It seems likely that the monarchy will change to suit changing times, that people will come to like Charles more(as they did with his sister Anne),and that it will recover from its current difficulties.
Allowing the Royal Family to become less Private, less mysterious,has caused great problems, but there remains the feeling that they are not ordinary human beings like the rest of us. すみませんがお願いします。
某スレより There are bores who have but to lay a finger upon a subject of universal or special interest , to make one feel that under no circumstances will one ever be able to allow one's thoughts to dwell on the subject again. Such a person should be isolated from human intercourse , like a sufferer from a contagious malady.
As a voracious eater of vegetation, it largely shapes the forest-and-savanna surroundings in which it lives, thereby setting the terms of existence for millions of other storied animals(from zebras to gazelles to giraffes) that share its habitat.
It seems likely that the links with the former dominions will end with Elizabeth,and that this will cause few problems;certainly Charles seems comfortable about the end-ing of such links.
Write about 3 things that stand out in your mind that you think are things that will serve you well for a long time(these maybe things of a physical,intellectual,personal nature)
Kings in the past have frequently been highly unpopular,and have often indulged in scandalous behaviour,particularly in the eighteenth century,but since the time of Queen Victoria(reigned 1837-1901)have generally been well-behaved and respected. 大変申し訳ありませんがこちらの文章の和訳をお願いします。
The version of the Bible used until recently in Anglican churches,the Authorized or King Version(1611),stands at the centre of English literature,along with Shakespeare,and the English language is full of words and phrases taken from it. すみませんが日本語訳を教えて下さい。よろしくお願いします。
Access at that level is what our sensory organs,our language,and our culture provide us with. From earliest childhood on,we are handed concepts such as“milk”,“finger”,“wall”,“mosquito”,“sting”, “itch”,“swat”,and so on,on a silver platter.
>>42 貴方の心の中に(顕著に)ある、 that stand out in your mind 貴方をずっと支えてくれると思うような that you think are things that will serve you well for a long time 3つの事柄について書きなさい。 write about 3 things (例えば、肉体的、精神的、性格的な性質について) (these maybe things of a physical,intellectual,personal nature)
PARIS-Billions of dollars in jet orders are rolling in at the Paris Air Show and the airplain business is booming as if it were supersonic. Yet Scott Carson, chief executive of Boeing Commercial Airplains, knows somewhere down the runway there will be a downturn in the always cyclical airline business.
Since the turn of the century, most films have used some sort of narrative storyline, making novels attractive to filmmakers. その世紀の変わり目以来、ほとんどの映画が、小説を映画製作者に魅力的なようにしてくれる、ある種の物語の筋の方法を使っていた。
Movies have turned toward a variety of novels - from classics to popular or "pulp" fiction, from eighteenth-century novels to bestsellers that may have appeared only one year earlier. 古典から大衆もしくは「安い」作り話、18世紀の小説から1年以内にのみ登場したであろうベストセラーへと、いろいろな種類の小説へと映画は方向を変えた。
Representing several centuries of literary materials, novels provide fully developed fully developed characters and stories that can be easily adapted. 数世紀に渡る文学作品を代表して、容易に適合しうる、完全に発達した登場人物と物語を提供する。
Unlike short stories, novels usually require significant cutting and shrinkage if they are to be recreated in the shorter temporal format of a movie. 短い映画と異なり、小説は普通、映画のより短い一時的な形へと作りかえられるなら、重要な省略や短縮が必要となる。
Thus choices of what to include or omit can be either artistically significant or a matter of economics. こうして、残すべきことまた省略すべきことの選択は、芸術的に重要であるか、また経済の問題であるかということでありうる。
If films bring more realism to novels, those films struggle before the novel's selective power of descriptive detail, the wide variety of numerous points of view available, and the full elaboration of a character's consciousness found in novels. もし映画が小説にもっと現実感をもたらすのであれば、描写的詳細についての小説の選択的な力、広い種類の多様な視点が利用可能であること、小説で見られる登場人物の手の込んだ飾りつけの前に、それらの映画は苦労する。
We had hoped to get a few more items back in stock from UK. Unfortunately they did not arrive yesterday, we will ship out to you today what we have in stock and then send the rest out as soon as possible.
Revealing profile information of a particular user’s neighborhood of similar users could not only help the user judge the appropriateness of recommendations, but also allow communication within that neighborhood.
By doing so, a social recommender system would effectively bring back the inherently social element of the recommendation process as suggested by Perugini et al. .
To apply this to the scenario introduced in the introduction, if Mary and Jane were both registered with a social movie recommender system, Mary could easily find out about films that Jane has seen lately and liked.
We also found finally our dream-house in automn.we have been looking quite long for something old,out in the green.Then we found it! Its a tipical old farmer house from 1862,built in the traditional way.lots of wood and a huge oven in the middle of the house where you can heat with wood and bake your own bread.there is also the oporunity to get more land around,but in the moment,with the second child thats coming, I think all the plans about cats n'dogs,chicken and rabbits,garden for let growing your own vegetable,etc have to wait a little bit until things are turning "normal".How ever,its what we imagined and we are verry happy.Its outside Zurich,about 30-35 km outside the city center. maybe for u it seems near to center,but you know,in switzerland everything is verry smaler an for me its allready a long distance to downtown-but ist o.k.,i am happy that i don't work in the center.... We moved over in beginning of December, so we had allready our first X-mas/new year over there- it was nice.I think in the next few years we are dooing no long trips to anywehre.In the Hous, the groundfloor is renewed and some part in the first floor too.but all the rest gives a lot to work (or to pay...).I mail you the card, that we send to our friends for the new addres-there you can see our son and some parts or details of the house.
from september i'll start a stylism and modelism school in bordeaux,the city where i'm living and i'll go to tokyo to make the third year!!fortunetly, after that i could work!! i can't wait to start that!!!
これも出来れば、お願いします Collaborative filter RS seek to solve the problem of choice overload by emulating the social process of seeking recommendations from friends, while drawing on the data in a large user database
Effective October 12, 2006, I will no longer be with the Risk and Insurance Management Society. Please contact Ellen Dunkin at [email protected] with any Government Affairs related inquiries. Thank you.
Dropped by "Lock Girls" to get the story and the gossip was that the Japanese guy had given up after an increasing dumb set of "economies", apparently at one point trying to fine the service girls for spending too much time chatting to customers!
Would you mind leave the cost as your store credit? and then once you have any items wanna purchased, please let me know, I will arrange send them to you, because I have time limited to refund the order which has past more than 2 months.
In a wide-ranging interview Wednesday, Carson also said he thinks Airbus has trapped itself with its strategy of developing an A350 jet that will take on the 777 at the same time as the 787 Dreamliner.
from september i'll start a stylism and modelism school in bordeaux,the city where i'm living and i'll go to tokyo to make the third year!!fortunetly, after that i could work!! i can't wait to start that!!!
My other major activitis include spending time with friends and family,reading,working on our house, watching movies,attending local cultural events and watching sports.Do you like american football?My favorite team has always been the Pittsburgh Steelers.Unfortunately we lost in the first playoff game.It looks like New England will take all.I also like hockey and the Pittsburgh Penguins are my favorite team.Sidney Crosby, their star,is amazing to watch and probably one of the best players ever.
Apologize(Timbaland)の歌詞なのですがわからなくて・・・ 1、I need you like a heart need a beat 2、Got me 10 feet off the ground and I'm hearing what you say but I just can't make a sound. お願いします。
Thank you for your mail yesterday! I am so glad to receive that! Have you find a job now? Maybe busy and tired,whatever ,take care of yourself, ok? If hard-working wrecks your health,I won't forgive you. What's more,make your sleeping time longer and eat more ,I want to see a more healthy and spiriting SUSUMU. I am OK.I don't know whether pregnant or not(smiling),maybe time has not been enough yet. I can't get on net at home.if anything you want to say,send mails please.
After Galileo an Newton, by abstraction, motion no longer raised images of movement; it was defined geometrically as change from place to place, its rule being that it will continue forever until something stops it -- an obstacle or the friction of the air. Similarly, an object at rest stays put until a force is applied to it. The two statements make up the law of inertia. It is a law not because objects "obey" it -- that again is a skewed interpretation; the law is only a statement of regularity in behavior.
It sees the piece of wood of triangular shape that holds together the balls on the pool table not as a triangle; its measurements would not give the answers that the triangle of geometry supplies. Even the printed figure in the textbook is not the triangle of geometry; it is only a reminder of the definition of triangle and the properties deducible from it.
>>158 1段落目 l. 2 geometrically は defined に係っているので「幾何学的に定義された」。 l. 3 . an object at rest は「静止している物体」 2段落目 l. 1 It sees the piece of wood of triangular shape that holds together the balls on the pool table not as a triangle 「ビリヤード台の上で玉をまとめる三角の形をした木枠(訳注:トライアングルラック)は、三角形とみなされることはない。」
hi i was wondering what kind of gas you used in attached vid and what is the best kind of gas out of 134a,propane,or green gas cuz i might get one thx bye
私がYoutubeに投稿した動画に対して届いたメッセージです。 134a、propane, green gasはそれぞれガスの名前です。
お願いします。 The attach file is one of the practice about GABBEH that I did..
==(中略) I wanted to make anew media about gabbeh and I send it for you please tell me about your idea if any thing wrong please tell me such as colors and composition, font and logo that I used in it.
For these students there is the hope of economic benefit in the future, with the status of a qualificaiton from abroad rather than their own country. For the universities receiving them, there is the certainty of economic profit from fees.
Another factor, cultural interaction, is less often considered, but it is implicit that study abroad will lead to increased cultural capital for the individual, improved international relations, and an extra dimension to the educational experience.
The reality may be different. Foreign students often live in isolation, on the margins of the society in which they reside. This may be their choice, and a resistance to the input of life in 'the West' by those from 'the East' . It may equally be a result of social processes which do not offer an entry even to the most willing student committed to the idea of integration.
>>191 increased cultural capital for the individual → 個人の文化的資源を増やし an extra dimension to the educational experience → 勉学体験に新たな一面が加わる it is implicit that.... → ....であるのはいうまでもない。 The reality may be different → 現実はそのようにはいかないかもしれない Foreign students often live in isolation, on the margins of the society in which they reside. → 留学生は自分が生活している社会の片隅で孤立してしまうことが多い This may be their choice, and a resistance to the input of life in 'the West' by those from 'the East' . → それはそれで彼らなりに選択した生き方であり、 「西洋」で生活することへの「東洋」から来た人間による抵抗なのかもしれない It may equally be a result of social processes which do not offer an entry even to the most willing student committed to the idea of integration. → だが同時にこれは人種差別撤廃に積極的に賛同する留学生さえ受け入れようとはしない社会状況がもたらす 当然の結果ともいえるかもしれない
>>191 For these students there is the hope of economic benefit in the future, with the status of a qualificaiton from abroad rather than their own country. For the universities receiving them, there is the certainty of economic profit from fees. これらの学生にとって、自国よりむしろ海外から資格を授与されることで、 将来的に経済的利益を得るという望みがある。 彼らを受け入れる大学にとっては、授業料という確かな利益があるのだ。 Another factor, cultural interaction, is less often considered, but it is implicit that study abroad will lead to increased cultural capital for the individual, improved international relations, and an extra dimension to the educational experience. もうひとつの要素である文化交流は、ほれほど考慮されないが、海外で勉強 することが個々人にとっての文化的資質を増やし、国際関係を改善し、教育 経験に新たな側面を付け加えるということを暗に示される。 The reality may be different. Foreign students often live in isolation, on the margins of the society in which they reside. This may be their choice, and a resistance to the input of life in 'the West' by those from 'the East' . It may equally be a result of social processes which do not offer an entry even to the most willing student committed to the idea of integration. 現実は異なるかもしれない。留学生はしばしば、自分の生活する社会のふち に孤立して暮らしている。このことは、彼の選択であり、「東洋」出身の人 たちが「西洋」式の生活を取り入れることへの抵抗かもしれない。 同様にそれは文化統合に積極的な学生にさえ、参加させようとしない社会過程 の結果であるかもしれない。
In an experiment, groups of older and younger people were given a list of things that some imaginary people did, and were asked to judge their characters for honesty and intelligence.
Please test out our website for free! I still love her. She responded and sounded ok. I hope we can work it out. Life is so empty otherwise. よろしくお願いします
I received your message yesterday,thank you .But I can't answer you by my phone, so I come to this "net bar".
Tommorrow is China's New Year's Day. My father and I are busy preparing for that, because all my relatives will have a party at my home.
I haven't made blood check or anything else,for Chinese seldom go to hospital during the Spring Festivel,and I am scared to do any check.Hehehehe<smile>.
Don't worry about me, I am fine.Although my hometown is now suffering from the snow damage,I am so happy to back home safely.I wish you everything is OK,and I am interested in your new house and job.
During festrivel,I will visit my relatives around,so I can't answer you.I am sorry. Maybe 2/22 I will go back to my school,then we can get in touch.
和訳お願いします。 Familiar recommenders will be preferred we wanted to test the prediction of [2] that in taste domains, people prefer recommendations from familiar over those from unfamiliar recommenders [2].
I m in Japan for two more weeks. Yoyogi Park is awesome - I may be going there this weekend (Sunday) for a street rave with Tokyo DJs.... Did you hear about this? Are you going? Let me know if you are going and we can meet up and party!!!! すみません。長いです。宜しくお願い致します
A). SeptraDS: 2-3 Tabs taken daily for 1 to 2 years. (Note some persons are allergic to Septra. May need Hormone for Cerebral Inflammation) B). Albendazole (taken with fatty foods), 400mgs. Twice Daily for 28 days, 14 day breaks in between, with 5 or more continuous courses, with low dose hormone for Cerebral Inflammation (Occasional liver panels) お願いします
すみません。つづきです。 C). Diflucan 400-800 mgs. per day for scalp and eye infections, etc. (Take as needed during 14 day interval breaks from Albendazole) (After Initial Treatments these 3 Meds may be taken Occasionally for Shorter Intervals) I'm very much better, although I am disabled, having permanent "Neurological and Endrocine Damage." It's a good thing, because there could be no Disability Benefits for a Disease that doesn't exist in the eyes of the Medical Community. お願いします
海外通販でのやり取りです。 I do apologize, I am not entirely sure what you are asking, but both banks are needed for us to be able to receive the payment. Our bank is a smaller, local bank, and it comes to our bank though the other one. I hope this answers your question, please let us know if you have any other questions. よろしくお願いします。
For those of you who thought it doesnt snow in Sydney.... check this out.(I hope this doesnt put any of you Pomms off coming over here in November!! x) PS. I~m about to update our blog (finally!)..
>>254 One of the best ways to push and to prod is to support and/or hold back financial support. From here on in, we might consider supporting institutions, including higher educational institutions, on the basis of the Noah Principle.
A). SeptraDS: 2-3 Tabs taken daily for 1 to 2 years. (Note some persons are allergic to Septra. May need Hormone for Cerebral Inflammation) B). Albendazole (taken with fatty foods), 400mgs. Twice Daily for 28 days, 14 day breaks in between, with 5 or more continuous courses, with low dose hormone for Cerebral Inflammation (Occasional liver panels) お願いします
If you would like a replacement, you can place a new order at If you wish, we are happy to do this for you. Simply respond to this email with your permission to re-charge your credit card for the replacement.
Due to the cost of shipping to return the incorrect item, please keep the incorrect item at no additional charge.
もう一度お願いします。 Here are the cash wiring instructions for Please note that we have two banks listed below because our bank is a small regional bank which takes in transfers through a larger bank. For proper crediting, please make sure your bank routes your payment through both of our banks. Also, our bank does not have a SWIFT number...
In a nutshell Says Quentin , " The more time you sit around the house and bitch about " why not ", the less time you spend going out and doing it " 体が弱い男の話です。まとめ部分がわからないのでお願いします。 お願いします
お願いします Finding like-minded people in these social systems at the moment is done manually, by browsing profiles in networks of friends and interest groups.
Boutros Boutros-Ghali preceded Kofi Annan as the Secretary-General of the UN. It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.
According to manufacturers of such appliances, voice guidance was introduced because the large number of appliances in the average home has made it difficult for users to tell which particular bit of equipment is buzzing or beeping.
Please be advised that we have issued credit in the amount of $XXX for the missing item, "******." The credit has been applied to the original form of payment used on the order.
Visa & mastercard: I understand that this purchase will appear on my credit card statement under the name Better Life Pharm and that should I have any problems with this order, I can contact Better Life Pharmacy - [email protected] or 1-866-839-9581 for a prompt resolution. お願いします。
>>293 Visa & mastercard: I understand that this purchase will appear on my credit card statement under the name Better Life Pharm and that should I have any problems with this order, ビザマスターカード:この購入が私のクレジットカード明細書に 「ベターライフファーム」の名前の下に現れること、およびこの 注文についての全ても問題を私が負うべきことを理解しました。 I can contact Better Life Pharmacy - [email protected] or 1-866-839-9581 for a prompt resolution. 迅速な解決には、私はベターライフファーマシー(メルアド)または(電話番号) に連絡することができます。
My problems or dissatisfaction would probably be that I might think too much because I want to say or do the right things that I feel. I may worry a little bit also even though I know not to.
whwnever I see someone push their way through a crowd without so much as an “Excuse me,”I can't help but wonder why they have to adopt this kind of silent aggression.
An increasing number of people now see connections between individuals as“social capital,”on a par with property as one of the foundations of communities.
According to the nation of social capital, a society where people share common values and build relationships of trust, and problems are solved through networks, is seen as highly safe and secure.
もう一度お願いします Thank you for your inquiry. You will want to take the instructions given to your bank and have them help you fill out the forms. The forms must be filled out properly to go through the banks in order so as not to be charged extra fees. Your local bank should be able to help with this. If there is anything else we can help with please let us know.
Some pics from the Czech traditional carnival at Zadni Treban (outskirts of Prague) - you would not believe the amount and variety of free food and drinks there! ;-) Fiesta de puta madre! ;-))) Oh, and btw, I unofficially won the potato medal (4th place) with my costume! ;-)
>343 じゃあ些細なこと繋がりでトリビアでも行くかね。 What the f*ck! は「一体何なんだ!」とも(状況によって)訳せる。 これをお上品な感じに言い換えるとWhat in the world?となる。 より驚いている感じで言葉を途中で切ると、 前者はWhat the... 後者はWhat in the... 「一体・・・」となる。と聞いたことがある。
Open your eyes and lesten re aware. Walk slowly. You feel peaceful when you are under observation. Do you sometimes dream even When you'Re awake? Even when you murmur. It is lirtening. お願いします。
Turning from the properties of X-rays, we must now consider the geometry and structure of crystals in order to discover what there is about crystals in general that enables them to difficult X-rays.
宜しくお願いします。 I give you permission to share any and all information presented here with your health care practitioner so that he/she may evaluate it in light of your own regimen and symptoms.
SILVAというアーティストへの歌への評価です。お願いいたします。 ●silva has the deepest voice of any asian singer i've ever heard kinda refreshing i was gettin tired of those squeaky voices some asian singers have ●I love dis song! Mah gurlz Jamosa n Luna be gettin it! But...I tink Silva messed it up...but iono i dun't really like her anywayz...
To improve document navigation, we developed Space-Filling Thumbnails (SFT), an overview display that eliminates most scrolling.
a standard page view for reading, and a thumbnail view that shows all pages
The second and third studies (n=32 and n=14) were detailed comparisons of SFT with thumbnail-enhanced scrollbars (TES), which performed well in the first experiment.
SFT was faster than TES across all document types and lengths, particularly when tasks involved revisitation.
宜しくお願いします。 I give you permission to share any and all information presented here with your health care practitioner so that he/she may evaluate it in light of your own regimen and symptoms.
You can see us at our site .There are three videos posted,still images,and information about our show. If anyone has any contacts in Japan who might be able to book our show,please pass them along to us.Our show loves small,intimate theaters and if you know of theaters in Japan who would be interested in our show, I would love their web address.
would you be an more english or japanese one(what language would it be on+) sorry i can't use bla bla bla, whatever it called, it's that one you put after every questions. it's broken
>>386 私もわからなくて本当に困ってるんです。。; you said you wanted to be rock singer, would you be an more english or japanese one って海外の人にメールで言われたんですが、 どなたかわかる方いらっしゃいませんか?
An increasing number of electrical and gas appliances are being equipped with voice guidance. Instead of buzzers or alarms, these machines talk to users, saying things like “the rice is ready” or “the bath is ready.”
すみません。お願いします。 i think i will need to refuse the payment, but i am not quite sure how to do that. i am going to spend some time looking at it right now and hopefully i can figure it out.
どうかよろしくお願いします。 When I feel stress I realize that it can only affect my good positive thinking if I let it. Work to me is just something I am paid to do for a living. So, when stress seems to be too much I think of what makes me happy and that is family and friends, especially you.
>>424さん, レス ありがとうございます。 >>423 She Married Norman D. Morgan in 1960, he preceded her in death along with her parents; three of her four children. という文章です。 「彼女の両親より先に彼は亡くなった。」ということでしょうか?
Your order as been approved by our pharmacist and your credit card has been authorised to accept the charge. Your prescription should ship within 24hrs. よろしくお願いします。
どなたか翻訳お願いします。Well, I just wanted to know if you were OK, since you're the first one complaining when you don't have any news during 2 days :):) I'm kidding of course ^^ I do not care, I just want to know that you're still there somewhere, sleeping, working or drinking tea
The aim of Japanese schools could hardly be further removed form the original sense of the English word 'education': to bring forth and develop the powers of my mind, rather than merely imparting factual imformation.
I mean I always remember if I has died at that point, at any time when I was playing, I could'n have died doing anything better ; I'd have been completely fulflled, if you like, doing my utmost for something I beleived in".
hello must be very stressful with so much hate comments in your channel! just delete those comments and start new as long as you dont hate anything, nothing can hate you! これお願いします
Therefore, it is sometimes falsely assumed that it is only outward appearances which make people different from one another. However, it is not the food one eats or the clothes one wears but how the person thinks, feels, and behaves that determines a person's cultural identity.
On the all-important question of power-the efficiency of power, the morality of power, the desirability of power-American and European perspectives are diverging. Europe is turning away from power, or to put it a little differently, it is moving beyond power into a self-contained world of laws and rules and transnational negotiation and cooperation.
この中の、 And my head, I'd be scratchin' While my thoughts were busy hatchin' I'd unravel ev'ry riddle for any individ'le I could think of things I never thunk before Life would be a ding-a-derry が上手く訳せません。教えて下さい。
Im going to be in Osaka from the 16 to the 24th of Feb,not sure how far that is from Tokyo... unfortunantly I dont think I will be going to Tokyo as I will be with a group of friends who specifically want to see Osaka. I will let you know if our plans change though
I was about to say "You", should I? Okay, for the time being lemme say- A charming and killing smile, deep passionate eyes, beauty with brains! (Oops! looks like it turns out to be "you" again!!) お願いします!
I was happy today,too.However,you didn't think not a movie.I will decide whether.I say this at school in this one.It is similarereven if I arrive about a photograph.
Meanwhile, the United States remains mired in history, exercising power in an anarchic Hobbesian world where international laws and rules are unreliable, and where the true security and the defense and promotion of a liberal order still depend on the possession and use of military might.
Unfortunatelly Dirk only had a job offer in Cologne (400 kilometres from Erlangen) which he finally accepted. We hope that Dirk will find another job in Erlangen in the next few month so we can move together.At the moment I'm looking for a bigger flat to spend the weekends together there while Dirk has a small appartment in Cologne. That is really a problem because the town is full of Siemens workers and there are only a few flats. Last week I thougt I got one but the owner - an old lady - wants the floor to be repaired first before subscribing the rental contract. And nobody knows when that will be. Maybe I'll have to look for alternatives.Dirk was here this weekend to see 'our' new flat and to buy some furniture - for nothing.
Well, I'll tell you our new adress when we have a flat for certain. At the moment you may take our home adresses at our parent's.
Adam is doing very well at work.He has received a promotion and will be moving to the head office of Lidl in Wimbledon, London on 3rd February.Adam did a Geography BSC degree, Human and Physical,at the University of Reading.He graduated one and a half years ago.Now Adam is a project manager of warehouse distribution systems for the German supermarket company Lidl.He works very hard 10 hour days,various shifts,including weekends and travels around England and Wales.
Thus far,2008 is a busy and exciting year for me and my family. My husband's job will be moving us to Portland Oregon in the next few months.I am excited and sad to be leaving friends and family,but hope that everything turns out in the end.My husband will be leaving March 2nd and I will stay through May to sell the house and finish out my teaching contract.The changes in the economy might mean that it is hard to sell the house, but I am hopeful that is not the case.I don't know how much you know of Oregon, but I will be leaving the Rocky Mountains for the ocean and giant trees.It is a lovely place where plants-- especially roses bloom without much effort. Another benefit is the weather-- it has been a very cold and snowy winter here. My greatest sadness is moving my son away from his grandparents. My dad is his very best friend and I know it will be hard. Fortunately,it is only a two hour flight back and forth. Sometimes I question the sacrifices made for work, but that is the way it is.
I got mail from Colony Bank they said the payment has been approved and confirmation mail have reach you, so you have to follow Colony Bank procedure so that they can credit your money to your account, you need to pack the package and get it ship by EMS quickly get back to Colony Bank with the shipment tracking number to activate your account so that the full payment can be credited to your account. I will be looking to hear from you soon..Thanks and God bless you.
一日置いてシモータがp.138(3)の長所短所問題である。 つか受験生的にはmerits and demeritsをgood points and bad pointsとして、 更に男女平等的にEveryone has his or her〜と汁。以下見んで宜し。 ------------ キ リ ト リ ------------ 当ビ的に氣になるのはmerit/demeritは宗教つぽい善行悪行か損得勘定で、 我が國語の「良いところと悪いところ」と云ふほのゞの感とチート違ふつぽい氣汁。 饂飩科学業界ではイパーソにmeritの語は用ゐず唯一の例外はfigure of merit (「性能指数」等と訳される)の表現であるが、此も冷酷な損得勘定だがや。 ググれば "merits and demerits" に一致する英語のページ 約 326,000 件 見るのは大変だが善行悪行か損得対比のいづれかつぽく、チート絞れば "merits and demerits" に一致する英語のページ 約 85,500 件 "merits and demerits" に一致する英語のページ 約 12,000 件 更にhisを付けると禿しく減り "his merits and demerits" に一致する英語のページ 約 223 件 "his merits and demerits" に一致する英語のページ 7 件 此辺に残るのはnon-nativeの英語つぽいのが目立つ。 "Each person has his merits and demerits"の例を挙げるブログがあるが: 此は日本発つぽい藁。 辞書等見て長所短所に該当汁やうなのを並べると advantages and disadvantages/drawbacks strengths and limitations pros and cons (←ブヂネス界のヤシラが好んで使ふがフラソス語的にconが禿ヤヴァ) 等だが、何れも「良いところと悪いところ」とは違ひ損得勘定丸出しだがや。 good and bad featuresと云ふのがあつて此はgood and bad pointsに近く可。
と云ふ訳で当ビ的には「長所と短所」は直訳せず、風邪でフラフラ汁頭で意訳汁と "Even a Superman has some weak points."等。
Also, it is important that you understand one of the founding principles of natural medicine…Herring’s Law of Cure. ↑これ意味不明 ヒーリングとかヒアリング? どなたか翻訳お願いします。
We have presented the design and evaluation of Space Filling Thumbnails (SFT), a simple interface technique that allows rapid document navigation. SFT replaces scrollbased document movement with two views: a single-page view, and a matrix-layout thumbnail view that shows all pages at once in miniature. お願いします
There splendid people, their wiseacres, Proffessors, agents, magic-makers, Their poets and apostles, Their bankers and their brokers too, And Ironmasters shall turn blue Shall fade away like morning dew With club-room fossils.
"Wary U.S. Olympians Will Bring Food to China"(source: NYT)の一節
"... Ms. Hamilton unveiled moo shu pork wraps, mango rice balls and a seaweed and soba noodle salad, hoping to gain approval for inclusion on the Beijing menu."
Live to win, 'till you die, 'till the light dies in your eyes Live to win, take it all, just keep fighting till you fall Day by day, kickin' all the way, I'm not cavin' in Let another round begin, live to win Yeah, live, yeah, win
どなたか助けてください。和訳お願いします。 I think it is easy to tell if someone is lying or cheating because they can say 'crazy things', not like a normal person. I sometimes don't have a lot of patience with people who act stupid or who do stupid things or say stupid things - like using bad language or telling dirty or mis-leading jokes.
Byrne et al [5] state that scrolling is an “obvious case where widget design could make a difference” (p. 550), and O’Hara and Sellen [24] observe that scrolling is “irritatingly slow and distracting” and that users need “quicker, more effortless navigation” (p. 341).
They also note that scrolling and paging hamper the user’s incidental memory of the location of document features, impeding their ability to exploit powerful capabilities for spatial memory in support of navigation. すいません。お願いします。。
But Michael Dunn, whose friendship with Fossett dates back to an early 1980s climbing expedition in Antarctica, described him as “the quintessential adventurer” and said risk was always part of his life. “You fully understand that there's a possibility that you might not come out of this,”
>>638 You're really taken with this film,aren't you? Both of your other videos are of different parts in this. 君は本当にこの映画が好きなのか? 他の君のビデオは2つとも、これの別々の部分だ。
“If you do these kinds of things and you do them well, it's the same sort of philosophy you need to succeed in business or to succeed in life or to succeed in marriage or to succeed in anything, because you have the tenacity and you have the focus and you have the direction to do that.”
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. お願いします
Cars, even when we are not driving them, are deceptively time-consuming. “The typical American male devotes more than 1,600 hours a year to his car,” according to Ivan Illich, author of“Energy and Equity.”
In Tucson,Arizon,"night-friendly"lights must be used to protect the dark night sky. You can see the Milkey Way on good nights there. This is really surprising because you usually can't see the Milkey Way even in a small town of 500000. So we know "night-friendly"lights really work. Many stores now use lighting that is three times as strong as in the 1970s.
Calculating other factors beyond just travel speed, Akiyama determines the“social speed”of vehicles. This is“the average speed of a vehicle, once a number of the hidden factors have been taken into account,”writes Nakamura.
"Lots of people who run businesses want stronger light," says a sales manager of a lighting agency in Ontario. "Big store owners believe they're going to have more people come in if their stores are brightly lit up." He has tired to talk such owners and other big lighting users into choosing "night-friendly" lights,which do not light the sky too much. "Because such lights don't use much electricity," he tells them,"you can save money and the aky at the same time." While the health and environmental effects of light pollution are starting to get attention,there are people who have some other worries.
The location of each thumbnail in the matrix view remains constant during window resizing, provided the aspect ratio of the parent window remains constant.
He sits in it while it goes and while it stands idling. He parks and searches for it. He earns the money to put down on it and to meet the monthly installments. He works to pay for petrol, tolls, insurance tickets and taxes.
Baby Milk Action Japan is particularly concerned about the obstacle of social prejudice. Although breast-feeding is far more beneficial and convenient for mother and child, there are very few baby-friendly hospitals and workplaces in Japan.
>>630 One of the only times I got to use the sirens on my car... 形容詞のonlyは「唯一の」でいいんだけど、日本語的に「数少ない」 でどうだろう。「one of the 複数名詞」で「〜のうちの一つ」。 私の車のサイレンを使用しなければならなかった数少ない機会の一つ
お願いします。 Referring to the expected independence of Kosovo , the Kremlin leader said Russia would not , as he put it, ape European recognition the Serbian province by recognizing similar claims of pro-Russian areas of the former Soviet Union such as Abkhazia , South Ossetia or Trans-Dnistria.
Japanese patriarchs shudder at the thought of an aging society with no tax base float on in years to come, but a number of simple steps could be taken to make child-rearing far more appealing:child-leave for parents;more daycare centers;workplaces with nursery facilities, rooms for extracting and storing milk and breast-feeding;and, baby-friendly hospitals that encourage parent-child bonding from the start.
mixed RSVP, which presented four images for t/16 time, and slide-show RSVP, which showed one image for t/64 time (equivalent to Flipper’s page-display mode).
Literature of the 1930's was dominated by the suffering of the Great Dpression. Some writers like W. H. Auden, regarded by many as the greatest poet of the inter-war years, bitterly condemned capitalism and hoped for a revolution.
Literature of the 1930's was dominated by the suffering of the Great Dpression. Some writers like W. H. Auden, regarded by many as the greatest poet of the inter-war years, bitterly condemned capitalism and hoped for a revolution.
However, they often fail to recognize the extent to which the forecasts and policy advice they receive come from models that are estimated and evaluated ignoring revisions, and whose performance, therefore, is at once sub-optimal and overstated.
Love Story [retold] Oxford Bookworm Grade 3にある英文だけど Usually I moved much faster – ask the other girls that I had been out with! 直訳しても何を言っているのだか? おねがいします。
He does but seldom follow the shortest road from one discovery to another, for the shortest distance to it can only be detarmined when the new discovery has been made.
And yes, LA can be a bad place to live, but as long as you're careful things will be fine. Anyone can visit its just that there are a lot of gang fights. I'm not trying to make it sound evil and that you'll never visit. Its a great place to visit just not to live. The cost is way too much anyways!
There are scores of more eloquent speakers, more nimble disputants than he, but there has been no one in our time with the same authority and finality of speech.
Indulged in to excess, reading become a vice―a vice all the more dangerous for not being generally recognized as such. Yet expensive reading is the only from of self-indulgence which fails to get the blame it deserves.
“If you do these kinds of things and you do them well, it's the same sort of philosophy you need to succeed in business or to succeed in life or to succeed in marriage or to succeed in anything, because you have the tenacity and you have the focus and you have the direction to do that.”
これの訳を↓よろしくお願いします。 My ex-girlfriend was very adventurous and funny. She was always quick to watch out for me. With you I feel comfortable in answering what you may want to know about me. What do you want in a guy if you do not mind me asking?
1.It is 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas. You are a black student on your way to school.Soldiers are guarding you. White people are shouting at you. How do you feel? Do you think things will get better? Or do you think they will always stay the same? 2.Martin Luther King used non-violence to fight segregation in America. He succeeded. Do you think non-violence always works? When would non-violence not succeed? Why?
The study gives substance to growing social concern about freeters squandering their earning power , saying the potential income loss of middle-aged and older freeters will be \7.3 trillion in 2021 , compared to the expected earnings of full-time workers the same age.
The greatest possible satisfaction of the manufacture or merchant is no more limited to profit than the greatest possible satisfaction of the minister, teacher, or physician is limited to his payment for service.
They look past the fundamental truth that it is not our external resources that determine our success or failure, but rather our own belief in ourselves and our willingness to create a life according to our highest aspirations.
*Special Offer: $7.49 per month for the first 3 months and $14.95 per month thereafter. Cancel any time. Offer available to new members only and is not transferable. A small number of products are more than one credit.
Participants’ comments helped explain this effect?the RSVP interfaces demanded constant and close attention, reducing the users’ ability to attend to spatial cues while completing tasks
At this point in my journey I realized that I not only needed to get rid of any metals in my system, but I needed to go on an aggressive anti-fungal diet with supporting herbs.
“If you do these kinds of things and you do them well, it's the same sort of philosophy you need to succeed in business or to succeed in life or to succeed in marriage or to succeed in anything, because you have the tenacity and you have the focus and you have the direction to do that.”
These parameters provide a conceptual resource containing between 370 and 3370 tonnes of eU3O8. Based on the price of US$100 per lb of U3O8 and an exchange rate of A$0.85 to the US$1.00, the value of such a deposit is estimated at between A$98 and $880 million.
I’ll be the roundabout The words will make you out ’n’ out And change the day your way Call it morning driving thru the sound and in and out the valley
Those who perceive today's world as too predictable and safe may be tempted to seek an outlet in the from of extreme sports such as parachuting off cliffs or snowmobiling on avalanche-prone mountainsides.
He conveys the sense of a mind disciplined against passion, austere in its reserve, implacably honest, understanding itself with a certain cold aloofness that leaves controversy silent.
Regarding the the transfer we have been trying to make the transfer today but the transfer is bancing back so we have to instruct Mrs mercy jannet to other for an additional payment of USD $200 so we are about to make the transfer today so Mrs mercy jannet has inform us to contact regarding the transfer of the USD $200 to his son who was in Nigeria so we suppose to credit your account now but as soon as you make it,we will get back to you with the full amount into you account,so will like you to go to western union and send the money to the address given you below so will like you contact us with the western union money transfer receipt and the MTCN number as soon as the transfer was done by western union money transfer pls get back to us very fast so we make the full transfer to your account between 24 hours after the transfer of the USD 200 is made.. So this the address that Mrs mercy jannet sent to us.
訳していただいた文章を最終的につなげると文法が今一?で、どなたかご指導 いただければ助かります。 I realized that I not only needed to get rid of any metals in my system, but I needed to go on an aggressive anti-fungal diet with supporting herbs.
I realized(私は悟りました) that 以降の文章が全て(私は悟りました)に かかるのか、〜my system,までが(私は悟りました)にかかって、その後but〜 なのかがわかりません。 英語の場合,マークは区切って訳すものなおでしょうか?
This email is to notify you that your order will ship by UPS OR USPS. As soon as your order leaves our facility you will be able to track your package at the appropriate website as follows... OR www.USPS.COM
At the age of nine, he had the death of both parents to contend with. We don't need a computer failure to contend with as well as all our other problems.
「」部をお願いします。 "I can't do without it [gum]. I munch it all day long except for a few minutes at mealtimes when I take it out and stick it behind my ear for safekeeping. To tell you the truth, I simply wouldn't feel comfortable if I didn't have that little wedge of gum to chew on every moment of the day, I really wouldn't. My mother says it's not ladylike and it looks ugly to see a girl's jaws going up and down like mine do all the time, but I don't agree. And who's she to criticize, anyway, because if you ask me, I'd say that 「her jaws are going up and down almost as much as mine are just from yelling at me every minute of the day.」" お願いします。
Others take rinks in a quest to set records ― to be the youngest, oldest or first of a certain category to accomplish a particular feat, such as circumnavigating the globe alone.
Frustrated, degraded, down before you're done. Rejection, depression, can't get what you want. You ask me how I make my way.You ask me everywhere and why. You hang on every word I say.But the truth sounds like a lie お願いします
Many a man complains that his wife will not attempt to reason things out. Many a wife feels that her husband is all reason, able to argue about anything under the sun, but never able to go straight to the truth as she feels she can.
You might not notice but your precious person is right there for you. If ever I'm a deaf,I want to hear you in my heart. All I want is you. I do surely defend you from everthing that do harm to you. Someday,would you marry me?
That can be achieved by oxidation and non-oxidising chemicals which have similar effects, as well as by non-chemical processes such as ultraviolet, x-rays, ultrasound, heat, variations in pH and even storage to allow organisms to die naturally.
What do we call someone from Australia? What do we call someone from New Zealand? What slang name do we use for people from Australia and NewZealand? Which country did New Zealand and Australia belong to?
The interface × iteration interaction is also explained by the increasing comparative benefits of SFT on successive iterations, with task time reductions on the first, second, and third iterations increasing from 22% through 40% to 58%. お願いします
This year we are having an International Tournament and you are invited the Official invitation is in the next page. With great responsibility such as mine come great challenges.
難しいすぎる。 I like the gangsters best. They're terrific, those gangsters! Especially when they start pumping each other full of lead, or flashing the old stilettos, or giving each other the one-two-three with their knuckledusters! Gosh, what wouldn't I give to be doing that myself! お願いします。
ああ、あった・・ hey man hope play later now i getta go with my girl and i dont care if u english isnt good i just wanna hear u coz i dont know when u wanna the ball etc これよろしくお願いします
This year we are having an International Tournament and you are invited the Official invitation is in the next page. With great responsibility such as mine come great challenges.
in the next stageの解釈と 次のWithで始まる文が今ひとつよくわからないです。 本当によろしくお願いします。
Both Kruger and Farley suggested that risk-taking, in its positive form, can correlate with business and financial success. For Fossett, who funded his adventures with a fortune amassed as a commodities broker, success was a matter of personal achievement, not of publicity and fame, according to Dunn.
Hello, you are very good on playing i like chopin on the piano! colud you send me both audio or video?? i can extract them from the site but on youtube quality is lower... i would be glad... if it's ok i prefear to exange them on a messenger chat so my email will not be busy... bye, good play
For example, he said a significant amount of crime is motivated by thrill-seeking impulses. “But Steve Fossett was on the constructive side,” Farley said. “He embodies an incredibly important spirit in humanity.”
In january 1997,Prince Diana traveled to angola with the red cross. What she wanted to see was the terrible problems caused by landmines. Wars have ended,but the landmines remain in the ground. The red cross helps landmines victims around the world.It makes artificial legs for people who have lost their own. A growing child needs a new leg every six months, and that costs money. In 1995 ,the red cross began actions to ban landmines to stop people from making and using them. Diana saw a movie about the work of the british red cross and agreed to help.
パイ - programmed inputs. Identical repetitions of a fixed sequence: a fuzzy that guards immediate mids in the ~15 frame range, beats immediate throws, and beats all except perfectly timed delay throws.
ベネ - human inputs. delay throw, requires good timing to land either at the end of the 0 frame safety window, or during the limited number of standing guard frames. I succeed maybe 2 times out of how many attempts?. Low throw can be buffered during blockstun, so I succeed on all but 1 attempt.
In angola, Diana was able to see the problem and others could see it through her eyes. Angola,which has suffered from many years of war,has more landmines than people. One in 334 persons has lost a leg or an arm or has died because of landmines. Diana visited hospitals and walked across a minefield. More and more people were interested in the campagin,and a lot of money was raised for it.
Everything posted will go in this front post so check here before posting. Do not post scanlations/translations etc that you did not do and claim you did, we will ban you.
Nothing yet, there was a pic posted on 2ch but it's an old pic so don't fall for it ok
I have known him to cut and slash the women's heads so horribly, that even master would be enraged at his cruelty, and would threaten to whip him if he did not mind himself.
Politicians were also talking about how serious this problem was. Later , more than one hundred countries agreed to stop making landmines. Diana was only one of many people who helped the campaign. But her visit to angole brought the world's attention to the problem.
susumu, why do you change e-mail address? i am used to the other one. I am sorry for you have little money,maybe you spent too much in China because of me. Hehehehe,if I have a job,I will come to your rescue. I am happy that you get a new life.
I miss you. I dreamed of you many times .I smiled each time when remembering you clap and say "haole haole!" I can't forget i sleep comfortably on your shoulder when we were hurried to nanyuan airport. I always miss you without any reason.
Please concentrate on your work as well as life. I am your supporter.And I AM WAITING FOR YOU!
So, then it was right [ to ask him [ whether his [ sending off ] was the right decision or not ] ]." それで、そういうことで、 彼を送り出したことは正しい決定であったかそうでなかったかを 彼に聞くことは正しいことであった。
>>911 過去の事なら察しの通り、in the past, before などの単語を使います。 全体の文章にもよりますが、現在進行形ならI have lived in Japan for 10 years now. (今も含めて「もう10年」)となったりもしますが、住んでいるは現在進行形でliving なので、 多分後者が良いんじゃないでしょうか。
this is something I forgot last time I wrote to you, in japan your family name or surname is the first and the last is your name if I am right, and in denmark its theother way around
I like the gangsters best. They're terrific, those gangsters! Especially when they start pumping each other full of lead, or flashing the old stilettos, or giving each other the one-two-three with their knuckledusters! Gosh, what wouldn't I give to be doing that myself! お願いします。
The international and interregional comparisons of the quality of important location factors, in particular, often prompt reevaluation of policy priorities that may have may have evolved on the basis of an inward looking political logic.
Q: What do you mean when you say "Give credit"? A: When we spriter-types ask for credit, we mean this: if you make a comic, put a small blurb on your site or whatever:: "Thanks to so-and-so for the such-and-such sprites". Or, if you base a personal sheet off of a sprite on SDB, make a note of who ripped the base on your sheet. And if you make a game, you could put it in the credits or the documentation.
Q: What's up with you sprite rippers asking for credit? A: A lot of people think that you shouldn't give credit for sprite rips. I'm not one of those people. Ripping is hard (not to mention tedious and boring) work, which is why most people don't do it. By ripping sprites that you might potentially use, I save you a lot of work, so it's only right to give credit. If it helps, think of it this way; the credit is for the effort, not the sprites themselves.
The leading trait in his character was meanness; and if there were any other element in his nature, it was made subject to this. He was mean; and, like most other mean men, he lacked the ability to conceal his meanness.
They hoped the exhibition would be impressive enough to win international support for them. Picaso agreed,but wondered what he should create.On April 26,Guernica was bumped and completely destroyed by Nazi planes. Then the Nazis machine-gunned fleeing civilians. Guernica burned for three days and many civilians were killed or injured. By May 1,the news of the massacre reached Paris,where over a milion people protested it.
What's up with you sprite rippers asking for credit? A: A lot of people think that you shouldn't give credit for sprite rips. I'm not one of those people. Ripping is hard (not to mention tedious and boring) work, which is why most people don't do it. By ripping sprites that you might potentially use, I save you a lot of work, so it's only right to give credit. If it helps, think of it this way; the credit is for the effort, not the sprites themselves.
It has been a very busy time for me, not just at work, but at school as well. I have been applying to medical school and have been on 12 trips to interview at different schools. I also took some trips to New York City to go to the opera and to Vegas with friends, as well as to California to visit my family. In California we went whale-watching and saw 6 gray whales!In the summer, I will move away from Philadelphia, where I now live,to whichever school I get into. I have been accepted at 4 so far, so I will need to choose one by May. I will have 4 years of school before I am a doctor. Since I last wrote you, my grandmother died and my grandfather went to the hospital with cancer. It has been very difficult for the family,especially my mother (it is her parents). My grandfather is getting better, though, and they will let him go home soon.
there's different ones as such. the traditional british accent, "the queens english" is posh and southern. there's some really common ones, you'd think they were criminals.
お願いします。最後のyou'd think they were criminalsが どういう意味で言っているのかが分かりません。
He came into possession of all his slaves by marriage ; and of all men, adopted slave-holders are the worst.
At times, he spoke to his slaves with the firmness of Napoleon and the fury of a demon ; at other times, he might well be mistaken for an inquirer who had lost his way.