This is the house which I live in.はThis is the house in which I live inに書きかえれますよね。 では何故、This is the team which I belong to.はThis is the team to which I belong to.に書き換えられないのでしょうか?
This is the house which I live in.はThis is the house in which I live.に書き換えられるのに、 何故、This is the team which I belong to.はThis is the team to which I belong.に書き換えられないのでしょうか?
This is the house which I live in.をThis is the house in which I live.に書き換えるような問題を授業でやっていた時に、 This is the team which I belong toという文があったので↑の文と同じようにtoをwhichの前において書き換えてみたら「ああ、それは出来ないんだよね〜」と言われました。
>>783 この問題ずいぶん長引いてるね。 まず文法的に、もっとも厳密に言うなら as if nobody had been living in it as as if nobody were living in it でも普通に言える。 厳密に言ったら(時制の問題で)100%文法的に正しいと言えるか分からないけど。 ちなみにwereとwasの違いは、as ifと来たら、これは仮定法なので、 nobody wereのように仮定法ならではの表現wereを 使うのが基本だけど、wasにするとwasなりのニュアンスがあって あえてwasを使う場合もある。 たとえば、as if he WAS(こここを強調して読む) there.のように(まるで、そこに彼が本当に居たかのように) wasを強調したい場合はwasを使う意味がある。 でも>>783のケースでは、nobody wasより、nobody wereが自然で良い。 いずれにしても、The house looked as if nobody was seen living in it. は論外。
Tone color,or timbre,distinguishes the sound and characteristics that separate one instrument or voice from another.For example, the high-frequency treble of a blaring trumpet or crashing cymbal affects the ear much differently than the low breathy tone of an oboe or lilting color of a string section.Composers mix these timbres using the various sounds of strings,woodwinds,brass, percussion,and human voice in the same manner that an artist would use different colors to make a painting.
>>879 一応、これを参考に。 -------------------------------------------------------------- Formal(The were form is correct at all times.) If I were younger, I would go. If he weren't so mean, he would buy one for me. I wish I weren't so slow! I wish it were longer. It's not as if I were ugly. She acts as if she were Queen. If I were you, I should tell her.
Informal(The was form is possible in informal, familiar conversation.) If I was younger, I would go. If he wasn't so mean, he would buy one for me. I wish I wasn't so slow! I wish it was longer. It's not as if I was ugly. She acts as if she was Queen.
Note: We do not normally say "if I was you", even in familiar conversation. ------------------------------------------------------------------- as if と来たらwereが基本。 どっちでも良くて、現実味、可能性によってwasとwereを使い分けるというもんじゃない。 (ただし現実の英語では、別に無知というわけではなく、あえてwasを使うことはある)
付け忘れ ・if ・as if ・wish ・suppose -------------------------------------------------------------- Formal(The were form is correct at all times.) If I were younger, I would go. If he weren't so mean, he would buy one for me. I wish I weren't so slow! I wish it were longer. It's not as if I were ugly. She acts as if she were Queen. If I were you, I should tell her.
Informal(The was form is possible in informal, familiar conversation.) If I was younger, I would go. If he wasn't so mean, he would buy one for me. I wish I wasn't so slow! I wish it was longer. It's not as if I was ugly. She acts as if she was Queen.
Note: We do not normally say "if I was you", even in familiar conversation. -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>764 ありがとうございました!質問なのですが、 彼女はアメリカに15年住んでいる(今も住んでいる)。 She has lived in America for 15 years. は、She has been living in America for 15 years. では間違いなのですか?
>>889が話について行けなくなったのはわかったが、 上にも書いたけど The house look"ED"だからね。上の例文過去の出来事についての言及だよ。
>大過去を使ったら主節の過去の時制よりさらに過去のお話。 >普通日本人には難しい感覚かもしれん。 ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ >She looked as if she had seen a ghost. >まるで幽霊を見たような顔つきをしていた >過去に見たような顔つきってどんなだよ。今見てる感じの顔つきなんだろ。
>いずれにしても、The house looked as if nobody was seen living in it. は論外。 この理由が出てないけど。
>>899 "suffering the way"でググール検索。 How do you thank a family for suffering the way they have so that we can live with freedom. 今の私たちが自由に暮らせるのをあなたは、私たちはどう家族に感謝するのか? 感謝しても感謝しきれない。 よく読んでないけど、読めないけど 2nd Lt.中尉 John Wroblewskiが戦死に関するブログらしい。