>>17 1.Would Mr.Alvarez tell Ms.James when we get the report we need ASAP? 2.Could I ask a favor of Miss Lowe to pick up the new laptop in this afternoon?
>>24 Each circle above represents a 10-yen coin.(←例えば) Replace coins and make a square each side of which consists of five coins. Time limit is ten minutes. (replaceの第一義は「置き換える」で、この文での使い方はやや例外的なことに注意)
ALittle is known about the inhabitants of Britain before the Celts arrived,about 3000years ago,though they did leave the famous anient monument,Stonehenge. 日本語訳お願いします。
After the Celts the Romans came to England,in the middle of the first century AD,followed by Angles and Saxons from what are now Den-mark and northern Germany,beginning in the fifth century.
Britain,like most European countries,has long been ethni-cally mixed. イギリスはほとんどのヨーロッパの国と同じように民族が入り交じってきた。 Little is known about the inhabitants of Britain before the Celts arrived,about 3000years ago,though they did leave the famous anient monument,Stonehenge. 3000年前にケルト人が来るまでのイギリスの住人については有名なストーンヘンジを残しながらほとんど知られていない。 After the Celts the Romans came to England,in the middle of the first century AD,followed by Angles and Saxons from what are now Den-mark and northern Germany,beginning in the fifth century. 紀元一世紀の中頃ケルト人ローマ人が来てその後五世紀のはじめ今のデンマーク、来たドイツからアングロサクソンが来た。
1.A: Is it going to rain? B: Probably. Look at the dark clouds in the sky. You should take an umbrella. 2.A: Is it going to rain? B: Maybe. It often rains when the weather suddenly gets warm like this.
B: Probably. Look at the dark clouds in the sky. You should take an umbrella. たぶん。空の暗い雲を見なさい。あなたは傘を持っていくべきです。 2.A: Is it going to rain? 雨がふるでしょうか? B: Maybe. It often rains when the weather suddenly gets warm like this. たぶん。このように突然暖かくなる時に、しょっちゅう雨になります。
Which course is suitable to me? かな?合う相手 Which course is suitable for my learning? と言いたくなるけど・・、合う目的 Which course is suitable to me? 主語 +述語 ←修飾語 どのコースが ふさわしいか 私に
Some celebrated American achievements−Disney's very first cartoon Plane Crazy, featuring a silent Mickey Mouse, was inspired by Charles Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic.
この「Some celebrated American achievements」はどのように訳したらいいでしょうか?
Some celebrated American achievements−Disney's very first cartoon Plane Crazy, featuring a silent Mickey Mouse, 主語 was inspired 動詞 by Charles Lindbergh's flight across the Atlantic. アメリカの人気作品、ディズニーのサイレントのミッキーマウス主演の最初の漫画映画Plane Crazy はリンドバーグの大西洋横断飛行にヒントを得て作られた。
という例文があります。これは、It dog is white. としても全く問題がないように思えます。 「The,it」どちらも前に出てきた名詞の繰り返しをさす、と理解しているのですが、違いがわかりません。 辞書をひいても、Theとthatの違いなどは出てくるのですが、Theとitの違いはいくら探しても出てきません。 Theやaなどの冠詞は、文の中でどう使えば良いのかも随分あやふやです。
>>169 これなんか良い例かな 見た目より性質のことを言ってる The United States and Mexico may look more similar than they once did Now every school will look more similar than before
といっても、絶対ではなく、こんな例もあるし、見た目のことを言う場合もあるけどね One possibility is genetic kin recognition, where individuals identify close kin on the basis of physical similarity because relatives look more similar than unrelated individuals The method primarily relies on a general assumption that different people at the same pose look more similar than the same person at different poses.
>>173 similar adjective looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same: My father and I have similar views on politics. I bought some new shoes which are very similar to a pair I had before. Paul is very similar in appearance to his brother.
similar almost the same [? alike; ≠ different]: We have similar tastes in music. Both approaches seem to achieve similar results. A number of his friends had been affected in a similar way. The two products look quite similar.
Hamlet the character has had an especial temptation for that most dangerous type of critic: the critic with a mind which is naturally of the creative order, but witch through some weakness in creative power exercises itself in criticism instead. These minds often find in Hamlet a vicarious existence for their artistic realization. という2文なのですが、自分でうまく訳せることが出来なかったので、英語の出来る方どなたか教えてください。 文構造や訳す上でのアドバイス等教えてくださると嬉しいです。
It is important to remember that the great majority of ethnic minority people are British.Britain,like France and the USA,but unlike Germany and Japan,has the tradition(though no longer a law)that anyone born in Britain is entitled to British nationality.There is a certain mistrust of ideas of racial and cultural uniqueness or purity,and it is quite easy for immigrants to become British citizens after 5 years residence in Britain,and gangs of white youths do attack black and Asian people,particularly those,such as Bangladeshis,who do not seem to fight back.The English language has racist and discriminatory insults for most European nationalities and non-white groups,unfortunately.
>>187,>>189さんありがとうございました! この文章やたらムズイですよね(汗) 申し訳ないのですが・・・今までさっきの文章の続きをやっていたんですが、これがまたしても分からなかったので恐縮ですがどなたか教えてください。 Such a mind had Goethe, who made of Hamlet a Werther; and such had Coleridge, who made of Hamlet a Coleridge; and probably neither of these in writing about Hamlet remenbered that his first business was to study a work of art. 具体的には、Hamlet a WertherとHamlet a Coleridgeの訳出が分かりませんでした。 Wertherがゲーテの作品ということは分かったのですが、なにしろ当方高校生のため背景知識がないので、それぞれがどうハムレットと関係しているのか等がわかりませんでした。 長文失礼しました。
>>194 Such a mind had Goethe ⇒OVSの倒置で「Goetheがそのような精神を持っていた」
, who made of Hamlet a Werther; ⇒Goetheを修飾する非制限用法で「make A of Bがmake of B A」となったもの。 「ハムレットからウェルテルを書いた」ということ
such had Coleridge, who made of Hamlet a Coleridge; ⇒上と同じことで「ハムレットからコールリッジを書いたコールジッジもそのような精神を持っていた」
and probably neither of these in writing about Hamlet remenbered that his first business was to study a work of art. ⇒おそらく両者とも、ハムレットについて書いているときには、自分たちが最初は芸術作品を研究しようとしていたことを 忘れていただろう。
中学生の諸君の中には、よく次のような訳をつける人がいる。 Tom is as tall asa Bill.(トムはビルと同じくらい背が高い) この訳文が誤りであるとは言えないが、正確でもない。 というわけは、日本語の訳文を見ると2人とも背が高いという感じを受けるからである。 英文のほうは2人の背の高さが同じであることを言っているのであって、 2人とも背が高いかもしれないし、低いかもしれないし、普通かもしれない。 同じ事はTom is taller than Bill.についてもいえる。 この文だけを見て「トムは背が高く、ビルは背が低い」と思ってはいけない。 「ビルに比べればトムのほうが背が高い」というだけであって、 2人の背が高いか低いかは別の問題である。 英語の比較の構文は常に上のように考えなければならない。 だから、極端なことを言うと、Tom runs the fatest.のトムは足が非常に遅いこともありうる。
すみません、今いち訳が自分で出来ないので、どなたか訳をお願いします。 Historically, immigrant groups have often been poor on arrival in Britain ,but most have been highly successful.For example, one poor area of East London was occupied by French Protestants in the eighteenth cnutury,east European Jews in the ninteenth,and is now home to Bangladeshis.In fact one build-ing has been a place of worship for three different religions;first as a Protestant chapel, then as Jewish synagogue,and now as a Muslim mosque.As each group worked hard and grew rich,they moved out to better parts of the city.In recent times Indians and Chinese have been highly successful;West Indi-ans,particularly men,less so;and Bangladeshis,who are often poorly educated,the least successful.
大変申し訳ありませんが、この文章も訳がいまいち分からないので、どなた様か教えて下さいお願いします。 On the whole,the future for multiracial Britain looks hope-ful.There will,sadly, continue to be racial tensions,and racist attacks and even killings,such as the unprovoked attack on a black teenager, Stephen Lawrence, at a bus-stop in London.Some white people will continue to believe that immigrants are a burden on the country's finances, that all black men are crimi-nals,that the Irish are all drunkards,and so on.Some immi-grant groups,particularly very traditional Muslims,will have difficulty adapting to British freedoms,especially for women. Problems among religious groups in India can sometimes lead to trouble in Britain.But ethnic minority people are increas-ingly visible;in Parliament;as TV newsreaders and children's TV presenters;in cricket ,football and athletics; in business.
>>266 the world of work whre in general people have to work with both sexes. both males and females need to learn to get on with one another, and school is probably the best place to learn these important social skills.
すみません。こちらもよく分からないので教えて下さい. A series of TV commercials for ethnic foods showed ethnic minorities eating the food,but speaking with local(Liverpool,Scottish)accents,humorously demonstrating that these people are British and that British people all eat those kinds of foods.
こちらも分からないので訳をお願いいたします。 Britain itself,unlike some former colonies and the United States,has no memory of slavery and racial segregation.There are no ghettoes in the American style, indeed there is no area where blacks are in the majority(though there are some where Asians dominate).This racial mixing,and,as mentioned,racial inter-marriage,are perhaps the most hopeful sign for the future.
すみませんが、自分で訳すのは難しすがるので、どなたか、訳をお願いいたします。 The major musical immigrant into British popular music has been reggae from Jamaica.There were occasional songs in the 1960s,but it was Bob Marley&The Wailers in the 1970s who first had a big impact,both through reggae rhythm and the po-litical content of his songs.Reggae,and its offshoot ragga,are now an e stablished part of the British music scene(UB40,Linton Kwesi Johnson,Aswad,etc.).Also familiar is Rastafarianism,a religion of Caribbean blacks who believe that one day they will return to their ancient home in Ethiopia.Rastafarians wear dreadlocks,use the colours red,green and gold,and often smoke ganja(marijuana).
The major musical immigrant into British popular music has been reggae from Jamaica. ジャマイカからイギリスに現在まで入った主な音楽はreggaeレゲエです。 There were occasional songs in the 1960s,but it was Bob Marley&The Wailers in the 1970s who first had a big impact,both through reggae rhythm and the po-litical content of his songs. 1960年代に限定的に入った歌はあったがBob Marley&The Wailersが 1970年代に 最初にレゲエのリズムと政治的な意味を持った歌詞で大きな影響を与えた。
Reggae,and its offshoot ragga,are now an e stablished part of the British music scene(UB40,Linton Kwesi Johnson,Aswad,etc.). レゲエと分派raggaは現在イギリス音楽界でUB40,Linton Kwesi Johnson,Aswad,etc.)を擁し 確固たる地位を占めています。 Also familiar is Rastafarianism,a religion of Caribbean blacks who believe that one day they will return to their ancient home in Ethiopia. 似たような物にRastafarianismカリビア黒人の宗教があり彼らはいつかは故郷のEthiopiaに 帰ると信じています。
Rastafarians wear dreadlocks,use the colours red,green and gold,and often smoke ganja(marijuana). Rastafariansは赤、緑、金色のドレッドヘアー《髪の毛を細く束ね縮らせたヘアスタイルで ガンジャ、マリファナをよく吸うことがあります。
From the Punjab in north-west India comes bhangra,a mix of traditional Punjabi song and modern dance and reggae rhythms, played on a mixture of Indian and western instruments. It is huge among Asians.Since Asian parents are often severe about alcohol,meeting the opposite sex,and staying out late,bhangra dance clubs usually arrange events in the afternoons.Bhangra fans can go to the club,have a great time,and still be home for dinner(though they do miss school!).Recently, Asian music has become more widely popular,mainly through a form of dance music generally known as the Asian Underground;it includes Cornershop,Talvin Singh and Nitin Sawnhey.
>>321 (1)なると思うが、前半の文意に合わない。 (2)whom だと先行詞がない、those には the people の意味がある。 (3)このthose は the results の代わりをする代名詞 (4)(5)共に二人の場合なので、一方を one や each で表わすと残りは the other になる。 (6)…わからん。答えは正しいのかな。
On the whole,the future for multiracial Britain looks hope-ful.There will,sadly, continue to be racial tensions,and racist attacks and even killings,such as the unprovoked pttack on a black teenager,Stephen Lawrence,at a bus-stop in London.Some white people will continue to believe that immigrants are a burden on the country's finances,and so on.Some immi-grant groups,particularly very traditional Muslims,will have difficulty adapting to British freedoms,especially for women.Problems among religious groups in India can sometimes lead to trouble in Britain. But ethnic minority people are increas-ingly visible;in Parliament;as TV newsreaders and children's TV prerenters;in cricket,football and athletice;in business.
A. Betty may have taken the wrong road. She hasn't come yet. B. The kittle child cannot have gone far in such a short time. C. Someone must have been here because the window is open. D. Roy is very popular among girls. He should have got many boxes of chocolates on Valentine's day.
E. My brother Tim wants to bacome a lawyer. F. The bascket ball player is 210cm or about 7feet, tall. G. Have you heard about the plan to build a science museum? H. Father has a havit of going for a walk before breakfast. I. Don't forget the fact that smoking is harmful to our health.
(1)【Children】[who can learn easily] should go to school as early as possible. (2)【Children】,[who can learn easily] should go to school as early as possible.
>>368 ×(2)【Children】,[who can learn easily] should go to school as early as possible. ○(2)【Children】,[who can learn easily], should go to school as early as possible.
>>370 372氏も書いているが、「各用法の区別を曖昧にしていい」という考えのほうが危険でしょう。 「I have a dog.」でさえ、「訳す」ときは「私は犬を飼っている」と順番は代えるべき。 「理解する」ときは「I ⇒ have ⇒ a dog.」の順番で理解すべきだが。
5.(正しいものを1つ) (a)In this area it hardly rains in summer, does it? (b)“Do you think she is angry with us?” “I don’t hope so.” (c)Anyone wouldn’t give me a hand.
>>401 (a)In this area it rarely rains in summer, does it? (b)“Do you think she is angry with us?” “I hope not.” (c)Noone would give me a hand. こりゃ確実におかしいと思えるのは3だけだが、1,2もちょっと違和感を感じた。 ただ1は、hardlyでもまぁいいかなと思う。
例外的に、こういう文脈でもあれば固有名詞に制限用法も使えるけどね。 I went to the museun with Ann. Ann? Who are you talking about? Ann in our class? No, no, Ann who lives next door to me. You met her the other day. Don't you remember? Oh, that Ann.
「純粋な疑問文」なんて言い方はじめて聞いたな。 いくらかニュアンスが違うだけで、どっちも疑問文だろうに。 例 Do some people play soccer in Japan? 日本では、いくらかの人はサッカーする? 「一人もいないってことはないだろうけど、いくらかサッカーする人いるのかな?」的 Does anyone play soccer in Japan? 日本では、サッカーする人いる? 「全然知らないんだけど、日本ってサッカーする人いるの?」的
>>480 だから「純粋」ってなんだよ?w まったく知識が無いで聞く場合だけが疑問文かってのw それに全然、日本のこと知らないけどサッカーは世界的なスポーツだから 日本でも一人もサッカーやってないということはないだろう、どれぐらいいるのかな?と思って、 Do some people play soccer in Japan?みたいに普通に聞くって。 Does anyone play soccer in Japan?は 「日本でサッカーしている人なんていないだろう? サッカーする人なんているの?」みたいなときに言うし。
>>484 必ずしもyesを期待してるわけじゃない。 Yes, some people do.の場合もあるし、 Well, a few people do. Oh, a lot of people do. No, almost no one plays soccer. No, no one. などなど色々なケースがありえる。
1. "Jim said he saw you in the theater yesterday." "He ( ) have seen me there. I was home all day." (may not/cannot)
2. "Janet didn't say hello to us. Did she norice us?" "may be not. She ( ) have noticed us." (may not/cannot)
3. "I saw Adam with you." "That ( ) have been somebody else. He is in Australia." (may/must)
4. "Cindy left home half an hour ago, didn't she?" "Yes, she ( ) have got to the station by now because it takes only twenty minutes or so." (cannot/should)
つか此項は高政タソ的と当ビ的にはチート乗りが合はん。 p.141下から3行目の例文等は当ビ的には 「友情には希少性があるが友人にはない」 と素直に読むし、p.142上から5行目から始まる例文は 「意志あらば道あり」 と解汁。高政タソがにつちもさつちも行かんと云ふのは有り得ん。 Willを主語に汁のがイカソのは、例へばアメリカ人が好きさうな全ての努力を 己の利益に結びつけるつぽく云ふとチート格が下がるが Your good will will make you succeed. Your good will will lead you to success. 等とwillが被つて仕舞ふからではないかや? シカーシ別段Willを主語に汁義務はないから此も格を下げ Be ambitious and your way will open itself up. If you have a good will, you can find or open your way. You can do everything if you have a good will. The way to success depends on your effort. 等。即ち意志、云換へれば意志に裏打ちされた努力さへあらば、 格は下がるが何でも出来るがや。つか格下げを厭はなば 高政タソには何の造作もなかつた筈だがや。
>>508 I am afraid that I have lost my money. We are glad that we could win the game. We are sure that he will pass the examination. We need as much money as possible. We ran as fast as possible.
"Could" is used to talk about what someone was generally able to do in the past: Our daughter could walk when she was nine months old.
You use "was/were able to" or "manage" (but not could) when you are saying that something was possible on a particular occasion in the past: I was able to/managed to find some useful books in the library. (× I could find some useful books in the library.)
>>532 じゃあ俺が得意のジーニアスよりコピペだ 「(…する能力があり,それゆえ実際に)ある1回限りの行為をした, できた」場合はcouldは不可:I was able to [×could] pass my driving test. 車の運転免許試験に通ることができた 《◆I could pass ...という文単独では「私なら[その気になれば] 運転免許試験に通ることができよう」などの意味になるのが普通 ; この場合couldは仮定法
1.How had Martin Luther King known racism in his own life? 2.Where did most slaves work in America? 3.What civil rights did white Americans have which black Americans did not have? 4.Where did most slaves in America live? 5.What hapened when black soldiers retuned from World War Two?
1.Martin Luther King learned many things from the teaching of Gandhi. 2.Rosa Parks worked for Martin Luther King. 3.The Montgomery bus boycott failed. 4.Someone wanted to kill Martin Luther King with a bomb. 5.After 1954, all black and white children attended the same schools.
1.Where was the fist 'sit-in'? 2.Where did the police set dogs on protesters? 3.What did people feel when they saw the protests on TV? 4.Where did Martin Luther King lead a march to register black voters? 5.Who signed the law to protect the rights of all Americans to vote?
1.How did the Black Panthers make many young African-Americans proud? 2.Why did Martin Luther King lead marches in Chicago? 3.What did many young black people think of Martin in 1968? 4.What happened when Martin Luther King marched in Memphis?
>>554 1.my English teacher 2.that Paul won the 100-meter race 3.to climb Mt.Everest someday 4.when Kayo was born 1.am accustomed to 2.nothing but 3.keep up with 4.tend to 5.think of
So enthusiastic was he in his search for a means of transmitting human speech by electricity, that he left little time for his day-to-day work and at one time was almost penniless.
>>565 とりあえず I look up to Tokugawa Ieyasu. He was born in Mikawa, Aichi prefecture of today, and grew up in hostage in his youth. He cooperated with Oda Nobunaga and Toyotomi Hideyoshi to extend his dominion.
>>565 続き Then in 1600, he won the Battle of Sekigahara and established Edo bakufu, which was a feudal regime of Japan, and ruled by the shoguns of the Tokugawa family. Ieyasu, however, died of disease 13 years later.
“If you do these kinds of things and you do them well, it's the same sort of philosophy you need to succeed in business or to succeed in life or to succeed in marriage or to succeed in anything, because you have the tenacity and you have the focus and you have the direction to do that.”
In conducting negotiations,whether it is between companies or countries,the aim is to find a solution where both side come out feeling they have succeeded ― rather than one side winning and the other side losing.
長文読解の問題です それまでの文脈 自分の年俸が5万ドル一方他人が2万5千ドル あるいは自分の年俸が10万ドル一方他人が20万ドルの場合 →大多数が前者を選ぶ (ここまでが今までのパラグラフ) 問題のパラグラフ より多くの商品を持つことが出来るために、より一生懸命働くことは、 もし十分な余暇時間が無ければ人々が不幸になる可能性さえある(第一文訳です) Harvard students were also asked to choose between 2weeks holiday while oters have only one weeks and 4weeks holiday while others get 8 This time a clear majority preferred the latter In other words(G) という感じの本文で選択肢は 1 people belive that it is better to take less leisure than others 2 people's rivaly over income does not extend to leisureの二つで迷いました(文字数の関係で連レスにさせていただきます)
どなたか日本語訳にお願いします。 When visiting from Japan,l am always struck by the great variety of people,clothes,foods and culture in British cities;it sometimes males Japan seem a little dull.
>>595 あえて書けば、「in the solution both sides 〜」で完全文になる。
そもそも「where」は関係代名詞の用法はない。関係副詞以外にない。だから、 「the park where 〜」だろうが、「the book where 〜」だろうが、「where」は 関係副詞。その場合の働き方は、「関係詞」だから、前の名詞である「the park」「the book」 を説明することになる。ただ、その説明のしかたは「副詞」ということで、「there」のように、 先行詞を場所と考えて、「そこで、そこへ、そこに」ということになる。
(1)the park which he bought 〜 (2)the park where he bought 〜
上の(1)はthe parkを「場所」として捉えているかどうかは不明。したがって、 ⇒the park ← which he bought for 1 billion dollars のような場合も考えられる。一方、(2)はthe parkを場所として捉えている。その場所で、 「彼が何かを買った」ということ。 ⇒the park ← where he bought the doll のようになる。つまりthe parkがboughtの目的語になることは論理的にありえない。このように、 where以下はSVOなどが全部そろっていることを「完全文」と言っているだけ。
意味としては、「彼が(そこで=その公園で)その人形を買った→公園」ということ。「a solution where S V」も 「Sが(そこで=その解決の中で)Vする→解決」ということ。
ちょっと気になったので質問したいのですが、 That which we call a rose, By any other name would smell as sweet. 私たちがバラと呼んでいるあの花の名前がどうであろうと香りにかわりはないはず という文章のByの用法は何なのでしょうか? あと、同一文章中なのにByが大文字なのは意味があるんでしょうか? よろしくお願いいたします
When visiting from Japan,l am always struck by the great variety of people,clothes,foods and culture in British cities;it sometimes males Japan seem a little dull. すみませんがどなた様か要約をお願いします
>>617 ありがとうございます とすると、修飾関係は [That which we call a rose], By any other name would smell as sweet. だと思っていたのですが [That which we call a rose, By any other name] would smell as sweet. なのでしょうか?
語群から最も適切な動詞を選びそれぞれの状況にあうようにして()に入れる問題です。 どなたかお願いします。もしよろしければ訳もお願いします。 1. I ( ) computer games for a long time when my mother came home. 2. Before we first met, we ( ) of each other only by name. 3. I could tell who he was because I ( ) him several times before. 4. Tom ( ) for six hours when he reached the top of Mt.Fuji.
適切な語を()内に入れて英文を完成させなさいという問題です。 1. When I went to the zoo, I took many pictures of pandas but ( ) pictures of monkeys. 2. Everybody respected the scientist. Shh had ( ) money, but a great love of learning. 3. I recognized Tom easily at the party. But I had changed a lot, so he could ( ) recognize me. 4. My sisterlikes to go out. And like me, she ( ) stays at home on Sundays.
1. "Do you see Lisa often?" "No. She doesn't live here ( ). She moved away a couple of months ago." 2. Richard sent me some roses ( ) a nice letter. 3. Climbing the stairs is ( ) for my grand mother because she is 86 years old. 4. I need someone to help me with my homework. Some of the problems are ( ) easy. 5. For many years ( ), I hope to stay healthy.
We sit down with a white piece of paper and we hope @(that) we're going to have the inspiration and the good luck A(that) we've had in the past.
()@とAのthatと同じ用法のものをそれぞれ次の中から選ぶ問題です a.That book is interesting. b.That is our school. c.I thing that he is kind. d.This is a bag that I bought at the shop.
1.We will eat at this restaurant this evening. This is the () () we will eat this evening. 2.As he was deeply shocked, Jim decided never to speak to them again. Deeply (), Jim decided never to speak to them agauin. 3.I hear your daughter has been ill for a long time. I'm sorry about that. I'm () that your daughter has been ill for a long time.
>>649 1.Show me the place where you lost your bicycle. 2.I will never forget the day when I met you. 3.I am afraid I will not be able 4.Cheerful and well-informed about everything,...... 5.Moved deeply by the film and the music 間違ってたらすまん。
さっき教えていただいた者ですが、訳が分からないので教えていただけないでしょうか 2. Everybody respected the scientist. Shh had little money, but a great love of learning. 3. I recognized Tom easily at the party. But I had changed a lot, so he could hardly recognize me. 4. My sister likes to go out. And like me, she seldom stays at home on Sundays.
1. "Do you see Lisa often?" "No. She doesn't live here any more. She moved away a couple of months ago." 3. Climbing the stairs is too much for my grand mother because she is 86 years old. 5. For many years to come, I hope to stay healthy.
Because I five years ago was a primary schoolchild, I did not have much money. So I used "スコッティ" to wipe its nose. However, "スコッティ" came to well have a pain in noses with a hard tissue. I think that I five years later become a university student. Surely I have money than now and will use "鼻セレブ" not "スコッティ". I want to do my best to be able to become a university student having a lot of hearts why I can use "鼻セレブ" as.
問題 Rewrite these sentences. Find another way to say each sentence using the words given.
1.James lost a lot of weight. ( ) 【heavier】 2.Mary goes to a new school now. ( ) 【change】 3.Tess got divorced last year. ( ) 【married】 4.I’ve grown out my hair. ( ) 【longer】 5.We don’t work out anymore. ( ) 【quit】
1. James used to be a lot heavier. 2. Mary changed her school. 3. Tess had been married until last year. (??) 4. My hair got longer. 5. We quit working out.
>>572 It was before 5 yaears ago when I was a premary school student and had lttle monney.So I used to use "scotte", a kind of tissue brand to wipe my nose. They're so rough I got my nose red. I will be a college student 5 years later. Then I will probably have money enough to prefer using "Hana-Celeb", a upper-grade tipe of tissue, rather than using "scotte". I hope I will do my best and be a upper-income student as to use "Hana-Celeb" lol
>>666(縁起悪い数字だね) James was not heavier than he had been. Mary changed her school to a new one. Tess is no longer married. My hair is longer than before. We have already guit doing the Physical Jerks.
It made me imagine that the elderly woman must have died happily indeed in the sense suggested by director Haneda. という英文なのですが、 「私はハネダ監督が言った意味では年老いた女性は確かに幸せに 死んでいるに違いない、とそれに想像させられた。」
On the whole,the future for multiracial Britain looks hope-ful.There will,sadly,continue to be racial tensions,and racist attacks and even killings,such as the unprovoked pttack on a black teenager, Stephen Lawrence,at a bus-stop in London.Some white people will continue to believe that immigrants are a burden on the country's finances,and so on.Some immi-grant groups,particularly very traditional Muslims,will have difficulty adapting to British freedoms,especially for women.Problems among religious groups in India can sometimes lead to trouble in Britain.But ethnic minority people are increas-ingly visible;in Parliament;as TV newsreaders and children's TV prerenters;in cricket,football and athletice;in business.
>>711 形としては間違ってないんだけど意味不明な感じになっちゃう。 I have a pencil blue.なんかも同じだけど I have a pencil which is blue.とでもすれば、ちゃんと意味通じる文になるんだけど I have a pencil blue.じゃ変なんだよな。
答えてから自分でも釈然としなくて、なんでI have a pencil blue.は変で、 I have a pencil useful for you.なら言えるか考えてみた。 理屈としてはa pencil blueも可能だけど 形容詞を一つだけ、わざわざ後ろに付けるのは意味がなく それならa blue pencilと言えばいいわけで 誰もa pencil blueなんて言い方しないから、おかしいんだろうな。
次の1〜4の受け答えとして適当なものをa〜dから選びなさい。 1.I’m going to buy a new bicycle. 2.This medicine might help your cold. 3.Are you sure that you left your dictionary on the desk? 4.What time will he come back?
a.It’s certain that he’ll be back by five o’clock. b.I’m not sure, but I think I left it there. c.I certainly hope it will. d.That’ll probably cost you about 20,000 yen.
barely adverb 1 only with great difficulty or effort [= only just]: - She was very old and barely able to walk. - Mary had barely enough money to live on. barely audible/perceptible/visible/discernible etc - His voice was barely audible. - She could barely understand English. 2 almost not [= hardly]: - She was barely aware of his presence. - Joe and his brother are barely on speaking terms. 3 used to emphasize that something happens immediately after a previous action [= only just British English] - Graham had barely finished his coffee when Henry returned. 4 used before amounts or numbers to emphasize that they are surprisingly small [= only]: - Nowadays the village has barely 100 inhabitants.
>>745 辞書見りゃ分かる *bare・ly (類音barley)〔「かろうじて(ある)」が本義〕 ―[副] 1[強意的に] かろうじて(…するに足る),やっと,なんとか(only just)《◆barelyは「かろうじてある」こと(肯定的),scarcely,hardlyは「十分にはない」こと(否定的)に焦点がある》 ¶barely able to walk 歩くのがやっとの ¶We have barely enough bread for breakfast. 朝食用のパンはなんとかある《◆比較:We have scarcely [hardly] any bread ...パンがほとんどない》 ¶There were barely fifty people there. そこにいたのはせいぜい50人だ《◆比較:There were scarcely fifty people there. 50人はいなかった》 ¶I had barely [scarcely, hardly] got home when the storm broke. 家に着いたとたんあらしになった. 2(家具などが)十分でない ¶a barely furnished room 家具がわずかしかない部屋.
>>759 辞書に載ってる説明の中から、肯定的と思える説明だけ強調して語るトンでもがいるからだよ。 まともに辞書読めば、 この歌手は当時、日本ではほとんど知られていなかった。を in those days , this musician was barely recognized in japan. と訳しても特に問題ない表現だと分かるだろ。
On the whole,the future for multiracial Britain looks hope-ful.There will,sadly,continue to be racial tensions,and racist attacks and even killings,such as the unprovoked pttack on a black teenager, Stephen Lawrence,at a bus-stop in London.Some white people will continue to believe that immigrants are a burden on the country's finances,and so on.Some immi-grant groups,particularly very traditional Muslims,will have difficulty adapting to British freedoms,especially for women.Problems among religious groups in India can sometimes lead to trouble in Britain.But ethnic minority people are increas-ingly visible;in Parliament;as TV newsreaders and children's TV prerenters;in cricket,football and athletice;in business.
教科書に載っていた英文で質問です。 Is there an entry form for Australia? という文があるのですが for Australia?の部分で Is there an entry form of Australia? では間違いなんでしょうか? 教科書ではforなんでしがofのほうがしっくり来る気がするんですが…。 気持ち悪くて勉強が進みません…。
barelyがどういうニュアンスか分からない人は、白黒はっきりしてるのの選択の場合(>>779, >>789あたり参照)は別として、「(ほんの少しだけで)実質的にno」という感じに捉えておくといいと思う。 >>783>>737>>791、barely understands Frenchなど、どれに当てはめても同様。 He barely understands French = He understands only little, ptactically does not understand French. He barely knows her = He knows her only little, ptactically does not know her.
abroadは基本的にイギリス英語だから用例は少ないだろうね。 とはいってもアメリカンヘリテイジにも名詞で載ってたりする。 A foreign country or countries in which to live or travel: Do you like abroad or hate it?
Good morning. My speech is about movies. My favorite movie director is Tim Burton.
There are a lot of famous movies directed by him. For example, "Mars Attacks!" "Corpse Bride" "Big Fish" "The Nightmare Before Christmas" " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and so on.
Especially, I like “edward SCISSORHANDS" very much.
The main is man who named Edward. Edward is the robot that invented by the doctor. His both hands are scissors. One day, Peg who is a saleswoman of cosmetics visited his house such as a ghost mansion and she took he her home. Edward fell in love with Peg’s daughter Kim then.
It is my favorite scene that Kim found she also has loving Edward. “Hold me.” She said to him. “ I can’t. ” He answered. I really felt his love to her. And I couldn’t stop crying.
This movie is not happy ending. But whenever I see it my heart was warmed. I think because this story is sad, heartrending but beautiful. I want to everybody see “edward SCISSORHANDS”
などの用例はあったのですが、前置詞toとwithの使い分けに何かルールはあるのでしょうか? 実際の英会話ですと、たぶんある程度の混同は許容されると思うのですが、 学校ではto+物、with+人 と習いました。 ただ、辞書をひくとwith+物 でもいい場合があるということですが、 I agree with your argument on this pointの場合はtoは使えないと書いてありました。
>>853とりあえず前半部分 Especially〜→I like 〜 the best The main man〜→The main character in this movie is Edward. Edward is the robot...→Edward is a robot invented by a doctor. His both hands→His hands visited→visits his house such as a ghost mansion ちょっと意味がわかりません、ごめん。 took he her home→takes him to her home fell→fall
>>855の続き:※時制は特に直しませんが、作中の出来事は現在形にしてください。 has loving→has been loving This movie is not〜→This movie doesn't have a happy ending my hart was〜→it warms my heart. I think because→いらない I want to everybody see→I want everybody to see
>>853 Good morning. My speech is about movies. My favorite movie director is Tim Burton.
There are a lot of famous movies directed by him. "Mars Attacks!" "Corpse Bride" "Big Fish" "The Nightmare Before Christmas" " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and so on.
I especially like “edward SCISSORHANDS". The main character is a man named Edward. Edward is a robot invented by a scientist. His both hands are scissors. One day, Peg, who is a saleswoman of cosmetics visits his house, which is like a ghost mansion??? and she takes him to her home. Edward falls in love with Peg’s daughter Kim then.
It is my favorite scene that Kim finds that she also loves Edward. “Hold me.” She says to him. “ I can’t. ” He answers. I really felt his love to her when I saw this scene. And I couldn’t stop crying.
This movie is not happy ending. But whenever I see it my heart gets warmed. I think that's because this story is sad, heartrending but also beautiful. I want to everybody to see “edward SCISSORHANDS”
>>854 なかなか難しいね。 agree toは、〜に対して同意見だ。特定の対象(意見など)に対してピンポイントで、それに対して同意見だ。 agree withは、〜(主に人)と同意見だ。 さて、I agree with your argument on this pointでは、 これをtoにすると、この点に関しては、ある対象に対して同意見だ、となりやや不自然だからかな。
Both Kruger and Farley suggested that risk-taking, in its positive form, can correlate with business and financial success. For Fossett, who funded his adventures with a fortune amassed as a commodities broker, success was a matter of personal achievement, not of publicity and fame, according to Dunn.
On September, last year, a school festival was held im my school. I belonged to a certain group which would make a big mascot. We worked hard all the summer vacation; sometimes we worked all night, and sometimes extremely early in the morning. But, despite our best endeavor, we couldn't take tasks as we had expected. Then, many friends helped us! I was very moved by their kindness.
>>885 Yesterday I happened to encounter a teacher who had given lessons to me during my primary school years. We chatted amiably and gaily about the topics such as my being compelled to stand in the classroom as a punishment for my mischief.
I came across a teacher yesterday [ who taught us at elememtary school ]. I talked about an event [ that I played a mischief and was made [ to keep [ standing ] in the classroom and others ], and we laughed a lot.
>>880 In September, last year, the annual(?) school festival was held im my school. I belonged to one group which was going make a big mascot statue?dall? We worked hard during all the summer vacation; sometimes worked all night, and sometimes started working very early in the morning. Despite all the effort, however, we had not accomplished as much as we had expected. Then, many friends came up and gave us a hand! I was very grateful and moved by their kindness.
>>894 and othersは意味不明 主語も変 I came across a teacher yesterday, who taught me at elememtary school. We talked and laughed a lot about an event that I played a mischief and was made to keep standing in the classroom, and the like.
>>906 You tend to read at ramdom when you are young. As you read many books in different fields, you gradually find out which field you are really interested in. A few selected books among those become a guide and a companion of your life.
1.I really want to have more English classes. 2.I disagree with you. I like math better than English. 3.I think it impossible to get there before dark. 4.I think quite natural that we should help people in need. 5.It was a pity that you weren’t able to come with us. 6.It is wrong to beak traffic rules. 7.It is doubtful whether he will come on time.
>>906 It is very common that those in youth tend to read at random. The more various books they read, the more they can find ones they really do. Some books they choose will be guides and companions in their life.
I think the doctor could possibly be compared to "the King Naked", for there is few carrer but a doctor who have little appotunities to take personal criiticisms immediately.
>>864>>866>>869>>870さん お返事が遅くなってすいませんでした。ありがとうございました!!大変助かりました!! 中学生にagree with your opinionとは普通言わない(toのほうが受験では一般的)と 教えたのですが、辞書で例文のような使い方を見つけて… 調べても理由が見つけられず困っていました。 どうもありがとうございました!!
>>933 Since the latter half of the 1980's, more and more young people have been divorced from technology. The population of the world has been increasing by the millions, so some countries have already had the problem of the food shortage.
>>936 1は、「くらいは」の訳出がされていないので8点。 答えを言ってもいいけど一度「くらいは」自分で考えてみて。 2は、「くらいは」の他に、二年に一度のinの欠落、even thoughの thoughの欠落、代動詞doの使い方で減点されて4〜5点。 even though not every yearでいい。
1)Do you go back to Canada about once a year? 2)No I don't. But I want to go back as often as once in two years, even though I may not be able to every year.