And what conditions,within our power to bring out,would foster the society that we desire. 構造がわかりません… whatはconditionsを修飾する疑問形容詞ですか? 訳が変になってしまいます、誰か助けてください! お願いします。
すみません…orz What we can do is to use our mind remembering that a tradition without intelligence is not worth having,to discover what is the best life for us not as a political abstration,but as a particular people in a particular place; what in the past is worth preserving and what should be rejected; and what conditions,within our power to bring out,would foster the society that we desire. です お手数おかけします…
>>9 what in the past is worth preserving what should be rejected what conditions, (within our power to bring out), would foster the society that we desire
what is the best life for us (not as a political abstration,but as a particular people in a particular place) what in the past is worth preserving what should be rejected what conditions, (within our power to bring out), would foster the society that we desire
>>12 そう。 ただし二番目と三番目のは一組になってるわ。 * what is the best life for us (not as a political abstration,but as a particular people in a particular place) * what in the past is worth preserving and what should be rejected * what conditions, (within our power to bring out), would foster the society that we desire
>>16 一組というか、まぁこういうこと * what in the past is worth preserving and what should be rejected =* what in the past is worth preserving and what (in the past) should be rejected
最後のは what conditions, (within our power to bring out), would foster the society that we desire =[what conditions] (within our power to bring out), would foster the society that we desire
>>30 文型は知らない。 というか、そんなものに当てはめる必要ないと思うんだけど。 そんな分類より、こういうのは、 動詞、目的語、to 名詞で、 [目的語」を[名詞]に連れていくとか案内する的な感覚で 憶えたほうがいいんじゃないかな。 I will give it to you. I will take you to Disneyland. I introduced him to you. John invited them to the party.
>>35 自分は英語をそのまま読んでる(アメリカに数年の滞在経験あり)。 中高生だと、ほとんどの人はまだ英語の構造が頭に組み込まれてないだろうけど 少しずつでもいいので英語のまま理解するように心がけよう。 コツコツやっていけば少しずつだけど出来るはず。 今だって、I love you, My name is 〜. How old is he?ぐらいの英文なら 英語のままスッと理解できるだろう。 そういうのを少しずつ一歩ずつ進めていけばいい。
「〜」には、speak, spoke, speaks, is speaking, was speaking, has spoken, can speak, などが 来ます。要するに「主語」の次に来れるものが来ます。
それぞれ具体例を挙げると、 (1):( )が[ ]に対して何かをする場合 (彼女)が読んだ[本]⇒[the book] which (she) read (ぼく)がほしい[自転車]⇒[the bike] which I want (母)が会った[男性]⇒[the man] who my mother met (父)が話しかけている[女性]⇒[the woman] which my father is talking with (彼)が長い間買いたいと思っているギター⇒[the guitar] which he has wanted for a long time
(2):[ ]が何かをする場合 中国語が話せる[女の子]⇒[the girl] who can speak Chinese 野球をしている[少年たち]⇒[the boys] who are playing baseball とても面白い[本]⇒[the book] which is very interesting 私に話しかけてきた[男性]⇒[the man] who spoke to me だれかに壊された[自転車]⇒[the bike] which was broken by someone
マレーシア人の父を持つ娘の私はご飯を炊く時の水加減 がへたで、しょっちゅうお粥みたいにしてしまった。 それでも父は素知らぬ顔でそのご飯を食べてくれた。 He would eat every last mouthful, his chopsticks walking quickly across the plate. (2007・立命館)
mouthful は辞書では名詞で「ひと口」,「食べ物の少量」とあります。 every をひくと、every last man「だれもかれも(last は強調)」の用例発見。 質問:every last mouthful が何か? 想像@ゆるく炊けた時は毎晩、最後の一口を父が箸でさらえて食べてくれた。 想像Aゆるいご飯をクチに運ぶたびに、箸を忙しくした。
○I gave him the book.(SVOO)⇔○I gave the book to him.(SVO)←(A)
×John invited them the party. ×John invited them to the party. ×John invited the party them. ×John invited the party to them. ○John invited them to the party. ←(B)
つまり(A)の場合は「SVO1O2」で「SはO1にO2をVする」という第4文型が基礎に あるが、(B)はそれとは全く別。「SVO to 場所など」で覚えるべき。
I will give it to you.←(A) I will take you to Disneyland.←(B) I introduced him to you. ←(B) John invited them to the party. ←(B)
In the United States, a law @(was passed) recently which A(is banned) smoking B(in) New York’s public area, C(such as) restaurant and offices. 誤った表現を正しい表現に書き換える問題なんですが、 Aが間違っているのは分かるんですけど、is banning に書き換えるか、 bans に書き換えるのかどちらがよいでしょうか?
>>54 ありがとうございます A Peace Corps staff member is hurriedly called to a town in Ethiopia to deal with reports that one of the volunteers is treating Ethiopians like dogs. What could the volunteer be doing to communicate that? A volunteer in Nigeria has great trouble getting any discipline in his class,and ti is known that the students have no respect for him because he has shown no self-respect. How has he shown that?
2行目のWhat could the volunteer be doing to communicate that?は どんなことをした結果そのボランティアはそのように報道されたのか?という結果を表わす用法でいいのでしょうか? 3行目以下うまい意訳ができないのでどなたかお願いします
Whatever the historical details and whether or not English retains its premier position for very long into the future, it is evident that today more societic communication― articles and lecture― takes place in English than in any other language in the world. 誰か訳を助けて下さい。 お願いします。
「まず、この電車で大阪まで行き、 そのあと、バスもしくはタクシーでABC空港へ。 バスよりタクシーの方が便利ですよ。 私はタクシーでしか行ったことがないので、 どのバスに乗ればいいかわかりません。」 の英訳なんだが、 First,you go to Osaka by this train. And you should take a buses or taxi from there. To take a taxi is more convinient than to buses. I dont know which buses to take,becouse I only take a taxi. でなんとか意味通じるかな?
>>112 >>112 First of all, you should go to Osaka by train. From there you can take a bus or taxi to ABC station. I guess taking a taxi is more convinient than catching a bus. I'm afraid I don't know which bus you should take because I've got no bus there.
It was not long before I totally forgot about my errand, and before I knew it, it was too late to accomplish it that evening.
これを和訳せよということなんですが、 まもなく、私はお使いのことをすっかり忘れてしまい、気がついたが、 いつの間にかとても暗くなっていたので、その晩はお使いに行くことができなかった で良いでしょうか? and before I knew itはbefore以下のI totally forgot〜と、I knew itが共通関係 ということでよろしかったですかね?
>>112 なんとか通じるけど、 もう少しシンプルかつ通じやすい英語に修正してみるか。 First, take this train. Get off at Osaka station. And take bus or taxi to ABC airport. これだけで十分。 もし付け加えたいなら、 Unfortunately, I cannot tell (you) which bus will take you to ABC airport because I have never used bus there. I think taxi is more convinient.
Dogs have had a really good reputation as a pet from the far past, but some of them are failure. However the case is the same as human being ,and it cannot help but exist such a case. These sentimental point of view may come from human's sense of superiority to dogs.
>>148 I happened to make decision that I am pretty sure to enter some university at which what I am going to do is just studying English majoring in English Literature and linguistics.
>>147 Although dogs have been well-regarded as pet animals for a long time, those that do not meet the requirements are not few. It might be also the case with people because inevitably there could be some that are worse than expectation. People see things in such a way because I guess people think themselves to be superior to dogs.
>>155 おかしいところを直すと、こんな感じじゃね?なんか意味わかりにくいけど。 Dogs have had a really good reputation as pet-animals since far past, but some of them could not. However it is also the case with human beings, because such cases are inevitable. These sentimental point of view may come from humans' sense of superiority to dogs.
和訳よろしくお願いします Failure in examinations is no evidence of the want of such character as I have just defined. Few treasures are worth as much as a friend who is wise and helpful.Such a one alone can remind us of our faults.
The plain duty of each and all of us is to try to make the little corner he can influence somewhat less miserable and somewhat less ignorant than it was bedore he entered it. 意訳お願いします
たとえば、彼が決めたのが昨日の朝だったとします。 (1)奥さんが来る予定が、昨日の昼だった場合 ⇒He decided to wait until his wife came. (奥さんが来たかどうかは不明)
(2)奥さんがくる予定が、今日の夜だった場合 ⇒He desided to wait until his wife came [comes]. (この場合も時制の一致でcameになるが、comesにすることも多い)
通常、試験問題や教科書の文ならば、全体として「過去」の話だろうから(1)で 考えるのが自然。したがって、「come(s)」を原則として考えるほうがおかしい。 He decided to wait until his wife comes. 彼は、奥さんが来るまでまつことに決めた。⇒奥さんが来る時間は未到来 He decided to wait until his wife came. 彼は、奥さんがくるまでまっていたが、奥さんがくる見込みはなかった。
>>174 あくまでも、学校英語文法の範囲ではそうかもね。 で、それは、一般的な英語文法から大きく異なることもあるわけだ。 とくに、decided があるからな。 He waited until his wife came. はなんの問題もない。 He waited until his wife comes. は、基本的にあり得ない。これは学校英文法でも言えることだ。 でも、decided があるから、comes, came, would come の三つがあって どれも、ちょっとずつ意味が違う。
>>178 例外っていうじゃなくて、これが原則ね。一般的に現代英語では、時制は 一致しない。一致するのは、事実と異なるときだけだな。 ちょっと間違った気がする。 He decided to wait until his wife came. は、彼が、決心はしたものの、結局待たずにどっかいっちゃった、と いう意味もあるな。 He decided to wait until his wife comes. は、まっていて、ちゃんと奥さんも来た、っていうことだ。
いいか、現代英語では、 He said he was going to school. は、「おおまちがい」なんだぜ。この文章が正しいのは、 彼が、実際には、彼が学校にいかなかったときだけだ。 He said he is going to school. が、マトモな英語なわけだ。 ようするに、He said he was going to school. なんていう文章 を連発すると、むちゃくちゃひねくれたことばっかりいっている ようなことになるわけね。 She suggested that a party would be held to welcome you. なんていうのもそうだろ。これも、will be held とするのが正しい。 例外じゃないんだよ。常に「時制不一致」が原則で、一致するのは、 内容がねじくれているときだけだ。
He said he was going to school. この英語になんの問題もないし、 この文章が正しいのは、彼が実際には、彼が学校にいかなかったとき"だけ"じゃないし。 この文は単純に「彼は学校に行くと言ってた」という文で、なんの問題もない。
He said he is going to school. こう言う場面もあるというだけ。 どういう場面かというと、 たった今、彼から電話があって、 「彼、学校に行くって言ってるよ」というようなことを伝える場合。
時制の一致のルールにも載ってると思うけど、 普遍的な事実などは必ずしも時制を一致させないことがある。 上の例文も、それと似ていて、 今現在、彼が学校に行く意思があることが間違いのない「事実」である場合には 例外的に、あえて時制を無視して、He said he is going to school.という表現を使ったりするわけ。
余談だけど、willとwouldに関しては、wouldには独特のニュアンスがあるので is goung toとwas going toとは少し違って、時制の問題だけではなく ニュアンスによる使い分けもする。
Nothing will be mentioned frequently in newspapers which is not of some interest to a large nuber of readers;and whatever is frequently mentioned there cannot fail to become widely known. 訳お願いします
>>201 Nothing will be mentioned frequently in newspapers which(先行詞はnothnng) is not of some interest to a large nuber of readers; 多くの読者にとって、あまり興味のないこと and [whatever is frequently mentioned there =主語(そこ(新聞)で頻繁に触れられるものは何であれ)] cannot fail to become widely known.
Nothing will be mentioned frequently in newspapers which is not of some interest to a large nuber of readers これは、こう書き換えたら分かりやすいだろう Things will not be mentioned frequently in newspapers which(先行詞はthings) is not of some interest to a large nuber of readers
訂正 × Things will not be mentioned frequently in newspapers which(先行詞はthings) is not of some interest to a large nuber of readers ○ Things will not be mentioned frequently in newspapers which(先行詞はthings) are not of some interest to a large nuber of readers
The plain duty of each and all of us is to try to make the little corner he can influence somewhat less miserable and somewhat less ignorant than it was bedore he entered it.
>>213 ? HE(S) was taken to the hospital A drowing man(S) will catch(V) at a straw(M) Who(S) told(V) that exciting news(O) (to) the student(M). Who(S) told(V) the students(O) that exciting news(O) Janet(S) teaches(V) us(O) English and cooking(O) Janet(S) teaches(V) English and cooking(O) to us(M)
「catch 〜」と違って、「catch at 〜」は「〜をつかもうとする」という意味。 実際につかんではない。だから、「catch at(V)」としなくても良い気がする。
A lady lost her handbag in the bustle of holiday shoopping It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her Looking in her purse,she commented“Hmmmm That is funny,When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it.Now there are twenty $1 bills“ The boy quickly replied,“That is right.The last time I found a purse,the owner did not have any change for a reward“
>>168 The plain duty of each and all of us is to try to make the little corner he can influence somewhat less miserable and somewhat less ignorant than it was bedore he entered it.
We may consider civilization as a stage to which a people has attained in its varied application of the arts to the convenience and comfort of kiving. 訳してください。お願いします
It is the use to which it is put that permits our making a value judgement. itは文脈で技術をさしているんですが permits our making a value judgementするのは技術の利用され方次第だ。って訳のpermits our making a value judgementの意訳をお願いします
All the educator can do is to surround the student with a rich variety of intellectual and personal experience chosen with a view to quickening his mind and emotions into action. chosen等がうまく訳せないのでお願いします
>>285 All the educator can do is to surround the student with a rich variety of intellectual and personal experience chosen with a view to quickening his mind and emotions into action. と区切ってみろ。
@多くの学生が、会話の能力を高める為に英語を学んでいると言う。 Many students (is, say, they, to, improve, studying, the reason, are, English) their conversational ability. →分かりません(´Д`;)
A私は彼らに1日何時間テレビを見るかたずねた。 I asked them how many hours did they watch TV a day.
B彼女に手伝いを頼みましたが、忙しいからだめだと言われた。 I asked her to help me, but I was told that she couldn't help me because she was busy.
C2歳の男の子の母親が「もう大きくなったんだから自分でしなさい」と言っているのを聞くのは珍しいことではない。 It is not unusual to hear a two-year-old boy's mother saying , "Now that you have grown up, do it by yourself."
Dとても高い端を渡っている男性が女性に呼び止められて、ある調査に参加してくれないかと頼まれた。 A man crossing a very high bridge was called after by a woman , and he was asked if he could take part in a survey.
>>285 All the educator can do is 〜:教育者ができることは〜にすぎない to surround the student with 〜:生徒を〜の中に置くこと a rich variety of intellectual and personal experience chosen :選りすぐりの豊富で多様な知的で個人的な経験 with a view to quickening his mind and emotions into action. 生徒が、自分の知性や感情を行動に移すのを促進させるために
>>288 All the educator can do is to surround the student with a rich variety of intellectual and personal experience chosen with a view to quickening his mind and emotions into action.
I doubt if there is anything in my life that I regret more bitterly than I do my frequent failure as a boy to bring delight to my parents by showing them how pleased I was.
3rd U.S. helicopter crashes A marine helicopter made a hard land-ing in a remote desert area of Anbar Province,injuring 18 people,the third U.S. aircraft to go down in the insurgent stronghold in two weeks. The military Monday also announced three U.S. soldiers were killed in a roadside bombing north of the capital Sunday,putting December on track to be one of the deadliest months of the war.
I doubt if there is anything in my life that I regret more bitterly than I do my frequent failure as a boy to bring delight to my parents by showing them how pleased I was. by showing them how pleased I was意訳お願いします
@私は彼らに1日何時間テレビを見るかたずねた。 I asked them how many hours did they watch TV a day.
A彼女に手伝いを頼みましたが、忙しいからだめだと言われた。 I asked her to help me, but I was told that she couldn't help me because she was busy.
B2歳の男の子の母親が「もう大きくなったんだから自分でしなさい」と言っているのを聞くのは珍しいことではない。 It is not unusual to hear a two-year-old boy's mother saying , "Now that you have grown up, do it by yourself."
Cとても高い端を渡っている男性が女性に呼び止められて、ある調査に参加してくれないかと頼まれた。 A man crossing a very high bridge was called after by a woman , and he was asked if he could take part in a survey.
>>341 Cいいたいのは 男性が頼まれた。のことのような。 だったら was called after by a womanも分詞で挿入にしたほうがスッキリしそう。 それか女性に呼び止められてたことが主眼なら、それ以下は、その女性を説明する関係詞で繋ぐとか。
A man crossing a very high bridge, called after by a woman, was asked if he could take part in a survey. a womanが浮くかも。was askedも曖昧。 A man crossing a very high bridge was called after by a woman, who asked him if he could take part in a survey. これでどうだ?
対独戦争の終わりは目に見えていた。 The (sight/in/the war/of/Germany/was/against/end).
日本中どこの本屋でもたたまちその本は引っ張りだこになった。 (in/book/was soon/the/demand/great) in every bookstore in Japan.
非常に多くの人々が、核兵器の使用は、今後どんなことがあっても避けるべきだと考えています。A large number of people think that in the future the use (nucler weapons/at/of/be/all/avoided/must) costs.
冬休みに友達3人と一緒に一日で鹿児島までドライブしたんだ。 On our winter vaction,(all the way/and I/drove/of my friends/three/to) kagoshima in one day
私は販売部長に昇進してまもなくストレスにやられてしまった。 I was promoted to be a sales manager and (was/in/me/no/found/bothering/the stress) time.
>B2歳の男の子の母親が「もう大きくなったんだから自分でしなさい」と言っているのを聞くのは珍しいことではない。 >It is not unusual to hear a two-year-old boy's mother saying , "Now that you have grown up, do it by yourself." a two-year-old boy's motherは総称でしょ?sayingと合うのかな? 2歳の男の子の母親がいるとしてそのお母さんが「もう大きくなったんだから自分でしなさい」って言っているのを実際耳にするのは珍しくない。 一般論を言ってるように聞こえないんだけど。sayの方がいいと思う。
Abut I was told that 日本語に杓子定規に合わせて I was toldとすると不自然。she told me she...だろう。 I was toldだと誰から言われたかがぼやけ過ぎ。断わられたという意味が出てこないことも。
@how many hours did they watch 従節で疑問詞が来ても疑問文のように倒置しないよ。 それにdidだと実際何時間見たか聞いていて何時間見るかは聞いてない。 習慣を聞いてるなら現在形だろ。その時は6時間だったが今は1時間だとかという意味を含ませたいならいいが 単純に何時間見るの?ってことだろ。 I asked him how many hours they watch TV a day.
>冬休みに友達3人と一緒に一日で鹿児島までドライブしたんだ。 >On our winter vaction, three of my friends and I drove all the way to kagoshima in one day 鳥取砂丘の砂を大量に持ち去って放送禁止になった番組の事かwww
文法系です。 People don't realize how much we rely on imports to satisfy our nees for food, clothing and shelter. (私たちは衣食住にかかわる物資の多くを海外に頼っていながら、 ふだんそのことに気づかないで暮らしている。)
>>349 > ・how の用法 名詞句を作ってるんだよ。 I don't know [how tall she is], [how old he is], [how long it takes]、etc. こんなのも出来る。 I don't know [where he will go], [when she came here], [what you wnat], [who they are], [who they are] is not known yet. みたいな語順の文も作れる。
> ・to satisfy imports to our needs for 〜は、 こういうのと同じ。a tool to open a can あえて名前を付けるなら、>>355の言ってる不定詞の形容詞用法かな。
>>350 so many countries participatedについては>>351が説明してるとおり。
This river is dangerous to swim inは上のと、ちょっと文章の形が違うことに注意。 上のは、[so many countries participated]だけで一つの文として成り立ってる。 下の、[to swim in]はthis reverに掛かってて不定詞のなんとか用法(形容詞的用法?)。 そして、you swim in this riverだから、This river is dangerous to swim inのように 形を変えた場合でも、やはりinを付ける。
文法的にはどっちも問題ない。文脈わからんので何ともいえんけど上の方が自然かと。 形容詞用法で使うんだったら、 We don't realize how much our economy relies on exports to satisfy nees of developing countries. といったような文章でないと言葉足らずな希ガス。
>>350 This river is dangerous to swim in. もうちょっと説明しとこか。 この文は、 To swim in this river is dangerous.ということ。 だから、This river is dangerous to swim in.に形を変えてもinを付ける。
>>365 because so many countries participated in them(=the Olympic games) というのが本来の文で、in themをつけなくても意味が明白だから省略してるわけで、 participated inでも間違いじゃないけど、inもin themも別に要らないってことだね。
おねがいします。 Eve spoke first."Who are you?" "Madam, I'm Adam," said Adam, hoping Eve would be impressed by the fact that it could be spelled backward without noticeable change.
>>391 1.Out of one's own country. 2.In a foreign country or countries. 3.Away from one's home. 4.In circulation; at large. 5.Covering a large area; widely: 鄭n epidemic is abroad in America? (Richard M. Smith). 6.Not on target; in error.
>>394 ふーむ、名詞として載ってない辞書もあるのか。 まぁこの辺を参考に。 abroad ADVERB & ADJECTIVE: 1. Out of one's own country. 2. In a foreign country or countries. 3. Away from one's home. 4. In circulation; at large. 5. Covering a large area; widely: “An epidemic is abroad in America” (Richard M. Smith). 6. Not on target; in error.
NOUN: A foreign country or countries in which to live or travel: “Do you like abroad or hate it?” (John le Carre).
たとえばだけど、このような場合には前置詞を付けるほうがずっと自然になる。 I'm going to get it in abroad. I will study English in abroad. (I will study (in) abraod.なら前置詞を付けなくてもOKだけど、付けた方がやや自然) またI will import it from abroad. なんて言う場合は、fromがないと意味が通じないし。
>>411 We may consider civilization as a stage (to which a people has attained in its varied application of the arts) to the convenience and comfort of kiving.
a stage to the convenience and comfort of kiving=「the convenience and comfort of kiving」への段階 カッコ内の訳は直訳では無理そう。
We may consider civilization as a stage. A people has attained to the stage in its varied application of the arts to the convenience and comfort of kiving[sic].
>>411 a stage to which a people has attained (in its varied application of the arts) to the convenience and comfort of kiving. こうだ。 a people has attained to the convenience and comfort of living カッコ内の訳はなかなか難しい。
>>425 こうかな? a stage to which a people has attained in its varied application of the arts to the convenience and comfort of kiving. さまざまな技術の応用が生活の利便性と快適性にいたる中で到達した段階
Peace Corps staff member is hurriedly called to a town in Ethiopia to deal with reports that one of the volunteers is treating Ethiopians like dogs. の原因はIn Ethiopia one points to a person by extending the arm and hand and beckons by holding the hand out,palm down,and closing it repeatedly. だったのね。犬を呼ぶしぐさ、動作なんだ。 でエチオピア人を犬扱いにしたと抗議を受けたんだ。
アレ、>>266はまだ議論の余地があるようですかね… >271さんの「(ある民族が〜を)さまざまなところで利用する中で」というのは、 「in its varied application of 〜」=「ある民族の〜のさまざまな利用」をわかりやすく意訳したもので 合っていると思ったんですが…
それより自分としては、art to〜のtoの訳し方が気になります。これは271さんのように、 〜に対する(実現する)技術で良いんでしょうか?つまり構造としては以下のように、 the art〜livingをひとかたまりに見て良いんでしょうか。>271さんの解釈だとこうなりますが。
We may consider civilization as a stage【to which a people has attained [in its varied application of 〈the arts to the convenience and comfort of living〉]】.
@How much control the real parents exert over what comes into the home determines what the child will learn electronically.
AAs a clinician, I truly belirve that I am already seeing children who would have been well within the range of normal, but whose responses are already influenced by having computers pushed on them since they were about eighteen months old. 臨床医として私は既に普通の階級の範囲内で健康であろう子供達を見ていると本当に 信じていますが、子供達の反応は既に、生後約18ヶ月からコンピューターが 子供達をせきたてさせることによって影響を受けています。
>>469の補足 つまり、in its varied application of the arts to the convenience and comfort of kiving.は、 the artsをthe convenience and comfort of kivingに対し、varidlyにapplyすることによって、 ということだから、それを
>>464 新和英中辞典 第4版 (研究社) the application of a general rule to a particular case 通則をある特定の場合に適用すること. the application of science to industry 科学の産業への応用. これを参考に
its varied application of the arts] to [the convenience and comfort of living 芸術の生活の利便性と快適性への様々な応用 芸術を生活の利便性と快適性に様々に応用すること
@How much control the real parents exert over what comes into the home determines what the child will learn electronically. 実際の両親が家庭にコンピュータを入れるのをどのぐらい制限するかで 子供がコンピュータから学習する事を決める。
AAs a clinician, I truly belirve that I am already seeing children who would have been well within the range of normal, but whose responses are already influenced by having computers pushed on them since they were about eighteen months old. 臨床医としてすでに普通の家の健康な子供が18ヶ月からコンピュータを与えられたため その影響を受けているのを診たことがある。
Important component is our misperception of the risks involved in nighttime driving. And there is a psychological basis for this seemingly irrational behavior.
There is probably no better way for a foreigner (or an Englishman) to appriciate the richness and variety of the English language than by studying the various ways in which Shakespeare used it.
>>471 How much control the real parents exert over what comes into the home 主語 家に入り込むものに対して本当の親が、どれだけの支配力を行使するか determines 決定する what the child will learn electronically. 子供がelectronicallyになにを学ぶかを
As a clinician, I truly belirve that that以下のことを確信している I am already seeing すでに目撃している、観察している children who would have been well within the range of normal, but 十分に健常者の範囲であるだろうけれど、 whose(先行詞はchildren) responses are already influenced by having computers pushed on them 年齢18ヶ月から、コンピュータを押し付けられたことによって影響を受けた反応を持った子達を since they were about eighteen months old.
As a clinician,臨床医として I truly belirve that I am already seeing children 子供達を診察したと本当に信じる who would have been well within the range of normal, 十分に普通の範囲であろう but whose responses are already influenced 子供達の反応はすでに影響を受けている by having computers pushed on them コンピュータを与えられ使ったため since they were about eighteen months old. 約18ヶ月令から
>>516 Important component 主語 is our misperception of the risks involved in nighttime driving. 夜間の運転に関する危険に対する間違った認識である And there is a psychological basis for this seemingly irrational behavior この不合理に見える行動には心理学的な根拠がある
上の日本語文を "Nakitsura ni hachi"'s literal interpretations is that bees come to people who is crying, and it is used as proverb that "succession of misfortunes". In this context, it represents that September 11 2001 Terrorist Attacks ; besides an epidemic of SARS cause damage to travel industry. と英作して、できればこの文をあまり変えないで用いたいのですが、 誰か助けていただけないでしょうか?
Moreover, there is strong sympathy with the difficuty of learning another language on the part of the Japanese, many of whom feel they should be better at English for having studied it six years in school.
@She was said to be a rock singer when she was young. =It was said that she was a rock singer when she was young. =When she was young, they said, "She is a rock singer." (彼女は若い頃、ロックシンガーだと言われていた。)
AShe was said to have been a rock singer when she was young. =It was said that she had been a rock singer when she was young. =They said, "She was a rock singer when she was young " (彼女は、若い頃はロックシンガーだったと言われていた。)
『The oxen once upon a time sought to destroy the Butchers,who practiced a trade destructive to their race. they assembled on a certain day to carry out their purpose, and sharpened their horns for the contest. But one of them who was ‘These Butchers,it is true ,slaughter us,but they do so with skillful hands,and with no unnecessary pain. 』but以下の訳をお願いします。
THE OXEN once upon a time sought to destroy the Butchers, who practiced a trade destructive to their race. They assembled on a certain day to carry out their purpose, and sharpened their horns for the contest. But one of them who was exceedingly old (for many a field had he plowed) thus spoke: "These Butchers, it is true, slaughter us, but they do so with skillful hands, and with no unnecessary pain. If we get rid of them, we shall fall into the hands of unskillful operators, and thus suffer a double death: for you may be assured, that though all the Butchers should perish, yet will men never want beef."
Do not be in a hurry to change one evil for another.
Government control of the media has been opposed by every concerned citizen. この文の訳は 政府によるメディア統制はずっとあらゆる関係市民に反対されてきた。 でいいんでしょうか? every concerned citizen の訳がよくわからなくて…
THE OXEN once upon a time sought to destroy the Butchers, who practiced a trade destructive to their race. They assembled on a certain day to carry out their purpose, and sharpened their horns for the contest. But one of them who was exceedingly old (for many a field had he plowed) thus spoke: "These Butchers, it is true, slaughter us, but they do so with skillful hands, and with no unnecessary pain. If we get rid of them, we shall fall into the hands of unskillful operators, and thus suffer a double death: for you may be assured, that though all the Butchers should perish, yet will men never want beef."
Do not be in a hurry to change one evil for another.
>>626 (1)we thought ★ is honest has turned a liar. (2)we thought ★ to be honest has provd a liar.
上の★に「he」と「him」のいずれが入るか分かりますか? (1)he (2)him となります。「×I thought he to be my father.」「○I thought him to be my father.」 これが分かっていれば、同じ判断をするだけです。 (1)who (2)whom
While the most innocent Amerucan-English gesture may have insulting,embarrassing,or at least confusing connotations in another culture.
Americans cannot sinmly adopt the rituals of another culture,but thinking about these rituals can give them ideas for devising their own new ways to manage conflict.
Not only are there sports section in the press,there are also special newspapers and magazines devoted entirely to sports. 訳はわかるんですけど、どうしたらこの訳ができるかわかりません
>>641 それは倒置ってやつ 普通の語順にしたらこうなる there are not only sports sectionS in the press, there are also special newspapers and magazines devoted entirely to sports
And individuals are likely to remain blind to and unaware of what they are communicating nonverbally,because the hosts will seldom tell them that they have committed a social blunder. 訳お願いします
And individuals are likely to remain blind to and unaware of what they are communicating nonverbally, そしてボランティアは知らないままで過ごしやすく間違ったボディランゲージしていることに気がつかない。 because the hosts will seldom tell them that they have committed a social blunder. hosts現地の人達はvolunteer彼らが社会的にとんでもない間違いを犯していると教えてくれないから
The shop was empty and there were no footmarks on the fresh sawdust shaken onto the floor. The child listend to the melancholy sound of the bell as the door closed behind him and he scuffed his feet in the yellow sawdust. Underneath, the boards were brown and worn, and dark knots stood up in them. (中略) Mr.Feshman was sitting in a large chair, reading a newspaper. He could make the chair turn around, and he spun twice about in it before he put down his paper,smiled, and said, "Good morning." He was an old man, thin, with flat white hair. He wore a white coat. "One gentleman," he said, " to have his locks shorn." He put a board across the two arms of his chair, lifted the child, and sat him on it.
Humor does not translate well. It is the first thing that gets lost in a foreign language. Come up with one good example of how humor has gotten lost in a foreign language.
>>668 Old trees and old men are apt to be hurt by being moved to new soil. The court found him guilty of stealing money. TV sometimes makes us too absorbed in watching programs which aren't worth watching at all. You must be careful not to break the glass. The accident was responsible for our train being two hours late. You are old enough to be independent of your parents. We could see lanterns here and there among the tents. It was raining on and off through all the night.
>>663>>670 本当に役に立ったの? 中高生にとって、ちょっと手ごわそうなところを解説しとこうか。 まずget lost 直訳すると「失われた状態になる」ということ。 ちなみにlost(失われた状態)は英語ではいくつか使い道があって、 I'm lost.なんて言うと、行き先を見失って迷子になった状態とか 途方にくれてる状態を指す。 633の文では、ほぼ文字通り「失われた状態」と言っていい。 そこで、この文は、(訳して)外国語になって最初に失われるのはユーモアだと言ってる。 come up with は直訳すると「〜を持って現れる」。 この直訳の意味のままで使われることもあるけど、 I came up with〜なんて言うと、〜(アイデアや考えなど)を思いついた、なんて意味になる。 633のように命令形で使うと、〜(アイデアや考えなどを)を持ってきなさい、提出しなさい、なんて感じになる。
come up with が実際に良く使われているシーンは、 大学などの研究者が、新しい理論を、「思い付いて、発表」した場合だな。 That university team came with the theory. この場合、単に「理論を思い付いた」だけでなく、周囲に対して発表した ことも含まれる。 She came up with the idea in the meeting. その会議で、彼女は、その考えを述べた(発表した)。 という感じで、たんに会議中にふと思い付いたとは意味が違う。 思い付いたあと、会議でその考えを口頭で披露したことも含まれる。 Discovery channelのDVDの中で、研究チームがある説を、come up with したときの場合、その日本語の訳は、「という説を打ち出した」だった。 打ち出した、ってことは、当然、発表したことを含む。 ただし、come up with は、「思い付いて発表した」ことであり、 come out with のほうが、もうすこし「発表、公表」の部分の意味が 強くなる。既におもいついていて、長らく温めていた考えや、密かに 開発していた商品などを、come out with することもあるな。 つまり、 Come up with one good example. というのは、「一つ良い例を考え出して(思い付いて)、それを述べよ」 とか「それを発表せよ」というのを含むと思ったほうが良い。
They grant visitors a "foreigner's licence,"allowing them to make mistakes of social etiquette,and they never known until too late which ones prove disastrous. です。よろしくお願いします
研究社英和より come up with….(4) 〈案など〉を示す,提案する; 〈解答など〉を見つける. _He came up with an answer to our problem. 彼は我々のかかえる問題のひとつの解決法を見出した. 引用終わり Come up with one good example of how humor has gotten lost in a foreign language. 良い例が有るから(解答など)を見つけよう。 Let's come up with とこじつけたけど。 次ぎに具体例を示して授業終わり。
昨日も質問したのですがレスなかったので、再投稿させてください。 以下の英文が訳してみたのですがうまく訳せません。どなたか和訳お願いします。 The shop was empty and there were no footmarks on the fresh sawdust shaken onto the floor. The child listend to the melancholy sound of the bell as the door closed behind him and he scuffed his feet in the yellow sawdust. Underneath, the boards were brown and worn, and dark knots stood up in them. (中略) Mr.Fresham was sitting in a large chair, reading a newspaper. He could make the chair turn around, and he spun twice about in it before he put down his paper,smiled, and said, "Good morning." He was an old man, thin, with flat white hair. He wore a white coat. "One gentleman," he said, " to have his locks shorn." He put a board across the two arms of his chair, lifted the child, and sat him on it.
辞書引いてみた。 1. She likes to swim in this river. 彼女はこの川でもし泳ぐ事が可能なら泳ぎたいと思っている。 I'd like to see her.はこの用法だったのね。 2. She likes swimming in this river. 彼女はこの川で泳ぐのが好きである。
>>752 > あ、ただしto beとbeingだとニュアンスに違い出てくる。 > I like being with you. とI like to be with you.だと > beingでは、あなたのそばに(ずっと)いるのが好き、 > to beはあなたと会って一緒にいるのが好き的なニュアンスになる。 I like being with you. あなたと一緒にいることが好き。 I like to be with you. もし一緒にいることが可能ならあなたと一緒にいたい。
>>730へ。>>732がlikes to swimの意味を可能なら泳ぎたいと思っていると書いているがそのような意味は含んでいない。would liketo〜ならそうゆう意味になるが、ここではそれは問題外。 >>735が言うように、どちらも「川で泳ぐのが好きだ」という意味なのが正解。てか730に課されてる英語の問題ありえねーって思うのは自分だけ? I finished reading the bookはその本を読むのを終えた。要するに読み終わったってことだけど、finished to readという形には出来ないのは学校で習うはず。 likeのようにingとto doどちらも使える動詞もあれば、finishのようにingしか使えない動詞もある。ちなみにingしか使えないのは、mind・enjoy・give up・avoid・finish・escape・put off・stopなど。 この頭文字をMEGAFEPS(メガフェプス)と覚えといたほうがいいかも。ちなみに「…するのを〜する」って場合だけね。
研究社英和より引用 _like to do_(できたら)〈…し〉たいと思う 《★【用法】 この構文では _+doing_は不可》. _I'd like to see her. 彼女にお会いしたいものです _I'd like to see you do it. やれるものならやって見せてもらいたいものだ 《できないくせに》 《★しばしば皮肉な口調を帯びる》_ 引用終わり She likes to swim できたら泳ぎたい in this river. She likes to swimmig 泳ぐことが好き in this river.
Hate, like, love and prefer can be followed either by -ing or by a to-infinitive. The difference in meaning is often not great, but -ing emphasises the action or event in itself, while the infinitive places the emphasis more on the results of the action or event.
The -ing form often implies enjoyment (or lack of it), and the infinitive is often used for expressing preferences: - I really like my teacher and I like my class. I like being in year five. (emphasis on the process itself and enjoyment of it) - I like home-made soup. I like to make a panful and then it lasts me a couple of days. (emphasis more on result and the habit or preference)
>>769 こんなところだね like+-ing is used mostly to talk about enjoyment, and 〜するのが好きだ(楽しいと感じる) I like playing football. like+infinitive mostly to talk about choices and habits. (選択として)〜を好む、(習慣として)〜を好む 例:I like to walk in the morning(rather than in the afternoon) 例:I like to walk in the morning. (習慣として)朝の散歩を好む
I heard you carried a physically-challenged friend on your back to school every day. Yes. I was in the third or fourth grade. because of his condition he was often absent from school. One day I asked him,“Do you want to come to school?” He said,“OK! I will take you!” So we started going to school together. ―Did you ever want to miss one day or jurt stop? です。 最後のインタビュー部分です。 それまでの部分の訳もよく分からないので、もしよければ一緒に訳して頂きたいです。
>>784 The kernel of the ethical controversy is whether or not it is appropriate to modify the treatment of a patient for the sake of some other patient.
Perhaps you have experiented the difficulty in overcoming someone's negative opinion of you,when in spite of your best efforts,anything you said or did was twisted into something else. Parents use Pygmalion Power whenever they tell their children,"If I've told you once,I've told you a thousand times!" You're messy/a liar/stupid/you don't care about anyone but yourself!" This mechanism can be used,instead,to bring oput the best even in people at their worst. やくおねがいします
君が自分の父親を自慢するのはもっともだ。 You () () be proud of your father. 君がそう言うのは不思議です。 It is strange that you () say so. 君がなんと言おうとも君を信じられない。 Whatever you () say, I cannot believe you.
>>818 君が自分の父親を自慢するのはもっともだ。 You may well be proud of your father. 君がそう言うのは不思議です。 It is strange that you should say so. 君がなんと言おうとも君を信じられない。 Whatever you may say, I cannot believe you.
Kate will not make a cake for me. を受動態に書きかえるときの語順の質問です A cake will not be made by Kate for me. A cake will not be made for me by Kate. どちらが正しいのかそれともどちらでも良いのか教えてください。
>>847 ちゃちゃだが、正解だと思うけど奇妙だよね @では "the" cat に着目しているんだけど、 "a" car が主語になる状況って前後の文脈して どんな感じだろう? Someone who was driving a car that was stolen has run over the cat I loved very much. みたいな状況を想像してみた。
一般的のはこっちだった watch 1 VERB=observe If you watch someone or something, you look at them, usually for a period of time, and pay attention to what is happening.
Perhaps you have experiented the difficulty in overcoming someone's negative opinion of you,when in spite of your best efforts,anything you said or did was twisted into something else. Parents use Pygmalion Power whenever they tell their children,"If I've told you once,I've told you a thousand times!" You're messy/a liar/stupid/you don't care about anyone but yourself!" This mechanism can be used,instead,to bring oput the best even in people at their worst.
の訳ありがとうございました その後に Wise parents will find it far more valuable to tell their children,"That's not like you!You care about your appearance/you know how to keep your room tidy/you're a loving and thoughtful person"
賢い親ならば,"That's not like you!You care about your appearance/you know how to keep your room tidy/you're a loving and thoughtful person" と子どもたちに言うほうが,"If I've told you once,I've told you a thousand times!" You're messy/a liar/stupid/you don't care about anyone but yourself!" というよりはるかに子供たちのためになることを知っているという意味なのか
その逆で 賢い親ならば,,"If I've told you once,I've told you a thousand times!" You're messy/a liar/stupid/you don't care about anyone but yourself!" と子どもたちに言うほうが,,"That's not like you!You care about your appearance/you know how to keep your room tidy/you're a loving and thoughtful person" というよりはるかに子供たちのためになることを知っているという意味なのか
例)It is surprising that he should say so. (彼がそういうとは驚きだ)
このように、主に【It is+主観的な感情を表す形容詞+that S should V〜.】という形で用いられ、 「〜だなんて○○だ」「〜だとは○○だ」のように、驚きを伴った感情を表す。 この構文で用いられる形容詞は、 strange,surprising,disappointing,lucky など。
例)It is necessary that he(should)wear a seat belt while driving. (彼は運転中はシートベルトをつける必要がある)
>>873 適さないです その文の元となった二つの文は The boy has passed. I thought ( ) would fail. ですね。 ここでカッコに入るのは、himじゃなくて、heですよね。ここ、わかりますか? ですから、主格のwhoが入るわけです。 こういうのを連鎖関係代名詞といいます。文法書で調べてみてください
(40) We feed children who(m) we think are hungry. (腹をすかせていると思われる子供らに食事を与えるのです) (40)の whom も are の主語であるから who が文法的であるが、 しばしば think の目的語と感じられて whom になる (関係詞牽引 (relative attraction) と呼ばれる現象)。
>>881>>882 なるほど。よくわかりました。ありがとうございます。 手持ちの参考書によると、 Some menbers agree with us, some don't, and others haven't expressed their opinions. という文があったのですが、othersの代わりにsomeを使うこともできる、ということでよろしいでしょうか?
英語を使う/受験やテストで良い点を取る、というのが目的であれば、 このパターンの文法は The boy who (I thought) would fail has passed. We feed children who (we think) are hungry. のように、元々の分にi think等を挿入してあると考えられれば十分です。
whoがwhomになるのは、 My sister is taller than I. のIがmeになるような(口語ではしょっちゅうある)変化と同じだと 思います。
>>874 ごめん、3つなら、 one, one, anotherまたはthe otherでいいけど、 もっと複数になったら、 (the first)one, the second one, the third one.......で、最後はthe last oneとか言うしかないや。 anotherやthe other(s)と言うことは出来ない。 なぜなら、「これが最後の一つだ」と分かっている状況じゃないと、 anotherやthe other(s)という表現は使えないから。 one, one.... とか複数ならsome, some.....と続けることは出来るけど、 それで最後の一つまで行って、最後の一つを指すならthe last one(group)のように言うしかない。
>>886>>889>>891>>892>>896>>901 どうもありがとうございました 参考書には、 3つあるもののうち、「1つは・・・もう1つは・・・残りの1つは」という場合には one... another... the other...を用いる Kate has three pairs of shoes; one is black, another is white, and the other red. とあったのですが、これは間違いであり、 one is black, one is white, and the other red. とすべきなんでしょうか?
>>906 >Kate has three pairs of shoes; one is black, another is white, and the other red. >とあったのですが、これは間違いであり、 >one is black, one is white, and the other red. >とすべきなんでしょうか?
簡単にまとめなおすと、 【単数のものを指す場合】 one〜,another〜,another〜・・・、最後の1つを言う時だけthe other〜となる。 ・I have three young friends:one is eight years old, another is ten, and the other is twelve. (私には3人の若い友達がいる。1人は8歳、もう1人は10歳、そしてもう1人は12歳だ)※ロイヤル英文法
【複数のものを指す場合】 some〜,others〜,others〜・・・、最後の1グループを言う時だけthe others〜となる。 ・Some like coffee, others prefer tea. (コーヒーが好きな人もいれば、紅茶の方が好きな人もいる)※ジーニアス大英和辞典
【補足】 最後のものにtheがつくのは、それが特定されるから。 主に「最後だよ」と強調したい場合に用いられるが、そうでないばあいはtheがつかないこともある。 ・Some people said yes and others said no. (賛成した人もいれば、反対した人もいた)※ロイヤル英文法
We ought to think of custom as a most precious legacy of the past,saving us infinite perplexity,yet not as an infallible rule. 最後のyet〜の訳し方が特にわかりません 誰かわかるかた訳お願いします!
今回の場合のように前に来ると、前置きとして話し手の捉え方を限定した上で、どういうものなのか述べている。 yet not as an infallible ruleは 依然として現状ではnot as an infallible ruleだということ。 yetが前につくと、よく「これから」とかになるのはそのため。 You may yet get the chance.とか。 yet=butで茶を濁せるけど、ニュアンス的に決してそうではない。
>>984 文脈というか目的語(または、ときとして主語)になってれば名詞節だわな。 下の二つの違いは明らかでしょ。 Wherever you go, you will have fun. (You will have fun wherever you go.) You can go wherever you want to.