>>10 I would like to order one ●●/ ・・・●●s /・・・ of ●● / etc. if you are ready to send one(s). I wonder whether you would tell me when you will send one(s) to me.
>>17 As a result of a change in personnel, ○○ is going to take care of you instead of me. I would appreciate it if you would talk to me as before. Have a nice weekend!
>>18 I understand the statement below that we are going to offset each other's loss. I wonder whether you would remit $100.00(USD) into my bank account/ by a bank draft...etc... I would appreciate it if you would send the original invoice to me. Thank you very much for your cooperation.
>>24 I am sorry for replying late And I am very sorry I cannot show you around in Tokyo.
Soon after receiving your e-mail, some customer in my charge complained about ***, so have been dealing with his complaint from early morning to midnight and I have been staying at a hotel instead of returning home Of course, I am working even on Saturday and Sunday.
Because I looked forward to meet you, I am really disappointed.
>>32 ever since i got into this shit business hardly have i been able to have time to meet my friends. besides i can't play around like a student coz a lotta friends of mine got outta this town.
Well...oh, God...I'm not prepared for this speech and not sure what to say... hm...oh, yeah! リチャード・ファイマン, a physicist said that mathematics and physics is to study chess games being played by gods, looking for what rules and how beautiful sequences exist within it. You could say that there is no such rules exist from the first place. However, if everything happening in the entire universe was utterly random and it was therefore just repetition of meaningless events, then there would be nothing left for mathematicians to do. And we would soon get tired of the fact itself that we are living in such innocuous space. However, Okamoto did not only give up pursuing the mystery to solve but has also encountered a fantastic woman like Yuri. Considering this fact, it might be the case that there is a rule exists the way people meet each other. If no rule existed there, the two would've just past each other without starting conversation and deeply getting involved in each other when they met by chance. Now, we've been able to be present all together here, in this place out of the way corner of the universe with full of happiness, it all thanks to Okamoto having met the one particular woman. Today, he seems to just have solved most complicated mystery "Destiny" for us. Congratulations!
This cylindrical box contained a bottle of aroma oil. I bought it because the box was very cute. It seemed to have various kinds of potential uses, such as putting in homework-related printouts or a pencil case. I
Let's meet when you come to Tokyo. How long will you stay in Tokyo? Did you have Japanese girlfriend in The USA? You are going to stay in Niigata. So, was she from Niigata? Could you tell me about her? I am curious about her. what are you goint to do while you are in Niigata?
When you come to Tokyo, let me know, I'd like to meet you. How long are you going to stay in Tokyo? Have you got a girl friend from Japan in the states? I hear you are going to stay in Niigata. Is it that the girl friend is from Niigata? What is she about? Let me know about her in detail. What will you do, staying in Niigata?
>>53 You told me in the mail you sent me in spring that you served for a branch of AA in Spain, and had a really good experience. I guess you must have seen something particular about Japanese amnagement and business customs. I hope these will help you in some ways.
>>64 I'd be glad if you said that. >>65 People who visit Japan and see morning rush-hour get amazed in the first place at the fact that this huge number of Japanese people are in Japan.
「教師の立場を学ぶことは、たとえ私が教師にならなくても、私にとって 有益なものです」を英訳したいんですけど、 It is useful for me to study the viewpoint of teachers even if I wern't to become a teachr. でいいですか?自信がないので指導をお願いします。 if節で未来を表す場合は「if S were to V」だったと思うのですが。
>>73 Your life is so short that you should challenge whatever you want. Regretting what you have done is far better than regretting what you could have done. Those who cry for their being cheated after trusting somebody must be far better than those who do not trust people.
>>76 According to the theory of evolution, stupid people have more chances to have children if they lie, steal,and son on. Thus, at present, the more foolish one is, the more likely he or she lies, steals, and do every bad thing without hesitation.
前スレ346で I don't know what, but lots of the 80's surfers in LA died early, didn't they? I am very sad about it. (80年代のロサンゼルスのプロサーファーたちは、なぜかみんな早く他界されますよね)
>>100 we're gonna have festivals in a lotta places downtown tokyo during from mid april till beginning of july. a festival's extremely curious in the way a movable shrine's drawn around whole town. alla these fastivals're same and some're big enough for sightseeing businesses, some're small but we can feel at home. the three shrine festival's the most famous amongst them for its rough mannered handling of the movable shrine. you should be coming to see it. it's had during from friday to sunday somewhere in mid may every year. i'll inform you of the period of next year's event for sure as soon as it's been fixed.
>>102 I am very sorry for my late reply. Right after I received your e-mail, I had to go to Yamagata prefecture, which is in Tohoku region for my long term business trip, so I couldn't write back to you. I am still in Yamagata. I'm supposed to be here until mid June.
I was selected as one of the members for a new business of my company and that made me stay here. So I'm afraid I can't meet you when you come to Tokyo. I hope you enjoy your trip in Japan.
Have you got sumo wrestling tickets? When you go to see sumo tournaments,please refer to the remark as stated below. 1,I advise you to carry a small opera glasses. 2, They'll serve you with "chanko" soup, of all foods,on which sumo wrestlers mainly live at the corner of the venue. You can eat it twice a day at 12:00 and 14:00 p.m. 3, You can borrow a radio,by which you can hear the on-the- spot English broadcasting for sumo wreatling. 4, There is a information desk on the left right after you enter the hall. So you shold ask them about "chanko" soup and a radio.
>>120 その↑は何?ワシに頼むってこと? じゃ、しかたなかんべな、ひとつ作るけんまっとりんしゃい。 こんなんどう? Please tell me what attracts people to Las Vegas. 直訳すると、なにが人々をラスベガスに引き寄せるか言ってチョンマゲ、 じゃな。いろいろ言い方はあるけん、気に入らんかったらポイしてちょ!
>>126 The number of fields is five times larger than that of houses.
>>131 Initially, I was wondering what it is to fry tomato and eat it, But when I actually fried it, I was surprized how tasty that was! Now that appears on our menu list frequently.
>>144 I am sorry for today's sudden falling down. The camera is so heavy for spider web to suspend that personal contact is potentially unstable. The angel whom you sent to me was a funny guy. If time allows, I wanna have a mas.
2005年の船橋駅の利用客数は131579人で、千葉県では柏駅に次ぐ乗客数です。の訳 In 2005, an average of 131,579人 passengers used Funabashi Station daily, ranks second in Chiba prefecture after Kashiwa station. ↑この翻訳で大丈夫でしょうか?
>>162 こうでしょうな。 In 2005, an average of 131,579 passengers used Funabashi Station daily, and this number ranks second in Chiba prefecture following Kashiwa station.
I must apologize.. は強すぎるというか文通だと不自然なまでに固すぎる。 Sorry for being late to reply to you. ぐらいでいいと思う。 あとの文章は文通(だよね?)なんだし、通し。
>> 161 let は「〜するのを妨げない」という意味での「〜させる」です。 最初の文章だと生徒たちが勉強したいと思っているので、黙って させてあげているという意味になるよ。 My English teacher makes students study hard. なら英語の先生は生徒に猛勉強を強いている、という意味ね。 どっちの意味の英文を書きたかったの?
2番目はきっと犬が外に出たがっているのだから let を使うのが自然ね。 ただ、日本語は「外へ出させる」、英語の内容は「外へ出させない」に なっているけど、そこは大丈夫?
最後の文は let を使おうとすると、ちょっとシャレた言い方に なってしまうね。 I let a friend of mine borrow my compact disks とか? でも、素直に I lent my compact disks to a friend of mine. じゃダメなの?
>>165 My English teacher lets students chat freely during her class. 私の英語の先生は授業中に生徒たちに自由におしゃべりをさせる。 He doesn't let his dog out when it rains. 彼は雨のときには犬を外に出させない。 I let my friend listen to his favorite songs whenever he feels depressed. 私は友達が落ち込んでいる時はいつでも彼の好きな歌を聞かせる。
>165 My English teacher lets students go home after she beats them up when they do not obey her order. He doesn't let me go until I give 1,000 yen to him every day. I let my friend know that his mother was walking down the street with her lover.
>>194 I is a current, V is a potential difference and R is a constant called resistance. With the SI unit system, an unit for a current is the 'ampere', for a potential difference the 'volt' and for a resistance the 'ohm', and one ohm is equivalent to one volt per one ampere.
>>212 I'm sorry but I was too drunk to answering your calls last Saturday. I want to see you as soon as possible --we haven't met each other for a while, have we? I might start a part-time job and my schedule isn't decided. So I will get in touch with you ASA again.
Hiring of new graduates completed the first stage finally. Now, I get started with a project plan though, I just realized that I forgot to bring the guidance sheet from my office where is located in America. Could you possibly send me the file by attaching email?
>>230 Finally my job hunting is over. I am going to start to make the plan /a plan about ***, but I found that I had forgotten to bring the guidance from the office in the US. I cannot without it. I wonder if you could send me the file by e-mail.
>>226 Japan's attitude toward smoking is much milder than that of America. America is now taking strong actions against smoking, and they must put rather radical warnings on packages of tobacco in the US. In contrast, we just recommend smokers to control smoking in Japan.
>>228 We must admit that the purpose of advertisement is not only to maximize product sales but also to announce valuable information about new products to public. Further more, we can also purchase news paper at cheaper price and enjoy interesting TV programs thanks to publicity costs that they pay their advertisers or sponsors.
私は231ではないです。 The first stage of employing new graduates was finally completed. So I'm going to get started with a project plan from now. But I've just realized that I forgot to bring the guidance sheet from my office in the U.S. Could you possibly send it to me as an attacted file ?
>>252 ・about japan i think some places like kyoto are beautiful but in tokyo it's kinda cultural dessert cause there're few things to see unlike kyoto or nara where traditional japanese architecture can be seen. ・design of a japanese school uniform depends on a school. they don't have to spend a time everyday to choose their clothes.
>>246 Janiez Company is making seven menbers of Kan-Jani-eight write 'one in eight' on websites and say the catch-phrase in their concerts again and again. The company is taking advantages of only the popularity of Hiroki Uchi, who drank an alocoholic beverage under the age of 20, took a violent action, and demoted to a trainee. The dirty company is purposely misleading his fans into belief that he might come back in the next concert, if not, the next. This is nothing but unjust advertizement. The Fair Trade Commission should order them to stop such actions.
>>260 It would be hard to reject it if a pretty girl like you asked me. That's why I started, or should I stop it? >>263 I'm sure you know this place, to which you should go.
>>284 you are good at making makeshift measure. Almost Japanese can't understand English well, so you would be easy in Jp. but not all peaple is not fool.
Ladies and Gentleman, thank you very much for inviting me to such a wonderful and happy celemony. I'm very happy to make this speech from bottom of my heart.
A,B congraturation. I am aware of happiness filled with the space between you.
As we can say all creatures in this earth, we are not perfect creatures as indivisual. For example, i have interesting japanese story. There were two couple of trees. When we plant them separate, each trees didn't grow up. But, when we plant as couple, suprisingly, they grew up so much. We can find same thing in us.
We are not perfect, so we can love other people. I think mariage is the end point, and at the same time, the start point.
I envy you so much, so i share the part of happiness and bring it back to Japan.Thank you. Good luck.
>>290 My mother was hospitalised. It was when one year had past that I got to know she was in hospital so I didn't have a chance to know about a hospital in Japan.
>>312 I drove listening to the CDs you made for me late yesterday. All the songs were just great! I stopped to read what you wrote about them on the way.
Think of a room which has been vacant for a week, you can imagine a thin layer of dust all over the room.
An uninhabited house cannot be kept clean for a short period of a week. Civilization is a challenge against dust; it has refused the natural burial of human products. >>351
I think you can get married at any age, because you are a man. but when I think about childbearing,I do have a limit. because I am a women. Enjoy your single life.
Im gonna go home from now. After I get home, I have to clean up, wash, check my child with homework, and make a dinner, so much to do. so I don't have much my time.
Thank you very much for contacting me and offering the entry. I appreciate it. However, I would enter only people I met more than once, I hear that a lof of troubles are occuring on the mix because of misunderstanding between on-line friends. So I would be delighted if you contact me in MySpace again. Thank you again.
>>352 > ひらがなとカタカナが書ければ十分だよ! > 日本人にとっても漢字は難しいよ > お願いします If you can write in hiragana and katakana, that's enough. It is a tough task for even Japanese to make full use of Kanji.
>>375 I beg a favor of you. When you come back to Jp, I want you to take some pictures of an airline food. because I wanna have a phote on airline food.com, dinner on airline which is my favorite site.
>391 Thanks for your mail but I had to explain more clearly, I was going to confirm that the email can be send between your cell phone and my cell phone. if its ok, can you send me an email with your cell phone to mine? thank you very much.
>>399 I would like to order one ***. However, I have noticed that you do not have a web order system on your Internet website. Do you still accept e-mail order? If you do, please let me know approximately how many days will be required for the delivery of the item and also whether you accept DC card for the payment.
I would be so much appreciate if you could respond to this message as soon as possible.
ご親切にありがとうございました!!助かりました。 おっしゃるように、「何日頃出荷か」ときくには If you do, please let me know approximately how many days will be required for the delivery of the item をなんと言い換えたらいいでしょうか。 度々お手数をおかけしてすみません。
--英訳-- Koreans who accuse the responsibility of war of 60 years before of which judgment had already concluded. Koreans who absent the memory ceremony because of the revenge to them.
>>405 Koreans who(→相手国民全体を責めるならThe Korean, whoがよい) accuse the responsibility(これだと、「責任を責める」というへんな意味になる。 「accuse 人」が基本。→are pressing the .... against Japanなど。) of war of 60 years before(→of the war 60 years ago) of which judgment had already concluded. (複雑なので→, which has already been concluded in the trialカンマ必須)
Koreans who absent the memory ceremony (absentは形容詞。→The Korean who do not go to ...) the memory ceremony (→memorial ceremony) because of the revenge to them. (→for fear of retaliation from Japanese people.)
Why ever do they behave like victims ? (→Why have they been playing the part of the victim?など 現在完了進行形を使うと良いかも)
>>406 有難うございます。まとめてみました。 Koreans who are pressing the responsibility of the war 60 years ago against Japan, which has already been concluded in the trial. Koreans who do not go to the memorial ceremony for fear of retaliation. Why have they been playing the part of the victim?
I ordered a video game from your site the other day. although 72 hours have already passed,I haven't received any order confirmation mail from you yet. Could I possibly ask you whether you got my order?
>412 Excuse me, A few days before I ordered a game software on your web site . However I hadn't received any confirmation even 72 hours after of my order. Could you tell me if my order was accepted or not? thanks.
>>419 When are you going to go to Colorad? You said you were going there, didn't you? For what porpuse? Are you intrested in going to some Asian countries, such as Japan? I hope we will meet somewhere.
>>408 Before you sent me the second invoice for $123 for my order on Jan. 10th, have you carefully checked my payment history?
Please see the attached file. You will find that $123 for my order on Jan. 10th was already recorded in my account history. Even though I purchased nothing from you on Apr. 1st, you claimed $123, which is equal to the amount for Jan. 10th.
I demand an satisfactory explanation. Please send me the details and respective amounts of my orders and payments.
>>432 I went to enjoy karaoke with my friend living in my neighborhood, I love karaoke because it serves as a mental diversion. I really enjoyed a rich holiday.
@僕は君の犬が庭を通り抜けたって気にならないよ。 I don't mind whether your dog runs through the yard. (yardの冠詞はtheでいいでしょうか?)
A履行できるかどうか反省してみないで、人と約束をするのは無責任です。 It is irresponsible to make a promise with a person without reflecting whether you keep a promise or not.
B本を1冊読むということは、1人の実際に生きた人と話し合いをすることに似ています。 Reading one book is similar to disscussing with one person who actually lived.
Cせっかく九州に来たのだから、私の家にも2,3日泊まっていってはどうですか?(せっかく→at last) You have come to Kyusyu at last, why don't you stay with me for a few days? (時制は現在完了でいいのでしょうか? 「私の家にも」の「も」はどう表現すればいいのでしょうか?)
D外国人のすることなら何でもまねをする価値があると考えるのは、たいへんな間違いです。 To think worth imitating whatever foreigners do is a great mistake.
I'm doing so-so at school, to which I didn't go today. From 28th to 6th, I am going to have a 9-day vacation. If you have time to spare, please let me know.
2週間以上こちらがメールを送っても電話をしても全く返信なしの状況が 続き(私がIf we break up をwe break up と書き送信した為だと思います。) もうあきらめて食欲も全くなくなりボロボロになって引きこもっていました。 彼の精神は強くありません。自分でも口癖の様に「自分はattached person,改善したい」 と常に言ってました。先日別れるにしても私は本当にあなたに感謝している、 あなたは気づいていないだろうけど私はあなたにすごく感謝しているし尊敬し続けるだろう とメールを送った所、今日突然メールが来ました。内容は以下です。 Hi Yukiko, I am feeling very sad at the outcome of our relationship! I am deeply sad about what happened! I want to tell you how I feel! It is extremely difficult how things turned out. It has been extremely difficult for me. I am deeply sad. I want you to know how I felt about you! There was an extreme deep love for you that I can never completely explain. I want you to know that you are the best you are an incredible woman and I appreciated you very much very very much. I am sending you Love always ALL WAYS
The article below was carried in a Japanese newspaper. I'm embarrased to say this,but it was not until I read this article that I understood the meaning of SWAT.
Where do I want to go and why? How much do I want to pay? How long do I want to study overseas? Do I want to live with a host family,with roommates,or alone?
ごめんなさい、自分でもやってみたんですけど手が震えちゃってすみません。 How are you doing?Even though you might be busy for your work, thank you for your e-mail.で涙が止まらなくなっちゃって混乱してきちゃうん です。ごめんなさい、ヘタレで。でも本当にご迷惑なのを承知でお願いします!!!
might は止めといたほうがいいと思うよ。だって「かもしれない」という 推量でしょう。はっきりとThank you for your e-mail when you're busy with your work. のほうがいいんじゃない? そのあとは I've been thinking that you said good-bye to me. ぐらいかな。 英次郎で検索したら make one's adieu なんていう表現があるな
>>513 How are you doing? Thank you for the mail. I know you are so busy. So I appreciate it. I thought you said that in order to leave me. But now I love you and will always love you. I won't change my mind. Never. I relied on you too much in the US. I know I was too much for you. I am thinking in LA that I have to be stronger, strong enough to get my identity back. I am now getting my driver's license in the driving school, and then I am going to move to the following address. I myself found and entered this school after school. You made me stronger. Thanks a lot. I would never be so strong without you. I cannot thank you too much. It was a miracle for us to meet each other in this century on this planet. I can believe in a miracle every time I remember the moment you and I were there together. I would never realize what and how important love is without you. I thank God from the heart. You don't have to get sad because I always be on your side and I will hold your left hand tight whenever you need to.(That's the word you said in order to encourage me when I got too nervous.) I am always on your side even if you don't see me. Please feel my heart.
>>513 How are you doing? Thank you for spending the time for writing to me when you are busy. I thought you meant to break up with me. I still love you and will love you. I'm sure my feeling toward you will never change. I relied too much on you when I came to US. I think I was your burden at that time. I realized that I have to get tough to get my identity back. Now I am in the middle of taking driver's lisence and I'll move out of where I live in May. I started going to school in the afternoon. I looked for the school after I finished classes in the morning. You are the one who helped me get tough. I really appreciate it. If it weren't you, I wouldn't have changed myself. I couldn't thank you more. Now I really think that miracle happens after I experienced it. I mean, how we met, how we spent time together...If I hadn't met you, I wouldn't know what love is. I appreciate God and you. You don't need to feel sad. I'll always be with you, holding your hand. Even when we don't spend time together, don't forget I'm always behind you.
Do you believe in miracle? Didn't series of miracles lead to what we are now? I am definately sure miracle exists. The fact that you are working hard to reach your goal makes me feel I have to hang in, too. Thank you very much for giving me lots of miracles. You are precious to me. Don't forget I am sending love to you. I love you.
>>526 When I was taking my dog for a walk, I met sudden shower. That was a mess! And right after I came back home, the shower stopped. I was like, OH MY!
Japanese need to get an ability that they can explain about Japan by foreign language to a foreigner However as a visitor Japanese need to be familiar with a custom and a manner of countries they visit.
A future Japanese will need to get an ability to be able to explain about Japan to foreigners in foreign languages. However a Japanese while overseas will need to be familiar with customs and manners of countries they will visit.
From now on, it is neccessary for Japanese people to obtain the ability to explain about Japan to people from abroad using their languages. But as a traveler abroad, Japanese people need to familiarize themselves to each country's custom and manner.
>>569 I'm a Mr. Chiddren fan. I went to see thier performance for the first time in Nov. 27th, 2005. I bought their T shirt then.
This band is very popular in Japan, and it's very tough to get their concert tickets. That's why I love the T shirt as thier simbol and my treasure. I'll have a respect for it forever.
>>621 The concert begins at 19:00, I think. Is it late? The place is **. He knows the detail, so ask him if you need. As I might come there, I'd be delighted if I see you there.
>>643 like to readだと「これから読みたい」って感じだから like reading のほうがいいかな。 in a houseだと「どこでもいいから1つの家」だからおかしい。 home1語でよい。 whenは削除必須。at nightはなくてもよい。 ベッドはなくてもbefore going to bedでもよい。 「ベッドの中で」ならon the bed
645です。 i like to read books when i am on the train and when i have free time at night or on the weekends 上の例文があって i like to________ when_________ and when_____________. ほとんど似たような感じなんですが、上の文章の穴埋めで自分で文章を作ったんです。 別に本じゃなくてもいいんで文章作ってもらえないでしょうか? 回答してくれた方すみません。
私たちは彼をアニメ製作の草分けとして尊敬している。 We look up to ( )( )( )( )in animation. ビルはその指導力を尊敬されている。 Bill is looked up to ( )( )( ). ついでに卵を買ってきてくれますか? Can you pick up ( )( )for me? 君の家に5時に迎えにいくよ。 ( )( )( )( )at your house at five.
>>667 Uganda is located at a high altitude, so its average temperature is 23 degrees centigrade. The country is full of natural beauty. It gained its independence from UK in 1962.
>>700 I found you are living up to expectations when reading your a-mail in April. You aren't used to the new position, are you? I hope that you will soon get used to it and do great things. Take care of yourself!
>>701 1. We're together forever. 2. I was grumbling feeling lonely. 3. With a rush I wish you were here. 4. You're the one to me. No one made me think so.
>700 I understand from your letter of this April that you've been trying so hard in your new position. There must be a ton of work to do, but don't give up!
>>686 > 輝いて見えても > もう存在しない星がある > 爆発した星の光は > 長い時間かけて地球に届く > 100年とか > 一番近い恒星・・・ > プロキシマ・ケンタウリ > あの光だって > 4年前のものだ There are some stars that seem to keep twinkling but do not exists no more. A travel of flash light of an explosion of a star takes long time, say, 100 year.
See Proxima Centauri - the star nearest to the earth, the stellar light of which you see now has travelled for 4 years. You know, it following the trail of Orion.
>710 You have changed my life dramatically. I really thank you. I can feel happy to go this school for the first time. Don't regret being my friend. Very very thank you. Good luck!
>>716 How was Tokyo? Didn't you have any trouble during your stay? I hope you will be able to visit Japan again!
>>717 I don't need to submit my homework this time. But because I did not know how to write it and thus screwed it up, I would like to submit it again.
It's been three years since my granddad died. I was visiting his grave with my relatives whom I rarely have an occasion to meet now. Everybody loved Granddad very much. I looked up to him and I still do so now.
But if he is allowed to continue to do it,to seek out in his own way and for his own reasons the meaning of written words,with only as much help as he may ask for; if this task which he has set himself isn't taken from him and replaced with a lot of fragmented and meaningless tasks invented by someone else and done on their command; if he is not convinced by adults that he is not able to do this task he has set for himself,to figure out what written words say,but must‘get’reading from a teacher as a patient gets a shot from a doctor; if he is very lucky,and none of these bad things happen,he will be reading well in a short time,perhaps even in a matter of months.
>>775 In Edo Period, only 7% of the population ware samurais. The Meiji Government spread 'Bushido' as the Japanese spirit. But the Japanese have only 7% of samurais' blood.
>>795 Yes, these pictures are from you. I am very sorry. I did not say that to you, because I thought that you might get angry with me. But I am delighted that you are pleased about that.
>>806 How do you enjoy Golden week ? I have no voice because I have a cold . I am so tedious . How shall I do if I recover from by the time I meet you .
>>826 How come you don't send me your picture? I'm really looking forward to it and I can't wait any more... Because I really wanna get to know more about you! I wanna be closer to you. Keep up the good work anyway. C-ya!
>>831 1. The theme color of the website should be white. 2. Explanatory notes should attached. The notes should be written in plain language, avoiding jargons and foreign language. They must be readily understood by anyone, regardless of age and gender.
>>842 We Japanese always say "Itadakimasu" before we eat a meal. "Itadakimasu" is an expression of thanks to a person who cooked the meal and to people who grew vegetables and rice.
>>846 About internet access of average Japanese households. Make good use of graphics in making web sites, since ADSL 8.0-50.0 Mbps broadband access to the internet is not uncommon among average Japanese households.
従軍慰安婦証言の矛盾 米下院での偽証の可能性もある、非常に重大な問題です。 英語ソースなので、欧米へ説明に利用して下さい。 矛盾点:年齢/家を出た状況 CNN: 14歳/兵隊に家から連れ出された。 米下院: 16歳/自分でこっそり家を出た。 CNN: http://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/asiapcf/03/03/japan.sexslaves.ap/ Lee Yong-soo, 78, a South Korean who was interviewed during a recent trip to Tokyo, said she was 14 when Japanese soldiers took her from her home in 1944 to work as a s-ex slave in Taiwan. Lee Yong-soo(78歳韓国)は東京でのインタビューで、 彼女は1944年、14才のとき日本の兵隊に家から連れ出され、台湾で性奴隷として働かされた、と述べました。 U.S. House of Representatives: Statement of Lee Yong-soo http://www.internationalrelations.house.gov/110/lee021507.htm In the autumn of 1944, when I was 16 years old, my friend, Kim Punsun, and I were collecting shellfish at the riverside when we noticed an elderly man and a Japanese man looking down at us form the hillside...... A few days later, Punsun knocked on my window early in the morning, and whispered to me to follow her quietly. I tip-toed out of the house after her. 1944年の秋、私は16歳で、友達のキムプンスンと私が川のそばでエビを捕っていたとき、 年老いた男と日本人が丘の方から私たちを見てるのに気づきました。…(中略)… 数日後の早朝、プンスンは私の部屋の窓をノックして、静かに私の後についてくるようにとささやきました。 私はこっそりと家を出て、彼女について行きました。 enjoy Korea イ・ヨンスさん関連でまた経歴に修正発見!!なんだかねえ。 http://www.enjoykorea.jp/tbbs/read.php?board_id=thistory&nid=1829931 ネットで「寝ていて小窓を叩かれた時に兄弟は何をしていたのか!?なぜ止めなかったのか?」と指摘されたからだろうか? 2/25の横浜会場では以下の貼り紙に変更されている! http://photoimg.enjoyjapan.naver.com/view/enjoybbs/viewphoto/thistory/1830000/20070226117241730712899500.jpg 兄弟の数が7人→一人っ子へ
>>886 You told me so many times that you would not let me study abroad, then why's that you let Yumi go to Europe to study German for as long as 6 months?
>>883 how was your weekend i went to a club where a lot of foreigeners gather i made friends with somebody who came from france he said he came from somewhere in south france, i forgot its name he was a good guy i can tell you
和訳をよろしくお願いします。 Every society could always be better than it is, and it is the critic's task to reveal aspects of cultural and social life calling for improvement. The cultural relativist's contention that one should pay due respect to cultural differences, and that what is due respect to cultural differences,and that what is good in one culture is bad in another,amounts to little more than the capitulation of reason.
I'm sorry for bothering you while drunk yesterday, but I had a lot of fun! Thank you so much! Enjoy the trip with your parents.Be filial enough to them! I'm looking forward to seeing you again. So long.
>>918 My job is only to mark Japanese and arithmetic test papers solved by primary students. I work only once a week, so I get money I can use for one month. In fact, I want to save some.
>>923 The reception for new students is planned as follows: Firstly, the new student are supposed to get together between 8:30 - 9:00 a.m. Secondly, we will give the new students an exam for about one hour. Next, we will make phone calls to order their textbooks. At lunchtime, the new students will have lunch with the teachers. In the afternoon, they will look around various classrooms. Lastly, we will have a welcome party for the new students.
Karma is a sum of all that an individual has done, is currently doing and will do. The results or "fruits" of actions are called karma-phala. Karma is not about retribution, vengeance, punishment or reward; karma simply deals with what ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma - 56k - キャッシュ - 関連ページ
>>947 Japanese BUSIDO saved a life. Japanese BUSIDO saved lives. 命が単数なのか、複数なのか
>>949 Actually, I also do a band, and my one of the member is American. ↑バンドしてるの訳がイマイチワカンネ
>>950 Thank you for the mail. The party was great!! I think you are struggeled with doing on the project, but I hope you make it. Golden Week has already started!! I came back from 1-day trip yesterday. Even though I got tired, it was awesome!! Have fun on Golden Week!! I'm looking for seeing you!! 曖昧でスマン