Manco Capac (Quechua Manqo Qhapaq "splendid foundation", also Manku Qhapaq) was the first king of the Kingdom of Cuzco. There are several versions of the story of the origin of Manco Capac. 業務管理部と長野マネジェーのみなさん、私はレベル4の解説をしてお子図解化成で居ます。有料クリックいっぱいです。そろそろ一周年になるなあ・・・L4歴(爆) みんなに上のアドレス教えてあげ下さい。お金ホスイ。 英会話スクールでのレッスン日記ですぅ Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. October 20, 2006L4-VOICE-111"Farewell Voice英会話スえいクールでのレッスン日記ですぅ Today's voice was farewell party for Holly. Unbelievably 11 students were there. It rarely happens in my brunch. I mean it. There're only 2 or 3 students normally. ※L4-80-F05-『That reminds me of the time of...』 有名になって、有料クリックでお子図解稼ぎ、情報は望校の内部除法です。 ラストレッスン・・・by Holly October 19, 2006 長野とラストレッスン・・・by Holly October 19, 2006 Farewell Voice October 20, 2006L4そろそろ一周年になるなあ・・・L4歴(爆)英
i protiein drink drink, so i am power up strong man.^_^ i strong man is macho , so i can fight and you lose, because i now power is big and afread . don't cry. hahahahahahaha
There's similar atomosphere in Karoke and Englsih forum based on jealousy.
No matter how well he/she sings, some people nitpick. It's OK as long as it's a constructive critisizm but more often not, harsh comments come with jealaousy.
I'd like to ask you what your typical breakfast is like. Even among Japanese, there are two types of breakfast, Japanese style and western style.
My breakfast is kind of like western style.
A slice of bread. Yougurt with slices of of applle or banana or persimmon in it depending on seasons. I put the yogurt on the slice of the bread and eat it. I drink tea, too.
And I meant you could "leave it off". Maybe I will try explaining... I think that if someone else brings up a topic, there's no problem in saying "What a ...!" without explicitly stating the subject...
Here is an example.
A: Take a look at the "Chat in English" thread. B: What a stupid thread!
But if you bring the topic up yourself, I think it sounds a bit funny to omit the subject...
A: What a stupid thread the "Chat in English" thread is! (if it's posted in another thread)
A: What a stupid thread this is! (if it's posted in the "Chat in English" thread)
But most of people including you rooted for proivatization of post and voted LDP last election in 2005! You are stupid! you should take your responsibilities of your last year's statement!
You should find out immediately that Taizou is unwilling to rescue you NEETs He is deceiving you. because you are easy to be deceived and controled your angry at government.
You are almost right about pafupafu. pafupafu is onomatopoea. She push her tits again and again inward to give comfortable pressures to man's face between her tits
>>104 I agree, but many don't because they're too afraid and selfconscious. If the size matters much, then the couple is just being boring and lack creativity, and their sex would be quite bad any way in the long run.
are there many trendy underground clubs in manhattan, where all hipsters hangout? like in the movie Liquid Sky! I saw some MYSPACE of some hipster dude and it was cool. he hang out in trendy manhattan clubs. I want to know because I will go to NY next summer(maybe)
America agreed on holding a meeting with NK, within the flamework of the 6 countries. So this must have been the promise that was made between America, China, and Russia, thanks to which the UN resolution under the article 7 was agreed on. According to today's paper, NK will ask America to get rid of the financial sanctions, using their nuke threats. On Kim's historical records, however, he's betrayed our expectations many times, as you know. That's why I doubt he will follow what'll be decided in the next meeting. And the other 3 countries will no doubt take NK's side, especially China has wanted to continue using NK as a buffer area.
Do you think America (and Japan) should treat NK gently and nicely again? Personally, just because NK's nuke development has possibly been underway, their desier shouldn't be accepted so easily. What do you think?
I knew one young gay boy he was amazing guy! very very cheerful even he is just a college dropour! He was not stupid, but he was totaly unable to study because of lack of concentration, so he droped out! he was a kind of actor! in real life
>>129 I think everyone of us is playing the leading role in our own life. So when the going gets tough, I look at myself objectively and check if the actor (=myself) is doing the right job.
>>123 I'm not sure what Russia has in mind, but China may prefer to resolve this problem carefully by talking Kim Jon Ill out of conducting nuke experiments. A dignatery of China was active behind the scene and so NK's destiny is still up to China. In the meanwhile, public opinions among South Korea have been split up about NK. Some say they are so concerned that NK's nuclear weapon is really threatening that they started to think SK should sever economic ties with NK, while others believe the weapon will be their tresure as well when NK and SK are integrated. So I think the meeting will reach a stalemate. Why? Because I don't think America will stop the financial sanctions. The country learned a lesson from the past experience of what NK is like. They don't keep their word.
>>126 I've never been to New York, so I don't know where anything in New York is. I only know where the "hipster district" is where I live. (Montgomery, Alabama) I'm sorry that I can't give you any information about NYC, but are you into indie music? What bands do you like? Do you like any Japanese-indie bands? I only know of a few, but the few that I've gotten into, I really like.
>>123 We can't rule out the possibilities that NK will conduct nuke tests even after taking good benefits in the meeting this time. We shouldn't expect too much for now.
>>131 Yeah, NK's just posing or just trying to get financial aid and food in exchange for pretending to give up nuke weapons. I suppose NK will keep developing the weapon and it will try to get money and food again and again and again.
>>136 Yeah... But probably, this urgent decision was made because of the election which is planed to be counducted soon. It's a matter of politics. Bush has to up the popularity rate of his administration. He can't've thought about what Japan and South Korea were thinking. And still he calls those countries alliances.
>>137-138 I agree with you. If America is going like this, I must wonder whether the country will keep our agreement, I mean, I doubt the security-treaty is really effective..
>>133 well I like adult. ladytron fischerspooner, metro area, Hong Kong Counterfeit legowelt dmx krew etc many disco compilations like Disco Nouveau I dont know any good j-indie
>>139 This is only a foreginer's point of view, but I'm of two minds. That is, Bush obviously is using this nuke problem to get his popularity back and he doesn't seem to care about how other countries taking his side feel. However, considering what NK wants - breakdown/loss of Bush administration - I don't hope things will become what NK wants them to be. NK thinks if Bush is removed, America will be softer on NK. And I think if Kim's regime is alive while Bush administration is dead, Kim will no doubt continue nuke tests without care...
Russia seems a bit gross. What it thinks is not reached here. Plus I watched on TV that news reporters who are against Putin regime have been assassinated by the government... That's horrible.
>>143 You couldn't have said it better. That scenario has a 75% chance of becoming reality. You are an outside observer to U.S. politics and the Bush administration, so your point of view is more open to thought. I swear I'm not taking any offense to your opinions about Bush.
>>135 I wouldn't say Japan and SK weren't treated badly this time, but this decision's the first step in the right direction, isn't it? We should talk with even a horrible dictator like him. And if we can't reach any agreement, then it will be time for us to get him down.
Anyway, I hope we can successfully get rid of NK's illigal drugs and fake money from the world in the first place.
Hello world! I am here today. lolz~~ I just skipped the school...coz I don't feel I might come to 2chan...
I have one quesiton to you guys! *sniff* Have you ever met someone online? or have you seen the ppl on net at Off Kai? How was your honest impression? I just wanna know how the ppl doing at off kai...lolz~~
>>149 What's off kai? I met my boyfriend online, and I've met several online friends in real life, though the vast majority of my online friends at the moment are people I first met in real life, and still do hang out with in real life. I'm looking forward to meeting one of my online friends IRL whom I first met in october 1999, in January or so :-D That will be tons of fun, as we've always had fun talking in real life or on the phone, so that promises to be good. I hope you'll feel better soon, though. *hug*
It's so very late... I need to go get some sleep before I have to wake up... See you all later! ^-^ Wish me luck, I have a slight case of insomnia, hence why I'm still up... See you all in anything from five hours to a few days (^-^)/~
>>150 lolz~~*wave~* to k-tan! Long time no see you! how have you been? busy? Thanks, I had fever this morning and headache...I got flu, (^^;)
Off Kai is a meet in the forum like this. They often do in 2chan too among the "kotehan"=those who have nicknames. lolz~~ I am too shy to join one of those kind of meet...but I might see them soon. I'm still thinking what it would be to meet them in person. lolz~~ yeah! some ppl say it was just as good as they thought he/she would be and some say he/she looked worse... haha
Many people heave a deep sigh at the thought of NK having nuclear weapons. The first target Kim would aim at is Japan. He's mad. He should step down from the leader of NK now.
>>149 Yes, I've met lots of people in-person after talking to them online. Some people act completely different, some people act exactly the same. In general, I've had much better experiences with meeting people whom I'd already gotten to know online than just random people from wherever.
>>159 Thanks! lolz~~ your opinion was a great help for me. coz... you never know how shy I heart is really pounding just to imagine the meet....I would prolly hide behind and observe them between the pillars...lolz~~
Yeah...hazukashi nagara...otaku ppoi ppl I guess...(^^;) well more general from the place I often go. Computer geeks and Manga, music, anime otaku etc..lolz~~
>>149 I dun think meetin some1 online iz not a gud idea cuz it can be dengerous I no Im bein so furukusai but I dun rly recommend 2 meet some1 u dun rly no hu he or she iz.
>>169 Hey, wait. Does she know what the Ketsuge burger incident was like, and that she should show us her ketsuge before she allowes us to eat her burger?
>>178 How long have you lived overseas and which language is easier for you? (I was just curious, so if you don't want to answer, plz just ignore this post :))
>>182 lolz~~Of course Japanese. But I have some influence from various ppl... such as Latin, American, Chinese, Muslim..etc.. Not very long. I've heard that Miyavi-kun is going to U.S for a while in the end of the year, so I'm planning to follow him lolz~~
Oh, I changed my mind!lolz I won't be a prizoner! Instead, I'll make them my prizoners! lolz~~ I'll lock Miyavi-kun inside my room. This is my wildest dream, though. *blush*
lolz~~ Yeah, Kim Jon Ill is insane. But I feel sorry to the innocent citizens.. There are some talented ppl there. We should pull those ppl into Japan as immigrants lolz~~
My typing sucks. It's so slow I sometimes forget what Im writing while writing. Do you have some tips on how to improve my typing speed or some good websites you use to practice??
>>266 I see, thanx. Actually we had to take an IQ test at school, but there was a regulation, or something, that forbid teachers to disclose the scores, that's why I don't know my score. But the regulation might have changed by now.
aa yeah yearh She was one of the candidatss to head the NFL or something. I saw her asked about it on Meet the Press. She just blushed aside the suggestion.
>>292 No!! How you look is extremely important!! You should know that!! It seems you are endowed with a pretty face, then you should exploit it as much as possible!!!
>>298 From context it was obvious you meant "school subjects", but "subject" can mean the same as "topic" in other contexts. She must have gotten confused.
>>299 Well..not obvious since many ppl protect me these days. But I feel they are doing something bad again. But have you noticed the many suicide children cases these days? That's the worst settlement.
>>309 Because they have been bullying me by saying so many bad things about me... also both physically and mentally hurt me day after day, not only that..but I'm afraid to mention in details here...(T_T)
>>315 Oh poor school girl... I am sorry you had to go through hell like that... If I were with you, I could kill off those bullies myself.. so you don't have to endure the atrocity of being with them.
Honnntoo ni arigato... I love you guys... and I really do wish you were with me in School. But the hell is over... I believe. But do you remember those rotten kids who drove the late boy into the corner? the suicide boy? I've heard those rotten kids were laughing at him at the funeral. and even after he died, they wrote something like "BAKA" words on the late's desk....Those rotten kids never HANSEI... honto they deserve death penalty...
>>322 Until those suicide often reported in the past month or so, school bullying had not gotten much attention. So I thought the number of bullying was declining. In fact, Education Ministry has been releasing a report that says there has been no suicide caused by scholl bullying for many years.
That's because each school nationwide has hidden the fact that there is bullying in thier school.
I know it's hard to extinguish school bullying but something has to be done to save students who are bullied.
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. In fact, even when you're on a diet trying to lose weight, you should always eat breakfast. All other meals should be smaller than your breakfast meal.
>>325 What about those boys in Poland? They stripped a 13 year old girl and performed raping motions on her, in front of the whole class! She killed herself a day later. Kids are fucking crazy these days.
No, I don't agree with you because I'm still in good shape without having breakfast. The most important thing to lose weight is what and how many you will have for your meal.
>No, I don't agree with you because I'm still in good shape without having breakfast. >The most important thing to lose weight is what and how many you will have for your meal.
The more often you eat, and the tinier meals you eat, the better. So instead of three large meals a day, six small meals are better, because it keeps your metabolism running more consistently and efficiently all day, and thus you burn more calories.
>>346 Cleaning your house maybe the best excercise, I guess? You have lots of small and different motions, and best of all, cleaning you house is free!
I know lots of people who are quite intelligent, but utterly and completely stupid about a lot of things. Ask them to solve a math problem or a logic puzzle, they have no problem; ask them something practical, they're at a loss.
Most people I know call that "Clue"; I think 智慧 might be the best translation for it.
>>392 Alright. Online stupidity will never go away, unless one's identity on the web is known. ↓This is a good way to satisfy their desire on being noticed.
>>407 I see. I tend to get bored of reading English. The only writer that keep my interest is books by Sydney Sheldon. Thsy say that his novels are for dumb.
>>408 Why don't you check NY TIMES bestseller list.
>>397 My lover . I am happy to be poisoned by her . Lunch box is as if it is materialization of her feeling >>411>>408 I am 100% sure that you will be content with titles by Paul Auster .He talks to your heart and you must listen to his voice . His work keep your heart racing untill the end . And by the end of the book , you want it not to end .Can you spare time for Paul Auster ?
Let's sat her boobs are big even though her English-writing skills are not up to your expectations, and can you still say she's not acceptable? Don't you want to hold her boobs?
Mtuzaka Daisuke, born in 1980, announced a few days ago that he would get into an MLB team. The news says that he has catches a lot of attention from managers of N.Y yankees and several other teams.
He accomplished 100 wins in the past 8 season of Japan's professional baseball. Moreover, he gained the MVP award of WBC - world classic baseball. People think Daisuke is one of the best pitchers Japan ever had. And finally, he is allowed to move to MLB.
Under the rules of JBL, a player is supposed to be bound in a team for 10 years. It seems, however, those rules are not always very strict and unchangeable. "posting system", in which an MLB team can get competent JBL players by paying a JBL team a huge amount of money, seems to be functioning in this case.
Hopefully ,the well-trained, baby-faced pitcher will live up to MLB's expectations.. Farewell, Daisuke.
Do you think Matsuzaka will be successful in MBL like he was in JBL? He is sure that his sliders is really helpful in getting three swings from batters.
When I was a kid, I would roll down the windows in the back of the family car and stick my butt out and fart. My excuse at the time was the blasts of gas from my butt was helping the car go faster, but I really just wanted to be silly and funny.
oh, boy. this guy posted exactly the same message twice. this guy thinks japs are too stupid to figur out what he meant unless he say twice. he is a racist, man! japanese are not stupid that you think.
ahah Wrong my Friend that's my who're so stupid that i click twice thinking my message wasnt send :/ (I can't read Japanese that's hard for me) So it's night here! For me it's 5pm !it's Still day ! Tell me Friends Any Japanese have msn here ? Mine Is [email protected] if someone want converse with a French guy :D
I am from Tokyo. I like Sagan, Camus, Sartre. and Jean Luc Godard. that's all I know by now. I want to study french culture a little more. I am fascinated with 60's and french new wave. it was cool time
Just back from the University's annual banquet. The lucky draw sucked: Too few prizes for too much guests. The food was a bit better than last year. However, the hosts couldn't speak well, too much crappy gags.
Anyway, I was still having fun with my classmates. My last year of university life... (´Д`)ハィィ〜
>>484 It WAS. However it's not that vivid anymore. Too much pollution, crappy cultural development, lack of new sight-spots. The mother fucking government didn't realize that. They care about the monopolies' business profit only.
>>485 清華大學 is in Beijing too. Students in university can choose living in student residence or living outside if they can. The 2 best institutes in China have their own strength. One is cool in science and technology while another one is cool in art literatures. But I'm not sure which one is cool on which field because I always get them mixed up.
>>488 Still enjoyable tho. Hong Kong is a place with very large freedom. Unlike other place, Hong Kong seldom have natural disasters. You can see all the typhoons were bypassing Hong Kong this year, dunno why. We had earthquake on September, but not the destructive one. I think living in such a free and safe place is grateful.
what about fashion magazines? do you read it? I bought here in tokyo a french magazine called JaLouse although I dont know a word in french it was a good magazine a lot of beautiful photos there
ahah i see that means : As a "45 tour cold wave"( the 45 tour it's an old cd music, and cold wave is an old group of music) The crooneuse in black and white (crooneuse => girl crooner) Balance/show is synthetic dance we've a big thought for Devo and Depeche mode ( devo and depeche mode are french singer :) )
I see. is cold wave any good? their name sounds good indeed. I might try it. I recently listened to a compilation called So Young But So Cold. which contained underground french music 73-83
ahh mylene Farmer ! she's very famous in france =^__^= a great singer there is a lot of old french music which are Really good listen Edith piaf, claude francois, charles aznavour (more recent), renaud...
yeah. music and fashion are tied together I think. you know for me fashion is not only cloths but it is sometimes that forces you to move forward to know what is in the world today. people who can ride the wave look great lol
Also it is inspires me because I am amateur artist(uh lol) myself. lol I like graphic design. but I wont show anything here because ... well just because
i'll try to find a "qu'il fait bon" ahah we usualy eat "pain au chocolat" or "croissant" or "pain au raisin" ! that's the most popular patisserie for the breakfast :P in France :D Now i'll go sleep it's 2am and today i'll have to work :/
Ahah good question and u're right ! "qu'il fait beau", it's only for the waether u can translate it by "what a beautiful day!" or "it's a good weather" "qu'il fait bon" it's usualy for the weather but u can use it like "qu'il fait bon de vivre en france" (it's so good to live in france" or 'it's so good to be with you' (qu'il fait bon d'etre avec toi))
lolz~~~ Are my boobs bigger than Sarah's but smaller than k-tan's? Funny. Mine are not so big. I guess the other 2's boobs are far bigger. Foreginers have great boobs.
>>571 I don't understand you. Suguri is a good figure skater, of course. But is she beautiful? Beautiful is the term for Sasha Cohen, if you are talking about figure skating.
>>572 Don't say that. I know not so many people notice her beauty. As I mentioned, boobs are not the biggest factor to me. I like it when she skates. She wears pleading expressions on her face when skating. And nobody is allowed to see them when they cry. She's shining at the center of people. You should know that.
I didn't know Japanese women has been kidnapping many children. Japanese media has made fuss about NK taking tens of national citizens, but it's never mentioned Japanese women broke national rules and took hundreds of children to Japan illegally. We don't have any right to criticise North Korea if this situation is never changed.
That's very tough to believe at first. But internatinal marriages, it seems, sometimes cause horrible results,
Japan should do something to solve this problem. Every Japanese female, of course, has the right to marry a foreign person if she pleases, but they should obey the rules of the countries they moved to. Taking even their own children should be conducted within the rules. They bring shame on us.
Japan abducted many more children than NK did. That's a bad news. No wonder they called Japan hypocrite. Japan's media has never reported J-women did horrible things like abduction. I don't always believe J-media says because they makes up stories. Putting it aside, sadly, but almost all of Japanese people don't know hundreds of Japanese females kidnapped children. How can we make it up to this? We shouldn't say NK's kidnapping is horrible until Japan do what it should do.
>>598 What NK did was abduction but what is shown in this video is far from being called abduction. It is just the fight between parents (mother and father) regarding who takes the custody of their children. The fight is typical when parents get divorced, and the court decides who is more suitable for taking care of the children. And it's only the case where one parent has serious problems such as alchoholic or domestic violent etc., the court orders the parent to stay away from the children, otherwise, both parents of course have the rights to see their children. Plus, I really wonder if those fathers in the video are paying their share of expense for raising children. To me, they only look like badly behaved irreponsible fathers with possible problems (AA, DV etc.) or not fulfilling their obiligation of payment.
>>604 Didn't you see the video clip? Those females (not on the clip, though) who used to be married to foreign males got devorced and abducted children. I myself didn't know the news, but obviously those kidnapping cases are still to be solved.
>>606 It has nothing to do with abduction. It is just the matter of who is granted the custody. And the parents need to fulfill certain criteria to be grated the custody.
Too bad the international community doesn't know the REAL japan. It sure would be nice if Western media would pick this up and feature it on nightly news and show their public what japan is really all about.
Eric, Melissa's Dad and many others, I feel for ya people. Trust me, I keep my eye out everday here in japan for abducted children, my only regret is that I can't do more. Just know that I'm with ya people, I'm with ya.
I agree that what the evil North Koreans did was very wrong, but the Japanese have to follow suit and stop their citizens from committing the same hateful crimes.
This video was moving. I couldn't imagine being a parent whose child is stolen to another country with nothing I could do about it. I didn't even realize this problem existed! I always assumed that there were laws to prevent this type of thing from happening. I hope that these suffering parents get their children back.
<<609 Is it a crime? From the American's view maybe...but we never know what have happened between the couple. Children should be happy to stay with their mom.
Anyway the apologie is the most important thing when one humiliate the other.
>>608 Yeah, it would be really nice if each case was picked up by western media, because it will only reveal how fair Japan's court orders are. This kind of propaganda only works in Japan's favour and emberrase US people. International community is wise enough.
>>610 Yes, there is a law. The fact that those fathers didn't get custody (and even doesn't get to see their children) means there were something very seriously wrong about them or their behavior. They will never be deprived of their rights to see children unless there is a serious legal reason for it.
>>618 It's only so that children should stay with healthier minded parent, i.e. without problems such as Child Abuse, Alcoholic, Domestic Violence, etc.etc.
Megumi is dead...and I don't think she was hysterical.XD Japan, if someone is very seriously wrong about his/her behavior and etc, all he/she needs is to aplogize the ex wife...Maybe the ex wife will forgive him and let him see the children.
>>622 Even if the international standards are applied, those fathers will lose their case, because if they can win based on the international standards, they could have won based on the Japanese law in the first place. Those fathers are only blaming others (Japanese gov't) and ignoring their inability to fulfill their obligation as a father.
>>623 Please be careful. Megumi is not confirmed dead. It is only NK that is claiming her to be dead, but NK used forged evidences to prove the death. There is still a great chance that Megumi is alive.
>>623 No, I was not talking about Megumi, but a mother who's taken away children in a horrible manner, though I don't know whether or not Megumi is dead.
Appologizing for what? I think those kidnappers should get down and say sorry first and make it in writing which parents are granted a costody under international rules.
>>627 Well...I thought the American husbands are the one who had bad behaviors and I said they should apologize to their ex wives....
It is hard to look that Japanese wife did something wrong in their marriage ...Japanese women are the best in this world, I would say...hehe..We are considerate, warm, smart and well mannered.. lolz~~
>>629 Then tell us, why those fathers lost custody based on the Japanese law? If they had been considered suitable for raising their children, they woulc have been granted custody, at least the rights to see the childre. So it is very natural to think that they had something fatal in taking custody of their children. In any case, I'm looking forward to your answer to my question.
>...Japanese women are the best in this world, I would say...hehe..We are considerate, >warm, smart and well mannered.. Wow, I didn't know warm Japanese women bullied a weak girl.
There are quite a few Japanese citizens with outstanding arrest warrants in a foreign country. All of the people on the following list have some kind of outstanding court order or arrest warrant related to child abduction. Most, if not all, are presumed to be living in Japan at well known locations. Japan refuses to extradite Japanese citizens (and in some cases even non-citizens) despite warrants for their arrest. Interpol is searching for many of these Japanese parents, so they will be arrested in countries all over the world, if they travel outside of Japan.
>>643 Some of the statements are too farfetched and wrong. E.g. 日本国内でさえ、単独親権を持たない日本人の親、例えばまだ離婚していない親などが、 子供を連れて逃亡することがあります。そういった犯罪の文献はたくさんあります。 誰が先に逃亡したとしても 「日本の司法制度と警察はこういった強制的不当監護を支持します」??????????? This article is very biased and totally unreliable. Not worth serious attention. Period.
So Japanese women are really smart (foxy and cunning?) to take the children to Japan and, using Japan's local law, never let their dadies see them? It isn't fair, is it?
See? Some Japanese people believe what they do is right and all other peoples should be ignored, and still they claim they should be accepted. Funny, huh?
>>650, 651 If you really belive what you are saying is right, why don't you hire a lawyer and bring your case to the court? Just so you know, you are only disgracing decent US people, who we know are the majority of the US people.
Foxy and cunning? From where did you pick up those words?
Japanese women are generally good mannered. So I imagine a Japanese mum woudln't take such a dramstic action unless there is a horrible reason. I hope they would reconcile.
>>643 Geez, I just checked Ryoko・Uchiyama on google, and as it turned out, she is wanted by FBI. But her name has never been heard here. What are Japanese TV stations doing?
> From where did you pick up those words? That's not the point here, is it?
>Japanese women are generally good mannered Putting on make-ups on the train is a good manner you call? You are much too beatifying japanese women. That's what I'd call foxy and cunning.
I think if Uchiyama was found somewhere in Japan, it would be hard to hold her. This sad fact reminds me of NK's famous kidnapper, Shing Gans, who took away as many Japanese people as he could. He is internationally wanted, but we couldn't even touch him while he stays in NK.
dont make me laugh, really. back in old days, japanese women are well mannered and do have class, but now? dont even think about it. i only see lots of gold diggers around here.
>>668 from NK, YES. If you still insist on your former arguments, hire a lawyer and bring the case to the court. Arguing here only sounds like sourgrape.
oh, gash. this is an interesting topic i've ever seen! i was dying to talk about color, actually why i decided to start learnning english is that i wanted to talk about color in english. so i think my dream comes true now.
>>671 Sky blue. Fresh & clean. The sky blue gradient on the 30000 ft is my most favorite. I like white + black too. Contradicting, but solid and clean. Very good to be used on expressing something simple.
>>678 I see. The drapes (backgroud) we use for funerals are black&white striped. For happy occasions such as opening of a new shop etc., we use red&white striped drapes.
>>679>>680 That's very similar with Chinese community too. We use bright red-hue color for expressing happiness and celebration, and sometimes relating to luckiness. The Chinese bride's wedding dress is red. The new couple's room is red. On the lunar new year everybody wears in red. Some people believe wearing red pants will bring them luckiness, especially when they gamble.
Oh yea. I heard that France is a romantic place, so as the French people. However, some French seems arrogant and ignoring foreigners, especially to those cannot speak French. I wanna see how a French feel about such comments.
ahah hMM U're right and wronght :P A romantic place isn't wrong ! and you're right when you say that french are arrogant and ignoring they're stupid somethimes too lol isn't wrong ! but hmm it depend where u go so it's not globaly right ! And wxhat about japan ? people say that japanese hate foreigners lol ?is that true
>>697 OK. I think those guys are not very lucky. They visited Paris.
Check this out. A neutralized Japanese, previously American, who fight against racial discrimination in Japan. He sued 2ch before because the administrator didn't remove a thread slandering him, and he won the lawsuit.
>>708 I refrain from watching <<1 liter of tears>>. I'd rather spend 1 liter of sperms on girls than 1 liter of tears on a drama. But yet I don't have the chance for the former case. LOL
>>718 For those who are not in the know and don't speak Japanese, the man on the clip says the government of Japan has silenced Japanese media about the buildings which may be broken down easily because of weak frames if a big earthquake hits Japan.
>>723 Long time no see, Erika freak. I've just saw her recent photo. She dyed her hair. She changed her outlook like a punk. She's not attractive anymore. Where is her purity on the screen? That's the thing that kills boys around Asia.
>>727 1997... erm... I'm still 12 years old. Not much political worries at that time. At that time, the share and the fixed-property market was in fever. Everyone were drown into the daydream of fast money from the fields. A 350 sq ft flat around the railway station cost HKD$7M (likely \100M). (WTF!) By then the Asia financial crisis came. The share and fixed-property price dropped like hell. Many speculators and investors became negative-asset due to the loan or mortgage they made during the fever. News about people committing suicide because of financial difficulties were often at that time.
>>730 About the number of people commiting suicide, about 30 thousand Japanese people (mostly those in their 50s or older) kill themselves in the past 8 years. This may be a coincidence, but the first year of this suicide rate overlaps the monetary crisis.
Ah, 30 thousand every year, I mean. So that means 240 thousand people. Considering how many people fell into victim at the world trade center 2001 (5 thousand), the number is very large.
>>735 Well, it's beyond my understanding. There must be many reasons. But the biggest problem is money. As far as I know, many of them borrowed a lot of money from, well, companies that lend money and try to get huge money back. They are called Yami-king in Japanese.
>>736 Do you mean the loan-shark? The one lending out money with extreme interest. I saw many people discussing in the loan life board in 2ch. Isn't Japan economy recovering? The problem seems never be relieved.
Haruka plays a girl who suffered from leukemia as a child and underwent a surgery at 17, and she's falling in love with a guy. Haruka's family has run a famous jewery shop while the guy in question is a riffraff. So this story has a taste of Romio and Juliet.
>>737 My passion on Ayase Haruka has gone. Downgrading from "Godness" rank to "Favorite Artist" rank. I've listened her recent single <<交差点days>>. That really suits her. Simple rhythm and melody. Plain. No special skill required.
Her agency is clever, arranging all the simple stuff for her to do, no matter the dramas or the songs. Once the thing get complex, abstract and skill-required, I think she cannot keep such performance.
>>740 Do you mean the drama <<たったひとつのこい>>? I've watched the first 2 episodes from the network. And I decided to stop watching. Once I finished ep2 I can guess what will go on. The story is just too typical.
>>739 That's it! Thanks. I didn't know the word, loan-shark.
About the Japan's economy, the government has emphasised everything is getting better, but I think their economic outlook is too optimistic. Those people who are deeply in debt have ended up dead is (living?) proof.
>>745 Usually there will be raw movie sent out from Japan within 1 day since the drama is on-air. By then the subtitle community start translating the drama and produce the subtitle. The fastest one can produced a subbed rmvb within 2days. However, the quality of translation usually sucks. If you want the one with better translation, wait 1 or 2 days more. Usually the dramas are distributed via BitTorrent.
>>747 That's why I say it's passion - something with low endurance. When the passion is gone, the thing left would be rational observation. She can go higher, if she knows the way to enhance, and that's what I wish.
>>748 thanks for info. wow that is a lot of work. up until now i thought manga and anime is the one make foreiners into japan, but reacently i see lots of Jdrame fan who are interested in japan.
>>749>>750 That was the drama that triggered me reviewing my springtime. What was my springtime? Computer Technologies. Programming. Games. Studies. Puppy love? Erm, once, 3 months, and I regreted letting it disappear. I was so envy that having one more chance to enjoy the springtime! I'm now 22, how much springtime do I have!?
>>755 As long as you want. If being "responsible" and "adult" means "hating your life", then screw that. (I don't think it means that, but a lot of people seem to.)
Matuzaka Daisuke, born in 1980, announced a few days ago that he would get into an MLB team. The news says that he has caught a lot of attention from managers of N.Y yankees and several other teams.
He accomplished 100 wins in the past 8 seasons of Japan's professional baseball league. Moreover, he gained the MVP award of WBC this spring - world classic baseball. People think Daisuke is one of the best pitchers Japan's ever had. And finally, he is allowed to move to MLB.
Under the rules of JBL, a player is supposed to be bound in a team for 10 years. It seems, however, those rules are not always very strict and unchangeable. "Posting system", in which an MLB team can get competent JBL players by paying a JBL team a huge amount of money, seems to be functioning in this case.
Hopefully ,the well-trained, baby-faced pitcher will live up to MLB's expectations.. Farewell, Daisuke.
Basically I'm complicated I have a hard time taking the easy way I wouldn't call it schizophrenia But I'll be at least two people today If that's O.K.
And I can go on and on and on But Who Cares?
It's deep how you can be so shallow And I'm afraid because I have no fear And I didn't believe in magic Until I watched you disappeared Wish you were here
And I can go on and on and on But Who Cares?
You see, everybody is somebody But nobody wants to be themselves And if I ever wanted to understand you I have to talk to someone else Because every little bit helps
>>814>>816 Sounds entirely reasonable to me - but then again, I'm 187cm. (and male.) My little sister is only 175cm, so my brother nicknamed her 'Stubby'.
Mahalo~ If I remember correctly, Konishiki is from Oahu and Musashimaru was raised in Oahu. Is Jake Shimabukuro, an ukulele player, famous in Hawaii? He has been well accepted in Japan.
Hello, Sumo is fairly popular here. Several Japanese restaurants have photographs of Konishiki and Akebono. I enjoy watching Sumo occasionally.
I don't think Jake is very famous here, however he did appear in a frequently-run local TV commercial. He plays the Ukelele fast.
The Ukelele is a stringed instrument that was brought to Hawaii from Portugal. Portugal had a major influence on the modern culture here. Many portugese were "cowboys", in charge of cattle ranching. Many more Portugese were placed as managers in charge of pineapple pickers.
In Hawaii, the many Japanese, Korean, and Chinese pineapple pickers resented always having Portugese in charge of them. So there have always been many jokes ridiculing the Portugese, who are called "portagee" in Hawaiian slang. Even today there are many "portagee" jokes.
yeah, Hawaii has pioneered in bringing in good non-japanese sumo wrestlers to the very traditional and conservative sumo world. And these days there are many sumo wrestlers who are from Mongolia and former soviet-union who are doing very well.
Regarding the influence of Portugal to Hawaii, I didn't know anything at all until I read your description!!! Thanx! Come to think of it, there are some Portugese words that have become Japanese, Tempura is one of them. The Portugese must have been extremely active back then. Again, thanx a lot for your very interesting information.
I am glad Sumo now has wrestlers from Hawaii and Mongolia. It adds a lot of excitement and interest to the sport, drawing in new fans. I like seeing how respectful Akebono is of Japan, doing his best to adopt Japanese culture without losing himself. I haven't seen the Mongolian wrestlers yet. I would like to see them in action.
>>825 You are right. It must have been very difficult for those foreign sumo pioneers to blend in well to the ridiculously traditional Japanese sumo-stable system. Anyway, the wrestlers from Hawaii tend to be very cheerful and funny, so we like them a lot. By the way, current champion is a wrestler from Mongolia, whose name is "Asashoryu" and he has been winning many seasons, very strong and popular. There is one good wrestler from Bulgaria, named Koto-oshu, he is so pupular that he even appears on a TV commercial for "Bulgaria Yogurt" in Japan.
A nearby Japanese restaurant here serves a wonderful dish called "Chanko Nabe". They say this is what sumo wrestlers eat in Japan. I think it is delicious and filling, with a variety of seafood in miso broth. I haven't seen it offered at any other restaurant here. The lunch price is fifteen dollars.
>>828 As you said, Chanko Nabe is sumo-wrestlers' dish. And we also have Chanko Nabe restaurants in Japan, and I think almost all of them are run by retired sumo-wrestlers. You know, sumo-wrestlers retire very young (in their 30's) usually due to injuries on knees, backs etc., and the famous ones remain in the sumo world and train the younger ones, or become sumo commentators or TV personalities, and some others choose to open a restaurant. Chanko restaurant run by Yakanohana (retired) is very popular, and I think he has opened several of them across Japan.
The jokes themselves are often stupid, silly, or absurd.
How do you keep a portagee busy? Put him in a round room, and tell him to sit in the corner.
How do you get a one armed portagee down from a coconut tree? Wave at him.
A man tries to tell a portagee joke at a party. A woman interrupts and says "Excuse me, but I'm Portugese". The man responds by saying, "That's okay, I'll tell it slowly".