The Japan Times onlineのMonday, Sept. 18, 2006付けの記事[N. Korea seen as Japan's 'biggest threat']の中に次のような英文があります。 Kim admitted North Korea had abducted Japanese citizens and apologized. North Korea let five of the abductees return home and their kin to follow them. The Japanese government and relatives of other abductees have tried but failed to make North Korea account for other missing Japanese. 第2文のand以降の構文が分析できませんので、よろしくおねがいします。
()に適切な語句を補い、受動態の文を完成しなさい。 1.They say that he is a world authority on physics. →He()a world authority on physics. 2.It was believed that he had invented the machine. →He was()the machine. 3.They say that she has been sick for a weeks. →It()for a weeks. 4.We expect that everyone will bring a present. →Everyone()a present.
>>19 1) He is admired as a world authority on physics. 2) He was a believed inventor of the machine. 3) It is said that she has been sick for a weeks. 4) Everyone is expected to bring a present.
>>16-20 ちがうでしょ! North Korea let five of the abductees return home and their kin to follow them. =North Korea let five of the abductees return home and North Korea let/kin to follow them/ return home でしょ? let o toなんてありえないんだから、kin to follow themをo ととるのが、文法力でしょ?
>>46 通じるか通じないか、許容されるか、許容されるならどの程度、許容されるかの問題 He can run faster than me でも通じるし、日常会話では許容される。 しかし、ちょっとまともな文書を作成するような場合はHe can run faster than meなんて 書かない方がいい。
>>54 ま、controversial だということだ。 英語の教師が、He can run faster than I (can). を×にすることはあり得ない から(したら、教師は失格だ)、そっちが正しいと知っておいたほうがよいと いうことだ。ただ、口語では、ときに I で終わる文は奇異に聞こえる。
Kim admitted North Korea had abducted Japanese citizens and apologized. North Korea let five of the abductees return home and their kin to follow them. The Japanese government and relatives of other abductees have tried but failed to make North Korea account for other missing Japanese.
>>57 It's I. とかいうと、お高くとまってきざな雰囲気があるんだそうだ。 で、そういうことだから、昨今の正しい文章語をみると、ふつう、動詞 や助動詞がくっつく、than I can とか。 than I do. という表現が普通 だ。こればっかりは、文法的にも慣用的にみても絶対に正しいからな。
まあ、どうでもいい。 どうしても、than me とか、使いたいやつは使えばいいし、これが正しい と思いこみたいやつはそうすればいい。ただ、このスレのここまでの議論 を読んでしまったやつは、than me 主義者でも、than I do/can/would/was ってのがより「正しい」のかもしれない、という認識をもっただろう。 それで十分じゃないかな。 そして、そういうことをしらなかった人は、このスレを読んで、なるほど、 と思い、逆に、than me なんていうのが出てくる書籍などがあったら、 「はあ、その程度の書籍か」と思えばよろしい。
>>66 さっきも言ったが、 He is smarter than meのような形容詞なら、ほとんど違和感ない He 動詞/助動詞 faster than me.は通じるし、言う人もいっぱいいるが 若干、違和感のある表現。 くだけた会話の中でなら、こういう言い方も有りだけど。 まぁケースバイケースで使い分けられる人は良いけど そうじゃない人は、He can run faster than I (can).を使っておくのが無難だよ。
>>79 いまどきいねーよ。ただ、文法的には文句のつけようがないくらい正しい。 ただ、英語の文法では、ってこともあるな。フランス語の文法では、 que je. なんていう言い方はあり得ないし、文法的にもおかしい。 que je suis みたいなのは可能で、que moi. がふつうだろう。 有る意味で、than I が文法的に正しいというのが、格の一致という 論理的な理由でのみ導き出された架空のものであって、その論理的に みちびきだされる以前において、英語の口語でも文章でも、than I という 形があり得たのかどうか、ってのは甚だ疑問だ。もちろん、権威ある 人間によって、論理的に導かれた以上は、それを使うのが規範となって、 そういう言い方が一般的にも認知された、ってことがあろうかと思うな。
The bridge will have been being constructed for twenty years next year. という文章があった。これをネイティブに聞いたら、「変だ」といったが、 この文章は、文法的には正しいし、また、ネイティブ以外がこういう文章を 言い出すはずもないくらい、ネイティブ的な文章なんだよな。 また、あるネイティブは、 The shop has long since been closed. という文章を、「普通使わないし、変」とかいったが、これはよくある 慣用的な表現だ。 ネイティブが全てではない。
>>143 たとえ129氏じゃないとしても和訳ぐらいできるだろうに、逃げちゃったか。 まぁいいけど、 >I really enjoyed the movie and (I guess) everyone was supposed to feel that way. 文法や辞書の話ではなく、これじゃヘンテコな意味の文にしかならないよ。 そりゃどんなヘンテコな文でも、そいう文が成り立つ状況が絶対に無いとは言えないだろう、 などという屁理屈を言い出したらキリがないけどね。 しかし、ここは中高生にアドバイスするスレだから、 こんなヘンテコな文を無理やり選択肢に入れるなんて馬鹿げてる。
ここは中高生の質問スレだからヒントをやるから少し自分で考えてごらん。 Are you dancing on Saturday? は曖昧な表現で前に文脈がなければ 意味を特定することは出来ない。 少なくとも、この文だけで、「土曜は(定期的に)ダンスをしている(ダンスをしている日)か」と いう意味に取るのは無理。 どうしても、この一文だけで意味を推測するとすれば、 Are you dancing on Saturday? = Are you going to dance on Saturday?だが いずれにしても、この一文だけでは100%意味を確定できない。
次の質問に()内の語を使って答えてください。お願いします! 1 May I go out this evening?(yes) 2 Do you have to be at home?(yes) 3 Must I read this book?(no) 4 Are you able to answer my question?(no) 5 Should I speak French here?(yes)
(1)He must go to the hospital. He()()go to the hospital. (2)I can use this computer. I am()()use this computer. (3)We could understand him. We()()to understand him. (4)Don't read such a magazine. You()read such a magazine. (5)He is fourteen,and I am fourteen,too. He is()()()I. (6)You are taller than I. I'm()()()as you. (7)She gets up earlier than you. You get up()()she. (8)My car is newer than yours. Your car is()()().
English isn't as difficult as French.(フランス語ほど) Canada is much larger than Japan.(日本よりもはるかに) I can swim a little better than him.(彼よりも少し) The Nile is the longest river in the world.(世界で1番) Jim runs (the) fastest among the four persons.(4人の中で1番)
>>227 1. No one can do without sleep for very long. 2. There are few of us but admire your determination. 3. With a little patience you could have done the work.
A:People who don't use the Internet sometimes worry that this multimedia tool will be the death of social life as we know it.
1.I couldn't speak a word, as I was very frightened at the sight. 2.Just as he arrived at the platform, the train started to move. 3.There were no photographers, as we now know them,till the nineteenth century.
I still remember(the day when I saw you first. 初めてあなたにあった日)。 He got off at Kyoto(, where he took a taxi. そこからタクシーに乗った)。 I don't understand(the reason why Father scolded me. 父が私をしかった理由)。 You can order(whatever you like. あなたが好きなものを何でも)。
が正しい答えなのですが、 I would like what is a digital watch. ではなぜ間違いになるのでしょうか?? whatがなくても文が成り立ってしまうのはわかるのですが、 what=the thing whichと解釈したときにどう間違っているのか 説明できなくて困っています。
今日の授業の答えあわせで納得がいかなかったこと。 1 The captain is ordering the women to leave.これを受動態にした場合 The women are being ordered to leave by the captain.としたのですが The women are being ordered by the captain to leave.の方がいいといいました。ホント? 2 Yesterday he said to me, “I shall meet you at kinokuniya tomorrow.”これを間接話法にした場合 Yesterday he told me he would meet me at kinokuniya the next day.としたのですが he told me that he wouldのようにthatが絶対必要だ。と。ホント? 3 Which is the composition that you wrote?の場合、thatの先行詞はwhichですが、これはどのように訳すのですか。
>>253 なんか、「この世にでじたるうぉっちなるものあるとしり、これをばほっす」 って感じで、妙だよな。英語として間違いじゃないが、直訳した日本語は、 「私は、デジタルウォッチであるものがほしい。」 となるだろ。普通は、I would like what is called digital watch. だろ。
>>255 1)どっちでもいい。 2)どっちも間違いだろ。 He said to me (that) he shall/will meet me at kinokuniya tomorrow. とか、 he said to me (that) he is meeting me at kinokuniya tomorrow. とかなる。 3)あんたの書いた作文どれよ?
>>260 ってか、日本語の「は」の使い方に関係するような話だよな。 私はデジタルウォッチがほしいです。 デジタルウォッチは私がほしいのです。 ほしいのはデジタルウォッチです。 いろいろあるじゃん。 I would like a digital watch. It's a digital watch that I would like. What I would like is a digital watch. だいたいこういう対応になるだろ。 でも、 I would like what is a digital watch. というのは上の日本語のどれにも対応しないよな。 だから、当然違和感がある。
ありがとうございました。 みなさんの意見を踏まえた上で一つの結論が出ました。 「私が欲しいのはデジタルウォッチです」 というのは、「私が欲しいものは」ということで、 「私が欲しいのは」の部分に強調がおかれている。 I would like what is a digital watch. では、「私が欲しいのはデジタルウォッチというものです」となって、 デジタルウォッチのほうに強調が置かれているので、 訳により適した方を選ぶと What I would like is a digital watch.となる。
277さん The house is big enough for five of a family. Professor Green is absent therefore we have absent English class. She knew that she looked most charming in her green dress. We have not yet fully discussed the revision of the school codes. Mary got married and had a baby two years later.
I spent () a month in China. @allAalmostBmostCmostly I don't know if Peter will make it to the conference on time.The plane arrived () because of bad weather. @lateAlatelyBlatenessClatest
A good map keeps you from wandering () course. @awayAbeyondBoffCout
() had the idea occurred to him than Tom called his friends together to put it into practice. @HardlyANo soonerBNot untilCScarcely
the frightened woman was searching () for her lost child. @desperatelyAenthusiasticallyBincrediblyCselfishly
>句になってない分詞は普通の名詞なら後置しないっていうのは どのくらい強制力のある規則なの? 他の規則と競合して今回のように誤読されなければ後に持っててもいいと思うけど happened accidentはよかったw the accident happens→happening accident(意味的におかしいといえばおかしいが一応) the accident is happened???→happened accident?????????
エコ関連の本借りた・とても(それに)興味があるとわかった。 I found it very interesting.(文型厨用にSVOCね) →which I found very interesting. whrereなら where I found much interest.(I found much interest in it)
>>269ではないが Probably he studied very hard last night. 多分ねと前置きをしてる。 He probably studied very hard last night. 彼が〜勉強したことをprobablyと思ってる。 He studied probably very hard last night. 非常にといっていい位hardに。 He studied very probably hard last night. hardと言えるほどに。hardに対してかなり確信を持ってる。 He studied very hard probably last night. 多分昨日の夜に He studied very hard last probably night. 昨日のおそらく夜に He studied very hard last night probably. 彼は昨晩非常にがんばったと思うほどに勉強した。
>>299 I spent almost a month in China. @Bはofがほしい。Cはspentの前でたいてい。 The plane arrived latest because of bad weather. 副詞はAかC。Aは最近。 A good map keeps you from wandering off course. wander away[off]:道に迷う wander from[off] sth:〜から横道にそれる、逸脱する No sonner had the idea occurred to him than Tom called his friends together to put it into practice. No sooner A than B Hardly[Scarly] A when[before] B the frightened woman was searching desperately for her lost child. @必死にA熱狂的にB信じられないほど/すばらしくC自己チューに
非制限用法の関係詞節で A creates a scenatio in the fictionous state of Newgarth, in the year 4300 CE, which is approximately as far in the future as we are from the ancient Greeks.
>>337-337 ありがとうございます。 ただ、 as far in the future as → as 以下と同じくらい? we are from the ancient Greeks. → 我々が古代ギリシャから? このあたりがうまく日本語になりません。 それから、古代と比べるのにfutureなのでしょうか? 教えてください。
>>347 ちなみに、 If Bill is here tomorrow, there's no need to ring him now. は少し違和感のある文になってる。 (まぁ、こういう文が当てはまるような状況を、あえて想定すれば、こういう文も言えなくもないけど) If Bill is here tomorrow, he will be able to meet Hideki Matsui. なんて文にすれば自然な文になるけど。
If Bill will be here tomorrow, there's no need to ring him now.なら 「明日、彼ここに来る予定になってるなら/彼ここに来るつもりなら、 今、彼に電話する必要はないね」みたいな意味で、これは違和感のない文になってる。
しかしその場合、たいていは「意志未来のwill」を使った If you will do it again, do it at your own risk. みたいな例文を挙げるんだが、ややこしいことに、 If Bill will be here tomorrow, の「will」は「意志未来」ではなく、 例外の更に例外みたいな文。
> If Bill will be here tomorrow, there's no need to ring him now.なら > 「明日、彼ここに来る予定になってるなら/彼ここに来るつもりなら、 > 今、彼に電話する必要はないね」みたいな意味で、
If Bill will be here tomorrow, = If it is true that Bill will be here tomorrow, = If it is the case that Bill will be here tomorrow, と解すべき、「閉じた条件」と称されるタイプの条件節。
> > If Bill will be here tomorrow, there's no need to ring him now.なら > > 「明日、彼ここに来る予定になってるなら/彼ここに来るつもりなら、 > > 今、彼に電話する必要はないね」みたいな意味で、 > ということで、このwillを「予定」とか「つもり」と訳すのは良くない。
If Bill will be here tomorrow,みたいな文はごく普通にあるんだから、 良くないとか勝手に思ってるだけで、ただの勘違い。
>We have lived [=have been living] here since 1950 [for twenty years]. >1950年以来[20年前から]当地に住んでいます >(▼We live here since 1950 [for twenty years]. とはいわない)
>>388 Men of one six-shaku loincloth bear the portable shrine as for the fight festival of ××, it is fatty soaked each other, and known in this part of the country as a brave festival. After the festival, men gather in the assembly house, change clothes to the everyday wear, and drink each other. Six shakus are gotten by disposable as garbage because it becomes Dorodoroboroboro in an extreme festival. For me, it is always an aim. About ten-odd deserted fellows of six shakus dirty are quietly monopolized and it takes it home to the house. And, Oratsu person's festival starts at midnight. Only a dirty again six shakus are acquired, and I roll in the sea of six shakus and turn Woe while shouting the rose scattering six shakus that have been pilfered on all over the room. The smell of the male is strong Mummun, and stimulates a dirty six shakus erogenous of me. Mara in a front bag has already been erected by the pain. The face is buried in six shakus. ..smell... A smell that is peculiar to Asecsa, the ammonia smell, and the groin and sour is inhaled into a full chest. ..collecting... And Wasshoi. smellMale fellow Wasshoi. It is ..treatment.. as for Mara in each front bag. shout It smells, it compares, and Oscsa chooses the Kitsi guy to be staple food most. In the six shakus, it is clearly to the stain of the endurance soup, and it smells and it unbearably smells with Tsun. one's forties..fellow..without permission..imagine..nose..mouth..good..stink of.. part..hold one's heart's having it going... ...Mara.. ..more violently.. ..the treatment... ejaculate The other six shakus are wrapped around the head and the body like the mummy. Uotsu it... say six shakus of Gatimuti fellowUotsu. It is ..treatment.. as for Mara. groan It is a limit slowly. Mara is drawn out from a front bag, and only the desire inseminates me about the Gatimuti fellow in six shakus. Hey. Is it pleasant?..good I, too... It keeps launching it while shouting solving. It is ..Muchaccha.. pleasant in feelings to violate the Gatimuti fellow really. Six shakus of the Gatimuti fellow are made dirty with my Osshil by Betobet. The Gatimuti fellow and you : ..the massage of me already... After my festival ends, it puts in the plastic bag collectively and it puts it away in thrusting with the other six shakus. Moreover, it uses it for Ocaz until six shakus will be obtained in the festival next year. ...putting away such many plastic bags in thrusting...
>>385 ・It stayed from the schedule there while it had been aspiring for one week. ・Perhaps, he has knowledge as well as the specialist for environmental problems. ・Is it an impression that depends to read by the novel only completely read by the mass of books there in which the book where I was not received before ends? ・A long distance not unusual is coached, and after the delay of the country, left by -3 time of the minute of two o'clock. It is left. ・When traveling, it is light. When especially traveling around surroundings of the environment of the foreign country, I want to decrease luggage as much as possible. ・Please return here by five o'clock. ・I returned to parents' families after an interval of five years. ・It will be posted in this letter by five o'clock quite for remembrance' sake. ・She put the hat in the box, and enclosed it with the white paper. ・Who had done you elected the captain, and it did not agree to him. ・Scholar's discussed problem of eight hours. ・This machine will leave in about five minutes. Please give me the seat belt with the diaper. ・It is said, and he cannot always go out, and the wind be done though it was strong.
()埋めの問題で、 My car,( ),looks as it were new. で、時制がwereより前だからhaving paintedだと思ったのですが 、答えはpaintedだけでした。なぜですか? あと、 ( ),follow the directions on the bottle carefully. で、答えはwhen taking drugsなのですが 、分詞構文では接続詞は省くと習ったのに、whenがある理由がわかりません。。教えて下さい!
>404 括弧が一つしかないからじゃね? ってのはおいといて、it were new を過去と思うあたりで、×。 it was new とあればまだしも。as it were ときたときに、仮定法の 表現と知るべきだ。 二番目は、分詞構文ってよりは、when とか、where においては、明確 なときは、主語と動詞が省略されるってやつだ。 When disappointed, there is a good movie to watch that would encourage you. みたいなのもそうだよな。
>>404 my car which have painted という文なら、 my car, having painted, という形に変化できる my car which were painted (have/had been paintedも可)という文なら、 my car, painted, という形に変化できる (といっても、paintを塗るという意味で使うなら普通、目的語が無いとおかしいから 前者も後者も文としては違和感あるけどね)
なので、My car,( ),looks as it were new. に入れるなら当然、my car, painted, の方になる。
when you take drugs, (you) follow the directions on the bottle carefully. このように前後の文の主語が同じ場合は、when you take drugsの主語を省略して、動詞をingに変えて when taking drugsのように書けるわけ。
my car which were painted (have/had been paintedも可)という文なら、 my car, painted, という形に変化できる ↓ my car which are/were painted (have/had been paintedも可)という文なら、 my car, painted, という形に変化できる
1 This is (my)dictionary. 2 (My brother) broke the window. 3 I went to the station (to meet my father). 4 She got up (at eight) this morning. 5 I (like English the best of all subjects). 6 She has (four) daughters. 7 She lived in Japan (for five years).
When (you are/were) disappointed, find a good movie that would encourage you. みたいな文なら問題なし ↓ When (you are) disappointed, find a good movie that would encourage you. みたいな文なら問題なし。
>>416 1) If you insist that the dictionary is yours, which pronoun do you use to say that the dictionary is yours? 2) Which of your familiy members did such nasty stuff like breaking the window? 3) What in the hell is the purpose which bothered you to go to the station? 4) She got up, I guess, early in the morning today at which hour? 5) You are requested to answer your favourite activity. You should answer by filling certain words in the blank in the sentence "I ( )." Can you do that? 6) Answer the correct number by which number of your kids are represented. How many? 7) How long is the duration of time that she has been spending to live in Japan?
>>423 My car, which are painted/were painted/have been painted/had been painted これらはいずれも、My car, paintedと略すことが可能で 時制については、それに続く文で判断されるので、 ただ、My car, paited, と略すことが可能。 having been pantedの場合は、あえて現在完了の状態であることを 明示したい場合には、My car, having been paintedと言うことも出来る。
When taking drugs, follow the directions on the bottle carefully. この文のwhenは強調のためにあるのではなく、 when you take drugs, をwhen takingと略したものだから whenがそのまま残っていて当然なだけ。
>>433 そりゃそうだ。 Take some sandwiches if visiting the zoo. なんて文で ifを省略したら、なんだか分からない文になる。 When taking drugs, follow the directions on the bottle carefully. も同様。 whenを省略したら、よく意味のわからない文になってしまう。
>>447 どれも、うかつに勧誘に使うべき表現じゃないけどな。 もちろん親しい間柄なら、なんでも有りだけど。 大雑把に日本語にすれば、こんな感じ。 must 〜しなきゃダメだよ、絶対〜するべきだよ should 〜するべきだよ、〜した方がいいよ had better 〜した方がいい、〜しないといけない
みなさんありがとうございます。質問したものです。 質問の仕方が悪かったみたいですみません。 ニュアンスってやっぱり状況で大きく変わってしまうのでしょうか? というのも、 You must visit the Tokyo Tower. You'd better visit the Tokyo Tower. You should visit the Tokyo Tower. だと、must が逆に一番さらっとしているのかと悩んでいて それぞれ、どういう風に使い分けたらよいのか分からないのです。
>>463 言ってるヤシが You must visit the Tokyo Tower. 絶対行った方がいいと思いこんでいってる。 You should visit the Tokyo Tower. 一般論で考えて行ったほうがいいと思ってる。 You'd better visit the Tokyo Tower. 行くのが君の身のためだと思ってる。
>>447 たまたま東京に来る友達に見物先を勧めるという状況で・・・・ You must visit the Tokyo Tower. 東京タワーは断然いかなきゃダメだよ。 You'd better visit the Tokyo Tower. ありえない You should visit the Tokyo Tower. 東京タワーはいくべきだよ。結構強くすすめている。
もっと軽い言い方なら Tokyo tower's worth a visit. Tokyo tower's worth visiting. I suggest you visit the Tokyo tower. Tokyo tower is good. (これが一番簡単) You wouldn't regret visiting the Tokyo tower. (結構強い) >>479 オレならそんな使い方はしない。
Afghan officials are inforsing a night time perfu in Kabul. Ours earlier the city suffer the worst baraety sense the Taliban with outskip in 2001. At least 13 people die. many others were sireous remove it. The violence begin after an accident in which American military theacles clash into suberion biracles. Local officials said at least five people were killed and several others were injured. Hundreds of people then begin to tower rocks to Americans solders. Rioters also burns police siaters. Some people say thye sold the solders fire their weapons. Other say local police were reseponsible for those killed or wounded. A United States militaly spoksman said American torups fire woaning shirth into the air. He also said the incident is the in investgate.
>>508 一般的にはhad betterは基本的に友好的な日常会話では使わないと理解した方がいいと思うよ。 かなり脅迫的ととらえられるおそれがある。 >日常会話で had better がふさわしいのは >話し手が強い立場(なんか語弊がありそうですが)にいる場合だけということでしょうか? かなりそんな感じ。 You had better finish your homework today (, or you will get into deep trouble).
1 Where does Ichiro live?(広島) 2 What time did you go to bed last night?(11時) 3 How long were you in Canada?(5年間) 4 How often do you wash your car?(月に1回) 5 Why are you late for school?(早く起きれなかった)
1 a.She was so shocked ( ) she couldn't speak. b.She was ( ) shocked ( ) speak. 2.a.The room is so large that five people can sleep in it. b.The room is ( ) ( ) for five people to sleep in. 3.a.The ring was too expensive ( ) Mary to buy. b.The ring was ( ) expensive that ( ) ( ) buy it. 4.a.He got up early so that he ( ) catch the first train. b.He got up early ( ) ( ) ( ) catch the first train.
1 彼は昨日よりもずっと元気になった。 He got( )( )than yesterday. 2 太郎と次郎ではどちらが背が高いですか。 Who is( ),Taro( )Jiro? 3 この川はあの川の2倍の長さだ。 This river is ( )as( )as that one. 4 全力を尽くせば彼は成功するだろう。 If the( )( )( ),he will succeed. 5 1000人以上の人達がそのコンサートに参加した。 ( )( )one thousand people joined the concert.
Walk quietly not to wake up the baby. Walk quietly so that you wouldn't wake up the baby. Walk quietly lest you should wake up the baby. あははは 他にもこじつけなら回答作れる・・・・
This tea is too hot for me to drink. This tea is so hot that I can't drink.
>>543 じゃ、マイルドに回答するかw That book is more difficult than this one. Your watch is less expensive than this one. This tree is two meters tall,and that one is four meters tall. That tree is twice as tall as this one. 意味は変わってしまうがほぼ同じということでいいのか? He is older than any other friend of mine. こんな言い方する人間がいるか? She spoke more slowly than before. eが抜けてるぞ。
They operate on a nonprofit basis, that is, all profits go towards keeping the prices of books down, for paying the student (employers/employees), and often to support student scholarships and other financial aid.
>>591 Take your time がベストだと思うけど。 Don't rush.とかかな。You got a plenty of time.でもまあ悪くないかも。 やや命令的だけど、Do it carefully/slowly.もありなのかな? 気遣いをこめるならDon't worry.とか言っときゃいいけど、Take your time.が最強だと思う。
1 This is (my)dictionary. 2 (My brother) broke the window. 3 I went to the station (to meet my father). 4 She got up (at eight) this morning. 5 I (like English the best of all subjects). 6 She has (four) daughters. 7 She lived in Japan (for five years).
1 Whose dictionary is this? 2 Who broke the window? 3 Why did you go to the station? 4 What time did she get up this morning? 5 What subject(s) do you like? 6 How many daughters does she have? 7 How long did she live in Japan?
1 Where does Ichiro live?(広島) 2 What time did you go to bed last night?(11時) 3 How long were you in Canada?(5年間) 4 How often do you wash your car?(月に1回) 5 Why are you late for school?(早く起きれなかった)
おしえてください。 日本語の意味になるように単語を並べ替えて英文にしろ 1.もしあなたが英語を伸ばしたいのなら、周りに多くの英語の情報源があることに気づかなければなりません。 If you (to/like/your/improve/would) English,you (notice/have/that/to) there are many sources of English input. 2.しかし、会話のスキルを伸ばすために英語のニュースを聞くのは賢明ではないでしょう。 However,to improve your conversation skills, (not/to the news/it may/to listen/be wise) in English. 3.家庭を設定とした英語のテレビドラマを見るのが、日常会話を学ぶよい方法になるでしょう。 Watching English TV dramas in a family setting (be/a good/everyday/should/way/to study/conversation). この3つおねがいします。
when our friends @(arrived) and A(went into) our garden, they B(were fallen) over the flower pot that C(lay) in front of them D(on) the path.
By the time I @(made it home) from work, my son A(was waiting) outside the house for B(more than) three hours because he C(had forgotten) his key D(once again.)
As I @(was returning) to my car, I discovered that I A(had left) my keys at the restaurant B(which) I C(had been talking) with D(a number of) friends.
I can't see my grandmother @(without feeling sad), as she is A(any more) the wise woman B(that)C( she used to be.)
>>610 どっちも自然。強調したい方を先に持ってくる。 >>609 If you (would like to improve your) English,you (have to notice that) there are many sources of English input. 2.しかし、会話のスキルを伸ばすために英語のニュースを聞くのは賢明ではないでしょう。 However,to improve your conversation skills, (it may not be wise to listen to the news) in English. 3.家庭を設定とした英語のテレビドラマを見るのが、日常会話を学ぶよい方法になるでしょう。 Watching English TV dramas in a family setting (should be a good way to study everyday conversation).
日本語に合うように( )に適切な語を書き入れなさい。 1.彼らの観点から見れば、私たちの行動は奇妙に思えた。 ( ) their ( ), our behavior seemed strange. 2.その事故を目にして、私は何と言っていいかわからなくなってしまいました。 I was ( )( )( )for words when I saw the accident. 3.私の英語の間違いを指摘してください。 Please ( )( )mistakes in my English.
( ) of them has his own car. 1.Some 2,Many 3,Every 4,Each
We were friends and talked ( ). 1,each other about a lot of things 2,with each other about a lot of things 3,one another about a lot of things 4,about one another with a lot of things
There were two cars in the garage - one was a Japanese make and ( ) was American. 1,another 2,the other 3,others 4,the others
括弧内の誤った箇所を正しい形に直すのですが、誰かお願いします。 1,For (the past) 30 years, the Ministry of Education has condusted (a survey) every (two year) to record (the number) of foreign students.
2,(Almost) American people have personal computers in (their) homes and (use) them almost every day (for) both work and pleasure.
3,He (apologized) for (scraping) my car and (offered) to get (one) repaired.
とても驚いたことに、死んだと思っていたあの男はまだ生きている。 ( )to ( )( ) the man who I thought to be dead is still alive.
前大統領は裁判に掛けられるか、釈放を要求していた。 The former president was demanding that he should be ( ) put on trial ( ) set free. 差し支えなければ、それは私なりのやり方でやりたいのですが。 ________________,if you don't mind.(in one's way)を使って
死んだ男のはよくわかんないけどそれ以外なら多分こんな感じ↓ The former president was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free. I would like (want) to try it in my way if you don't mind. Most of his students have completed the homework.
>>621 >>685 1.彼らの観点から見れば、私たちの行動は奇妙に思えた。 (Seen) their (standpoint), our behavior seemed strange. 2.その事故を目にして、私は何と言っていいかわからなくなってしまいました。 I was (at)(a)(loss)for words when I saw the accident. 3.私の英語の間違いを指摘してください。 Please (point)(out)mistakes in my English.
@ My college teacher says that I have to learn how to use a keyboard Abecouse she reads only typed reports. BShe does not want to read handwritten papers. CSo, I think " I will learn how to type on my dad's computer." DMy father says it's a fine idea, but I have a problem. EHe never leaves his computer at home.
>>696 My high-school teacher said that I had to learn how to use a keyboard because she read only typed reports. She did not want to read handwritten papers. So, I thought I would learn how to type on my dad's computer. My father said it was a fine idea, but I had a problem. He never left his computer at home.
>>691 I will connect you to the person in charge. 不要operate we think that a fair price would be something less than 100$.不要at most Economically , Japan has one of the highest living standards in the world. 不要aspect
()に適語をいれほぼ同じ意味の文を完成させなさい。 1.Frogs are animals living all over the world. ⇒Frogs are animals () () living all over the world. 2.Their decrease is cleaely a result of the changes in their environment. ⇒It is () that the number of () is decreasing () their environment has(). 3.We are threatening not only their lives but our own environment. ⇒We are threatening our () () as well as () (). 4.Dr.Allan Pounds in Costa Rica is studying how to protect frogs. ⇒Dr.Allan Pounds in Costa Rica is studying how () () protect frogs.
>>722 what makes you ( )(3.nervous )(2.every )(5.time )(6.I )(1.walk ) into the room? (4.the trouble )(3.with )(5.him )( )(1.that )(6.he ) doesn't try to learn from his mistakes A week later( )(1.happened )( )( 5.that )( 2.I)(6.had to ) go to Osaka on urgent business There is no doubt (5.that )(4.smoking )(2.injures )(3.others )(6.apart )(1.from ) thd smoker ( )(4.matter )( )(1.often )(3.he )(6.was )(7.urged ), he couldn't bring himeself to join the club
But, like Tom, we should remember the words of Scottish novelist Sir Walter Scott, who wrote, "What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!"
Hi ! My name is Emma ^o^ I'me a French girl, ang I search somebody who lives in Tokyo ! (more preferably a cute boy of 17-20 years old ^___^ I want to correspond with him, because I'm coming in Tokyo in some month <3 Nyaaa >o< ([email protected]) Thanks !
1 Cows are useful.(馬よりも) 2 You should listen to him carefully.(いつもより) 3 This song is very popular.(日本で最も) 4 This temple isn't famous.(あの寺ほど) 5 Yuki studies English hard.(私達のクラスのどの生徒よりも) 6 This bridge is long.(あの橋の3倍) 7 This is a large zoo.(世界で最も大きい動物園のひとつ)
As soon as the game begun, it started to rain. = () had the game begun () it started to rain. =()() iad the game begun () it started to rain. (実際に()に入れてみて
As soon as the game begun, it started to rain. = (Hardly) had the game begun (when) it started to rain. =(No)(sooner) had the game begun (when) it started to rain. これでいいの?
「独立用法の不定詞」 ・He can sreak French, to(1) nothing of English. ・He is, so to (2), a walking dictionary. ・To(3) with, let’s go comping near the lake. ・To (4) sure, it is a very good idea. ・To (5) frank with you, you are leanding an aimless life.
@Say Abe Bbegan Cspeak
「慣用表現」 ・新しい学校が気に入ってくるよ。 You will ( )( ) like your new school. ・長電話はしない方がいいよ。 You ( )( )( )make a long call. ・彼女に同情せずにはおれなかった。 I ( )( ) feel sympathy for her. ・君は皿を洗うだけでよい。 ( ) you ( ) ( ) do is wash dishes.
「書き換え」 ・The fire isn’t very hot, so it won’t heat the kettle. →The fire isn’t ( ) ( ) ( ) heat the kettle. ・She was kind enough to lend me the book. →She was ( ) kind ( ) to lend me the book. ・It is said that he won first prize. →He is said that ( ) ( ) ( ) first prize. ・It seems that there were two temples near here. →There seems ( ) ( ) ( ) two tempers near here.
This computer is not as( )as that one.【expensive】 Nothing is( )than time.【valuable】 I cannot work as( )as Mr.Suzuki.【quickly】 You'd better drive( )than usual.【carehully】
>>797 1.Do you know the teacher whose class is very popular? 2.Where is that old book whose cover was torn? Where is that old book the cover of which was torn?
>> 799 書き換え一問出てこない 「独立用法の不定詞」 1 @ to (say) nothing of〜 〜はもちろん 2 C so to (speak), いわば 3 B to (begin) with まず第一に 4 A to (be) sure 確かに 5 A to (be) frank with you 率直にいって
「慣用表現」 ・新しい学校が気に入ってくるよ。 You will (come)(to) like your new school. ・長電話はしない方がいいよ。 You (had)(better)(not)make a long call. ・彼女に同情せずにはおれなかった。 I (cannot)(but) feel sympathy for her. ・君は皿を洗うだけでよい。 (All) you (have) (to) do is wash dishes.
「書き換え」 ・The fire isn’t very hot, so it won’t heat the kettle. →The fire isn’t ( ) ( ) ( ) heat the kettle. ・She was kind enough to lend me the book. →She was (so) kind (that) to lend me the book. ・It is said that he won first prize. →He is said that (to) (have) (won) first prize. ・It seems that there were two temples near here. →There seems (to) (have) (been) two tempers near here.
>>831 @A clock is an instrument for measuring and showing time, in a room or on the wall of a building (not worn or carried like a watch) AA family is a group consisting of one or two parents, their children and close relations. BA lazy person is unwilling to work or be active; doing as little as possible.
1 The cake was made by my mother. 2 This magazine isn't read by young men. 3 Is English spoken in Hawaii? 4 These stamps were collected by me. 5 America was discovered by Columbus. 6 Was this CD brught by Ken?
私は4年間英語を学校で勉強している。私の先生は日本人だけど。 でもまだ私の英語は良くないと思う。 I've studied English at my school for 4 years. Though my teacher is Japanese. But I think my English is still not good.
My mother made this cake. Young men don't read this magazine. Do they speak English in Hawaii? I collected these stamps Clumbus discovered America. Did Ken buy this CD?
>>837 かなりいい線いってるね。 I have been studying だと 今も勉強続けてるって感じでより良いかも Though の文は その次に だけど〜なんだ と繋ぐので このままだとちょっと中途半端かな? 会話では問題ないtけど。 変わりに The teacher is Japanese, though. ってすると もっと会話っぽくて生き生きしてくるね。(やはり本当は中途半端だけど)
お願いしまーす! @(Who,Why,What,How)a kind girl you are! A(Don't,Doesn't,Aren't)eat so quickly. BPlease(help,eat,have)yourself. CShall I bring you some coffee? Yes.(Please,Let's,Don't)bring me some.
There is no reason why the English dog should mean a friendly animal with four legs any more than the Russian sobaka,the Spanish perro,or the Japanese inu.
各組の文が同じ内容わ表すようにしなさい(T^T) 1、Mary can run very fart.→( )fast Mary can run! 2、They are very big houses.→( )( )( )they are! 3、You must not talk at dinner.→( )( )at dinner. 4、What a useful book this is!→( )( )this book is!
次の文の間違いを直しなさい。 例:What your name?→What's your name? 1,How do you feeling. 2,I'm very interesting. 3,What do you say“jinzo”in English? 4,Where are you come from? 5,My grandfather was died last year. 6,What's she doing? She checks the patient's urine sample.
各組の空所に入る共通の1語を答えよ。 【1】 He has a ( ) temper.He gets angry very quickly. I'm running ( ) of momey because I lost my job last month. 【2】 While I care for my glove the Seattle Mariners right fielder says, "I also reflect back on my mistakes and try to identiey the ( )." Newton found out that there is a force that ( ) everything to fall toward the ground. 【3】 Japanese industry has lost ( ) of customer needs im deciding the price of the products. The man stole money frnm the convenience store, but he was arrested on ( ). 【4】 In Japan suicide can even be viewed as an honorable ( ) of taking responsibility for failure. You're so selfish―you just want to havd everything your own ( ).
次の英文(a)(b)がほぼ同じ内容になるように、空所に適切な語をいれなさい 1.(a)I hear that she is worried about getting a job after graduation. (b)I hear about ( )( ) worried about getting a job after graduation.
2.(a)I am sorry she did not answer your letter sooner. (b)I am sorry for ( )( )( )( ) your letter sooner.
なんとか空欄を5つまで減らしましたが、残りが入りません。よろしくお願いします。 In a classless society, such as the United States strives to be, ( ) people are all theoretically equals, physical closeness is quite naturally a factor in whom they know and associate with. ( ) living next to someone won't ineviatbly lead to friendship or a deeper relationship, there is no reason why it ( ) not. In any ( ), it will almost always lead to a casual acquaintanceship. It is expected that one will be ( ) to everyone, and certainly to people one sees every day.
動名詞書き換え ・I am ashamed that I have done such a thing. I am ashamed ( )( ) done such a thing. ・It is impossible to go out in this storm. There is ( )( ) out in this storm. ・As soon as she saw me, she ran up to me smiling. ( )( )me, she ran up to me smiling. ・Do you mind if I open the window? Do you mind ( )( ) the window? ・Whenever they meet, they quarrel. They never meet ( )( ).
選択 ・We had better avid ( ) too much before we go to bed. @eating Ato eat Beat Cto eating ・Pleased to meet you. I’ve been looking forward to ( ) you. @see Aseeing Bhave seen Chaving seen ・Your parents will object ( ) the mountain. @your climbing Ato your climbing Byou to climb Cfor you to climb ・My mother complains of ( ) too lazy. @I am AI being Bme to be Cmy being ・The wall needs ( ). @painted Abeing painted Bpainting Cto paint ・What do you say to ( ) in this city. @play tennis Aplay a tennis Bplaying the tennis Cplaying tennis ・She can’t get used to ( ) in this city. @live Abe living Bliving Cbe alive
不定詞選択 ・It is natural ( ) babies to cry when they are hungry. @of Athat Bfor Csome ・This house is very comfortable ( ). @to live Aliving Bto live in Cliving in ・To ( ) a long story short, the movie was very boring. @keep Acall Bbring Cmake ・John is only thirteen. He is ( ) to get a driver’s licence. @not old enough Anot too young Btoo old Cyoung enough
>>861 1.How are you feeling?かHow do you feel? 2.It's very interestingか.I'm very interested. 3.Where are you from?かWhere do you come from?かWhere did you come from? 4.My granpa died last year. 5.She's checking the ...
>>886 Father told me that he would take you to the zoo the next day. The teacher told me not to leave the door open. She asked him if he had called on her the day before.
霧が大変深かったので正門より先は見えなかった。 the fog was () thick ()()() see no further than the front gate. 演奏が始まったとたん照明が消えた。(Hardlyで始めて) _____________when the lights went out.
コンピューターを使いたい時はいつでも言って下さい。 Please tell me ____________________.
図書館は、返却期限を越えない限り、無料で本を貸し出します。(unlessを用いて6語で) Licraries lend out books without charge __________________.
あんま自信ないが In a classless society, such as the United States strives to be, (where) people are all theoretically equals, physical closeness is quite naturally a factor in whom they know and associate with. (while ) living next to someone won't ineviatbly lead to friendship or a deeper relationship, there is no reason why it (should ) not. In any (case), it will almost always lead to a casual acquaintanceship. It is expected that one will be (friendly ) to everyone, and certainly to people one sees every day.
>>919 まず、as 〜 as の〜の部分には形容詞、または副詞が入らなくてはならないってことは分かるだろう? たとえば、as good as、as tall as、as beautifully asなど。. しかしas a great actor asじゃ、このgreatはactorを修飾してるだけで asとasの間には、a great actorという名詞が入ってることになり、 こういう言い方はできない。
ではなぜ、as great an actor asなんて言い方が出来るのかというと、 英語では、soやtooを使った場合に、 He is so great an actor, He is too great an actor.みたいな語順を取れるわけ。 この形を、as 〜 asにも活用できて、 He is as great an actor as anybody. という言い方ができるわけ。
>>934 as great an actor asと言える理由が、He is so great an actorとか、He is too great an actorにできるからである、ということは理解しました。 では、なぜHe is so great an actorとか、He is too great an actorと言えるのですか? まさかその理由が、as great an actor asと言えるからじゃないですよね?
>>958 前が、 By it self, that kind of lie is of no great importance. 後が Once thay've become common enough, even the small untruths that are not meant to hurt may cause a loss of trust. です。
Do you like talking with your friends? You will probably say yes. But have you ever stopped to think about what is going on while you are talking? だれか和訳お願いします
The efforts to organize the world (1) pease past and present have always broken down (2) the end. This is a simple statement of the historical record. One cannot argue lack of good will or honesty of purpose,or lack of (3)genuine desire to achieve an effective international body that would take (4) itself the role of peace-keeping . But,(5) the whole world knows,successive efforts have been frustrated. There are many reasons (6) this has happened. Human affairs are complicated matters. They have been shaped and influenced by a myriad (7) 'causes 'which taken togetherhave given us our present dubious heritage ―a threat of human annihilation ,and an appdarent inability to stem the drift (8) converting the theat into an imninent convulsion. Man seems to have no effective instrumentaliy (9) hand to reverse the armaments race or stop him (10) the last decision he would probably ever be called upon to make―