>>902 You kept talking about how against it you were ("how opposed to it you were"), and now you change your tune? For someone who kept talking about how against it he/she was, you sure changed your tune!
>>903 I bought A at your store (お店の人に対して), but when I opened it I found B inside, not A ("but when I opened it, I found that it contained B, not A"). I would appreciate it if you would thoroughly check your merchandise so that this never happens again.
I bought clothing at your store, but when I returned home and tried to wear it, I discovered that it was torn.
>>907 The old Japanese way of reading numbers from 40 to 49 is "Shiju", "Shiju-ichi"..."Shiju-kyu". Nowadays there are a few people who read numbers like that.
>>868 if you have a spare time just before your class goes on, please tell me. As well I'm looking forward to speaking with you after I went to the live concert.
Beloved Yuki, thank you for your gift, I was excited too much and I like a lot! Usually it is a very beautiful, I knew it in America is also customary to congratulate loved ones and we wish you much! Are our girl and we want you very very happy and you step by FS is sweeter possible, thanks for being Yuki as you are, and thank you for this, it's wonderful! We do not speak good English but we want to talk to you and you are very very happy, we love you Yuki! happy valentin day!!!
>>929 I appreciate your reply. You must have been so busy on taking care of your grandchild and on your job. I can waite without worry as I have made sure that you have the list sent. I would like you to notify me of the billed amount after all the chek on the list is completed.
>>929 Thank you very much for your reply. It must be a lot of work looking after your grandson (grand daughter) and managing your business at the same time.
I confirmed that you have recieved the list. Now I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. Please let me know when you complete reviewing the list and the invoice is confirmed.
>>929 Thank you very much for your reply. It must be a lot of work looking after your grandson (grand daughter) and managing your business at the same time.
I confirmed that you have recieved the list. Now I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. Please let me know when you complete reviewing the list and the invoice is confirmed.
>>938 私はスキャナーを持ってないのでデジカメでレシートをりました。 画像が少し見づらいかもです。早くスキャナーを買うべきですよね。 I don't have a scanner. Instead, I took the picture of the reciept with my camera. The data in the image might be a little hard to see. I guess I should buy a scanner.