Very often these ideas from out side Japan ore read as a sort of entertainment – admirable but not practicable in Japan. Of course [the students do attempt to invoke some of the doctrines of Marxism, as they understand {them}. But it is mainly in protest – they have no concrete programme.] Their elders have a good deal of sympathy with these protests against the present system. [They regard {them} as a quite natural outburst before settling in to the inevitable restrictions of the system.] Even at high school, [the son is already sometimes preaching at home some of the ideas which he hears in the student world. His father and grandfather listen to them with a good deal of patience.] Then they say, [‘You know, one has these ideas when one’s young. And somehow, one finds they can’t be applied and then one forgets {them’}.] Quite often this clam reply strikes a little chill into the high – school enthusiasm.
They happened to be of much the same opinion. much the sameで、「ほぼ同じ」という意味ですよね。 確かにofがないと、They are much the same opinionということになってしまい おかしいのは理解できるのですが…。 どういうofの用法(?)か教えていただたらと幸いです。
Do you (if/mind/I/leave/early to) go to the dentist? When December is a few days old, children (to/how many/count/days/begin) until Christmas. Our house has only three (room/garage/but our/rooms/has) for three cars. I ran 10 kilometers today; I (that I/could run/guessed/never/that) far.
I told him (that I/days/had been/Tom/three) before. There are three main conditions (be a member/you must/of you/wish to/satisfy) of the club. Have you (computer/own/got/at/your) home? People (information/to find it/who need/be able/will usually) if they know how to use the Internet.
>>44 candidateは 候補者 が第一義。ほとんど候補者の意味で使われるぞ。 受験生もcandidate candidate for a admission to a 大学 将来病気になりそうな人もcandidate candidate for a heart attack 心臓発作にかかりそうな人。
potential Function: adjective 1: existing in possibility : capable of development into actuality <potential benefits> 2: expressing possibility; specifically : of, relating to, or constituting a verb phrase expressing possibility, liberty, or power by the use of an auxiliary with the infinitive of the verb (as in “it may rain”)
「現代における人間としての意味の喪失に応じて、アイデンティティを奪われた人間による暴力は確実に生まれる。」 が、 the loss of personal meaning in our age ensures a corresponding violence from those who are deprives of their identities.
と書いてあって、from以下は逆に読めば簡単なのですが、"ensures a corresponding violence"が解りません。 ensureがなぜこの位置なのか、correspondingはviolenceの修飾をしていると考えてはなぜいけないのか教えてください。
potential candidate 候補者になりうる人。 You definitely have an edge あなたは明らかに優位に立っているdefinitelyは決定的としても良いかも。 on other potential candidatets. 他の候補者になりうる人に対して the definite article 定冠詞 the
>>62 corresponding(形容詞)はviolenceを修飾をしてる 意味は、(〜に)呼応する、対応する、関係する、伴う、など よって、[the loss of personal meaning in our age]に対応する/に伴うviolence ensuresは言うまでもなく動詞で、確定的なものする、確実なものにする
<解説> 1)put together の put は過去分詞でこれが単元における文法のポイントでしょう。 put together で前の名詞を修飾する後置修飾のパターン。 2)this reading の reading は名詞。動名詞だとするのも問題あり。辞書参照のこと。 3)「come to 状態動詞」で「〜 するようになる」 状態への”変化”を表す表現。 influence は一見状態動詞に思えるが、(広義の)状態動詞である。 ジーニアス英和では[S][D]の表示がなくなってしまった。ジー大英和なら表記あるから 確認してください。 4)style は「文体、表現形式、言葉遣い」
<質問> all other authors は all the other authors ではないですか。 定冠詞は必要だと思うのですが。絶対に・・
To write these characters well calls for much greater dexterity and precision than the western cursive hand, and (there is also a great aesthetic tradition in calligraphy, {which} is as highly regarded as traditional painting.) There have been movements to abolish the characters and substitute an alphabet, but (it would be very difficult {to do this} without changing the language radically. The characters have also turned out to have certain advantages) because (girls trained in {them} in effect receive an advanced training in manual dexterity and pattern recognition.) One reason why Japan could make rapid advance in micro – electronics was that (there was an already partially trained and highly educated labour force which could pick up the method of assembling transistors under microscopes.) Thus the use of the Chinese characters turned out to be a national asset.
( )の中を日本語に また、 { }の中のwhich の先行詞を英語で、do this の内容を日本語で、themが示すものを英語で書きなさい。
I bought a book from a second-hand book shop. The first 22 pages are marked with a highlighter here and there. But the rest of the book is ( ). It is obvious that the original owner gave up at page 22 and sold the book to the book shop.
>>85 { }の中のwhich の先行詞 a great aesthetic tradition in calligraphy do this の内容 abolish the characters and substitute an alphabet 和訳は自分で themが示すもの The characters
Have you (computer/own/got/at/your) home? People (information/to find it/who need/be able/will usually) if they know how to use the Internet. This book provides (to make/and more/your vacation/safer/travel tips) enjoyable.
Give a real world example in which one of he following computational problems appears: sorting, determining the best order for mulitiplying matrices, or finding the convex hull. 全体的に直訳すると意味不な文章になってしまいお手上げですし とくに最後のorから以降は何の繋がりがあるのかすら解りません。 どうかお力を貸して下さい。
>107 これは数学英語だと思うけれど文の構造の問題じゃない。 Give a real world example in which one of the following computational problems appearsで、 次のような計算上の問題の一つが起こる現実世界での例を挙げてみよう、 くらいの意味。 :を挟んで専門用語がつらつらと並んでる。
>>101 all other authors は「自分がこれまでに読んだすべての他の作家」だと思いますが、 the の有無は任意のようです。電子辞書では例文検索できるので、それでちょっと調べました。 特に説明はなかったのですが、例文から少々考えました。 もし、all がなければ the の有無は決定的な意味を持ちます。 other は漠然と他全体の一部分であり、the other なら残り「全部」に必ずなります。 すなわち、other とコロケートする the は常に all の意味を持ちます。 all the other はその意味でredundantになるので the は省略可能になるのでしょう。 以上のように理解しました。
お示しのような差異は other がない場合においての all と the の共起に関する説明になる ことはあると思います。
>>110 〜 than all other (students)みたいな文見たことない? 厳密に言えば、〜 than all the other students in my classのように言うべきなんだけど 必ずしも、そこまで厳密な文章は書かないってことだよ。 >>71の文で言えば、 たとえば、than all the other authors he had ever readのように [he had ever read]を付けるならtheが欲しくなるけど、 all other authorsで十分に意味が通じるから そこまで厳密な文にしてないってことだね。
His years at university will be the second really `free’ period of his life. (The first {such period} came when he was a baby, up to about five years old; during that time he was rarely crossed by his parents. By western standards he was rather spoiled.) Japanese people love children; in a crowded train a man will not get up to give his seat to a woman, but ({he} will get up to give his seat to small children so that they can kneed and look out of the window.) If he passes into a university, (he can expect another period when he will be regarded with tolerance and understanding by the public at large,) until his fourth year when (he will again have to study hard, not so much for the graduation examinations but for the entrance examinations which the big companies themselves hold in order to select their new intake.) He wants to get into a prestige company just as before he wanted to get into a prestige university.
( )の中を日本語に訳し { }内のsuch period の内容を日本語で heが示すものを英語で示しなさい。
(The first {such period} came when he was a baby, up to about five years old; during that time he was rarely crossed by his parents. By western standards he was rather spoiled.) 最初のそういう時期は彼が5歳までのころ両親にほとんど放任されたときに経験した。 西洋的標準ではかれはむしろ甘やかされてダメになっていた。 ({he} will get up to give his seat to small children so that they can kneed and look out of the window.) 彼は立ち上がって小さい子供達に席をゆずり子供達は席に膝立ちして窓の外を見ることが出来る。 (he can expect another period when he will be regarded with tolerance and understanding by the public at large,) 彼は次なる自由である時期を世間の常識から外れてat large世間の寛容と理解から期待することが出来る。 (he will again have to study hard, not so much for the graduation examinations but for the entrance examinations which the big companies themselves hold in order to select their new intake.) 彼は再び大学卒業のためではなく大会社が新入社員を選抜するために実施する入社試験のために勉強することになる。 such period 自由放任の時期 he a man ←は設問が良くないと思われる。
How much longer does it take to get to honolulu? (あとどのくらいでホノルルにつきますか?) この文のtakeの目的語がわからなくて教えてもらったんですがhow muchの部分 だと言われました。でも自分はhowは副詞、muchもlongerも副詞でhow much longerで「どのくらい 長く」という副詞句を作っているようにしか思えません。 どうしてhow muchが目的語になるのかわかりません この文の構造を教えてください。
>>151 辞書を引け。もしくはネット。 研究社英和より 10 〈掛け算する〉 multiply 《4 by 2》【文例】_5 掛ける 3 は 15. Five times three is fifteen. |Five (multiplied) by three make(s) fifteen.|Three fives are fifteen. 《★Five times three is fifteen. は数式では 5×3=15 となる. 掛け算の式の読み方は×を常に times といい, 前が 1 や 0 であっても time とはいわない》_ 3 にいくつを掛けると 24 になるか. What do [must] you multiply 3 by to get 24?1
でもそんなの関係ねぇ!(But it's none of your business!) でもそんなの関係ねぇ!(But it's none of your business!) でもそんなの関係ねぇ!(But it's none of your business!) オッパッピー(Ocean Pacific Peace?)
=We made sure that gate was locked so that no one could come into the gate. 門の中に誰かが入ろうとしても入れないように門がきちんと施錠してあるか確かめた。
so that could come into no one. thatに引っぱられて起こった倒置の一種、古い英語のようにも見える。 一応so thatでは現代英語では倒置しないことになってる けれど、しばしば古い形で使われることもあるんじゃないかな。 英語と同じ起源のスカンジナビアとかオランダ語とかは こういう倒置が今でも普通だったりするし。
The Japanese can look at characters and extract a meaning – 「even if one does not know how to pronounce a character, one may still have a rough idea of what (it)means.」 The characters are generally used in pairs or threes – 「each part has a spread of meaning, but the characters of a group delimit each other so that a precise meaning emerges. If the character for ‘clothes’ is combined in a compound with ‘food’, the meaning is ‘livelihood’.」 We British have a similar but less imaginative compound, ‘bread-and-butter’. Again, ‘sugar’ followed by ‘clothes’ would be ‘sugar – coated’, as a pill. ‘Sugar’ followed by ‘urine’ and ‘disease’ means ‘diabetes’, 「a Japanese who had never seen this compound before would still know that (it) was an illness characterized by sugary urine」 – which is in fact the test for diabetes. 「The bare English word diabetes however conveys nothing to anyone seeing (it) for the first time. In the same way, ‘lightning – spirit’ gives a better idea of electricity than our word.」
10 If you make sure that something is done, you take action so that it is done. Make sure that you follow the instructions carefully... PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR that
11 If you make sure that something is the way that you want or expect it to be, you check that it is that way. He looked in the bathroom to make sure that he was alone... PHRASE: V inflects, usu PHR that
「even if one does not know how to pronounce a character, one may still have a rough idea of what (it)means.」 漢字の読みを知らなくてもおおよその意味を知る事は出来るだろう。 it = a character 「each part has a spread of meaning, but the characters of a group delimit each other so that a precise meaning emerges. If the character for ‘clothes’ is combined in a compound with ‘food’, the meaning is ‘livelihood’.」 一つ一つの文字はいろいろな意味を持つが組み合わされるとお互いに制限し合い正確な意味が決まってくる もし衣服を意味する漢字が食べ物を意味する漢字などと組み合わされると生計の意味になる。 衣食住のことかも
「a Japanese who had never seen this compound before would still know that (it) was an illness characterized by sugary urine」 ? この組み合わせ(糖尿病だろ)を見たことのない日本人でもそれは糖が含まれる尿による病気だと知ることになるだろう。 it=diabetes 略称DB 糖尿病 「The bare English word diabetes however conveys nothing to anyone seeing (it) for the first time. In the same way, ‘lightning ? spirit’ gives a better idea of electricity than our word.」 最初にそのまんま東の英語の言葉diabetesを見ただけでは誰でも同じようには伝達しない。 lightning電光、稲妻spirit気 電気は私たちの言葉electricityよりも良く電気を表している。
@The music of Leonard Bernstein ( ) challenging to musicians. ア.has been and probably will always has been イ.always has and probably will always be ウ.has always and probably always will be エ.has been and probably always will be
1.That watching TV or playing video games too much is bad for our children are well known among many educators.(上智) 【are → is ?】
2.Unskilled writers are usually not aware of the tone they are given their writing.(立教)
3.Since the new management took over the telephone company, profits have risen dramatically. Both the customers and the owners are pleased. Indeed, business has never been best.(慶應)
>>283の答は 1.That watching TV or playing video games too much is bad for our children are→is well known among many educators.(上智) 【are → is ?】 2.Unskilled writers are usually not aware of the tone they are given→give their writing.(立教) 未熟な書き手は書き物の文体、テーマを整えることに 注意をはらわない。 3.Since the new management took over the telephone company, profits have risen dramatically. Both the customers and the owners are pleased. Indeed, business has never削除 been best.(慶應) 実際最善の商売をした。
The usual arranged marriage works like this. [When the parents or daughter decide that it is time to seek a partner, the family will tell all their closest friends and relatives and ask {them} to keep an eye open for a suitable match.] They will bring a photograph of a likely candidate, and eventually someone, probably a friend or relative, or it may be the section head in the prospective bridegroom’s company, [will be elected to act as ‘go – between’, whose responsibility begins when he brings the two together.] He may arrange for a chance meeting at a restaurant, or an accidental meeting at the theatre; [after {this meeting} both sides decide whether they want to continue the acquaintance. {If so}, personal histories are exchanged and then the couple will date and see each other.]
[ ] 内を日本語に訳してください。 { } 内のthemが示すものを英語で書きなさい。 this meetingの内容を日本語で書きなさい。 If soの内容を英語で言い換えなさい。
them all their closest friends and relatives this meeting お見合い if so they want to continue the acquaintance 親や娘が結婚相手を探そうと決めたとき近い友達や親戚に良い相手を探してくれと頼む。 仲人‘go ? between’ 引き合わせたときから責任がある として選ばれる お見合い後交際を始めるかどうか両家で決め、決まったら釣書を交換し二人はデートし会う。
I’ve had a great time with you in this class, but I have to go back to my country. So I thought I’d leave my last message to you, my beloved students. I can’t teach you English anymore, so the message tells you how you should keep working on your own.
First of all, what to do is important, but how much to do is much more important in learning a foreign language. Learning English requires a long time.
But, that doesn’t necessary mean you need more English lessons at school. School is not the only place you can learn English. If motivated, you can learn English anywhere.
If you like TV, why don’t you instead watch English movies? They are full of useful and natural expressions. You can also make friends from other countries on the net and talk with them in English with a microphone or even a web-camera. (That’s how I am learning Japanese, by the way. Email me if you are interested in the Internet language exchange.)
There are many places and chances you can improve your English outside school. School lessons are still important, but that is not enough. If you really master English, you should go out and practice your English.
The last stage in this cycle is L, where we look at what we have done and then done and then decide whether we need to approach the problem again, with a different strategy.
An Example of the IDEAL approach
Let's see how this could be applied to student life. Imagine you are a student who has been spending too much more money. You notice one day that you don't have enough money to pay your rent or your gas and electricity bills. For the first time you understand clearly that you are going to have to manage your money better. you have identified a problem. To define it better, you calculate as precisely as you can the amount of money that you are going to need each month. The amount you have been spending is more than your parents have been giving you. you therefore consider a number of different ways of spending less. This is exploring the problem. After considering the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities, you choose one course of action. You decide to cook for yourself more often, eating dinner at home at least three times a week. This is your action stage. After the first month you look at how successful your strategy has been. Let's imagine that you still don't quite have enough money. In this case you go back to exploring again in order to choose a new action or strategy. Perhaps, in addition to cooking dinner for yourself, you also need to make your own packed lunch each day!
>>358 I’ve had a great time with you in this class, but I have to go back to my country. So I thought I’d leave my last message to you, my beloved students. I can’t teach you English anymore, so the message tells you how you should keep working on your own. このクラスで大変楽しい時を過ごしましたがしかし国に帰らなくてはなりません。 なので愛すべきクラスの皆さんにメッセージを残そうと考えました。私はもう あなた達に英語を教えることは出来ません、ですから今後君たちがどのように英語の勉強を 続けたら良いかの書きます。
First of all, what to do is important, but how much to do is much more important in learning a foreign language. Learning English requires a long time. 最初に勉強することは大事です、しかし外国語を勉強するにはどれだけの量を 勉強するかがもっと大事です。英語を学ぶには長い時間を必要とします。 But, that doesn’t necessary mean you need more English lessons at school. School is not the only place you can learn English. If motivated, you can learn English anywhere. しかしそのことは学校でもっと勉強することをかならずしも意味しません。 学校だけが英語を勉強する場所ではありません。やる気があればどこででも 英語を勉強できます。
If you like TV, why don’t you instead watch English movies? They are full of useful and natural expressions. You can also make friends from other countries on the net and talk with them in English with a microphone or even a web-camera. (That’s how I am learning Japanese, by the way. Email me if you are interested in the Internet language exchange.) もしテレビが好きなら代わりに英語の映画を見ましょう。役に立つ自然な表現がてんこ盛りです。 他所の国の友達とネットをつうじて友達になり英語でマイクを通して又はウエブカメラでテレビ電話さえ出来ます。 (ついでですが私はその方法で日本語を勉強しています。ネット交換語学勉強に興味があったら メールしてください。)
There are many places and chances you can improve your English outside school. School lessons are still important, but that is not enough. If you really master English, you should go out and practice your English. 学校以外にも英語をさらに勉強する場所は沢山あります。 学校の勉強が大事なことは変わりませんが十分ではありません。 英語が本当に出来るようになったら学校を飛び出して英語を使うべきです。
The last stage in this cycle is L, where we look at what we have done and then done and then decide whether we need to approach the problem again, with a different strategy. この流れで最後はLです、今までの結果を見直し、見直し、見直して そして別の方法で問題を再現できるか決めます。 An Example of the IDEAL approach 理想的な再現方法の一つ。 Let's see how this could be applied to student life. Imagine you are a student who has been spending too much more money. You notice one day that you don't have enough money to pay your rent or your gas and electricity bills. For the first time you understand clearly that you are going to have to manage your money better. you have identified a problem. To define it better, you calculate as precisely as you can the amount of money that you are going to need each これを学生生活に当てはめたらどうなるか見よう。あなたが多額の金を使っている学生であるとしよう。 ある日家賃ガス代電気代を払えないことに気がつきます。 初めてもっと良く金を管理しないと逝けないと理解します。問題を見つけたのです。 さらには一ヶ月にどのぐらいの金額が必要か出来るだけ正確に計算します。
The amount you have been spending is more than your parents have been giving you. 一ヶ月に使ってる金額は親の仕送りより多い金額です。 you therefore consider a number of different ways of spending less. そこで出費を減らすいろいろな方法を考えます。 This is exploring the problem. After considering the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities, you choose one course of action. You decide to cook for yourself more often, eating dinner at home at least three times a week. This is your action stage. After the first month you look at how successful your strategy has been. Let's imagine that you still don't quite have enough money. In this case you go back to exploring again in order to choose a new action or strategy. Perhaps, in addition to cooking dinner for yourself, you also need to make your own packed lunch each day!
However,this whole idea was weakened by the fact the Arthur himself,wherever he sat,became the dominant figure and status decreased as the distance from the King increased.
倒置がありそう wherever he sat,became the dominant figure and status decreased as the distance from the King increased. wherever he sat, the dominant figure and status became decreased as the distance from the King increased. どこででも彼がアーサー王が座ると距離が遠くなるにつれ優勢的な姿勢と地位を感じさせなくなる。
円卓の騎士か。 アーサー王は騎士に身分の上下を付けないために150人が座れる円卓を使ったというが 実際はアーサー王に近い席に座るのは身分の高い騎士なんだ。 However,this whole idea was weakened this whole ideaは円卓で上座下座を無くそうとした試みなんだ。
372 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[] 投稿日:2007/12/28(金) 21:36:33 However,this whole idea was weakened by the fact the Arthur himself,wherever he sat,became the dominant figure and status decreased as the distance from the King increased.
What is the nation? In some ways Queen Elizabeth to be queen of Scotland);in others queen of Britain(including Northern Ireland,in theory). すみませんが日本語訳をお願いします。
If the student thought a intelligent and competent,interesting person about history's teacher, It would come to the conclusion due to that he has studied about history.
a intelligent and competent,interesting person は a intelligent, competent and interesting person としたほうがいいでしょうか? come to the conclusion の後にいきなり due to と書いても大丈夫でしょうか?
Therefore the teacher has to belong to both young world and adult.
Gravity pulls on the bullet on its way up with the same force as when it is falling. That's what slows it down so much that it eventually reaches zero speed at the top of its flight before it stars to fall. So,for every second on the way up,gravity's pull slows it by 35 kilometers per hour of speed.
Gravity pulls on the bullet on its way up with the same force as when it is falling. 引力は上に撃った弾の速度を引力で落としているがそれと同じ引力が弾が落ちるときに弾を引っ張る。 That's what slows it down so much that it eventually reaches zero speed at the top of its flight before it starts to fall. 弾の速度がそんなに落ちるのは引力があるからで実際に落ち始める前には弾の速度はゼロに達する。 だから弾を上に撃ったとき一秒毎に時速35キロメートル分の速度が落ちている。
で、問題は(1)は和訳、(2)、(3)は英訳問題でいいんだよね? (1)典型的なSVOC型の構文。this=difficult 「これ」は文の中の 何かの内容を指してるんだと思うけれど、ほんとにただの「これ」の意味しかない。 訳は「多くの教師はこれを行うのは難しいと考えた」 417さんの言う一つの文というのはconsiderのSVO型のことかな。 Many teachers consider that this is very difficult to do. こうしても意味は同じ。
(2)は、先生の役割を言ってるんだよね。だとすると S=The first role of the teacher V=is C=to tell the students how to use knowledge acquired in the classroom for their own life.
参考訳 What the teacher should do at first is to teach the students how to make use of what they have learned in the classroom for their own life.
(3)思わせるの部分で使役のhave,make,get( to do)を使う。 There are some ways to make the students think that the subject is important and useful.
(4) どうも仮定法が頭にあるようだがここでは不要。If 現在形, 未来系のwillでいいよ。 Aで、Bで、Cは必ずA,B,and C 〜のお陰(良い意味で)はbecause of, thanks toも使うといいよ
If a student think that his history teacher is an intelligent, competent, and interesting person, he will come to the conclusion that it is because of the fact that he has studied about history.
(5) Therefore a teacher has to belong both to the young world and to the adult world.
を見て どうしてbelong to both 〜 じゃなくて、blong both to 〜 という順番になるのでしょうか? ここをいくら考えても分かりません。。
(4) he will come to the conclusion that it is because of the fact that he has studied about history.
come to the conclusion that は 〜という結論に達する、という意味だと教わったんです それで、人を主語にすると、彼は〜という結論に達する、となりますよね? この文章の場合、「それは彼が歴史の研究をしたおかげだ、 と結論付けるだろう。」だから それ(it)が結論づけていて、歴史の教師が結論付けているわけじゃないと思うんですが、 どうして、歴史の教師(he)を主語に出来るのかがよく分かりません。 えーと、私もちょっと考えがまとまらず、分かりづらい文章になってしまっていて、すみません。 この文章で、もうひとつ質問があるんですが、 it is because of の it is は絶対に書かなければいけないんでしょうか? それと、it is because of the fact that he has studied about history は SVOでしょうか? それだとitは必要ですよね。
In 1969 there was an elaborate and invented ‘traditional’cer-emony to make Prince Charles Prince of Wales, to show that the queen was queen of wales. どなたか日本語訳お願い致します。
>A as well as B と言う表現がよく使われます。 >これは、ほとんどの辞書では「Bと同様にAも」「BのみならずAも」と後ろから訳すやり方しか載っていないのですが、 >現代の実際の英語では「AならびにB」「Aと同様にBも」と前から訳す方が適切な場合が圧倒的に多いのです。 >ドイツ語の sowohl als、フランス語の aussi bien que と形も意味も同じです。 >ところが独仏語の辞書には昔から前から訳す訳し方が出ているのに、何故か英語の辞書には出ていないのです。 >これは and の強調形と見なすことができます。 >かつ and とは違って as well as の前後には通常は修飾関係が及ばないので、これを使うと修飾範囲を明確にすることができます。
The queen is also queen of Canada,Australia and New Zealand, as well as head of the Commonwealth. 480) 女王はまたカナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドの女王でもあり、同時に英連邦の首長でもある。 493) 女王は英連邦の首長であるだけでなく、カナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドの女王で も ある。
>>525 In 1969 there was an elaborate and invented ‘traditional’cer-emony to make Prince Charles Prince of Wales, to show that the queen was queen of wales. これが効いてる。
>>515 「だけでなく」は、この場合、ちょっと、強調しすぎかもしれませんね。 The queen is also queen of Canada,Australia and New Zealand, as well as head of the Commonwealth. 480) 女王はまたカナダ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドの女王でもあり、同時に英連邦の元首でもある。 の方が、さらっとしてて、as well as の付け足し感がよく出てるような気がします。なんとなく。
It seems likely that the links with the former dominions will end with Elizabeth,and that this will cause few problem;certainly Charles seems comfortable about the end-ing of Britain far from London. 申し訳ないのですが、日本語訳にどなたか、お願いします。
Therefore a teacher has to belong both to the young world and to the adult world. Therefore a teacher has to belong to both the young world and the adult world. だと思うよ。bothを特に強調したいならbelongのすぐ後ろに来るのかも。 音読するときはbothを強く読むよ。
It seems likely that the links with the former dominions will end with Elizabeth, 以前のような連携した支配はElizabeth女王で多分おわるだろう、 and that this will cause few problem; そしてこれは大した問題でない certainly Charles seems comfortable about the end-ing of Britain far from London. 確かにチャールス皇太子はロンドンを遠く離れた場所で大英帝国の終焉を喜んでいるように見える。
>>570 安心しました。 あと、背景知識がないので英連邦の長だった事実を知りませんでした。 >>571 はい。えっと、自分はその形は見えませんでした。 Connected with thisで、ああ前文の事かと思い is the fact thatだったので、the factの説明に入ったのかと思いました thisが旧情報なので倒置が起きてるのですかね? 気づかなかったので勉強になりました。
The monarch or heir to the throne may not marry a Catholic(the Catholic Church insists that in a mixed marriage the children must become Catholics),and it would be unthinkable to marry a Jew,Muslim, Hindu or Sikh. すみませんが日本語訳にどなたかお願い致します。
The monarch or heir to the throne may not marry a Catholic 王や王位継承者はカソリック教徒とは結婚することは無いだろう (the Catholic Church insists that in a mixed marriage the children must become Catholics), (カソリック教会は他宗教と結婚して出来た子供はカソリック教徒にならなければいけないと言ってる。) and it would be unthinkable to marry a Jew,Muslim, Hindu or Sikh. そしてユダヤ教教徒、回教教徒、ヒンズー教教徒すなわちシーク教教徒との結婚は考えられない事だ。
A is to B what C is to D. AとBとの関係は、CとDとの関係に等しい となるそうなんですが、どういった思考の流れでそういう訳になるのでしょうか? is toって何だろう、whatって何だろうといったようにまるでわかりません。 教師に聞いたら、丸暗記しかないよと言われました。 そんなばかな!と思い、気になって質問させていただきました よろしくお願いします。
This narrowness,where the monarch represents white English Anglicans,is increasingly re-garded as outdated in a multiethnic,multi-religious society(as Charles himself has noted). 大変申し訳ありませんが、この意味が分からないので日本語訳をお願いします。
>>603 数式に見えてきて大変混乱してきました。 (A is to B) is (what C is to D) 本来の形はこういうことですかね。 最初の括弧だけとると、AがBに対してあること。と訳すんでしょうか? そして、Whatは関係代名詞とのことなので本質が見えてきましたが、 どこに先行詞が入るんでしょうか?
Four – fifths of Japan is uninhabitable mountains, @[ so that 108 million people have to live, manufacture, and grow their food in an area about the size of the Irish Republic.] A[And not only thickened, but changed, and changed again. Working in timber rather than stone or brick, the Japanese have never built to last.] Then nearly half of Tokyo was reduced to ashes in the great earthquake of 1923, andB[well over half if it destroyed again in the fire – raids carried out by the Americans in 1945.] Hide Ishiguro, a philosopher at London University, who had been back to Japan for only two short visits in the last five years, C[was constantly astonished as she showed me round Tokyo by the sight of new buildings, and baffled by miles of new subway line. The population has increased by half since the war, and shifted like sand;] the great majority of Tokyo’s inhabitants were born elsewhere.
>>640 きっと、この部分が読み取れずに苦労したんだろう。 what it takes away こういう使い方(名詞節と言うのだろうか)を、この際に覚えておいてしまおう。 what you need to say, why he came here, how it goesなどなど、 こういうのは英語の中にいくらでも出てくるから。
The bird leaves us for some warm place every winter. →Where does that (bird) leave us every winter? 普通の表現なら 鳥は、毎年冬になると私たちの元から暖かい場所に去っていく。 →鳥は毎年冬になると私たちの元からどこに行くのでしょう? ←となるはず。 Where does that (bird) leave us every winter? ←何か足りないだろ。
To meet the need for water,we must take whatever steps are necessary 水の需要を満たすため、私たちはあらゆる必要な手段を講じなければならない。 長文の結論です。we 〜 necessary までの構造がよくわかりません。 解説には、関係形容詞とあります。 構造メインに解説していただけないでしょうか、お願いします。
>>668 >whichかthatが入ってstepsを先行詞に取るという解釈であってますか? いいえ、 whatever は what と同じで先行詞を含んでいます。 つまり、 "whatever steps are necessary" は "no matter what steps are necessary" と同じで which や that が省略されているわけではありません。
To make matters worse, ↑イディオム さらに悪いことには the Royal Family その王家の家族 ←文意把握でいいならこれでおk 正確には王族かな has been involved in〜 現在完了 〜に巻き込まれてきた(時間軸的に、過去から継続的(文脈で経験的にかも)に今まで) a series of scandals. 一連のスキャンダルに
Politically the monarchy stands at the head of a remarkably old-fashioned system. 政治的に(考えると)その君主政治は並外れて時代遅れな制度の代表を示している。 headの訳し方が、文脈無いから微妙。 前後にheadの正しい訳があればそれに変更するといい。
>>693 leaveには「残す(残して去る)」と「去る」の2つの意味があって、 The bird leaves us for some warm place every winter.は 2つの意味を同時に含めているんだよね。 Where does that (bird) leave us every winter? では「残す」の意味にしか取れない。 どうしても「鳥は毎年冬になると私たちの元からどこに行くのでしょう?」という意味にしたいなら For where does that (bird) leave us every winter?
>>696のこれ、ごめん、訂正。 これじゃ超無理やりな変な英語になってる。 > どうしても「鳥は毎年冬になると私たちの元からどこに行くのでしょう?」という意味にしたいなら > For where does that (bird) leave us every winter? これじゃなくて、Where does that (bird) go leaving us every winter?
It seems likely that the links with the former dominious will end with Elizabeth,and that this will cause few problems;certainly Charles seems comfortable about the end-ing of such links. すみませんが訳お願いします。
Four – fifths of Japan is uninhabitable mountains, @[ so that 108 million people have to live, manufacture, and grow their food in an area about the size of the Irish Republic.] A[And not only thickened, but changed, and changed again. Working in timber rather than stone or brick, the Japanese have never built to last.] Then nearly half of Tokyo was reduced to ashes in the great earthquake of 1923, andB[well over half of it destroyed again in the fire – raids carried out by the Americans in 1945.] Hide Ishiguro, a philosopher at London University, who had been back to Japan for only two short visits in the last five years, C[was constantly astonished as she showed me round Tokyo by the sight of new buildings, and baffled by miles of new subway line. The population has increased by half since the war, and shifted like sand;] the great majority of Tokyo’s inhabitants were born elsewhere.
1 だから一億八百万人の国民は製造業で生きねばならずアイルランド共和国ほどの面積で 食べ物を作らないといけない。 2 (人口)密度が上がっただけでなく変化に変化を重ねた、石や煉瓦でなく木材で家を作ったので 日本人は長持ちする家を全く作らなかった。 3 確実に半分以上の家がにっくきアメリカの1945年の空襲、焼夷弾で焼かれた。 4 石黒ひでは彼女に東京の新しいビルディングの光景を見せられ何マイルにも及ぶ 新しい地下鉄線に惑わされて驚き続けた as she showed meをhimに読み替えた折れはヘタレ round Tokyo 108 one hundred and eight 1945 nineteen fortyfive
As you can see tell by putting your hand out the windows of a moving car, the faster you go,the more the air tries to hold you back. ↑すいません、この意味を教えてください。 テーマは速さ・弾丸・重力について
研究社英和より [遺憾・驚きなどを表わす主節に続く that 節,または I'm surprised,I regret などに続く that 節 に用いて] …する(のは,とは) 《★【用法】 現在では should を用いず直説法が用いられることが多い》. _It's a pity that he should miss such a golden opportunity. 彼がこういう絶好の機会を逃すのは惜しいことだ_ 引用終わり 逃すとしたら とは書いてない。辞書は表現を吟味すると思う。
She introduced me to an executive in a pharmaceutical company who worked from nine to six, Five days a week. 「His firm was just going over to a system whereby office staff put in {160} hours a month arranged in any way they chose.」 But 「a Swedish woman I met in Kyoto. {Who} had lived in Japan for a number of years, and worked in the offices of Japanese companies (she spoke fluent Japanese) was very vehement about the effect which ‘the company’ had on life for its employees.」 ‘The effect?’ she cried. ‘The company is life! And the real slave of the company is the boss. He has to work ling hours – till nine, till ten – and 「the system is that no one else feels able to leave before {he} does. Men feel that they have to demonstrate their strength by working until they drop.」And sometimes that happens. 「Every now and then in he office where I was working, late in the evening, a man would literally collapse and have to be taken home.’」
「 」のなかを日本語にしなさい。 { }の中の160の読み方を英語で また who の先行詞を英語でheが示すものを英語で書きなさい。
>>777 おいおい嘘教えるなよ neitherは接続詞だ He lent me two books, neither I have read of( ) これが本来の(?)形。これならthemでもおk あなたが書いた英文はwhichの関係代名詞によりofが前に引っ張られてきてる形 だからthemだとつじつま合わないから、which
>>779 neither は代名詞。 接続詞じゃない。 He lent me two books. I have read neither of them. の2文を (非限定用法で)ひとつにすると He lent me two books, neither of which I have read. になる。
Herbert looked at me with his eyes popping. I hunched up so I could see the back floor. Nothing. Just a little wetness where her feet had been. “Where'd she get out?”I wondered. But we both knew there was no way for her. Both of us looked at the rear windows. They were closed, as they had been. We hurried toward the house. The door had a name on it:J.R.Bullard. It was opened by a man about fifty years old. “Excuse me,”Herbert said,“But there seems to be some mystery. You see,your daughter―” “Daughter?”said the man. “Why,we don't have a daughter.” A small woman now stood at his side. “We did have a daughter,”she said. “But Carol is dead. She was buried in Calhoun Cemetery four months ago.” We both knew Calhoun Cemetery. It was on the Vermont side of the river. 訳よろしくお願いしますm(__)m
>>774 「His firm was just going over to a system whereby office staff put in {160} hours a month arranged in any way they choose.」 彼の工場は自分で働く時刻を選べる月間160時間労働制をとっている。 a Swedish woman I met in Kyoto. {Who} had lived in Japan for a number of years, and worked in the offices of Japanese companies (she spoke fluent Japanese) was very vehement about the effect which ‘the company’ had on life for its employees.」 私が京都であった日本で何年も住んでいて日本の会社で働いていたスエーデンの女性は (流ちょうな日本語を話した)日本の会社が従業員の人生に及ぼす影響について とても驚いていた。 「Every now and then in his office where I was working, late in the evening, a man would literally collapse and have to be taken home.’」 時々私がいた彼の会社では夜遅く社員が文字通り倒れて家に運ばれた。 160 one hundred and sixty Who a Swedenish woman he the boss
補語とは主語とイコールの関係にあるものだと習いました。 I am a doctor.やShe looks cute.はI=a doctor,She=cute だと理解できましたが、He becomes a teacher.はよくわかりません。 これからa teacherになるのだからイコールの関係にはならないと思うのです。
>>799 良い質問かもしれない。以下研究社英和より受け売り。 これからなる予定の場合はbecomeを使わない。beを使う。 He becomes a teacher.はすでに先生になってる。からHeは先生。 He will become a teacher.とは言わない。 He wants to be a teacher. He will be a teacher.
>>828みなさんの色々な意見から becameは単純過去、昔先生になった、今はどうだかわからない。 becomeは現在完了っぽい感じ。 今からそんなに遠くない過去に先生になって今も先生。 だと私は解釈しましたが、どうでしょうか。 そうするとHe become a doctor. He=doctorも納得できるからです。
>>858 それでわかるなら最初から質問していませんが。 he becomes a teacherがなんで文として成立しないのかが理解できない それに、もしこんなあまりにも一般的な英文が成立しないとしたら 教師から、中学、高校の間で詳細な説明を受けていないのが納得いきません。 少なくとも私は説明を受けていません。
>>878 見てたら最初は、 He becomes a teacer.は「彼は教師になった」という意味だとか He will become a teacer.とは言えないとか、 次には、 He becomes a teacer.は完全な非文だとか、、、 そもそもは単純な問題なのに変な勘違いさんが乱入してきて 中高生を混乱させてるだけなんだけどね。
英語を多く読めば良いんだよ。前後の関係から意味が決まってくる。 He becomes a teacherだってHeがそれまで学生だったとか他の職業であったのが あるときHe becomes a teacherだったら先生になったんだよ。 We have scarcely any time left before we start. 出発までの日程などがわかっていれば意味をとりやすい。
>>916 He reads novels.だけなら習慣を思わせるけど、 (たとえば「彼は小説読む人だよ」のように) OK, I read them tomorrow.なんて言ったら 「わかった。明日読むよ」というような感じになるわけで 具体的にどういう意味になるかは言葉の選択や状況や文脈次第なんだよね。
Rep. Shinzo Abe(安倍晋三)(1954/09/21-) is our hope on Japanese conservative web. On Sep. 20, he got elected the president of LDP and he becomes the first and youngest prime minister born after the war.
小姫 の発言: yes, if i say, i will say "he will be a teacher" うん、もし私が彼は先生になるだろう。というとすれば・・・ um...maybe i know his meaning うーん、たぶん私は彼の意図がわかる become something means that is not happen at now 何かになるってことは、今そうなるって事じゃないからね so, must "will" before the "become" だから、becomeの前にwillは必要なのよ。
will be a teacherはwill become a teacher と言ってるのですね、彼女は。 それはみんなもわかってると思うんだ。
he is a teacherがhe becomes a teacherになるかが問題って事だよね? それを彼女に聞こうとした所、彼女の恋の相談の話になったので 聞けませんでした。結局落ちちゃったよ。
まぁネイティブが違和感あるって言うんだから 未来の事を言うならwill become 現在の状況表すなら he is a teacherでいいんじゃないか?
Think of the difficulty a lot of English children have in mastering the 26 characters of the Latin alphabet, and then look at what a Japanese child faces. @[The Ministry of Education has standardized a selection of some {1,900} ideograms (out of about {20,000}) for everyday use, of which more than {800} have to be learnt in elementary school.] A[‘But don’t be fooled by all those claims you hear about universal literacy,’ said a New Zealander who spoke fluent Japanese himself.] ‘The average housewife can remember only about 900 kanji.’B[I put [this] thesis to various Japanese, and they all denied it sharply.] But even highly – educated friends agreed that they would need a dictionary to read a 19th – century novel, and C[Miss Ishiguro was shocked to find that people on the subways were no longer reading books, as [they] did a few years ago, but stories told in comic strip form.] She blamed television. I secretly sympathized with them.
Think of the difficulty a lot of English children have in mastering the 26 characters of the Latin alphabet, and then look at what a Japanese child faces. @[The Ministry of Education has standardized a selection of some {1,900} ideograms (out of about {20,000}) for everyday use, of which more than {800} have to be learnt in elementary school.] A[‘But don’t be fooled by all those claims you hear about universal literacy,’ said a New Zealander who spoke fluent Japanese himself.] ‘The average housewife can remember only about 900 kanji.’B[I put [this] thesis to various Japanese, and they all denied it sharply.] But even highly – educated friends agreed that they would need a dictionary to read a 19th – century novel, and C[Miss Ishiguro was shocked to find that people on the subways were no longer reading books, as [they] did a few years ago, but stories told in comic strip form.] She blamed television. I secretly sympathized with them.