You'd be in your car headed back to my place Come back to me, I'll be here waiting Cause I'm on my knees and my love's not fading If you could see the sad look on my face
Come back to me という歌詞ですm(_ _)m もしよろしかったら一部でもいいので 翻訳をお願いしますm(_ _)m 前後の文が少ないと思ったら言ってください 宜しくお願いしますm(_ _)m
I've been thinking about things For a long while I'm feeling so calm I've got a big smile I have a view of the sun Right over the sea And now I can feel like Life is flowing through me
You see I've finally woken From a long sleep I'm ready to jump To make that blind leap Coz I now believe I have the power in me I've got the faith baby I can truly be free
The infant's movement from a state of being in which everything is perceived as an extension of the self to a growing sense of separate identity take place between the age of a few weeks and about five months.
I got my rod and sat on one of the tinbers and watched the river tumbling into the falls. In the white water at the foot of the dam it was deep. A trout shot up out of the white water into the falls. I could see another trout jump at the falls, making the same lovely arc and disappearing into the water. I put on a sinker and dropped into the white water. I did not feel the trout strike. When I started to pull up I felt that I had one and brought him, fighting and bending the rob almost double, out of the boiling water, and swung him up and onto the dam.
As the license information appears on the side of the score, the licensee may reproduce the score within the limit of the given lisence.The permission of the public performance will be governed by the performance right organization(PRO) of the country where the performance will take place.The licensee may do this process before or after the performance,according to the preference of each country`s PRO. Or the licensee may submit the program to the lisencer/composer in order to obtain the public performance license before or after the performance
以下、上記掲示板より引用(下から3つめの書き込み) > i was planning a 'get really drunk, ride and smash every ××× window with our >unused brake calipers, levers and blinky lights' riding party tonight... > >maybe tomorrow?
Industrialization changes all this, by enabling production-within certain limits-to expand its own market,if not actually to create them. When Henry Ford produced his model-T,he also produced what had not existed before,namely a vast number of customers for a cheap,standardized and simple automobile. Of course his enterprise was no longer as wildly speculative as it seemed. A century of industrialization had already demonstrated that mass-production of cheap goods can multiply their market, accustomed men to buy better goods than their fathers had bought and to discover needs which their fathers had not dreamed of. The point is that before the Industrial Revolution, or in countries not yet transformed by it, Henry Ford would not have been an economic pioneer,but a crank ,inviting bankruptcy.
Questions about how fast the earth―or anything, for that matter―is moving are incomplete unless they also ask, "Compared to what?" 科学の本なのですが、どのように訳せば良いのか分かりません。翻訳できる方、よろしくお願いします。
This Great Attractor, having a mass 100 quadrillion times greater than our sun and a span of 500 million light-years, is made of both the visible matter that we can see and the so-called dark matter that we cannot see.
Some, however, require technical or scientific terminology, or else scientists would find these stories as meaningless as the nonscientist would find some of the others if they were described in precise technical terms.