The cut points for the neuropsychological tests were higher for the determination of mild cognitive impairments than for dementia;e.g, a score of five or less on delayed word recall was considered impaired for mild cognitive impairement,compared to a score of four or less for dementia.
Please be aware that items in this order may be subject to California's Electronic Waste Recycling Act. If any items in this order are subject to that Act, the seller of that item has elected to pay any fees due on your behalf.
this week I have millitary exersice no time for play but when I`m finhised me would tike to play lostplanet again. hope to see you too .till then have fun!!!!
質問スレで文法事項を聞きましたけど、訳すとなるとなかなか言っていることがわからないので 「」部の訳お願いします。東大テキストThe Universe of Englishより。高校で使ってます。 前文省略 Harold teen was a comic-strip character whose life was supposed to echo middle-class white kids' experiences, and it is illuminating to note that although his creators used the word teen, his behavior was that of an older child. 「He had his pals, but any dating or other relating to the opposite sex was reserved for his older sister.」 At least this was the case early in his career; but 中略 As the rise of the middele class made a college a possibility for increasing numbers of young people, childhood extended even longer. 「Kids were "teens" right through their college years, and the sociological limbo they inhabited, as neither adult nor child, neither mature nor kidlike, was not really recognized as such by anyone besides the teens themselves.」 What was dawning --- although it wouldn't really arrive until the 1950s --- was 「a sense of a separate teenage identity, with teen idols, like frank sinatra, and teen fads, like writing silly slogans on the outside of a beat-up car.」 お願いします。
よろしければこちらの英文もよろしくお願いします。 ご返信心よりお待ちしております。 While such healthier options have helped boost sales in developed markets, the biggest growth prospects lie in Asia, where the ice cream business is set to increase by double digits over the next five years. Total revenue from the Asia Pacific region reached $11.6 billion last year, with $3.7 billion in China alone.
>>31 「He had his pals, but any dating or other relating to the opposite sex was reserved for his older sister.」 彼に友だちはいたが、異性とのデートや交際はもっぱら彼の姉たちの専有事項だった。 「Kids were "teens" right through their college years, and the sociological limbo they inhabited, as neither adult nor child, neither mature nor kidlike, was not really recognized as such by anyone besides the teens themselves.」 子供たちは大学時代を通じて「十代の少年少女」のままだった。しかも 彼らが生息している社会学的中間地帯は, 大人のものでも子供のものでもなく、成熟したものでも幼稚なものでもなく、 彼ら自身以外の誰にもそのようなもの(中間地帯)としては認識されることのないものだった。 「a sense of a separate teenage identity, with teen idols, like frank sinatra, and teen fads, like writing silly slogans on the outside of a beat-up car.」 フランクシナトラといったティーンたちのアイドルがいて、ポンコツ車にばかげたスローガンを描いて浮かれ騒ぐような 独自の十代のアイデンティティ感覚(が到来しつつあった。)
「」部の訳お願いします。東大テキストThe Universe of English, Teenage Nationの最終段落(締めの部分)より。 高校で使ってます。ほとんどの生徒がわかりません。 It should be noted that these figures overwhelmingly apply to the middle classes, especially the children of the baby boom, growing up in the newly developed suburbs where their parents had purchased homes with GI loans. 「But youth would become the message of the advertisers, edging out that old standby, sophistication. Pepsi would be "for those who think young,"」 and after older adults stopped smoking during the first wave of reports liking cigarettes and lung cancer, tobacco companies would aim their advertising squarely at youth, causing a huge upsurge in teenage smoking. 「America would suffer its first wave of youth mania;」 although no figures exist to show how much teen taste steered the economy toward some trends and away from others, there is absolutely no question of its influence. お願いします。
>>41 「But youth would become the message of the advertisers, edging out that old standby, sophistication. Pepsi would be "for those who think young,"」 しかしやがて"若さ"というものが広告主たちのテーマとなり、 それまで根強い人気を誇っていた”大人っぽさ”というものを次第に駆逐していくことになる。
「America would suffer its first wave of youth mania;」 アメリカに”若さへの熱狂”の第一波が押し寄せようとしていた。
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 so I'll still be alone at some time, and it's what I'd really like, to be on my own, with the people I know in Japan, because I wouldn't like to be really alone alone!! I'd like to meet new people too, but I'm really bad at this, to meet new people, even in USA ^^
I'll take you to Korea in summer, so that my visa will have 3 more months of ability to be on the japanese floor hihihi Nooo I'm kidding, but it's a possibility I read, it must be quite nice!!
"The craving for recognition has grown to be more powerful than any other force abroad today," Berlin continued. "It is no longer economic insecurity or political impotence that oppresses the imaginations of many young people in the West today, but a sense of the ambivalence of their social status -- doubts about where they belong, and where they wish or deserve to belong."
「」の部分の訳お願いします。 S: Excuse me. Can you direct me to the nearest subway station? T: Sorry, I am a stranger here myself. I am afraid I can't help you. S: Thanks anyway. S (to another): Pardon me. Is there a subway station near here? P: Yes, which line do you want? S: I don't know. I want to get to Central Station. P: Then you should take the BMT line. 「For that station, turn right at the bank and walk on the right to the second cross street. You will find the entrance on the near side of the street as you approach the corner.」 S: I see. Thanks a lot. P: Anytime.
you can be quite idealistic, and sure of what you want. in fact, you take a lot of pride in what you do, despite your crazy exterior. you have many ambitions and things that you want to do, but you are not over-ambitious. rather, you take interests in many things for the experience. you have many friends, but very few whom you consider really close and know you well. perhaps only a handful? when faced with problems, you can get quite
Goodwill, the final item on the asset side, has a special meaning in accounting. It arises when one company buys another company and pays more than the value of its assets. If XYZ Company bought ABC Company for $1,663,000, and ABC Company's assets (after subtracting its liabilities) had a value of $1,000,000, XYZ Company would record the asset goodwill, at $663.
As indicated by the first term under noncurrent assets in Exhibit 1, the usual name for tangible, noncurrent assets is property, plant, and equipment. Because they are noncurrent, we know that these assets are expected to be used in the entity for more than one year.
your year ahead will be determined when it comes to cash though you will be less focussed on finances after the years' end. You will be sorting out longer term plans with helpful advice from loyal, trusted friends and team mates. Loved ones will be unpredictable, constantly changing their minds. Try to tread gently at home with the family since the mood there will be easy to misinterpret. Your words will carry weight in the right places.
The images are so detailed you can sometimes tell whether a hedge was recently trimmed or get a good look at cars parked on the street.
Daniel DeConinck, an engineer and entrepreneur living in Toronto, used Google's site to find an accountant close to his house, and has since used it to scout out nearby bicycle shops and computer retailers.
「」部の訳お願いします。 Once teenagers realized that they constituted a bloc and that the money they were spending could change the goods available to them, they began influencing the marketplace heavily. 「Before the war, the years between twelve and sixteen were known to mothers of girls as the awkward years, because the girls' maturing bodies and the childish clothes they were expected to wear were so clearly out of phase. With the rise of the teenager, girls got what they demanded: clothes that were uniquely teen, from the same designers who were making clothes for older women or from designers who specialized in teen-only fashins.」
お願いします。 He asked study participants to pick between a sure loss (insurance premium) versus a risky option that had a small probability of a significant loss.
「」部の訳おねがいします。 The fact is that there is no more honest fruit than the orange. If it is going bad, it begins to go bad from the outside. It is no hypocrite like the pear. How many a pear which presents a blooming face to the world is rotten at the core! How many an innocent looking apple is harboring a worm in its heart! But the orange is so forthright that it has no secret faults. Its outside is a mirror of the inside, and 「if you are quick you can tell the shopman so before he slips it into the bag.」
The round of the village having been made in this manner,the monkey or rat is led to the outskirts of the village,killed by a blow of a DAO,which disembowels it,and then crucified on bamboos set up in the ground. Round the crucified animal long,sharp bamboo stakes are placed,which form chevaux de frise round about it.
・It's your decision=The correct decision should be obvious by now ・Hang the picture there=NO,I mean hang it there! ・All we're going to buy is a soup dish =It goes without saying that we're stopping at the cosmetics department, the shoe department, I need to look at a few purses, and those sheets would look great in the bedroom and did you bring your checkbook?
Hello, want to be friends? I'm looking for native japanese speakers. I think we(At least I) can learn much from eachother(You). Please let me know what you think and your answer.
In 1939, Lise Meitner, anorher German refugee physicist, split the uranium atom, a process which was capable of generating great energy. It had been his letter to the president that marked the beginning of the Manhattan Project, which led to the development of the atomic bomb. It is an absolute historical irony that the first atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not on Nazi Germany as Einstein had expected. We can conclude that Einstein's identity as a Jew drove him to hate Nazi Germany and urged him to support completion of the atomic bomb. どうかよろしくお願いいたします。
She is the mother of seven children when she first became involved in the long and difficult effort to win rights for farm workers. "I had no money and no child support,so you can imagine the criticism I received to quit my job as a teacher and go out to organize farm workers,"she told me. "People thought I was crazy.But that's the kind of sacrifice it takes,and I never regret that for one single day." Here's how she explained it: お願いします
It's not my aim here to attack Searle in detail(that would take a whole dreary chapter),but to point out how widespread is the tacit assumption that the level of the most primordial physical components of a brain must also be the level at which the brain's most complex and elusive mental properties reside.
From the viewpoint of water demand and supply balance all main rivers in the Region will constitute a single system spanning the prefecture of B and C,if A system is implemented.
・It's your decision=The correct decision should be obvious by now あなたが決めて良いわよ=何が正しいかはもう明らかよね。 ・Hang the picture there=NO,I mean hang it there! この写真そこにかけておいて=違うってば。あたしは「そこ」っていったの (やってから文句言うってことでしょうね) ・All we're going to buy is a soup dish =It goes without saying that we're stopping at the cosmetics department, the shoe department, I need to look at a few purses, and those sheets would look great in the bedroom and did you bring your checkbook? 何が必要ってスープ皿を買うだけよ。 =言うまでもないんだけど、化粧品コーナーと靴売り場にも立ち寄るわよ。 お財布も見たいわね。このシーツは私たちのベッドルームにも合うと思わない? あなた、チェックブック(小切手帳)持ってきた? (最後の文は日本だったら、今日カード持ってる?現金の持ち合わせある?、みたいな感じでしょう)
>>139 decision は具体的行為としての決定、決断で、それに your がついています。 過去か現在かは文法的にはわかりませんが、要するに「その決定はあなたの決定」という意味です。 should be obvious by now という文句にはかなり強い気持ちがこもっているように思います。 もういいかげん何が正しい決断かはわかりそうなものだ、という感じではないですか?
He developed various responses to these problems in the great works of his early maturity, ranging from the coiled spring that briefly masquerades as the lyric second theme in the first movement of the Octet op.20.
He developed various responses to these problems in the great works of his early maturity, ranging from the coiled spring that briefly masquerades as the lyric second theme in the first movement of the Octet op.20, to the magnificent seascape second theme of the Hebrides Overture op.26.
Galileo also helped to remove one of the obstructions to the idea of the rotation of the earth by the brilliant way in which he expounded the argument that if the earth rotated everything on the surface, including the air, would rotate with it, and so would leave one with the impression of being at rest ; just as everything moves together in the cabin of a moving ship, in such a way that you imagine it to be still.
@I truly believe that,given the stability of the japanese workplace,and the japanese concern for human relations,the influx of women into business could make japan a model industrial society.
There would be no need to worry about the future;why should growth end or japan lose its position in the economic world if the country's resources areused efficiently. 翻訳お願いします。
In deciding to use this bomb I wanted to make sure that it would be used as a weapon of war in the manner prescribed by the laws of war. That meant that I wanted it dropped as nearly as possibly upon a war production center of prime military importance.
Just as many aspects of a mineral(its density,its color,its magnetism or lack thereof,its optical reflectivity, its thermal and electrical conductivity,its elasticity,its heat capacity,how fast sound spreads through it, and on and on)are properties that come from how its billions of atomic constituents interact and from high-level patterns,so mental properties of the brain reside not on the level of a single tiny constituent but on the level of vast abstract patterns involving those constituents.
I believe that people who are organizers are the transformers of the world. It starts from the bottom up,with transforming the people you are organizing to realize their power. They are afraid because they have no power,but you are showing them their power and how to use that power to bring people together and make changes that need to be made. It's not about you telling them how to do it,it's saying to them,"I'm here to help you learn the skills of working together, learn the skills of organizing so that this problem can be solved. You've got the answers,let's come up with them" お願いします。意訳風にしてもらえるとうれしいです
I wonder that what kind of dishes do you like?! Have you got a favourite dish? Do you like foreign cuisins? if yes, which?And what about drinks/drinking?... Do you drink alcoholic drinks often? Or you prefer natural things, and avoid this harmful habits?
Their instinct tells them whether they are loved or not, and from those whom they feel to be affectionate they will put up with whatever strictness results form genuine desire for their proper development. ちなみに、theyはchildrenを指します。 よろしくお願いします。
The ability to imagine how things could be different is the first step on the road to change.But the vision is just the beginning. To transform society also requires that people join together to share their ideas,build organizations,and then work to change public opinion,laws and culture. よろしくお願いします
"I am so excited to be here and see so many people,"said one young woman,who had traveled half-way across the country from Colorado. "I was too young to come to the last big women's demonstration,but I think it is so important that my generation gets active to make sure we do not lose our freedom to make our own choices about our live." よろしくお願いします
Luckily we have friends who were able to take Risa into their home and under their wing to help her through some very terrible times. Risa is now a young struggling mother trying to finish high school while working part -time and caring for her baby boy. She is no longer a young girl with the world at her feet but a very exhausted adult in a 15-year-old body.
(It remains to be seen that whether〜で) 我々が人口問題のような深刻な問題に注意を向けることが、 その解決へとつながるのかどうかは、時間が経ってみないと分からないだろう。 (この後からの文です) I suspect it may. If it should happen the power of thought and rational argument would be manifest, and there would at least be hope that the furture is subject to our influence, that what we think matters.
どなたか翻訳お願いします。 funnyということは馬鹿にされてるのですか??? thanks for your nice pictures my dear Ken, you look so funny hihihihihi (it's kind of a compliment for me :) ) Even if it's superficial and useless, I shall tell you that you look better with short hair, like the other picture you sent me ^^ But it's true it's not good quality, but who cares?
We also want a lot, to buy a black male puppy for show.
の訳をお願いします。 一体何がたくさん欲しいのでしょうか?
ちなみに全文だと Thank you for requesting this much information. But you still haven't told me how much the female costs. →We also want a lot, to buy a black male puppy for show.← です。
You have might've mixed me up, I checked my emails and you have never told me the price, because I live in L.A. but I still like your dog, can you give me the price.
The U.N. resolution was passed unanimously by the Security Council after being revised to drop any mention of Charter Seven of the U.N. Charter, which is legally binding and can authorize sanctions or even military action.
お願いします There's a good chance that, at some point this weekend, you will enter what some people call a state of grace. For a while, at least, you'll feel as if you've found that elusive flow of which we all seek to be a part. In a magical, dreamlike way, you will cruise effortlessly to success in an area of life that often proves difficult. All this is not a promise that everything will work out perfectly. It is, though, an assurance that in one key area of life at least, all will be absolutely fine. And that's a good reason to stop worrying. I have just recorded your latestin-depth week-ahead prediction. When you hear it, you will smile. You'll hear the first minute or so immediately when you
お願いします 1 Some Dutch people built small houses on Manhattan Island near the hardor. 2 Most of them traded with the Indians. 3 The Dutch quickly gave the little town to the English. 4 New York became a colony of England.
>>254>>256>>257 話し手がバイヤーで、売り手(もしくは仲介者)から購入条件をいろいろ尋ねられているのでは? もしそうであれば、we also want a lot の we は単に話し手の側というより、買い手と売り手双方を意味し、 もっといろんな情報がほしい、もっと話を詰めておきたい、といってるのではないですか。
Polycrystalline C60 was prepared from carbon soot by extraction with toluene at room temperature and chromatography in 5% toluene and 95% hexane on an alumina column column followed by heating for 18h at 170℃ in vacuum.
The proton NMR spectrum in CS2 indicated a residual solvent content of <= 1mole%.
I came to know by painful experiensce that not a child in a hundred knows whether or not he understands something, much less, if he does not, why he does not. The child who knows, we don't have to worry about; he will be an excellent student. How do we find out when, and what, the others don't understand?
Some systems suplly such basic necessities as health care,schooling,regardless of their income level. Large corporations don't want to be out of debt-and their bamkers don't want them to be either. As soon as a company pays off one loan it takes out another, for periods approaching eternity. It can do so as long as borrowewd money finances expansion and, consequently,greatger returns.
多少短いですがお願いします。 As one of the new executives who many of the employees are sure will help the company out of its financial difficulties, he is trying his best not to disappoint them.
What exactly determined my behavior that day (e.g.,my interest in the book,my pondering about its title,my decision not to buy it)? Was it some molecules inside my brain that made me reshelve it? Or was it some ideas in my brain? What is the proper way to talk about what was going on in my head as I first flipped through that book and then put it back?
Increasing the efficiency of their laborious food-collecting, bees have evolved a complex communication system by which incomong bees can transmit information to others in the hive concerning the direction, distance and richness of a new source of nectar. すいません 長くてわかりませんでした。 お願いします。
>>304 Singapore are proof that with good,administration,any city can become a source of pride for its presidents. シンガポールはよい行政をすれば、どんな都市でも住民の誇りになれると いう証拠である。
翻訳お願いします。 I'm sorry....stop making me feel guilty!! I hope you don't mind really much, it's just that my brother and mother convinced me to go to the shop today, to look at furniture and stuff, and be in family.Whereas I had plan my day to work and answer you, but they corrupted me.But it was nice to spend time with them hihihi It's easy to corrupt me by the feeling, or with a sad look in the face hahahahaha Well, please don't think bad of me, I still like you
Now let me tell you about Larry Walters, ny hero. Walters is a truck driver, thirty-three years old. He is sitting in his lawn chair in his backyard,wishing he could fly. For as long as he could remember, he wanted to go up. To be able to just rise up in the air and see far away.
The whole look now is about not trying. In addition to glasses, the other must-have item for the sexy geek is the sweatshirt and pants set, known in Japan as the jyaajii, or jersey. The Japanese jersey is, at once, nostalgic and embarrassing.
夫をなくし、新聞配達員と話すことが日課になっていたスタンリー夫人の話。 Nowadays we'd have sent Mrs. Stanley to a psychiatrist. But what she had back then was a front-porch rocker and her paperboy's ear. (訳:この頃は、我々はスタンリー夫人を精神科医に行かせました。 しかし、彼女が当時持っていたものは、表のポーチロッカーと彼女の新聞配達の耳でした。)
Community isn't so much a place as it is a state of mind. You find it whenever folks ask you're doing because they care, and not because they're getting paid to inquire. (訳:〜〜〜。 人々があなたに気分がどうかと尋ねる度に、彼らが尋ねられているからではなく、 彼らがあなたを気にかけているからだということに気づきます。)
As the Catholic Church is rather strict,and insists that members go to church every Sunday,it is likely that more Catho-lics than Anglicans are in church on a Sunday.
>>324 Nowadays we'd have sent Mrs. Stanley to a psychiatrist. 現在ならばスタンリー夫人を精神科医に診てもらうでしょうが
But what she had back then was a front-porch rocker and her paperboy's ear しかしその当時彼女が持っていたものは、フロントポーチの揺りいすと新聞少年の耳でした
You find it whenever folks ask you're doing because they care, and not because they're getting paid to inquire. 人々がいつも彼女にどうですか?と尋ねるのは、彼らが気にかけてくれてるからであり、 尋ねることでお金を貰うとかの為じゃないことがあなたにも分かるでしょう
Carbonic acid resulting from all of the extra CO2 changes the pH in ocean water and alters the ratio of carbonate and bicarbonate ions. This, in turn, affects the saturation levels of calcium carbonate in the oceans - and that is important because many other small sea creatures routinely utilize calcium carbonate as the basic building block from which they make the hard structures - like reefs or shells - on which their lives depend.
翻訳お願いします。 Well, a christmas card should be send around christmas, which means 24/25th of December!!But you really don't have too, I'm not sure I will think of sending one either!!
At the time,I was reading books by many different writers on the brain, and in one of them I came across a chapter by the neurologist Roger Sperry, which not only was written with a special zest but also expressed a point of view that resonated strongly with my own intuitions.
At the time,I was reading books by many different writers そのとき私は様々な著者による本を読んでいた。 At the time,I was reading books (by many different writers) on ther brain そのとき私は(様々な著者による)脳に関する本を読んでいた。 and in one of them I came across a chapter そしてそれら(them=books)のうちある章に行き当たった。 and in one of them I came across a chapter by the neurologist Roger Sperry, そしてそれらのうち神経学者ロジャー=サリーによって書かれたある章に行き当たった。 which not only was written with a special zest その章(=which) は特別な熱意を持って書かれているのみならず(=not only) but also expressed a point of view that (that 以下の)観点をも(but also) 主張していた。 but also expressed a point of view that resonated strongly with my own intuitions. 私が直感的に感じていた事と強く響きあう(強く関連する)観点を主張していた。
お願いします。 How is it to live in Tokyo? If you ask people here about japan you usually get the answer. Where they invented anime, eat rise and where the earthquakes shock one after another.
As a general rule(which dose not apply for loans between related parties), loans in cash originate deemed interest (for the lender). However, if the borrower is a domiciled entity and its accounting records demonstrate that no interest have been agreed, no deemed interest will arise for the lender.
hey girl.aww..i would like to.=( but,we just got new house and we have to do all stuff for moving this weekend.but,after we done to take care of all stuff.ill definally hit u up! i will talk to you later =)
どなたか助けてください↓↓ He is very excited as he hears many good things about the baseball teams in Japan. His longtime team in Puerto Rico has been the Ponce it is good that he is still a Lion! Hiram is an enthusiastic player and he will bring you many thrills and excitement in the outfield. Nothing was more exciting than when Hiram played center field for the Seattle Mariners and Ichiro Suzuki played right field. What a team they were.
A blood droplet signifies the Japanese flag as Greenpeace tries to influence people outside of Japan to come to their side. グリンピースが日本外の人々を自分たち側につくよう操ろうとする場合、一点の血の滴は日本の旗を表わす。
>>353 As a general rule(which dose not apply for loans between related parties), loans in cash originate deemed interest (for the lender). However, if the borrower is a domiciled entity and its accounting records demonstrate that no interest have been agreed, no deemed interest will arise for the lender.
Remember long, long ago, when you were considering living the "Potential Adventures of (名前), " among an infinite array of other choices, how you suddenly turned to me and asked deadpan, "How much trouble could I get into, anyway?"
Do you? Do you remember my reply, (名前)?
I told you it would depend on a good number of factors, not the least of which would include climate change, geological pressures, celestial weather patterns, the star you're born under, political friction on the street, worthiness, luck, fate, or the mood I'm in. At which point we both burst out laughing so hard we almost needed stitches.
In spinodal decomposition, compositional fluctuation initially formed in a homogeneous solution in an unstable region in a phase diagram grows continuously to be large. During the growth of compositional fluctuation, sol-gel transition fixes the growing morphology by spinodal decomposition, and the silica-poor phase becomes macropores. お願いします
Pls, hoping to hear from you,d pic you send me other time wasn't clear.
How ever i think i can learn more and more from you and i hope we can have communication with together sometimes , although i dont think so i can do anything for you .
as in the beginning you will not know to read all words that you see on the street, so if you want to know what's written on the name of that strange shop just get you elec. words and write on it!
To keep up their strength, these little birds require between fifty and sixty meals a day. At night, instead of sleeping like ordinary animals, they go into a state of suspended animation-atorpor which reduces their energy output to one twentieth of that of normal sleeping. In this way they can get through the night without dying (literally) for a midnight snack. すいません。お願いします
The six-party talks,suspended by North Korea,involved negotiations by the USA, China, South Korea, Japan and Russia with Pyongyang over the country's nuclear program.
Although we have assumed the simplified path-loss model in the SIR formulas that follow, path-loss models of greater complexity can also be incorporated for a more accurate SIR approximation.
The complexity of modeling average SIR as well as its distribution under accurate path loss, Shadowing, and multipath fading models can be prohibitive.
Similarly the grandparents prefer rice and Japanese food, washed very clean and almost without smell-and without taste, some of the children are beginning to say. The parents eat both Japanese and western style food, and the children are beginning to like cheese, which the grandparents regard as ‘gone rotten’.
His wife may well find her larger group in some religious sect. As a rule, the sect will not encourage her to sell political power but it will concentrate on helping her with family problems. A main concern in life is to be integrated into one or more groups, and it is often very difficult for a Japanese to think of himself as other than a member of a group.
These collections, totalings hundreds of engravings, have two things in common: first, they all show in great detail the encircling walls with their towers and well-defended gatehouses, and secound, they all show a broad, open space in front of the walls.
This gave a clear field of fire to the defenders without at the same time offering any protection to the attackers.
Singapore is safer than thailand for sure, but bangkok is not that bad. infact, they have a huge japanese community here . a famous city for bargirls, but also for shopping and spa treatments that are very good value for money. i am sure there'll be some chance to meet up
訳していただければ・・ It is his son who had a much greater shock from the defeat, because when he was a boy he was brought up in an atmosphere of ultranationalism and knew nothing else. He was just screwing himself up to be a soldier when the war ended, and with it the ideals that had been crammed into him.
The group functions in many ways, not least as a means of drawing attention to a complaint. An ordinary citizen lacks the confidence, as an individual, to confront a big organization, so he applies to his group. The group will have near the top somebody who knows how to put the matter to his counterpart in other organizations, and the affair is then adjusted.
As a result of the problems above, UNESCO put Angkor on its List of World Heritage in Danger in 1992. But UNESCO is just one of many groups trying to preserve this ancient place. Laws that will protect Angkor have been made. Work on the buildings is regularly checked. Tourism is being controlled, and a national protection agency has been set up. Today, Angkor is the largest preservation workshop in the world.
Hope that the winter season that have started in Japan in not too rude (ie cold). Here the weather is strange because it is not very cold or at least not as cold as it would generally be at this time of year. On my side, work is quite intense and takes loads of my time. Fortunately I managed to have free w/e which enable me to rest and, mostly, stay with my little son and wife. Soon we are going for Christmas to stay with my parents although unfortunately it will not be for very long (only 4days). I will write you again a little longer letter at the next occasion.
Each year on March 17, people around the world celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day, which pays honor to the country of Ireland and its famous patron saint. The history of Ireland is so closely tied too the Roman Catholic Church that until 10 years ago it was impossible to think of the faith that has been so important in shaping the country’s culture. Yet, in the past few years, this has changed.
You mean that in this hypocritical age there are few that do not condemn in public what they practise in private, and think they pay every debt to virtue when they praise it.
The good news is that many parents and teens recognize the importance of saving,” says Tracy Lemoine, senior vice president of the Fidelity Investments division that manages the College Savings Plan. More good news for Fidelity and many other brokerage companies is that so many teens and people in their early 20s are managing investments on their own.
Give someone special some space this Christmas... space to think and plan - space to create and dream. Whatever you do with it, space is precious, so give the one you love a Filofax personal organiser and you`ll be giving them something very special indeed.
We recommend you order before 18th December to guarantee pre-Christmas delivery. Remember to enter WSFX1 during the checkout process to qualify for free UK shipping.
Japan is playing an important role in this workshop by educating and training the Cambodians to survey and repair the area for themselves. After all, Angkor Wat is a symbol of Cambodian pride. It appears both on the national flag and in the national anthem.
Japan is playing an important role in this workshop by educating and training the Cambodians to survey and repair the area for themselves. After all, Angkor Wat is a symbol of Cambodian pride. It appears both on the national flag and in the national anthem.
The Gender-Related Development Index is another useful indicator of societal-level gender equality provided by United Nations researchers. It increases with a society’s basic capabilities to provide health (i.e.,greater life expectancy), educational attainment and literacy, and wealth, but imposes a penalty for gender inequality in these capabilities. 和訳お願いいたします!!
We spent our summer holiday in San Diego, California at the beach. We rented a house on the water.We had a wonderful time there.The weather there is beautiful year-round, and it can get very crowded in the summer.It is a beautiful place.My aunt also lives there,so we visited her as well.You may have heard about the fires in San Diego a couple of months ago. There were dangerous fires in my aunt’s neighborhood, but thankfully her house was spared. So many homes were burned to the ground.It was very dangerous there for a while, but things have settled down.
nothing much... i have been havinf a lot of boyfriend probs. ...and my grandma died..but other than that every-thing is going good... what about you?how have you been?..oh shit i have to get in bed i have a test tomorow in world cult.hope to talk to you soon p.s. oh, i almost forgot some of my friends a starting to speak japanese so they are coming up with crazy things now.. and for some reson they thought that i sould be tsuki. (moon)hmm what do you think about that name?
ive been really busy with school. i have 3 c's a d and the rest are b's. my dad says if i dont get my c's and d up to b's hes not going to let me do cheerleading so i realy gotta get those up and then i have practice twice a week and i go 2 different times on one of those nights. and right now im on a 5 day vaca. from school, they gave us that off for thanksgiving. i'll be going back after tomorrow so that sucks but whats been going on with you?
Still, explore everything, since ideas and encounters that make the least sense now could, as early 2008 unfolds, reveal themselves to be a vibrant and rewarding part of your future. どなたかお願いします
They clasp each other's hands -they do not hug- and hold on like this,talking turns saying,"Look at you! you are so old. Look at how old you've become!" They are both crying openly, laughing at the same time,and i bite mu lip, trying not to cly i'm afraid to feel their joy.
They clasp each other's hands -they do not hug- and hold on like this,talking turns saying,"Look at you! you are so old. Look at how old you've become!" They are both crying openly, laughing at the same time,and i bite my lip, trying not to cly i'm afraid to feel their joy.
remember how you were gonna get a myspace? well don't because just today I got a virus from the home page of myspace. I need a new computer... mine sucks :( it's better then my old one though... my old one would stop freeze the screen and the only thing you can do is restart
To examine the relation between societal gender equality and mate preference, we calculated the correlations of these indexes with the sex differences in valuing a mate as a breadwinner and as a domestic worker ―the two criteria most relevant to the traditional division of labor. 和訳おねがいします!!!
As shown in table 12.2, examination of preferences for a spouse’s age showed that as gender equality increased, women expressed less preference for older men, men expressed less preference for younger women, and consequently the sex difference in the preferred age of mates became smaller. These relations suggest that sex difference in age preferences reflect a sex-differentiated division of labor. お願いいたします!!
宜しくお願いします。 We can offer you $40 for the organizer, because you are a good customer and I'm very sorry that it broke. Sending it back to us would not be good, I think it is better to give you the $40 back, do you agree?
"A green house" has a different meaning from that of "a house for growing plants." Green house are made of wood from fast-growing trees so old growth forests do not have to be cut down.
Yet I also reserve some doubt for evolution, wondering, among other things, if we all rose from single-celled goop, how come so much of that goop hasn't evolved with us?
here is my another song For Queenie,is composed by me=) can share to you.and you may give me some comment when you free. have you play piano ?do you have your piano vedio?
As the Gender Empowerment Measure increased in value, the tendency decreased for women to place greater emphasis than men on a potential spouse’s earning capacity, although the correlation with the rated criterion was relatively weak. 和訳おねがいします!!
Perhaps one generalization that could be made today is that Arab-Americans feel they are being unfairly treated because of extremist groups in the Middle East. Prior to September 11th, Arab-Americans already complained that they had been singled out and searched more often than other ethnic groups at airports. Government officials pledged to address the issue and make sure Arab-Americans would be treated the same as other passengers.
She did not went to leave the only home she had ever known. Once they arrived in Japan, she felt even worth. Her new home was drafty, with windows made of paper. She had to wear Kimonos and sit on floors until her legs went numb.
お願いします。スポーツ関係の論文らしいです。 Training with a mean intensity of 60% of one repetition maximum elicits maximal gains in untrained individuals, whereas 80% is most effective in those who are trained.
Untrained participants experience maximal gains by training each muscle group 3 d.wk and trained individuals 2 d.wk.
Four sets per muscle group elicited maximal gains in both trained and untrained individuals.
The strain of the unnatural environment quickly leads to an explosion of parastic activity and the animal soon dies. This was the case with many so-called‘difficult’species before adequate veterinary screening was introduced into the most advanced zoos.
If I could cheat, I would skip to the end, And decide if it's worth going through with, Skip to the last, paragraph, just before we start, To see the happy ending, or the broken heart.
May I please ask for your help? We met some nice people in Japan and we want to send them a picture. But the email isn’t working. Address ist: [email protected] It seems to be necessary to open the email account for mails from different countries or providers. Normal email accounts from docomo can only send and receive email from and to Japan or from and to docomo.So our mail from and Germany cannot reach these guys.Would you please be so kind and send them our picture or ask them to send an email to me? (picture enclosed in this email).
テニソンの詩です。(教科書にも載っているような有名なもののようですが、よくしらん。) 少々長いですがよろしくお願いします。 Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light; The year is dying in the night; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow: The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind, For those that here we see no more, Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress to all mankind. Ring out a slowly dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws.
Ring out the want, the care the sin, The faithless coldness of the times; Ring out, ring out thy mournful rhymes, But ring the fuller minstrel in. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite; Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring out old shapes of foul disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be. お願いします。
Lawrence died on Monday 10th December in a fatal Motorbike accident. It has come as a shock to everyone and he had only been back in the UK for a month.I take consolation in the fact that in that time he did get to catch up with his friends and family and he also managed to achieve his ultimate dream of travelling the world.He was one of my best friends and will be missed considerably. But I have a lots of good memories that will last a lifetime.For anyone who hasn't taken a look.We did produce a travel blog and there are lots of pictures to remind us of our good friend. Maybe you can let me know which is your favourite. So live life to the full,that's what Lawrence always did.Please feel free to let anyone else know that Lawrence may have met. I know that I don't have everyones details.
for those in english, please don´t laught too much, for me it was more surprising, even. made by someone in my family(i´ll kill him as soon as i reach him/her).anyway, if it´s for the cozy mood of the x-mas atmosphere, then... i can live with the ridiculous of the thing ;) hehe. p.s. please, don´t pass it ok? u can laught but the rest of the world doesn´t have to... ;)
Kate desu... ogenki desu ka? I miss you now... Im glad to read your email... thank you very much neh... I hope you never change to me.... please stay what you are.... mwuah......
Computers control many things. New York City is on the Pacific Coast. A library contains books. The sun appears at night and disappears in the morning. An armchair is a piece of furniture.
Do dreads and dreams,hopes and griefs,ideas and beliefs,interests and doubts,infatuations and envies,memories and ambitions,bouts of nostalgia and floods of empathy,flashes of guilt and sparks of genius,play any role in the world of physical objects? Do such pure abstractions have causal powers? Can they shove massive things around,or are they just importent fictions?
They bords conduct investigations if physicians seek psychiartric treatment, a process that can lead to sanctioning regardless of whether there is any evidence of impaired functioning.
Retained earnings represents those amounts that have been retained in the entity after part of the company's earnings have been paid to shareholders in the form of dividends.
I forgot to tell you that the reason why the number of my friends is increasing is because i had a old acount DepthOfOctober31 that someone somehow hacked and deleted so i had to make another one and find my old friends again and send them friend invites and you were also my friend and thats why i sent you a friend invite. I also just wanted to ask you how old you are?
If it were true that whoever knows or claims to know truth or justice cannot admit the possibility of a view different from his own ,and is bound to impose his true view on other people by violence,the rational animal would be the most dangerous of beasts お願いします
There are many things that I would not have done,and some things that I have failed to do that I would do. One of the things that I would heve done if I had known the importance od it would have been to go to college.
Of these four learning styles, none is considered best;but rather,they are descriptive of techniques individuals use to learn effectively. よろしくおねがいします。
Of these four learning styles, none is considered best; but rather, they are descriptive of techniques individuals use to learn effectively. よろしくおねがいします。
a, I'm using Hideaki's bike today and plan to return it tomorrow. b, The entrance of the palace is very beautiful. c, There is no heat in the building; it's so cold! d, Sam's goal is to go to college. e, My trip to the Great Wall of Chaina was extraordinary!
But how,as I grew older,did I reconcile that rock-solid belief with my additional convictions that evolution caused hearts to evolve,that religious dogmas have caused wars,that nostalgia inspired Chopin to write a certain etude,that intense professional jealousy has caused the writing of many a nasty book review,and so forth and so on? These easily graspable macroscopic causal forces seem radically different from the four ineffable forces of physics that I was sure caused every event in the universe.
どなたかよろしくお願いします。 The number of screened chemicals that actually entered the animal is unknown as is the number that increased lifespan by acting on the same endogenous targets.
The furniture of the room consisted of but three pieces -an armchair,a small reading-stand,and a long kitchen table. All these seemed to have been recently brought in,for an observer,had there been one,would have seen that all were free from dust ,whereas every thing else in the room was pretty thickly coated with it,and there were cobwebs in the angles of the walls. お願いします...
What I've got you've got to get it put it in you Love is free love me say hell yes I'm a low brow but I rock a little know how Get smart get down with the pow wow Goodness me can't you see I'm gonna cough it
それぞれどういう意味かわかる方いらっしゃいますか? Red Hot Chili Peppersの『Give It Away』の 歌詞に出てくる1文を抜いて書いたんですけど、私にはサッパリ意味が分かりませんでしたので よろしくお願いします
The hardships of his childhood had shaped his character in a very special way. His driving ambition was to do what his father would have done if he had lived,and he was inspired by the image which he had made of a father whom he lost when he was a small boy. The image was somewhat lager than life. お願いします
>>662, 663さんありがとうございました!すっきりしました。 やっぱり、意味が通るように思えたとしても、何となくで読んじゃダメってことですね。 ところでお礼ついでにまた質問になっちゃうのですが、先行詞が前文全体とすると、as以下をばらして考えた時はどんな感じになるのでしょうか? 意味的には、この文章は Like the number that increased lifespan by acting on the same endogenous targets is unknown, the number of screened chemicals that actually entered the animal is unknown. って感じなんだと思います。 で、元の文で考えると、as以下はas the number〜 is unknown.って文だったのが、unknownが先行詞的な感じでasの部分に飛んでって省略されて、 そしてS(the number)とV(is)の倒置が起こったのかなぁ、なんて思ったのですが、そんな解釈で良さそうでしょうか? そうすると、先行詞が前文全体っていうのもどうなんだろう??という気がするし、かと言ってunknownが先行詞っていうのも変な感じだし…と悩んでしまいます。
If you choose your friends on the ground that you are virtuous and want want virtuous company,you are no nearer to true friendship than if you choose them for commercial reasons.
Purely physical fatigue,provided it is not excessive,tends to be a cause of happiness;it leads to sound sleep and a good appetite and enhances the pleasures that are possible on holidays. お願いします
Much as we resemble one another we are none of us exactly alike and I have seen no reason why I should no,so far as I could,choose my own course.I have sought to make a pattern of my life
Tetris The Grandmaster isn't anywhere to be found in the USA, but the freaks like me who play Tetris all day are aware of it, and there are a few of us who's been over to Japan to try it. Apparently it's God's gift to Tetris players, or something... I hope I find an arcade when I'm over there!
>>676 1. Many a little makes a mickle. たくさんのちっぽけのものが多量のものを作り出す。(ちりも積もれば山となる) 2. Out of sight, out of mind. 視界から消えれば、心からも消える。(去る者日々に疎し) 3. Let sleeping dogs lie. 眠っている犬は寝かしておけ。(寝た子を起こすな) 4. To throw pearls before swine. 豚の目の前に真珠を投げる。(豚に真珠) 5. A stitch in time saves nine. 時を得た一針は九針を省く。 (気づいたときに服の綻びを一針縫っておけば、結果的に後になって九針縫う手間を省くことになる)
What is liberalism? It is not easy to describe,much less to define,for it is hardly less a mood than a doctrine. As the former,it tends to be subjective and anarchist.It has always preferred to bless individual action rather than to approve the uniformities sought by political power. お願いします
Many an unprofitable controversy would have been avoided had not a weapon been provided by a tempting phrase,suddenly occuring to one or other of the disputants. お願いします
It would be a delight and pleasure to do something every day,were it ever so minute.To reflect that another human being ,if at a distance of ten thousand years from now,would enjoy one hour's more life,in consequence of anything I had done in my little span,would be to me a peace of soul.
We should reincest in public diplomacy within the government and establish a new non-profit institution outside of it to buiild peole-to people ties, includind doubling the annual appropriation to the Fulbright program.
まだ僕のレベルでは難しいです。和訳お願します。あと、outside of itのitは 何を現しているのですか?重ねてお願いします。
Although many organizers work for unions,others work ina huge variety of neighborhood and community organizations and non-governmential organizations(NGOs),dealing with problems of housing,education and public safety. Others work on larger issues of immigration,environment and peace.And many groups,local,national and international,continue to dwal with issues of race and gender discrimination,following in the footsteps of ○○←人名です
I have also issued you a refund of £12 as you have over payed on the the postage, Postage for 5 CD's to Japan is only £3 not £15 - Hope this makes you smile! My thanks for your business,
The comments for your order are DISREGARD NOTICE - NEW SHIPPING INFO TO FOLLOW. Your order has been updated to the following status. New status: Shipped Please reply to this email if you have any questions. すぐ返事をする必要があるのでしょうか?お願いします。
An interesting point of contrast with British education is that the Japanese do practically no précis writing; children are not trained to seize the central point of an argument
merry Christmas and happy 2008 2 u 2! i laughed at the self cleaning toilet vid u dropped by.... i'll need 2 remember that next time i'm over there. =) b well. b safe.
【Ronaldinho is one of the most admirable person who have influenced me.】 【Ronaldinho is one of the most inspiring people to me. To me he means so much.】 【Ronaldinho is one of my benefactors whom I owed what I am. 】
Social hierarchies are determined by sex. Females have a distinct hierarchy but males have a non-linear hierarchy with occasional to frequent rank reversals. Males tend to be marginalized from group activity, and will alternate between troops approximately every 3.5 years.
The last stage in this cycle is L, where we look at what we have done and then done and then decide whether we need to approach the problem again, with a different strategy.
An Example of the IDEAL approach
Let's see how this could be applied to student life. Imagine you are a student who has been spending too much more money. You notice one day that you don't have enough money to pay your rent or your gas and electricity bills. For the first time you understand clearly that you are going to have to manage your money better. you have identified a problem. To define it better, you calculate as precisely as you can the amount of money that you are going to need each month. The amount you have been spending is more than your parents have been giving you. you therefore consider a number of different ways of spending less. This is exploring the problem. After considering the advantages and disadvantages of different possibilities, you choose one course of action. You decide to cook for yourself more often, eating dinner at home at least three times a week. This is your action stage. After the first month you look at how successful your strategy has been. Let's imagine that you still don't quite have enough money. In this case you go back to exploring again in order to choose a new action or strategy. Perhaps, in addition to cooking dinner for yourself, you also need to make your own packed lunch each day!
Spencer attended Canterbury Primary School, Malvern Central School and Scotch College. Whilst at Scotch he auditioned for the long-running soap opera, Neighbours. He continued to work toward his VCE qualification whilst working on the show and graduated in 1997. He has also revealed in a magazine interview that he was once roommates with James McAvoy when he was living in London in his early twenties.
>>776 Thatはthatだよね? in the+used to be だから 過去の時+の中で → 昔に、でいいんじゃね? テキトーだけど、 「過去に私達が共に過ごしたステキで幸せな時間にとっても感謝しています」 「みんなとあんなにステキで楽しい時間を一緒にすごせて、ほんとによかったよ!」 位じゃね?
で、おいらの質問。 いまさら松坂の話なんだけどw、
Matsuzaka joined the Red Sox as a free agent for the 2007 season in a deal costing the Boston team over 100 million dollars -- 51 million dollars to successfully bid for his services and another 52 million dollars for his contract.
It start from the bottom up,with transforming the people you are organizing to realize their power. They are afraid because they have no power,but you are showing them their power and how to use that power to bring people together and make changes that need to be made. It's not about you telling them how to do it,it's saying to them,"I'm here to help learn the skulls of working together,learn the skills of organizing so that this problem can be solved.You've got the answers,let's come up with them!" お願いします
Question Will Step2 Direct ship outside of the United States? 質問:Step2ではアメリカ以外にも発送してくれますか?
Answer Step2 Direct ships only within the lower 48 contiguous United States. 解答:Step2ではアメリカに近接する48(の国?)に発送できます。
Canada United Kingdom (訳は省きます。)
If you are located outside of these areas, please email us using the "Contact Step2" tab above. Your request will be forwarded to a distributor near you, if applicable. Please allow 3-5 business days for a response. それ以外の場所に住んでいらっしゃるのであれば、ページ上部の "Contact Step2"からメールして下さい。 あなたのリクエストは可能であれば最寄りの代理店へと送られます。返信まで3〜5営業日お待ち頂くことがあります。
>>801 新年あけましておめでとう 新しき年があなたのこれまでの人生のなかで最も幸多き年となり あなたの夢が数多く実現される年となることをお祈りいたします I hope that it will be the happiest (year) you have known, and that it will be a year filled with dreams come true. dreams come true の come を過去分詞とみなせば「実現した夢に満ちた」で 文法的に整合性があるし、 文字通り「夢が実現する」という言い回しをひとつの名詞概念とすれば 「夢が実現することに満ちた」になりますね
In fact, however, the richest fifth of the global population is over seventy times wealthier than the poorest fifth, and Bill Gates earns more money in one day than most Africans earn in a lifetime.
whatの用法という問題で 1. What the sailors saw was only the sea. 2. Give me what you have. 3. Give me what money you have. 4. You may eat what cake you like. の4つがわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします。
>>811 In fact, however, the richest fifth of the global population is over seventy times wealthier than the poorest fifth, and Bill Gates earns more money in one day than most Africans earn in a lifetime. 然しながら世界人口の最も豊かな5分の1は、最も貧しい5分の1より 70倍以上も裕福であり、ビル・ゲイツが1日で稼ぐカネはほとんどの アフリカ人が一生の間に稼ぐより多い。
>>812 1. What the sailors saw was only the sea. 水夫たちが見たものは海だけであった。 2. Give me what you have. 君が持っているものを私にくれ。 3. Give me what money you have. 君が持っているカネをオレにくれ。 4. You may eat what cake you like. 君は好きなケーキを食べてよい。
翻訳お願いします。Pleskとphp5は名詞です。 Plesk GUI performance has been significantly improved Plesk's interface in PHP5 was re-written, making the user interface work three times faster.
A friend of mine named Paul erceived an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a boy was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it. “Is this your car, Mister?”he asked.
i came close to a dolphin too, but that was more than 2 mths ago at pattaya. it was a round nose dolphin so it looked a little weird, but cute. お願いいたします!
Chad Bantner attended the Joffrey Ballet School in NYC before moving on to the Julliard School, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree. He also studied at the Martha Graham School of Contemporary Dance and the Ruth Page School of Dance. His credits include the Martha Graham Dance Company, Ballet Hispanico of New York, The Icelandic Dance Theatre in Reykjavik,Iceland,the L.A. Chamber Ballet,and the State Street Ballet of Santa Barbara.Chad has performed with the Los Angeles Contemporary Ballet at ABC studios, appeared on the Late Show with David Letterman, has extensively toured the US, Canada and Europe, danced for Celine Dion's "A New Day...", and for the past two years worked with Blueman Group as a Blueman.
Another major cause of poverty is war, devastating when it happens, but almost as ruinous when it is merely a future threat-many poor countries spend over a tenth of their income on defense.
Is there certain times that you email people or friends,like at the end of the month of during autumn season or something like that???? Only because I kept asking Julie has Yuki sent an email ...everyday...This is my email address at work and I work shifts so I am not always here but if not I will reply as soon as I am back on shift,or send one to Julie,whichever you like.
お願いします There are many TV games around us now, and we can play them lightheartedly. Natually, I also like them and often play. However,in the recent games,there are violence and cruelty, which are said to be influencing increased juvenile delinquencies and doing harms to the youth. They are said to have the following bad influences. 1. Playing the games including vilent scenes, people will be more vilent. 2.Being absorbed in the TV games will make social maladjustment. 3. Because of the increased time to play games, scholastic ability and cognitive ability may decrease. 4. Eyesight and physical strength may fall by playing video games. The games are surely one of the means of stress-relieving,but attention should be paid not to confuse the world and games and the real world.
お願いします。 I watched a movie called "Scream". A murderous fiend slipped and fell down, slightly foolish, it was very funny. Recently,I was astonished to know that my favorite actor and actress married triggered by this movie.
People who are real organizers are crazy,they all give of their lives to it out of that love of growing people,seeing the changes,and knowing that you were part of that. お願いします
In newspaper headlines the earliest stage is similar; the captions speak in terms of nouns and adjectives: "Foreign Affairs," "Tragic Accident," "Charge of False Pretenses."
The present case, then, concerns a relationship lying within the zone of privacy created by several fundamental constitutional guarantees. And it concerns a law which, in forbidding the use of contraceptives rather than regulating their manufacture or sale, seeks to achieve its goals by means having a maximum destructive impact upon that relationship. 難しい文章ですが、宜しく御願いします
Coffee break is over. Let'sget down to work. My sister was in charge of the school festival. She must take care of a lot of things to make it successful. She keeps in touch with her classmates during the long vacation. Some of my friends look on us as noisy girls. But we simply enjoy talking. 和訳お願いします
Among the aim of university education must be included the acquisition of knowledge, but of far greater importance are development of intellectual curiosity and the realization that the acquisition of knowledge is pleasurable. これの和訳をお願いします。 この主語はいったい何なんでしょうか。できれば文法的に説明お願いします。
>>901 Among the aim of university education must be included the acquisition of knowledge, but of far greater importance are development of intellectual curiosity and the realization that the acquisition of knowledge is pleasurable. 大学教育の目的には、知識の獲得が含まれなければならないが、 しかしはるかに重要なのは知的好奇心の発達と知識に獲得が楽しいと 理解することである。 #長い副詞句のあとでは倒置がおきる。これはbutで繋がれた2文になっている。 of great impotanceもよく使われる熟語。farは比較級の強め。
>>859 " I have yet to not get a few belly." 文法的には「発育異常の症例がわずかながらも発生しなかったことはない」 だと思いますが、 I have not yet got a few belly もしくは I have yet to get a few belly のつもりで言ったのなら 「まだ発生したことはない」になります 文脈で判断するしかありませんね
Not until these qualities are developed can we be sure that the acuisition of knowledge will continue after the student has left the university. これの和訳をお願いします。さっぱりわからないので文法的に丁寧に説明してもらえるとありがたいです。
In fact, most Americans have had little or no experience with anyone speaking a language other than English. Therefore, when you do to America, the people might have a little trouble understanding you. This may not be your fault. It may be because of their lack of knowledge. When Americans think you don't understand them, they do unusual things. よろしくおねがいします。
It was too late to get it into his own paper; now would the Associated Press editor in Minneapolis, dubious that Armstrong could have said such things, put it on the national wire, at least until Lubenow could prove he hadn't made it all up. この文がどうしても分かりません! よろしくお願いします!
It was too late to get it into his own paper; nor would the Associated Press editor in Minneapolis, dubious that Armstrong could have said such things, put it on the national wire, at least until Lubenow could prove he hadn't made it all up.
hve → have として・・・ まず和訳は日本語は 仮に英語が習得困難な言語であったなら、英語はこんなに世界中に異常なまでに広がらなかったであろう。 (実際は英語は習得容易な言語であるから、事実ここまで広がった。)を背景に意味している。
文法的には仮定法である。 were English... は If English were... の意味(Ifを省略して主語動詞を倒置できる)。 現在の事実に反する仮定法の条件節なので過去形の形をとり、その場合(文章語では)、複数のbe動詞wereを使う。 「would+have+過去分詞」は、「〜であったろうに」という過去の事実に反する推定をする文章。否定文で「なかったろう」。
まず、スペルミスやミスタイプについて。>>926 スペースのとり方にも注意。 conser-vatismのハイフンは改行だから挿入されたものでは? Equally many Christians are shocked by these groups' conservatism, paricularly with regard to girls and women.
i remember that during the summer, it suddenly rained like crazy and lots of ppl were stuck at flags in shinjuku coz they didn't have umbrellas. and then this working man gave us his umbrella even though he prob. needed it more than we do, and walked in the torrential rain himself. i felt so bad for him coz he must have been soaked. so jap men aren't all "big men" anymore. お願いします
>>931 In the futile attempts we all make to tidy up our lives and surroundings , nothing is more difficult than throwing out a book. 我々全員が我々の生活と環境を整理するために為した不毛の試み において、1冊の本を捨てる以上に困難なことは何もない。
Brisk economic growth has generated greater affluence, which in turn has enabled Asians to eat more nutritions food. It has also given people access to better medical― and quality education. よろしくおねがいします!
There are readers who find it difficult to comprehend thoughtful writing without first taking notes, and it is significant that among these are people who in their professional cacity summarize docunents and from the summaries write reports.
I see me passing by, oh, why can't I be just me? Guess I am afraid to try for all my mind has dreamed like that walking, talking late at night, smiling, running out of sight hung-up on hang-ups I know in a private world I go. Down dusty, sun-splashed streets I have caught within my own mind. I know the kind I meet there has to be my kind. If I'm making, faking people out, got to know what I'm about, walk out on hang-ups and go in a private world that I know.
Thereafter, Congress passed the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Registration Act, title 17, § 170101, 108 Stat.2038, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 14071, which conditions certain federal funds for law enforcement on the States' adoption of a Megan's Law, so named after Megan Kanka. 何を言いたいのかさっぱり分かりません。訳せる方いたら御願いします。
Let it be clear that it is your right and duty to voice disagreement with me whenever it should happen, If I cannot take the negative you should not want me.
>>971 Let it be clear that it is your right and duty to voice disagreement with me whenever it should happen, If I cannot take the negative you should not want me. あなたが私にいつでも不同意を表明することはあなたの権利であり、 義務であることをはっきりさせよう。私が不同意を受け入れられない 場合は、あなたは私に用がない。
すみませんが和訳おねがいします。 Hello your order is ready to hgo, however we are out of the following item escape xlt sprot in red, we do have the xlt in red if you want it is the same model just not a sport Leet me know and we can ship rght out thanks
0or1 approach falls apart when applied to many everyday classifications,like the set of tall men. To deal with such cases, the professor proposed that membership in a set be measured not as a 0 or a 1, but as a value between 0 and 1. Thus, in the set of tall men, a man 6feet 2inches might have a membership value of 0.7, while a man 7feet 2inches might have a 0.99.