英語で嫌韓 −Do you like Korea?− Aigo x 2
Ugly Koreans
“Ugly Koreans” is a media-coined term referring to people caught buying sex
or committing crimes overseas. Officials in South Korea recently proposed a foreign
travel ban for citizens who have committed misdeeds overseas, in an attempt to
protect the nation's image. The proposed travel ban on “ugly Koreans” was
contained in a recent foreign ministry report to the presidential office, ministry
officials said.
“In case their illegal or shameful acts are reported overseas, we are planning to
restrict their travel to foreign countries for a certain period of time,” a ministry
official said. South Korean laws already say that citizens can be denied passports
for up to three years if they have been expelled from a foreign state for violating
the law. In July 2005 Vietnamese television reported that police detained 28 South
Koreans in a single day for buying sex at a Korean-owned salon. Police in Shanghai
arrested 17 South Koreans in February for involvement in running a “host bar”
where men were hired for sexual services. Authorities are planning to step up a
separate campaign to educate people about internationally accepted etiquette.
Hey, gooks, don't violate the rules of the 2ch.