this thread(or board or w/e) is an embarassment to us all lol yea yea we cant speak english for shit wats up with everybody saying the word nigger? lol
ok you non fucking bilingual fake motherfucker you probably dont even understand wtf i said. and it might be better if u stop using the word nigger just cuz its one of the only english words you know
You underdeveloped fornicator! Take your numbed testicles and leave my sight, lest I propel you from this establishment with the use of a swift boot applied to the underside of your trousers! You offspring of an elongated badger! You ruptured anus! You have barely the brains to pull upon your penis. Radish-like! Vertebrae-less! Janus-faced!
This thread reads more like teenagers with Tourette Syndrome. Some of the broken English is painful to read.
It's "Fuck", not "Fack" Motherfucker is one word nigger is a racial slur against black people and is most often used by ignorant racists who can't think of a real insult.
O.o Wow...this thread...seriously. I found out something looking at Picard Facepalm "meme", too. This site has an...interesing.."jump" screen when you click on a outgoing link. O.O "Why so serious?" XD "Born in Sin, come on in." Also...what the hell is m-hoooooooooooo?!
Dude, its not time for u to fool around fuxxing jap gals with that complaint bout jap boys with all ur filthy mouths. If u dont like where u r, go back to sxxt hole of ur own country instead of leeching off others!!!!!!!!!!