()内にone,ones,the one,the onesのいずれかを入れる問題です。 1.Green apples often taste better than red (). 2.I forgot to bring a pen. Can you lend me (). 3.My house is () in front of the post office. 4.Which cigarettes are yours? ---- () on the table.
1.Green apples often taste better than red (ones). 2.I forgot to bring a pen. Can you lend me (one). 3.My house is (the one) in front of the post office. 4.Which cigarettes are yours? ---- (The ones) on the table.
>>前スレ917 went to buy a pencil= went and bought a pencil= went buy a pencil 普通だよ。
>>前スレ959 >これは「think O (to be) C」のつもりなのだが、それでもダメ? 俺はいいと思った。どっちにしろ言いたい事はわかる。 >>This is the book which I believe is very interesting. OK:主語が[This is the book which I believe]、述語動詞が is >これを主語にするには、接続詞のthatでもない限り不可能では? 前の議論を読もうね。 the book which (I believe) is very interesting ということだよ。昨日問題になってたのは連結関係詞の省略な。
A survey in 1974 showing that pandas in the Wolong forest had dropped to a mere 145 ↑↑↑ 主語 prompted 動詞 the government to set aside the 500000-acre reserve.
>>42 [A survey in 1974 showing that pandas in the Wolong forest had dropped to a mere 145] 主語 [prompted] 動詞 [the government]目的語 to set aside the 500000-acre reserve.
(1)【否定語】が文頭に来た場合 例)【Hardly】does it happen 〜. (2)仮定法のifの省略 例)Were I you, I would 〜. (3)So 〜、Nor 〜 例)My father likes cats. So do I. He wasn't there. Nor was his wife.
そもそも疑問詞疑問文も、本来後方に置かれる疑問詞が文頭に来たと考えれば、(1)と 同じことのような気がする。 He went there【yesterday】.⇒【When】did he go there?
上記の英文を、下記のように訳したのですが、 どなたか間違いを指摘してもらえませんか?お願いします。 I had studied English literaturefor a year at American university. Each teacher unanimously repeated the same words at the beginning of the class. "If you have any question about my explanation, don't hesitate to break my talk without waiting till the last, and I welcome your opinions that conflict with mine." I thought that that was a certain American greeting style. However it wasn't , actually.
>>21 >>41が簡潔に要点を言ってて良いと思うよ。 あと移動っていうのは、たぶんこういうのを言いたいんじゃないのかな。 I think her sister speaks English. Her sister, I think, speaks English. 倒置は、そのAound the corner, came a large truck.のような文。 すでにいくつか説明が出てるけど、おおよそ 英語の通常の語順の「主語、動詞」じゃなくて 「動詞、主語」の語順になってるものと言えるかな。 ただしThere is a car. などは、これが普通の語順なので「倒置」と言わないとは思う。
>>47 > It seems that HE knows 〜 > HE seems to know 〜 これは移動とかじゃなくて、ぜんぜん別種の二つの文。
今日 When did you first study English? というのを習いましたが、 Whene did you study English first? ではないのでしょうか? ヤフーの翻訳で調べるとどちらも同じ 「あなたはいつ最初に英語を勉強しましたか?」となりますが、 何かニュアンス的な違いがあるのでしょうか?
>>48 ざくっと。 I had studied English literature for a year at an American university. All the teachers unanimously repeated the same phrase at the beginning of the class. "If you have any questions about my explanation, don't hesitate to break in at any time (and don't wait till the last moment), and I welcome your opinions that conflict with mine." I thought it was just an American style formality greeting. However it actually wasn't.
@England is largely Anglican,but other parts of Britain have other traditions.
AWales,and some parts of south west and north west England,are strongly Methodist.
BMethodism is an offshoot of Anglicanism which started in the eighteenth century,appeal-ing to relatively poor people,and relying on simple religious ceremonies and hymn singing.
>>61 I am sure of his passing the entrance examination. Jon insisted on my paying the money. Our teacher doesn't approve of our reading comic books at school.
Scotland is home to a considerable number of Protestant Churches,Baptists,Presbyterians and others,varying in size,but all con-siderably more strict than the Church of Eogland.
質問の件ですが When did you first study English? でも When did you study English first? でも文法上は全く問題ありません。 ニュアンスの違いですが、文脈や質問者の意図によって 全く変わらないこともあるでしょうし、 あるいは後者の文で「いつ初めて」を強調したい時には whenとfirstを強めに発音する事で少々のニュアンスの 違いもあるかもしれません。
I first studied English. 最初に(他の行為より先に)英語を勉強した。これが普通だけど、 文脈によっては、最初に(他の科目より先に)英語を勉強した。 I studied English first. まず最初に(他の科目より)英語を勉強した。これが普通だけど、 文脈によっては、最初に(他の行為より先に)英語を勉強した。になる。 これは、I studied English at first.とも言い換えられる。これも文脈によっては 最初に(他の行為より先に)英語を勉強した。になるけど。
ところが、When did you first study English?にすると、最初に英語を勉強したのはいつですか?になる。 この文でfirstを文末に移すと、まず最初に(一番目に)英語を勉強したのはいつですか?になってしまって意味不明な文になる。 When did you study English for the time (in your life)?とすれば、最初に英語を勉強したのはいつですか?になる。
lastも似たようなところがあって、 When did you last study English? 最後に英語を勉強したのはいつですか?になるんだけど When did you study English last?は(意味はなんとか分かるけど)不自然な言い方になってしまう。
Her singing in sign language is a kind of dance that their fans have come to love. She calls this "sign vocals". She performs the songs not only through her sign language but through her steps and moves.
"I was a member of the rhythmic gymnastics club in high school, and that helped me develop a sense of rhythm",says Kiyo.
Kiyo's dream of becoming a singer was never lost though she had a handicap. After she saw a famous singer, Matsuda Seiko, sing on TV, Kiyo decided to become a singer herself. She never thought that her handicap would stop her.
Kiyo thanks her mother for her success. Her mother made her work hard so that she could read people's lips. She also pushed Kiyo to use a hearing aid and practice so that she could speak well. Thanks to her mother, Kiyo got closer to her dream.
次の日本語を英語にしなさい。 1.私の兄は美術部に入っています。 My brother ( ). 2.兄は、ピカソの作品にとても関心があります。 He is ( ) works by Picasso. 3.先月、兄の絵が市民ホールで展示されました。 His painting ( ) in the community center last month. 4.兄は、賞をとったことをたいへん喜んでいます。 He is really ( ).
まぁ、>>99のこれは永久保存版にして残しておいてくれw ----------------------------------------------------------- 逆だろ。 When did you study English last? が「最後に英語を勉強したのはいつ?」 When did you last study English? なんて不自然で言わない -----------------------------------------------------------
>>122 A native speaker of what? Japanese? Chinese? You will be so welcome if you a native speaker of 'ENGLISH.' And from now on, why don't stay here and answer questions and explain things in ENGLISH. By the way, where in the US are you from and what do you do there?
>>128 Well, well,.. Another native speaker of what? You, too, are so welcome if you a native speaker of ENGLISH. Stay here and help studets here to ask questions, will you? And the same to >>122 Where in the UK are you from and what do you do there?
>>131 I'm a native speaker of English, of course. How come you got so angry? If you want to ask me something, you're welcome at the thread, Hey Native Speakers! Come and help us!
>>137 What made you think I'm angry? I don't mind visiting any tread but why don't YOU stay here and help studetns? Oh, and what brought you here? You seemed to appear so sudden from nowhere as if to rescue the guy who kept saying something completely wrong. And you can read Japanese, huh?
なんだか知らないけど>>99のこれは永久保存版で残しておいてくれな ----------------------------------------------------------- 逆だろ。 When did you study English last? が「最後に英語を勉強したのはいつ?」 When did you last study English? なんて不自然で言わない -----------------------------------------------------------
This sort of question is tricky because there is a subtle difference between "unnatural", "uncommon" and "inappropriate" English. I think both sentences sound pretty natural, that is not the same as saying both sentences would be equally commonly used. It is also worth noting that Google figures are highly unreliable. One trick is to see how many _actual_ pages are returned instead of relying on the initial estimate.
For example:
"when did you last eat" 460 actual pages, 861 estimated "when did you eat last" 113 actual pages, 2,550 estimated.
As you can see which is most common completely reverses.
>>199 I'm no fan of casual English. Once you're over a certain age it doesn't make you sound 'cool' or 'hip' it just makes it even more obvious that you aren't a teenager any more.
Not that I was cool or hip when I was a teenager anyway.
>>204 Sure I do. I'm just saying that typing in English that is more casual than I actually use in real life is just stupid and isn't going to do me any favours.
>>225 英語わかってないじゃん。 自称ネイティブの一人は不自然に英語になって終わって もう一人は、一生懸命英語書いてきたけど、 一番最初はどちらもnaturalだと主張していたのが、 途中から、pretty naturalと言い換えて、 "unnatural", "uncommon" and "inappropriate" があると言い出して、 "when did you last eat" の方が普通に使われる表現だと言い出したんだよ。
>>240 登場したときは、どちらもnaturalだと主張して出てきたんだよ 一人は変な英語になって消えて、 もう一人は、ずっと出てこないと思ったら突然 微妙な差がある、 "unnatural", "uncommon" and "inappropriate" がある "when did you last eat" の方が普通に使われる表現と言い出したんだよ。
>>245 まぁ中高生のために結論を言うと、 "when did you last eat"と"when did you eat last"のように lastが動詞のすぐ近くにあるときは、まだ意味取れるんだけど When did you last study English? のような文になると 文末にlastを置くと動詞と離れてしまって変になるわけ。
Notoriously,Glasgow C eltic football club is Catholic,While Glasgow Rangers is Protestant,and until recently Rangers had never had a Catholic player. 釈訳お願いします
Some plants produce special chemicals to protect themselves against insects which might otherwise eat them. この場合のotherwiseってどんな意味なんでしょうか? 無くても通じますか? 宜しくお願いします。
Notoriously,Glasgow C eltic football club is Catholic,While Glasgow Rangers is Protestant,and until recently Rangers had never had a Catholic player. 釈訳お願いします
Her singing in sign language is a kind of dance that their fans have come to love. 彼女がボディランゲージで歌うのはファンが大好きになるようになったダンスの一種です。 She calls this "sign vocals". 彼女はこれを手話の歌と呼んでいます。 She performs the songs not only through her sign language but through her steps and moves. 彼女は手話で歌うだけでなく足踏みや動きでも歌います。
"I was a member of the rhythmic gymnastics club in high school, and that helped me develop a sense of rhythm",says Kiyo. 高校の時リズム体操クラブにいたことが今リズムを取ることに役に立っている とKIYOは言います。
Kiyo's dream of becoming a singer was never lost though she had a handicap. KIYOが歌手になりたいという夢はハンディキャップを持っていても決して失われません。 After she saw a famous singer, Matsuda Seiko, sing on TV, Kiyo decided to become a singer herself. 有名な歌手 Matsuda Seikoがテレビで歌うのを見てKIYOは自分は歌手になると決めました。 She never thought that her handicap would stop her.
Kiyo thanks her mother for her success. Her mother made her work hard so that she could read people's lips. She also pushed Kiyo to use a hearing aid and practice so that she could speak well. Thanks to her mother, Kiyo got closer to her dream.
Kiyo thanks her mother for her success. 彼女は成功したことについて母に感謝しています。 Her mother made her work hard so that she could read people's lips. 母はKIYOを厳しく訓練したので人の唇を読めるようになりました。読唇術。 She also pushed Kiyo to use a hearing aid and practice so that she could speak well. 母はKIYOを聴力補助、補聴器かを使っての訓練をさせたのでKIYOは良く話せるようになりました。 Thanks to her mother, Kiyo got closer to her dream. KIYOの母に感謝しましょう、KIYOが夢により近づきました。
Notoriously,Glasgow C eltic football club is Catholic,While Glasgow Rangers is Protestant,and until recently Rangers had never had a Catholic player. 悪名高いことには、グラスゴーセルチックはカソリックです一方グラスゴーRangersはプロテスタントですそして最近までRangersは決してカソリックの選手を取りませんでした。
This story was not only popular in Japan but also abroad. とあったのですが、not onlyの位置はこれが正しいのですか? not onlyとbut alsoの後に来る語のバランスが崩れてる気がするのですが・・・。 This story was popular in not only Japan but also abroad. ではダメでしょうか?
>>299 > This story was not only popular in Japan but also abroad. > 日本だけではなく海外でも人気があります。の意味で > こんな言い方するのかしら?折れには > This story was not popular in Japan. が先に見えてしまう。 >
なら、 This story was popular not only in Japan but also abroad. にすればいいじゃん。 気が済むんなら。
>>299 > This story was not only popular in Japan but also abroad. > 日本だけではなく海外でも人気があります。の意味で > こんな言い方するのかしら?折れには > This story was not popular in Japan. が先に見えてしまう。
この文だと、not only が popular にかかるから意味が違ってくるんじゃないのか? だから、文として意味が成り立っていないように思う。 だから違和感を感じるのが正しいんだろう。
つまりはbut also の後の部分にはpopularに対する比較対象語が来ないと駄目なんだろう。 This story was not only popular but also expensive in japan. みたいに。 「日本だけではなく海外でも人気があります。」の意味にするには>300のようにしないと駄目なんじゃないかな。
News is any reliable and (1) report of an event containing timely or hitherto (2) information that affects the lives, welfare, future, or interest of the readers, listeners, or viewers receiving the (3).
In this definition the word report is used in a very broad sense and includes written, oral, and visual material. This definition makes it clear that news is the account of an event, not the (4) itself.
>>304 News is any reliable and (unbiased) report of an event containing timely or hitherto (unknown) information that affects the lives, welfare, future, or interest of the readers, listeners, or viewers receiving the (report).
In this definition the word report is used in a very broad sense and includes written, oral, and visual material. This definition makes it clear that news is the account of an event, not the (event) itself.
カレンは授業中眠っているようだった。 Karen seemed to be sleeping in class. ↑これはなぜ Karen seemed to have been sleeped in class. にならないんですか!? 時制のずれで完了形になると思うんですが(;_;) すみませんが教えて下さい!!!!
News is any reliable and ( unbiased ) report of an event containing timely or hitherto ( unknown ) information that affects the lives, welfare, future, or interest of the readers, listeners, or viewers receiving the ( report ).
In this definition the word report is used in a very broad sense and includes written, oral, and visual material. This definition makes it clear that news is the account of an event, not the ( event ) itself.
基本はこれだよ。not only but _These goods are not only cheap but (also) good for the price. これらの品物は安いばかりでなく(また)値段の割によい_ She not only came to the party but she) brought her sister as well. 彼女はパーティーへ来たばかりでなく妹も連れてきた _Not only did he pass the exam,but he got a scholarship. 彼は合格しただけでなく奨学金もゲトした。
This story was not only popular in Japan but also abroad. こんなのどこにあったんだよ。出典を示せ。
こんばんは、今日も宜しくお願いします。 今日は「外見の美しさよりも内面の美しさが人を魅力的に見せる」 のような話題に同意したり反論したりというレッスンがあったのですが 僕は同意で 「僕はあなたのことが好きだけど、それは綺麗だからってわけじゃない」 と言いたかったのですが、フレーズを作れませんでした。 「綺麗だから好き」なら、 I like you because you're beautiful. でいいと思うのですが・・・。 宜しくお願いします。
>>361 there daysなら無くてもいいと言えばいいけど 有った方がよりきちんとした英語。 あと、もし、for three days, for two weeks, for a monthのように言うなら、for要るし。 要するにforを入れておけばどんな場合でも間違いないし、よりきちんとしてるので中高生向き。
>>363 ちょっと、すまんかった。 >It is amazing that it takes practically no time to do 目的語が必要。なくてもまぁなんとかなるけど。. >The weather has been good for ages and it's hot. agesはものすごい長期間。 The weather [has been] と言っているのだなら、it [has been] hotに。 「ずっと天気がよかったせいで、(今日は、今は)暑い」ということなら、it's hotでもいいが。 あとhotは「暖かい」じゃない。
Here were the great themes of the triumph of good over evil, of God and nature, of life and death and man's destiny, and of the struggle for freedom. In its music it found expression in the great heavenstorming climaxes, the violent contrasts between deafening loudness and a whispering softness, and in melodies...
参考 ****************** 知覚動詞、使役動詞を、受動態にしたら、to不定詞を使います。 He was seen to enter the room. 彼は部屋に入るのを見られた A dog was seen to cross the street. I was made to wait for a long time. 私は長いこと待たされた。 Jane was heard to mutter something to herself. ジェーンが何か1人でつぶやくのが聞こえた。 In the story, the heroine's marriage is made to have taken place in 1870. 物語では女主人公の結婚は1870年に行われたように書かれている。
>>399 These are pictures taken while I was traveling around the Chugoku area last fall. The book he bought yesterday seems to be very interesting. The music he had composed last year was very popular among the young.
>>399 These are pictures while my traveling around the Chugoku area last fall. The book(s) he bought yesterday looks like very interesting. The music was very popular among the young guys which he had composed last year.
頼む、助けてくれ。いや、助けてくださいw 宿題で以下の文について長文(1ページの半分)をかかないといけない。設定はありきたりなものでかまわない。なるべく簡単な英語で頼む。 「What is your favorite holiday?What are the customs and traditional foods associated with this holiday?」
Just when the first human beings will reach Jupiter remains to be seen. これの訳が「人間が最初に木製に到達するのはいったいいつになるか、まだわかっていない」 なのですが、ここでのjustは一体どのような意味なのでしょうか? また、ここでjustがあるのとないのとでは、意味はどのように違いますか? どなたか教えてください。お願いします。