ここでのregimeは、 「2 a: mode of--,b: a form of」の意で、 「c: a government in power」ではない。(Merriam-Webster's Collegiate) 普通に用いられて当然。 "post-2012 climate regime"も"nuclear non-proliferation regime"も、 a goverment ではなく、mode of,a from ofを表している。
用例と語義を混同している好例だな。語義と呼べるのは 1 a のみだな。>>963のregimeをdemocracyに変えて遊ぶ。 ------------------- W3 democracy 1 a : government by the people : rule of the majority ・・・・ 5 : political, social, or economic equality : the absence or disavowal of hereditary or arbitrary class distinctions or privileges 6 : a state of society characterized by tolerance toward minorities, freedom of expression, and respect for the essential dignity and worth of the human individual with equal opportunity for each to develop freely to his fullest capacity in a cooperative community
American Heritage Dictionaryも同様にへんな偏見や先入観を植え付けるような定義載せてる。 democracy 5 The principles of social equality and respect for the individual within a community. --------------------
LDOCEの regim @の定義にあたる MWc,(W3)の regim の定義 goverment in power の power を、MWc,W3で引く、 power の定義にある authority を、MWc,W3で引く、authority の定義にある sovereign を、MWc,W3で引く、 authority の定義にある obedience も、MWc,W3で引く、ついでに authoritarian も、MWc,W3で引いてその定義をみる。fair、disapprove の定義もみる。
LDOCEの@a government・・・「not elected fairly」、「disapprove of for some other reason」は、"goverment "in power"という定義、語感の、 >power、authority、sovereign、authoritarian、obedience等の定義に通じている。他の学習英英辞典も同じ。
"goverment in power" の意味で、 MWc,W3などの power、authority、sovereign、authoritarian、obedience、fair、disapproveなどの定義と、 LDOCEの"@a government・・・「not elected fairly」"、"disapprove of for some other reason"という定義とつきあわせてみればいい。
あと、こういう2,3という当たり前のことが全然頭にないんじゃないか。 LDOCE ■regime 1 a government, especially one that was not elected fairly or that you disapprove of for some other reason 2.--- 3.---
>>956 W3持ってるなら、 "goverment in power" の意味で、MWc,W3などの power、authority、sovereign、authoritarian、obedience、fair、disapproveなどの定義を、残りスレにでもあげてくれ。
Webster Unabridged III 1 a : REGIMEN 1 b : a regular pattern of occurrence or action (as of seasonal rainfall) 2 a : a method of ruling or management : a manner of administration b : a form of government or administration *totalitarian regime*; specifically : a governmental or social system *Nazi regime* c : the period during which a regime prevails 3 : the condition of a river with respect to the rate of its flow as measured by the volume of water passing different cross sections in a given time 4 : a fruiting cluster of the African oil palm
Webster New World 1. a) a form of government or rule; political system b) a particular administration or government 2. a social system or order 3. the period of time that a person or system is in power
Random House Unabridged 1. a mode or system of rule or government: a dictatorial regime. 2. a ruling or prevailing system. 3. a government in power. 4. the period during which a particular government or ruling system is in power. 5. Medicine/Medical. regimen (def. 1).
American Heritage 4th 1. 1. A form of government: a fascist regime. 2. A government in power; administration: suffered under the new regime. 2. A prevailing social system or pattern. 3. The period during which a particular administration or system prevails. 4. A regulated system, as of diet and exercise; a regimen.
OED 語義のみ regime 1. = regimen 2. 2. a. A manner, method, or system of rule or government; a system or institution having widespread influence or prevalence. Now freq. applied disparagingly to a particular government or administration. b. spec. in phr. the ancient, or old, regime (tr. F. l'ancien regime), the system of government in France before the Revolution of 1789. Also transf., the old system or style of things. 3. Physical Geogr. a. The condition of a watercourse with regard to changes that may be occurring in its form or bed and the possibility of an equilibrium in which there is neither erosion nor deposition; = regimen 5. b. The condition of a body of water with regard to the rates at which water enters and leaves it. 4. The set of conditions under which a system occurs or is maintained.
2. a. A manner, method, or system of rule or government; a system or institution having widespread influence or prevalence. Now freq. applied disparagingly to a particular government or administration. b. spec. in phr. the ancient, or old, regime (tr. F. l'ancien regime), the system of government in France before the Revolution of 1789. Also transf., the old system or style of things.