Pleasure is all mine to be here. I thought this was going to be a great oppotunity which would make me take advantage of having both of my two different kinds of skills.
宜しくお願いします。 I find it difficult to get up early. (←to-不定詞を受けるit の項目です) The United Nations thought it necessary that the people of the world should face the challenges.(←that-節を受けるit の項目です) 翻訳サイトを回っても分からなかったので、教えてくださいm(__)m
Q: What do you mean when you say "Give credit"? A: When we spriter-types ask for credit, we mean this: if you make a comic, put a small blurb on your site or whatever:: "Thanks to so-and-so for the such-and-such sprites". Or, if you base a personal sheet off of a sprite on SDB, make a note of who ripped the base on your sheet. And if you make a game, you could put it in the credits or the documentation.
Pleasure is all mine to be here. I thought this was going to be a great oppotunity which would make me take advantage of having both of my two different kinds of skills.
>>10 > I find it difficult to get up early. (←to-不定詞を受けるit の項目です) 俺、早起き苦手…
> The United Nations thought it necessary that the people of the world should face the challenges.(←that-節を受けるit の項目です) 国連は、世界中の人達が、その課題に向き合わなければと考えている。
We knew your company through ou female friend introduce your silk cream pink color. We found it has nice quality and great effect after use, so have interesting to asking it you can offer to us.
What's up with you sprite rippers asking for credit? A: A lot of people think that you shouldn't give credit for sprite rips. I'm not one of those people. Ripping is hard (not to mention tedious and boring) work, which is why most people don't do it. By ripping sprites that you might potentially use, I save you a lot of work, so it's only right to give credit. If it helps, think of it this way; the credit is for the effort, not the sprites themselves.
As a matter of fact, in this "Raisin" the Youngers' story isn't even identical to the Youngers' story; the play is fiddled with to the degree that the credits declare that it's "based on" Hansberry's play rather than a faithful version of it.
Japan - an amazing and unique country. I am struck by the combination of high technology and ancient traditions kutturnyh. :) I find it very interesting Japan, and I hope to visit it one day and see everything with your own eyes. I even have some time studying Japanese. I hope soon to continue his study:) お願いします
funny, cos i am having a really bad diarrhoea day and starting to have a fever now. cheer up ne!! i never really learnt massage... just am good at it, and am extremely great at receiving it :)
If the well is completed in the shallow target and a temporary pooled unit is formed (temporary pooled units are normally for eighteen months ) production will continue for 12 months at which point production will be suspended and the well deepened.
Yumiko Shiina was born in Saitama Prefecture to Kotaro Shiina, an employee of an oil company, and Akiko Shiina, a full-time housewife. She was born with an illness in which the esophagus narrows as it approaches the stomach, resulting in many surgeries. These surgeries left Shiina with large scars on her shoulder blades, said to give the impression that an angel's wings had been removed.
hey,I'm not a suspicious guy. It's ok. Take it easy. Do you think a guy is really trying to chat up a girl when he has a plastic bag of supermarket with some groceries and raw fish in it?
Demanding inclusion of such nonvalidated testes can lead to the rejection of safe and beneficial products, excessive costs and, potentially, disruption of trade without any further reduction of risk.
I see where you're coming from but it is actually really funny. it's introduced the that's what she said joke along with the office. I feel like a lazy dumbass.
I enjoy travel in new places because I never get the chance to be bored with one place however some places I feel so comfortable in that I could live there. I do not know. It sounds weird.
Of course there are still pros and cons but I don't want to compromise yet. There must be another solution for those who are on the way to the next era.
Your new born cover is the best ive seeen! You need to make more videos! lol. By the way, does your guitar have a sustainer on it?.. and does your whammy pedal suck some of your tone when turned on? Sorry, i just really wanna know =]
Hillary Rodham Clinton, in an emotional townhall with working mothers here on Thursday, said that her rival only wanted to provide health insurance to the women's children -- not the women themselves.
>>117 これがロシア語の原文です Япония - удивительная и уникальная страна. Меня поражает сочетание высоких технологий и самых древних кутьтурных традиций. :) Мне очень интересна Япония, и я надеюсь посетить её однажды и увидеть всё своими глазами. Я даже некоторое время изучала японский язык. Надеюсь вскоре продолжить его изучение :)
>>125 126の言うとおり全体的に英語幼稚でおかしいだろ、日本人が書いた英語だな townhall→town hall Hillary Rodham Clintonってフルネーム使うなら普通役職名のSen.やDemocratic presidential hopefulが前に付くだろ wanted to provide・・・ →wants to provide the women's children with health insurance
Hey,I'm not a suspicious guy. It's ok. Take it easy. Do you think a guy is really trying to chat up a girl when he has a plastic bag of supermarket with some groceries and raw fish in it? おぬがいします
what do u mean by "von sara auf einem schlechten tag"? hm. but yeah, get the record! it will be availabe on amazon april25! by the way, are u male or female? who am i talking too? :)
I don't usually give my home adress to people, hope you don't mind. Its out of respect to my parents, it's their adress and I know they don't want me to give it.
We study the reconstruction of a stratified space from a possibly noisy point sample. Specifically, we use the vineyard of the distance function restricted to a 1-parameter family of neighborhoods of a point to assess the local homology of the stratified space at that point. 理系の論文です.得意な方お願いします.
In april 2008 our daughter and her friend are returning to the N etherlands after travelling around the world for 12 months!Because of that we made our trip to Australia so we could see them halfway.When we were planning our trip to Australia and back we decided to make a stop over in Tokyo so we were able to visit your very interesting country and meet you.
One serious question about faces is whether we can find attractive or even pleasant-looking someone of whom we cannot approve. we generally give more weight to moral judgments than to judgments about how people look, or at least most of us do most of the time.
>>168おい勉強しろよw One serious question about faces is whether we can find attractive or even pleasant-looking someone of whom we cannot approve. we generally give more weight to moral judgments than to judgments about how people look, or at least most of us do most of the time.
1.What was the reason which he gave for being so late? 2.There are lots of beautiful shells on the beach. You can take any that you like. 3.I am sorry for what inconvenience I may have caused you. 4.Experience is a school where a man learns what a big fool he has been.
Your vote will decide who answers that call, whether it's someone who already knows the world's leaders, knows the military, someone tested and ready to lead in a dangerous world."
I am Smith From Japan but presently in UK i am willing to buy your item for my clinet in Africa and i am offering $700.00 USD including the shipment via ems, and i will make the payment via PayPal so, i will need your PayPal Email address and your full name for the payment.Mail me back directly to([email protected])
what will really make me happy and make my life meaningful? i have always thought abt these questions. but at this point when i have lived about 50% of my life, i am starting to take this seriously. hmmm... so many qns no clear answers.... yet. よろしくお願い致します
日本で初めての冬を過ごしチート暖かくなり春だ春だと騒ぐヨソ國から来たヤシラが いんやまんだと窘(たしな)められても俄に信じない。シカーシ数日して寒くなるや 青くなり雪迄降るにガクブルし、股数日して再び暖かくなりやつと春だと主張汁も 相手にされず再び寒さに凍へて前言撤回し、三度の強い日差しに今度こそ春だがや と叫ぶもいんや今一度雪が降るがねと云はれて本当に降つてスカーリ日本人に降参汁 所謂三寒四温の季節だなや。此「三寒四温」は英辞郎タソは扱はず研究社の和英 大辞典第五版(2003)では苦しくa pattern of three cold days and four warm days (marking the end of winter and beginning of spring)等とあるが当ビ的には "It's typical weather for this season: cold days, say three, followed by warm days, say four, followed by three cold days again, and so on. Thus we are getting closer to Spring step by step."等と云ふてをるがおまいら諸君タソラは マーチト上手な表現はないかや? よつて修業汁。
This notice is to let you know that there are requests for verification of status for students and graduates from your medical school applying for the USMLE exams posted to your medical school's verification list that require response from you.
*USMLE(米国医師資格試験:United States Medical Licensing Examination)
With denuclearization talks stalled by Washington’s insistence that the North’s declaration of its atomic programs is incomplete, Mr. Gregg said that North Korea has been embarrassed by honest declarations before.
Be sure to be decided to bid farewell to it from me. Parting with is wasteful. I think that it continues considerably as long as you do not have an affair. However, might not do to me whether affability it. It doesn't think I is this year of the band or sex.
that would be to find the love of my life, and have many happy years together, before something happens to any of us :) almost the same as yours isnt it? your english has improved alot... i am impressed
'9/11 attacks made up, ' says French best actress Oscar-winner
Actress Marion Cotillard sparked a political row yesterday after accusing America of fabricating the 9/11 attacks. The 32-year-old French actress, who received an Oscar last month for her performance as singer Edith Piaf in La Vie En Rose, openly questioned the truth behind the terrorist atrocity in an interview broadcast on a French website.
The payments and/or awards listed above may be subject to your continued employment, and to your not having served (or having been served)notice of termination of employment, on or before the date of payment or award.
I give an assembly talk once every week to the oldest children (9 - 11 year olds) and try to entertain/educate them about interesting current affairs. They especially enjoyed it when I told them about the Japanese experiment due to be conducted on the Space Shuttle later this year.Evidently they plan to launch many origami paper aeroplanes from the Shuttle to see how many actually make it back through the earth's atmosphere. They are using special paper to withstand the immense friction and heat generated on reentry! The children became ver excited at the thought of one of the paper planes landing in their garden!I told them not to get too excited:after all, 70% of the earth's surface is covered in sea!! Did this news article get much coverage in the Japanese media?
The item 4452 was contained in your first package. You can see there is no sku 4452 on the partial shipping note you sent a photo to us. Otherwise,the item 4452 was in stock on 2/24 the day we shipped the first package to you. Perhaps you could provide a proof for the missing item. After our confirmation,we could send you a replacement.
Several years ago he would have predicted a complete melt of Arctic sea ice in summer would occur by the year 2070 to 2100, Serreze said. But at the rates now occurring, a complete melt could happen by 2030, he said Friday.
we only have a german, austria, switzerland distribution. so, if you are from another country you can only get in on amazon. we will also get money from that i guess ;)
I should say, most of the books are focused on Candida Albicans, a common fungus and we may be looking at a different “breed” here, but it’s a good start.
In every country people use non-standard words, whether recently invented slang, coarse expressions, dialect, or whatever it may be, to lend force and interest to what they say.
I want to go to Japan so madly it's making me crazy DX But enough whining about my life and annoying home situation.. It's not something to talk about after not speaking to my friend in a while, now is it? Sometimes i just want to fly away..
In a cosmic black hole, incoming light is also frequency-shifted as it approaches, until its wavelength is so small that it requires new and unknown physics to describe how the light behaves.
Have you seen the crap you have to go through if the item is valued at over $250, we insure everything we ship, so if it is damaged in shipping you'll be covered, but we're not going jump through hoops just because it "might" go up to $400.
heehee my best friend is over for the weekend. it makes me very happy to see that she's excited haha we both love taking pictures, so it's somthing BIG we have in common it's kinda all we do, and play video games :] but we're cool like that. so be jealous. jk jk. so we're going to take pictures over the weekend and if i get the time to post them i swear i will!
Vietnamese people acually extented off of Chinese people and the Japanese people extended of the Chinese people and Vietnamese people or so i think that's what i read lol xD and my mom said but of course she's not sure of everything she says but she sounds kinda right lol..considering that's why she says it's not common for Vietnamese people to look Chinese or Japanese
If your funds are wired from a non-US bank an additional $30 fee is required. 海外通販でクレジットカードで支払いが上手くできず、 銀行に送金するように指示されました。 そのうちの一文がよくわからないのですが、これは 日本の銀行から送金する場合は30ドル足して支払えばよいのですか?
So people would come to use more trains or buses than now. (Soは口語では宜しが文語ではThen等Therefore等。シカーシ此等を文頭に置くと重い) (more trains or busesでは「いっそう電車やバスを」。「今よりも」だから) →People then(therefore) would come to use trains or buses more than now. (thereforeは強い論理を意味汁から此を使ふなら推測のwouldをトル)
As a result, the rate of unemployment in the automobile industry might come to increase and the Japanese economy might got worse. 強い語数制限があるからAs a result等the rate of等トル。代りにコソテソツを充実汁。 might弱い。 →Unemployment in the automobile industry will come to increase (be increased/worsened) and the Japanese economy in general might follow, unfortunately.
As his presidency winds down, he has made it clear he does not intend to bend in this or other confrontations on issues from the war in Iraq to contempt charges against his chief of staff, Joshua B. Bolten, and former counsel, Harriet E. Miers.
Come to me children and follow my way Into the world of darkness and magic With all my power I´ll show you the way To all your dreams, hopes, and illusions.
>>485のp.149(7)に付記汁と、a lot of等は口語つぽいと云ふので 此をmuch等good等に置換汁。 2番目の文は長い上にTop heavyだからThere would be no progress, however,等で始まる文に書き換へたい処だが、汁と今度はthereが続き チート煩しい。よつて寧ろthereを一つも用ゐんでやつてみやう。 「学問」は「科学」と断定して宜しからう。学者をscholarと云ふのは 中世スコラ学派のやうで最近のヤシラは皆GパソにTシヤツだもんで禿しく格下げ汁。
部分的に「」の箇所を訳していただきたいです。4箇所あります “Find the guy who got hit. Make him your client.” “How do I find him?” “Well, he is probably still in the hospital. That is usually the best place to find them.” “You go to the hospitals?” “Sure, all the time. Bruiser has some contacts in the police department. They send him these accidents reports almost every morning. He gives them out around the office, and 「he expects us to go get the cases.」” “Which hospital?” “What did they teach you in law school?” “Well, they didn’t teach us to chase ambulances.” 「 “Then you had better learn quickly or you will get pretty hungry. Call the home phone number, tell whoever answers that you are with the Memphis Fire Department and you need to speak to the injured driver. He can’t come to the phone because he is in the hospital. You ask which one.”」 I feel sick. “Then what?” 「“Look, you are new. Let’s go and find this boy.”」 I really don’t want to. I would like to walk out of this place and never come back. But at the moment I have nothing else to do. “Ok,” I say. He jumps to his feet. 「“Meet me outside. I will call and find out which hospital.”」 お願いします。
部分的に「」の箇所を訳していただきたいです。 “No, Kelly, any man who beats his wife with a baseball bat needs to be shot.” “How do you know?” she asks. 「“Police reports, ambulance reports, hospital records. File for divorce, Kelly.” “I already tried it, but he said he was going to kill me if I didn’t stop it. He says he loves me.”」 また、tried itのitは何をさすのでしょうか。reportsを指しており、themじゃないかなあと思うのですけど。よろしくお願いします。
>>473 Long before you fall in love with a particular person, you have developed a mental map which determines with whom you will fall in love. あなたがある特定の人と恋に落ちるはるか前にあなたの脳はあなたが誰と恋に落ちるかを決める回路を 完成させている。
I know, you all ever saw this somewhere else, but i'm here to say: I'm quitting deskmod for a while, since i'm too busy to continue. I'm studying, working, and I have a wonderfull girlfriend, so i don't want to spent my free time (that i can spend with her) on the front of my pc doing deskmod xD I don't have too much free time now, that's why. I was thinking on buy a new video card, and return to Linux, but since Windows is doing pretty good, i can live without it by now... and save some money for something more usefull.
I'll not return to windows' default look... that's horrible... so, i'm sticking with my fave setup: The LoveLight one.
I see you there, my friends. Thanks for supporting me all this time.
>>487>>497 その文章で間違ってるのはたぶんreform an endの部分 ここがanじゃなくてandじゃないと文章として成立しない。reform and endで動詞の並列関係 と考えれば辻褄があう。the often seamy ways of Albanyは「アルバニー(ニューヨーク州の州都) のしばしば汚い面のある政治手法」ということで、このoftenはseamyという形容詞を修飾する副詞だからOK。 ちなみに主語のMr. Spitzerはニューヨーク州知事。ということで、
I would also like to state my displeasure at our ×× award being defaced! I think Denise "acquired" the gold bracelet and now won't return it......"you know it looks better on me you witch!". We've got a shit storm of gigs coming up too...Pretty much the rest of the year so they'll be posted when were away. C u all soon
「」の部分を訳していただきたいです。 Bruiser is talking so fast because he is worried. He has filed a ten million dollar lawsuit against a big company that is represented by a lawyer he really admires. “What did he say?” “He tells me the judge will be Harvey Hale, an old friend of his. 「He thinks a fair verdict is one under ten thousand dollars.」” “Sorry I asked.”
So, what would like to study university? For instance, chemistry, or medical, law, literature, economics, and so on. If you have'nt decide not yet, Tell me rough plan of yours science or cultural science?
so u didnt really mean it And i dont have specific people that i go with, usually my close friends ... and girlfriend when I had one. we promised to meet sometime this year didnt we? May? どなたかお願い致します(>_<)
so u didnt really mean it ... and girlfriend when I had one we promised to meet sometime this year didnt we? May? この3文がなんとなくでしかわからないです・・ いつもなんとなく理解したつもりでいて、だけど訳してもらったら 全然違ったりしてて。。
>>580 So you didn't mean it. そっかそういう意味じゃなかったんだね っていうかめんどくさいから全部訳す 今デートする特定の人がいないから、だいたい親しい友達と外出してるね。 彼女がいたときは、彼女と外出してたんだけどね。one=彼女 僕ら今年のいつか会う約束したんだよね?たぶん?
I’ll keep my fingers crossed. And let me tell you, I would see it as a descrepancy, if you declare winning the EURO as the team’s goal, but then you turn around and say that Germany does not belong to the favourites. In my mind, Germany is one of the biggest favourites to win it all this summer.
It's come to my knowledge that MC5 have been performing party and if any of you have seen it yet, I was curious as to whether or not daishi uses his harmonica...I was looking forward to seeing that. lol..
no,its not a trouble. thx for u interested in my works/desks. but because my english not really good to talk with u,so ...sorry. ill go to add u to my friendlist.
>>655 Stop genocide in Tibet! We want complete independence! No Olympics in China until Tibet is free, because there's no women's rights in Tibet! Stop ??? Olympics in China.
I'm American and I can't tell what the fuck she's saying during the ??? part.
In checking our records, we find that your payments of $520.00 for January and February have not come in as yet. As you have no doubt overlooked our bills, we are bringing them to your attention. If your payments are already on their way to us, please over look this letter.
The fax line is not secure, however, if this is the only way you can do this then I require, the full card number, the expiry date and the 3 digit security code on the back of the card.
I am sorry your package might be lost in transit. We will refund in the amount of $22.23 back to your credit card. Please allow 2-3 business days to post credit back to your account. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you.
I remember one moment drying rice bowls in the kitchen, when all at onece I felt disoriented I had to stop what I was doing to stare for a log while at my hands.
I remember one moment drying rice bowls in the kitchen, when all at once I felt disoriented I had to stop what I was doing to stare for a long while at my hands.
I remember one moment drying rice bowls in the kitchen, when all at once I felt so disoriented I had to stop what I was doing to stare for a long while at my hands.
I remember one moment [ drying rice bowls in the kitchen ], 瞬間を 乾かしていた [ when all at once I felt so disoriented [ I had to stop その時に とても疎外感を それで止め [ what I was doing ] [ to stare for a long while at my hands ] ] ]. していたことを そして手をじっと見つめていた
My job was to scrape the brain matter and pull all of the pieces of bone from the wall. It was hard to disassociate myself from the job because you could see the chips the person had been eating, pictures of themselves with the family and so on. Seeing it on t.v. is one thing, but actually walking into a scene like that is another.
yeaaaaaaaaap, but not all are rape scenes, theres the whore with the soldier, theres when He and Caska do it and theres the masturbation scenes and hmmm theres... I guess thats all the ones that arent rapes :X (the minotaur guy counts as rape cuz he drugs people)
Another fundamental technical advance,which developed out of pictures,but as soon as it had reached a certain stage,it was possible to keep records and transmit information to people who were not present when the information was given.
The scientists studying chimpanzees born in the countries many people call developing countries are going to tell the reserchers all over the world to find out whether the chimpanzees recognize that what they see in a mirror is their reflection.
お願いします Thank you I became 21 years old I am very glad Because there were not many opportunities with English, I commented on it in English today For minako 1/23 days, Happy Birthday Congratulations
He`s a douchebag, he`s from Trenton. The town is ghetto as shit with full of crackheads. Like 4years back, I was at the train station going back to Philly, and this black girl came sitting next to me asking for some change. She said she can`t quit smoking crack. That shit is bad, she looked all dirty, and tripped out.
Was Japan closed to all other countries in the world ? No, of course not. It was always open to China and Korea. Even today their influence is seen in temples, festivals, and food.
it just means we have money to buy food and dont eat nasty ass raw pussyfish like you do. you probably eat off someones starfish and have your friend give you the dirty sanchez. 100% fact.
Oh yeah? you fatasses mostly eat those nasty ass hamburgers cooked with car oils. what do you redneck cocksucker eat? You eat out your fatass mother`s douchebag? ah, that`s what your dad eats for dinner everyday. You suck on the bitch`s saggy tits with some black dried up nipples attached to them? I bet you eat a turkey for thanksgiving after you fuck it. Japan is so much more advanced than your redneck country. Look at our cellphones and shit. And if you come to my country, you will never comprehend our humor, never will be able to even to hit on a local, because you are a dumbass.
お願いします Now, it could be that you are on the winning side, so to speak, even so this is not the time to crow about your achievement but to be wary of how it is being viewed by others
When I went to Japan,I knew something that doesn't exist in Argentina and it could be a good idea to bring it here! The product is a dispenser of salad dressings (I saw it in Mc Donalds).I tried to find information about it but it's a bit dificult because I don't speak japanease!I would like to know if this company works in other countries or if it exports their products.If it isn't an inconvenience please help me with this!
どなたか訳してくださいm(__)m Others believe, however, that sports stars are just people, except for their outstanding skill in their sport. They believe that stars should not be expected to be perfect and that whatever they do in their private life is not important and just their own business.
どなたか訳してくださいm(__)m The question of the meaning of the word bara,‘create’has been previously touched upon;it has been acknowledged by good critics that it does not of itself necessarily imply‘to make out of nothing’upon the simple ground that it is found [to be] used in cases where such a meaning would be inapplicable.
I think it s best that you understand this so that there are no misunderstandings between us in thefuture & you don t give other people the wrong impression.
You never know, I might meet a beautiful Japanese girl that speaks English that could show me around Tokyo and perhaps then I could see more of Japan, wouldn't that be wonderful ? I do tend to spend a lot of time away from my home, mainly because I spend a lot of time visiting friends, so if I'm late returning your e-mail you will know it's because I'm away from my computer.
Finally the speaker instructs to “Look around, choose your own ground.” (最後に、話し手は、「辺りを見回して、自分の居場所を見つけるんだ」と、教えた) This line clearly tells one to make your own decisions based upon information you observe, not merely what you are told. (この行は、決意とは他人に教わったものではなく、自らの観察に基づくべきだということを教えている) This is the scientific way to go through life, using logic and reason to make one’s decisions. (?) This line could be viewed as a subtle criticism of religion, which is based on faith rather than reason. (この行はかすかに、理論よりも信仰に基づく宗教を批判しているように見える) There is certainly irony in the idea of telling someone to make your own decisions and not do what you are told. (ここには確かに、「決意とは他人に教わったものではなく、自らの観察に基づくべきだということを教えること」に対する皮肉がある。) I think it is clear however, that regardless of being told to make decisions that way or not, that it is the reasonable thing to do. (?)
>>874 Finally the speaker instructs to “Look around, choose your own ground.” (最後に、話し手は、「辺りを見回して、自分の居場所を見つけるんだ」と、教える) This line clearly tells one to make your own decisions based upon information you observe, not merely what you are told. (この行は、明らかに人は単に他人に教わったことではなく、自ら見た情報に基づいて自己の決定を下すべきであるという) This is the scientific way to go through life, using logic and reason to make one’s decisions. (これは自己の決断をなすのに論理と理性を用いて生活を送るための科学的手法である) This line could be viewed as a subtle criticism of religion, which is based on faith rather than reason. (この行は宗教を微妙に批判しているように考えられる。宗教は理性よりむしろ信仰に基づいている) There is certainly irony in the idea of telling someone to make your own decisions and not do what you are told. (人に言われたことをするのではなく、自分で決めろと誰かにいう考えには確かに皮肉が存在する) I think it is clear however, that regardless of being told to make decisions that way or not, that it is the reasonable thing to do. (しかし私は、そういう風に決めろと言われるか否かに係わらず、それが合理的な仕方であることは明らかであると思う)
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You don't have to do anything except to stop seeing the world from the vings,Loosen up! When you loose your mind, you'll come to your senses. Untill then, however. I want you to continue to observe as much as possible the debris of your mind.
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和訳をおねがいします I was staying at the Hilton Hotel, one of those places that are now all over the world setting a rather high standard of what I consider a rather inferior way of living.
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「」部をお願いします。 The Papalagi are never happy with their time, and they complain to the great spirit that they have not been given more of it. They divide their day as one would divide a coconut into small squares. All parts have their name: second, minute, hour. I cannot understand this, because it makes me dizzy to think about such foolish matters. The men, the women, and even children who can hardly stand on their own legs, carry a small, flat, round machine from which they can read the time. There are large and heavy time machines, which stand inside the huts or hang from the highest roofs, so that they can be seen from far off. 「When part of the time is gone, the machine screams and its spirit strikes against the iron in its heart.」 Yes, there is a great noise in a European town. When this time noise happens, the Papalagi complain: “The time escapes me!” Then, they make a sad face, even though a new hour has just arrived. I have never understood this, but I think that it may be a sickness. よろしくおねがいします。
ごめんなさい。すごくみぬくかったので、貼りなおします。 「」部をお願いします。 The Papalagi are never happy with their time, and they complain to the great spirit that they have not been given more of it. They divide their day as one would divide a coconut into small squares. All parts have their name: second, minute, hour. I cannot understand this, because it makes me dizzy to think about such foolish matters. The men, the women, and even children who can hardly stand on their own legs, carry a small, flat, round machine from which they can read the time. There are large and heavy time machines, which stand inside the huts or hang from the highest roofs, so that they can be seen from far off. 「When part of the time is gone, the machine screams and its spirit strikes against the iron in its heart.」 Yes, there is a great noise in a European town. When this time noise happens, the Papalagi complain: “The time escapes me!” Then, they make a sad face, even though a new hour has just arrived. I have never understood this, but I think that it may be a sickness. よろしくおねがいします。