空欄補充です。良ければ考え方等もお願いしますm(_ _)m Children reveal an instinct for freedom in everything they do, but especially when they play. Everyone knows how much they love to play and how completely engrossed they become in games. Playing is what [ ] is all about, and children give themselves up to it whole-heartedly. By forbidding games and suppressing the free expression of the child's natural functions (and of his or her potential abilities and skills), parents risk interfering with the process of self-realization, and opposing the play of nature itself.
What you say is of no importance. The climate of Singapore is quite different from that of Japan. Mr.Smith gathered the servants to have a friendly talk with them. I made friends with some foreigners at the party last night.
>>35 is of no imprtance is quite different from that of gathered the servants to have a friendly talk made friends with some foreigners at the party last night
I have lost my umbrella. I must buy a new (). I wanted some cakes, but there were () left. Some boys in my class like baseball, and () like soccer. I have two brothers. Our lives in Osaka and () lives in Sendai. It is one thing tomake a plan, and it is () to carry it out. The couple were talking about the plan ().
>>41 I have lost my umbrella. I must buy a new (おね). I wanted some cakes, but there were (のてぃんg) left. Some boys in my class like baseball, and (そめ/てぇ おてぇrs) like soccer. I have two brothers. Our lives in Osaka and (あのてぇr) lives in Sendai. It is one thing tomake a plan, and it is (あのてぇr) to carry it out. The couple were talking about the plan (てぇmせlヴぇs).
二人の少年は二人とも野球が好きだが、どちらも野球部に所属していない () of the two boys like baseball, but () of them belong to the baseball club. メンバー一人一人がその計画の反対意見を述べた () of the members expressed their opinion against the plan. バスは20分毎に出ます Buses leave () twenty minutes. 私はその事件と何のかかわりも無い I have () to do with the incident. 彼は動物が好きだ。とりわけトラが好きだ He likes animals - above () , tigers. 私はその2冊の本のどちらも読んでいない I haven't read () of the two books.
You are supposed not only to have a personal opinion about practically every subject that comes up,but to be ready and willding at all times to express it.
We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement.
1.what makes matters worseやwhat is worseっていうのがあるように、 what is matters worseは正しいでしょうか?
2.He went to a do-it-yourself shop to buy some tools with which to fix the table. この文のwithはtableの後ろには置けませんが、 この文のto不定詞の部分を下文のように、 to buy some tools with which he can fix the table. 節にしてみると、withを後ろに回すことはできますでしょうか?
>>70 what makes matters worseは「事情をさらに悪くしたのもの」で (ちなみに、これはほとんどイディオムに近い) what is worseは「さらに悪いのは」で、what is beautifulなんかと同じ形。 what is matters worseは完全に変だわ。 もしwhat is the(a) matter worseなら不自然ではあるけど、 what is the(a) matter which is worseと解釈することは出来ないことはないけど。
to buy some tools which he can fix the table withと書き換えられるかってことかな? 出来るけどwithが離れすぎて読みづらくなるから、あまりそういうことはしない。
We must never forget that we may also find meaning in life even when confronted with a hopeless situation, when facing a fate that cannot be changed. 運命によって望みのない状況に直面したときにも人生の意義を見つけることが できるかもしれないことを忘れてはいけない。 For what then matters is to bear witness to the uniquely human potential at its best, the uniquely human potential at its bestについて目撃証言することが重要であり which is to transform a personal tragedy into a triumph, それは悲劇を勝利に変えることであり to turn one’s predicament into a human achievement. ある人が苦境におちいったことを人生の業績、偉業に変えるものだ。、
その小さいほうのカップを取ってください Take ()() cup, plaese. この箱はあの箱の三倍大きい This box is ()()() big () that one. =This box is () times bigger () that one. 東京の人口はニューヨークの人口より多い The population of Tokyo is () than of New York. 彼には欠点があるからこそかえって好きになる I like him ()()() for his faults. 人間は金持ちになればなるほどさらに欲しくなる The () money people have, the () they want.
新鮮な空気が必要なのと同じように日光だって必要だ Sunlight is ()() necessary () fresh air is. 彼は週給100ポンドももらっている He earns ()()() a hundred pounds a week. 日本で一番高い山は富士山だ Mt.Fuji is ()() mountain in Japan. =Mt. Fuji is () than ()() mountain in Japan. =No [other] mountain in Japan is ()() Mt. Fuji. =No [other] mountain in Japan is ()()() Mt. Fuji. これらのダイヤモンドはあれらよりずっと優れている These diamonds are ()() to those.
Take (the)(smaller) cup, plaese This box is (three)(times)(as) big (as) that one. This box is (three) times bigger (as) that one. The population of Tokyo is (larger) than of New York. I like him (all)(the)(better) for his faults. The (more) money people have, the (more) they want. どうかしら?
新鮮な空気が必要なのと同じように日光だって必要だ Sunlight is (no)(less) necessary (than) fresh air is. 彼は週給100ポンドももらっている He earns (no)(less)(than) a hundred pounds a week. 日本で一番高い山は富士山だ Mt.Fuji is (the)(highest) mountain in Japan. =Mt. Fuji is (higher) than (any)(other) mountain in Japan. =No [other] mountain in Japan is (higher)(than) Mt. Fuji. =No [other] mountain in Japan is (as)(high)(as) Mt. Fuji. これらのダイヤモンドはあれらよりずっと優れている These diamonds are (much)(supeior) to those.
>>119 She teased her son just because he was shameful. Waiting longer, we got more and more irritated. You are not any more fool than I am. The earth is just a tiny planet. The Mississippi is the longest river. The mississippi river is hardly beaten by any other river in the length. No one could ever come up with the river which might be longer than the Mississippi. No river surpass the Mississippi in terms of the length.
They didn't oppose the project because they feared public opinion. この文章って、 彼らは世論が怖いからといって、その計画に反対したのではない 以外にも、 彼らは世論が怖かったので、その計画に反対しなかった の意味にもとれると思うんですが、どうですか?
>>127 文脈もなにも後者しかありえない。前者なら、They opposed the project not because they feared public opinion となり、They didn't がopposed the projectを飛び越えてbecause they feared public opinionにかかることはない
>>129 not 〜 because の〜に入るのはしなかったことで、その理由はbecause のあとに来るだろ。
新英和中辞典 第6版 (研究社) 3 [否定文の主節とともに用いて] …だからといって(…ない) 《★【用法】 この意味の場合コンマは用いない》. You shouldn't despise a man simply [just] because he's poor. ただ貧しいからといって人を軽蔑してはならない. He didn't refuse it because he disliked it. 彼はそれが嫌いだからといってそれを断わったのではなかった.
こんなのも書いてあった [語法]becauseの3つの用法の違いに注意: Tom didn't leave the party early because Carol was there. トムはキャロルがそこにいたからパーティーを早く切り上げたというのではなかった(制限用法). Tom didn't leave the party early, because Carol was there. トムはパーティーを早く切り上げて帰りはしなかった. キャロルがそこにいたからだ(非制限用法;becauseの前にカンマを置く). Tom didn't leave the party early, because I checked. トムはパーティーを早く切り上げて帰りはしなかった. ちゃんと調べたんだから(第一文の発話に対する理由づけ).
>>132-135 American Heritage® Book of English Usageによると、
because after negated verbs. When because follows a negated verb phrase, it must be preceded by a comma when the because clause explains why the event did not occur. They didn’t want her on the committee, because she was so outspoken means roughly “Her outspokenness was their reason for not wanting her on the committee.” When there is no comma, the because clause is included in what is being negated. Thus They didn’t want her on the committee because she was so outspoken implies that they may in fact have wanted her on the committee but for some reason other than her outspokenness.
In our daily lives we all predict and exlpain other people's behavior from what we think they know and what we think they want. Beliefs and desires are the explanatory tools of our own intuitive psychology, and intuitive psychology is still the most useful and complete science of behavior there is.
1,a) "Are you looking for a radio? " b) "Yes, I ( remember , I , can't , put , +1語 ) ." 2,a) "What were you waiting for? " b) "I ( my . waiting , for , was , friend , +1語 ) ." 3, a) "What a beautiful dress! " b) "Thank you.. ( so ,you , I'm , glad like , +1語 ) ." 4,a) "I think fall is my favorite season. " b) "I think ( to, I , fall , spring , +1語 ) ." 5,a) "Who is that man over there? " b) "He's ( my , a , friend , mother's , +1語 ) ."
問3はthinkを加えて、 I'm glad you think so. あなたにそんなふうに思っていただけるとうれしいです。 になるかと考えましたが、自信がありません。 他の問題についても良く分かりません。 どなたかよろしくお願いします。
1. 一日目は初めて新幹線に乗りとても速かったので驚いた。 I was surprised on the Shinkansen for the first time on the first day because I was very fast.
2. その後バスで行った法隆寺は世界遺産になっているだけあってとてもすばらしい建築物が沢山あった。 In Horyu-ji Temple which went by bus, there was a building splendid at all a lot afterwards as I became the world heritage.
3. その後奈良公園に行くと鹿が沢山いた。 There were a lot of deer afterwards when I went to Nara-koen Park.
4. 公園に鹿を放し飼いしていて寺や大きな売店もあったかた公園のように思えなかった。 I kept a deer loose in the park, and a temple and the big stand were not able to think like the person Park whom there was.
5. そして二日目に行った清水寺 東京にはないとても大きいお寺でびっくりした。 And I was surprised at Kiyomizu-dera Temple Tokyo that I went on the second day in a few very big temple.
6. そして清水の舞台からの眺めは人を感動させるものがあったと思う。 And the view from the stage of the Kiyomizu temple thinks that there was a thing impressing a person.
7. 次に北野天満宮 学業の神様菅原道真を祭っているこの北野天満宮は牛に関するものが沢山あった。 This Kitano-Tenman-gu Shrine dedicated to God Michizane Sugawara of Kitano-Tenman-gu Shrine studies next had a lot of things about the cow.
8. それを見て何故牛なのか不思議に思った。 I wondered why it was a cow to see it.
9. そして夜は友達と沢山話したり、船の中で楽しいショーを見たりおいしい料理を食べた。 And I talked with a friend a lot at night and I watched a pleasant show in a ship and ate delicious cooking.
10. この思いでは一生の宝物です。 To be this thought is a lifetime treasure.
>>166>>168 ・Attendance and participation are of much importance in this class. =この授業では、出席して参加することが非常に重要だ。
・Some were adventuring miners,risking fortunes to drill deep in sarch of mysterious new minerals. =神秘に包まれた新しい鉱物を求めて深く穴を掘るために、鉱夫たちの命や財産を危険に晒している人もいる。
・They were learning that sometimes they conld do something about a problem in stead of just crying. =彼らは単に泣いたりするのではなく、問題について何かができることもあるのだということを学びつつあった。
Last summer twelve students from China visited our school. Li was one of ( ),and we soon becoming friends. 文章中の括弧に入る適語を答えなさい。 という問題なんですが、なぜtheirでなくthemなんでしょうか? 「李はそれらの内の一人・・」だからtheirだと思ったんですけど。。。??
No experience is more culturally broadening than the learning of a foreign language. Nothing proves more convincingly that there are people in the world who do things differently from us.
It has been three years since I was home. 私が故郷を出てから3年になる
この文章で、since I was homeが、なぜ、故郷を出てから になるんでしょうか?
あと、If only〜、Would that〜、Oh that〜なんかは、 I wish〜といつでも交換可能なんでしょうか? I wish he would have eat breakfast. 彼は朝食を食べておけばよかったのに、を、 Would that he would have eat breakfast. にすると、wouldが二つあってなんか気持ち悪いような感じがしてしまうんです
It has been three years since I was home. 私が故郷を出てから3年になる 過去形に注目。過去、故郷にいた。 私は(かつて)ふるさとにいた。(今はここに来てもうそれから) 3年になる。の、意訳。 なんか、現在完了の理解度チェックみたいな文ですね。 現在完了はおれは過去形、を、今現在、have,(持ち合わせた)状態 なのだと理解して覚えました。
<<have been to 〜>>で「〜へ行ったことがある」(経験)、「〜へ行ってきたところだ」(完了) <<have gone to 〜>>は「〜へ行ってしまった」(結果)※ただし「経験」を表す場合もある ということですが、「経験」を表す場合はどっちでもいいという事ですか? 例えば「あなたは京都へ行ったことがありますか?」と言いたい時、 Have you ever been to Kyoto? Have you ever gone to Kyoto? 実際はこっちはあまり使わないなどがあれば教えてください。
>>278 have been to 〜は、「〜へ行ったことがある」(経験)」の表現として決まり文句みたいなもんだからなぁ。 have been TOなら「〜へ行ってきたところだ」みたいな意味に取ることはない。 ちなみに意味はhave been toの意味はhave visitedに近い。 have gone to は「〜へ行ってしまった」と「経験」のどっちの意味にもなる。 それは文脈次第。 それとhave gone toは経験の意味の場合でも、have visitedより、単にそこに行ったことがあるという感じになる。 それから、have been toのような決まり文句は別として 現在完了っていうのは、「継続」と「経験」の意味があるって言っても実は同じものなんだけどね。 have played baseball for ten yearsのように期間を付ければ、過去のある時(10年前から)現在まで私は野球を続けている状態にある have played baseball twiceのように回数を付ければ、過去のある時から現在まで私は野球を2回やったという状態にある どちらも過去のある時から現在までの状態を表している。
誰か神様お願いします><!! 1. The Scottish supporters grew more and more () after their team scored a goal. @excited Aexciting Bexcitement Cexcite
2.() Toronto is the biggest city in Canada , it's not the capital of Canada @In spite of ADespite BAlthough CHowever 3. The care () he did his work surprised us. @with which Aof which Bat which Cin which
4.父 would not () me go out with Tom @ let A allow Bprevent C resist
5.() will be chosen as captain? @Do you think who AWho do you think BTo whom do you think CDo you think whom
A mother was singing to her little girltnder the tree.they looked happy, and the song sounded sweet.But the tree remembered something sad. “Yes,it was some sixty years ago. I heard a lullaby that night, too.”
saturday august 11 sunny and hot. I went to Miyagi with my family. on arriving we went swiming in the sea and I saw a small fish there, これを日本語に直してくれ 宿題でその日の出来事を2日分書くんだけど 俺英語できないから無理 それと平泳ぎをしましたって文を英語にしたいんだけど・・・ swim the breaststrokeのほかに何をすれば・・・・・・・
和訳よろしくお願いします。 In Okinawa, the tombs are quite unique. Sometimes several families related to each other own and use the same tomb. Such tombs are very large. Several times a year some families and relatives gather in front of the tomb. The ceremony in April is called the Shimi. They clean the tomb and offer prayers. Then they eat a meal together in memory of their ancestors. You can see talismans in Okinawa too. If you go there, look for stones with the word ishiganto on them. You may find one placed at the end of a street. An ishiganto was originally a talisman in China. There are many different stories as to the origin of this name. In one of them, Ishi is said to be a person's name, and gabto is said to mean, "never lose." A shisa is another type of talisman. It is usually set on the roof. From there it lools down at the gate and guards the house from demons and evil. Each one has a different face, and some are quite humorous.
和訳お願いします。 Being disabled is normal to me because I've been disabled since I was born. But people tend to stare at me. They seem to think I am not as smart as they are. They treat me like a child. Yes, I feel out of place sometimes. I'm afraid they sometimes think it's a waste of time to help me.
和訳よろしくおねがいします。 Ichariba chode is an Okinawan dialect of Ikiaeba kyodai. I means "once we meet ,we are brothers and sisters." "Chode" means "brotherhood." The following episode si a good example of this saying. A travelar in Okinawa asked, "How do I get to Kadena?" Then, a local man answered, "I'm going the same way. Come with me." They took the same bus. In the bus, the man took out a book of tickets. "Use this," he said, and gave a ticket to the traveler. What a kind man! Such acts of kindness are sometimes seen in Okinawa. Why are they so friendly? The people of Okinawa believe that all humans are equal, so they have a strong feeling of brotherhood. The merchants of the Ryukyu Kingdom also had such a feeling. When they traded with other countries, they tried to be very polite and kept their promises. They were trusted and became rich from trade. They also followed the spirit of ichariba chode. This spirit lives on. Politeness, trust and the spirit of Ichariba chode are important even today.
和訳お願いします。 To the people of Okinawa , a sanshin is like a treasure. In many houses the sanshin is placed in the tokonoma, the place of honor in a home. People play it at home quite often. In many places, people play the sanshin and sing Okinawan folk music. Happy or sad, they play and sing. The music of Okinawa is in the people's hearts. Folk music of Okinawa sounds peaceful in general. The tunes are touching. Sometimes they make you feel cheerful as well. Okinawan music carries on its tradition, but it slso takes in good parts of other music and makes new music. For instance, after World War II, American military personnel were stationed in Okinawa. the Americans brought in jazz and rock music. The heavy rhythm of rock was taken into Okinawan folk music and became Okinawan Rock. Sinece then, some Okinawan musicians, like Kina Syoukichi, have put Okinawan folk music toggether with other kinds of music. In this way "Okinawan pop music," or " champuru music"was born. From traditional folk to Okinawan pop, the energy of Okinawa is expressed in its music.
和訳お願いします。 On September 16, 1816, two British ships appeared on the coast of Naha. They stayedin Okinawa for about 40 days. On the voyage home, basil Hall, captain of one of the ships, went to St.Helena. He met Napoleon bonaparte there. Below is part of Hall's story. Napoleon was most surprised when I told him that the people of the Ryukyus had no wepons. N: No wepons?! Do they have any cannons or guns? H: No, not even muskets. N: Well, then-any spears, or any bows and arrows? H: No, they do not have any. N: No swords? H: No, none. It seemed that Napoleon could not believe what he was hearing. He seemed confused, and rather angry. He cried, "But! But without wepons, how do they fight?" I answered, "As far as I have heard , they have never had any wars. They have lived in peace." Napoleon heard this and cried, "No wars?! " To him, people wihtout any wepons , living in peace was unbevable.
>>352 ありがとうございます とりあえず途中まで saturday august 11 sunny and hot i went to miyagi my family on arriving we wenr swiming in the sea and i saw a small fish there swim the breatsroke. これでもOK? それとこの後に歩いていたらヒトデが落ちていましたって書きたいんだけど・・・ starfishぐらいしかわからないorz
>>356 I went to Miyagi with my family. Just after arriving, we went into the sea and started to swim. I saw a small fish in water. I did the breaststrok.
After swimming, we walked along the beach. I saw a starfish on the sand.
>>408 Our valleyball team is in need of new members. It's quite natural for children to be interested in toys. He practised hard according to the schedule.
>>438 Students in school are apt to learn what is more important than their study, especially politeness (compared with the guys who have class in the internet).
>>438 Students studying at school are able to learn not just math or history but also more important things; for example, how to behave in society. (studyじゃ学校の勉強という意味にならないし、politnessだけじゃ礼儀という意味にならない)
>>446 関係代名詞(先行詞はan appoinment)が制限用法で使われてるけど意味は非制限用法のように考えればいい。 Did I make an appointment with Dr.Brown?(that I forgot about) 私、Dr.Brown?とのアポイントメント取ったっけ?(そのこと忘れちゃったんだけど・・) あと付け加えると、会う相手が「Dr.」なので、たぶん医者にかかるための予約を取ったってことだろう。
Since people's feet,arms,and steps come in all different lengths, the British decided standards for these units later. 足の大きさ腕の長さ、歩幅は人それぞれで違うので イギリス政府は各単位ごとに標準の数値をあとで決めた。 As the English Measuring system is based on lengths of the human body, converting between units can be different. イギリスの長さを計るシステムは人の体のサイズに基づいているので (時代によって)足、腕、歩幅の長さが変わる可能性がある。
A boy who merely learns pieces of information by heart can hardly be said to know anything. という文なんですが、この文を能動態に直したときsayの目的語はto know anything でいいのでしょうか? sayの後にto不定詞が来るのを見たことがなかったので…… (↓一応自分なりに能動態に直してみました。なんかおかしい気がしますけど) (They)said to a boy〜 to know something .
>>453 ○ is said to 〜は「○は〜と言われている」の定型文。 だから能動態にするなら、 (peopleとかtheyとか) say (that) の後に普通の文を書けばいいだけ。 ただし主語を何にするかという問題が残るけど。 (受験英語だと安易にtheyを置けと教えてる場合もあるようだけど ただtheyを入れても実際の英語じゃ意味不明になっちゃうんだけどね)
上の文の場合なら、こんな風に言い換えればまぁなんとかなる。 One can hardly say (that) a boy who merely learns pieces of information by heart knows anything.
>>459 These pieces might inspire listeners to imagine fields,forests, or other landscapes or else(または/それとか/あるいは他には) (these pieces might inspire listeners to) think of specific characters from a novel or poem
で、文の中ではどのように使われるかと言うと、 That news was disappointing.(そのニュースはがっかりさせるようなものだった。) I was disappointed with the news.(私はそのニュースにはがっかりした。) のように、「出来事が主語」の場合はdisappointingを用い、 「人が主語」の場合はdisappointedを用いる。 ここまではOK?
では最後に、 which was pretty ( ) に注目。whichの先行詞は前文全体で、「イギリスにいた時はほどんど雨だった」という内容。 つまり「出来事が主語」になっている。 となると、選ぶべき形は「disappointing」となる。
441 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/08/27(月) 17:00:00 >>438 Students studying at school are able to learn not just math or history but also more important things; for example, how to behave in society. (studyじゃ学校の勉強という意味にならないし、politnessだけじゃ礼儀という意味にならない)
He was disappointing.かHe was disappointing ■ / Modefication という構造ならわからんでもない。 がdisappointingの後に後置装飾の前置詞がつくと疑問。
"he is disappointing" の検索結果 約 191,000 件 "he is disappointing as"の検索結果 2 件 "he is disappointing to"の検索結果 7 件 "he is disappointing for"の検索結果 3 件 "he is disappointing in"の検索結果 6 件 at/withHITせず 辛うじて1個見つけた。 Youks [28] (tho he is disappointing in terms of what he did in the 1st half) ttp:// showtopic%3D22160%26view%3Dgetlastpost+%22he+is+disappointing+in%22&hl=ja&ct=clnk&cd=5&gl=jp
日本語の意味になるように()の中を英作してください。 ボブは、彼のおじいさんが受け取って嬉しいと思うようなものを買うほうが良い。 ()will be glad to receive. 下の英文の日本語訳もお願いします! We visit foreign counties for many reasons. Some travel on business,others travel to see interesting places that are only found in other countries.
A big,old tree stans by a road near the city of Hiroshima.Through the years,it has seen many things. One summer night the tree heard a lullaby.A mother was singing to her little girl under the tree.They looked happy, and the song sounded sweet.But the tree remembered something sad. Yes it was some sixty years ago.I heard a lullaby that night,too.l
One the morning of that day,a big bomb fell on the city of Hiroshima.Many people lost their lives,and many others were injured. They had burns all over their bodies.I was very sad when I saw those people. It was a very hot day.Some of the people fell down near me.I said to them,Come and rest in my shade.You will be all right soon. この文訳してくださいお願いします
これ追加で訳していただけますか Night came. Some people were already dead.I heard a weak voice.It was a lullary. A young girl was singing to a little boy. Mommy Mommy! the boy cried.Dont cry, the girl said.Mommy is here.Then she began to sing again. She was very weak,but she tired to be a mother to the poor little boy.She held him in her arms like a real mother. 上の内容について次の問いに対する答えの文を完成させなさい What did the tree hear? () () () () ().
Who was singing the lullaby? A () ().
Monny,the boy still crying.Be a good boy,said the girl.You will be all right.She held the boy more tightly and began to sing again. After a while the boy stopped crying and quietly died.But the little mother did not stop singing. It was a sad lullaby.The girl’s voice became weaker and weaker. Morning came and the sun rose,but the guil never moved again.
上の内容について次の問いに対する答えの文を完成させなさい Did the little boy stop crying and die? (), () ().
Did the girl move when the sun rose? () (),she ().
Mike asked me whether I could help his homework. It was about in the middle of the night that Hanako called me yesterday. The student has used his own dictionary for more than ten years. Tom wasn't able to find out anyone to talk to at the party. If I had known your address,I could have sent 添削してちょ。
Did the little boy stop crying and die? A: Yeap,you ass. Did the girl move when the sun rose? A:Of course, she died.
感想又は印象 It's a sad story.It strikes me deeply so that I shed the tears. Why did the fucking America have to do that? Imagine. I had no idea.I just say God fuck America.
>>598 たとえば、こんな文があったとする。 I invited some people, who love music. I invited some people who love music. 上のは「私は数人の人を招いた。(ちなみに)その人たちは音楽が大好きだ」 下のは「私は音楽な大好きな人、数人を招いた」
「<動詞+副詞>でひとつの動詞のはたらきをする句」の質問なのですが、 <動詞+副詞>に目的語がつく場合、 Put on your cort.が普通の語順ですが、 Put your cort on.のように「動詞と副詞の間に目的語がはいることがある」 となっているのですが、 <動詞+副詞>に目的語がつく場合はすべてこの語順も使えるということですか? それともこの語順が使える句は決まっていて、それ以外の句はこの語順に出来ない ということですか? Put on〜は出来るけど例えばtake off〜は、 Take your shoes off.と出来ないとか
>>617 もしかして、A whale is no more fish than a horse is. や She is no more beautiful than her sister. などの例文を使って マヌケな解説してる参考書などのことが頭にこびりついてるのかな? そんなもん受験英語以外では使えないよ。
意味は普通に考えればいい。 たとえば、She is no more beautiful than her sister. なら 「彼女は妹(または姉)より、けっして美しくない」が本来の意味。 ただ、大したことないものを引き合いに出して、 せいぜいそれと同等か、それ以下だと言いたいときに使われることが 時々あるだけのこと。 それは文脈から、そう読み取るだけのことで、 no more … than〜そのものは「〜より、けっして…ではない」というだけの意味。
She is no(t) beautiful. NOとしてるだけ主張が強いんだな。 それにher sisterを引き合いに出して美しくないという評価を飾りたててるの。 >>623のいうように引き合いに出されるものがどういうものであるかによって意味合いが変わる。 基準として比べているのか、単に引き合いに出して評価の様を大げさに表現しているのかとね。
>>630 This story makes me explode in anger against war because it's all we lose and nothing to be gained. I hope the Japan never try to make war in order that we will not commit a terrible mistake again.
>>624,627 put on 〜のonは副詞で(「動詞+副詞」の項目にでてきた例です) call on 〜のonは前置詞なんですか? 「動詞+前置詞」の組み合わせの句は当然間に目的語をいれることはできない ですよね。>>619で質問した、動詞と副詞の間に目的語を入れる語順は 「動詞+副詞」の組み合わせの句のみと載っているので。 副詞か前置詞かどうやって見分けるんですか?
The vices of others we keep before our eyes , our own behind our back : it happens therefore that a man does not pardon anothers faults who has more of his own.
さっそく They knew that the water would rise and flood the valley for several hundred kilometers, and that many farmers living there would have to be moved. よろしくお願いします
The narrator of this story is a 12-year-old girl who has gone to London with her mother to visit the dentist. The girl has a tooth filled, and then she and her mother go to a café afterwards. When it's time to go home, they discover that it's pouring rain and they have no umbrella. They decide to get a taxi. While they're watching for a cab, an old gentleman sheltering under an umbrella approaches them. He asks for a favor. The girl's mother is very distrustful of strange men. The old man explains that he has forgotten his wallet and would like to sell them his umbrella in return for taxi fare back to his home. He explains that it's a very nice silk umbrella worth twenty pounds, but his legs are weak and he simply must take a taxi home. The mother likes the sound of the deal, but the little girl worries that they're taking advantage of the old man. The mother offers to simply give him the cab fare, but he insists that they take the umbrella. The transaction is made and everyone is happy.
>>676の続きで As the mother is proudly explaining the importance of correctly judging people, the daughter notices that the old man has quickly crossed the street and is hurrying away. "He doesn't look very tired to me," she said. The mother is displeased. "He's up to something." They decide to follow him and find out. They quickly follow him as he rushes through the rainy streets. Eventually they find themselves at a pub called "The Red Lion" and watch through the window as the old man enters and uses the pound note to pay for a triple whiskey. "That's a jolly expensive drink," said the little girl. "It cost him a twenty-pound silk umbrella!" They watch as the old man finishes his drink and goes to retrieve his coat and hat. Just before he leaves the pub, he smoothly plucks a wet umbrella from the coat rack and takes it with him. "So that's his game!" the mother explained. They see him head back to the main street and sell the umbrella to another unsuspecting person. Then he heads off in another direction for another pub. "He could be doing this all night," the girl says. "Yes, of course," says the mother. "But I'll be he prays like mad for rainy days."
英作文(予備校のテキスト) 「年をとるにつれて本に対する好みは変わっていくものだ」 っていう表現を英作すると The type of books we like to read will usually change as we grow older. なんですが、 we like to read の ところがよくわかりません。 あとbook とweの間に関係代名詞が省略されているということでよろしいでしょうか?
>>696 These two stories and many more 主語 これらの二つのストーリーと、さらに多く(のストーリー)は create, 動詞 a good picture of the elephant's emotional depth. このpictureは(生き生きとした)描写とでもいうようなもの。 ただしcreateの後にカンマがあるのが変だが・・
>>706 非文。 Your watching Moetan the animation is not useful to improve English language skill. というのなら、文法的には正しい。 It's not useful for you to watch Moetan the animation in order to improve your English language skill. が一番自然(でも自然とはいえないが)だろ。
>>706 間違えとまで言えないけど、なんか不自然だな。 こうしたほうがいいよ。 It is not useful for improving English language skills even if you watch the animation movie(DVD, etc.), MOETAN. といっても、このitは、この文の中の何かを指してるわけじゃないが。 または文章を完全に変えて変えてこうするとか。 Watching the animation movie(DVD, etc.), MOETAN is not useful for improving English language skills.
The doctor has operated not less than ten times than I. こうすれば10倍と訳す事ができるっていう考えでいいのでしょうか? あと、 The doctor has operated at least ten times.のように 、 at leastに変えると、not less thanと同じ意味と考えていいのか、それとも少しは意味が違うのか、よければ教えてください。
>>706 It is not useful for the improvement of English language skill いきなりこんなこと言われてもitが何かわからない。 itで示されるものが、英語力の向上という面では使えないと言っているが 肝心の何が使えないのかはわからずじまい。
you watch MOETAN the animationはMOETANにアニメを見せてあげるともとれるのでカンマを入れた方がいい。
It's no use to watch the animation for the improvement of English skill even if you watch Moetan, one of the animation that is said to be more effective to learn English.
>>677 she and her mother go to a café >cafと#233というのに行きます >cafと#233というのに行きます >cafと#233というのに行きます >cafと#233というのに行きます >cafと#233というのに行きます >cafと#233というのに行きます >cafと#233というのに行きます
The new dam, the High Dam at Aswan, has greatly improved the lives of millions of people, and the great temple of Abu Simbel are still there. 自動翻訳すると 新しいダム(アスワンのHighダム)は何百万人もの人々の人生を大いに改良しました、そして、アブ・シンベルの偉大な寺がまだそこにあります。
>>779 She will be able to speak English soon She is able to speak English She was able to speak English She can speak English You will be able to speak English soon You are able to speak English
>>798 a fewは少し〜ある、いる、のように肯定的な意味合いで使い fewは少ししか〜ない、いない、のように否定的な意味合いで使うんだけど a very few, very fewやonly a few, only fewのようにすると あまり意味が変わらなくなってくる。 といっても中高生はテストで変な減点をくらわないために veryやonlyが付いても、a fewは肯定的、fewは否定的な意味として 使っておいた方がいいだろね。
>>750-751 そりゃ調べ方が悪い。出てくるには出てくるが不安定だな。今朝と結果が変わってるし "improvement of English skill"で若干the improvement of English skillがHITするはず。 まあそれでも日本人英語だったがね。
"improvement * skill" site:us に一致する英語のページ 約 272,000,000 件 "improvement in * skill" site:us に一致する英語のページ 約 2,390,000 件 "improvement of * skill" site:us に一致する英語のページ 約 738,000 件 "the improvement * skill" site:us に一致する英語のページ 約 202,000 件 "the improvement in * skill" site:us に一致する英語のページ 8 件 "the improvement of * skill" site:us に一致する英語のページ 9 件
"improvement * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 約 848 件 ↑たまにこういうのもあるのでグーグル1発検索だけで鵜呑みにするのは危険。 "improvement in * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 約 1,150,000 件 "improvement of * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 約 560,000 件 "the improvement * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 約 401,000 件 "the improvement in * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 約 108,000 件 "the improvement of * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 約 143,000 件
"for the improvement in * skill" site:uk に一致するページは見つかりませんでした "for the improvement of * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 10 件 "on the improvement of * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 5 件 "in the improvement of * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 3 件 "to the improvement of * skill" site:uk に一致する英語のページ 約 116,000 件
One of the most painful circumstances of recent advances in science is that each of them makes us know less than we thought we did. このdidはknewを表すことはあるんでしょうか?
>>824 >>825 どうやったって、こんなもんだよ?w "the improvement of english skill" に一致するページは見つかりませんでした。 "the improvement of french skill" に一致するページは見つかりませんでした。 "the improvement of german skill" に一致するページは見つかりませんでした。 "the improvement of spanish skill" に一致するページは見つかりませんでした。
>しかも元々の質問文に合った表現かどうかを完全に無視して の意味がわからないが、 "the improvement of * skill"はおKで"the improvement of 言語 skill"がダメな理由はそれじゃなんだと思う? 俺達がわからなくて、おまいが当然と思ってる点はそこだと思うのだが。
これは妄想だが、 The table had a beautiful polishはthe tableと a beautiful polishの関係性を示しているだけで a beautiful polishがthe tableとどのような関係性を築いているのか示されてない。 それを埋めるのがto itやwith itなんじゃないのかな?
>>848 そのto itは、たとえばこんな風に言ったら分かりやすいだろう The craftsman gave a beautiful polish to the table. The table had a beautiful polish to it.はthe tableは 美しい光沢が与えられていたという感じに読めばいい
1. That is the old men. He lives next door. 2. That is a mouse. It ate the cheese. 3. He is the musician. Young people like him. 4. The man is her father. She is dancing with him. 5. I know a girl. Her father is a film director. 6. The hotel is very beautiful. He stayed at the hotel yesterday. 7. Man is the only animal. He can use fire. 8. Look at the red car. Mr. White is driving it. 9. The teacher is Mr. Matsuyama. He teaches us English. 10. She is a singer. We like her very much. 11. That is the man. His wife is a famous pianist. 12. I have an uncle. He lives in Tokyo. 13. I know a girl. She has a dog as a pet. 14. This is the road. It leads to the city hall. 15. Is this the purse? You lost it yesterday. 16. I have a friend. He lives in Hokkaido. 17. This is the city. I was born in the city. 18. He is a singer. Yumiko sent a fun letter to him. 19. They live in a house. It stands on a hill. 20. She likes the boy. She saw him in the station yesterday. 21. The man works at a bank. I met him on the street.
1. That is the old men. He lives next door. That is the old men who lives next door. 8. Look at the red car. Mr. White is driving it. Look at the red car which Mr. White is driving. 15. Is this the purse? You lost it yesterday. Is this the purse that you lost yesterday.
1. That is the old men who lives next door. 2. That is a mouse that ate the cheese. 3. He is the musician who young people like. 4. The man is the father of a woman he is dancing with. 5. I know a girl whose father is a film director. 6. The hotel where he stayed yesterday is very beautiful . 7. Man is the only animal that can use fire. 8. Look at the red car which Mr. White is driving. 9. The teacher is Mr. Matsuyama, who teaches us English. 10. She is a singer, who we like very much. 11. That is the man whose wife is a famous pianist. 12. I have an uncle who lives in Tokyo. 13. I know a girl who has a dog as a pet. 14. This is the road which leads to the city hall. 15. Is this the purse that you lost yesterday. 16. I have a friend who lives in Hokkaido. 17. This is the city where I was born. 18. He is a singer to whom Yumiko sent a fun letter. 19. They live in a house which stands on a hill. 20. She likes the boy who she saw in the station yesterday. 21. The man I met him on the street works at a bank. .
3. He is the musician whom young people like. 4. The man who is dancing with her is her father. 10. She is a singer whom we like very much. . 20. She likes the boy whom she saw in the station yesterday. 21. The man whom I met on the street works at a bank..
>>912 まず、take だけど、take me という形はないね。 take salt to .. なら、ありえる。ただし、me が to の後ろにくるのは、 へんで、bring salt to me ならありえるな。文法的には、っていうことだけど。 have だけど、have me とくると、使役の場合はありえるが、普通はない。 turn は意味が違う。ひっくりかえす、っていう意味だろ。 だから、pass しかない。
I feel that my work at the hospital has become more challenging as a result of what I learn on my mission. これ、Readingの授業の教科書の文章なのですが、 〜more challengingまでは訳せます。 しかしそれをどうやってas a〜につなげていいか分からなくて。 それとも別の訳し方なのでしょうか? 最後のwhatの節は名詞節なのでしょうか?それとも疑問節なのでしょうか? 教えて欲しいです、よろしくお願いします。
There may be said to have developed in the last few years a "revolt of the individual"against the conformity which an excessive regard for material objects has imposed on daily life
>>933 His recent interests include Psychology, Science, and Technology. なんていう文章からして、psychology も、science も、technology も、 interest なのであって、だから、その場合は、include なんだよね。 These books in the list include the books written by J.K.Rollings. このリストにある本には、J.K. ローリングスが書いたものもあります。 これも、include だね。contain じゃないだろ。
で、howというのは「どのような方法で」とか「どのようにして」 という意味であって、 How do you think of it? という表現はおかしいわけ。
「どのように考えますか?」 =「どのような考えを持っていますか?」 =What do you think of it(about it)? となる。
繰り返しになるけど、howは 「どのような方法で」や「どのようにして」だから 「どのような考えを持っていますか?」という意味の文では使えない。 howを使った文だと、こんな文になる。 How can you think he is a bad person? または形は違うけど、このようにも言える。 How do you think we should go to Japan? これらの文では当然howは「どのようにして」という意味で使われている。
>>937 じゃなくて、 As (複数) include B. っていうときは、As の複数の中のひとつが、Bという考え方ね。この場合は、 include しか使えないと思うよ。 contain は、どっちかというと、A include B で、Bが、Aの、コンポーネントとか、 イングレディエントとかの場合じゃないかな。