>今すぐ助けると言うより先に >震える声であの子が助けてと繰り返す。 Not until I came up and shouted "I will help you right now!", repeated she words "Help me!" with her shivering voice in fear of my scaring figure. ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_77VPM3-Es 蜘蛛の恋。蜘蛛の生きているだけで犯す罪業。cf. 「銀河鉄道の夜」の蠍 助けるためにapproach (愛)---> 蝶にはそれが恐怖(苦悩) ◎のapproach (愛)---> ★にはそれが恐怖(苦)
>失うものさえ失ってなお 人はまだ誰かの指にすがる >柔らかな皮膚しかない理由は 人が人の傷みを聴くためだ。 ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6c5EeeGXVWA Even after one loses everything to lost, the one in this pitiful state tries to grasp at straws stretched forth by neighbor's hand. In this case, a suffered ship will take any port in a storm. We have only soft skin. That's why one should HEAR neighbor's pains and aches.
>許しあう微笑みは >神サマにもらった最高の贈り物 >どんなことがあっても >大切な誰かをずっと愛し続けるため。 ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4Z3Tit7ZXk Smiles, which make allowances for each other, is the supreme Gift which the God gives to us. Come rain or shine, the Gift makes us keep loving somebody valued.
>>30 あなたが楽しい時は一緒に笑って When you are happy, I'm with you and smile. あなたが辛い時は支えてあげたい When you hit the bottom crash,I will be there for you. あなたが泣いてる時は涙を拭いて When you cry, I wanna wipe your tears away ずっと側に居てあげたい and I wanna be near you. どんな時もどんな事があっても No matter what happens to you, あなたには幸せで居て欲しいから I want you happy. 私の愛するすべての人達へ all of you, my love
>>37 どうしてこうなったんだ! Why did this happen to me? なにも覚えていないんだ。 I can't remember anything. しかし、望む事を忘れたらなにもできないさ。 But you know, if you forgot to wish, you could do nothing. 善くなることを想像するんだ。 Just picuture that things can be changed. 今、自分がなにをするべきか考えるんだ。 And think so hard what you have to do now.
善い方に変えるのは自分次第だろ?時間は待ってくれないよ! you know you can go up from here, don't you? You don't have to waste your time. 正確な答えや正解なんてないけど…。 there is no right decision nor correct answer. 自分の判断で動くんだ! Don't tell me what I should do. もう誰も邪魔なんてできないさ。 You'll never stop you.
It is not my real sorrow for YOU not to be here, but, I really feel lonely when I find myself to think YOU are not here. ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NKT_JNQRwI >ここにあなたがいないのが悲しいのじゃなくて、 >ここにあなたがいないと思うことがさびしい---。
>もしも明日 私たちが何もかもを失くして >唯の心しか持たないやせた猫になっても >もしも明日 あなたのため何の得もなくても >言えるならその時 愛を聞かせて ttp://www.h2.dion.ne.jp/~mtmamiri/ashita.htm Suppose we lost everything and become pity lean stray cats who possess only mind,--- God! Suppose we are utterly valueless to YOU, --- if YOU have any WORD even in that case (, actually we ARE), tell us your Songs of Love
>あなたが楽しい時は一緒に笑って >When you are happy, I'm with you and smile. I'm with youだと「私はあなたといます」って断言しちゃう感じ。I want to be with you のが近い気がする。
>あなたが辛い時は支えてあげたい >When you hit the bottom crash,I will be there for you. crashイラネ。hit the bottomはちょっと大げさ。when things get toughとか。 フツーにWhen you feel it's hardとか。
>あなたが泣いてる時は涙を拭いて >When you cry, I wanna wipe your tears away 「泣いている時は〜」だから現在進行形のが良い。 >ずっと側に居てあげたい >and I wanna be near you. (あなたの為に)してあげたいっていうニュアンスが無い。物理的に 接近した位置にいたい(だけ)みたいな。 >どんな時もどんな事があっても >No matter what happens to you, >あなたには幸せで居て欲しいから >I want you happy.← to be が抜けてる。
で、自分なら,When you're crying,I want to stand by you to wipe your tears away because I want you to be always happy whatever happens.
面白いからこれもやってみよ。 >どうしてこうなったんだ!なにも覚えていないんだ。しかし、望む事を忘れたら >なにもできないさ。善くなることを想像するんだ。今、自分がなにをするべきか >考えるんだ。 Why has it changed like this? I can't recall anything.But there will be nothing you can do without hoping.So, you should imagine it's gonna be better. And think about what you should do now.
It's up to you if things get better, isn't it? Time won't wait for anyone. Evn if nothing is an absolutely correct answer, you have to move with your own decision. Then, nothing is gonna stop you.
誰かがそう言ってくれたら それだけで生きていける Life is important. You should treasure it.
I will not impressed by these cliches,even if some give them to me million times. However,if someone only tells me " YOU are the important one." I can keep living my life.
Even though we had to lose everythig,and become poor cats that having only hearts, even though you couldn't get any profit, if you were able to say it tomorrow,then, I'd like you to hear me your love.
渋谷で歌ってた伊吹唯さんという人の歌詞を一応英訳したのですが我ながら ちょーセンスないです。詩才のある方何卒。。。聞きづらいけどYoutubeアップしました。 ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-6nwmKtD08 真夏の夜の夢 / Manatsu no Yoru no Yume - Midsummer Night's Dream
Millions of scintillation, taking leaves with each other Large flowers dance in the midsummer night sky Knowing never be able to come back, holding burning pain in the heart, Sacrificing the own flesh and blood My ephemeral moment, please watch it vanish in the sky Although a blink of an eye, the residual remains for ever Flowers of flame move heart of yours, never to be the constellation of the summer sky, gracefully vanish only with the residual in hearts as if be a midsummer night’s dream Starlit sky, too quiet the night Bustle of the flow of the people seems even drift away things happened a second ago Even so, when you are on the way back home, please look up the night sky and remember If this summer is to die, I shall be await next summer and shall forget you in the deep, deep ocean Flowers of flame reflect on the face of water, burn my feelings to ashes with you gracefully vanish only with the residual in hearts as if be a midsummer night’s dream
お願いします。 中盤の"And if you believe there's not a chance tonight"の部分がいまいち意味が繋がりません。 ちなみに曲調は明るい感じです。
Tonight, Tonight/The Smasing Pumpkins Time is never time at all You can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youth And our lives are forever changed We will never be the same The more you change the less you feel
Believe, believe in me, believe, believe! That life can change That you're not stuck in vain We're not the same, we're different tonight
And you know you're never sure But you're sure you could be right If you held yourself up to the light And the embers never fade in your city by the lake The place where you were born
Believe, believe in me, believe believe! In the resolute urgency of now And if you believe there's not a chance tonight
We'll crucify the insincere tonight We'll make things right, we'll feel it all tonight We'll find a way to offer up the night tonight The indescribable moments of your life tonight The impossible is possible tonight Believe in me as I believe in you, tonight
What should I tell you now How can I tell you how I feel? It may take a while but I will try
Even the God would be surprised A man can't be like you So beautiful you could be a greatest mutant in this century
And now talk abot your dad and mom Their hearts used to be side by side So close they could have been one Time...such a trivial thing, isn't it? But now eyes are never met, 'I'm home'never said You look at them and murmur with tears in your eyes
'I am the fruit of your love. No lie in it, isn't it? Tell me so' 'If there's no love left, I will be a fake...don't make time lie'
You are the only one to protect the promise they made that day Voice trembles saying 'dad and mom' Tears shed looking at them Half from dad, half from mom
They can't beleive the miracle you were born They can't beleive the miracle you and I are togather
Pierced earrings at the same place Yours look so bright Can I be like you? Can I love the world like you? I wanna take a glimpse of your world even if my heart dies even if I die in misery
Imagine, we are 50 and sleeping in the same bed Hand by hand and never be apart Dream, we can live in the dream forever You say a dream ends then call it something else
You = love, I = relationship We can't be apart, can we? I will make our song someday People call it's miracle that we met The earth is the child of the miracle Everything here can't be anything but miracle
The holoscope saids bad luck? I am a Jupiterian and you are a Martian? Whatever you say, I am an earthman Well, say I am a Jupitarian but it's next to the Mars Let's use the only warp in my life
I want to believe the miracle we met Whatever it is, I just want to say thank you
Pierced earrings at the same place Yours look so bright Can I be like you? Can I love the world like you? I wanna take a glimpse of your world even if my heart dies even if I die in misery
Imagine, we are 50 and sleeping in the same bed Hand by hand and never be apart Dream, we can live in the dream forever You say a dream ends then call it something else
音楽は僕の人生を大きく変えた。もしくは狂わせた。 Music greatly changed my life. or acted up my life おれは知ってる。 「いい年してまだバンドやってる」と笑ってるやつらがいることを。 I know there are guys who laugh, "He is still doing the band " でもおれは音楽がなければ生きることなんてできない。 However, I cannot live if there is no music 既に「音楽中毒」になっちまったんだ。 already, I became "music holic" 今もこれからも、嫌いになることはないだろう Now and hereafter, I will not come to hate it 今もこれからも、手放すことはないだろう Now and hereafter, I will not abandon it おれは本当に「この楽しさをみんなと分かち合えたらいいな」なんて ギター片手に思ってる I hope everyone can share this hapiness with the guitar in one hand. 昔、誰かが言っていた。「酒と煙草と女があればそれでいい」って Someone said in old times, "It is enough if there were alcohol, cigarette, and girl". その言葉を借りるなら、おれは大切な仲間とギターさえあればそれで充分なんだ。 If I borrow this word, I am happy if there is a guitar and the cherished friends おれから音楽を取ったとしたら、何が残るんだろうか? What remains if music is taken from me? 考えたくもないけれど。 I do not want to think about such a thing.
Music changed the course of my life big time. Some laugh at me 'cause I'm still in the band at my age. I know that! Without music I see no purpose in my life. Only music makes me high. I go all the way with music. I wanna give away my love of music to everyone around me. I've been thinking about that holding my guitar in my arms. Someone once said, "All I need is booze, cigars, and chicks." If I borrow this line, I say, "All I need is my guitar and my very best friends." What's left to me when music leaves me? That's the last thing I wanna think about.
でっかいさ でっかいさ 夢もって(big big It has the dream.) 進め 叫べ 命尽きるまで(Advancing!Shout!Until life exhausted) ちっぽけな ちっぽけなこの俺は (TinyTinyThis I) 誰よりも いい男(Men who are better than anyone) 「かっこいい」なんて言われた事ねえ("Shape" It has not been said. ) 「付き合って」なんて言われた事ねえ(Please become a lover" It has not been said.) だけどいつも口笛吹いて トゥトゥツルル〜トゥ(However, it always whistles.tututururu) オシャレなカフェなんて行きたくもね (I do not want to go to the cafe where the sense is good.) 流行りの服なんて着たくもねぇ(I do not want to put on clothes about the fashion.) だからいつもつっかけ履いて トゥトゥツルル〜トゥ(Therefore, it always puts on cheap shoes.) そんな男でもあなたが好きです(Even such a man likes you.) 苦しくなるほど本気で好きです (It is becoming painful serious and likes it by me.) 不器用だからあなたを思うと(When thinking of you because it is clumsy) 心の中で強く強く 誓います だから(It swears it very strongly in the mind.Therefore,)
でっかいさ でっかいさ 夢もって(It is big. It is big.It has the dream.) 進め 叫べ 命尽きるまで(Advancing!Shout!Until life exhausted) ちっぽけな ちっぽけな この俺は(TinyTinyThis I) 誰よりも いい男(Men who are better than anyone) そんな男だからバカと言われても(Even if it is said that it is foolish because it is such a man) 信じてるんです 必ず掴めると(It is believed without fail that it is possible to obtain it) サラブレットのようなスピードはないけど(The speed like Sarabret : though it is not.) きっとあなたの前でいつか いつか 叫びます だから(It shouts in front of you surely some time. ) でっかいさ でっかいさ この恋よ(bigbigThis love) 君に届く時が来るまで (Until the day when it reaches you comes) 今はまだちっぽけなこの俺は (This I tiny still now.) いつの日か いい男(It becomes a good man it is a day when.) 男だから 男だから 傷を負いながら(Because I am a man While injuring) 男だから 男だから 裸になれ( Because I am a man Become naked.)
これで意味は通りますか? もう打ち込み始めてるんですけど ↓ でっかいさ でっかいさ 夢もって(Movin'on and shout out with ) 進め 叫べ 命尽きるまで(a big big dream until the end of life. ) ちっぽけな ちっぽけなこの俺は I might be a wimp 誰よりも いい男but awesome than anyone else. 「「かっこいい」なんて言われた事ねえ(Nodoby says to me, "you're cool." ) 「付き合って」なんて言われた事ねえ(Nobody says to me, "go out with me." だけどいつも口笛吹いて トゥトゥツルル〜トゥ(But I always whistle... tututururu) オシャレなカフェなんて行きたくもね ( I hate to go to any sophisticated cafes. 流行りの服なんて着たくもねぇ(I hate to wear any stylish clothes also) だからいつもつっかけ履いて トゥトゥツルル〜トゥ(So I always put on cheap shoes...tututururutu ) そんな男でもあなたが好きです(That's me. But I love you. ) 苦しくなるほど本気で好きです ( I really love you as much pain is felt. ) 不器用だからあなたを思うと(I'm so clumsy to present my love to you that ) 心の中で強く強く 誓います だから(I'll strongly give you my word in my mind. So...,)
でっかいさ でっかいさ 夢もって(Movin'on and shout out with ) 進め 叫べ 命尽きるまで(a big big dream until the end of life. ) ちっぽけな ちっぽけなこの俺は I might be a wimp, 誰よりも いい男but awesome than anyone else. そんな男だからバカと言われても Even if it is abused, "Fool" 信じてるんです 必ず掴めると(It is believed that it is possible to grip it surely some time. サラブレットのようなスピードはないけど(There is no speed like Sarabret. ) きっとあなたの前でいつか いつか 叫びます だから(It shouts without fail in front of you. Some time)
でっかいさ でっかいさ この恋よ(a big big my love)This large, large love 君に届く時が来るまで (Until the day when it reaches you comes) 今はまだちっぽけなこの俺は (I am wimp now..) いつの日か いい男(However, I becomes a good man some time.) 男だから 男だから 傷を負いながら(Because I am a man.Let's go while damaging. 男だから 男だから 裸になれ( Because I am a man Become naked.)
すごい流れのっかるから ふりおとされずのっかってろ Because I get on a terrible flow, get on so that not shaken off 大切な心 手に抱いて An important heart, hold it in a hand いろんなものがくっついたら 形ができてつっぱってる Many things are close together, it shapes and stretches 大切な心 プレゼント An important heart, present 谷間から From the valley ここから何をつかむやら What do you catch from here? 一体何をさがすやら What on earth do you look for? 大切な心 手に抱いて An important heart, hold it in a hand ふがいない 胸の鼓動 Pulse of shiftless chest ほのめかせ It hints it 持って 生まれて 手にした宝物 an obtained treasure in inborn
1) 遠い記憶眠る街の片隅で すれ違ったお前 汚れ無き瞳 狙い定め 堕とし 俺の腕へ抱く 他の誰にも渡さない 心も身体も I saw you at the street of my city. Your eyes hunt me. I`ve caught you and given my violation. Nobody can touch you anymore. All you are mine.
熱いその身体 組み敷くまで どこまでも追い込んでいく 翼破られて 絶望に染まれば 抜け出せはしないさ I hold your burning body down. I don`t stop demanding you. Break your wing. I wanted realize to drive you to the despair.
続き 2) 火照らせて焦らした身体 震えだす 舌先で溶かして 熱さ飲み下す 腕ずくで押さえ込み 俺を教えてやる 闇に染め上げ 焼き尽くす お前のすべてを You were steeped in luxurious pleasure. You can`t stop your body anymore. I blow your core and drink all. Let me keep you on chain. I don`t care what you saying. Let you know my darkness. So I can make you long for me to hold you.
甘く上がる声 あられもなく 所有者の名前を呼ぶ 泣いて嫌がって 壊れそうな心 俺に明け渡すがいい You call my name. You are panting to do it. You know you can`t run away from me.
「絶望という名の運命を与える」 お前の何もかも鎖で縛り付け すべてを奪い尽くしたい 欲望の果てに “I gonna give you black despair” Let me keep you on chain. Now all you are mine. All you are mine. My desire gonna say so.
そう任せればいい 委ねればいい 抵抗などただの愛撫 深く傷ついて 絶望に抱かれて 俺の下でAGAKE (足掻け) You must trust me. Your resistance not gonna hurt me. Your despair hurt and hold me. Just do it on me!
At that time, at the time two love, its world will be stoped. Two lovers just let themselves bring into the world there is no time. It doesn't flow at night time, and the star doesn't disappear either. It chanson d'amour only sounds... The clock for two who love each other will be stopped. The clock will be stopped...
翻訳ソフトでやってみたんですがおかしな部分を教えてください ↓↓↓ Hey! Do you listen?It is a question. Is there a dream that can be spoken to the person? Without seeing the under alone. HEYHOO! Do not you make noise with me? YES!Please hear my dream. It is sung as the people who like "Depressed a man". Do you sweat? HEYHOO! Will you speak with me? Man is not one person. There are a lot of companions of you. Mortifying and misery talk about the dream together here and are. Sing. Sing. Sing.Laugh. Laugh. Laugh. Dream of seeing in old times 17の輝き To the way when it is 17 years old 少年たちよ腐れ 腐れ The star cannot twinkle with Kirakira if there is no sun. Let's wish to express our gratitude by us and live. HEYHOO! Will you run with me? Man is not one person. It is not possible to live in one person. It is a life that arose loving each other. Do not stop it no matter it is what. Cry.Cry.Cry.shout.shout.shout. Dream of not changing17の輝き This time through all eternity Man is not one person. There must be your companion.
>>142 Songs I hear while I am in your arms are dreamy songs of boatmen and songs of birds. Flowers fall in the lagoon city of Soshyu. Willows are weeping for a short life of them.
The water running in front of me carries away petals. Where is it tomorrow? Who knows? But may our image on the water this evening last forever!
You cut a peach branch with your hands and gave it to me. Wear it in my hairs? Or kiss it? I hear the sound of bells from the cold-mountain temple under the looming moon that seems like crying.
ひとり酒場で 飲む酒は別れ涙の 味がする In a small bar, I drink sake little by little alone. It has a funny taste of tears at the lost love. 飲んで棄てたい 面影が飲めばグラスに また浮かぶ Though I drink to erase a old memory, For drinking, face of ex-boyfriend does flashback in a glass again.
ああ 別れたあとの心残りよ未練なのね Ah! Regret after having parted. Probably I feel regret for him. あの人の面影、淋しさを忘れるために飲んでいるのに Though I drink to forget old memory and loneliness 酒は今夜も 私を悲しくさせる I will become sad tonight when I drink sake. 酒よどうして Oh Sake,Please show me a method. どうしてあの人をあきらめたらいいの? How can I give him up? あきらめたらいいの How can I get over him?
酒よこころが あるならば胸の悩みを 消してくれ If sake has a heart of the human, I want you to delete the trouble of my chest 酔えば悲しく なる酒を飲んで泣くのも 恋のため I must become sad if I get drunk. However, I drink and cry for lost love.
一人ぼっちが 好きだよと言った心の 裏で泣く While saying bluff when I like solitude, I cry by having become lonely. 好きで添えない 人の世を泣いて怨んで 夜が更ける For the world that cannot marry even if I love him, I cry in spite of being a grudge. And night grows.
すんません、逆だと思った。 アムロナミエのこれだけは和訳したい かっらだ さっわる♪ でっぐっちーーー♪ body feel exit いやーこれはすごい、 昨今では平井賢 who is the fake star はいいが、そのあとは全部isがhasの間違い who has some fake style who has some fake smile うん、aも theかsomeがただしい 参照 http://music.goo.ne.jp/lyric/LYRUTND55714/index.html
>>152 I will delete my dull everyday life And dump all the garbage. I've sent an infinite number of e-mails to you The response, though, remins to be seen. I'm overwhelmed by overflowing emotions of mine toward you. How could I get this feeling across to you? I do want to fly to see you like a witch. I would bounch back even if I was squashed by clouds or anything. I'm so strong. I will delete and throw away part of myself that I really hate. I've known it is no good to keep myself hunching over in the room with dazing. I have a lot of special, nifty phrases for you. But how could I tell you my feeling? I wish I could fly to you. I'm so strong.
Lovers fall into gaga love, at that moment, all things of the world will freeze. Lovers going to the world where time never flow. The night is never flowing, and the star never disappear. The chanson d'amour only echos. The lovers' clocks will still keep silent. The clock will still remain silent.
Lovers fall into gaga love, at that moment, all things of the world will freeze. Lovers going to other world where time never flow. The night is never flowing, and the star never disappear. The chanson d'amour only echos. The Cronos of lover who fall into gaga will still keep silent. The Cronos will still remain silent.
There comes a time When we head a certain call When the world must come together as one There are people dying And it's time to lend a hand to life The greatest gift of all
We can't go on Pretneding day by day That someone, somewhere will soon make a change We are all a part of God's great big family And the truth, you know love is all we need
[Chorus] We are the world We are the children We are the ones who make a brighter day So let's start giving There's a choice we're making We're saving our own lives It's true we'll make a better day Just you and me
Send them your heart So they'll know that someone cares And their lives will be stronger and free As God has shown us by turning stone to bread So we all must lend a helping hand
[Chorus] Repeat
When you're down and out There seems no hope at all But if you just believe There's no way we can fall Well, well, well, well, let us realize That a change will only come When we stand together as one
The room we shared The street we walked together You I was always with They are all good old memories that I cherish now.
Days like this just went on No word but a sigh, Nothing but silince The wall between us, You and I hid in our own shells.
Keep drinking everyday was my solution. It's my call to cast a dice. I'm gonna face myself. Go forward. You go your way, I go mine. It could be nice looking back good old days. They are all part of good old memories now.
>>191 Born on a blue planet, the earth, growing up by feeling love Everybody lives their life crisscrossing one another The world we can look around is so small that we don't know much about the planet we live on All we care is about ourselves
The world is endlessly wide. The bottom of the oceans is endlessly deep. The sun sheds light on everything on the ground. And we are standing on this planet.
We gotta feel the world we live in We gotta look around what surrounds us
Just looking up a blue sky makes my heart bright. Getting sunlight makes me feel fine. Thanks some intelligent being up there for us being here on the earth. Then you will love this planet.
ひらけゴマ!で花ひらく "Open sesame!" opens the flower. 胸のワードローブには In the wardrobe of the chest, 女の子の大好きが a lot of things loved by the girls ほらね、ぎゅっとつまってる are packed as you see.
イメチェンだって大成功! The image change won a big success! シュシュに フリル チュニックで With the chouchou, the frill, on the tunic, 乙女チックにはじまるショータイム! the showtime starts with tastes of a little girl.
今日のコーデいい感じ Today's coordination is so cool! シャッフル!カラフル!ビューティフル! Shuffle! Colorful! Beautiful! ミスマッチもキャラのうち The mismatch is due to individuality! プリティは花盛り〜! "Pretty" is in full bloom!
流星が 今 輝きを増す Shooting stars now shine brighter. すべての生命よ 心のルーツを目指せ! All lives should focus on the roots of own hearts. 争いの輪を断ち切るために 傷つき破れた願いを引き継いで To end the loop of confriction, inherit the broken and abondoned wishes. 愛を憎む者よ… 海を汚す者よ… 気付いて 同じ「愛」から生まれたの Those who hate the love, and those who pollute the sea, please find we all were born from the same "love."
* 魂のプライドを Fight Up! かかげて 奇跡の音色から生まれるあたらしい歌 * Our souls' prides fight up to be lifted up, then the miraculous melody gives us a new song. 悲しみを吸い込んだその心に捧げる子守唄 母なる愛のシンフォニー For the hearts filled with sadness, I sing this cradlesong --- Mother Love's Symphony.
スコールが 今 渚を走り 眠れる息吹に再生の雨を降らす Squalls now run on the beach, giving sleeping breaths the rain of regrowth. 慈しむ手に守られながら 生き抜く力はみなぎるものだから Protected by cherishing hands, we can grow our own survivablility. 心閉ざす者よ… 友を憎む者よ… いつかは 同じ海へと還るため Those who shut their own hearts, and those who hate friendship, somday we all return to the same sea.
目覚めてくプライドを Feel Up! 信じて 心の傷跡を吐き出して愛に戻れ! Our wakening prides feel up to be believed, then we undam our hurt of hearts and return to the love. 真実を吸いこんだその心は七つの音となる 母なる風のシンフォニー Now the hearts enlightened by the truth, become seven sounds --- Mother Waft's Symphony.
緑の風と青い水の音 いつまでも守りたいから Sounds of green winds and blue waters, I hope them to remain forever, so--- * くりかえし * repeat
時折自分だけ不幸に思えてきたり I think that only I am unhappy sometimes 独りきりで生きている気がしたり よくあることだね I think that I am alive lonely It's nothing unusual 僕は そんな時思い出す言葉がある Such time, I recall certain words ずっと昔僕を愛してくれた人の 膝の上で聴いた言葉 that I heard on the knee of the person who loves me in the year dot 鳥は高く空を飛べるけれど Just like the bird can fly over the high sky but 決して海の深さを知らぬように The bird cannot know the depth of the sea 何処かで必ずあなたを愛している The person who loves you is surely somewhere even if you do not know 人がいるから さあ Now! 勇気を出して 捜してごらん Show courage and look for 勇気を出して みつめてごらん Show courage and watch intently 倖せはこころの中に住んでいるから Because happiness lives from among your mind
君が寂しい時はそばにいてあげよう I am on your side when you are lonely どんな時にも君を信じていようそして君を守ろう I believe you at any time and I defend you 山は高さを競わないけれど Just like the mountains don't compete mutually for the height but それぞれに頂きがあるように the mountains have the top respectively 僕はいつでも君の頂きに拡がる I want to be the blue sky that spreads above you 青空でいよう さあ Now! 勇気を出して 歩いてごらん Show courage and walk 勇気を出して みつめてごらん Show courage and watch intently 倖せはここにあるから Because happiness is here 勇気を出して 捜してごらん 勇気を出して みつめてごらん Show courage and look for Show courage and watch intently 勇気を出して 歩いてごらん 勇気を出して みつめてごらん Show courage and walk Show courage and watch intently この道を信じよう この愛を Believe this road Believe this love
The highest real came for me when that time. it came laugh us because we are simple. I cover own ears but real is slip through my hands and I confuse. Where of the thin body do it make efforts and do it stand? Uninstall..Uninstall, I think this star infinity dust are me. but it don't understand me so far I cannot but behave like a never fear soldier