can hardly ever say "no" to them, and end up signing
my bank account details with them. A week later, I write a letter to them saying
I really can't keep up with it, and then send a letter to my bank telling them
to deny all Direct Debit payments by them.

I think mixi-girl is just an excitable type, and not really a stalker. She's nice,
but far too busy doing other things. Unless she's busy stalking other people (sorry!).

Thanks for that. I don't really like her hairstyle much, but she has a really nice smile.
And she throws like a girl. I'll be sure to keep you updated on my malware.
416名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 01:00:27
Morning musuke is already declining...
I think cu-te and berry's kobo are much better.
It's mysterious that cu-te members are disqualified for morning musume
morning musume, full of boring and annoying girls.
417名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 01:24:19
>because I have neither
Oh, disappointed. But some dark haired guys surely look good.
>I grew up as a single child, but have two older sisters.
OH, I somehow hit the mark! But why brought up as single?
your sisters are many years apart from you? You must have been pampered
by your older sisters.
>When there are people promoting charities on the street
I'm glad. I'm somewhat the same type. I once gave 500yen to a charity girl on
the street. I was suspicious but she wore a face of justice and seemed
to take money for granted.
I felt strange and bad... But it was me who looked awkward...

I'm a strange man. sometimes awkward and sometimes say no abruptly in a
fit of anger.
I guess it's the way of protecting myself.
I once gave 500yen to an unkown girl in game arcade who insisted on losing money
reserved for on her way back. I suspected and had some chats with her.
arte a while I felt very angry in myself because she was so ugly and fat child!
LOL What a undecided man I was.
Now, I think I became the man who won't lend an ear to them.
sometimes I remember bad memories and made up my mind...
418名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 01:27:23
And my mome said I was deceived by her...
By and by It seemed true. I felt chagrined.
419名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 01:28:39
If she had been a girl like nanako sos, I would have been glad
to be cheted.. LOL
420名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 01:33:27
I suspect all British men throw like a girl because baseball is not popular
421イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 01:59:13
That's right - my sisters are almost twice my age. Only saw them
every few years though, because they lived very far away.

I try to walk on the other side of the street to charity workers,
and magazine sellers, just so I don't feel as guilty when I pass by
without doing anything. And hoping they don't approach me... the most
awkward moment was when a gypsy man approached me and asked for £1 in
return for a palm reading and a blessed stone.

At least you now know not to be so generous with fat, ugly children.
Maybe try telling yourself you're doing them a bigger favour by not
letting them gamble more... or at least letting them find out the
hard way.

Despite being such a boring sport, cricket has one of the fastest
average throwing speeds of any sport. Then again, we always lose
at cricket anyway. Baseball is also a British sport from the mid-
eighteenth century, but the rules only became more developed in
North America, starting in Canada.
422名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 02:17:53
hmm. Not many people play cricket in UK, only in people in upper social
class. But I don't mean to keep on insisting British men don't have a strong
arm and throw like a girl.
423スウェーデン人:2008/03/05(水) 02:23:22
> the most awkward moment was when a gypsy man approached me and
> asked for £1 in return for a palm reading and a blessed stone.

Oh wow. I completely fell for that routine once, when travelling. At
least I can spot that sort of thing now, and I'll never part with
money that way again.

(In my case it was an Indian "palm reader" who asked for a "donation" -
strictly a volontary one of course - in return for the "free" reading
he offered. He even had the nerve to haggle about the size of the
"donation" when I offered some loose change, saying "no coins, I am
not a beggar".)

Gah. Never again. But it taught me a few things about how easily you
can be fooled.
424名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 02:47:59
>charity girl
Does this sound like whore or slut?
woman charity fund raiser was more specific?
>letting them gamble more
Was game arcade misleading? Game center(japanese english) accomodates
mostly video games. Although nowadays there are game centers which accomodate
pachinko, people under 18 are not allowed to play pachinko.
She looked like a primary student around 3-4 grades.

Back to the story of fund raising girl on the street,
She must have been offended and hurt in her pride by my suspicious attitude.
And I think she was real. But something remains wrong..
425名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 02:55:45
Again on TV, ugly funny face is approached by gourgeous big boobs
who is baring her midriff.
What backroom influence does he have? Is he jewish? Or he is handsome
from white people's standard?

Jim kerr from simple minds is now today's standard
of handsome?
426名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 03:00:13
American drama: kiss, fighting, quarrel, sex, exaggerated gestures, rich,
high society,................and ?
427名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 03:04:40
suspicious attitude means I was a suspicious man.
skeptic attitude?
428名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 03:11:01
When i was eating chinese by myself at food court in a shopping mall.
Some rough looking American asked me if I have small change,
I pulled out a screw driver out of my bag and
I held it really tight in my hand, then I said
How would you like if i shove this up your ass?
and I stared at him like I wanna stub him 500 times.
Then he left.
429名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 03:16:56
I called skrewdriver and Ian Stuart scared an american negro off.
430イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 04:21:59
Ah, the haggling. The gypsy man tried that routine too, with the stone.
"Gypsy will bless your stone for... paper money!". And our lowest
denomination of paper money is £5 (around 1020 yen). Of course, he
wasn't really a proper gypsy. The real gypsies in my town walk around
in multicoloured, mismatching (but very fancy) clothing and hats.

Charity girl, charity fundraiser, it all sounds like the same thing,
really, so there's no need to worry about that.
Arcades in the UK aren't as commonplace as they used to be. There used
to be one in my town (my cousin always used to take me, and we could
often spend an hour playing ボンバーマン). It was shut down, though,
because the local authority believed it was a cause of children skipping
school. Most arcades here also have slot/fruit machines in them too, which
is why I assumed someone would ask for money for gambling, I guess.

Skeptical attitude sounds good. They never ask for one-off donations
anymore, here. They always ask for monthly payments, which I think is
quite greedy. Surely, more people would be willing to donate if they
didn't have any further obligation.
431AZ:2008/03/05(水) 04:57:57
That sounds hilarious
432AZ:2008/03/05(水) 05:00:29
The government is that arbitrary, that they can close an arcade down
for that kind of reason? That sounds like something the Saudis
would do...
433イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 05:07:53
The UK is now what we'd call a 'Nanny State'. Almost every aspect of
society is overlooked by the government. I guess George Orwell's novel
'1984' is actually pretty prophetic.
434AZ:2008/03/05(水) 05:12:16
So when are you considering leaving?
435AZ:2008/03/05(水) 05:13:55
Oops, time for class...
436イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 05:23:09
As soon as I can find a decent job overseas, basically. And once my
training here is over with. How are prospects in Arizona?
437名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 05:44:05
Arizona is full of spics. so he has to retreat them.
438Korean:2008/03/05(水) 06:19:26
I am a proud Korean.

I want to make friends with Japanese.

First Japanese must admit their wrongs in Korea. Then we can be friends, yes?
439名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 06:36:38
ボンバーマン was my favorite game too.
There was a Hudson ボンバーマン site where poeple could play the game online,
(though I've never played it there), but it seems like it's been closed down.
I've heard that there still are some sites somewhere to play the game.
It would be fun to blow up each other online.
440イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 07:24:26
I used to play that online, a few years ago. Then they banned all
foreigners... but it was fun while it lasted. It's possible to play
the Super Famicom versions online through emulators, but the
emulators don't handle the synchronisation very well.
441名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 07:42:26
They always ask for monthly payments,

wow, quite pushy.
442名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 07:50:53
443send:2008/03/05(水) 07:51:14
Hallo Nackig, hallo thegab
444nackig1s:2008/03/05(水) 07:53:15
Iceman ist ein schwuler kleiner hund der gerade meine eier leckt
445名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 07:54:52
iceman du schlitz
446Geile Schwarze:2008/03/05(水) 07:54:54
hat sich hier auch schon verbreitet das Iceman schwul ist?
447send:2008/03/05(水) 07:55:33
ihr habt keine chance bei dem race. nackig hat nun seinen 700Mhz Rechner angeschlossen, auserdem hat er dicke Klöten!
448名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 07:56:40
nackig1s is the best fucker in the big universe
449名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 07:57:18
martin stinkt
450名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 07:57:22
Ich wollte eigentlich Fanta schreiben
wtf you are doing here?! write english. Homos
452名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 07:59:04
martin du fotze lutsch meinen schwanz ahahahahaha
jehahaa wohooooo du sau
453名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 08:00:00
whats that ???english???
454掲示板に戻る 全部 前100 次100 最新50:2008/03/05(水) 08:00:25
455■掲示板に戻る■:2008/03/05(水) 08:01:39
wer will jetzt ficken?
456名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 08:02:18
whats that ???english???
457英会話教室 *質問&雑談* 総合スレッド:2008/03/05(水) 08:03:00
so now its enough. you get banned from this chat. pigs!
458名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 08:03:11

掲示板に戻る 新着レスの表示
459名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 08:04:27
【 Losers neo English Here the and have 】
460名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 08:09:05
I think the thread was advertised somewhere again.
Looks like German.
461名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 08:48:14
Seems like they are reopening the site this summer.
If you're still around and not banned there, let's throw bombs at each other.
462AZ:2008/03/05(水) 08:56:06
I suppose your job prospects all depend on your set of skills,
what's your specialty?

Also, what the hell is with all of these damned Germans?
463イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 09:05:46
Web development, mainly, both the coding and graphical elements. A
background in 3D animation, and currently working on a postgraduate
business qualification. Hmm... was about to ask if you were happy in
Arizona, but I'm guessing not so much.

Austrians (in general) are some of the most honest people I've met.
But also some of the strangest...

That sounds like a good idea. I look forward to blowing you up (meant
in the nicest way possible).
464名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 09:15:30
Sure, I can't wait to hurt you (in the game).
465AZ:2008/03/05(水) 09:19:35
You'll do ok here, but you'd probably do better income-wise in
Houston or Seattle. I would suggest to everyone that intends to
move to the US to avoid California, specifically Los Angeles, San
Diego, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Fresno. High living costs,
Higher than average crime, and a tax code designed by Satan himself.
466名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 09:45:04
Hey AZ...
I live in Orange County, CA.
Would you like to know the living expenses in here???
467イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 10:01:22
The UK is one of the highest cost-of-living countries in the world,
which is wonderful, especially when you consider that the middle-band
income tax rate is 44%. Citywise, London is the second most expensive,
beaten only by Moscow.

There's quite a lot of opportunity for good paying jobs here, but
outside of work, there's just nothing to do (unless you're a tourist).
468AZ:2008/03/05(水) 11:13:37
Sure, lemme ask you a few questions:

How much is a gallon of Milk?

How much is a gallon of Unleaded Gas?

What do you pay in rent?

Sales Tax?

How much do you spend every week on groceries?

That's just some stuff off the top of my head...
469AZ:2008/03/05(水) 11:26:27
Really? London is more expensive than Tokyo? That's...
almost impressive
470名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 12:20:30
Milk = $2.5/Gal
Gas = $3.45/gal. (today)
Rent = $1300/month. 1 bed room with a parking for 1 car.
Sales Tax = 7.75% in OC. 8.25% in LA.
Groceries = $40~60 /week
Typical lunch at the Fast food = $6~7
Dinner for 2 = $20~40
Sushi = $15~25 for one
Beer (Coors or Bud.) = $9.99/12pack
Coke = $4/12pack
Movie $10.5

Monthly cost----- for me
Rent $1300
Insurance for car = $120 for 4years old car
Utility (gas water electric phone. Dsl connection. Cable) about $300~350
Auto fuel $120
I'll say $2000~2100 min./month
Irvine area is very safe to live in... one of the safest area in OC.
You don't need a gun here.
many ppl live with roommate...
PS: you do need a car here. You can't go anywhere without it...
Very little public transportation. No train. Not many bus.
471AZ:2008/03/05(水) 13:28:40
Milk=Just about the same as here
Gas=2.93 per gallon at my local station
Rent=Yep, about the same
Sales Tax=8.0%, as I recall
Fast food=As cheap as a Dollar
Dinner for Two=So variable it isn't funny
Sushi=$10 for 25 rolls at my supermarket
Beer=Can't legally purchase yet, haven't payed attention
Coke=Don't drink it lol

I love guns, so I collect them whether you "think" I need them or not

472AZ:2008/03/05(水) 13:30:12
I pay about 100 a month for an 11 year old vehicle, and public
transport is kind of wonky around here, I wouldn't rely on it.
473名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 15:47:28
In Tokyo Japan
Gas=$7 per gal
Rent=about the same. But no parking
Sales Tax=3.0%
Fast food=$4 for bigmac
Beer=$2 each
Coke=$1 each

You can't buy guns here
You don't need a car here.
Train buss subway cab every where
474名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 15:59:17
Cont...from Tokyo
music CD=$30
Sale tax on everything you buy. food too

475名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 16:05:39
I can't believe I am typing here now.
I didn't want to post on 2channel but I am too lonely so
here I type and talk to myself.
I tried to pull my life up so I had many ideas this morning
to bring my life in a better situation than now. but after I came back
from work and being alone, I am so depressed again and
all I can do now is to cry and regret what I have done.I can't
tolerate this pain. so I drink alchol otherwise I would cut my wrist.
476名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 16:11:10
get a cat or dog...
477名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 16:14:25
go to hell
you the lowest of the lowest pervert
478名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 16:21:24
I just drink some more and go to sleep. then
I don't have to cut my wrist. tomorrow hopefully I would be more optimistic.
479名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 16:56:42
White backlash started. They moved in a group to
defeat obama!
The sense of crisis to be deprived of white homeland
is imminent.
480名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 17:01:46
Why is clinton strong in the south? lol
confederate states?
481名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 17:08:35
And the jews. Jew media keep on reporting in favor of Clinton.
482名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 17:25:13
How R U?
483名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 17:27:14
Tell me how to learn English.
484名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 19:08:01
Koreans are the scumbags of the earth.

Think back on their entire period of existence: what good have they done for humanity? I bet you can't name 2 significant inventions they've made.

Korean drama is for 12 year old chinks with pussies under their chin, and kimchi is not even that good.

And your average fresh-off-the-boat korean trash has no respect, no decency, no souls. Each and every one is a loudmouthed shithead. Sure some of the women are hot, but their personalities are trash - prodigal, fickle, cosmopolitan bitches on menopause.

And their language sounds like the noises I make while taking a giant pile of turd. Srsly, bitches, speak some english or fucking go home.

So all in all, the entire korean race has contributed nothing worthy to the good of humanity, and is the scumbag of the earth.

And you know what, you can't even prove me wrong
485名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 19:34:10
Anti-Korean Japanese.

Evil bastard japs insult my Korea.

Fuck you.

We should be friends, but you insult me.
486名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 19:43:30
Oh my comfort women!
487名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 19:47:10

Be very proud of your shameful crime, yes?
488名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 19:57:23
Prostitution has originated in Korea. Comfort women should take pride in Korea.
489名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 20:09:18

prostitution has been around for since the time of humanity began.

Japan has stolen many things off of Korea:

- Animation.
- Cuisine (foods).
- Architecture (buildings).
- Film styles.
- Drama.
- Manga.

.... The list is endless. When will Japanese thieving of Korean ideas stop?
490名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 20:31:02
I am male prostitute.
491本玉儿:2008/03/05(水) 21:05:04
Japanease must apologize to korean ! !
In old days , Hideyoshi who was Japanease military commander sent many soldiers to Korea and murdered many Koreans .
I will apologize to Korean for it instead of Hideyosi . I'm sorry higesorry ! !
492名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:08:34
You should write "on behalf of Hideyoshi" , not "instead of Hideyosi ".
You need to learn proper English before apologize.
493名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:09:30
494名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:24:10

No. 491 is a true truthful person. I am Korean and I respect this Japanese person.
495イギリス人:2008/03/05(水) 21:24:23
Yep, Tokyo comes third.

And as for some general costs... I'll have to work this out. Unfamiliar
with gallons.
Milk: $4.80 per gallon
Petrol: $8.08 per gallon
Sales Tax (VAT) = 17.5%
Groceries: Around $80 per week (I do enjoy cooking)
Electricity/Gas: Around $2500 per year

Beer (as in >>470): $10/6pack (though I don't drink)
Coke: $5.20/6pack
Movie at cinema: Around $12
Newly released movie on DVD: $40
Music CD: At the most, the same as >>474

Public transport would be better if it wasn't so expensive.
Gun control is extremely strict, especially since our one and only
school shooting in 1996.
496本玉儿:2008/03/05(水) 21:27:01
Yuna Kim is the Korea woman who very strong in quarrel !
When Yuna takes a bath alone , if 100 chinease women attack her suddenly , what happens to her ?
This sitation is too important for my spiritual life ! ! !

497名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:34:48
you're insane!
498名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:36:08
I'm little bit interested in what happened to Yuna when she was attacked by 100 Chinese
while she was taking a bath.
499名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:37:05
本玉儿 are you NEET?
500名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:41:29
Sales Tax in Japan is across the board 5%, not 3%.
And we don't tip at restaurants, so we just pay what you see on the bill.
501☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/05(水) 21:42:00
Yes, I would also like to know this 本玉儿. I am not a NEET myself (I go to University in London), but I am
becoming increasingly hikikomori. I just work and sleep, and maybe go out for coffee or to a restaurant every
couple of weeks.
502名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:47:15
It is all Greek to me!
503名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 21:47:55
You are from Greece but going to university in london? Interesting.
504☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/05(水) 21:58:07

I go to University College London.

There are a lot of Greeks at London universities. Actually a lot of people from
all over the world. British Universities have an international reputation. Generally
Imperial College London, UCL, Oxford, Cambridge, LSE are the main ones. There are others
505Inquisitor:2008/03/05(水) 22:00:10
Kind of a controversial question;
Why do Japanese people love robots so much?
Also, why do Japanese men seem to prefer robots and prostitutes over real women?
506名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 22:02:52
Robots for sex? I've never seen anything like that.
507名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 22:31:55
>>505 You must have met too much OTAKKY (nerdy as hell weirdo) Japanese.
They are more likely to have abnormal habit: collecting child pornography,
sexually assulting child, female animation fanatic, get turned on only be animation,
love to play with robot all the time, necapheria? (Having sex with dead body) etc...
I personally do not like otakky fucks.

508名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 22:35:41
Are you against prostitution?
Are you sure you have never slept with prostitute before?

509名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 22:37:45
Is there tension between anime and manga board on 2ch and other boards?

Or are 2ch otaku not as nerdy as futaba otaku?
510名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 22:39:34
Bunch of hypocrat, mr.clean, f'd up enough to throw a stone to a prostitute in this thread?
511Inquisitor:2008/03/05(水) 22:48:33
>>507 Maybe I just read the newspaper too much.
512名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 22:52:44
You go to restrant or caffe with friends? Then That's OK but if you eat
alone, that's s sign of real hikikomori, lonely man.
513名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 22:53:02
nigga please
514☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/05(水) 22:57:41

I go with friends (my flatmates).

But apart from going out once every week. I don't go out at all.

I work and sleep apart from that. And read mainly. I dont like clubs
only cafes and restaurants.
515名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 23:16:44
all you do is eat, sleep and shit!!!
516☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/05(水) 23:20:11

It's like you know me or something!
517名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 23:31:06
Do you find yourself having fun with your friends around?
Then that's OK. You are just a student who is busy with juggling
part-time work, studying.

If you don't feel like having fun with your friends then, there might
be a problem.
518名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 23:32:14
I am a hikikomori. Welcome to my world!
519☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/05(水) 23:36:56

I have fun when we are just relaxing, chatting at a cafe or restaurant.

Or when we play poker, or go to the gym etc..

But I don't like nightclubs, and never have. Which is not very advantageous
in today's society. Nightclubs are the main method of entertainment.
520☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/05(水) 23:40:47

What is it like being a real hikikomori? I have always wanted to know.

What do you do all day? Do you cook food or order food? etc...
521名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 23:55:29
life is like a box of chocolates.

Do you know where the phrase came from?
522名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 23:57:22
If you get older, you might get interested in trying a nightclub or pub.
Maybe not. But anyway, if you are not into hanging around at night, you don't
have to force yourself to do that in my opinion.
523名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 23:58:36
Forest GUMP

Life is like a plastic bag full of your farts. (anonymous)
524名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/05(水) 23:59:52
Then,can you fill in the missing line following after this?
525名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:00:47
How can we enjoy our life without drinking at Bar!
526名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:07:01
Like these? korean maginger Z korean macross korean votomz korean gundam
and the list goes on.
Oddly, japanese (originals) precedeted these korean authentics.
japanese have time machine? LOL
And korea officially baned japanese culture and there
shoud have been no japanese culture officially while japan didn't ban korean
culture but rarely watched them.
527ponce de leon:2008/03/06(木) 00:12:11
Who is Hikikomori?yeah??I think the people stay indoors all day they can do something
really good.really funny.
Do you have a job or something like that?
Im writing my thesis about this controvertial topic just now in jp.
Im from madrid,and studying at Waseda University.
I want to know about Hikikomori and 2CHANNEL.
there is no one like Hikikomori in my coutry.
Could you tell me anything about that?
528ponce de leon:2008/03/06(木) 00:14:16
Who is Hikikomori?yeah??I think the people stay indoors all day they can do something
really good.really funny.
Do you have a job or something like that?
Im writing my thesis about this controvertial topic just now in jp.
Im from madrid,and studying at Waseda University.
I want to know about Hikikomori and 2CHANNEL.
there is no one like Hikikomori in my coutry.
Could you tell me anything about that?
529名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:16:35
the country of Tango or Carmen or stuff like that?
There must be no Hikikomori at all in the country
because all the nation got the spirit of dancing which is joy of life.
530名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:18:28
Well, usually, my days start late. I wake up at noon, or so. If I woke up early, I sometimes go to a driving range. Most of the time, I just do Internet. And it gets dark, I drink beer.
531ponce de leon:2008/03/06(木) 00:18:51
you can say that,we like dancing and all kind of music!
but here normaly dont dance,just drinkin beer!!!!!!!!!!
i must study japanese as well and english,gaaaa....
532名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:19:49
As for prostitution, it's banned in japan.
There are many sexual pleasure shops, but you have to negotiate with
girls and broke the law to get a real sex(honban). You can't always get
a real sex. some shops are really nervous about it and girls
usually do honban on his own decison.
533名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:20:26
you never know what you're gonna get.
534ponce de leon:2008/03/06(木) 00:21:29
its good life,isnt it?
there is nothin bad.
cause my teacher taught me there are a lots of problem especialy
how to live in ur future.
but you can think how to live from now on as you like,cant you?
535名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:23:29
Stop killing inocent bulls for the show.
536名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:23:46
on her own decison. I mean..
537名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:24:27
538ponce de leon:2008/03/06(木) 00:24:55
honban....its new one for me.
539名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:25:23
almost close but you are still missing the last one.

"you'll never know what you're gonna get till you open it."
540名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:25:38
never heard?
its written 本番honban.
541ponce de leon:2008/03/06(木) 00:27:43
you'll never know what you're gonna get till you open it

how does that mean?sorry my english is terrible.
about wat?

542ponce de leon:2008/03/06(木) 00:30:31
anyway how do you guys learn english?are you japanese?
good english!
543名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:31:56
We were just talk about the line from movie "Forest Gump".

"Life is like a box of chocolate. You'll never know what you're gonna get till you open it."
544名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:34:36
Let Basku region be independent and stop killing innocent bulls
under the name of tradition.

Stop bulls run on the street. Don't throw tomatos at them. Don't let
them run people over.
545名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:36:51
It should be "You never know..."
546名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:37:59
I personally don't like these cultures.
When it's spanish, it's called passion or something like that.
I think just primitive.
547名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:41:27
I want to know about white culture and racism in orange county.
548☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/06(木) 00:42:13

Have you read the manga 'Welcome to the NHK', if so, what were your thoughts?
549名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:49:18
You're so positive. It's bad thing staying at home without a job. so I'm hiding not to be seen my neighbours. By the way, I'm close to your school. I'll be your stoker because I have nothing to do. Hehehe.
550名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:52:28
Why don't you meet him and tell him hikikomori's life?
He can give you an interview over lunch or dinner.
The bill is on him, because you have to tell him your private life.
551名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:53:39
No. l haven't read it.
552名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 00:53:40
I prefer keanes' second album to the first album.
The first album is more dismal and sorrowful
while second is more mellow, light, powerful and rhythmical.
I'm a kind of neurosis person. So depressive music would work bad
on me.
I pick up bend and break and everybody is changing from the first album.

I happened to listen to their music in donkihote(shopping store) and
really took a fancy to it. I don't precisely know what they are
singing about. But their music are kind of encouragining and
made me imagine the scene of runnning along seaside
into the setting sun or morning sun.
I just stood still and listend to their music...
553☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/06(木) 00:59:17

Ok. How do you survive in terms of money?

I am interested because I am fascinated by the hikikomori lifestyle.


I would do this, but my Japanese is awful. So it would be impractical.

Perhaps when I learn more Japanese, I will make a documentary.
554名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 01:06:00
If you wanna make a documentary movie
I reccomend you to watch a movie "Tokyo Pop".
Try checking it out on the internet.
555☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/06(木) 01:09:16
Thank you, I shall check it out.
556名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 01:19:49
When Igiris-jin is absent, I can't help but wondering if he is infected
with an adware he made himself and his pc has gotten too slow to post
in 2ch..
557名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 01:20:15
Don't worry. I can speak English. But I don't like on film myself. Sorry.
Well, I'm going bed soon. You can send me an email here. [email protected]
No. I'm just kidding. See you. Have a good night all of you guys.
558名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 01:23:55
Going to bed? You gotta be kidding.

Hikikomori has to stay up all night and sleep in the daytime!
559☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/06(木) 01:25:53

Good night!
560名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 01:26:32
You can speak english.
561イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 01:31:55
That sort of happened this morning, when I had far too many Flash
windows open. I made a mistake that opened up a new window for every
item in the array instead of just showing it in the old one. This
project should be finished by tomorrow, but still looks really ugly
because it's just functional code, and no interface design.

Once it is complete, then it can display cakes in style.
562名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 01:41:19
Don't mistakingly install any adwares you have made on your PC until
you spread them on the net and tempt net users to install them.
563AZ:2008/03/06(木) 02:01:32
Even though I'm not a hikki, I'm just in a sort of "mediocre" stage of
my life, I'm not really employed, I still live with my parents,
and this semester I'm only attending 3 classes. It's not where I
want to be right now, but I can't really help it yet, I have to
finish my classes at the local college so I can transfer to University.
It's a long, boring, waiting game.
564名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 02:03:36
Morph yourself into a rattle snake and live in a dessert playing
with retired senior citizens.
565AZ:2008/03/06(木) 02:05:17
I was looking at your local prices, it's pretty astonishing...
Gas, 8$ a gallon? I realize you guys have more fuel-efficient cars,
but that's still ridiculous.
566AZ:2008/03/06(木) 02:06:16
Dessert? Sorry, I'm on a diet...
567名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 02:06:54
How fat are you, AZ?
568AZ:2008/03/06(木) 02:10:07
I was making fun of his spelling mistake, don't read into it too much
569名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 02:17:01
Nobody told you to eat it. Just live in a dessert.
570AZ:2008/03/06(木) 02:21:39
Ok, what kind? Baked or frozen?
571名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 02:26:16
572AZ:2008/03/06(木) 02:29:27
Oh god, fine, but I don't like old people very much
573名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 02:34:34
As if you wouldn't get old.
574AZ:2008/03/06(木) 02:37:40
Hah, don't remind me
575名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 02:54:56
Does Magibon post here anymore or is she too good
for us now that she's all "internet famous"?
576スコットランド人:2008/03/06(木) 02:58:02
Translation: I'm incredibly fat, please stop asking.

Am I right or am I right?
577名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 02:59:13
Only the fat read the fat's mind?
578名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 03:09:50
He's not fat at all!!

by American standards.
579名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 03:13:30
It reminds me of a fable of Cool Daddy somehow.
580名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 03:23:11
I mean Daddy Cool, AA of 2ch.
581イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 03:26:55
When I think of Daddy Cool, it makes me think of the Boney M song.
Then I think of Rasputin, which makes me think of rosiajin.
582名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 03:51:45
583名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 04:20:42
post daddy cool I never heard of him.
584名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 04:36:46
Damn, it seems like anyone can post some domestic shit on Wikipedia.
I'm not famous at all.
Can I post my bio?
585名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 04:39:04
586イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 06:50:47
Ah, thanks very much! Seen him posted on other boards, but had no
idea what was going on, really. Now to go through the other Wikipedia
AA articles...
587名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 08:17:23
I didn't know he is called daddy cool, which don't match with
his lookings.
588名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 08:22:30
I made a mistake that opened up a new window for every
item in the array instead of just showing it in the old one.

Would you explain the situation more clearly? among all
"in the array instead of just showing it in the old one. "
this part is difficult.
589VIPPER:2008/03/06(木) 08:29:50
    (.`ヽ(`>、                      /''''''   '''''':::::  hello im DADDYCOOL the VIPPE Rand FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY reviev FREE access to private area of VIPPERS ONE TIME OFFER APPLY NOW ;)
     `'<`ゝr'フ\                  +  | (●),  、(●)、.:| +
  ⊂コ二Lフ^´  ノ, /⌒)             .    |  ,,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .:::| 
  ⊂l二L7_ / -ゝ-')´                .+ |   `-=ニ=- ' .::::::| + .    
       \_  、__,.イ\           +     \   `ニニ´  .::/    + 
        (T__ノ   Tヽ        , -r'⌒! ̄ `":::7ヽ.`- 、   ./|  . 
         ヽ¬.   / ノ`ー-、ヘ<ー1´|  ヽ | :::::::::::::ト、 \ ( ../ ヽ  
590イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 08:34:21
I'll try and explain...

An array is an item which holds multiple values.
In this case, I am making an image gallery, so my test file holds
thirty images. Each of these is loaded into the array.
My code tried to open them all at the same time - thirty times each -
because of an error I had made.
It was supposed to open each of them in sequence, one after the other.
591名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 08:59:52
Like You try to open up these files at a time?
I think I got the rough picture. But
I don't understand what "showing it in the old one." means.
592イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 09:16:37
Hah, nice example.
Basically, I just meant the next image is supposed to clear the previous
(old) image, and put the new one over it.

I'll make a quick example... just a second.
593名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 09:21:13
slide show
594名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 09:24:58
"showing it in the old one" means "showing it after(over) the old one"?
595イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 10:04:01
Showing it in the old window, rather than in a new one each time. So
in effect, you're right, because it will show over and after the previous
one, such as in this example (sort of a slideshow, as >>593 says).
596名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 10:04:51
Rehearsals of the play "Yoshitsune" who assumed Hideaki Takizawa as a chairperson was being performed at Koma Theater in Tokyo. The chaiman is only a title, and it was Janize Kitagawa, anti-Japan Japanese American, who entirely directed the play.

Kitagawa stared at a floor after the rehearsal was over. Takizawa had already gone to drink alcohol in Ginza with his companions. Kitagawa went down to the lower floor. Old sets were piled up there.
He seemed to come up with some idea. On the next day, Kitagawa invited Takizawa's manager in his company.
"A fire will break out in Takienbu by all means."
"Why? Sir."
"You do not have to know such a thing! All you have to do is when smoke goes up, let Takizawa out immediately and tell the audience to escape."
"Yes, sir."
The performance of "Yoshitsune" began. The hall was filled with more than 2,000 people in a row. One day, during the performance, the stage was filled with smoke in the sky.
"Takizawa. It is a fire. Escape quickly."
The manager said in a hurry. Takizawa escaped immediately.
"Ladies and gentlemen! Mr. Takizawa has already escaped. Please take refuge at once."
Hearing the announcement, the spectators began to escape.
597名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 10:06:04
Janie Kitagawa chuckled to himself to think everything was just as he had planned, and invited the manager again.
"The fire should be small. When it is settled, take Takizawa by car and return him into the dressing room."
"Why? Sir."
"You do not have to know such a thing! Just do what you are ordered."
The manager sent Takizawa to the dressing room by car according to his boss's order, and reported it to Kitagawa with his mobile telephone.
"Well done. I will do the rest of the job."
He sent faxes to mass media which said Takizawa had stayed in the dressing room during the fire, and did not escape. He made the staffs distribute handbills which was made by the name of Takizawa.
"I am beyond pleasure that no visitor had injuries."
This was a fatal mistake. Actually, more than ten visitors breathed smoke, and were hospitalized.

Kitagawa who failed in making of a big story threated mass media.
"If you write this, I will punish you!"
Mass media remained silent. From the next day, he made Takizawa go to the theater when the tickets were refunded and made him broadcast the apology in his live voice. Fans were pleased to listen to Takizawa's voice.

Malicious Kitagawa thought.
"The fans are all fools without knowing that it was me who made a trick. It is a piece of cake to handle them."
598名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 10:11:44
Nice effect. Do you use Flash?
599596,597:2008/03/06(木) 10:12:53
What do you think, Briton?
You got the point of the story?
600イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 10:23:34
Flash is one of my main tools, yes. That's a pretty old test, though,
and Flash has been radically updated since then.

That's an interesting story, but I'm not sure of the moral... is Kitagawa
trying to increase Takizawa's reputation by staging a fire and making it
look like Takizawa is helping save the audience?
601名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 11:11:07
Avada Kedavra!!!!!!!!!!
602名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 11:11:54
Expecto Patronum!!!!
603596,597:2008/03/06(木) 11:20:17
Thanks for your comment.
Kitagawa is trying to increase Takizawa's reputation by
making it look like Takaizawa didn't escape before his fans.
604名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 11:23:52
I haven't touched Flash in years, and that was one (ver. 5 or MX) way before Adobe bought it.
I remember I had to make more than 70 layers for a slideshow movie and it took quite a
while to flatten them on my old school mac. Probably, I'd have no idea about the interface now, though.
605名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 11:29:41
Who's a popular English girl?
Emma Watson?
606名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 11:35:37
Found a video of Emma and a girl taking a bath together.
607イギリス人:2008/03/06(木) 11:38:11
Thought that was it, got it. Kitagawa would benefit from Takizawa's
heroics, being in charge. Is there more to these stories? It sounds
like the main character is being developed for further storylines.

Version 5 was when I started, too. Started off doing animations, but
haven't really done any of that for a long time. I usually just code
things in ActionScript, from interfaces to filehanders, and am just
experimenting with how Flash can now interact with databases. The
interface is very similar to how it used to be, but Adobe completely
revamped the way ActionScript is written. It's much more (argh... I've
forgotten the right word...) uniform now, which makes it both stricter,
yet easier to use.

I think having to use so many layers (sometimes) is what put me off
animating with it... Anyway, what do you do these days?
608名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 11:41:22
609名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 12:18:31
If you search "onanie_show2000", you can read some of my stories
in English.
610名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 12:19:25
ouch... I'm very close to neeting these days, though I still call it freelancing and temping
(nothing to do with graphics though).
I was sort of playing with it to test out how I could make an integrated presentation
of my photos and sound effects. That was much of a novice level, nothing serious.
So I tend to look up to people who can write scripts and codes. I might start to work on my
things again, so I'm thinking about getting sound and illustration tools and learning new stuff, actually.
611名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 13:39:35
Oh, one is a pronoun for window! I couldn't notice that.
Finally I understand.
612名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 14:11:55
East wood is really cool.
I like american working class tough guy!
613名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 14:15:23
I like his glum face and blunt behavior!

OH, Is this so-called militia, a bunch of racist white trash?
614名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:05:39
Pink Cadillac is a real movie which depicts another aspect of
america japanese don't know.
Japanese generally think americans as generous, merry and friendly people.
plus good looking.
615名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:09:48
no we don't!
616名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:11:38
If you want to be really proud racist right,
You have to behave noble.
Why are they always drunk and somoking, wearing sloppy clothes,
hunging around in the bar.

Kevin Alfred Strom was a ideal racist, who is intelligent, eloquent
and teetotalist untill he was exposed to be pedophile...

I was disappoited. I want to meet normal, family-value white racist.
617名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:12:57
OH, hanging around...
618名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:14:18
Emma Watson! She's a bitch!
619名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:14:45
how do you know?
620名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:21:37
Results 1 - 10 of about 666 for "emma watson is a bitch". (0.22 seconds)
621名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:49:09
What did Japanese think of the Eastwood directed film 'Letters from Iwo Jima'?
622名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:53:08
Do you like Nino?
623名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:55:21
What is Nino?
624名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:57:56
I thought you were a fangirl.

Nino in berlin.
625名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 15:58:23
As a Korean I felt that the Iwo Jima film glossed over truth a little bit.

Japanese soldiers were not as nice as they were potrayed in the film.

I wrote a letter to the Korean American Association after to protest the film.

Never got a reply though.....
626名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:02:01
Nino In Paris (Letters From Iwo Jima Premiere)

fangirls... lol
Why do they make a big deal? lol
627名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:06:39
there's nothing worse than having itch you can never scratch, huh?
628名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:07:31

Nino must apologize to Korean people.
629名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:08:06
Summary of Nino in Europe (Fanvid)

I don't understand what they see in Nino. Is he that cute?
He looks just ordinary. I mean, not so good-looking.
630名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:17:03
Step and go

Who's your favorite?
631名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:20:09
Unforgiven must be Eastwood's masterpiece.
632名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:23:06
Matsujun is the worst singer of Arashi. His voice sounds stuffy and nasal.
But as a Korean, Matsujun looks the best all over the world.
So who cares Matsujun sings horrible?
633名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:26:38
Step and go (MV)

How catchy this song is! The question is, why do they have that
wierd outfit on in the vid? lol
634名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:28:39

Be quiet!

Next time I tread on someone's foot or anger someone through mistake and silly behaviour I will
say 'sumimasen!'.
635名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:28:49
I agree. He is from johnny's agency, which will explain his media

Annoying everywhere. Please leave this thread.
636名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:31:39

Fangirls... What do they want? They are too
637名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:40:27
Arashi in Korea Airport 20060731


Arashi should move to Korea.
638名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:40:37
arashi's humble leader is a real talented man. Do you know that?
He has talent of drawing.
639名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:46:10
Sure. Ridaa has the artistic talent.
640名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:47:14
I am a famous Korean mangaka but I cant reveal my name on this site.

It would be hard to keep it under secrecy.

Maybe one day I will tell you.
641名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:49:56
It looks forward.
642名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:50:06
nobody gives a shit about Korea,so why don't you getta fuck outta here.
643名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:51:07

I hope for friendship between Japanese and Korean.
644名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:51:42
Jun in Taiwan

I don't know why Matsujun is popular among Taiwan.
Fangirls there... They seem everywhere...
645名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:52:32
I don't care.
646名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 16:54:42
Arashi is too busy dealing with Asian fangirls to come to America. lol
647名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:00:18
I hope so too, but it would be hard to say so in 2ch..
648名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:02:42
Satoshi Ohno looks like "Oh, No!". lol
649名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:02:55
No interest. he is just quite conscious of himself
while nobody loves him.
650名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:03:55

Ok. I hope that it is so.

I love Japanese people and food and culture.

I do not hate Japanese, I am sorry that some people in Korea say 'I hate Japan'
and so on. These people do not represent me. I love Japan.

Long live Japan and Korea!
651名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:04:27
They aren't so popular in America, don't they?
Japanese boys look gay and/or feminine.
652名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:06:26
just a simple and normal relation is enough.
no sentimental word is needed.
653名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:07:13
>Japanese boys look gay and/or feminine.

654名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:07:55
What do you mean?
There are many fans of him.
If you ask me, first comes Matsujun, then Sho, then Nino, and finally
him, Ohno, and last is Aiba. But that doesn't mean everyone thinks
Ohno is the fourth. For someone, he may be first.
655名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:09:47

Japanese boy is SOOOOO gay!
656名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:09:47
President of johnny's agency is gay boy lover.
So no wonder. It7s johnny's taste.
657名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:11:54
J "You impact dai dayo!!"
658名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:13:38
I cannot understand that the following sentence is not in grammatical
It is (expected) to employ 10 people in the office.
659名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:22:03
Korean girls were so enthusiastic there.
660名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:29:47
Is it just me? But macho men look gayer than skinny guys.
661名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:32:39
Korean girls wwwww
662名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:38:34
why don't you guys stay away from topic about Koreans?
What else can you talk about, huh?
663名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:40:19
Yon sama kimuchi kamusahamunida!
664名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:44:34
665名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 17:49:02
I hope speak ENGLISH.

666名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:10:38
Today must be "Korean VIPPER Day".
667名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:19:17
Nope. Arashi's trolling day is better fit.
668名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:21:35
Emma Watson Day.
669名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:22:48
What is 'VIPPER'?
670名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:26:17
Never mind. I don't know.
671名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:26:33
↑ Korean rotten rottelia
672名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:38:43
I'm just kidding.

Rottelia tastes good and actually I also love Rotte's food too.
Reasonable price and good taste.
Thank you Korean Company.

And actress. Korean beauties. I love.

Kimchi is also good. I often have Kimchi with some glasses of wine.
673名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:39:22
Thank you. I like the Japanese foods too.
674名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:45:28
Maybe I'll visit Korea someday for sightseeing.

So how about 南大門.
I was so sad to hear the accident.
Any good prospects of recovery ?
675名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:48:43
I am not sure, promises made of reconstruction.

No one really knows what will happen. Likely there will be a reconstruction/recovery.

Probably take a long time though (to get it exactly historical accuracy).
676名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 18:55:01
I understand.

We hope you do well.
You Koreans love your countries. So probably it will go well.

And about your new president.
What do you think of him ?
We Japanese mostly have good impressions, I guess.
677名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:10:29
Oh, my god!
Arashi is HOOOOTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!
678名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:10:50
Should I stop talking political matters?

Or more Johnny's mens you prefer?
I'll try, I don't know the details though.
679名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:12:10
What about NEWS?
Do you know about Yamap?
680名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:12:48
Arashi seem to be hot now.
681スウェーデン人:2008/03/06(木) 19:13:13
That sentence is perhaps odd, but probably grammatical. For example,
if "it" refers to a company:

> [Company] is expected to employ 10 people in the (new) office.

(Just "in the office" sounds strange.)

Otherwise, if there is no clear subject that will employ people, I
would change it, maybe to:

"It is expected that ten people will be employed in the (new) office."

To me, it looks better with two clauses. ("It is expected that", and
"ten people will ...")
682名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:15:54

He is ok. Big risk investment in public economics policies. It should be good though.

I am pleased with his policy towards the north. Being nice has not worked with them.
683名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:16:36
News...I heard thme once before..
Maybe the members are changed by some reason or incidents, aren't they ?

YamaP is quite famous even I know him.
684名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:28:07
You must be young Korean. I guess.
I heard the news saying that your 386 generations are still supporting former president somewhat.

But you're really enviable for us. Because we've never experienced a change of regime for this 50 years.
We can't take political risks even if we want to do.
685名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:33:35
Precisely we had. Once. But it was not a kind of real change.
686名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:33:46
I guess that is true somewhat. Most young people I have met just want normalization
of relations between East Asian countries. There persists mainly problems, in terms of
nationalistic idiots. But these people everything in honesty (in all countries).

I just hope that the Government tries not to pull stupid stunts like representatives
walking over Japanese flag and other stupid stuff.
687名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:44:56
It can apply to our country too.
Today I'm pleased to hear your voice here without the biases of mass-media.

Maybe probems are lying not on our countries but on our medias much.
688名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 19:47:07
I mean, Not on Korea and Japan But on Korean and Japanese medias.
689名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 20:15:33
I agree, you are totally right in this regard.

Anyway, I must get some sleep tonight. It has been good chatting.

See you!
690名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 20:17:07
See you. Good night~~
691名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 21:41:09
One of the problems is we Japanese have litlle opportunity
that we have communication with Koreans.
I'm pleased to hear row voice,too.
692名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 21:42:59
I say we sink the rest of Asia.
You won't have to make friends if they aren't there!
693:2008/03/06(木) 21:57:19
a ‘(英語で雑談) Par’ riddled with a quite a few grammatical errors wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
shame on you foolswwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
694名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 22:01:31
If you wwwwwww any more, you will launch yourself into orbit.
695:2008/03/06(木) 22:30:09
another fool?hmmmmmmmmmm Better WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW than ridiculous rubbish full of awful errors made by you foolswwwwwwwwwww
And shame on you again
696名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 22:35:06
You're going to reach maximum velocity soon!
697名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 22:47:14
Maybe he will hit sun. If we have luck.
698名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 22:53:07
Shame on you!
Go to VIP!!
699名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 22:58:25
Hey everyone, calm down.
700☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/06(木) 23:20:34
I want to be a vipstar. Am I VIP quality?
701名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 23:23:00
I am addicted to coca cola. I drink 2 liters per day
702名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/06(木) 23:26:35
crazy. you dring too much
you will have diabeatis(←これスペル自信ない。糖尿病)
703:2008/03/06(木) 23:43:17
you fools seem to enjoy talking trash in awful broken japanglish,ahaaaaaaaaaaa
704名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 00:18:11
Okay maybe not 2 liters per day. maybe 2 liters per 3 days.
I buy 1 glass of coca cola every 3 days.
705名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 00:19:16
your english is the worst!
706スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 00:22:46
I need help with a Japanese question and while
I realise this isn't really the place to ask,
there's not really anywhere else to go.

林さんは(   )に映画の切符をもらいましたか。

I'm supposed to fill in the blank space but I'm not sure
exactly what the question is supposed to be. Is he asking
about the price or which movie it is? I'm confused.

2ch, help please. 人(--*)
707名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 00:26:16
the answer is 誰
708名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 00:26:30
林さんは(誰   )に映画の切符をもらいましたか?
709スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 00:28:44
Thanks a lot!
710スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 00:34:20
And yeah, that spelling is close but wrong.

It should be "diabetes".
711707:2008/03/07(金) 00:39:28
You are welcome.
Now I have a question for you.
Is the story of King Robert the Bruth I famous?
712スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 00:46:21
Yes, he's probably one of the most famous figures in
our history after William Wallace and Bonnie Prince Charlie.
713スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 00:50:16
Also, the correct spelling is "Bruce". :]
714イギリス人:2008/03/07(金) 00:54:18
Since you probably know it better than me, I think mentioning the
story about his death is worthwhile and interesting (the whole heart
715名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 01:10:33
I've never seen such a scene in japan.
But even korean bother to travel to japando and do the
same things in japan. LOL
think what would happen in the other way around situation.
murder and high five.

japan is just disparaged by them. I'm not blaming korea, but japan.
don't be mistaken.
716名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 01:17:29
And I'm not saying japan should do the same thing.
rather tackle with idiots in japan territory more seriously.
717名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 01:21:55
There are Korean, Englishman, Scotsman, and so on,
but where are you living now?
I heard you can't write into the threads from overseas..

*I'm not sure my English... Are 'write into the threads' gramatically right?
I'd be glad if someone would point out my errors.
718 ◆Mjk4PcAe16 :2008/03/07(金) 01:24:16

719イギリス人:2008/03/07(金) 01:36:54
There was a time when foreigners weren't able to post to 2ch, but it
seems that although some people still can't, some of us can. I'm an
Englishman living in England.

"I heard you can't [post into threads/write replies to threads] from
overseas." - Any of the options in brackets would fine. There are
more options, but I think those would be most common.
720707:2008/03/07(金) 01:41:18
Thank you very much indeed.
I also thank you for correcting my embarrasing spelling error.
721名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 01:48:41
Oh, thanks a lot, my tutor!

>it seems that although some people still can't,
>some of us can.
I didn't know that.
722名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:06:50
I hope that's the case with 米人. >>719
She is such a nice person. But it's OK if she got to the conclusion
that she should spend more time offline. Better than becoming internet
addicted housewives.

Somethimes I think how posters here changes. Probably 2ch will exist
in one year, some years, maybe a decade or longer. Maybe this thread
will last as long as that. But people come and go. Maybe when you have
your own family, you must quit. I don't know. Almost all people here are
almost anonymous. We don't know much about them except online but
we have loose connection. But people come and go. This thread goes on.
723名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:12:50
Alone Again Naturally♪
724名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:25:12
Crocodile Tears♪
725名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:33:58
Honesty is such a lonely word♪
726名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:34:49
Young man, there's no need to feel down♪
727名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:35:04
Coz it is a penal offence sure in Japan. And it's not so in Korea.

I think we must rather talk with each other.
Look at this thread.
We ordinary asian are just talking each other only in anonymous 2ch and in English !
however close Korea and Japan may be.
How fancy! (Is it used correctly?)
It's just irony, We are too far now.
728727:2008/03/07(金) 02:37:35
Somewhere over the rainbow♪
729名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:43:27
Waaaay up hiiiiigh♪
730名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:44:25
Cruel to be kind, it's a very good sign♪
731名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 02:48:08
Take some sedative and settle down.
732名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 03:11:41

You can call me uho but I think the guy in this video is really cool.
I wish I were like him.
733スウェーデン人:2008/03/07(金) 03:16:58
>>717 - 721
Posting from Sweden, from a .se domain name even. No problem here.

Are there specific domains, or countries, that can't post to 2ch?
734イギリス人:2008/03/07(金) 03:25:09
I'm guessing either certain IP ranges or certain hostmarks. Most of the
(rather bitter) people I've seen who are unable to post to 2ch seem to
be from the US, thought that might just be because I haven't read peoples'
rants in other languages...
735名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 03:32:02
For those who are fed up with fake, this is for you.
His music is real.
736名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 03:38:32
NoNo. before that, the matter of decency.
most japanese don't know it's legal or not.
737名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 04:10:03
You sure that wasn't Futaba-chan they were talking about? Pretty sure US can't post there.
I'm in SoCal, USA and I can post just fine to 2ch.
738スウェーデン人:2008/03/07(金) 04:11:08
I guess it makes sense, could be that one (or a few) of the very large
ISPs are blocked for having too many stupid users. Or something.
739イギリス人:2008/03/07(金) 04:18:43
Just going by what people have been saying. Personally, I couldn't post
when I first started lurking a couple years back, but was able a year ago.
You're probably right though, some of them probably mean to say "2chan"
rather than "2ch".

Especially if the users were parts of "raids" by certain websites...
740名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 04:35:15
I think hkduy js is heysdu kdiw osheyr oskw.
but se o okeojsw wshxmdiiu jhshsn djdhu?
hsdiu ewpo skwo xmdkoe nmsheu kws.
741名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 04:50:14
ISP blocked. (both US ISP)
742名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 06:02:03
So, I heard there is a meeting at russian embassy in Tokyo?
743スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 07:12:58
I just got back from class. Thanks again for the help with my homework. :3

Well, on his deathbed he made a request that his
heart be carried into battle in the crusades.

Apparently, Sir James Douglas took this literally and
went about removing his heart and taking it with him
to Spain in a battle against the Moors.

After he was killed in this battle, Sir William Keith
took the Bruce's heart back to Scotland with him and buried
it in Melrose Abbey. It's still there to this day.

I'm living in Glasgow, Scotland. There was a time when I
could only post in the English board using bbs2chreader, but I
could post like usual on the other boards. It's okay now though.
744名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 07:19:27

American soldiers commit crimes. AGAIN!
745スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 07:32:57
I really don't understand people these days.

That was pretty sick, but still, hardly anyone cares
about the thousands of human beings murdered every day in
an imperialist war but there's an uproar when a puppy is killed?
746名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 07:33:32
It is father of rosiajin to arrange a marriage to Japanese girl.
You see, he finally pass examinations.
747名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 07:42:26
I guess it's because they see the killing scene here.
If a video was uploaded in which many innocent and ordinary citizens
are being killed without any reason to die, then tons of people would
react the same way. You know what I mean?
748スコットランド人:2008/03/07(金) 07:48:00
I understand, yeah, but there are plenty of videos
out there of innocent civilians suffering because
of this war. But no one is doing anything about it.
749名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:09:01
I think there are many people against the iraq war, though.

Anyway, I guess to many people, pupppies represent "purity"
and the soldiers "brutality". It's easy to simplify what should
be right in this case, compared to the case where human beings
are concerned.

What do you think?
750名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:09:14
Sorry I'll post for correcting my mis-spelling.

X Rottelia
O Lotteria

X Rotte
O Lotte

Now I'm eating モナ王.
751名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:28:51
752名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:39:51
I Love Yukorin.
753名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:41:40
Then you must find the planet korin somewhere in the sky.
754名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:43:43
But, I don't know the planet Korin which she said.
755名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:50:44
You may find only the dishes of Planet Korin at this site. XD
h ttp://

Have a nice day♪
756名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 08:55:05
And Check this out too!
h ttp://

It may help you. :D
757名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:08:18
well it's not that serious thing. when your life is unsatisfactory,
and there is nobody to talk to what you really are, you can rely on net and pour out
your thoughts. so that someone would respond to you and he/she would make you feel better.
and when you have someone who loves and care you
and you do the same in your life, you must be satified with it and the life with full of love makes you occupied
so no need to come online and say what you really are can use this online
relationship for a device of redeeming of something you lack.
if you rely on this kind of machine too much, you would collapse both
the relationship in real and online. if you don't fully satisfied with it
, you will end up collapse one day. first of all you need to find out
yourself. I think relying on something too much and it would surplus
to its needs, you would end up in misery.
758名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:17:32
ain't that deep
759名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:17:40
In my case, my life at the moment is like hell.
that's why I rely on internet. but when I find it would exceed
what it should be, I just try not to come because internet
is just addctive. we can do so many other things if we sum up
the total hours of staying in front of the screen, I feel so wasting
sometimes but without internet
it is sad, so time control is essential, IMO.
760名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:23:17
but including 2channel, there are no more comfortable places
to speak out these days. so most of my friends just send me
long emails instead of participating this kind of forum.
or maybe mixi or those places where we can communicate with
limited people whom you have chosen by yourself. That's better.
when I really want to say something about politics, life, philosophy etc.
761名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:25:16
Anything can be addctive to anyone.
Even your friend and family must hurt you sometime. (I mean not serious.)

The problem is inside of you.
We're just thinking "We can't expect the online relationships too much".
And I agree that too much concentration is dangerous for any persons.
762名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:28:55
Including your real long-Email friends or any mixi friends.

Too much concentration upon few things (or persons) is dangerous.
763名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:32:42
The word sounds bit strong ?

Maybe it's just delicate, I guess.
764名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:38:49
well I don't really do too much concentration upon few things
or persons. friends' emails and some other activities online are spiritual
enrichment, so that's ok to do so.
but yes, I was in danger sometimes when I was/am too lonely
I come to internet so often. but that state is me at the moment,
and it won't happen every day so that's ok. and I am also studying and
to relax I come online, but it exceed sometimes. so I won't deny my addictiveness.
I hope I would be more outgoing someday.
765名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 09:49:56
when I think back what was I doing when I was alone
before addicted to the internet? I think most of the time
I was reading. So obviously the hours of my time to input to extend my
knowledge is decreasing. I've got to do something to it.
so again, time control is really essential. maybe I have to be very
strict to myself that I set up the rule that I can only come on internet
1 hr a day before I go to bed. lol everything is so easy going.
so to be strict to oneself is important nowadays. otherwise ungoverned of
self-indulgent would last forever. lol
766本玉儿:2008/03/07(金) 10:04:55
Do you have a machine to tear one's crotch automatically ?
I purchased by a mail order !
This machine opens one's crotch by turning a steering wheel .
It is very comfortable when I open my crotch while doing onanism .
At a point in time when My crotch opened 180° , I ejaculate ! !
However I can't be satisfied with this machine , so I want a machine tearing up my own crotch !
Is 't there the good idea using privately-owned car to one's crotch up ?
If there is a good idea , I want you to teach ! !
767名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 10:09:49
Then you don't need to think so seriously.
It's all normal for those living in this age.

But the rules would fasten you so tightly.
I advise you rather finding something more interesting things to do or people to see on other spaces.
(I mean outside.)
You just star what you can do now.
768名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 10:13:48
X You just star
O You just start

Use your positive imagination. That must be one of your advantages, if you read much in past!
769名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 10:17:22
Getting more rough,
not interstting but amusing things will be best for you.
770名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 10:19:08
X on other spaces
O on other places

Sorry I'm too sleepy now..
771名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 10:59:19
>We're just thinking "We can't expect the online relationships too much".

normally yes, but there are few exceptions.
we can have some intense relationship online too. but it is subtle too.

I met one prostitute girl online few years ago, she was doing "sell" activities
even she's a highschool girl, after talking with me for about half a year
she slowly started to change her life. not only my words affected her
but also something has changed during the communication with me online.

she sounded no guilty feeling at all and ws enjoying her life sleeping
with random middle aged men for money before, but I always said "love" is imoprtant and
she seemed not to understand what I was saying. she didn't know what
means to love. after she told me that she no longer doing the "sell"
I slowly shorten the time to talk with her, and she disappeared later.
but you know, it's hard to meet a prostitute highschool girl in real life
but I met her online.
772名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:03:51
Sounds like Miyadai sensei. lol

People never loved cant love others.
It's sad but true somehow.
773名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:06:24
I would like to meet one in real life.
774名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:07:12
well I am a normal nerd student. that's why
it's hard to encounter one of these highschool girls.
she liked me and we exchanged some photos of us.
one time she arranged a meeting with me I could go to
Tokyo where she lives. but I turned down. I regret a little.
coz I didn't have enough courage. I also thought she would be
too seductive and I was afraid if she would show me a sign
of sleeping with me, I would be so I am still a virgin.
that's why.
775名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:08:39
You mean prostitute of high school girl?
776名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:08:54
GOSH! you like Miyadai too?
I'm a great fan of his. lol
777名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:11:43
You mean you're girl?

hmmm... now I have no idea what you are talking about...
778名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:13:29
yeah, it seems like she was.
she was never being loved although she has both mother and father.
I wonder what she's doing now. I find her IQ was pretty much high although
what she actually doing was like shit.
779名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:14:27
I don't like him now.

But I did. At that time I was studying in Univ. and knew nothing about real society.
780名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:24:46
Matsujun <3
781名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:24:48
Real society is much more simple and extremely disgusting than we were taught.

You don't have to study or learn nothing after your gaduate.
You just be tolerant and decent. Make a smile with everything and get much money.
That's is real life.
782名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:24:55
I used to be a die hard fan of Miyadai.
I still read his blog sometimes though. he is not as powerful as before.
I don't deny he is genius but he is too confident of himself and
he is like someone who knows the outcome already and doesn't like
to experience the process to reach there. I am still a kid but I feel
he is also a kid mentally. ironically that's the reason
why he attracts boys and girls.
783名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:26:28
I'm interested more in the fact that you still are a virgin even though
you've already graduated from university. Either you are extremly pure
to deny any premarital sex relationship, or...
784名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:27:11
X gaduate
O graduation
785名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:30:23
Nino is also <3
786名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:31:52
I forgot exact date but Miyadai faced a disaster (that he caused) a few years ago.
he was too confident of himself as he was the god or something
and there were many followers of his. there was one boy who was too brainwashed by
Miyadai and commited a suicide. he thinks this world as a game, but
after his death he started to concern about his responsibilities that give an impact
to the world. I think
he changed a lot after that matter.
787名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:32:18
Now he must be the youngest prof. there.
He doesn't need to be so powerful.
And his marriage will have something to do with your impressions, I guess.

In fact, he is not at all a kid inside. You're just decieved.
788名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:34:04
you must be a hasty person
or you must be drunk.
789名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:34:34

You think I'm a woman?

790名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:37:40

Now I would like rather Miyazaki tetuya sensei,
however he used to be so low evaluated compared with Miyadai for long time.
791名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:40:01
to compare to Miyadai, everybody seems boring.
well...Nishibe is exception though.
I used to read a lot of Nishibe Susumu's writing. Oh I have to
get back to my reading life. shit
792名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:42:19
Then you should have read GOMANISM SENGEN too.
793名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:43:26
that's a piece of shit.
794名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:48:48

That's Miyadai's speech. so funny.
masturbation right wing.
is like something similar to the former Prime minister Abe.
is equals to 2 channel and it equals to "the positive logic"
until few years ago
and is euqals to hetare hoshu! lol ic chicken conservatives. LOL
795名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:50:12
Maybe you'll know better after your graduations, I guess...
796名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:54:59
Then how about 東浩紀?

Or start Second Life and stuff, you young idlers.
797名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:55:04
"hetare hoshu" sounds funny lol
798片岡数吉:2008/03/07(金) 11:57:24
One of the teachers of religious law was standing there
[ listening to the debate ].


He realized [ that Jesus had answered well ],

*had answered、は従属節の動詞。従属節の形は

so he asked, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”
Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this:
‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord.
And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’
799名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:57:39
Or now I remember his name at last, 柄谷行人.
800名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 11:58:44
You just read Miyadai and Nishibe only?...
801名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:01:14
米兵に怯えまくる子犬 A little puppy abused by US soldiers in Iraq

What do you think?
802名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:02:09
experience is important. experience is the only the way to
learn the life. so to skip the process, it means you leaned nothing.
803名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:05:56
Miyadai is attractive but since he overwhelmed mediocrity and their lives
he skipped too many important things in life. now he is getting
back his loss. after he reached the same level with others,
(with the steadily works) he would finally succeeds and attracs
many people not only youngsters.
804名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:07:02
It sounds like 強度.

And now I think that kind of ideas spoiled Japanese cultures in these days.
805名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:09:06
he overwhelmed mediocrity and their lives

How did he do that?
806名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:09:45
Mozart was the same. genius people fall in the trap since
they tend to omit the long and boring processes and they live short.
807名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:10:44
The ideas of 強度 must have some relations or same background to so called ゆとり世代.
808名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:15:14
Or I should say some synchronicities, instead of the word "same background".
Anyway, time of the philosophy class was over. I gotta go.

Bye young idler.
809名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 12:17:42
oh my english was too poor that's why.
are you american?
well, what I meant was he is very smart and he thinks this world is
boring and looks down mediocrities. I mean he is not that arrogant
but...he apparently hates to live same as others. he finds the way
to discover the reality thru the shortest path without smiles on his face
he is unhappy guy. but if one lives this way, usually they terminate their lives
at the around 24 even how long enough to live, their battery is over around that time
so it is wasting.
810片岡数吉:2008/03/07(金) 13:43:20
oh, pity
id love
rapseed flowers have opened at the top of green leaf vefgetables
i love

hotokenoza the throne of the budha flowers have grown so tall
yes, i love
do youlove, too?
811☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/07(金) 14:09:58

Wow, that's a heartwarming story.

Perhaps somebody could make a film about it.
812名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 14:29:54
Sho is like PEACE!!!!!
813名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 15:09:11
No no no no, the planet korin must be in Chiba.
814名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 16:21:01
nanako sos beats yukolin, fake lolita once and for all.
I lead the army of nanako sos. she is behind our troops!
815名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 16:21:28
sho? yokohamaginbae's sho? LOL
816名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 16:22:14
Sho from Arashi.
817名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 16:23:31
hi evrionse!
how ar e uoe ?
i hdoe jdp e siee pekdoe!
jus idte hdyueo kdue
818名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 16:54:22
stop talking about low level johhny's talents.
819名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 18:32:02
820名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 19:09:39
where I can watch 2 girls 1 cup video? I tried site but it say that I need to register and pay
821名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 19:19:59
it is look like I am only one who has not seen the video.
822名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 20:10:29
Millhouse aint a meme.
823名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 20:47:46
OH no someone mistook it again!
Miyadai is not that guy but he is equivalent to
the genius nanako sos!
824名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 20:49:59
yes! it was indeed.
I think the prostitute girl is National Pro Baseball girl.
825名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 20:56:04
Why not?

My interests of philosophy is also boring for everyone, I guess.
But no one said so.
Now I'm rather interested in Matsuken (Is he johhny's?), Matsujun, Arashi, YamaP, News, and sort of things.
For the sake of this thread.
826本玉儿:2008/03/07(金) 21:00:18
meme ? What meaning is it ?
Vagina is called "memejyo" in Japanease Kyusyu .
I want to hang a hook on Yoko Osita's memejyo and pull it .
Yoko's skin around memejyo "ZUBOOSTU! !"makes a sound and will be torn !
Which is stronger Yoko Osita's memejyo or Aya TAkashima's memejyo ?

827名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 21:02:01

you like Matsuken is not a member of Johhny's.
he is just an individual farm Sokagakkai boy.
828名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 21:05:07
sweets shine
829名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 21:06:09
you mean she is National pro baseball itself?
you mean she is a ball?
830名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 21:08:16
yes, she must be a ball. the cheap one.
because she's a prostitute. and national prositute
baseball. game
831名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 21:11:07

That suspicion was already proved?
Then it means he got into the REAL celeb members in Japan.
Congratulations, Matsuken!

In Japan, we need Yakuza, Pachinko, or Gakkai's help to be Someone.
832831:2008/03/07(金) 21:12:48
My post is for >>827.
833名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 21:36:53
If you have a family, your sister or daughters may be a Sweets Girls in the future though.
Do blame not themselves but that industry.

We say always 罪を憎んで人を憎まず in Japanese.
834名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 22:00:51
never forgive you. you should apologize first in public.
835名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 22:09:18
836名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 22:10:41
837名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 22:13:58
I dont get it...

Who are you and why you got so angry?
838名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 22:20:32
You’re a traitor! ‘You’re a thought-criminal! You’re a Eurasian spy!
I’ll shoot you, I’ll vaporize you, I’ll send you to the salt mines!
839☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/07(金) 22:33:39

Really? How do you know?
840☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/07(金) 22:35:43

Meme = Memetic information passed along memetically. Like when someone will
post an image macro and others will alter it, and it will enter the collective
consciousness of 4chan. Well known phrases for example, 'NO U' came about because
they were passed along memetically.
841831:2008/03/07(金) 22:38:56
We may just talk to anonymous 本玉儿..

Excuse me but can I ask you some personal questions?
842名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 22:48:58
Oh I agree with you!
Sweets and hontamaru shine^^
843831:2008/03/07(金) 22:57:37
Your explanation is alike a self-reference somewhat.

You'd better not use the word memetically when you explain meme...
844イギリス人:2008/03/07(金) 23:11:15
A meme is a phrase or idea which is spread by word of mouth or by
just repeating it over and over. Viral marketing is a common use
of meme in commercial practice. Some phrases (stupid as they may be)
are passed around this way too, such as in >>840's example.
845831:2008/03/07(金) 23:15:14
Thank you. But I already know it.
And how the word come from originally too, Now the word seems to be used among the people like you said.
846名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:18:56
This thread is really hard to follow...
What are you even talking about in this thread?
847831:2008/03/07(金) 23:24:46
Then I'll ask something to her in advance.
If she didn't like those, then she would go through me. I hope so.

I heard you are Greek.
And studying in England.
Loving to talk about 4chan and post here sometimes.
Now I imagine you might come here from 4chan or some sorts of other boards.

I wannna ask you about your hope in future.
You wannna go back to your country and get the job there?
Or stay UK and get married with English gentleman?
Or any prospects for coming Japan to make some interviews with hikikomori?

Now I'm so curious.
848イギリス人:2008/03/07(金) 23:34:54
Nothing in particular is ever talked about. I think people are expected
to just join in on a topic or to just start us off on one. It's rare
for a topic to continue after even just 10 posts. It's all good
practice, though.
849名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:36:10
Just nothing. From Johhny's talents to economic, religious, political, racial, even sucidal matters.
Of course including a kind of perverts.
850名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:38:09
I need to watch 2 girls 1 cup video.
any links?
851名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:38:44
852名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:42:15

But if you're really british (igirisujin) is it really even practice? XD;
853名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:43:15
Did he go to USA?
854名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:47:14
Now he seems to be get used to Japanese-English. XD
I'm just kidding, His English helps us a lot, I always appreciate it to him.
855名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:48:52
You mean you wanna throw up? lol
856名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:52:48
Yeah, please provide me a link!!! I want to see it furiously!!
857名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:54:26
X Now he seems to be get used to Japanese-English
O Now he seems to manage to get used to Japanese-English
858名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:55:43
859名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/07(金) 23:58:16
860イギリス人:2008/03/07(金) 23:58:23
Ah ha, but I'm just here to help people practice. I imagine it might
help to see how native-speakers write, and to have someone to ask if
anyone has any problems or difficulties (that's the only reason I use
a name, rather than staying anonymous).

And since 米人 went missing, there has been no mother-figure here. So
maybe I'll put on a dress and some lipstick and try.

If you can understand Singapore-English (Singlish), you can understand
almost anything.
861名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:00:00
Song name is excellent. XD

862名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:01:47
You get him wrong. Practice in this case is 習慣、not 練習(English practice.)

View this video, then your Englis will improve dramatically.
863名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:01:59
wow singlish is hardcore
864名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:03:07
Noriaki looks like a nerd
865名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:04:21
Ok I'll try.
But please never try lipsticks yourself and never let us know the results..
866名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:05:17
Please watch >>858 and tell me what do you think about it.
867名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:05:41
Don't forget to sing a lullaby.
868名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:06:26
Haha, my english has vastly improved since watching that video. That was pretty awesome, albeit very low quality.
869名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:06:29
What's だけつさんてんくずし?

870イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 00:06:48
I don't actually mean try and understand Singlish. I lived there a few
years and can't even understand most of it. It's crazy.

As for trying lipstick, it's too late. I was five years old and had no
idea what it was.
871名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:07:42
destroy everything you touch!!!
872名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:08:10
Why should I? Fuck you.
873名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:08:39
Low quality? You must be kidding. His music is always REAL.
Your ears are geting rotten due to all FAKE music.
874名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:09:27
test your might!
875名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:10:18
Read the manga works of ゆでたまご sensei.
Especially 闘将 拉麺男.
It tells you all.
876名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:10:24
Don't forget to wear a bra and pantyhose, preferable thong, too when you post here.
877名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:11:13
Is it the name of プロレス技?
878西田:2008/03/08(土) 00:13:20
Hello Everyone!!!
879名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:17:28
You are 本玉儿
880名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:18:42
No. 拉麺男 is not pro wrestler, He is only one succeeder of 闘龍極意書 scroll.
881名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:19:03
No, I meant that the quality of the actual video itself was low quality, not the singing. Youtube videos are always low quality because they are small and grainy.
882名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:23:21
no. you're mistaken boy
883☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/08(土) 00:24:15
"I wannna ask you about your hope in future."


"You wannna go back to your country and get the job there?"


"Or stay UK and get married with English gentleman?"

Heh. I'm a guy. But no, I can't see myself staying in the UK. I love London
but I prefer a more relaxing life and climate.

"Or any prospects for coming Japan to make some interviews with hikikomori?"

Maybe in the future. My university course is not geared around film. But I would
like to do a documentary, on anything maybe. But hikikomori lifestyle is something
that fascinates me.
884名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:26:23
Got it.
Part of this video has better image quality.
lyrics is a little different from that of >>862. Enjoy.
885名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:31:49
>>860 shoul I say... I can't understand anything except all of them are saying "Yes" in one time...

Then you should try wedding dresses next time.. If you've never tried. XD
886名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:33:22
X how shoul I say
O how should I say
887名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:35:42
Are there websites like 2ch in the UK?
888☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/08(土) 00:39:20

There is only 4chan. UK doesn't have a localized version, I think only Russia
does. (Russian one is a version of Futaba).
889名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:46:07
There are other english "chan"s as well along with 4chan (and world4chan), though that some British people visit, like iichan, 7chan, and ko-chan.
It seems like most 2ch-like message boards in english are not for just a specific country, like the UK, and rather for all of the english speaking countries, like america and australia, too.
4chan is by far the largest, though.
890831:2008/03/08(土) 00:47:02
Thank you for answering me!
And sorry for my serious mistake.
Your name "☆ anon of athens ☆" reminds me Japanese teenager girls somehow.

Excuse me but your name Anon is popular name for male person in your country though?
I've never heard usual names of greek people in this age.
And I'm not kidding. I'm sorry to say I have no greek friends before.
891名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:49:00
Thank you, I'll go there.
892☆ anon of athens ☆:2008/03/08(土) 00:53:56
"Your name "☆ anon of athens ☆" reminds me Japanese teenager girls somehow."

Haha. I know what you mean, it's the same here too with Myspace account names etc... :D

"Excuse me but your name Anon is popular name for male person in your country though?"

My name isn't 'anon', anon is just short for 'anonymous'. My own name is Christos.

"And I'm not kidding. I'm sorry to say I have no greek friends before."

That's no problem. It is not unsurprising as we are a very, very small country
in the grand scheme of things.
893名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 00:54:21
Anon means anonymous
894イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 00:55:06
There's nothing really like 2ch in the UK, but as >>889 says, the
imageboards tend to attract English-speakers in general, nomatter
which country. The only problem with the imageboards is that they're
more like 2chan than 2ch, and seem to attract the same sort of people.

Was that a subtle proposal? I hope the ring has a large diamond on it.
895名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:02:48
You said your only reason to be here is to help us English learners but
you are enjoying yourself by chatting here with us right?
896イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 01:08:25
Well, of course. Perhaps it's not only my only reason, then. I do
enjoy it, and learn a lot too.
897831:2008/03/08(土) 01:08:59
I got it!

But Greece was historical center for long time.
And so many EU countries are also small but have very good cultures and histories.

And still I strongly recommend you to name yourself after イギリス人さん such as "希臘人" "ギリシャ人".
898名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:13:30
Then who are you?!
899名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:14:18
OK. I bet you posted that wearing passed-down bra from your sister.
900名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:15:19
nanako sos! nanako sos!
901名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:17:18
No. I mean Japanese engagement ring doesn't have any diamond,
just only big bonito's head on it. XD

You saitama people must know it!
902ギリシャ語:2008/03/08(土) 01:18:30

That's true. But Greece has a lot of problems. It is very fustrating to be Greek.

It is like a Greek author once wrote about in a book (Η δυστυχία του να είσαι Έλληνας) The
'Misfortune of being Greek'. We suffer from all the problems Southern European countries
have such as corruption. And we like to blame each other which leads to societal problems.
903名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:19:43
904名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:20:27
Out of curiosity, how do the 2ch citizens feel about foreigners posting on 2ch?
Does it feel like a territory invasion, or do you not care, as long as everyone is polite?

I don't mean to be rude or disrupt any harmony going on, I'm just curious.
905名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:24:01
You mean political suffering, I guess.
It's not your country's fault.

Think about China. China is also proud country for world history,
but now they don't seem to be working good...
906名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:24:07
[X] jobless
[X] friendless
[X] virgin
[X] masturbate to drawn Japanese people
[X] closet furry
[X] IRC regular
[X] so ronery ;_;
[X] Nevar had a girlfriend
[X] WoWfag
[X] REALLY fucking bored.
907名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:25:29
Maybe this thread will be consumed in less than a week?

Hope >>900's dream will come true in the next thread's >>1

908名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:27:25
I understand.
There was a story that a dog were left behind in
rack? of cliff a couple of years ago. the dog couldn't jump off
from the rack cos it was so high. the dog was shivering.
the media covered the news in detail and in real time
and the local and rescue team made a big deal to save
the animal.
While many people were commiting suicide due to many reasons like
usuary. I felt sorry for the dog. But something was strange.
909名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:28:00
again and again and again. I'm resolved.
910名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:28:01
911イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 01:30:56
Well... as long as the fish head is high quality and shiny, then I
suppose it's also okay.
912ギリシャ語:2008/03/08(土) 01:31:10

You're right I suppose. I mean, in terms of corruption and problems Greece does not rank
alongside China. But there are major problems, and people take advantage of them - be them
the right or left. I feel however that the left wing make the problems larger by doing things
like strikes. Trade Unions have too much power in Greece. It is not healthy when a country
has labour issues all the time.

But things have become much better over the past few years I suppose. Massive investment in
infrastructure. I am being too pessimistic.

Anyway, it has been really good chatting. But I have to go watch the new episode of 'Lost'.
And finish translating something.

See you and have a good night.
913名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:32:14
Resolved? That is not the correct word for what I think you are trying to say.
914名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:35:44
Don't forget this is an English board and this thread in particular is "chat in English" thread.
I'm very happy to talk with people from overseas.
I welcome you guys with open arms.

But I feel you guys don't represent average American, British, Swedish
Norweigian, Greek, or whatever because you are somehow interested in
things Japanese. So I find it easy to communicate with you guys.
I have logged in some of Chat rooms overseas and found out that
average overseas people don't care about things Japanese and I don't
have anything in common with them and nothing to talk about there
in the chat rooms. I found out that to communicate well each other,
two sides have something in comon or show interests in each other.
915名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:38:16
Oh I love you.

[X] jobless
[X] friendless
[X] virgin
[X] so lonery
[X] Nevar had a boyfriend
[X] REALLY fucking bored.
916スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 01:38:28
So, is it about time to discuss what the next thread >>1 will look
like? I think someone mentioned removing "housewives" and "pedophiles"
at least...
917名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:39:01
Put a snot on a ring then that makes it an original ring and aussure
your love forever.
918名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:40:10
A certain definition of foreigners must be needed.
There are people in Japan for sure each having Japanese nationality but can speak English or their mother language and few Japanese only.
Of course so many sightseers and foreign wokers already here.

I cant represent all 2ch people, but usually we dont care the foreigners
if they are not making troubles with their secial purposes and proxies.

Even we cant tell him from other Japanese
if he speaks good Japanese or posts only certain short phrase which often used by others.
919名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:43:15

American soldiers commit crimes. AGAIN!

Shit kicker sucks!!

I know this asshole!
When I went to his place, his wife told him"Fuck you"
When he talk to his daughter, she said "Shut up!"
I think he wanted to prove that he is a real man for killing the innocent puppy.

Stupid American piece of shit!
920名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:43:55
There used to be a housewife whose handle name was 米人
so i want internet addicted house wives not to be removed.
She may comback even though the chance is slim.
921名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:44:04
I think that is very true. I came here from a link in 4chan's /jp/ board (japan/general),
and am living in Japan and I think I would have never come here had I not already been interested in Japanese culture and been the type of person who would want to live in Japan.

Hell, I am american and because I am interested in many Japanese things I have little in common with "usual" fellow americans.

And I am very happy you don't hate us!
922名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:44:08
Discuss next thread? That is rare. It is up to poster what to
have in first post but usually sticks to guide. Sometime the
drink changes also.
923名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:47:27
I would like to put >>1 part time philosophy preacher. It's me.
924名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:47:30
he is like someone who knows the outcome already and doesn't like
to experience the process to reach there. I am still a kid but I feel
he is also a kid mentally. ironically that's the reason
why he attracts boys and girls.
hahaha. You've got it! he is also mentally ill, pretty narcissitic person
in brain and outer lookings.
In reality, just a geek looking ossan!
And genius usually don't exist in low genre like sociology...
Miyada is just a halfway between arts and sciences.
Comparing him to mazart is ridiculous. He won't admit he couldn't
enter science department in tokyo university. But it must be true.

Miyadai has a wide range of information. But he lacks sense and intuition.
That's all. He wiil reamin just a trend watcher and see me man.

Yeah, But he may have changed after his marriage.
He somewhat admits his mistake. He is grown up.

He supported highschool girl prostitutution but resented it at the
bottom of heart Ironically. And he praised school girl hookers
at the time as with the wisdom to live through endless reality.
They turned out to be just a low IQ dokyun. pathetic.
925名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:47:46
Anyone tried a Viagra?
926スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 01:48:12
Philosophy preacher? Not "teacher"?
927名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:48:22
I'm resolved to post about nanako sos again and again.
How is this?
928名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:50:32
>>925 Hell no! You impotent mother fucker!
929名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:52:17
930名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:53:36
>>925 what the hell do you need viagra for?
Are you a fuckin' faggot wanna be straight?
931名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:55:07
>>925 Have you tried one? How was it?
932名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:55:33
You are watching LOST!

I see.
But the situation maybe mostly same all over the western world.
Anyway, I hope your home coutry and all EU countries will be much better in the future...

Good night.
933名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:56:32
A little odd. Do you mean "determined" ?
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:57:18
Here comes an asshole!
935名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:58:09
Preacher isn't mutch with philosophy?

I'm not qualified for teaching philosophy and sociology.
I just name myself after Manic Street Preachers, my favorite band.
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:58:24
there was a tremor just a seconds ago.
I stayed away from monitor for a while..
937イギリス人:2008/03/08(土) 01:59:04
It took months before another diplomat's son visited this thread,
which is when I finally got an entry. I like how the poster always
makes the titles deprecating, though, because it's all in fun.
938名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:59:28
X isn't mutch
O doesn't match
939名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 01:59:42
What is tremor?
940名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:00:02
Sure! I was resolved to study english(post about nanako sos) every day on the newyears eve.
How about this?
941名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:00:47
Earth quake. Now I live in the tama district of tokyo, near kanagawa.
942名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:01:02
>>935 You butt mutch!
943名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:03:04
>>939 Thanks.
Did you panic?
944名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:03:58
A tremor is a usually slight shaking, like during an earthquake.

That said, that mini-earthquake just freaked me out a little bit.
945名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:05:04
Is there any foreign girl looking for a Japanese boyfriend?
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:05:47
I masturbate to Yuno from Hidamari Sketch.

Nanako SOS is poor masturbation material.
947名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:09:17
>>944 Thanks again!
Earth quake won' scare me anymore.
I live on 10th floor.
When big one comes, I won't be able to do anything to save my life.
Whenever it comes, I go to the window to enjoy seeing whole city shaking and say "F it!"
948名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:10:09

Are many Japanese scared that there is going to be a 'big one'? When it happens
what will people do?
949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:10:45
No. it was a small tremor from the start and ended.
I got a little nervous and I got off the chair and moved to
the bed. I got on my hands and knees on the bed for a while. LOL
950名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:11:56
>>946 You are crazy!
Animation doesn't turn me on.
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:11:58
God save Saitama!
952名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:13:42

I have only masturbated to 2 animation.

Yuno from Hidamari Sketch.

And Haruhi. I love to masturbate to both these characters.
953名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:14:19
You don't understand. I can't masturate with nanako sos.
It would defile her.
I just want to protect her and be protected by her.
want to keep watching her from distance....
954名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:16:04
from distance virgin nanako sos is watching us.
955名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:16:10

Fine! Then I will masturbate with her instead!
956名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:16:56
>>952 Have you ever had sex with a little girl?
957名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:17:01
OH, Please don't!!!!
958名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:17:28

It's been said quite a long time that a big one will come in Kanto region
but we don't know when. It sure will come based on geographical reasons, such
as plates under oceans are moving and such. There's nothing we can do
about it. If you live in an old house, it will be collapsed but
it's ridiculous to rejuvinate the house when you don't know when it
will come cause it cost lots of money to build a new house.

You can fix your furniture not to be shaken when an earth quake comes
and lots of people take such measures but if the size of an earth quake
is too big, those precautions is less than nothing.
959名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:17:54

No. I don't like little girls. Only animation character.
960名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:18:27
Animation fanatic=Child molester
961名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:18:43
I think he himself is personally odd, still he was a kind of genius in last 20 years.

Genius is not always ordinary, polite, and decent person.
Of course they often are.
962名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:20:16
>>960 I would like Shokotan to molest me if this were the case.
963名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:20:43
Legendary nymph. I somewhat resembled her in my earliest stage.
964名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:21:09
next big one is brock lesnar!
965名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:21:24
>>959 Interesting.
Tell me the name of animation DVD can turn you on!
966名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:24:23
Hidamari Sketch!

And Kaiji!
967名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:24:24
I felt the earthquake all the way over in Tochigi prefecture. Eep.
It's scary, but really kind of amazing how the ground moves like that.
968名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:25:53
what's goin on??

VIPPERs are attaching here?
969名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:31:05
Remember!! Next is Chat Thread 107!
970anonymous studying english:2008/03/08(土) 02:31:54
someone please put up a new thread by this version.
I tried. but couldn't.
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part107
( ´・ω・) Let's have some hot tea and chat!
( つ旦O ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ∫
と_)_) 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦 旦

Previous Thread:
Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 106

Hey!!! you NEETS, nerds, Akiba maid-cafe frequenters,
Youtube-link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts,
Nanako SOS admirer, Diplomats' spoiled sons,
Losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big-boobs fans,
and Weeaboos from all over the world,
And I pray for the resurrection of the Internet-addicted housewive.

Here is the place to have a blast!!!!!
971名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:32:23
No! Par2
972名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:36:11
973スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 02:37:05
How about cleaning it up a bit? Like this perhaps:

Hey! you NEETS, nerds, Akiba maid cafe frequenters,
Youtube link spammers, neo-Nazis, Yukorin enthusiasts,
Nanako SOS admirer, Diplomats' spoiled sons,
Losers who can't remember Kanji characters, Big boobs fans,
and weeaboos from all over the world,
And I pray for the resurrection of the Internet-addicted housewife.

Come here and have a blast!
974スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 02:38:22
Damn, too late...
975名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:38:34
O2 curry
976名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:40:12
Thank you again.
977名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:41:37
You are good matsuken enthusiasts ever!
978名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:45:53
I guess it's impossible for people living a normal life to keep up with this
fast-paced thread.
979名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:46:21
Then I'll back to my work! (Philosophy preaching)

bye, everyone!
980名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:48:51
Don't mind. You are already "Not Normal".
981名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:50:39
Hidamari Sketch!
thanks, i will google it and down load it at somewhere. .
I hope I can have a good しこしこしこ!!
982名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:55:21
Hidamari sketch is gonna be on TBS.
, so it is not porno.
how can i beat my meat watching that?
Tell me the name of some kinky animation please!!
983スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 02:56:10
I guess I am normal, then. Thanks!
984名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:56:17
Ok! It is good.

By the way. I was joking about Kaiji. You cannot have masturbation with Kaiji.

But it is a good story. (Just not for masturbation).
985名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 02:56:59
How about this? elfen lied.
986名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:03:30
That ain't no porno neither!!
987名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:07:07
988名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:07:17
You don't read all the posts?
Just a few posts before and after your own posts?
989スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 03:07:58
I read all the posts.
990名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:08:21
OK! i got it.
Kick my ass.
991名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:12:25
Then you keep up with this fast-paced thread, which means you are NOT
living a normal life. Instead, you are immerse yourself up to your neck
in Internet. Addicted that is.
992名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:17:49
Maybe he is new Internet Addicted Housewife!
993スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 03:19:20
You are wrong.

I suppose we just might have different definitions of "keeping up".
994名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:20:26
I think all the people in this thread are FAT!!!
I have a fat stomach myself.
995名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:24:03
hmmmm... All right.
996スウェーデン人:2008/03/08(土) 03:27:51
Well, let's end this thing already, so we don't have to keep up with
two threads at the same time.
997名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:28:58
Noriaki is REAL
998名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:30:00
If I get 1000, I'll get married with Hillary Duff.
999名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:30:34
If I get 1000, I'll get married with Christina Aguirella.
1000名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/03/08(土) 03:30:43
1000 get!