>>929 You were only average but somehow passed the exam?
You think he has an average command of English?
His can be better than yours?
Luck plays a significant role in an interview?
He will pass the exam when a lucky star is above him?
You hope for his success?
932 :
291:2007/12/19(水) 08:24:58
933 :
◆2LEFd5iAoc :2007/12/20(木) 00:08:31
Finalizamos este boletín informativo, con noticias financieras.
En el mercado de devisas de Tokio, el dolar subió frente al yen miércoles.
A las 5 de la tarde hora local, el dolar se cotizaba entre 113.24 y 113.27 yenes,
con una alza de 20 céntimos de yen respecto a la misma hora de martes.
Mientras tanto, en el mercado de valores de Tokio, el indice TOPIX,
con puesto por todas las "selecciones" registradas en la primera sección de bolsa,
cerró a 1456.79 puntos con una baja de 12.98 unidades, respecto a la cierra de martes.
934 :
◆2LEFd5iAoc :2007/12/20(木) 00:47:04
Estoy bien, gracias. I am fine, thank you.
"I should choose no.5"はひとりごとみたいなものです。
(I don't know much about no.1, no.2... OK,) I better choose no.5 のような。
I don't understand "contradictions in my speech" either??
These days, I feel like my English is getting better than my dad's Japanese.
He frequently forgets easy kanji, misunderstands what we say...lol
Gee, I could really fail this test _in my mother tongue_!!
>>930 英検1級の英文はごく普通に読まれている新聞や雑誌から持って来たものなど
936 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/12/20(木) 10:45:44
>>931 I'm not saying I'm average among Japanese English learners.
Actually, I think I have a good command of English for a Japanese English learner
but that doesn't mean I'm perfect.
After all, it depends on what standard you use to judge your English proficiency.
Comared to a native English speaker, my English is just a shit.
All I can say is that at least my English is good enough to pass
Eiken grade1 test. I sure wish him a good luck.
>>934 >でも2月までにぐんと伸ばせるような秘策も特にないですしねー
I agree. At this level, there are no such special things to improve
your English dramatically. But you've been doing the right things to
make your English better. If you keep doing what you've been doing,
that leads to passing the interview test in my opinion.
You are somebody among Japanese, but nobody among native speakers when it comes to your command of English?
Now I clearly see why you talk the talk here.
I surely hope you will soon walk the walk in the English-speaking world.
Test scores have no use at all if your English does not work in a real world.
Best of luck to you!
938 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/12/25(火) 13:10:33
940 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/12/25(火) 15:53:00
941 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2007/12/25(火) 18:49:32
↑ 一級に受かること自体が目的化してるやつの文章だな。
942 :
◆2LEFd5iAoc :2007/12/27(木) 23:55:48
a. Are we working more hours than we used to?
b. How can we prevent a giant cooperate from running out of control?
c. For or against single-sex education
d. When privacy and public interests conflict
e. Should scientists take their responsibilities for the consequences?
>>938 英検の単語集や新聞雑誌がいいです。サイトはNHKがすきです。
>>940 上級者に問題をだして遊びたかったのです。
944 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/01/11(金) 12:18:01
945 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/01/11(金) 13:09:38
>>936 Your English is actually really good, I'd say phenomenal. How often
do you get to speak English, on average?
946 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/01/11(金) 23:14:48
>>945 I don't have any opportunities to talk with a native English speaker.
Sometimes I talk to tourists from overseas but that's rare.
I'm not as good as you commented. I know I'm not. But thanks for your
compliment. complement? I'm not good at spelling.
I was told my English is pretty good by native English speakers but
have never been told my English is excellent, not to mention, phenomional.
Maybe you are a Japanese English learner like me. Let's keep up the good
947 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/01/14(月) 03:25:38
>>942 a. I'm a bit sceptical about the assumption that we are working longer hours.
By and large, we tend to romanticize --this is my word-- old days.
We feel the life has got busier because the advancement of technology has brought a lot of changes.
We feel it busy when there's a lot to keep up with.
b. I agree that the economy has been driven by the rule of capitalism.
By that perspective, many take the market-oriented economy as absolute.
And it WAS the free markets which couldn't stop big companies from corrupting.
I can see no good reason that capitalism would listen to the voices of the poor.
Regulations are needed to take economy under control.
(maybe talking away from the topic.)
c. Single-sex supporters claim it helps students achieve more, and seemingly it is true.
I know the best-known high schools, such as Nada, Kaisei and Azabu, are single-sexed.
However, I'm a bit worried about interpersonal skill development.
I remember one of my friends said he was afraid of speaking with girls since he was raised among boys,
having had almost no chance to chat with opposite sex....
>>942 d. Today, almost all form of personal data are digitalized varying from medical records to pension records.
I find people collecting signatures against passing a new privacy law just overreacting.
People will lose nothing under the new regulation, it'll make the process more efficient, thereby the change is needed,
but I understand the danger of private info floating in cyberspace at the same time.
Out of the clash of extremes, light should arise.
(--have no particular answer to this subject. Perhaps should avoid this topic)
e. I used to think technology is innocent itself, scientists has nothing to do with the consequences,
thus manufactures and consumers are to blame, if anything.
But I had changed my mind recently, because many refuse sites are filling up quickly,
and CO2, which is a sort of garbage into the air, is increasing.
Scientists should have made much more efforts to invent recyclable, decomposable eco-friendly materials.
They didn't because they were being utilised by money-driven employers.
It's time for scientists to voice their opinion for not being used but to get a grip of themselves.
>>949 Are you going to take the interview test this time or do you skip this time?
Are you keep studying like the way you were?
>>950 おめぇ1級スレにいた奴だろwww
952 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/02/01(金) 20:07:24
>>951 You proved yourself you are dumb. Why do I have to take Grade 3 test
when I already passed Grade1?
You should start with 児童英検.
By the way, the more you use www, the more you look like a moron.
>>952 tells us a fool is a fool forever.
>>952 英検1級でも児童英検を英語で言えんのか?
それから、「やり直せって」言いたいなら本当にstart withか?
>>954 ぱっと頭に浮かんだのでは、Eiken for kids とかPre-Eikenとか。
「やり直せ」というか、〜から始めろ、という意味でstart withにしたけど
China is experiencing its growing pain.
Even native Chinese admit it's on a premature stage.
I hope it'll become a good rival for Japan ASAP, not just a scary big neighbour.
>>950 I'm gonna take the exam this month.
I've read a couple of books on JUKEN English grammar for the past few weeks,
and am studying useful expressions these days.
Still, I don't feel much progress myself.
I can't develop my ideas well because of my lack of view, just as shown above.
btw, start from (place), start with (item).
児童英検 is Junior STEP.
when is ok, I'm smart, ;-) I hate Jochi. XX-(
>>956 >sinceを使いたかったのか?
960 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/02/03(日) 18:28:48
start from (point of origin)ではないかい?
The rich should spare their income for the poor.
There are opposing voices from high-incomes, of course.
Their main reason goes like this:
>Rich people will lose a drive for work if the income tax rate is risen.
>Wealthy people would even flee abroad to seek a tax haven.
>Our fortunes are due to our hard work and talents.
>Nobody is equal, so we should get paid according to the differences.
>Only communism countries can steal from the rich for the poor.
The above first-come-first-served idea should be respected for sure, but to some extent.
What if a car coming down a hill says to a car coming up,
"well, I came here first, you should move aside to the shoulder"?
It's morally unacceptable.
And poor people are not always poor for their laziness.
Bad luck often gets the better of your effort.
In the same way, not all talented and/or diligent people become rich.
One is often too proud of oneself, thinking his success doesn't owe to people around him.
Lastly, safety net is not only for the needy.
You maybe successful today, but nobody can tell decades later.
If you are rich and not covered by safety net, you feel unsafe,
you may not risk to invest new business.
Poor social security system would harm the liveliness of the economy.
>>961That's better.
>>960 早くそのレベルに行けるように頑張ろうな?
Think I'll pass on that. :p
>>958 I hope you can make it this time.
Keep in mind that you pick up the most familiar topic to you and
stay focused on the topic when you make a speech in the interview test.
966 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/02/10(日) 00:43:38
Eiken? Fxx that!
Why don't you take TOEFL or something international instead?
Eiken record is useless outside Japan.
Fack you!
>>966 TOEFL is useless unless you study in U.S.
1. Do Japanese have their patriotism?
2. Will the interpretation machine unite people?
3. How Japan is like in next 50 years.
4. Do we have to preserve tradition?
5. Is a democratic society the best for people?
Hello, I'm still studying.
By the way, a big job offer came the other day, and it fell on the next Sunday.
I have two minds.
Gaining Eiken does not make big difference on my life, but money does.
I unwillingly turned down the offer, but I can make it back. mmm...
That is the question.
このスレを見ている人はこんなスレも見ています。(ver 0.20)
★☆★アメリカン・ダンスアイドル8★☆★ [海外テレビ]
中国語の試験(HSK 中検 TECC etc.)第九章 [外国語]
When I see many Japanese are interested in American presidential election and show no interest in their own country's, I feel patriotism has gone to somewhere.
Thanks to conversation schools, Japanese know about foreign counties, but when being asked about Japan, they become silent.
I'm not talking about young Japanese, those in mature ages are included.
The only occasion Japanese show their patriotism is when cheering sports players in a world tournament and the like.
I think it might be the happiest form of patriotism.
Patriotism were used to be abused by the leaders.
It was pointed out by the notorious dictator Adolph Hitler.
"It's easy to control the people", he said.
"All you have to do is your country is being attacked, and the pacifists are putting the country in danger".
Patriotism must not be nurtured by loathing neighbouring countries.
I'd like Japanese to know more about his/her own country, as well as foreign country.
The key is not to grow unilateral love, but to build up uneven ♥ to the human races.
I don't think the machine will come true, but let's just pretend.
It must change the whole world.
It's not a mere international language.
It's a creation of a universal language, which makes us possible to communicate without language barrier.
It might eradicate the wars on earth.
However, I have one thing unclear.
When the telephone was invented, they thought people would stop travelling.
Their imagination didn't come true.
When a car was invented, they thought people would stop walking.
It didn't come true either.
There must be something doesn't come true as we expect.
I assume the "something" must be disappearance of conversation schools.
People will be learning languages for fun, for tests, or for business.
It must remain the same because a language is a tool for communication, after all.
I definitely want the wars to be vanished, though.
I have a clear image of how I'd like Japan to be.
I'd like to see a more barrier-free society.
Having a female prime minister would be a dream-come-true.
Since Japan depends heavily on food and raw material imports, I'd like it to be stay peaceful with the neighbours.
I'd like it to be open to foreigners, and to become a clean, safe, exiting country.
Also, I'd like it to lead the intellectual industries such as high-tech, auto, patent, and other industries.
However, I'm afraid that my image of these changes is not clear and I feel that much of this nation will remain the same in both good and bad terms.
It's been said "this nation will end in 100 years" since 100 years ago.
I think it'll still be here, if may not be prosperous.
There is one thing I'm optimistic about.
We will be speaking better English in 50 years. ^^
I don't think it ought to be protected.
I associate traditional things such as old customs with formal mood.
Personally, I don't feel relaxed in the mood.
Even traditions should change as people want it to be.
In other words, only traditions which are needed by people should be passed down to descendants.
Japanese have "Mottainai Spirit" which is to handle things with care.
This is one of the most needed traditions among us in the future.
On the personal side again, I'm selling things Japanese for a living.
I'm making efforts to keep up with the customers' demands. ^^
Anyway, the elegant mixtures of new and old, or east and west make Japan very unique country.
Struggles and competitions are preferable if it's peaceful.
A democratic society is the best to live in because it can shift its policy as soon as the policy fails to meet the people's demand.
I really can't continue this issue.
My parents say living longer doesn't assure you to be opinionated.
What should I do? I'm not empty head.
And what if this thread overflows before the test...?
It doesn't fulfil my sense of completion.
I'm now looking for a deserted thread to parasite.
What is the most acceptable for the residents.
I'm planning to take cheap English proficiency tests in March.
I can prove you my English skills other than writing.
975 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/02/22(金) 11:32:32
you can do it. trust yourself. you can do better. you ve got to believe yourself
A democratic system is the best to live in because it can shift its policy
as soon as the policy fails to meet the people's demand.
We cannot change the leader in a feudal society or dictatorial nation.
However, when you look around the world, Cuba is doing more than so-so where it is a communism country.
And when Singapore, it once was nearly under dictatorship of the then-prim minister.
It came to prosperous because the head of nation was very tactful.
In a democracy, it takes much time to make decisions which opinions to accept,
and which ones not to amongst a wide variety of values.
It's where democracy is good, but it poses difficulties.
In particular, when malicious things happen concerning a newly developed technology like the Internet,
and the law doesn't apply the reality and comes to need quick revising, then problem arises.
And chances are very small, but a democracy could choose a leader like the North's Kim.
Yet, all in all, a democratic system is a system ready to discuss deeper
till get to the both sides agreement, and to respect a variety of values.
It's not perfect, though, one can safely say "it's one of the best".
977 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2008/02/23(土) 14:31:14
1.Pros or cons:Pursuit of better genes.
2.Is the Internet safe for children?
3.Pros or cons: plastic surgery.
4.Sould we promote life long education more?
5.Change in Japanese women's attitudes toward their carees.
I'm done. The speech was miserable.
speech9/30 interaction21/30 grammar15/20 pronunciation15/20
TOTAL 60/100 (pass)
it's my dream score.
I spoke about the goverment and diseases. It's promoting campaign enough and it's good.
But there are many young ppl who get AIDS and it's spreading. And adults of metabo-stg syndrome.
plus a few more and...that's it! I made a few errors and lots of silences saying ''I have no idea''.
It's not that I'm an imcompetent speacker. They should know.
I think anybody in the room understand it. bcz q&a went great.
What if a miracle didn't happen, then what do I do?
I'm not a politician nor a lawyer...but that's the way the test goes. (sob)
Have a good night sleep tognight.
Sometimes you'll pass the test when you don't think you will.
Sometimes you'll fail the test when you don't think you won't.
Only God knows.
You are making your share of efforts. I hope they'll pay off.
I do know what God wanna do.