Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 104


As far as I know, he is one of the youtubers. Not many Japanese
don't mind showing their faces on the Internet, but he is showing his face.
That's a nice attitude. But there are some reasons why he is hated among
some people.

While he criticizes 2ch saying it's just anonymouse boad less than nothing,
he frequently visits and posts 2ch. He even has his handle name.
He made 7channel to rival 2channel but nobody but him use it.

He likes foreign women, especially young women and girls, and tries
to impress them on you tube. That attitude is desliked by some
reserved 2channelers. He looks too aggressive and self assurtive to them.
In magibon's thread, too he tries to make a big impression of him on Magibon
so, hated by other anonymous 2channelers.

I don't know if he is a nice man or not. His handle name's trip code
seems to be broken and some people post rude messages pretending like