cyber hymnal、より。曲は、ダニーボーイ、です。 “I am the Vine; My Father is the Gardener. Each branch [ that bears no fruit ], He cuts away; [ While every branch [ that yields good fruit ], He trims and cleans , [ So that it will still more produce each day ] ]. Now you are clean because of My Word’s work in you. Remain in Me, and I’ll remain in you. Just as a branch without the vine can bear no fruit, So you must stay in Me [ if you would bear fruit too ].
“I am the Vine; [ if you, like branches, stay in Me And I in you ], you’ll bear much fruit in turn. Apart from Me, you can accomplish naught for God; You’re like a branch [ that withers and is burned ]. But [ if you stay in Me and I in you each day ], Ask [ what you wish ]; it will be given you. God will be glorified [ because you bear much fruit ], For thus you show yourselves [ to be disciples true ].
“Just as the Father loves Me, so I love you too. Obey My Word, and you’ll stay in My care, [ Just as I too obey My Father God above , And in His love remain fore’er and e’er ]. I’ve told you this [ so that My joy may be in you, And that your own joy may now overflow ]. Here’s My command: Love others [ just as I’ve loved you ]; [ To die for friends ]—this is the greatest love [ you’ll know ].
“You are My friends [ if you do [ what I now command ] ]; You’re not mere servants, [ knowing not My will ]. I’ve called you friends, for everything I’ve learned from God, I have made known, and now I tell you still. You chose Me not, but I have chosen each of you, [ To go and bear much fruit [ that will remain ]. Then God will give you all [ you ask in My own Name ]. Love one another; hear now My command again.”