Hi!! K-tan you still around? I thought you're already gone.
errr...I have one question to English speaking ppl here...
One idiot said the following;
>What did you think it? You are so stupid like crazy men. What a fool! You think to somebody about sex all day, arn't you?
Do you like some jokes?
When I first read the above, I thought he meant that I am kind of a person who always think aboutthe "sex" 24 hours...so I got mad....but how did you get this person's message in your case? -_-;???
I almost lost 2/3 of energy which I had been saving for summer already. The long rainy season just finished, and soon after that the terrible heat is killing me. (;;-_-;;)
hey kーtan, my explain was right. cus he said that he likes “child idols”. So he's kinda pedophile rather than a lolicon in your explain. However I think“lolicon”is used when indicating not only comics' younger characters but human children.
917:名無しさん@英語勉強中 :2006/07/31(月) 01:10:05 I am a professional lolicon! I have a Ph.D in child idols
924:k-tan◆teb9WQfPoU :2006/07/31(月) 05:31:17 >>918 In English, "lolikon"/"lolicon" is mostly used to refer people who have the hots for anime/manga type children (for instance any of the azumanga characters, or any character as young or younger than them), while as "pedophile" is used to refer to people who are into real human children. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lolikon is a good page about it.
Maybe...it was not appropriate to ask some of you on that question.
But this is a question about the usage of the words, "Sex" and "Gender" I think when you talk about someone on whether he/s is male or female, we should use the word "gender". But most of Japanese ppl think we can say "sex".
If you would ask "do you always think about someone's sex?" I feel that the question referred only to the word "making love" thing with the person, not about the gender.
Could you tell me if the word "sex" is ok to use in this occasion?
>>18 Thanks! I appreciate you a lot, gaijin! because there are some...umm students who said the word "sex" is ok to use beucase in dictionaries, there always say the word "sex" is more commonly used...But I have a feeling that is wrong...OK I'll copy and paste your post to the other thread, Thanx!
>>18 Hi gaijin, how are you? I'm just curious about the terminology. No any other intention involved.
"Someone's sex" refers to the biological state of being male or female. So 'your sex' is either "male" or "female." You have "sex" with someone, when you make love with someone. "Gender" has a lot to do with social roles that people are expected to perform depending on their sex.
>>23 Don't be sorry. I think gaijin-san is just away from PC for a while. I also want to know the answer from him or a native speaker to your previous question. So waiittttinnnggg.....-.-
I imagine you guys must be learning English at an accelerated rate now that you can ask questions and understand responses about English in English. Good for you.
have any of you experienced that Japanese stereotype of working long hours just to keep your boss and those around you happy? Even though you might not be doing anything productive.
I work in software development and sometimes we're actually told to go home if we're working too late. Overtime past 6-7pm is usually previously scheduled.
>>34 I got the whole picture now. I'm not the one. lol
BTW, people can't go home until their boss does. It's an almost unsaid rule in a lot of workplaces. So, it depends on your boss, I guess. A good side is you get paid for overtime. lol
A company I previously worked for got sued in one state and now has to pay overtime (in that state only). They were abusing workers with too much overtime and little compensation.
Ito Misaki looks like as if she got her love...but unfortunately the married girl (her crash's secret gf) said "You can't take my Ogiwara" that scene will be a scary moment...but I can't wait! lol
Ogiwara seems like he is trying so hard to find a girl other than that married woman. But apparently he is so deeply in love with her. I don't know what that married girl is thinking...she seems serious too even she shows very relaxed smile when he said he wants to apart from her. I guess she loves him more than he likes her...but the truth is not revealed yet...muhaha
That married woman will probably divorce and try to be together with Ogiwara but she'll be rejected while Ito Misaki endd up with Kamenashi. That's what I think...
>>9 Yes, I'm still around, and my interprentation of that message is the same as yours.
>>10 I've been back for quite a while now, actually =)
>>15 Ah. "Lolicon" in Japanese isn't used the same way as English, no. Lolicon being a Japanese abbreviation of "Lolita complex". However, the English meaning of the word has been bastardized the same way "Hentai" and "Etchi" has in English, not meaning the same thing as what it did in their original language. I was merely pointing out the differences, so that you know what the more correct word would be if you were holding a conversation with someone who isn't Japanese, nor aware of the connotations of "lolicon" in Japanese.
>>74 x as what it did in their original language. o as what they did in their original language. Hmm.. Maybe I should drink some coffee, or tea.
>>22 Reality isn't as black and white, though, when it comes to female/male. There are people with XXY cromosones, for instance, as well as hermaphrodites and other variations. Less common that people who won't have to worry about what their genetical/biological gender is, but more common than what most think, I've been led to believe.
>>48>>53 Same here. =( I miss my boyfriend. I'll barely hear from him for the next two weeks at all.
Hmm. I should put up another clip later, I think. If my voice sounds as weird as that in the first one. Later though, I have a cold, and my throat isn't being good right now.
k-tan's voice was a bit slurred in a nympetic-cute way, carrying with it a sense of ennui and impassiveness, yet her speech cannot but charm the listener.
>>83 I'm looking forward to that. But if I may be allowed to make a request, I would like to see your handwriting, too. I'm curious what other people's handwriting in English looks like.
>>85 Ah.. Which kind of handwriting? I write differently depending on if I'm doing it in a quick and sloppy manner, or slow, or trying to write properly. I also can do cursive writing, though I rarely ever do use it. That will take a longer amount of time, though, as I do not have a scanner, and would have to get to use my friend's.
>>87 I don't mind if you don't mind the editing mistakes I'm making here. I'm using a new keyboard. It makes less noise than the my old one did, but feels a little funny. I must get used to it.
I like poster >>1. He doesnt care about you, so best to leave him alone. If he doesnt like the way you look he will tell you to your face, and if you offend him you will lose a body part. The poster is a cool guy that knows people only respect violence.
Sure, he wants to chat and drink coffee. But if you are boring to him, he will spill the coffee on your head and hit you with the coffee cup.
>>88 I want to see every kind of your handwriting. But if it's too much trouble, forget about my request. I was thinking of a degital camera as recording device.
>>90 haha.., no worries, i use this bloody french key board and the layout is different from the english one. so you see my lines are full of typos. haha.
>>87 hello again k-tan. i am alone in my flat for the last 2 weeks and i guess loneliness is getting hold of me completely. i used to be a bit tougher. today, i am on and off on the net, checking emails every hour to see if any of my friends has written to me... oh rather pathetic really.
In the country,we have a lot of pigs and fogs. They hate each other,and speak bad. Sometimes fogs pretend beautiful,and pigs change horses. But they are notice by each other. How funny!
>>98 it's not that hard - you just have to identify the starting and the ending letter of a word. the middle bit is not so important. once you get this trick, i am sure you can read things much easier.
Hey guys, do you think it is possible to seperate anime from its otaku following? When I meet otaku I seriously dont like them, they have very poor social skills and are not attractive physically. (Not because they are born ugly, because they dont try.) But I like anime as a medium for story telling. Some anime I think is quite good. But I think anime fans are like a cult sort of, and I dont want to be in that cult, and I feel guilty for my interest in anime.
>>106 hey, that's what i posted earlier! lol actually, it's proven that this approach of reading works. some reasearch was done in Cambridge uni, and the researchers found out that people don't really pay much attention to the middle bit of every word when reading.
>>96 I haven't written in cursive properly since... Maybe 5th grade?
>>100 I don't know, most of the girls I know do not write in a cursive manner, though a few do. Though the one with the most cursive handwriting I know is a guy.
>>102 Compare: Does one have to be a book nerd just because one enjoys reading some books? Does one have to be a tv-geek just because one enjoys watching tv? Does one have to be a movie-buff just because one likes watching movies at the cinema? Does one have to be a comic book nerd just because one enjoys reading some comics? Otakus are hardcore fans, but that doesn't mean that whatever they consume is for them only. Neil Gaiman has a rather rabid goth following. I fortunately was not aware of those people, and I got to enjoy his comics at face value, rather than having to deal with the obsession his crazy fans had for him. Avoid hype and the people who hype, but don't avoid the things that are being hyped about. If you're lucky, you'll get to experience it without having to put up with the people who are too obsessive about it.
haha!!! i've got it! k-tan, do you remember last night i was trying to find out one song i was listening on the radio.just now i've got it. it's Emmène-Moi Avec Toi by Parle Lama... i've never heard of her before.
>>111 Surely there are plenty of more suitable girls for you to decide to get married to, rather than some strange gaijin woman. Keep looking, you'll find someone nice some day.
I have a close friend who is into anime/manga more than I am - he has a huge collection of anime paraphernalia, but he is the exact opposite of an otaku. He's outgoing, funny, good with girls, etc.
>>113 Ahh, I see. I've never heard of her either, but then again I'm assuming it's someone who's only known in France. Don't the radio stations and such have to play mostly French music, and on top of that they're allowed to play a smaller percentage of foreign music?
Hello >>102. There is nothing you'll find in anime that you won't find in other forms of art. In fact, other forms of art are superior in my opinion. Anime is too busy masturbating the viewers, indulging a new fetish that Japanese otaku might have this month. Yesterday it was having a harem of women, today it's the feeling of "moe", and so and so forth. Most of the fetishes are deficiences in the otaku personality. Otaku would feel intimidated by their female peers, while a child would respect the otaku because she wouldn't know any better. A child isn't a threatening presence. Hence the preoccupation with young girls. Anime compared to other "underground" cultures, is not a "counter culture" -- there is no interest in battling the mundane tastes of mainstream societies. Therefore as a subculture it's quite useless, and quite harmful to the psyche of the viewer; as the disconnect between the pretty psycho-sexual world of anime and the brutal reality grows dimmer. In other words, the world of anime isn't a good place to be. As you noted, anime fans are nothing like their heroes and heroines, and if you're an intesting person to be around, not preoccupied with childish, put in effort into the way you present yourself -- I suggest you look into other, more meaningful, and healthier forms of art.
>>118 i heard that every radio station must play 30% of music broadcasted must be in french. but then i really doubt it. i have the impression that 90% is american and only perhaps about 10% is french.
>>119 I feel it's unfair to confuse a medium for the message someone has used the medium to get across. Litterature, visual arts and sequential arts have all suffered from that. People confusing the medium for a certain message. A medium can be used for anything, the question is merely how efficient the different types of media are at conveying what message in what style. Yes, a lot of anime does suffers from certain trends, especially the ones that blatantly cater to fanservice. This however reflects very poorly on how good the medium actually is, though, as any media can be used to convey such things.
>>120 Oh? Wow, I was under the impression it was the other way around, more than half was to be French. Ah well, live and learn :-)
Hm... I need to tend to another chore, I'll be back in a bit.
>>119 I think you're generalizing somewhat, but it's true that a lot of anime is that ero-loli crap. However, I've been entertained by anime for years and have stayed completely away from that stuff, so it's not all like that.
>>122 True, there's no way I can disagree with that. However, you should understand that anime is not a medium. The medium is animation, and when the term anime is used among English speakers it denotes a certain type of animation, more specifically Japanese animation. I would never say that animation as a medium is a waste of time. What I'm talking about is a certain type of animation -- Japanese animation, and even more specifically the Japanese animation consumed by otaku.
>>125 Anime is a certain kind of animation indeed, but that is Japanese animation. I do not refer to specific styles of Japanese animation when I speak of anime, but just speak of any kind of anime. If you speak about it in that way, anime is indeed a medium (as it is animation), just that there's a limit to what geographical area it is from. I'm just as unwilling to say that all music from a certain country is crap because of some subculture, as saying that all animation from a certain country is crap because of a certain subculture. For instance: "All US music sucks ass, because their mainstream artists suck ass", "All anime sucks ass, because of the otaku-catering anime" (the previous sentences is but examples, and is not any opinions of mine)
Hey speaking of France and lolicon, does anyone know the song "Playground Love" by the French group Air? You can listen here: http://profile.imeem.com/cL3Nt/music/iS5Ui-lh I like the subdued and melancholic late night mood it has.
>>126 I was addressing the concerns of >>102. From my reading of his post, I understood that his enjoyment of anime doesn't sit well with him. I don't think >>102 or any English speaker has any interest whatsoever in the Japanese anime that is produced solely to educate and entertain the small Japanese childs. Or that he's talking about the action anime made for adolescent boys that you can watch in the evening. There are two types of anime: the one for children, the one for otaku. The former is like the animation of any country. But unlike manga, anime doesn't have a lot of other variation. There is manga that helps adults play golf, helps women be better wives, there is even "new wave" manga for the "art damaged" crowd. This is not true for anime. So it's not a case of me isolating a subculture within anime, and blaming anime for the problems of a subculture. Sorry if my point is unclear. I don't know how to put it better.
>>130 Ahh. I was aware of the wide variety of manga genres, and thus assumed that the same applied to anime, even if perhaps less. Though I was also under the impression that there's a lot of anime that doesn't cater to the lolicon otaku crowd. I saw a few episodes of Monster some years ago, and it didn't seem to be for children nor the kind of person who'll happily look up the skirt of some figurine. It didn't seem as if it was a one of a kind anime either, but then again I'm a foreigner so I don't really have an accurate impression of what's available on the Japanese market.
what does "lay it down" mean? that is lyric from hard rock band "ratt" I want to know the straight meaning.
Dave spector,The most famous american in japan once said that japanese listened to the music like ratt not knowing the meaning of lyrics. He seemed to have hated that kinds of music and he despised japanese ignorance.
You take what's good for your pleasing I'll take what's good for this crazy evening You know you really want to lay it down Right now And how I know you really want to lay it down ------------------------------------ here are some excerpts from the lyrics. What are they trying to mean metaphorically. "it" means sexual part of the body? Penis?!!???
I know you only want romance I'll give you all that I can If you'll give me just one chance To prove myself and my love
>>130 It's okay to criticize anime, as long as you acknowledge that it's becoming a very relevant part of modern culture, and to ignore it would be to deny it. Like a hater of Hollywood can't completely ignore Hollywood movies, it will be impossible to ignore anime. Put on the movie Kill Bill, and you will see an anime segment, watch a documentary about the making of the Matrix, and hear the filmmakers cite anime as an influence, read a Wikipedia article about internet suicide pacts and notice that an anime dealing with internet suicide is mentioned.
Eventually closing your ears and screaming "otaku!!!!" when anime is brough up will be as silly as closing your ears and screaming "nigger music!!!!" when you hear a rap song.
don't really think "it" means a dick. i am thining that it might mean "to put your guard down, so we can have a crazy and passionate fuck..." well, don't really know. just a guess.
Ohh, >>136 was writter from an American point of view. Felt I should mention that, I know some Japanese won't get the dichotomy between "nigger music" (i.e. rap) and "white boy music" (i.e. rock), or the stigma some white people face when they listen to rap music.
>>137 are you a native speaker? So it is obvious that they want to mean about sex , But we can translate "lay it down" whatever we like? doesn't it matter differences of the meaning we get?
>>139 Are you saying that they don't have exportable qualities because they are made for the Japanese? Or that most anime isn't actually exported? A very large percentage of anime is exported to US. New anime DVDs are released here every week. For example, this week 15 new anime DVDs are on sale. And 33 new manga tankoubon came out in comic shops and book stores.
>>144 well, what it means is fairly obvious. but perhaps, the best place for you to go is some forum dedicated to ratt. people there should have a better understanding of the lyrics.
Did you know that the trendy Japanese fashion brand Visvim worked on some of the clothing designs for the anime Honey and Clover. I think that's a good example of how relevant anime has become. Though I'll admit it's unlikely that a fan of the anime would wear Visvim.
>>136 i read that article on Internet Suicide, it references the anime Paranoia Agent which I admit is good, the anime itself has an otaku who is a fat hikki with no concept of reality.... the director satoshi kon is with Miyazaki as a true film maker and artist.
>>147 Hey! I don't care for anime but I am wearing Visvim shoes to work today. My outfit will be: Supreme cut&sew t shirt, Samurai S510 jeans, Visvim buckminster suede shoes. If you curious, I am from Hokkaido.
>>157 I am working in my family hardware store and I can wear what I want! But t shirts are allowed for everyone. >>158 This t shirt I buy on Ebay. Best place for Supreme clothing is original Supreme store in NYC. .... USA is much cheaper from Japan. >>159 Yes I knew that. The graffiti artist Futura made the Barbara Kruger text into the Supreme logo.
>>159 I didn't know about that. What is this place for?
>>160 Futura.. wow, good old school. I wonder if he still writes. Yeah, Nolita used be really cool but now it's kind of commercialized and hyped up, I guess.. Some people make fun of it for that. But I still like it.
My computer is strange...when I tried to open my msn messenger it automatically worked strange and...I dunno what happened... is this done by a hacker?
>>170 Haha -_-;; Yeah, that's a good idea. But I've never known that ants are such strong insects...they look weak but actually stronger than helminths(?) and really persistent as hell...agh..
>>171 well, they always win by numbers. i remember some ants are actually quite nasty and are not at all afraid of people. they are quite happy climbing up your legs and voila moving all over your groin. nasty little bastards...
aunts and ants...haha but really nasty. Someone said they are cute little hard workers. But once they start to annoy your life, it becomes like a nightmare...they never stop until your burned all of them. cockroach is even better coz they won't crawl on your body... My mother put a sugar pot and all sweets things into the fridge. You can guess how my house is surrounded by a forest...lol (not true but lots of grass..sometimes I see unkown insects in the garden..ewww).
>>175 umm....knock knock?...are you sure you are her?o_O? I don't think she would ever come back here once again with that name BTW, I have an important exam from this afternoon...I'm nervous.. maybe I'll fail...-_-
>>182 "Hello 2Ch! I am a pen. I am not NEET. Unfortunately, my handwirting is rather terrible; even I find it difficult to read sometimes. I can write in cursive, but it's way too slow. When I'm **** (fast?) I'm sloppy, this is how my handwriting looks. ****** impossible to read when you can *** ** the ****. All that said, I find sloppy kanji ******** legible than sloppy hiragana. yeah."
>>186 hi,I've read your postings in another thread,which you taught me a grammatical lecture about "article".and you said that the lecture would be about concerning to collective noun. I was very look forward to it. But disappointingly you posted nothing after that.
>>191 Those are random posts, you know. It's best to wait, wait, wait. If you nudge him too much, he'll get dispirited. Your best bet is just to wait if you really want to read the next post.
As I said before, I like it when ppl are aginst me. It's like they challenge me to a arguing competition! lol But in real life, I'm surprisingly popular, though.^^
>>196 A good idea struck me! Do you want to creat a lecture thread for English grammar? Or how about we will link merkin to the *info exchange* thread?
>>204 You know,I told him that I've counted "apple" but I've never counted "vegetable" Do you know what I mean ? I don't understand such as follows The carrot is a vegetable,not a fruit. this example is in my dictionary,and I've never counted "vegetable"
>>216 not much. i've just come back from shopping... i wanted to get some chocolate for a friend of mine, but all the chocolate shops are closed where i live, coz of the summer holiday.
>>205 I thought it better to move to another topic, but as you are interested, I'll try to do it instead of >>205. My guess is that he had never thought "vegetable" was a countable noun. That's why he said articles were so difficult that even native speakers can't explain to us why they use "a" when Japanese people think it isn't needed.
>>219 Ahh. Hmmm... Well, that post can be reposted in the English-Japanese info thread. If people are interested I could write down the rules in my English grammar book for such things in there.
>>220 Oddly tired, that's how my day has been so far. I think I slept badly, as well as that I'm somewhat sick. I'm not particularly ill though, so at least that's okay. I've been doing some chores, but right now I've resumed sorting through all of my documents and such.
>>232 Ah. Some water with a twist of lemon (or some slices of lemon) in it might be a good option to plain water. Any particular reason for why you're drinking water instead of eating a piece of fruit or so?
>>236 oh, lots of crappy reasons. the radio is crap, i am away from my gf, and i am on holiday not doing much. i am utterly bored i think. but not active enough to get up and do something a bit more useful than sitting in front of my computer.
>>235 well...actually drinking water like 2,3 Ltr a day is very healthy. I eat 3 times a day^^ so don't worry. I just had early dinner today. but my stomach has been expanding(?) these days I feel because I had been eating too much...last few weeks..haha so I'm just trying to "reset" my stomach to the normal state! lol
>>238 Hmm.. Put on a good internet radio stream instead of the crappy radio channel? Do some sort of fun project for yourself, perhaps pick up an old hobby or learn something new? Write a letter (whether it be digital or on paper) to your girlfriend? The last one won't make you cease miss her, but it might make it better for a while.
>>242 haha... k-tan. i am living in a prehistoric cave... i don't use broardbands. i am with my old trusty 56k modem. haha... besides, my FUN project is coming up in a few days time.i will be off travelling. but now i think about it, maybe i made a wrong decision. i don't feel like travelling at all right now.
>>239 Ahh. Well, the average person does waste 2 liters of water a day, if I recall correctly. Though drinking too much water (or other liquid) quickly may dilute your stomach acids, which isn't a good thing. Though I've heard that it's healthier to have five-six small meals a day, rather than three large ones. I should try that some day.
>>247 oh really? Then I'll carry obentobako (lunch box) in my handbag always and try to "omochikaeri" (to go) and eat in my spare time^^ lol but that's hard thing to do.
>>243 Yeah, the twist of lemon serves several purposes. It not only makes it tastier, but also helps to keep you hydrated a bit more properly, as too much "pure" water in a too short period of time may get you on the way to water intoxication. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_intoxication )
>>256 A short-sleeper is a person whoes sleeping hour is short. A short-sleeper can live a quite healthy life with three or four hours of sleep for one day. It's not length but quality of sleep that matters.
>>257 No worries, though I'm not that much. I've just heard and read a lot of random things in my days, as well as that my high school education was a natural science focused one.
>>258 Properly is indeed vague. Sorry about that. Though I was under the impression lemons contained a bit more than just citric acid. Though the acid does make it so you can drink a bit more without diluting your stomach acids too much.
>>258 From the wikipedia article that k-tan posted:
"Water itself is not toxic to the body in any amount. However, body fluids contain electrolytes (particularly sodium compounds, such as sodium chloride) in concentrations that must be held within very narrow limits."
>>260 ah, but that's just making the water easier to drink for those who can't stand the taste of still water. i know some people tend to go for carbonated water, coz they think still water is really undrinkably blunt.the only plus side you can get out of putting lemon is that citric acid can get rid of scales,(well, dissolve them into water). so at the end of the day, you are still taking in the same amount of Mg and Ca into your body. and taking too much of calsium is actually not good for you.
>>265 Yep yep. Which is why it's lethal to drink genuinely pure water (the kind of purified water one uses in Chemistry class), as opposed to tap water or somewhat filtered water.
>>262 actually k-tan, citric acid is a very weak acid. and doesn't really help stomach acid at all (which is basically conc HCl + meat dissolving enzyme).
Two and twenty for the hole in you. A meat cleaver comb to run you through. Lethal gas will make you cough. A car crash scene to finish it off.
Pain! True definition Truth is pain Truly addicted.
So don't you worry about your earthly rest, I'll dig the fucking hole myself.
Pain! Truly addicted Life is pain I am addicted to this pain
Hate song!...(I live to bury you)...
Stabbing and shooting and ripping the life out of you. I get off and I wish that you could too! Open chest tickle will quiver your bones. Just lay back and chill. 'cos I run this show.
>>266 Wouldn't that depend on how "hard" the water is, as well as what is put into the water? I was under the impression that for instance bottled water has a higher percentage of various elements than tap water (for those of us who have good/decent tapwater).
>>271 yeah. i don't think drinking too much mineral water is actually good for you, especially for elderly people. hard water gives you too much of minerals sometimes (esp. calsium) and that does make you bone brittle if you take in too much. of course, that all depends on how well your body absorb calcium and other minerals.
>>272 Sounds like the life philosphy too many people have. Not that I'm for braindead hippies, but there needs to be some sort of balance between one's different qualities, and blind hate is as disturbing as blind love. They're two different sides of the same coin, after all.
>>278 Yeah. I've heard from BBC's site somewhere that black tea seems to actually help ones bones stay stronger. I was amused.
>>289 perhaps they'd forced 10000 little hamsters to drink gallons of milk everyday for say 2 years or so, and surprise surprise, one of them grew a cancer cell! hurray! discovery. now milk is officially a carcinogen.
>>288 Now that you mention it, I heard Europian people take it for granted that they buy bottled water even in a restraunt. In Japan, water is offered for nothing, though.
>>299 Actually, some years ago there was a massive scare about how "EVERYTHING GIVES YOU CANCER!!!!" Then people got too tired of being afraid and worried about everything, and stopped caring.
>>300 Is that true? My parents went to Italy last year, and they were told to buy bottled water in a restraunt there.. I guess the travel agents deceived my parents.. That's horrible...
Hmm... If I recall correctly, the general rule of thumb is that the more processed foodstuffs are, especially the more fried it is, the more likely it is to give you cancer in the long run.
>>302 That was my impression, but I wasn't certain of how true that was. That's somewhat worrisome though, considering the bad effects alcohol has on brain tissue.
>>303 haha... true... but then the last year or so, the EU wanted to pass through some new stupid measures to label and/or ban certain chemicals in our life, because SOME research show that these chemicals are carcinogenic.
>>304 I imagine that applies to one the same way /b/ is bad for you does: In excess.
But then again, most things in excess is bad for one.
>>305 Though depending on the area one is in, tapwater may or may be bad to drink. In some areas of the world tapwater should never be drunk if one hasn't filtered and possibly even sterilized it. I don't know how true it is, but when my class visited Paris many years ago, we were told by our teacher to not drink tapwater, but to buy bottled water, as the tap water wasn't healthy to drink.
>>307 I don't know. But once you claim that you are not strong in alcohol, ppl won't force you to drink but if you are a lightweight drinker, you are at a great disadvantage. But it is chaging nowadays...I think.
>>303 The slogan must've been scary. In retrospect, "don't buy these products!" was spread in Japan before a book which showed how harmful they were to human body several years ago.
By the way, recently I read in the newspaper that margarine causes heart desease.
>>311 Compare almost every weekend with most days in the week... =(
>>314 Ah. I hope so. I don't mind drinking once a while, as long as it's not too often. This in spite of having a pretty decent alcohol tolerance, and that I probably could outdrink most Japanese people (the ones with the genes that give them problems with consuming too much alcohol, that is).
>>315 Yeah! I read that one. Basically all the shampoo, soap and detergent are bad for your health. Also all the cosmetic products esp European ones are bad...according to that book. There are only few safe products in this world.
>>313>>316 Ah, that explains a lot. When people living in a country drink tap water of another country, their stomachs often run smoothly.. That may be why my parents was told not to drink tap water..
>>315 I've heard that too, and I've hear the exact opposite be said about margarine as well... So it's rather confusing, and rather sad, as I prefer margarine over butter on sandwiches, even though I rarely ever use margarine or similar on any sandwiches.
>>316 Hmm. Interesting. Perhaps it was meant in comparison to Swedish tapwater, or the teacher had gotten the facts messed up?
>>341 *shrugs* Thing is, that no matter what I do, I can always think of something "better" to do. However that's very stressing, to constantly feel as if I need to use every single living second in the most optimal way possible. Which is why I need to relax sometimes. I can easily think of more than 100 things I could have done with the time I spent here just now. But that doesn't mean the time I spent here was worthless. Just that I have a gargantuan queue of things I "should do at some point in time not too far away". -___-;;;
>>205 To my mind, a vegetable is "a thing that describes something else". You can count them if you have multiple types ("Carrots and broccoli are vegetables.") but nobody normally says "I ate the vegetable." You can say "I ate _a_ vegetable.", because you're not being specific about it.
As an aside - the reason that native speakers never talk about "countable nouns" or "uncountable nouns" is because it's not even an issue for us. Articles are used pretty much the same way in other Indo-European languages, so it doesn't come up very often - only when dealing with certain languages (Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc.)
I bet I am a loser. I must continue my work as a freeter and earn money to live due to a crazy and stupid policies by koizumi and his dogs! Freeter, cherry and having no girlfriend. those are Government responsibility and mine partially.
>>364 that's tough. i don't think you can get Emma if you are behave like that. you need to be a man... make yourself famous/infamous. (but not by molesting anyone), and then get a media attention. perhaps, being a screen play writer or an actor is a good option to consider.
>>365 Fuck! Never speak ill of my honey, my sweetest fiance!
>>366 Become a screen actor or an actor. those are hard for me. I can only lift heavy loads. I am very good at screen writting. and my face is really kimoi. but your advice is nice.
>>369 thank you, anyway. you are agood guy. You are my friend. >>373 shut up! No more insults at my fiance! >>372 What do you mean? she said stupid things?
Can you find a nice girl friend around where you live? There must be plenty of smarter and prettier girls than Emma. She's just an ordinary girl. Not special. She is boring.
>>384 Yeah, I did. I've also seen the movie. ummm...maybe she's cute for some ppl. I just think she's ordinary. You will be able to find a girl like her without any difficulties. You think she's special? what is good about her? if you still stick to her...
>>389 well, i am not the guy who's in love with emma. by the way, i haven't watched the film yet. i doubt i ever will. i don't like potters... they annoy me a lot.
>>394 HAHAHA. Don't make me laugh. We haven't been talking about which is more successful in acting. The thing is, which is prettier, you know. And many people think Rosa is cuter. That's all.
>>398 That's not fair! It depends on who you are whether a girl is cuter than another, I mean, everyone has their own tastes, so you can't decide which is cuter without considering how successful she is!
What about Osawa Akane? She's a grand-daughter of a famous baseball superviser. And this may come as a surprise to you, but Yamamoto Keiichi asked her out once before. After that scandal, she caught attention from people and got to appear on TV quite often.
>>438 You are wrong, playful idiot. When I show you a chair and say, "this is a desk", then it is the truth. What you said was a fact, not a truth. You know what I mean?
>>441 Yes, therefore the concept of Absolute Truth is false. And if God is Absolute Truth, than the concept of God is false.Therefore God cannot exist.
>>442 A truth is opposite of lie. If I show you a chair, and say "this chair" -- it is truth. If I show you a chair, and say "this is lamp" -- it is lie. That should be easily understood.
You are thinking of truth as a different thing, while truth is really simple.
>>447 No, it's not. The truth is the opposite of a fact. A fact is created from assumption, assumption comes from misunderstanding. Misunderstanding reflects thought. Thought makes you wander around in your mind.
>>445 If I meet a beautiful girl, I would not say anything special. Because if she really is beautiful, she already knows this, and I don't need to remind her. If she needs attention and people to flatter her, she is not beautiful inside.
>>448 you are bored because you think "this talk is boring" But the truth is the exact opposite, so the truth is this talk is not boring. And if you are bored by non boring talk, then you are boring person. And that is truth.
Is she beautiful, because I like her looks? Then beauty is subjective. Or is beauty the truth? If beauty is truth, then real beauty does not exist among humans.
>>460 I got it. Oh, I knew I'd come up with something... I'm so sharp. Kill everything! Carnage! Slaughter! Carve your way outta here and I'm gonna sing your praises! Yeahaaah!!
>>467 Well, er, since you asked, I would like to register a complaint. I want to kill a dragon. Right now. No, don't look; go kill one now. Go find one, and kill it. That's right; kill, now. That would be SO cool.
>>463 For example those who like to entry beauty contests, I assume they think they are beautiful. But just seeing their appearance, I feel they do no always have stunning beauty looks in the beauty contests. I think there are far more beatiful girls in this world. But those hiding beautiful girls are probably too shy or they just don't care to win the contest or not... That's why then don't entry.
Truth does not exist because the truth is always in the middle, but there is no middle. Where you are positioned, you are always left or right, because the "middle" is left of right and right of left, in other words the "middle" is nonexistant, like the truth.
>>495 I don't think you are right. Think about mirror, for example. A mirror showes you a fact, not the truth. But the mirror exists to reflect the fact. I guess that's the truth. What do you think about it?
>>501 Thank you! I still don't understand perfectly the difference between facts and the truth, though.--; But I think I'll learn about them more precisely. ^^
>>502 You are thinking straight, Bernardo. I like your attitude toward the truth. You'll learn more about it so soon other people can't keep up with you. Stick with it.
>>512 well thanks. But kotehan's conversation is not valid here. Also I am no longer comfortable talking with others under my name. 2ch is the place for anonymous. I feel much comforatble being as one of anoymous on 2ch. So I've changed my mind lol
>>512 Thanks again. I love talking with people about this "what's the truth" conversation. The truth doesn't exist, but may exist. It's really a tough and challenging theme. It's really exiting!^^
>>506 I saw a TV report. Her name is Chibana Kurara. I don't know whether she really is the second most beautiful girl in the world, though. Well, as they say, the truth may not exist. lol
>>517 I have no idea why you are so offensive but if you talk to me like this, I'll ignore you from now on. I'm more interested in talking with people who care about me. So please be gentle to me.
>>563 I'm still ALIIVVEEEE *school G rises from her chair* *cough* whoops me? You wanna be my friend? *looking up >>563 with a lonely eye and bites her neck* HAH do you wanna be my friend? are you sure? *goes off and lick clouds some more* +.+
>>514 What does kotehan mean? I've forgotten -_-;; Sorry. And it will be sad to not see you around any more. Do you have and instant messengers or such?
kotehan is the abbreviation for Kotei Handle. So those who always identify themselves by the handle names. (like you, you have kotehan lol). well it said that the conversation between kotehan and kotehan is not valid here. There are some kotehan threads so we should go there when we want to talk to eachothers. That's what I meant. msn messenger? ok yes but once I create the temporary one, I'll let you know. cheers~~
>>604 MSN Messenger, AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), Yahoo! Instant Messenger (YIM /Y!M), ICQ, I have them all, pick whichever one you prefer to use. And ah. I've never gotten any insultive comments for talking to other people with handles here, though. But I guess that might be because I usually try to talk with as many people as possible here, and not just the ones with handles, as well as that I address people by post number rather than any names, even if they're using a handle (I feel that makes things easier, as it feels too vague if I adress people by some name, rather than the actual post of theirs I am responding to).
the one which took place tonight in Japan. There's no wonder you didn't know, but the new champion has drawn a lot of attention. In fact, the match was broadcast for about 2 and a half hours!lol
>>605 opps k-tan, yeah in your case, that's fine I think. Even in my case, it should not be a major problem...but...umm...I dunno. In this thread, I'll try not to identify myself. That makes me talk smoother coz I'm Japanese. lol
>>611 What are you saying? Hmm, some posters seem really funny. I donno... Why do you think other people want to use my name? Well, I'll use "the real bernardo" if you want to identify me from others...
>>612-614 You should ignore people like >>611. I know he stalks you. Everytime you show up here, he asked you something disgusting like you are not her, blah-blah-blah. So it's best to ignore him.
>>621 Umm. That depends on what you define as expensive. I could try to track down some prices for you if you want me to.
>>625 I don't count myself as a fan, but I've read all the books so far, and I've seen all movies but the latest one. I find them interesting and enjoyable, but there are plenty of other things in my life that I find as enjoyable and more.
>>626 Probably not. She doesn't know about this board, I don't know how much she knows about 2ch, except for what she's seen through Densha Otoko.
>>627 I have two sisters. What does honto mean? and "keke" ?? I associate that with a silly kind of laughter, especially the kind employed by people when they zerg-rush your base and wipe your troops out -_-;; Ah, those were the days.
>>628 so you read all the books, watched the movies 1~3.
By the way, the translater of Harry Potter of the japanese version has earned huge money and as she moved to Swiss(or Sweden; I'm not sure which) to avoid tax money. 30 billion yen! I can't believe a translater makes that big money..
>>630 Ah, thanks. I forgot what it meant. Haven't really heard it for quite a while. And I haven't played Starcraft for many years, though I pretty much only played it in multiplayer (my computer club used to play it all the time, and I never really got around to going through the campaigns), and I usually stuck to Protoss, as that was the species I had the biggest chance of surviving/winning with (no idea why it felt easier with them).
>>631 That must be Switzerland... We have plenty of taxes here...
>>631 from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland#Culture : >A number of culturally active Swiss have chosen to move abroad, >probably given the limited opportunities in their homeland. >At the same time, the neutrality of Switzerland and the low >taxes have attracted many creative people from all over the world. >In war times the tradition of political asylum helped to attract >artists, whilst recently low taxes seem predominant.
The problem is, seemingly she's moved to Switzerland, but actually, she stays in Japan most of time. That's why the japanese version of IRS pointed out she had to pay the tax money. That's whay I read from the newspaper.
okieee...thanks gaijin-san. Yeah! honto means "really?"@___@??
GAAAAHHHHH I'm so drained seriously...downloading...aghhh 30 more minutes.... wahhhh why people hate my miyavi...*tears up* gahhh I've been staying in front of the computer more than 12 hours...*sleeps* too addicted to 2channel...>.< *continues to murmur in a low voice* *sleeps...too many letters to read* rwarrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
>>655 Heh *hugs* The difference is that if they hate him, they feel downright hatred towards him, while as if they simply do not care about him, then they show indifference. Don't worry, though ^_^
>>659 If they're being silly, at least they can learn how to be silly in a more linguistically correct way, no? ^_^
>>658 Hahaha.. I wish. Alas my looks are nothing compared to any model or idol. They're far more visually appealing than me, the same way an incredibly beautiful flower with a wonderful scent is far more appealing than the sight of a plain pebble by the road.
>>668 Hm. I don't know about that guy, but as far as I've noticed about other people, is that the ones that fear others of a particular type the most, are the ones that fear the most that they will start to become like what they fear. For instance the anti-gay people that act as if they're afraid of catching gayness as if it were the common cold..
>>672 I know what you mean. Look what's happing in the English board. They learn English, but some of them love to say, "English isn't worth learning."
>>673 Another topic? Um... Apparently Lost Girls is going to come out, after 16 years. That will be weird. I wonder if it will be interesting, though definitely odd: http://www.avclub.com/content/node/51180/1
I tend to find Alan Moore's works interesting, though his "A Small Killing" usally is praised as well, while as I didn't really find it particularly extordinary.
I am NEET and almost hikki (I go outside to buy food) since year 2001, when in High School I had some close friends, I even had a girl for some time (we only kissed before split up), but in Spring 2001 my mind break down I think. I become internet addict, and I use all my time on internet forum, begin staying up all night, stop going to school. I want to go to get a job, but I think people will hate me there, because after long isolation I cannot be social with people like before.
>>674 :3 Umm. I have FF and not the shiny new beta. Down Them All might be good. Tab Mix Plus is a must, IE View is handy. GMail Notifier (the extension) might be interesting if you have a gmail account and do not rather use the Gmail Notifier program. Iget may be practical, and Forecastfox might be too. ReloadEvery may be very handy,
View Formatted Source is handy for me, and so is Colorzilla, MeasureIt and the Javascript Debugger as well as the HTML Validator. There are also other extensions, but I don't know what kind of things you're looking for. The only thing I can say that you definitely should install, if you haven't already, is the Mix Tab Plus.
685 :k-tan's appreciation circle, member 1 ◆/tDqndaxP6 :2006/08/03(木) 01:39:35
>>678 I am fan of k-tan that is obvious. I think 98% of my posts are cheering for k-tan. Do you think a name will help?
>>681 People won't hate you pointlessly. Hiding in your room will not make you happy. If people decide to dislike you, then that is their loss, and you will find plenty of other people who will like you. You'll learn how to be social with other people again, and remember that making a mistake isn't the end of the world. Failure isn't when you fall, it's when you fall and refuse to get up again because you're too afraid of falling again. If there's anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to ask.
>>684 Thank you for the information. m(_ _)m I think I have tried Tab Mix Plus before but couldn't understand what is good about it. Maybe I should give it another try. As for Gmail Notifier, I'm already using Gmail Manager and am reasonably satisfied with that. Among the extensions I've installed, Google Tool Bar is a must for me. NoScript is also fine.
>>693 Ah. I've never tried Gmail Manager. I should give it a look :-) And Tab Mix Plus is immensely useful if you heavily use tabs when you surf... Which I do. Even if you don't, it might be useful, as you are able to set a lot of options for tabs, such as how they are to handle different types of clicks, the different colors and sizes etcetera.
If I remember correctly, initially both directions were used by the Nazi movement, but then they started to stick to the one that faced to the right, and that wound up being the official version.
>>704 Only illegal in Germany, correct me if I'm wrong.
Neighborhood clothing is normally always a hit or miss for me. I haven't been liking most of their tee's lately but I normally like their jackets. The washes on their denim are pretty far-out too, like their T shirts designs. Europeans can get NBHD and other Japanese brands from www.hideoutstore.com.
>>702 It's not that complicated extension. Little icons show up on the task bar and pop-up hints are, for some reasonm, in English. And all other Japanese you shoud know would be: 板一覧 | 書き込み | 全件 | 新着50件 | 新着に移動 | ブラウザ表示
板一覧: Thread List 書き込み: Post Message 全件: View All 新着50件: View Latest 50 新着に移動: Move to Last ブラウザ表示: View in Browser
Sorry, >>707 Neighborhood is related to w)taps. i personally like the Neighborhood denim, some jackets are nice as well, similar to w)taps but a little less basic and a little more out-there (though not as artistic as Undercover or as rocker as Number (n)ine). some t-shirt designs are too out there for me, but i like the SIN CITY one. the quality is very very good, does not fade or stretch, and keeps its dark black color.
>>714 i think some stuff are made in china and some are made in japan. my hellweek hoody and IAN raglan are made in jp, i didnt bother to check my other stuff with this issue. bullink blanks they use for the tees are badass, but i prefer my acronym tees, too bad they seem to stop making tees.
Hmm... I have a question for you all... How difficult do you think it would be for a gaijin female with a masters degree in computer science to get a job in Japan in six-seven years for a few years or so? My boyfriend is likely to want to live in Japan for a number of years once he's completed his degree in UK, and possibly even get a physics degree in Japan. Maybe that will happen, maybe it won't. However it is likely that we'll live in Japan for anything from a few years to a decade, later at some point, so it would be good if I could have a vague idea of how difficult it'll be for me to find a job there after I've completed my degree in four or five years. =(
>>730 hey k-tan, i don't know how easy it is to work and live in japan. one way i can think of is via working for a multinational corp. with your degree in in computer science, you might get a nice conversion into a financial analyst or something. and then within the company you might apply for a post in japan. i think, it's easier if you speak japanese fluently then. but i really don't know. you might also consider working as a phd student. Some big JP companies like sony and toshiba sometimes offer some fundings for students from the EU. but then that all depends on what you want to do as your profession.
>>732 Ah. Thanks for the comment. I don't know what I want as a profession, as long as it's not horribly dull and I can support myself with it. And yeah, I figured I'd better be able to speak Japanese pretty well by then. I'm glad I have several years at my disposal to get to that level, though -___-;;
>>733 good luck to you. really. one of my friends do speak japanese pretty fluently. she's never been to japan, but did work really hard for it.japanese is not difficult. like any other languages, you got to learn loads of new words and stuff, but once you remember the most commonly used ones, then you can pretty much communicate with anyone. japanese are not as fussy as english or french when it comes to the pronunciation.
>>734 I know. I have the added benefit of that my boyfriend studies Japanese language and culture, and thus I have easy access to a huge amount of books and such on the topic without having to cough up cash for it. Though it is his "fault" that I'll _have_to_ learn Japanese. Not that I really mind, though.
Hmm.. I pity people who will try to keep track of any private conversation my boyfriend and I will be carrying in a bunch of years, it truly will be a hodge podge of various languages. Ah, the weird side effects of being a multilingual couple -_-;;
>>736 haha... that sounds fun... but personally, i don't really think japanese and any european language mix very well. trust me. i tried. say if you are talking in english, then suddenly changing to japanese, the japanese part doesn't come out nicely as it should really. it turns into a horrible japanese with a horrible english accent.
>>737 Prolly. Though I imagine it will be something along the line of using one language, the grammatical structure of another, and using a lot of expressions from other languages. My sisters and I at one point accidentally did something like that once without trying. We were talking, and at one point wound up mixing something like four-five languages into a few sentences. -_-;;; Nowadays we tend to stick to one-three.
>>738 *shrugs* I have my boyfriend, and I doubt I'll have difficulties with getting people (who study japanese or are japanese) to talk with me over Skype.
>>741 *shrugs* All of us know Swedish, English, and some Hungerian. On top of that, my oldest little sister used to study French as well as Spanish, I've studied French and German, and my other little sister has studied German and may study some Japanese. It was back in the days they were studying French and German that we had that conversation with that many languages. Also, apart from that, my sisters watch a lot of asian dramas, so they've picked up a lot of words and expressions in various languages, such as Japanese, Korean and some Indian language. I think they understand a bunch of words in some Chinese language as well, not too sure.
My French and German are in a really bad state nowadays though, I need to up my skills in those languages.
actually, i think the most important thing is that you try to speak jp everyday. i went out today for shopping. i wanted to buy something japanese for my friend. so i went into a japanese shop. at a till, i tried to answer back some question in japanese, then i was stuck. my jp didn't come out smoothly.that should've not happened at all. but then i've been not speaking the language for soooo long (over a month now), i have a real problem, which i didn't realise before today.
>>742 Heh... My boyfriend is studying in London... I however would never be able to afford that... The fee for a non-British student is ten times the one for a British student... It hurts just to think about it...
>>744 *nods* My boyfriend used to have a problem with speaking Japanese, but once he got used to speaking it all the time (as he has no choice, being in Japan and all for several weeks) he said it felt very natural.
>>743 haha... my french is awful. not that i really wanted to speak the language. i prefer spanish when it comes to latinate langue. but the thing is i am still in love with russian. i've worked so hard to learn the damn language, yet today i can speak only a little.
>>747 Ah, that's sad. Russian seems fascinating. I have a friend who's trying to learn Russian by himself, I'm not sure how well that goes. I've been wanting to learn some very basic Russian, but considering how many other languages I need to up my skills in, that probably won't be anything I'm going to get to do any time soon, probably for not at least an entire decade.
>>745 ah. ok. thought you were both in the UK. i think you get some sort of DISCOUNT price if you were an EU citezen. well, i am not sure. but, yeah,this year, for those who are not from the EU zone, tuition fee is rocketed high and up to 14k. wtf?!
on top of that you've got to pay some money, i mean £250 to extend a stupid student visa. (you can do that by mail and then that costs like £155, but you're not quite sure when they get back to you with the stamped passport of yours...) trust me. i had enough dealing with the bureaucrats in the Looney house...
>>749 I'm in Sweden, my boyfriend is currently in Japan for two more weeks, then he's headed back to Germany and will he there until after christmas, when he'll be headed back to England for half a year, then his third year will be in Japan, then the fourth back in UK, if I recall correctly. I'm not aware of any discounts, however (IIRC) starting this year non-British students may apply for student loans.
The fees for home and EU undergraduate courses for 2007 entry have yet to be confirmed. However, in 2006 the College charged the maximum tuition fee level, £3,000, allowed under government legislation. The figure for 2007 is subject to an annual increase in line with inflation and will be finalised nearer the time.
>>758 yeah, i watched this long time ago. haha... i loved the bit about the tapewarms. the thing is we all have some sort of paracites in our body. apparently, french people, among others, have the highest level of some parasite living in their brain. that's why frenchie are... well, i mean they are completely normal. :)
>>759 Hehh.. That merely reminded me of that I never should eat meat that isn't either cooked properly, or has been frozen to a low enough temperature to kill parasites -_-;; I'm well aware of that many people have parasites of some sorts inside them, though the ones they showed in the show were more to the extreme than that... French tend to favour steaks that are barely cooked, though, no?
>>760 yeah, they do. i had steak tartare last week. that was delicious. but i don't really know how many little parasite eggs i swallowed with it. haha... anyway, i don't really like well-done and medium when it comes to steak. rare and blue are the best!
>>762 blue is when you cook only the surface of a steak meat. inside the meat, it's still uncooked and so the colour is blue (because of the blood in its veins).
>>763 Ahh, thank you for explaining that :-) I've never had that, doesn't sound appealing to me. I've been too well brainwashed with the notion that badly cooked red meats may carry bacteria and parasites.
>>765 I don't know about that, my mom makes a pretty good well done mustard steak @_@ I can't imagine the flavour being better if it would be less cooked.
>>764 it tastes like a good tuna steak actually.very nice. red meats are usually ok. i mean, beef is fine even when it's not cooked well. but poultry and pork are full of "unfriendly" parasites, so they need to be cooked properly.
>>767 Though in Sweden the safety regulations regarding poultry and pork are pretty uptight, if I remember correctly. Although you are supposed to cook stuff as if they risk containing Salmonella, the chance of you actually catching that is pretty unlikely. http://www.foodnavigator.com/news/ng.asp?id=54849&n=dh265&c=jigpxskoboeomgo
hmm.. All this talk about food has made me hungry, in combination with the fact that I haven't eaten for a long while. I think I probably should go sleep so that I can wake up and eat breakfast in six hours -_-;;
>>775 but for example, if you wash an egg and leave the egg in a fridge for a week or so, i am quite sure you will find salmonella in the egg. the thing is you can find these little microbes everywhere... most of the time, they are harmless, and they are unlikely to be picked up.
>>777 I usually don't eat raw eggs, though I do have a weakness for soft-boiled eggs. I should be fine. Hmm... An omelette tomorrow..err today morning would be nice.
grrrrr I'm too addicted to 2chan!! >.< RWARRRRR!!! something really annoys me annoys me annoys me!!!*twitch* I'm nearly died T_____T".....my friend emailed me last night and said she received a long words saying ill of me....I know who is saying it *bites her head off and chew chew chew and drink her blood* WAHAHAHA yuckkkk....rwarrrrrrr!!! *twitch*
I grew up in Sapporo and I speak Japanese, Russian, and English. I took English studies seriously early on, and began studying Russian two years ago because we have Russian customers coming to our store.
>>788 lolz....Thanks, berenjena. woah!! You are strong! I wish I were like you.(;;) Yeah...it anonys me but umm...I think it'll be ok later....I hope...*sob*
>>812 oh hi! lolz....no..*shifty eyes* I actually don't watch tv...I think I know his face but really.. I don't know much about things going on in Japan. I spend most of my time in my room. There is no tv in my room. aghhh no friends, no social knowledge! agghhhh I better die and burry myself....*dies*
>>716 It seems that bbs2chreader doesn't remember the name you enter in the name field. You'll have to enter your name every time you post. This extension might not be kotehan-friendly after all. (T_T)
>>857 me neither. But I have some friends. So I can go out with them. I'll go out with some of my friends tomorrow too. we can always have nice summer memories with our buddies, don't we? Don't be so pessimistic! do you have a girl you want to go out with one day?
>>829 Perhaps. I'm rather confused regarding it as well. Seems like a hassle to use. But then again I only visit this boards (mostly this thread) and no others on 2ch.
>>867 I like it too. I started listening to the program again after the Yamamoto incident. Okamura does pretty funny stuff in the program which he doesnt on TV.
>>873 Are you the same person with >>857? oh I see. But if you are comfortable being alone, rather than going out with a girl, you are not ready yet....so I dunno..but is it very hard for you to get a gf? maybe you think too much. If you had a so so face and your attitude towards girls are gentle, and preferably a sense of humor...then it's not difficult to date with a girl....(^^;)
>>865 actually what israel is doing is called "war". i guess you dont understand this concept. israel is a strong nation, so it using the strength to defeat her enemy. if japan was a strong nation, maybe NK would not make threat like "We will turn Japan into a sea of fire"
Well. I heard that one can play at stock exchange by internet trading systems!!! you know it's all about buying&reselling so anyone can do it!!! or it is stupid illusions???
>>884 I sometimes feel irritated to know Japan can't act on its own decision... We can't even protect ourselves from NK's death threats.. And we should always go along the same way with America, even when Bush went out of control.. That's really sad.
>>890 Hmm. If you're serious about it, you probably should try to look up what education a stock broker you admire did get, to get a clue about what you may need to go through. My guess is that you probably also will need to find a company where you might get a work at afterwards. You could also investigate if they have any trainee positions or so. I'm not too sure how it works in the stock trading companies.
sweden has a problem with muslim immigrant i think. do you know Van Gogh nephew was murdered by muslim in Netherlands because he is critical of islam its a shame that things like that can happen in europe
>>898 they are not targetting civilian they are carrying out a plan to destroy hezbollah. civilians die in war, too bad. did americans ask germans to leave their cities before they were fire bombed? no of course not. but this is year 2006 where everything has to be pretty and sugary so people want pretty and sugary war
>>896 Thanks. I didn't know that. All I knew was that muslims in France has the conflict about scarves thing, you know, whether they may go to school with scarves on their face or not, and that terror attack happened in England.
>>896 ...Sweden has a problem with muslim immigrants? O.o That's news to me... And there will always be extremists to give the ideals they claim to belong to a bad name. I've met plenty of nice christians, jews, and muslims, and I've met some retarded fundies that use their religion as an excuse to extort power over other people... I tend to dislike attributing religion for someone's behaviour, as usually it's not the most significant factor (unless they're in a tightly knit group such as cultists), and that the person would have been just as much of a jerk and asshole had he/she worshipped any other religion (except for perhaps the really anti-violence focused religions).
>>907 ah sorry did not know that. i just hear about problems with muslims in europe so i think its for all europe. its true that every religion has extemism, but we hear mostly about the extremists of islam. it seems that they are the most active.
>>903 Umm, I'm not sure what pretty and sugary war means exactly, but I guess you mean they wage war not because they should do it or they can't avoid it, but because they want it, right?
>>909 I don't feel they're non-native. However it does give me the impression that they might break out into a "pip pip, cheerio and all that, chaps".
>>910 Ahhh. That. Nothing significant, as far as I know... I can look it up, if you wish. Though I think Finland has a bigger problems with where the border to Russia exactly goes at some parts.
>>915 no i mean, people have become very lazy and used to comfortable living. they have become very soft too. so a real war is shocking to them. but what israel is doing is no worse than past wars. i think this war could not be avoided, but the war in iraq could have been avoided for sure.
>>917 But Israelis army actually kill civilians in a gratuitous manner. What has become of the ROAD MAP thing? Why can't America intervene in this genocide more aggresively?
israel bombs cities where hezbollah is operating. how is this gratuious or genocide? the one that targets civilians is hezbollah, they even kill their own muslims, because there are many muslims living in city of haifa. if hezbollah had the weapons and power of israel, do you think they would show restraint?
>>913 *shrug* My impression is this: At one point in time, the fad in the western world was to discriminate mainly jews. Then it moved to mainly other flavours of christian religions (as opposed to whatever the leaders of a country were following). Then the african slaves, and then the jews got discriminated some more, and now the hip things is to discriminate muslims/arabs. By discriminating I mean that people stereotype everyone belonging to that group, whether they belong to it strongly or faintly, to the worst cases, making them feel judged in beforehand and not listened to, and reacting with kneejerk reactions. Also, there are certain ways some people are used to things being dealt with, but a lot of other people do not deal with them the same way, and that upsets the others as they think it's a sign of them not caring, rather than that it's not their culture to do the same thing.
Hmm.. That was horribly vague.. Ah well. But yes... If we take the book Little Black Sambo as an example... Imagine if descendants from Africa were still as blatantly and heavily discriminated as they used to be, but with more rights. There would be a lot of friction and anger around, and a lot of knee-jerk reactions. I'm not saying kneejerk reactions are right, just that they're understandable, even though they need to be avoided as much as possible.
>>923 If Hezbollah had the weapons and power of Israel, they would be smart enough to make someone else to do their dirty work. Someone like Hezbollah.
>>928 if NK did that, i would be very busy trying to stay alive not have small talk about politics. but if that happen what should be done? probably america would start bombing NK, like israel is bombing lebanon.
>>863 He's miserable. A weak boxer, the champion? Well, no wonder the Venezuela's media were against the judgement. Even japanese audiences felt Kameda lost...
>>925 i think that is a problem with "multiculturalism" if every nation was a homogenous culture like Japan, there would be less tension between races and religions. plus a society with one main culture is allowed to focus on advancing their culture, defining who they are, and learning from the lessons of other cultures as well. like japan has done. but when there is a mix of cultures in one place, people start hating each other, making up names for each other and retreating into their own culture, isolating themself in their community because they are safe there. that is why american cities have little communities like chinatown, litttle italy, and immigrants prefer to be around their own kind.
>>934 Correct me if I am mistaken, but isn't it quite an illusion and wishful thinking that Japan is homogenous? Even without immigrants, there are stereotypes about how people in different parts of the country are, as well as that the people in Japan have different origins. I've heard that the descendants of the remaining "barberians" that originally inhabited some areas are rather discriminated as well, though I don't know how true this is. One will always have a lot of subcultures, regardless of if you have immigrants or not. The question seems to me to merely be about how different the subcultures are to the more mainstream cultures. What do you think of the things I've mentioned? Am I mistaken about several points, and in those cases, why?
>>931 I'm sorry I thought you were living in Tokyo, but if missiles exploaded where you live, you couldn't even open your mouth before you get busy surviving..
>>936 you are not mistaken about about anything. except the people who live in other parts of the country are japanese. they have different customs, but they are just a variant of a japanese culture. but foreigners are not, and most immigrants refuse to assimilate into their new society because they are too proud of their culture, like say a latino immigrant in usa who prefers to speak spanish and follow his traditions. or cannot assimilate because of economic reasons like a muslim immigrant in france, for who the white french society is a foreign world. and that is where tension comes from.
>>935 "Your speed was: 57wpm. You made 2 mistakes," Romeo & Juliet
"Your speed was: 64wpm. You made 2 mistakes," The English Constitution by Walter Bagehot.
"Your speed was: 67wpm. You made 1 mistake," Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis.
"Your speed was: 70wpm. You made 2 mistakes" Waverley by Sir Walter Scott.
"Your speed was: 72wpm. You made 3 mistakes" The Complete Fairy Tales by George MacDonald.
-___-;; I used to be better at this. I haven't done speed-typing longer texts for quite a while. I make some more typos than they report, as I correct some of them while typing.. Which slows me down quite a bit, pressing backspace. I do not use correct touch-typing either. I just have my hands on the keyboard and they jump around to various areas while typing.
>>939 Excessive pride is a problem, though I think that applies to not only foreigners. People who take a lot of thing for granted, and then no longer have them, tend to cling firmer onto any customs they were used to, even if they never really adhered to it back where they were before, they suddenly become afraid of losing a part of themselves, and so they do a lot of things they didn't use to do "back home". People tend to fear change, especially when it comes to the little things, that surrounded them, and which they have wound up associating with home. Most people do not have experience with living with many different cultures. I do not believe in assimilation, however I do believe in integration, and the right a human being has to not have to choose from a single culture, but can incorporate a multitude of such into their life. However, they must be well aware of what the standard culture is like, and show respect for it. Respect however doesn't mean to blindly adhere to it and not criticizing it. Dialogs about the society should not be shushed up, lest governments can decide to rule the country however they see fit, without bothering to care as much about their citizens as they should.
>>959 Hi school girl. From reading your posts I notice that you are lonely and sad. I am just like you, I am hikki, and very lonely person. So I think you should be my girlfriend if you are not taken already.
oh poor thing miyavi! I have a pic of him "dead" back stage! I wanna kissie him....his staff stripped him naked and let him sleep...(naked...yum yum)....lolz~~~~~*faint*