I'm sorry, but I deleted your message before reading it. Could you please resend it? Also, I am not fluent in English so it may take some time to reply.
>>756 思い出しますね、やまうちさんと二人でトライした幌加内トンネルや、苦労した宇津内トンネル、虫に襲われて断念した初茶志内トンネルなど…(^^;)。 We have memories together of the Hokkainai Tunnel, I tried with Mr. Yamaguchi, the Uttsunai Tunnel where we had a hard time, the Shachishinai Tunnel, we gave up attacked by insects, and so on...
>>11 Have you received the e-mail from me? The date order was made is 4th April. The item code 39-8202 is my order submitted. I already have made payment of 27$98c by PayPal..
>>19 >どなたか>>7をお願いできないでしょうか・・・ I think it's important for us to have a frank discussion. It would be nice to drink together and enjoy the conversation between us.
>>34 Facilities called "Michi No Eki" have been established by public offices of cities, towns or villages all over the places in Japan in last decade in the purpose of merchandising products originated in each regions. In a simple term, it's more like public managed pull-in.
>>38 Because we hardly think about out own culture it is often the case that we realize what is good about traditional Japanese culture for the first time when we go abroad.
>>26 I translated the passage about how the LAPD dealt with in detail. I learned the importance of translating accurately even if it is little by little.
>>63 A-san must be truely enjoying his life. His way of life even evokes a sort of feeling of awe beyond ordinary coolness and envy. I cannot live like him, but I'd like to find something worth betting my thoughts and life on.
------------------------------------------------------------------- I think Hokkaido is one of the most comfortable place. There are good food and beautiful scenely,and you can feel fresh air. Especially,sea food and fruits are so good, if you'll eat them,you should addicted. Please go to there some time.
>>90 Damn Tsukamoto in fuckin Sapporo! Doesn't give a shit that I'm having a grudge? His prank is way too much now cuz I cant stand it no more. This is not just a playing on the web.
>>104 Chopsticks are made for oriental food, so it's diffcult even for me to eat western dishes with chopsticks! Yes, I think that it's difficult to use chopsticks until you really get use to them, too. You know, I had trouble with using them when I was a child!
>>130 A dynamic IP address will not allow anyone but the ISP to identify who you are from your IP address, as the address changes every time you connect your PC to the Internet. A novice user without the knowledge of the IP system, however, may think he has identified the person from a dynamic IP address, and then absurdly try to expose what he has found on a variety of bullutin boards over the net. I know such a case. It is almost certain that he will experience a miserable defeat if the person sues him. I'm wondering seriously now whether or not I should tell the fact to the novice guy, Mr.T.
たいした変更でもないけど >134 の A noviceからa caseまで書き直し。(ゴメンネ、スレ見にくくして)
However, I know a novice guy ignorant of the IP system who thinks he has identified the person from a dynamic IP address, and then absurdly expose what he has found on a variety of bullutin boards over the net.
>>93 This is a psychological test. Imagine you set off on your journey with a sheep, a horse, a lion, a cow and a monkey. It was a long journey and you were getting tired of taking them with you. so you decided to abandon your animals one by one.. The question for you is: In what order do you abandon the animals?
Sorry, I'm not that familiar with him, though I might have something to let you know particularly about his stay in Japan. Anyway, if you have something to know about him, any question by email.
>>167 What kind of club do you prefer to use? I used to use a club reinforced with techno when I lived in Osaka. My recentfavourite club is Nagoya-style pretty standing out, though the selection of curbs and structure of the Nagoya-style clubs is, I think, not good enough for a particular purposes.
>>77 Vegemite was quite a new word for me. I quickly searched the internet for that, and found that it is a food preference to which is quite an extreme in the way some are almost addicted to it while others could never dislike it more. We, Japanese, also have such kind of fermented food. My type is bitter handed.
>>187 please tell me the song name that is played on this site.
I live in Japan, I love the brand of xxx so I came to see the site. by the way, do you know who sings this song that's played here? I'm sorry to bother you but will you tell me about it please.
・It is too beautiful dream that always is not continue to the end. もしくは ・It is too beautiful dream that always is not arrive to the end, でオーケーでしょうか? なんだか中学校の教科書の文法みたいで、どうなのかなと思うのですが、 英検3級しか持ってないので他に思いつきません。 他にいい文があったら教えてください、お願いします。
He did the calculation several times:the sweater were"on sale" for eighty dollars,which worked out to roughly 3,300 rupees. He might have managed if it had been a question of just one, but he needed a minimum of three.
>>231>>221 I hope your cat will be found soon. Actually I've lived with my cat for about ten years now, but I'm still always worried about it because it still goes out of my house.
>>233 as what you want はおかしいから a wire which is bendable as you like または a wire which is bendable into any shape you want とかに。 しかし a bendable (metal) wire で充分ではある。
>>248 In general, you call other people's names by adding "san". You can call a name with "chan" only when you become really friendly with him or her. But even in a friendly relationship, it will be impolite to call one with "chan" if s/he is older than you or your boss. Futhermore, you may be regarded flippant if you call others with "chan" one after another, even when you have many friends. So be careful.
私の解答 「More than half of the people in the world live on rice.Ninety percent of the rice in the world is grown in Asia.The U.S. also produces a large amount of rice,but it exports most of it to other countries.」
添削 最後の部分を 「a large amount of rice but exports most of it to other countries.」にする。
解答 「More than half of the people in the world eat rice every day and ninety percent of the rice in the world is produced in Asia.The U.S. also grows a large amount of rice,but it exports most of it to other countries.」
Sometimes,I can find people with lack of common sense. For example,people talking with loud voice with mobilephone in train. と、自分で訳すとなったんですが、なんだか、特に後半の文がおかしい気がするのですが どういう風に英訳すれば、いいと思いますか? アドバイスよろしくおねがいします
>>259 I was astonished to see you on the website. You are a professional martional artist! what made you devote yourself into martial arts? You may be more like Japanese than I am. By the way, what is the name of the lady you are with? Please tell me. Is she one of your trainers on your website?
>>260 I hear many people are complaining Mr. M.T. in the office on the phones. Even if he quits, Janiez's fans are all over the nation. He will suffer from the nightmare of his headless children. The nightmare might become true. Well, he wrote such stories,so it is quite natural. That is is result of what he did.
>>261 You are going to visit several cities in Japan for concerts. I don't know exact dates and places. If you have a concert at the place below, I recommed you to have a look at the events written below.
>>266 How do you like Asakusa Onsen? In Japan, there are many onsens, whose temperatures and ingredients are various. In Tokyo, waters are generally not so hot and dark in color. That onsen is a forerunner of leisure onsens, and its building is old. Some peole like it because of its reminiscent aura.
>>149 As women work equualy with men and the systems in the society and companies are being reinforced recently, more women work afer they married. I often see women reading financial newspapers on the trains, though only men were doing so before. And on the trains late at night, I sometimes find women after their overtime work. I don't think this country is comparable with the Western nations, but we will catch you in the near future. A woman might become a Prime Minister earlier than US.
Cooperation request regarding Green Procurement Dear suppliers We are glad to hear that things are going well for you. We would like to express our thanks for your loyal patronage. By the way, ABC Corp. group aim for the following: “Carrying out our duty toward realization of recycling-based society by offering products which take environment into consideration, and reducing environment load of customers.” And we tackle production activities and development of new products / new technology. As part of our activities, we established the Green Procurement Guideline to advance procurement of materials that took environmental impacts into consideration, and we believe that we want to advance Green Procurement with understanding and cooperation of our suppliers.
Wow,I watched this movie when I was little. I have wanted to watch this movie for a long time,but I forgot this movie's title. I could find it at last.Thank you. At first,Heroine was loving a red haired man, wasn't she?
Wow,I watched this movie when I was little. I have wanted to watch this movie for a long time,but I forgot this movie's title. I could find it at last.Thank you. At first,Heroine was loving a red haired man, wasn't she? 「And He also loved her.」
>>293 Akihabara is the biggest city of electric products in Japan, where many foreign tourists come. In such a city, two buzz words were born: otaku and maido-san.
>>298 Wow! I watched this movie when I was very young. I was wishing to watch this movie for a long time, but I forgot its title. I could figure it out at last. Thank you. The heroine was in love with a red haired man first, wasn't she? And He also loved her.
>>335 That is to say, the traslators here can make errors but ask for perfect thanks to them. It is quite lame if you get less motivated because of that. They could sometimes miss the replies and as is often lately, it's such a pain in the ass to look over the entire thread when some reply without any anchor to the questions. I feel so lucky when I can see a good answer in this thread mixed up with good and bad.
>>61 By now they have become a world-famous band, but their childhood environment was bitter and harsh. They have sticked to their own thoughts and will without becoming conceited, no matter how big a success they have achieved.
You don't have sex with a 'friend', do you? You wouldn't call the person friend if you did, and I wouldn't trust a guy who messes around with his 'friend' so easily. I would neither make myself that easy nor fuck my male friends based on my common sense.
On the first day, in line with the theme "protection of animals", students of each class disguised themselves in various kinds of animal costumes and performed first. Their costumes were so funny that it didn't really look like "protection of animals", though. LOL Then, the teachers had mini concerts and dances, and the dean gave us a Rakugo talk. Lastly in "reverse hot boys and girls", the boys in girl's clothes and the girls in boy's clothes of each class performed plays or dances. My class presented so called "tokyo gals".
On the second day, school was packed with lots of visitors. Each class had an attraction such as a cafe, horror house, planetarium and so forth. My class set up a cafe and sold sandwiches, crapes, etc. There were also a live performance by the rock music club and a photo exhibition.
>>369>>23 1. If you come to Japan in the summer next year, let's see each other. Please do let me know when your visit is fixed. 2. Shikoku pilgrimage, where pilgrims walk through 88 temples, is a well-known activity in Japan from the old days. I've been to some of the temples on my trip in Shikoku.
>>393 Listen! My bro's got a girlfriend!!! Honestly, I can't believe there's anyone who'd dare to go out with him! I wouldn't fall for him even if I were not his sister. Well, I don't even have a candidate....I think I'm being too picky about it. What about you? You still with the boyfriend? Are you two getting along?
>>407 Did you see the pair of Golden Shachihoko(statue of fish) on top of Nagoya Castle? People in Nagoya are even more proud of them parhaps than the castle itself.
>>407 Have you all seen a pair of golden "Shachihoko" fish on the top of the Nagoya Castle? People of Nagoya love those Shachihoko fish much more than the castle itself below.
>>411 I saw you last Thursday, but I didn't speak to you. You were on the way home and I thought you might be tired. I am hoping to see you and say goodbye before you go back to your country. Is that possible? It might not.. But I really wish it will happen.
>>421 I have a friend who went on a trip to Hokkaido by himself (herself). I want to go to many different places like him (her) and see outside of my world.
>>426 The greatest difference between the universities with difficult entrance examination and those which are not might as well be the difference between their examination's English interpretation which could be coped with by just guessing, and those which is not.
Less able than men to emblace an identity as a wholly autonomous social atom, often rejecting explicity the individualist ideal, manyfeminists endorsed expanded familial values,stripped of patriarchal privilege, as the basis for a new communalism and social solidarity.
>>443 Less able than men to emblace an identity as a wholly autonomous social atom, often rejecting explicity the individualist ideal, many feminists endorsed expanded familial values,stripped of patriarchal privilege,as the basis for a new communalism and social solidarity. 全体的に自立した社会の核という自己同一性を受け入れる能力は男性 より劣り、個人主義者としての理想を明らかにすることを拒否すること がしばしばあるが、多くの女性主義者は新しい地域主義と社会の結束の 基礎として、家父長的特権を取り除いた拡大家族価値観を支持した。
>>444 In order to possess a "righteous self", you must also possess an "evil self". This is similar to the idea that if there exists light, darkness must also exist.
>>451 How do you spend your summer vocation? I am going to take a vacation in mid-August. I have not yet decided how to spend it concretely. But one thing which is in my mind is not to go too far because there are so many people everywhere.
>>451 How do you plan to spend your summer vacation? I have plans to do something for the middle of August but I haven't yet decided concretely where to go. What I can say is that, wherever I go it will be crowded so I don't plan to travel very far.
>>463 1. That bow requires 120 pounds of force to pull.
2. Due to the storm last year, we have not seen even one reindeer this year.
3. The residential land in area A is extremely inexpensive. However, you must pay to install Internet service out of your own pocket, and receiving public electrical and water service is difficult. Is that alright?
>>474 Hmm. I can't recall anything about that building. I'm sure I haven't seen that building before. I think it would be good if I had seen that building.
>>481 I was surprised to know you like horror films. I also watched OO, and it's horrible! I guess its horror comes from that it is set on an unknown island country in the Far East. So if I were not Japanese, I would have been more horrified, I guess.
>>493・空はどこでも繋がってる。 The sky goes on forever. ・どこにいても繋がっている。 (この文章は、実に曖昧です。) →1.「(上述の)空はとぎれのないもののようだ。」◎ It seems that the sky is seamless. →2.「(上述の)空を天蓋として共有しているのだから、 キミとボクは【どこにいても繋がっている。 】」 I always feel connected with you, for we share the sky regardless of our different locations.
>>519 @Cook a potato in a microwave, then mash AChop an onion into tiny pieces, then stir-fry the onion pieces with butter BAdd ground beef to the stir-fly, then add salt and pepper CMix the stir-fry from A, potato from @, and an egg yolk. DPut cooking oil on your hands and shape the mixture into oval shapes, then coat with breading EDeep-fry in 180℃ cooking oil.
And that's how you make korokke/Japanese croquette.
>>520 I have a question. Have Japanese words become a fad in the United States? I watched the new music videos by Madonna and Kanye West, and they used a lot of Japanese words, so that was my guess, but what do you think?
A government investigation panel that looked into the controversy of government-sponsored town meetings released its final report in December. According to the report, the way the government requested participants to say what it wanted them to say caused the public to lose faith in the meetings. Depending on the subject, the report concluded that it was not possible to dismiss the notion that the government tried to “lead public opinion” to spread its policy by staging the meeting.
>>544 I haven't yet decided on a plan for summer vacation. Traditionally in Japan, most businesses close on and around August 15th. Because of this, most Japanese vacation during this time. However, this results in tourist resorts becoming crowded and significant rise in travel fares. I have a more flexible schedule for vacationing, so I want to travel abroad outside of the rush season. Unfortunately, all of my friends are vacationing during August, so I can't find a companion to travel with.
>>577 In Japan,After became a buisiness people, generally almost the people don't have a kind of some time-off. So I would like to travel to somewhere while a student. 修正よろ
The reply has slowed. Please register this name often used online if you avoid it. **** **** I'm sorry no experience to English, The voice message has not been understood well.
We continue watching TV as we had nothing to work. She appears over 50. He felt himself hoisted. How much is the cost of repairing watch? Tom has been in thought with eyes closed.
Oh, it must be hot in XXX. Since I watched farely nice ocean view of XXX on TV before, I really want to go there. But if it is such hot weather, I can not even go out from hotel room. I have no resistance to heat.
>>647 Though my cell phone has a TV available, I don't watch it often because I don't want to watch TV out of home often. But if I were a student, I would enjoy watching cell phone TV to deal with boring class. My cell phone is a equipment for chat, e-mail and the internet to me.
>>652 To be honest with you, I said that just because I didn't want you to think that I was such an easy girl that would go hang out with some guy I didn't know much.
>>659 I think that the xxx language would be the best choice, since neither does the xxx language sound as stiff as the yyy language nor does as messy as the zzz language.
@あなたたち2人とも、もう寝る時間ではないのですか。 Isn't it (about,went,time,two,to,you ) bed ? →Isn't it (about time you two went to) bed ? 【twoの位置】
A早く地球に戦争のない平和な時代が来ないかなぁ。 I wish the peaceful day would come on the earth at once.
B途中で交通事故がなけれな、私はパーティーに間に合っていたのに。 If there had not been the traffic jam on my way, I would have made it to the party. 【traffic jam の冠詞】
C学校の先生が教科書に書いてあることしか知らなければ、生徒の質問に答えることができないでしょう。 If school teachers should know only about things written in textbooks, they couldn't answer their students' questions.
D私自身は何かの楽器を弾くわけではないのだが、もし音楽のない空間に閉じ込められたら、私の精神は死んでしまうに違いない。 I myself don't play some instrument, but if I should be confined in room where there is no music, my sprit must die. 【「何かの楽器」、「音楽のない空間」の言い方。 】
Eなぜ君は私にあの本を貸してやると先週言ってくれなかったのですか? そうしてくれていたなら、私はこの本を図書館から借りなかっただろうに。 Why didn't you say last week that you would lend me that book? If you had done so, I wouldn't have borrowed this book from the library. 【last weekの位置】
F友達と喋るような調子で話しかけたら先生は怒るでしょう。 If you spoke to your teacher as if you spoke with your friend, he would be angry.
>>685 Almost all students of senior high schools hail from that area and are of same generation. However, students of the universities (at least this university) come from various foreign countries and areas of the world. In addition, these really wonderful people, young and adult, assemble here.
>>685 High school students are almost exclusively indigenous and of the same age, whereas university students are, at least in case of this university, from all over Japan, and in some cases from all over the world, and the range of their age is pretty wide. Thus the diversity of the students getting together.
The next election will be carried out in a wind unfavorable to Prime Minister ABE. The result of election decides his future. In case of disastrous defeat, total resignation of his cabinet is inevitable conclusion for the majority.
>>704 Oh, I didn't know that what Kinjiro is carrying on his back is called a 'back strap' in Engilsh. In japan, we call it a ..well.. oh, I can't recall the name.
We received your payment today. Thank you. We will ship out ○○ tomorrow.
How do you want us to give you back the change? Are there any ways possible to settle this other than T.T. remittance? We would like to avoid the expensive transaction fee.
返信が遅くなりました。 よければ、オンラインでよく使うこの名前を登録してください。 I am sorry for the slow reply. Please register this name I have often used online, if you find this acceptable. **** **** I'm sorry for my poor English, The voice message has not been understood well by me.
えのき茸:velvet shank しめじ:shimeji mushroom 舞茸:Grifola frondosa みじん切りにした:shredded キツネ色になるまで油で炒める:brown in oil さいの目に切ったもの:dice 水気:liquid 料理の隠し味となる:add a subtle touch to a dish
私はLOHASについて話したいと思います。LOHASはLifestyle of health and Sustanabilityを略したもので、その原点はヘンリー・D・ソローにあります。 I'd like to talk about LOHAS. LOHAS stands for Lifestyle of health and Sustanability, and its origin lies in Henry D. Thoreau.
僕は白人の女の人に肩を撃たれて、それから白人の女の人が恐くなりました。 女の人が銃を持ってるなんて思わなかったから I was shot in the shoulder by a white woman, and then I became scared by white women because I didn't expect women to have their guns.
>>756 Oh, by the way, I was in the bookstore today and happened across a magazine featuring the UK (Glasgow, Edinburgh, and a few other places). On a whim, I ended up reading it in the store. It looks like a very beautiful place. Unfortunately, they didn't cover Aberdeen.
I was often wandering Shibuya with my friends when I was student. It only strolls enjoying around Shibuya because there are various kinds of commodities there. but it has been to Shinjuku only a little because There are a lot of bad people in this town.
>>758 deodorantです >>759 When I was a university student, I often hung out in Shibuya with friends. Shibuya has lots of things to see, so just wandering around can be enjoyable. I didn't go to Shinjuku very often because it's filled with shady people.
De twee aangekochte vissen zijn beiden tussen 50 en 55cm. Tijdens het gesprek met de kweker vroegen we naar het potentieel van deze vissen en hij antwoorde "look around". Inderdaad we zien bijna alleen maar jumbo koi in de stocks van Izumiya. Dat belooft.
Na Izumiya staat Hosokin op het programma. Hier bekijken we enkel de tosai en bestellen er enkele honderden. Graag zouden we ook zijn tategoi tosai eens bekijken. Dit werd door hem toegestaan waarna we ons naar een ander koihuis begaven. Aankopen van Tategoi tosai was er niet bij wegens onverkoopbaar in Europa
お願いします;; 1、多くの人々がコンピューターで勉強しています。 Many people study( )their computers. 2、およそ30年前にはインターネットもEメールもありませんでした。 About 30 years ago,there was ( )Internet or Email.
>>772 That man who had given birth to an tragedy by a sticky man of evil mind mistaking a wrong person, becoming a criminal, after he found that mistake, would realize himself having done something that could not be undone by which nothing in his mind to do would be fulfilled, and would regret his being in preson due to nothing meaningful, where the person mistaken would forever hate him who would be considered sorry.
>>773 Those who study using computers are many. It was not until approximately 30 years ago that people use the internet and email-based communication.
>>793 This is how I prepare for an exam before the exam. I start preparation one or two weeks before the exam, but first I make a plan for that. First of all, I collect information on the exam from my friends and teachers. I write down what I learn from them for sure. Next, I make a plan when to study which subject, by examining the exam schedule. Once the plan is made, all what to do is to study hard. I would make fine adjustment to my plan, if it doesn't seem fit well when I try. In this way, the plan becomes more fine-tuned for the exam. I go to bed early, never stay up late, on the night before the exam.
>>815 "Oyobidenai? Koryamata Shitureisimashita"(Isnt' it my turn? Oh excuse me.) The words were born from one Japnaese comedian called Ueki Hitoshi who belonged to a comedy musical band "Crazy Cats." This phrase still remains so popular in Japan that every generation from school kids to people of postwar era know it's not just someone's monologue. Many famous comedic phrases used to be born so far when comedians made serious mistake on an important stage. This "Oyobidenai" phrase was also cast suddenly when Ueki made a serious mistake. In 1960s, He had so many roles on stages, radio, and TV. It was not suprising that he had to be on some stages in a few hours. One day, he rushed to next stage only to interrupt another comedy TV show. He misunderstood and rushed to wrong studio. Every stuff was surprised with their mouth open. because, at that time, Every TV show was live performance. Ueki had noticed on the spot and said the phrase. "............Isn't it my turn? .........Oh......excuse me!" It was serious mistake but the phrase made all audience of Shabondama Holiday laugh aloud. The words "Isn't it my turn? Oh excuse me" made him more famous, And his turn came in the history of Japanese comedy. 長文すまん。
My name is ○○. I requested absence for a month because of my illness, but I missed your class more than a month.
If you feel it is necessary to do some extra work to catch up with your class, please let me know what to do. (もし、授業の遅れを取り戻すために特別課題が必要と感じるならば、 何をすればよいか教えてください)
If I missed any homework or exercises, please let me know. (宿題や 実習を逃してしまっている場合は教えてください)
I submitted an absent request on June 6th in the period of June 6th to July 5th. However, according to my doctor, my symptom has actually started since April. (完治したのであれば my symptom actually started from April) I have already submitted the doctor’s report to the educational affairs office. I appreciate if you accept my changing of absent request from April, not from June.
First of all, the class system of university is different from that of high school.
In high school, there is a homeroom teacher and sub-homeroom teacher for each class. The homeroom teacher collects and takes care of documents from the students. However, you have to submit documents by yourself.
No one reminds you to submit documents when the due date is getting closer.
Your homeroom teacher takes care of you in high school, but you will be left behind if you don’t take your initiatives for what you want.
Second, the fields of study are different. The students learn in high school broad subjects such as Japanese, math, sociology(history), music, and so on. In university, lectures depend on your major(専攻). They can learn deeper in the field that they are interested in.
The last difference is freedom of students. For instance, university students can take lectures that they want. They have a freedom to leave the school premises during recesses, and they have a freedom not to attend the lecture.
However, responsibility comes with the freedom. Students can pass classes in high schools if they satisfy the minimum days of attendance. University students sometimes loose credits if they do not work hard. If they loose too many credits, they cannot move up or graduate.
University students have plenty of free time. If they use their free time in a productive way, they can study useful subjects for their future and they can make many friends.
>>850 I and Mr.Tanaka are in Tokyo on business now. So I send you this e-mail from Tokyo. I will be back in Osaka next monday. I'm going to send you Mr.Tanaka's images by e-mail on Monday night or Tuesday. Please wait for another couple of days.
>>875 自分なりの翻訳だと、 Because the moon collapsed mankind are seeing the crisis of the ruin. This is The story of the girls that faced the fate 見たいな感じになるのですが、大丈夫でしょうか?
それから、質問があります。 私は今年の12月から1月のあたままで、ビザの書き換えで日本に帰る予定です。 なので12月と1月のクラススケジュールを教えてくれませんか? Hi S How are you?
Thank you for everything. I enjoyed your class so much. I think my best change during the semester is I could like reading. I want to improve my reading more.
And,I have a question for you. I'm planning to go back to Japan end of December to in January first because I have to renewal my passport. Could you tell me schedules of December to January?
>>877 >I think my best change during the semester is I could like reading.
I could like reading は、私は読書を好きになろうと思えば好きになる、という感じですね。 I took to reading でいいでしょう。
end of December to in January first => from the end of December to the beginning of January I have to renewal my passport => I have to renew my visa (renewalは名詞) (パスポートorビザ? パスポートの書き換えは現地でできるんでは)
>>893 I didn't make this but ○○ did, so I know nothing about the songs used in it, nor do I have them myself. I can try to find it, though, I'll let you know if I do.
>>899 To live happily, family and friends's laughinn faces are essential. Surely, in the morning, my laughing mother sent me, I can live happily one day.
You absolutely need smiles of your family and friends to enjoy a happy life. It is true that I feel happy for a whole day if my mother sends out me with smile.
>>935 The USA is the first country of his popularity. He was more famous in America than in his own country Ireland. After his success in America, he tried his ability in England and Australia, but there was not any success. Only in Germany and a few European countries, his ability was approved.
>>941 I went to a subcontractor of XXX. The subcontractor makes some parts for XXX. My purpose was to make sure the quality of the parts. I felt at ease because I did'nt find any trouble.
>>944 Some TV news said that NIKUMAN(chinese meat puffs) which include chips of paperboard was sold in China. Besides, 60% of paperboard chips out of 100 are included in a meat puff.
Someone who ate it said in TV news that it was rather delicious than normal meat puffs.
You knew you'd had the flu, and that you'd suffered, but you didn't have access to the symptoms themsleves: the chills,the swollen throat, the heavy ache in your arms and legs.
He did the calculation several times:the sweater were"on sale" for eighty dollars,which worked out to roughly 3,300 rupees. He might have managed if it had been a question of just one, but he needed a minimum of three.