lolz~~I saw my name up there! lolz~~ @.@ Don't talk about me when I'm away! lolz~~ So there are some people including me who are not NEETs here...lolz~~ many bad things happening....but all my fault...(T_T)
>>79 Yes, it is a good dream for humans to strive for.
>>80 haha, yeah, I would actually expect less NEETs. You sure lol a lot. xD I can imagine walking by school girl's house on my way to somewhere and hearing constant laughing coming from it. Haha xD I should make an MS paint comic of that.
Thanks keira lolz~~ your words heals me...*crrryyyy*
I guess so...but he has a gf already. Some ppl said they broke up recently but seems like they are stilltogether...(I can't lolz anymore...)(T_T) np! I'll be just sticking to Miyavi-kun rest of my life...I don't need any bf.....(T___________T) Sep 11th!! lolz~~ happy birth day to me!!!(^o^)/
>>108 That's hard to explain...but some relationship among my classmates. You know, even I don't belong to any group, I had to sometimes, coz they started to threaten me.>,< I should have been stronger...I always have some fear...that's the problem and things get more complicated.. It is better to ignore them completely.
>>115 Nonono, ignoring things and sticking your head in the sand will not solve anything! I don't understand why a classmate would threaten you, but you shouldn't take that from them! :<
>>118 But they give me fear all the time. >.< So to avoid being their victim, ignoring things are the best solution,right? I think so....But I don't know what to do. Maybe I am interesting person for them, coz my face shows my feelings a lot....>.<
>>117 Not yet. But he has a gf. If he doesn't like her, why he is always with her? @[email protected] guess there is no chance for me lolz~~ but that's ok that's life...lolz~~ T.T
>>123 Aren't you my English teacher? lolz~~ you should know the situation well..lolz~~
They are boys and girls. But the fear I get most is from a girl... The way they look at me, how they spread the rumor, what they talk about me, also what they are going to do to me next...ewww....*freeze* (T_T)
I often forget what students are doing. That is why I did not know. In any case, it sounds like they have done something bad to you. Why did you not report them for this?
>>135 No...I'm trying not to stare her face. I can see her face coz she's always in my class but I lower my eyes when she passes my side. +.+ Huh? you think the girl is my crush's gf? Did I say so? o_0;???
>>119 heyhey, there is nothing wrong with standing up for yourself. I would never promote violence, but I would never want someone to accept bullying either.
...My mom grew up during women's lib movements, so she raised me this way.haha If I knew School girl outside of the internet, I would stick up for her. *nod*
sorry guys! my mum is screaming >.<....she'll kick my ass in no time! sorry I'll get back to you laterz! Thanks for listening to my crappy talk... Laterz!! (^^)/
>>133 Why don't? you are suffering and you can change it. you must change it. We can give advice to you, but nothing else. especially in real. People near you, teachers and your parents, can help you. and they must do.
>>151 Umm... I'm not Japanese, but I've seen the webcomic. It's quite silly, but not too bad if you're willing to see it as just a silly, alternative fantasy-universe. I'm used to reading fantasy versions of various realities, regardless of country, so I guess that helps.
>>150 I have nothing to learn from Yukorin...lolz~~is she that good? hahax
>>146 Thanks. I must change it...but for the time being, I'll be staying quiet... but do you have any idea? I don't want to tell my parents or my teacher.. this is kind of a humiliation so I rather not tell anybody...
>>144 Yeah, I am avoiding her. But the prblem is I have a fear.
As far as I know, that isn't true. Shortening greetings down like that is common ("Morning" instead of "good morning," for example). If someone were in a bad mood, though, I guess they might not feel very talkative, so maybe they would speak tersely like that.
Now, I'm going to go lie around doing nothing, because I'm a NEET and I lack any sort of responsibility.
Hello I wanna be good speaker in English. So I go to community college everyday. I can understand a little.But my pronounce is keeping bad. How do you study English?
I know it's not her. She's never posted anonymously!! So I don't understand why some of you suspect she does! It's nonsense! And I flately denied I was School girl! ^^;;
>>229 Ahh, yeah. But isn't that they make you do so in order for the student to get used to quickly solving a problem, preferably being so used to it they barely have to think? Do you have to show the results for your teacher? Otherwise if you feel you already know it very well, you could perhaps skip every other problem of the same type?
>>231 Yeah, I guess you're right. I think I'm already pretty used to it though since it's review (finding the derivative of a function). Unfortunately, I do have to have it checked by the teacher, so I gotta do all of them. Thanks, though.
>>239 I don't think he'd have a problem being understood either. At least not around people who are used to others using different dialects and accents, if not anything more.
Every day and night Every day and night I can see your disco disco dick is sucking my heart out of my mind I'm outta time I'm outta fuckin time I'm a gasoline girl with a vaseline mind, but Wanna disco? Wanna see me disco? Let me hear you depoliticise my rhyme.
lolz~~from where that question comes from? and why am I still around? lolz~~ >.< study study gotta study!!! >>267 hey dude, I said I'm not pretty... I'm just nobody...^^|| but I like myself. lolz~~~
so talking about college. if you graduate from prestigious college then you will found job easily. but if you are from 3rd rate college then looking for a job will be a hard quest
>>310 In the tech industry, lots of people don't have college degrees. (This includes myself, my boss, and lots of my friends and coworkers.) It hasn't really been a problem; as long as you're capable and get the work done, most employers don't care.
What is the great difference of a high school graduate and a college graduate?I think most college students goes to college just to earn a degree rather than absorping something useful for their future career
>>344 I don't think I look like Yukorin at all. And I am not a pretentious girl. pretentious=ぶりっこ。 I just act as I truely feel. XD Sometimes, I say too honest things so that ppl say I am cheeky...hahax, *complaints* but I think that's much better than a pretentious girl... lolz~~~poor thing that many guys fall for ぶりっこ girls....welll...but I dunno...maybe they are really 天然 ...Yukorin is 天然?loz~~~~@.@??
>>358 I think Americans think Japanese food is quite healthy and tasty, but for them , it might be a bit too light to be full. In fact,many American celebrity eat them when going on a diet . Still, popular among American or whoever around the world though .
I have also eaten British food once . I think they are simply enough to be disapointed .
>>367 Yukorin officially stated that her fart smelt like vanilla. And vanilla smells really good. That means her fart also smells amazing. Easy rhetoric.
>>375 Huh, she's almost 30. Who'd call a 30aged woman an idol? The recent survey showes that the popurarity rate of Sawajiri Erika is rocketing skyhigh. You bet she's the best idol now.
A new found idol... That reminds me of Tenkarin. Some silly male said Tenkarin would get extremely popular. So far his prediction hasn't come true, though. Do you think Tenkarin will be a popular idol?
>>379 No! I am talking about the one playing the doctor. She is really beautiful. You might say she is too old or some crap, but her beauty goes beyond that.
Hey, the problem is whether or not school girl will be awarded as cute idol of the thread. We should creat a new thread for her fan club and ask her to be a sexial icon.
>>384 No, you are wrong. She's just lived in a wonder land where nobody interupts when she's lost in thought, drooling and massaging her boobs. But when she's waken up, I bet you also have a chance. Why don't you set up a thread for her fans and keep saying you love her?
ah....thank you so much for your offer...but I'm not that type ^^||
>>384 Yes, my heart only belongs to Miyavi-kun. He is the only one in this world who makes me smile! lolz~~ XXDD sorry....lolz~~ I actully hate...目立つこと。lolz~~ >.<
>>390 lolz~~ Affirmative!!! I am actually chubby and not pretty...(I like myself though) lolz~~ so you better not think I am a cute high school girl or anything lolz~~ I am just a funny and strange girl just like you guys lolz~~~
I don't want to stand out at all.^^;; I will be living as a shadow. lolz~~ that's what Miyavi-kun likes...lolz~~ I know everything lolz~~ I will be damn pretty ONLY when with him ....other times, I will be wearing thick glasses and stay ugly...lolz~ I am satisfied that way lolz~~
From the context of her statement, I guess suger means gentleness and spice toughness. She needs both of them, so she wants her would-be boyfriend to be sugery and spicy.
Hmm, I was a bit shocked to read this news article. It says as an example a 3 grader boy punched and kicked a female teacher repeatedly at lunch time just for fun. She tried to stop the child to kick desks and boards, and said he should do it on her instead, if he wouldn't quit it. Still, he didn't even hesitate.
There are many more examples like this written in the artle. And zero tolerance was mentioned in the last part of it.
I'm curious to know whether the policy, if it is introduced, is successful in other countries. Perhaps America's zero tolerance is the most advanced and mature, as far as I know.
>>450 Well, I don't know how to say it exactly. Sorry.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you know how to describe the situation where school kids get out of hands, become really violent, and even teachers can't silence them in class, I hope you teach us the English word.
Zero Tolerance is a difficult subject. Looking at it from the school's point of view, I understand that they may want to deal with incidents in a way that sends a message to all students, or in a way that makes it easier to react to bad behavior (having set, inflexible punishments for certain infractions of the rules).
However, this isn't fair to the individual. Not all infractions are on the same level, but they would still receive the same punishment regardless. This has lead to children being suspended for ridiculously trivial things (bringing a nail clipper to school), simply because the rules under Zero Tolerance required them to be.
>>438 Most of the English on this particular thread is natural-sounding, if not always precisely grammatical; other threads aren't nearly as good. Then again, most of the other threads (where there's any English at all) are 'dirty talk' or about being a pen.
zero tollerance has its flaws. a good student was expelled from school once for taking aspirin because it goes against the anti-drug policy. aspirin itself isn't against the policy but not having a nurse give it to her got her removed from the school district.
>>471>>469 lolz~~ Thanks for your consideration! hey you guys are really warm! *cryyy happily* err....well, nothing lolz~~ XD
so depressed, i need some sleep. i just wanna dissapear for a while. thank god that I have only two more days left...... .-.-
but know at the same time, I realized that a chicken hearted person like meeee (??!!!) gets nothing while a thick skin person gain a lot....>.< So I have to be more brave!!! I know I know! but I can't....lolz~~~I just don't like troubles...lolz~~
>>485 YESSSSS!!!! Thank god! Sep 11th is a memorial day while 14th is nothing so need one more terroist attack lolz~~ (and I Do wish one terrorist come down to my school and burn all the building and students except me!!!) *evil smile* lolz~~ just kidding...^^
>>454 Thanks for your response. Honestly, I don't know what infractions mean, but I guess they are violations, right? Hmm, it sounds a little too harsh if children get suspention for such things.
>>462 Thanks. Do students need to hand in a paper signed by a nurse when they take aspirin under Zero tolerance? Maybe the case also sounds tough too.
>>503 That explains how popular the late naturalist was... That said, avenging his death may be going too far. Though, I think only a part of his fans who's driven crazy did that, if there's any connection between the incident and his death. I mean to say, most of his fans wouldn't stick for killing wildlife like this.
>>501 Hmm, I think Abe's popularity is mainly based on his hard-line policy against North Korea's abduction. According to the newspaper I had in hand a few days ago said that, while Abe made a public speach, his supporters got enthusiastic when he said he wouldn't abondon abductees' families which formed, say, a team.
Of course, I want the abductees back in Japan. But Abe's policy sounds a bit hollow or empty. I mean, I don't see what will happen when he becomes the next leader of LDP(liberal democratic party). He puts emphasis on amendment to the Constitution of Japan. (It takes two thirds of the population to vote for the amendment to change the Japan's Constitution)
>>506 Heh... I've never heard that song... I should look it up later :-D
>>507 Yeah, he was very popular... However those actions directly violate the values and Irwin held dear... That is why any person who claims to admire/like him, and then does something like that "for" Irwin, has a few screws loose in their head.
>>508 Ah, I see. It's interesting to hear more about the people involved in the news than just from the news I can access. How common is it for politicians in Japan (as far as you have noticed) to promise big things and then blatantly not care about carrying them through, once they've been elected?
>>509 What other redeeming qualities does this Koizumi-san have, beside his hair? Is there anything he wants to do for Japan that you especially like? (I'm assuming this Koizumi-san is also a politician)
>>509 Hmm, that's a tough question. He will no doubt become the leader of LDP, and naturally the LDP's leader succeed Koizumi, who's going to step down soon. But as I said, for now he's ambiguous and keeps Japanese people in the dark except when he talks about his assertive deplomacy. Other than that, many politicians is mobbing Abe-san just because they want to get a post in the next cabinet. I feel bitter taste in my mouth.
>>514 Oh, I found the expression "having a few screws loose in their head" very interesting. It means being crazy or out of their minds or something like that, right? We say the same analogy in Japanese! Anyway, I want to see his adventure showes when I have a chance.
Then next, about politicians, what I think is a problem is "making no clear promises and doing things as they want". Let me take Koizumi for example. He's a highly-skilled agitater in my opinion. In the general election conducted last year, he was really resolute about privatizing the government-run post company. People got really enthusiastic to listen to his speach. And the Japanese media reported again and again and again about the privatization thing. And after the election, he actually did it. But as most people didn't take care of other things, Koizumi decided on increasing tax money without our consensus. He didn't say he planed to change tax policy. That was the last thing people wanted, wasn't it? He should've discussed it in public. The point is, I'm a little concerned whether Abe the same way of managing politics like Koizumi.
Sorry for my rumbling.. Good night. I have to go to a seminar tomorrow.
Sorry there are many horrible mistakes in my post.. ・politicians "are" mobbing ・"use" the same analogy ・show"s" ・Abe "will run the government" like--- Good night.
>>567 Oh, by the way. You were the one who wanted the new pronounciation clip, right? It still sounds weird, but a bit better, I guess. -_-;; I have no idea why I keep pronouncing "Stella" in such an odd manner, either. :-/
>>596 Ah, I see. I don't mind you rambling, it's quite interesting. Good night, and sweet dreams ^_^
Are you dreaming or are you awake? It's impossible to tell, really. Whether we are dreaming or awake makes no difference to our existence, but how can we trust our senses when we don't know whether we are in a dream or in a "real" world.
Can we doubt anyone who claims they are a pumpkin or made of glass when we can neither tell the difference between dreaming and being awake for ourselves? Our not all our senses alike? Can we be sure than we're not a pumpkin?
Perhaps we should take comfort in the fact that we can question whether we are in a dream or in the waking world, for this proves that whether dreaming or awake, we can question reality and this is a cornerstone of defining existence.
I can tell whether or not I'm dreaming, as long as the thought that I could be dreaming occurs to me in my dream. When I does, I realize that I'm dreaming. That hardly ever happens, though.
>>620 I'm not sure I understand exactly what you mean... I've seen a lot of images of cats sleeping, including images of cats that stole the bed of their owner to sleep in...
>>622 I can't really explain since it was too silly.
It is like this....the story in a nutshell....I mistakenly sent my xxxxx picture...(kind of my naked picture....something like that) to my boy friend but it turned out the person who received it was somebody else..... jesus...I better kill my self...
It is just a sexy picture but not a naked picture...but the writings was something too embarassing that I hope no other people except my bf would read.....but too late....jesus...
>>628 O.o Ow... Have you done any damage-control? Will the receiver spread your image, or will he/she keep it for him-/herself? I hope you were exaggerating when you said that you'd better "kill" yourself. It's not that bad, I hope. It was "only" a naked picture, right?
>>629 Ahh, I see. I wish you the best of luck. Remember, this isn't that bad. Life could have been a lot worse. Try to look at it from a longer perspective.
>>631 Do you have an idea why the person in question got mad?? How did you talk to him? Did you shout at him? Or did you nag him so much?
Anyway, I agree with K-tan. It might be wise to wait for a while and give him some time to clam himself down, before speaking to him again.
And looking at the accident from a different angle may sooth you a little. He's just a stranger, so he can't do any harm to you like spreading horrible rumour among your friends or forwarding the e-mail to them.
hello-,could I join to your people in chat things I never study English, and I do not kmow my grammer is ok or not, so if you knows English very much please tell me some!!! ah,spelling as well, I guraduated from univercity, my major was English departure, but I really can't speak and write English. I'm so afread of it,Im so kind of stupid
Yukorin advertised a free magagine in an event and the reporters rushed to ask her about relationship with Hamaguchi. Yukorin ignored they were rubbish, tailing her around and asking her comments about him. It feels really good to see Yukorin treat those trashes badly.
First of all, media reporters always love to make up stories nobody in their right mind would believe. They are irritating. They should let Yukorin alone. I don't believe Yukorin dates with Hamaguchi, although he pretends he actually is her bf.
By the way, a 14 year old boy was appointed as her manager just for one day. Yukorin wispered to his ears that she would teach him many things gently, and hoped he would be manager one of these days. How very nice Yukorin is! I think every one of the males living in this planet will be happy to be with her. Wonderful is a word for her.
I believe Yukorin's fans are everywhere in the earth. Wherever she goes, she'll get attention. No other girls break the sweety vanilla scented air. Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla!!
Is she? I didn't know that. She's such a good attractive idol. I think human fart tends to smell like rotten fish or compost, so it's been really new to everyone that Yukorin's fart smells like vanilla, you know. Vanilla smells good, and her fart smells like vanilla, which means Yukorins fart smells good. Everyone should sniff her fart!*blush*
Hmm... I wonder if it is impolite to tell someone that you don't remember them. Tonight, I went to a movie theater and someone said "Hi, (my name)." when I was buying movie tickets. I just looked at them, puzzled as to who they might be, and then they said who they were. I responded, "Sorry, I don't remember you." I didn't think anything of it at the time, but when I came home and told my little brother, he didn't beleive that I had said that at first, and when I said that I did, he said that I should have pretended to remember him... So, I wonder, did I say the right thing?
>>652 What do you mean? Every person cuts the cheese. The difference between them and Yukorin is only scent. While their fart smells awful, Yukorin's is really aromatic. And you don't have to tell them their fart smells aromatic because they know how smelly theirs is.
>>646 Yukorin actually agreed that Hamaguchi is her bf, wasn't she? ummm....X.X Maybe it was impolite. But the person you met know that you are an impolite person, isn't he? If the person has no features, it is easy for me to forget his name. So it is natural. Don't blame yourself. It is ok that way! lolz~~ I think....*snif*
>>654 I don't think there's any need to tell anybody their fart smells awful. Let's say someone in front of you breaks the air in the train and it smells really bad. Do you think you'll say, "your fart is killing me"?
Oh, you don't have to tell me that. I'm well aware of Yukorin's pleasant vanilla scent. I make sure to tell people about it whenever she's the topic of conversation.
>>655 Yeah. I don't think I had ever spoken to him before. He was in a class with me in high school. I guess he was pretty well-known in the class, because the teacher was always getting mad at him. I was well known in the class, too, because the teacher always focused on me a lot. She was weird... Probably everyone in the class knew who I was because of that...
>>664 No. I'm a boy. The teacher was a woman. LOL... She always liked to have me read for the class. She would always say that I was smarter than other people in the class, And sometimes would laugh hysterically for minutes after I said something. She would always get mad at certain people in the class, and I guess this kid I met was one of them. I didn't recognize him at all, but he told about the teacher getting mad at him, so that's how I knew. Anyway, she was a very strange person
>>672 Oh, okay. It's not that interesting, but here's some of what she did...
*She would yell at students at for looking at her the wrong way, sometimes for over 10 minutes. *She wore gloves when she ate food. *She would throw things at people when she got angry at them, and then would expect them to pick the things up and give them back to her. *She was a hardcore Christian, and would go on about her beliefs, which is illegal for a teacher to do... *She would make racist comments. For example, she said to a back student, "Do you think you don't have to do work because you're black?"
Sunday mornings always feel very slow. I imagine for people in church on a Sunday morning it moves even slower for them.
I worked at my mother's house yesterday planting and transplanting her lilies. It wasn't what I call hard work necessarily, but it did take a long time to do. From 8:30 A.M. until 3:30 P.M.. My mother has many lilies.
>>689 Umm.. I don't think they're counting the votes yet, the voting ends in one and a half hour. I don't really know which party is most influencial, the socialdemocrats have been the most dominant party in the government for many, many years. ummm... might tell you more. The election site has some pages in English, too:
Hmm, a quick look over the page 3 tells me that the electoral system in the general election of Sweden differs from that of Japan.
There are two ballots provided. Voters should write a candidate's name on a ballot and a party's name on the other. Candidates who're listed on parties' lists get elected in proportion to the number of the votes the parties have received (the same as Sweden), but those who run in the single-seat districts win the election based on how much they themselves have received votes.
So you noticed there's more wonderful thing to life than a comfortable place. Over the horizon can you see the sun glaring like a shining eye. That person's eyes nodded as if to say breaking up was a kind of a shape of love.
Let's hit the road, raising your face, washing your mind with new wind, You can leave your old dreams behind. A new drama will come again. The person is a thing of the past, but still watching you from far behind.
After eight years, the voice cast in the English version of Pokemon has been replaced. It's a fairly jarring development, and it will take time to get used to the new people (if that's even possible).
Today? family members are all out. So muhahahaha I can do anything I like! LOL (^^)/such as turn up the volume at maximum for Miyavi's rock'n roll and then I eat chocolate as much as I want. Yesssssssss!!!! (my mum banned me to eat chocolates....I hate I hate her grrrrrr)
>>724 Actually, quite the contrary. Chocolate is very healthy. By chocolate I mean cacao. Naturally the kind of chocolate that barely contains any cacao, but is mostly sugar and other junk isn't particularly healthy, but a single small piece of dark chocolate a day, as dessert after a full meal, is very healthy in deed. I haven't picked that up as habit yet, though. I barely buy any chocolate, sadly. I never buy any candy apart from the occasional piece of chocolate once a while -_-
>>727 Cacao is healthy ;) You should go for chocolate with a minimum of 50% cacao, if not more. The best (from a health point of view) is probably that 99% cacao chocolate. It's quite bitter, but the flavour works a lot better with some hot, unsweetened green tea, in my opinion. Preferably some kind of tea with a smokey, semi-bitter flavour - but that's just my opinion. :-D
not entirely true. some chocolate such as "Dark" chocolate can actually benefit your health. "Dark" chocolate contains antioxidants and cocoa-phenols which is known to lower blood pressure. Of course eating "moderate" amount is the key factor. Just remember"Dark", not "White" or "Milk". Don't even think of washing it down wth glass of milk. FYI, some chocolate ice creams has lower calories than vanilla! School girl, u got to explain this 2 ur Mom! hope this'll help lift ur ban.
Dark chocolate doesn't taste nearly as good as milk chocolate, though! It is bitter, while milk chocolate is sweet! Why would anyone want dark chocolate!?
"Davros, if you had created a virus in your laboratory, something contagious and infectious that killed on contact - a virus that would destroy all other forms of life - would you allow its use?"
It's an interesting conjecture.
"Would you do it?"
The only living thing... a microscopic organism reigning supreme. A fascinating idea.
"But would you do it?"
Yes. Yes....
To hold in my hand the capsule that contained such power, to know that life and death on such a scale was my choice, to know the tiny pressure of my thumb, enough to break the glass, would end everything..... Yes, I would do it! That power would set me above the gods!
Hello Japan. I am pleased to see, that you have a thread entirely for discussion in English. My japanese is too bad, so I can't read what you write well.
hey fakers, why you guys study English? tell me it reaaly. for exam? or you wanna have some bonk? dont you think its nothing for u? you, just talk some boring things happened in JPN and you might think oh-- I can speak English so sosomuch oh I anm like a native! lets give japs to a atomiiic bobbbb ga----nn!!!! oh-hhoo 太爽了、幹死的日本人、天在看著に〜
lolz~~I'm back! coz I went to the hospital today. It is like a congenital type of dicease I have. lolz~~ But something pissed me off...I don't like thw whole meidical system in Japan.
My doctor in charge is alright, but he doesn't know how to speak.*shrug* Maybe as the medical point of view, what he said was right, but what about the mental side of me???...-_-"
Dr: "you are not really improved..." Me: (with a sad face..later it turned to an angry face....) " you mean I have not chance to improve?" Dr: "well there will be a spcace to improve.... yeah" Me: "so I can improve eventually?" Dr: " oh yes it's up to you"
-_-" Then what the heck he had to say there is no improvement fat first. There is no "integrity" in what he's said...
lolz~~sorry you don't understand what I am talking about lolz~~
just a hitorigoto! just "THREW shitene! " (ignore) !! (^^;)
>>786 eeeeeee? You went to the hospital? That sucks. I've only been to the hospital once (besides being born in one,lol) Bleh...I hate hospitals.
Man, a friend of mine tried to run away from her house the other day. =_=; Geez, she caused a lot of trouble. And my godfather died. And the car broke down on the way to school. Man, what an aweful week.
>>789 Haha, I'm glad. I think that if I ever went to Japan my personality would really stand out. Haha. but schoolgirl, you're different too, aren't you? Your personality seems different from the average person. :3
As I was going over the Cork and Kerry mountains I saw Captain Farrell and his money he was countin' I first produced my pistol and then produced my rapier I said "stand and deliver or the devil, he may take ya"
Koizumi is the 27th prime minister of Japan since the end of World War II. Ten of the premiers graduated from the prestigious University of Tokyo, followed by five Waseda University graduates.
Why do people like Japan so much? It's a very boring place. I was in Japan in 2000, people in Japan are very quiet and polite. Actually, if I wanted to commit crimes in Japan it would probably be very easy.
Hello, I'm from the Moon. You may call me "Visitor Delta" as I am the fourth of my kind to visit the Blue World.
I have come to encourage the JAXA and the plans for sending the Lunar-A and Selene probes to our world. We realize that there have been problems with Lunar-A, but your detemination to see it through have been encouraging to us as an indication of mankind's continuing evolution.
However, I also have a request. Please send some of what you call "Takoyaki" with one of the probes. The Moon has no oceans for itself and we have never had octopus before. Personally, we find the idea of octopus balls delicious.
The Americans sent hot dogs with Neil Armstrong, but it turns out hot dogs are made from hog lips and snouts and not that good. The Soviets, on the other hand, send us Vodka once. Now that was a party!
>>837 Visitor Delta, so ur initial would be VD... make sure u uz condom alrighhhht. Unfortunately, Japan has no established space technology to send "Takoyaki" to ur home land. You may want 2 submit ur request to NASA. ur great grand father might've met those guys. I heard one of ur family probe is bieng maintained in Roswell New Mexico. Oh ya BTW, when you submit ur request, u may wanna tell'em it's "Octopus Dumpling" I guess that's how it's been translated to english. You might wanna come down within next year or so to US, cz Gindako will be opening up their food chains over there. chekedaout ttp://