Male characters in "yaoi" look like girls, with large eyes and lithe, soft bodies. It's more about kissing and romance, said 18-year-old Lynn Teng.
" 'Yaoi,' because it's for women, is not just about sex. There's more of a sappy plot," she said. "Because two guys in it are gay, it's kind of like a forbidden fruit sort of situation."
36 名前:Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys [] 投稿日:2006/07/26(水) 09:50:20 ID:7DTX/rsa There has never been a prohibition on bbspink for adults over the age of 18 accessing it. There has been over 21 on the front, only because I was to lazy to edit it. I am not certain of the law in Japan but in the US at the age of 18 you are an adult. The drinking age in the US is 21 years, but that could be changed if enough 18 year olds, took the time to vote. They don't though. Actually in my opinion it should be 25, younger than that are only good for fucking and fighting. Even the insurance companies in the US make this distinction and charge more for insurance if you are under the age of 25. We will follow the law. I always have. ttp://
In the foregoing case of Private EDWARD J. LEONSKI,32007434, Headquarters Company, 52nd Signal Battalion the sentence having been approved by the Reviewing Authority on 30 september, 1942, and confirme by me as the Confirming Authority on 14 October,1942, and Article of War 50 8/1 having been complied with, the sentence will be duly executed, The Commanding General, United States Army Services of Supply, SouthWest Paciffic Area, in directed to cause the execution of the sentence to be effected without undue delay, at such place as determined by him.
DOUGLAS MacARTHUR, General, U.S.Army, Commander-in-Chief.
You know what When nothing's going right You know what It's like a magic thing
上手くいかないときはさ これだよ、これ。魔法みたいだぜ?
*I got the music playing loud in my head I got a red hot chili blows it away I got the music playing loud in my head Turn the blinker off we go straight ahead*
so dont take this offensively but im just wondering. but like do you know english or something to post on here? cause like your from japan but like are you bilingual? you know what im just gunna shut up now before i sound dumb.
Yet, given the fear of being the one who waives the first terrorits in******, it might be more of a burden bacause officials would shy away from *******any waiver that could be tracked back to them.
The Administration could have waived the application of that law for material support under duress or for certain groups of refugees.
Why did the State Department offer to screen candidates for resettlement who are exiled from an area with constant fighting (56 years and counting)? The administration could have waived the application of that law for material support under duress or for certain groups of refugees. It has not done so, in spite of a barrage of newspaper editorials attacking the law. Waivers would have given some margin of maneuver to resettlement agencies such as ours and to some refugees, too. Yet, given the fear of being the one who "waives" the first terrorist in, it might be more of a burden because officials would shy away from any waiver that could be tracked back to them.
... ... ... Yet, given the fear of being the one who "waives" the first terrorist in, it might be more of a burden because officials would shy away from any waiver that could be tracked back to them.
It's fun to see the Japanese coverage of Shizuka's win-of course the only part of the commentary I understand is at the very end where the announcer says "Standing Ovation!"
This is to notify you that we have removed or disabled access to the following material as a result of a third-party notification by Fuji Television Network, Inc. claiming that this material is infringing.
“My biggest concern was gaining the reliance of the pitchers,” Johjima said through an interpreter. “That they have confidence in the pitches I call, and the way I handle their pitches.” Hargrove said he did not know how Johjima was able to deal so effectively with the newness confronting him ― a new culture, a new language, a new brand of baseball.
この英文と、短いですがこの文、“He got smoked, but he did the job,” イディオムか何かでしょうか?上手く訳せません。お願いします。
Russia`s space agency is looking for six volunteers to spend 17 months rlocked in a mock space capsule as part of its plan to put a man on Mars.
A speace journney to the red planet would take up to three years. how would the crew cope with the discomfort and isolation ? As part of their 10yers space program the Russians are planning a groundbreaking experiment. In spring 2006, they will place six volunteers in a cramped "ground experimental complex" (GEC)for a mock 500day flight to Mars. GEC is made up of three interconnected windowless, stainless steel capsules. Lifesupport systems such as a recycling unit will turn the cosmonauts waste into food, oxygen and water. There is a living space with a nursery for growing plants and a medical compartment. An additional module, simulating the surface of Mars, will be added later. Any return journey to Mars would take 18 months to three years, depending on the time spent exploring the planet. Astronauts have already stayed for long periods on space station: the Russian Valery Polyakov holds the single flight record of 437.7days in 1994-95.but a trip to Mars would be much more demanding. ”Now, we can converse with our cosmonauts, send them supplies or get them back on a rescue craft in a matter of hours,” says technical director Viktor Baranov. “But if on the way to Mars, there`s an asteroid strike or a crew member gets appendicitis, then they are on their own.”
Upon their return to earth after long duration fights, Soviet cosmonauts have been unable to stand and routinely carried away on stretchers. The mock journey in the GEC will not be able to recreate weightlessness, but volunteers will spend weeks or months in a bed that slopes by six to eight degrees towards the head to imitate the redistribution of blood in the body without gravity. Traveling in interplanetary space will subject the crew to radiation, hypogravity, isolation and toxicity. Any of these could be fatal. This GEC experiment will be looking at several things:-how effective the lifesupport systems are; how crews should be selected; how to manage crises and illnesses; and whether astronauts can put up with the tremendous workload once they arrive on mars. The program`s director, Yevgeny Demin, says they are already receiving applications, including one from a professional violinist. “We have not ruled out a musician in space, but a scientific, medical or engineering background would be a plus” says Demin. The only certainty is a doctor who will use telemedicine- a combination of databases onboard and specialist advice sent by radio-to sort out any problems.
If the world is truly going to become like one country, then people should be judged by the qualities, virtues, and talents that they have, or are trying to develop,rather than the color of their skin, or by their ethnic, racial, or cultural background.
If the world is truly going to become like one country, (then) people should be judged by the (qualities, virtues, and talents) [that they have, or are trying to develop], {rather than the color of their skin,} or by their (ethnic, racial, or cultural) background.
What kind of dinners do you serve? I have a delicate stomach. We only serve snacks and soft drinks. The flight only takes an hour. Oh. And I suppose you don't show movies either. I'm afraid not.
Ah, love.A many faceted essence, going under many guises and providing the muse for many a misguided poet to wax on about, and - if films are generally to be believes - a force which can conquer worlds and bring armies of killing machines to their knees.
“It is a Jihad,” the Pentagon operative al-Zawahiri told the world through al-Jazeera television, never mind that al-Zawahiri’s violent version of Wahabbi Sunni Islam is at odds with Shi’a Islam, the sect Hezbollah’s follows. よろしくお願いします。
The secondary characters are used very well in providing support and encouragement for them as well as being blunt in providing an outside view to them of what they see, as opposed to just keeping it to themselves. どなたかお願いします。
Russia`s space agency is looking for six volunteers to spend 17 months rlocked in a mock space capsule as part of its plan to put a man on Mars.
A speace journney to the red planet would take up to three years. how would the crew cope with the discomfort and isolation ? As part of their 10yers space program the Russians are planning a groundbreaking experiment. In spring 2006, they will place six volunteers in a cramped "ground experimental complex" (GEC)for a mock 500day flight to Mars.
Russia`s space agency is looking for six volunteers to spend 17 months locked in a mock space capsule as part of its plan to put a man on Mars.
A space journey to the red planet would take up to three years. how would the crew cope with the discomfort and isolation ? As part of their 10yers space program the Russians are planning a groundbreaking experiment. In spring 2006, they will place six volunteers in a cramped "ground experimental complex" (GEC)for a mock 500day flight to Mars. GEC is made up of three interconnected windowless, stainless steel capsules. Life-support systems such as a recycling unit will turn the cosmonauts waste into food, oxygen and water. There is a living space with a nursery for growing plants and a medical compartment. An additional module, simulating the surface of Mars, will be added later. Any return journey to Mars would take 18 months to three years, depending on the time spent exploring the planet. Astronauts have already stayed for long periods on space station: the Russian Valery Polyakov holds the single flight record of 437.7days in 1994-95.but a trip to Mars would be much more demanding. ”Now, we can converse with our cosmonauts, send them supplies or get them back on a rescue craft in a matter of hours,” says technical director Viktor Baranov. “But if on the way to Mars, there`s an asteroid strike or a crew member gets appendicitis, then they are on their own.”
Upon their return to earth after long duration fights, Soviet cosmonauts have been unable to stand and routinely carried away on stretchers. The mock journey in the GEC will not be able to recreate weightlessness, but volunteers will spend weeks or months in a bed that slopes by six to eight degrees towards the head to imitate the redistribution of blood in the body without gravity. Traveling in interplanetary space will subject the crew to radiation, hypogravity, isolation and toxicity. Any of these could be fatal. This GEC experiment will be looking at several things:-how effective the lifesupport systems are; how crews should be selected; how to manage crises and illnesses; and whether astronauts can put up with the tremendous workload once they arrive on mars. The program`s director, Yevgeny Demin, says they are already receiving applications, including one from a professional violinist. “We have not ruled out a musician in space, but a scientific, medical or engineering background would be a plus” says Demin. The only certainty is a doctor who will use telemedicine- a combination of databases onboard and specialist advice sent by radio-to sort out any problems.
Anyone can write a blog but not all blogs get read. Here`s some advice to help you write a clear, attractive blog that catches people`s attention.
Housewives, students and even grandparents are jumping on the blogging bandwagon. Blogging doesn`t involve a seep learning curve. If you can type, you can blog. But with so many blogs out there, you have no guarantee that people will read yours. However , if you follow these simple guidelines, you have a better chance of attracting an audience.
I am now taking nominations for leader. 1st nomination is Toro-san who has requested this job several times. It will be one your Office, and resigning is not allowed, except for unable to do the job because of sickness.
Are there any other nominations? I will not be able to be online for 72 hours, so lets make a deadline of Monday July 31 for nominations. After nominations we will have a vote and multiple post bbspink one time to let people know of the vote.
Well, this is a doozy, isn't it? えーと、”ロリコン”ものは、最悪に素晴らしいものじゃないか。違うかい?
In my sincere, honest opinion, there's really not a big difference between a so-called "lolicon"guys and straight-up pedophiles. In defense of the lolicon guys, yeah, there's no ACTUAL children being exploited but I find it hard to believe they're sincerely only attracted to drawings and would never lust after a real 8-year old. It's such a short step from getting off to a drawing of a child being raped versus a photo of a child being raped. Either way it completely sickens and disgusts me, but these guys prefer to split hairs. 私の心の底からの正直な意見では、”ロリコン”野郎と呼ばれる人と、 真の小児愛好者の間には本当にたいした違いは無いね。 ”ロリコン”野郎を擁護するとしたら、イェー、本物の子供が食い物に されるわけじゃないってことだよ。 だが私は、彼らがかわいい絵柄に素直に惹かれているだけで、 本物の8歳児を絶対に欲しがったりしない、とは信じ難い。 子供がレイプされる絵対子供がレイプされる写真というのは、話が脇道にそれてしまうな。 まあどちらにしても、気分が悪くて虫ずが走るよ。でもその手の奴らは、それが好みなんだよ。
What's worse in my opinion - and why I think anime fans should be a little worried about the recent upswing in lolicon fans - is the massive, extremely scary image problem that lolicon could potentially bring about. More and more I see in message forums people talking about how much they just love lolicon shows and lolicon pornography, and how they're out and proud about being "pedos" (a term they openly use themselves) and go on and on about how there isn't anything wrong with lusting after children. For instance, here's a description of the latest lolicon anime from the fansub group that's translating it: さらに悪いことは、私の意見(そして、何故アニメファンが最近増加しているロリコンファン のことを少し心配をしなければいけないのか)では、ロリコンは何か悪いことを引き起こしかねない、 という非常に怖いイメージに関する問題がとても大きいのだ。 私は掲示板で、彼らがどんなにロリコンアニメとロリコンポルノが好きかというのを話しているのを、 そして彼らが”ペドス”(彼ら自信が公然と使用する言葉)であるということを、 どう口外して誇りに思っているか、子供に下心を持って欲情するのは悪いことでは 無いと長々と述べるのを、ますます目にするようになった。 例えば、それらを翻訳しているファンサブグループからの最新のロリコンアニメの解説がここにある。
Daniel Radcliff was born July 23th 1989 and July 22th 1989, hahaha lol. It must be very funny to play in this movie. I really would like it, I think a dark, mysterious and bad character will be perfect for me!
@There is also some evidence to suggest that laughter helps the body's immune system,that is,the system that fights infection.
AIn an experiment,one group of students watched a funny video while another group served as the control group─in other words,a group with which to compare the first group.
They have found that even if their patients do not really feel like laughing,making them smile is enough to produce beneficial effects similar to those caused by laughter.
Twelve years after the advent of these compounds, researchers at Syracuse University learned the two chemicals shared a deeper kinship. Although DDT had been developed to kill insects and not for use as a drug or synthetic hormone, it, too, seemed to have the effect of estrogen when it was given to young roosters: it feminized them. The males treated with DDT had severely underdeveloped testes and failed to grow the ample combs and wattles that roosters display. In considering these results, Verlus Frank Lindeman and his graduate student Howard Burlington noted that the chemical structure of DDT bears a similarity to that of DES.
hes is actuly playing .. he makes a few mistakes..and you can watch his figers do thoes mistakes
Dude, that's just lame. Of course he's playing! You obviously don't know much about guitar.
That was awesome! O_O FFVI had the best boss music out of the whole series and it's great to hear it on guitar.
OMG!!!! That insane shredding dude! And yes he is playing, if you knew guitar you would recognize the tone...
Nice,veryyyyyy nice
yeah, he was deffinatly playing. good job man. we should jam together.
I cant find tabs for it.
Someone helP?
Everytime I hear this I always think of the Phantom Train battle^^
Very nice ;]]
Omg whichever fucking dumbass said that he wasn't playing is an idiot. He is plugged in, can't you see the fucking cord??? Anyway. Good fucking playing man, it's hard to believe that you can shred like that, you barely look 13, no offence lol. Great Job.
Russia`s space agency is looking for six volunteers to spend 17 months locked in a mock space capsule as part of its plan to put a man on Mars.
A space journey to the red planet would take up to three years. how would the crew cope with the discomfort and isolation ? As part of their 10yers space program the Russians are planning a groundbreaking experiment. In spring 2006, they will place six volunteers in a cramped "ground experimental complex" (GEC)for a mock 500day flight to Mars. 最初の方はわかるんでAs part of〜からお願いします
It is quite possible that the avoidance phenomenon does not occur in the acquisition of the phonological subcomponent of the target language, and that there is a qualitative difference in the acquisition of the phonological as opposed to the syntactic subcomponents.
>>263 歌の歌詞なんですがこんな感じです Yo if I need it in the morning or the middle of the night I ain't 2 proud 2 beg (no) If the lovin' is strong then he got it goin' on and I ain't 2 proud 2 beg (no) 2 inches or a yard rock hard or if it's saggin' I ain't 2 proud 2 beg (no) So it ain't like I'm braggin' just join the paddywagon cause I ain't 2 proud 2 beg, I ain't 2 proud 2 beg
It is important to know when and under what circumstances to use the expressions, "I'm sorry" and "Excuse me." The most common usage is to show that you are in the wrong. Let's say you shove someone () accident. You would at once say "Sorry" or "Excuse me." This shows that you recognize that shoving someone is wrong. "I'm sorry" means "I wish I hadn't done it." "I'm sorry" is also used to show sympathy over a sad piece of news, perhaps that someone is ill or has been injured in an accident. It has nothing to do () an apology.
We're proud to present this wonderful selection of films and videos from all over the world,placing sex work at center stage and seeking to give the sex workers represented their long overdue respect and understanding. These films help us to look at the value systems which frame ,regulate and outlaw peoples'bodies whose sexual tastes andpractices differ from the dominant heterosexual, reproductive model,so that we could find creative way to identify and denounce erotic injustice and sexual oppression,and most importantly,celebrate the diverse pleasures and areative energies of us all as sexual beings.
In her letter she told the little girl of all the funny things peter would do, and to brighten up her tales she decoreted her letter with beautiful picture,depiting peter at play.
the little girl of all the funny things peter would doの部分が特にどう訳したらいいのか分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。
It is important to know when and under what circumstances to use the expressions, "I'm sorry" and "Excuse me." The most common usage is to show that you are in the wrong. Let's say you shove someone (by) accident. You would at once say "Sorry" or "Excuse me." This shows that you recognize that shoving someone is wrong. "I'm sorry" means "I wish I hadn't done it." "I'm sorry" is also used to show sympathy over a sad piece of news, perhaps that someone is ill or has been injured in an accident. It has nothing to do (with) an apology.
☆ キューバの原油はアメリカの禁輸を終わらせるのか? 「アメリカは1961年からキューバに禁輸措置を実行しているが、 カストロの支配は揺らぐ気配がない。 it has cost the US little strategically or economically. Until now, that is. From here on out, say a growing chorus of experts, アメリカは45年にもわたる禁輸政策のツケを払うことになる」 出典 Japan times
>>292 it has cost the US little strategically or economically. Until now, that is. From here on out, say a growing chorus of experts, 「それは、戦略的に或いは経済的に米国にとってほとんど負担(マイナス)にならなかった。 今までは、その通りだ。(しかし)今後は、「........................」であると 益々多くの専門家が声を揃えて言っている。
McLachlan is sitting on the edge of a table in his office at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, giving a lesson in Chemical Messengers 101-the basics on how the body communicates through hormones. (McLachlanは、国立環境健康科学研究所のオフィスのテーブルの端に座り、 基本的に身体がホルモンによってどのように伝令を行うか、という科学的伝令101の授業を行っています。) Like many natural teachers, he has a theatrical flair and a penchant for metaphor. (多くの生まれながらの教育者のように、彼は芝居じみた直感的才能を持ち、例え話を好みます。) [この文をもっと綺麗な日本語にしたいです。] He reaches automatically for a prop to demonstrate his point. (彼は自身の問題を実証するために機械的に問題を追及します。) [for a propがイマイチ文に組み込めません。] This isn't simply science, it is a fascinating story-the tale of the estrogen receptor, which consorts so readily with foreigners that it has earned a reputation. (これは単なる科学ではなく、エストロゲン受容体が異物と容易に関わる魅惑的な物語です。) Some scientists call it "promiscuous." (何人かの科学者はそれを「乱雑だ」と呼びます。) The plastic model is a gargantuan representation of estradiol, one of the three principal types of estrogen manufactured by the ovaries and dispersed into the bloodstream. (そのプラスチックの模型は、卵巣で作られ、血流へ分散した3つの主要なタイプのエストロゲンのうちの1つ、エストラジオールの表現です。) McLachlan, a fifty-year-old man with a head of curly gray locks and merry dark eyes that gleam like onyx, then cups his free hand. (McLachlanはカール状の灰色の髪の頭とシマメノウのように輝く陽気な暗い目をした50歳の人です。) [then cups his free handは全く分かりません、自由気ままな人ということでしょうか?]
Instant Detection Steps 1、Snap off blue end 2、Swabbing on authentic DNA coded ink surface 3、The color changes from blue to pink 4、The color can revert to blue with a drop of water お願いします
>>322 科学的伝達 → 化学的伝達? theatrical flair → 演劇的才能? He reaches automatically for a prop to demonstrate his point → 彼は自在に小道具を操り、論点を視覚的に説明します。? 暗い目 → 黒い目? cups → 手をカップのような形にする
she also strove to preserve the natural beauty of the Lake District, a popular tourist destination that she feared would be ruined by encroaching commercialization.
the lakes around Sawrey are as breathtakingly beautiful today as they have always been.
Alcoa had considerable monopoly power in the production of primary aluminium ingot from 1888 to 1930 due to tariffs that protected it abroad and by its control of bauxite lamds at home. Further,the disruption of World War 1 slowed entry of new firms.
Remove the old main seal, and carefully fit a new one (the right way round), using rubber grease, care, and delicate language; this offers some opportunity for a stuff-up considering the materials involved.
Apart from being astonished by physico-chemical mechanisms that ensure the continuation of life in individuals and its perpectuation through successive generations , how can one fail to admire the perfection of those "sence organs" which allow a living being to know its enviroment and , thanks to is mobility , to find there what can be useful to it and avoid as far as possible the dangers which may lie in wait for it ?
The marvelously precise structure and the extraordinary senseibility of organ , such as the eye and ear of the higher animals, stagger the imagination ,and seems incredible that such organs could have been produced by mere chance ,even over enormous periods of time .
- Spaming to get into the private section is highly forbidded, and will be striked down on
- If you from some reason get your account banned, you are not allowed to make a new one. Doing so will only get your ip banned. If that doesn't help, we will move up the ladder, until we ban your isp or even your whole country. In short, if you get banned, wait out your sentence and everything will work out ^^
- You can not use download accelerators on this site. To keep it fair for everyone. Using them will result in your ip being banned from our servers and your account being deleted.
Breaking these simple rules will be dealth with, warnings and then bans if nesesary.
I found this strangely compelling to watch and in the end like it a lot. The clips are great particularly the aircraft, and the music a perfect Irony. Creative.
I will post the tracking # for you so you know that they have been sent. I waited to get the other perfumes back so I could make sure that they were returned and had accident this past week. You can check my ebay as there has been no activity on my account this last week due to me falling out of my wheelchair and being injured. I do apologize for that and have included a FREE GIFT for you due to the delay so please know I am honest and it will be sent out on Monday right away, okay? Your box did not come back packaged well and I am not going to argue over it the facts are that most of my perfume products were damaged due to poor packing conditions and I do not understand you very well but I can see that you are not telling the truth here and that I am not going to argue over because I can not prove anything and you can not prove anything so we are stuck with the situation the way that it is. I do not contradict myself in any thing that I stated I was very clear but your english is hard to understand for me so I would rather not fight with you when I cant even fully understand what on earth you are saying. You will certainly have a tracking # for the new perfumes on Monday and then you should be happy with a free gift I'm including for you now.
Which area do I have to stay in Tokyo to see Akiabara & Sibuya & RokBBongi in the most cheapest way to use whole the public transportation??? 宜しくお願いします。
In an age when pipe-smoking among men was much more common than it is today, to own a pipe marked with the distinctive dunhill white spot was every smoker's dream.
We regret that items listed on this page are currently on back order. These items will not be shipped with your original order. Generally due to substantial amount of freight fees for overseas shipments, we recommend shipping your back orders all at one time. Usually back orders are shipped when they arrive at our warehouse. Should you decide to accept the shipment of back orders, we will send them to you based on the information you provide to us below. We will make every effort to get the back orders to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation
Part number - Description of item
1)W1008700508 - Blzr Vlr Uph Set (Blue) 2) 3)
Please choose one:
( )Please send my backorders all at one time. ( )Please cancel my back orders, I’ll re-order at a later date.
書評ですがこの部分が難しいです。 The choice of the tattoo as leitmotiv was really a stroke of brilliance. On the one hand it plays a central part in the solving of the murder plot. Moreover, the taboo status that has surrounded the tattoo due to Western influences on the land of the rising sun, gives the (sexual) fascination of its admirers a metaphorical depth. どなかたお願いします。
>>420 Moreover, the taboo status that has surrounded the tattoo due to Western influences on the land of the rising sun, gives the (sexual) fascination of its admirers a metaphorical depth. 3文目は さらに、日出づる国における西洋の影響の受けたタトゥー (刺青)にまつわる禁忌的な状況は、その信奉者たちの (性的な)魅惑に隠喩的な奥行きを与えるのである。 などとするのはどうでしょう
>>425 "A life spent writing" may mean "life as a writer". Anyway, the sentence you have showed is too short to understand. So, you can also show us related sentences.
>>441 In my opinion, the phrase "spent writing" explains the content of "A life". If an adjective is consisted of one word, the adjective always put before the target noun. But an adjective is consisted of more than 2 words, the always follows after the target noun. EX
a writing life. 作家としての人生。 a life spent writing. 作家としての人生。
Therefore, I think, "spent writing" is phrasal adjective.
But an adjective is consisted of more than 2 words, the always follows after the target noun. ↓ But if an adjective is consisted of more than 2 words, the adjective always follows after the target noun.
>>447 読み落としてました、すみません;; 一応、以下に意味を挙げておきます spent: as an adjective having been used and unable to be used again; having no power or energy left ただ、日本語でも複数の単語をくっつけるときに 形が多少変化するし、よくあることなのかなぁ
They cannot perceive their identity in the same way as does a couple that is Christian. in the same way as a couple that is Christian doesじゃなくて in the same way as does a couple that is Christian. になるわけをお教えください。
It is important to note that the conception and design of a structure,device,or system to meet specified conditions in a optimum manner is engineering even when it is done by person whose formal training is in science ,or when it is for the purpose of gaining new knowledge.
>>455 構造だけ見てみると It is important to note that the concept and design to meet conditions is engineering even when it is done by person whose training is in science, or when it is done for gaining knowledge. でしょうか?最後のwhen の節のdoneが自信ないですが that 以下全体がimportant to note だと思います
So, Scientology, you may have won THIS battle, but the million-year war for Earth has just begun! Temporarily anozinizing our episode will NOT stop us from keeping Thetans forever trapped in your pitiful man-bodies. Curses and drat! You have obstructed us for now, but your feeble bid to save humanity will fail! Hail Xenu!!!
訳してプリーズ。 anozinizingって単語、Curses and dratのニュアンス、 feeble bidのbidがイマイチ掴めない・・・_| ̄|○ Thetans、Xenuは、サイエントロジーに出てくるキャラみたい。
流れ〜TVの与える影響はひどいものであって、子供に様々な影響を及ぼしていた。 As with most things children take from television what they want and largrly ignore the rest. In some ways it can be a help : children whose parents talk little or who appear not to talk to them can pick up a decent vocabulary, and for most children television does enlarge their knowlage and experience. 単純な単語ばかりですがなぜか訳せません…(つД`)よろしくお願いします。
There is far too much philoshy, composed under far too wide a range of conditions, for there to be a general answer to that quetion. But it can certainly be said that a great deal of philophy has been intended as a maeans to salvation, though what we are to understand by salvation, and salvation from what , has varied as widely as the pilosohied themselves.
[1] (As with most things) children take (from television) what they want and (largrly) ignore the rest. [2] (In some ways) it can be a help : [2-1] children [whose parents talk little] or [who appear not to talk to them] can pick up a decent vocabulary, and [2-2] (for most children) television does enlarge their {knowlage and experience}.
1.Some receive messages from the thyroid gland, which may cue cells to consume more oxygen and generate more heat. [幾つかの受容器は甲状腺から伝令を受け取ると、より多くの酸素を消費し、 またより多くの熱を生成するために細胞への合図がなされます。] 2.Others are tuned to the adrenal glands, which send messages that regulate blood pressure and the body's response to stress. [他の受容器は副腎に順応され、副腎は、血圧および身体のストレスに対する反応を抑制する伝令を送ります。] 3.There(hypothalamus in the brain) is a whole class of mystery receptors, known as "orphan" receptors, that are tuned to messages that scientists have not yet identified. [そこ(脳内の視床下部)には科学者達がまだ識別していない伝令に順応し、「みなしご」として知られる謎に包まれた全種類の受容器があります。] 4.Each hormone and its particular receptor have a "made for each other" attraction, which scientists describe as a "high affinity." [それぞれのホルモンと特にその受容器は「互いのために作られた」かのような引き付け合う力を持っていて、 科学者達はそれを「非常に似ている」と評しています。] 5.When they encounter one another, they grab hold, engaging in a molecular embrace known as "binding." [ホルモンと受容器は互いに出会うと、しっかりと掴み合い、「結合物」として知られる分子構造に加わります。] 6.McLachlan demonstrates by moving the plastic model through the air toward the receptor, showing how the estradiol docks in the pocket of the receptor like a Star Trek vehicle returning to the much larger mother ship. [McLachlanは、空気中を通ってプラスチックモデルを受容器へ動かし、受容器のポケット中のエストラジオール・ドックが どのようにスタートレック(SF)の乗り物が巨大な母艦に帰る様子に似ているのかを見せることで証明します。]
In a further bombshell, during an interview with Variety editor-in-chief Peter Bart to be broadcast on US television this Sunday, Spielberg says Hollywood chiefs snubbed his dream to film Memoirs of a Geisha in Japanese with subtitles for a cut-price $10m budget.
Assuming that speaker of language A are found by the process of error analysis to make recurring errors in a particular construction in their attempts to learn language B, discover why the errors occur.
>>471 さらなる衝撃発言では、バラエティ番組の編集長(ってなんていうんだろう)である ピーター・バートとの、アメリカのテレビで次の日曜に放映される予定のインタビューの中で、 スピルバーグは、ハリウッドの幹部(役職名が分かりませんが偉い人たちです)が、 Memoir of a Geishaを(英語)字幕つきの日本語で撮るという彼の夢を 1000万ドルの予算カットによって、拒否したと言っている。
>>471 更なる爆弾発言であるが、日曜にアメリカのテレビで放送されることになって いるヴァラエティ誌の編集長 Peter Bart とのインタビューの中で、スピル バーグは Memoirs of a Geisha を1000万ドルの低予算で(英語)字幕つきの 日本語で映画化するという彼の夢をハリウッドの重役たちが拒否したと語った。
They stress the claim that many language learning error do not result from native language interference but rather from the strategies employed the learner in the acquisition of the target language and also from the mutual interference of items within the target language.
>>484 They stress the claim that many language learning error do not result from native language interference but rather from the strategies employed the learner in the acquisition of the target language and also from the mutual interference of items within the target language. おおまかに訳してみました、細部はよろしくお願いします 彼が言うには、 言語習得におけるerror(誤解)は、母語の干渉(言語学用語)でなく 学習者のやりかたと、目的の言葉にある items(語?) の 相互干渉に起因している
Niigata is my favorite place in Japan, because the climata there allows most of winter and marine sports due to distinctive four seasons with hot summer and cold winter with much snow. It's humide thoughtout a year. Niigata is actually the fifth bigest prefecture in Japan, located along the north-west coast.
A world where you are immersed in sound. A world where characters, story lines and competition are captivating and intense. In short, it's a world where the unexpected can happen and usually does.
作詞の方法についての英文です。 In the past I would paint a picture and then write my lyrics. That was the easiest way for me to really get the images I wanted. Every time I write lyrics they feel new to me, but lately I had a chance to look over some of my old lyrics and I realized that I’m always saying the same thing. I guess my way of thinking has never really changed. どなたかお願いします。
One of the most interesting findings to come out is that, in a general way, it is possible to talk of women's style and men's style in the language use. Particularly in the context of single-sex groups, wowen and men talk in very different ways: this has led some researchers to describe the conversation typical of all-women's groups as co-operative and that typical of all-men's groups as competitive. お願いします。
what are you showing for shipping. There is also some tax. The shipping that came up for me was $25.50. So I will pay $12.75.I charge $1.00 to package.
I waited to get the other perfumes back so I could make sure that they were returned and had accident this past week. You can check my ebay as there has been no activity on my account this last week due to me falling out of my wheelchair and being injured. I do apologize for that and have included a FREE GIFT for you due to the delay so please know I am honest and it will be sent out on Monday right away, okay? Your box did not come back packaged well and I am not going to argue over it the facts are that most of my perfume products were damaged due to poor packing conditions and I do not understand you very well but I can see that you are not telling the truth here and that I am not going to argue over because I can not prove anything and you can not prove anything so we are stuck with the situation the way that it is. I do not contradict myself in any thing that I stated I was very clear but your english is hard to understand for me so I would rather not fight with you when I cant even fully understand what on earth you are saying. You will certainly have a tracking # for the new perfumes on Monday and then you should be happy with a free gift I'm including for you now.
すいません、どなたかこれを訳してもらえませんか? 「dang self taught, thats pretty good, i suck at both of my languages」 「〜、とてもいいです、わたしは両方の言語を得る??」って言ってるんですかね??dang self taughtが特にわからないんですけど。。。 お願いします!!
even i didnt c u for a long time,but i really miss u,i hope u can feel it.i dont know y,jst really i miss u,since the first i met u.i wanna u can feel safety about me,and u can feel u got a boy miss u so much.but i dont know yr thinking at all,really wanna u tell me be honest,kiss u.
Dairy farming is a leading agricultural activity in the United. Although thunder and lightning are produced at the same time, light waves travel faster than sound waves do, so we see the lightning before we hear the thunder. Beef cattle are the most important of all livestock for economic growth in certain geograpic regions. The discovery of the halftone process in photography in 1881 made it possible to reproduce photographs in books and newspapers.
長文で申し訳ないのですがどなたか訳をお願い致します。 Flag Day is a legal holiday only in the state of Pennsylvania, where Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag.
The steely strength of spider silk comes from crystalline spins in the thread. Proteins between these can swell when they get wet, forcing the crystalline regions out of alignment and causing the thread to severely contract*. The group studied this effect using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of silk from the golden orb-weaving spider. They found that the most probable cause of shrinkage was a repeated string of 11 amino acids. "If it really turns out to be responsible it gives us a way to utilize it," says Randolph Lewis, a molecular biologist at the University of Wyoming. "The question is whether it will be found in all silk that severely contract." The team has suggested a structurally analogous sequence to replace the amino acid block, making a silk that's just as strong and elastic but not nearly as ( water-sensitive ). The genetic sequence coding for the block could be replaced and the whole gene inserted into bacteria or tobacco plants for mass silk production. "We're working on that," says Zax.
Everything we know comes from observation and measurement. For although the mechanism of nature is beautiful, it is not a beauty born of human design. Pursuing science is not like writing poetry; our ideas of beauty and of how things ought to be count for nothing. Lacking a full set of data, Aristotle mistakenly believed that the heavenly bodies move in circles. He liked the mathematical symmetry of circles, but he was wrong. Two thousand years elapsed before Kepler, Galileo, and Newton used quantitative observations first to describe and then to predict the elliptical orbits of the planets. With that giant stride, a mere 400 years ago, the modern age of science began. Our initial task is to become better acquainted with some of the key players and rules of the game: matter and energy, mass, charge, force, momentum, and a few more. These concepts are fundamental to nature in all her manifestations.
Proponents of green chemistry are now eager to assess how far it has gone in providing environmental and economic benefits for the chemical and other manufacturing industries. Although there are few examples of green processes that have had an industry-wide impact, hundreds of individual products or processes have been improved through the principles of green chemistry. It's clear that progress has been made, but most observers agree that the pace of implementing green technologies needs to be picked up.
When researchers first recognized the disease, they hoped that by isolating patients and their contacts, they might halt transmission of the disease and stamp out the virus. But as the full extent of the outbreak in China became apparent-2000 cases as of 22 April-researchers acknowledged that the likelihood of reaching contacts of all those infected was remote.
The public has become concerned over potential health effects of magnetic fields. This fear stemmed from studies in the 1970s suggesting a possible link between childhood leukemia and proximity to certain types of power lines or utility transformers. There have also been hints of increased risk of breast cancer in adults exposed to high magnetic fields. A 1996 report issued by the National Academy of Sciences concluded that although electromagnetic fields (EMFs) appear capable of affecting biological tissues, their link to cancer is unproved.
Homolysis of any covalent bond will occur at sufficiently elevated temperatures, the rate depending upon the bond dissociation energy. The most easily cleaved bonds are homopolar bonds, -O-O-, F-F, I-I, and N-halogen bonds, C-N bonds of azo compounds R-N=N-R from which dinitrogen is expelled, and carbon-metal bonds of, for instance, R4Pb. This last reaction is of historic interest in that it was used in the first unequivocal demonstration of gaseous radicals in 1929. The vapor of tetramethyllead, a volatile, covalent liquid, was passed through a glass tube heated to 450℃ at one point. Decomposition of the compound occurred depositing a mirror of the metal on the glass surface and producing ethane. When the point of heating was moved upstream, however, while a new mirror was formed, the first disappeared and tetramethyllead appeared in the product. The inference was correctly made that pyrolysis of the organometal generated methyl radicals which either dimerized to ethane or reacted at a lower temperature with the metal, regenerating the starting material.
I spent most of my waking hours flying above the ocean, waiting for fish to appear in the water below.
私は起きている時間のほとんどを、 海の上を飛んで水面下の魚が現れるのを待って過ごした。
と訳してみたのですが、「, 〜ing」という表現と、 「to appear」の品詞(用法?)がわかりません。 ({I}waiting for fish to appearでは私は現れるために魚を待つ、となりませんか? その後ろのin the water below.(水面下)にいるのもfishだと思うんですが。
Kuhn's book was so brilliantly written that it became an instant classic. It misled a whole generation of students and historians of science into believing that all scientific revolutions are concept-driven. The concept-driven revolutions are the ones that attract the most attention and have the greatest impact on the public awareness of science, but in fact they are comparatively rare. In the last 500 years, in addition to the quantum-mechanical revolution that Kuhn took as his model, we have had six major concept-driven revolutions, associated with the names of Copernicus, Newton, Darwin, Maxwell, Freud, and Einstein. During the same period there have been about twenty tool-driven revolutions, not so impressive to the general public but of equal importance to the progress of science. Two prime examples of tool-driven revolutions are the Galilean revolution resulting from the use of the telescope in astronomy, and the Crick-Watson revolution resulting from the use of X-ray diffraction to determine the structure of big molecules in biology.
In 1993, a man claimed that a cellular phone, which produced EMFs, caused his wife's brain tumor. In Britain, a thorough study conducted in 2000 listed evidence indicating that cellular phone emissions can induce biological changes, but the health significance of these results is open to interpretation. Another article found that the type of microwave radiation emitted by older, analog cellular phones triggered a stress-response gene in roundworms; the same gene is found in people. These older devices emit signals at higher power levels. Although it is not possible to prove that EMFs are safe, their greatest hazard is associated with traffic accidents related to the use of cellular phones while driving!
Everything we know comes from observation and measurement. 私達が知っていることの全ては、観察と計測に由来する。 For although the mechanism of nature is beautiful, it is not a beauty born of human design. 自然の構造は美しいけれど、人間が設計して生まれたものは美しくない。 Pursuing science is not like writing poetry; our ideas of beauty and of how things ought to be count for nothing. 科学を追及することは、詩を書くこととは違う。美しく、どうなるべきかという私達の発想は価値が無い。 Lacking a full set of data, Aristotle mistakenly believed that the heavenly bodies move in circles. 不足した情報一式で、アリストテレスは謝って健全な肉体は円に進出すると信じた。 He liked the mathematical symmetry of circles, but he was wrong. 彼は円の数学的均整美を好んだが、彼は間違っていた。 Two thousand years elapsed before Kepler, Galileo, and Newton used quantitativeobservations first 2000年が経ち、ケプラー、ガリレオ、そしてニュートンは、初めて定量的な観察を to describe and then to predict the elliptical orbits of the planets. 惑星の楕円軌道を描写し予測するために使用した。 With that giant stride, a mere 400 years ago, the modern age of science began. 巨人の歩幅を持って、ほんの400年前に、近代科学は始まった Our initial task is to become better acquainted with some of the key players and rules of the game 私達の最初の仕事は、いくらかの鍵となる選手と試合の規約により精通することだ。 : matter and energy, mass, charge, force, momentum, and a few more. 事柄と能力、質量、活力、力、勢い、そしてもう2、3. These concepts are fundamental to nature in all her manifestations. これらの概念たちが、全ての彼女の表明が含む自然のための基礎である。
What is the universe if not a swirl of matter and energy? All the natural sciences are studies of matter in motion, differing mainly in scale and focus. Each, in its own way, is concerned with the forces that move matter and with the special endowments (like mass and charge) that enable matter to move. We could watch a comet fly and call it astronomy. We could watch a fish swim and call it biology. We could watch photosynthesis occur in a green plant and call it chemistry. But always it is matter in motion, whether such matter be a planet or an electron. When the matter happens to be electrons and atoms and molecules-tossed about by the electric forces of the microworld-that we shall call chemistry.
unfortunately we dont take credit cards with a billing information outside US, you need to send us a bank wire transfer, pls get back to us for freight rates
substances do not react unless in a liquid or dissolved state. This ancient empirical rule is not universal. One of the noteworthy exceptions is ion exchange. Here, a solid reacts with a solution. Ions can be exchanged and electrolytes and even precipitates can be removed by treating the solution with a solid ion exchanger.
Did you know that for each ton of used paper, nearly a ton of new paper can be produced? Today, the average recovery rate is 43 percent, but it is still low compared to the 70 percent or more recovery rate that is possible.
Cells usually modify proteins by adding sugars or fats, or both, to them in ways that can be hard to anticipate. To produce a protein encoded by a newly discovered gene, scientists cannot merely string together amino acids in the order dictated by the gene; often they must also ensure that the proper fat and sugar modifications are made. And to determine how a protein behaves, researchers must also take into account that some proteins dissolve in water, whereas others act normally only in an oily environment or have regions that are embedded in fat-filled cell membranes.
In diamond the C atoms are arranged tetrahedrally and equidistant, C-C = 1.54 A. They are bound covalently by electron pairs occupying localised molecular orbitals formed by an overlapping of the sp3 hybrids.
Homolysis of any covalent bond will occur at sufficiently elevated temperatures, the rate depending upon the bond dissociation energy. The most easily cleaved bonds are homopolar bonds, -O-O-, F-F, I-I, and N-halogen bonds, C-N bonds of azo compounds R-N=N-R from which dinitrogen is expelled, and carbon-metal bonds of, for instance, R4Pb. This last reaction is of historic interest in that it was used in the first unequivocal demonstration of gaseous radicals in 1929. The vapor of tetramethyllead, a volatile, covalent liquid, was passed through a glass tube heated to 450℃ at one point. Decomposition of the compound occurred depositing a mirror of the metal on the glass surface and producing ethane. When the point of heating was moved upstream, however, while a new mirror was formed, the first disappeared and tetramethyllead appeared in the product. The inference was correctly made that pyrolysis of the organometal generated methyl radicals which either dimerized to ethane or reacted at a lower temperature with the metal, regenerating the starting material.
Double accidentals raise or lower the pitch of a note by two semitones, an innovation developed as early as 1615. An F with a double sharp applied raises it a whole step so it is enharmonically equivalent to a G. Usage varies on how to notate the situation in which a note with a double sharp is followed in the same measure by a note with a single sharp: some publications simply use the single accidental for the latter note, whereas others use a combination of a natural and a sharp, with the natural being understood to apply to the second sharp only.
i want to know would you lie to a guy that love you. i mean would you tell him the truth.Like i really love you or let's stay friend. I'm asking you this cause a girl has done it to me, she was telling that she loved me and telling that she wanted to be with me. but that was just a big lie, i think i never been so sad, but now i know i will find someone someday. by the way i just want to know, would you lie to a guy about the way you feel about him. たぶん恋(失恋)の相談をしている(相手と自分の言葉の思い込み違いみたいな..(相手にウソをつかれた))と思うんですけど、どなたか訳していただけますか?? お願いします!!!!
It is a curious fact that (i) radical conceptual changes in a science are often initiated by men who did not receive their initial professional training in that science. The person who first approaches the problems of a discipline with the mature perspective of an outsider, rather than being indoctrinated previously with the established methods and attitudes of the discipline, can sometimes point to unorthodox, though remarkably simple solutions to those problems. For example, the generalized law of conservation of energy was introduced into physics from engineering, physiology, and philosophy, though its value was accepted readily enough by physicists.
海外のファンクラブに入会するためにお金を送金したのですが、 その後の手続きがよくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 After membership fee receipt of money, you must send a e-mail to [email protected] including your country, name, and date of birth and attaching scaning a receive slip.
well it took me a while to read this book too... its kinda hard to swolow. underground as well... and yeah i guees it is what you said...
i really wanna visit japan... after reading so much about it (i even remember some neigberhoods names hehe) the fashion in japan id amazing. i have the frute book if you know what it is ( pics of the street fashion in tokyo) and i loved it so much... i was there when i was a littel girl but i dont really remember much...
We're currently putting out some new features, sweeping out the cobwebs and zapping a few gremlins. We'll be back later. In the meantime, please enjoy a layman's explanation of our website...
its going to be like a past tense of our old EP (step in yourself and try yourself). the new Ep is called "Stepped in yourself and tried yourself". So maybe design something that maybe looks like its coming out of its self or has left the old body behind. Basically so it looks like its left the bad behind and is looking for the future.
we are nearly ready to send you your special pack. do you have anything in particular that you want in there???? たぶん前半は自分たちのCDのことを言っているとおもうんですけど。。。 で、後半は贈り物について。。。 どなたか翻訳お願いします!!!!
High up in the atmosphere eerie, glowing clouds of water vapor apparently grow from seeds consisting of clusters of water molecules. Indeed, scientists have been gathering more and more evidence that liquid water consists, not of single isolated molecules, but rather of clusters of molecules. At a given instant, almost every molecule in a glass of water is bonded to four other molecules through hydrogen bonds. But these are not stable clusters. Rather, other molecules continually join a given cluster, forcing one of the original molecules out which, then goes on to bind to another cluster. Evidence for clusters of H2O molecules is even stronger in the gas phase.
Magneto-optic recording technology makes possible the high density of optical recording with the erasable and rewritable characteristics of conventional magnetic recording. In magneto-optic recording, the beam of light from a diode laser is focused onto the surface of a temperature-sensitive magnetic thin film. The local heating that is due to the energy from laser beam causes a reduction in the magnetic field required to reverse the magnetization in the film, and, as a result, the magnetization in the heated region assumes the direction of the applied field.
These reactions are by no means a recent discovery. Nature makes extensive use of them and has done so long before man attempted to elucidate and apply its principles and to copy and surpass its performance. Ion exchange occurs in inanimate soils, sands, and rocks, and in living organisms. At first, these processes remained unnoticed by chemists, geologists, and biologists. Later, when ion exchange in soils was discovered, it was considered as an exceptional phenomenon, a "miracle", in which other than purely natural causes were supposed to have their part. To show that here, too, the well-established rules of nature hold remained the task of scientists in the second half of the nineteenth century. Still later, organic chemists succeeded in synthesizing ion exchangers which proved to be far superior to the natural materials. Ion exchange in living organisms is indispensable for most vital functions, but its significance remained obscure until recent times. Only in our day has progress been made in understanding this phenomenon.
A vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Examples of vectors are position, force, velocity, and momentum. We specify the position of something, for example, by giving not only its distance from a certain point but also its direction from that point. We often represent a vector by an arrow, where the length of the arrow is the magnitude of the vector and its direction is the same as the direction of the vector.
The synthesis of new organic molecules and the improved synthesis of known ones will always be a major task for the professional organic chemist. The stereoisomerism which can arise even when only two appropriately substituted sp3-hybridised carbons are contained in a molecule makes it inevitable that the synthesis of such a molecule will require the exercise of stereocontrol. The concepts of conformational analysis, stereoelectronic control and reaction mechanism have been vital for the development of methods for stereoselective synthesis.
The Division of Undergraduate Education at the NSF has several programmes for enhancing undergraduate science literacy and communications skills. But there is no programme that specifically aims to improve science communication for science majors. Perhaps we should look to a model developed in the physics and astronomy department at University College London where all degree students are trained in essay writing, conducting research and giving presentations during each year of their study. There is surely a need to spread this type of programme more widely. Anything to spare us all from more conference talks with no take-home message aided by wordy slides in tiny typefaces presented by tongue-tied, mumbling scientists.
One way of putting the seemingly small figures in a proper perspective is by thinking in terms of the effect over a whole year, or a season, rather than an individual day. If today is one degree warmer than yesterday, that has no particular significance for the local environment. But if every day in a year is one degree warmer than the corresponding day the previous year, there is a big effect. The amount of warmth added to the environment is 365 'degree days'. and it is cumulative effect that melts icecaps in winter. James Hansen, head of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, has put this is an American perspective. In the middle part of the twentieth century, the US could expect 'abnormally' hot summers two years in every six; in the 1990s, abnormally hot summers will occur, on average, four years out of every six. What was abnormal is becoming the normal, normal summers will be as rare now as 'abnormal' ones were twenty years ago, and the Midwest drought of 1988 is probably only a taste of things to come.
The (firstly) naval battle of the Revolutionary War was fought off the coast of the Revolutionary War was fought off the coast of Machias, Maine, in June 1775. The public ceremonies of the Plains Indians are (lesser) elaborate than those of the Plains Indians are lesser elaborate than those of the Navajo in the Southwest. In some species of fish, (such the) three-spined stickleback, the male, not the female, performs the task of caring for the young. When she (retires) in September 1989, tennis champion Christine Evert was the September 1989, tennis champion Christine Evert was the most famous woman athlete in the United States. The ancient Romans used vessels equipped with sails and banks of oars (to transporting) theer armies.
To predict the course of the disease, scientists are struggling to understand two key variables, says Roy Anderson of Imperial College in London, who is working with authorities in Hong Kong to model the outbreak there. First is the disease's incubation period, the time from infection to first symptoms. Second is the route of transmission: Is the virus spread just through direct contact, through infected droplets that travel only a short distance, through environmental sources such as water or sewage, or −the most frightening but increasingly unlikely possibility−through airborne particles that travel long distances? Answers would help researchers estimate the number of new cases each infected person is likely to cause and perhaps predict the most effective interventions to reduce the spread.
Then Mir dropped to 100 km at 12:41 a.m. As it descended below 80 km, the heat caused by contact with the upper air began to tear at the structure. The 137-ton mass was estimated to be breaking into 1,500 fragments, and some were as large as automobiles. Mir watchers in Fiji saw nine large fireballs arcing across the sky. At 12:58 a.m., whatever survived hit the Pacific without incident.
G. J. Mulder (1802-1880) was one of the 'analysts', producing compositional data for any natural product he could get hold of, including substances from plants that were reputed to have medicinal value - for example, extracts from the bark of trees and natural oils. In 18374838 Mulder began to concentrate on the elemental analyses of the nitrogen-containing substances that were then designated as 'albumins': fibrin, egg albumin, blood serum albumin, and wheat albumin. Then an extraordinary result emerged unexpectedly from these analytical data and got Mulder tingling with excitement. Apart from the sulphur and phosphorus, these seemingly distinct albumins had strikingly similar compositions: in fact, they appeared virtually identical, as illustrated by the table given below. There was uncertainty about the meaning to be attached, in the modern sense, to quantitative compositional data.
Why should engineers, scientists, and other technical professionals study technical writing or speaking? Their primary training and interests lie on technical areas; most science and engineering students successfully pursue their technical subjects of extra writing courses; and practicing engineers and scientists in government and industry work for technical projects. It might seem, then, that writing and communications are important to a technical education.
The result led Mulder to a speculation that a single core substance, which he called ' Grundstoff' , might be identical in all these substances with only added sulphur or phosphorus creating the differences. And this led to the further speculation that this 'Grundstoff' might in fact be synthesized in only one host (wheat or other plants) and then transferred intact as part to the process of nutritional assimilation into animals.
What is the universe if not a swirl of matter and energy? All the natural sciences are studies of matter in motion, differing mainly in scale and focus. Each, in its own way, is concerned with the forces that move matter and with the special endowments (like mass and charge) that enable matter to move. We could watch a comet fly and call it astronomy. We could watch a fish swim and call it biology. We could watch photosynthesis occur in a green plant and call it chemistry. But always it is matter in motion, whether such matter be a planet or an electron. When the matter happens to be electrons and atoms and molecules-tossed about by the electric forces of the microworld-that we shall call chemistry.
Individual molecules can migrate through the fluid and can spin around their long axis, but they can't rotate end over end. Several different liquid crystalline phases exist, depending on the amount of ordering. Two of the most common are the nematic phase, in which the ends of the molecules are randomly arranged, and the smectic phase, in which the molecules are arranged in layers.
This is sufficient information to permit the calculation of the oil layer's thickness (although there is no indication that Franklin made this calculation, we can). We now know that oil forms a monomolecular layer on the surface of water in which the polar heads of these amphiphilic molecules are immersed in the water and their hydrophobic tails extend into the air.
この文章の This is sufficient information to permit the calculation of the oil layer's thickness (although there is no indication that Franklin made this calculation, we can). の部分だけ訳をお願い出来ませんか?
That's not the end of the complexity. Although most researchers agree that the genome contains roughly 40,000 genes, a typical cell makes hundreds of thousands of distinct proteins. To understand the proteome, scientists have to learn the characteristics of all of those proteins. Simply making use of the data from the Human Genome Project, which finally put to rest the old dogma that one gene encodes one protein, will not do the trick. Clearly, one gene can somehow give rise to many different proteins.
>>647 前のEP(step in yourself and try yourself)の過去形のような感じになります。 新しいEPは"Stepped in yourself and tried yourself"という名前です。 だから、何かがそれ自身から出てきているとか、 古い体を脱ぎ捨てたようなものをデザインしてくれるっていうのはどうかなと思っています。 基本的にはそれが悪いものを後にして、未来を見つめているように見えるような感じで。
It is the custom of the society that for any knowledge, we should specifically confirm who has provided first and has the seniority right for the ideas. Whether scientific or technological, information is a race against time. Because of the first gets all nature, second place is equivalent to an official failure of the research. This results in a fierce race against time, in the research and development of scientific and technological knowledge.
Magnetic fields are claimed to elicit their biological effects by acting on hormones. Some evidence suggests a possible mechanism by which EMFs might trigger cancer. This hypothesis is the so-called melatonin hypothesis, which claims that EMFs can perturb the body's natural concentrations of the brain hormone melatonin. This hormone is thought to be a natural suppressor of breast cancer cell growth. Some advocates claim that EMFs may also suppress the immune system. It is claimed that EMFs can alter two other hormones that affect cancer risk.
A JURY has taken less than four hours to acquit security guard Karen Brown on charges of murder and manslaughter for the 2004 slaying of a man who bashed and robbed her of a day's hotel takings.
who bashed and robbed her of a day's hotel takings.
I am describing one possible course among the million other courses that the future might take. It is not important that we correctly identify the road before we reach it. The purpose of this book is to encourage us to search for it.
Although mere curiosity, love of discovery and altruism are sufficient motivations for most scientists to pursue research, a link to clinical applications is undoubtedly an advantage and sometimes even a requisite when it comes to funding. But how do basic research, clinical research and drug discovery benefit each other?
The USDA number takes credit in the energy balance for what is called co-products, in this case primarily a cattle feed. In any large-scale use of ethanol, there are not enough cattle to use the co-product. If it is removed from the equation, the ratio of energy out to energy in is reduced to about 1.1. Pimentel [1], on the other hand, finds the energy ratio to be about 0.74 including co-products and 0,58 without. The USDA has ethanol as a small winner in the energy equation, whereas Pimentel has it as a major loser, The two analyses do not even use the same number for the energy content of ethanol.
>>723 何を悩んでいるのかわからんが… 「What exactly is a lie ?嘘とは厳密には何であるのか。 Is it(=a lie) anything we say which(=anything we say) we know is untrue? それはわたしたちが真実ではないと知りながら、 言うことのすべてなのだろうか?」
However, the atmosphere extends from Earth's surface to the border of interplanetary space. Our atmosphere is not a simple diminution of pressure with altitude; it is actually a series of layers or regions, each with its own characteristic constituents. The various regions that have become better defined over the last half century of exploration are the troposphere,21 stratosphere,13 mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere.6 Mass spectrometric studies of these regions have led to important scientific discoveries.
Tests showed that laboratory rats exposed to 1,000-mG (milligauss) magnetic fields developed 50% more tumors than unexposed rats did. For comparison, simple household appliances deliver weaker fields. A hair dryer or vacuum cleaner at a distance of 6 inches produces only 700 mG. Other experiments indicate that intermittent fields, such as those from power surges, may pose more significant hazards than larger steady fields do. These surges pack a large amount of energy in a short period and occur when motors such as compressors in refrigerators or air-conditioners turn on. This issue is not settled, but it bears watching!
Ion exchange has an interesting history. Thorough investigators have shunned no efforts to discover ancient references. The earliest of these, it seems, is found in the Holy Bible. In establishing Moses priority it reads They could not drink of the waters of Marah, for they were bitter…… And he cried unto Jehovah; and Jehovah showed him a tree, and he cast it into the waters, and the waters were made sweet.
The band theory of solids helps to explain the different electrical conductivities of conductors, insulators, and semiconductors. The energy levels associated with each state of the isolated atoms spread into essentially continuous energy bands separated from each other by energy gaps. The bands derived from the lower energy atomic states are narrow since there is less overlap among the associated wave functions.
In certain aspects of college life, Students will find that understanding; American attitudes will be of help to them. For example, in college classes a higher value is placed upon efficiency and directness of expression than on certain forms of politeness that are observed in other countries, If a professor asks students whether they have understood an explanation he has given, he wants a straightforward yes or no. While he expects respect from his students, he does not expect them to say yes for that reason when the answer is clearly no. Nor does he expect them to say yes for fear that acknowledgment of lack of understanding would show that they are not smart. In fact, an American considers an answer given for one of these reasons as somewhat dishonest, rather than polite.
Nearly 10 years ago, Sumio Iijima, sitting at an electron microscope, first noticed odd nanoscopic threads lying in a smear of soot. Made of pure carbon, as regular and symmetric as crystals, these exquisitely thin, impressively long macromolecules soon became known as nanotubes. And they have been the object of intense scientific study ever since. The most obvious feature of nanotubes is that they are exceedingly narrow and long. They are about one nanometer in diameter but can run thousands of nanometers in length. What makes those tubes so stable is the strength, with which carbon atoms bond to one another, which is also what makes diamond so hard.
Before writing this book, I examined in some detail the efforts of two famous experts who looked into the twentieth century from the end of the nineteenth, Jules Verne and H.G. Wells. Neither Verne nor Wells saw the future clearly.
Molecules are inconveniently small?too small to be observed and studied directly. One therefore needs a spy, capable of relaying information on the structures, motions, and chemical reactions of molecules without significantly modifying those properties, and versatile enough to report on a wide range of molecules in a variety of situations. The spies that form the subject of this book are atomic nuclei, and the attribute that makes them so successful at espionage is their magnetism. Nuclear magnetic moments are exquisitely sensitive to their surroundings and yet interact very weakly with them. Most elements have at least one naturally occurring magnetic isotope, so essentially every molecule one might wish to investigate has one or more spies in place, exerting a negligible influence on the molecular properties they probe.
versatile = having various uses; attribute = 特性, 持ち物; espionage = スパイ活動; exquisitely = delicately
About that time I met an old friend of mine on the beach at our home town of Far Rockaway, where we grew up together. We had gone to school together when we were about eleven or twelve, and were very good friends. We were both scientifically minded. He had a "laboratory," and I had a "laboratory." We often played together, and discussed things together. We used to put on magic shows - chemistry magic - for the kids on the block. My friend was a pretty good showman, and I kind of liked that too. We did our tricks on a little table, with Bunsen burners at each end going all the time.
One third of all the world's biotechnology companies were founded by faculty members of the University of California. The benefits to researchers and universities are many. They include access to industry facilities and databases, financial support for research that can help the university as well as the company, opportunities for academics to tap into the market's expertise, and the longer-term benefits of experience and contacts.
Other difficulties arise if companies try to restrict academic freedoms or institutionalize industry's influence. For example, in at least one contract offered to a prestigious university by a multinational chemical company, the company took ownership and rights over all data deposited in their database. The academic involved found the company inflexible on this issue and so withdrew. One controversial example of industrial influence is the deal between the University of California at Berkeley and Novartis. The company is paying about $5 million per year for plant research and providing access to its databases; in return, it gains a seat in university and departmental research committees and restricts academics' freedom to discuss the benefits of the deal.
But pinpointing those variables in the early days of a new disease is a tall order. A diagnostic test that can quickly distinguish between cases of SARS and other maladies would help determine incubation time. Existing tests are not sensitive enough: A negative result does not rule out infection with the SARS virus. Researchers are optimistic that better diagnostics may soon be available, now that the disease's causative agent has been firmly established; the final evidence came last week from experiments in which monkeys infected with the corona-virus developed symptoms similar to those of human SARS patients. The same week, four laboratories announced independently that they had sequenced the genome of the new virus.
The sentence should read, ''Guppies are sometimes called rainbow fish because of the males' bright colors.'' Therefore, you should choose (A) The sentence should read, ''Serving several terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States polotician.'' Therefore, you should choose (B).
Since any chemical reaction involves the making and breaking of bonds, a detailed description of what a chemical bond is, needs to be considered. The theoretical description of structure and bonding in chemistry has historically been divided between two major approaches: valence bond (VB) theory and molecular orbital (MO) theory. The VB theory and its simplified, pictorial extension (resonance theory) dominated chemical thinking in the 1940s and 1950s, while the MO theory grew enormously fashionable in the 1960s and 1970s.
The result led Mulder to a speculation that a single core substance, which he called ' Grundstoff' , might be identical in all these substances with only added sulphur or phosphorus creating the differences. And this led to the further speculation that this 'Grundstoff' might in fact be synthesized in only one host (wheat or other plants) and then transferred intact as part to the process of nutritional assimilation into animals.
So a benefit from the use of radiation was established very early on. but equally some of the potential dangers of radiation became apparent in the doctors and surgeons who unwitting! overexposed themselves to X-rays in the early 1900s. Since then, many different applications of radiation and radioactive materials have been developed. We can classify radiation according to the effects it produces on matter, into ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Errors may be divided into two kinds, systematic and random. A systematic error is one which is constant throughout a set of readings. A random error is one which varies and which is equally likely to be ( positive ) or negative. Random errors are always present in an experiment and, in the absence of systematic- errors, they cause successive readings to spread about the true value of the quantity.
They were divided into three groups: right lateralized, left lateralized, and nonlateralized - those that showed no directional preference. The researchers examined how the different fish aligned in schools, and how close they staved to each other. They found that those that were highly lateralized tended to stay closer and in better alignment than those that were nonlateralized. Forming such an efficient school allows fish to swim faster and with greater maneuverability, enabling them to better avoid predators. A tight school also confers a hydrodynamic advantage: it takes less energy for each fish to swim.
Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit, studying spectroscopic observations of atoms in strong magnetic fields, had concluded that each electron must possess not only an electrical charge but also a magnetic dipole that an electron is a little like a bar magnet. The required magnetic dipole could be produced by a constant electric current around a circular path.
Suematsu agrees that male attitudes are a big obstacle. "Striving to meet targets will mean addressing the question of how to change this consciousness," he says.
A government advisory committee has suggested that Japan's publicly supported universities and labs set targets for hiring more women and that the government monitor their progress and publicize the results. The idea is to encourage-and perhaps even embarrass-authorities into lifting Japan from last place among industrialized nations in the employment of women scientists. "We need something to encourage more progress in this area," says Yasuharu Suematsu, former director general of the National Institute of Informatics and head of the panel, which reported this month to the Ministry of Education.
Until about the middle of the nineteenth century, "organic" compounds were believed to possess a mysterious "vital force" that accounted for their many reactions and sharply differentiated them from "inorganic" substances, which lacked the vital force. The disappearance of the concept of vital force has an interesting and somewhat obscure history. It begins with Friedrich Wohler's observation, in 1828, that ammonium cyanate, a familiar inorganic substance, can be transformed into urea, an organic substance that had already been isolated from many animal sources.
Current figures from Japan's Statistics Bureau show that women make up just 11.6% of the country's R&D workforce. That percentage is the lowest among the 30 industrialized countries m the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), in which Portugal leads the way with more than 40%. The U.S. figure is 26%.
The result led Mulder to a speculation that a single core substance, which he called ' Grundstoff' , might be identical in all these substances with only added sulphur or phosphorus creating the differences. And this led to the further speculation that this 'Grundstoff' might in fact be synthesized in only one host (wheat or other plants) and then transferred intact as part to the process of nutritional assimilation into animals.
Clear diamonds, occasionally in coloured form, are used as gems because the high index of refraction (〜2.42) enhances internal reflexion and brilliance in the cut stone.
Diamond powder is employed as an abrasive for arming grinding and cutting wheels, and larger pieces of opaque diamond are mounted in tools for cutting metal and rock.
But as a start, the committee suggests adding targets to the country's next Five-Year Basic Plan for Science and Technology that will govern spending and policy decisions for the half-decade starting next April.
It has never been out of print,and scarcely out of controversy, in all the time since―not bad going for a man whose chief other interest was worms and who,but for a hurried decision to sail around the world,would very probably have passed his life as a nameless naturalist.
Diamond powder is employed as an abrasive for arming grinding and cutting wheels, and larger pieces of opaque diamond are mounted in tools for cutting metal and rock.
Host processor 26 may comprise, for example, an Intel.RTM. Pentium.RTM. IV microprocessor that is commercially available from the Assignee of the subject application。 特に、「an Intel.RTM. Pentium.RTM. IV microprocessor 」のところ宜しくお願いします。
>>679の訂正文です。 The firstly naval battle of the Revolutionary War was fought off the coast of Machias, Maine, in June 1775. The public ceremonies of the Plains Indians are lesser elaborate than those of the Navajo in the Southwest. In some species of fish, such the three-spined stickleback, the male, not the female, performs the task of caring for the young. When she retires in September 1989, tennis champion Christine Evert was the most famous woman athlete in the United States. The ancient Romans used vessels equipped with sails and banks of oars to transporting their armies.
Bus 25 may comprise a bus that complies with the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express.TM. Base Specification Revision 1.0, published Jul. 22, 2002, available from the PCI Special Interest Group, Portland, Oreg., U.S.A.
Bus 25 may comprise a bus that complies with the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) Express.TM. Base Specification Revision 1.0, published Jul. 22, 2002, available from the PCI Special Interest Group, Portland, Oreg., U.S.A.
Their generic name notwithstanding, the rare earths are neither rare nor earths (metal oxides). They are metallic elements, and all but one are more abundant in the earth than gold, silver, mercury or tungsten. The rare-earth elements are in fact ubiquitous, being present in low concentration in virtually all minerals. Yet extracting the rare earths from common minerals would be prohibitive. It is therefore fortunate that a handful of less common minerals do exist in which the rare-earth concentration is high enough to allow the economical, extraction of the elements, because the elements are key ingredients in the manufacture of numerous modern products.
You don't know the first thing about sports!! Don't you understand how important basics are!? Even if you can dunk,it comes to nothing when you don't even know the basics! How are you gonna play in a real game!?
But by the 1970s, computer designers began to confront the inherent limitations of silicon technology. Although circuits had been shrunk to microscopic dimensions, computation speed was still dependent on circuit length. To miniaturize circuits still more, where distances were already on the order of millionths of an inch, brought back an old problem: heat. Smaller circuits would literally melt from the heat produced. What was needed was some method to eliminate heat and reduce resistance at the same time.
By 1850, however, the theory was dead. Some historians attribute its death to a critical experiment by Hermann Kolbe, who produced acetic acid by the reaction of zinc with chloroacetic acid. He had thus transformed one organic substance into another, something that, according to the vitalistic theory, could be done only by a living system. In summary, the vitalistic theory yielded slowly to accumulating evidence rather than to a single brilliant experiment.
It had been known since the 1950s that many metals when cooled to extremely low temperatures became "superconducting," permitting the unimpeded flow of electrons through them. In 1977, IBM announced it was designing an ultra-high-speed computer the size of a grapefruit, chilled with liquid nitrogen. The superconducting computer required a radically new technology, and a new range of low-temperature construction materials. Doped diamonds would be used extensively throughout.
It is important not to confuse this magnetic dipole with the magnetic effect that would result from the motion of the electron in an orbit around the nucleus. To be sure, that motion does produce a magnetic effect, but in addition the electron carries a magnetic dipole around with it. Since the electron bears a negative charge and the magnetic effect could be produced by the motion of such a charge around a circle, the electron is sometimes visualized as a tiny ball of charge, spinning about an axis.
Louis de Broglie received his first degree in history at the University of Paris in 1910, intending to go into the civil service. But he became intrigued by scientific problems as a result of discussions with his brother, the physicist Maurice de Broglie, and by reading the popular scientific expositions of the mathematician Henri Poincare. Although he managed to acquire sufficient competence in using the standard tools of theoretical physics to satisfy his professors, his real interest was in the more fundamental problems of the nature of space, time, matter, and energy.
Mulder summarized his results for Berzelius in a letter (3 June 1838) and Berzelius became quite excited, too. A special distinctive name seemed appropriate and 'protein' was the name he suggested in his reply a month later. The name is derived from the Greek word 'πρωτειοζ' which means 'standing in front', 'in the lead'. 'We're number one' is how one might translate it in the modern vernacular. Berzelius justified the name in a letter to Mulder, dated 10 July 1838, on the basis that protein 'seems to be the primitive or principal substance of animal nutrition, which plants prepare for the herbivores, and the latter then furnish for carnivores.'
The effect of a concept-driven revolution is to explain old things in new ways. The effect of a tool-driven revolution is to discover new things that have to be explained. In almost every branch of science, and especially in biology and astronomy, there has been a preponderance of tool-driven revolutions. We have been more successful in discovering new things than in explaining old ones. In recent times my own field of physics has had great success in creating new tools that have started revolutions in biology and astronomy. Physics has been less successful in creating new concepts with which to understand its own discoveries.
Host processor 26 may comprise, for example, an Intel.RTM. Pentium.RTM. IV microprocessor that is commercially available from the Assignee of the subject application。 特に、「an Intel.RTM. Pentium.RTM. IV microprocessor 」のところ宜しくお願いします。
Paul was concerned with communicating the Christian message beyond Judaea, to the Greeks and Romans, who dominated the civilized culture of the Western world.To do so,Paul had to re-interprit the importance of of Christfoe the non Jewish world.The Jews already believed in one supreme creator-God, in the sinful fall of man, and coming of a Messiah.
Romulus became the first king of Rome, but he ruled so harshly the so harshly that the senators, the chief men of the city, determined to rid themselves of him. During an eclipse of the sun, which darkened the city just at the time when Romulus and the senators were assembled in the market-place, the senator fell on the king with their swords and slew him. 和訳お願いします。
As consumers we have little direct use for ethane, but many of us use propane as the commercial fuel, LP gas. Several of the higher-molecular-weight alkanes, beginning with pentane, are liquids and the major components of gasoline, while even larger alkanes are oily or greasy liquids or waxy solids at room temperature. The candle wax consists of these larger molecules. Because of their very low toxicity the higher alkanes are useful as medical lubricants. Both mineral oil, an intestinal lubricant used as a laxative, and petroleum jelly are mixtures rich in alkanes.
It is important not to confuse this magnetic dipole with the magnetic effect that would result from the motion of the electron in an orbit around the nucleus. To be sure, that motion does produce a magnetic effect, but in addition the electron carries a magnetic dipole around with it. Since the electron bears a negative charge and the magnetic effect could be produced by the motion of such a charge around a circle, the electron is sometimes visualized as a tiny ball of charge, spinning about an axis.
Until about the middle of the nineteenth century, "organic" compounds were believed to possess a mysterious "vital force" that accounted for their many reactions and sharply differentiated them from "inorganic" substances, which lacked the vital force. The disappearance of the concept of vital force has an interesting and somewhat obscure history. It begins with Friedrich Wohler's observation, in 1828, that ammonium cyanate, a familiar inorganic substance, can be transformed into urea, an organic substance that had already been isolated from many animal sources.
When researchers first recognized the disease, they hoped that by isolating patients and their contacts, they might halt transmission of the disease and stamp out the virus. But as the full extent of the outbreak in China became apparent−2000 cases as of 22 April−researchers acknowledged that the likelihood of reaching contacts of all those infected was remote.
>>886>>694 これは原文どおり? 一部文脈があいまいなのでぐぐってみたが ttp:// このサイトの文章はよくわかる。例えば>694では …their technical subjects of extra writing courses; となってるが上のサイトでは …their technical subjects but without extra writing courses とある。これは後者じゃないと意味が通じないと思うんだが。その次の文も形が ちょと違うし。。ま、訳せといわれて訳せないことはないんだけどね。
Even without ignition the leak could prove deadly since the escaping gas, if it remained undetected, could displace the air in a house and asphyxiate the occupants.
Although Cartesian coordinates (x, y, and z) are suitable for many problems, there are many other problems for which they prove to be cumbersome. A particularly important type of such a problem occurs when the system being described has some sort of a natural center, as in the case of an atom, where the heavy nucleus serves as one.
Chemistry is the science of matter and of its transformations, and life is its highest expression. It provides structures endowed with properties and develops processes for the synthesis of structures. It plays a primordial role in our understanding of material phenomena, in our capability to act upon them, to modify them, to control them and to invent new expressions of them.
They then cut his body into small pieses, which they hid beneath their cloaks.When the light returnde and the people found that their king had disappeared, the senators told them that Romulus had been carried off by the gods to Mount Olympus, and ordered a temple to be built in his honour on one of the seven hills of Rome.
In describing atomic systems, as well as many other systems, it is most convenient to use spherical coordinates. Instead of locating a point in space by specifying the Cartesian coordinates x, y, and z, we can equally well locate the same point by specifying the spherical coordinates r, θ, andφ.
アフレコについての英文です。 "If I have Luci read first, Chris has something to work off," Mr. Rush said. "Then I can tell him, 'It didn't sound like you were really talking to her,' or 'You're a little angrier with her.' If I don't like the chemistry in certain scenes, we can redo it parts of it, but that's pretty rare." 訳せそうで上手く訳せませんでした。どなたかお願いします。
Dinosaurs (are) traditionally classified as cold-blooded reptiles, (but) recent evidence based on eating habits, posture, and skeletal (structural) suggests some (may have) been warm-blooded. Since the Great Depression of the 1930's social (programs) such as Social Security (have been) built into the economy (to help) avert (severity) business declines. In the 1970's, (consumer) activities (succeeded) in promoting laws that set (safety) standards for automobiles, children's clothing, and a (widely) range of household products. Zoos in New Orleans, San Diego, Detroit, and the Bronx (have become) biological parks (where) animals (roams free) and people (watch from) across a moat.
We turn to one of the most important individual topics in quantum mechanics, the harmonic oscillator. Harmonic oscillations occur when a system contains a part that experiences a restoring force proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. Pendulums a) and vibrating strings are familiar examples. The importance of the harmonic oscillator also lies in the way that the same algebra occurs in a variety of different problems; for example, it also occurs in the treatment of rotational motion.
The outside of each glass sheet is coated with a polarizer oriented parallel to the rubbing direction, and one of the sheets is further coated with a reflecting mirror. Because the molecules in the liquid crystal align parallel to the direction of rubbing, and because the two glass sheets are rubbed at 90° angles to each other, the molecules undergo a gradual 90° twist in orientation between the two surfaces. 典型的な液晶ディスプレイ(LCD)は薄いナイロンブラシで異なる方向へ擦り込まれ、酸化インジウム/錫より成る 透明の電極で層化された2つのガラスシートで挟まれたネマチック液晶の薄い層を含んでいる。 それぞれのガラスシートの外側は摩擦された方向に平行に配向された偏光子でコーティングされており、 シートのもう1つは反射鏡でよりコーティングされている。液晶の分子は摩擦方向に平行に割り当てられているため、 そして2つのガラスシートがお互い90℃角に摩擦されているために分子は2つの表面の配向において分子は 少しずつ90°ねじれを受ける。
"You snooze, you lose" may be truer than anyone ever imagined. Based on a survey of more than 1.1 million people, an investigation led by Daniel F. Kripke of the University of California at San Diego found that people who slept at least eight hours a night had a higher risk of dying within six years than those who said they slept less, even as few as five hours. Women who clocked at least 10 hours a night were 41 percent more likely to die, and men 34 percent more, than subjects with the highest survival rates - those who reported nightly sleeps of between 6.5 and 7.4 hours.
For one, it is far less hazardous, since it does not cause radiation damage. For another, it gives good images of soft tissues, which are more difficult to obtain with X-rays. How does it work?
このFor oneって「1つめ」と訳すべきでしょうか? For anotherは「もう1つ」と訳すべきでしょうか? もっといい訳しかたってないですか?
Dairy farming is a leading agricultural activity in the United. Although thunder and lightning are produced at the same time, light waves travel faster than sound waves do, so we see the lightning before we hear the thunder. Beef cattle are the most important of all livestock for economic growth in certain geograpic regions. The discovery of the halftone process in photography in 1881 made it possible to reproduce photographs in books and newspapers. Flag Day is a legal holiday only in the state of Pennsylvania, where Betsy Ross sewed the first American flag.
My present invention consists in the employment of a vibratory or undulatory current of electricity in contradistinction to a merely intermittent or pulsatory current, and of a method of, and apparatus for, producing electrical undulations upon the line-wire.
The theory of chemistry, i.e., of the reactions themselves, was summarized to a large extent in the periodic table of Mendeleev, which brings out many strange relationships among the various elements, and it was the collection of rules as to which substance is combined with which, and how, that constituted inorganic chemistry. All these rales were ultimately explained in principle by quantum mechanics, so that theoretical chemistry is in fact physics. On the other hand, it must be emphasized that this explanation is in principle.
お願いします。 The difficulties must not be so great as to cause discouragement, or so small as not to stimulate effort. It is by what we do ourselves that we learn.
My present invention consists in the employment of a vibratory or undulatory current of electricity in contradistinction to a merely intermittent or pulsatory current, and of a method of, and apparatus for, producing electrical undulations upon the line-wire.
Chlorofluorocarbons, as the name suggests, consist of chlorine, fluorine and carbon, First introduced some 60 years ago, these gases have served as coolants for refrigerators and air conditioners, and cleansers for electronic parts. The compounds were once considered to be virtually ideal industrial chemicals because they are highly stable and unreactive and therefore nontoxic. Ironically it is the inertness of the compounds that makes them potentially troublesome for the ozone in the stratosphere.
The challenges for the writers can also be daunting. Japanese humor runs to difficult-to-translate puns and wordplays, and jokes or clues may be hidden in the characters' names. この文がどうにも上手く訳せません。お願いします。
The results, however, could not indicate whether extended life span was a direct result of less sleep. Moreover, the researchers could not eliminate the influence of naps or every disease that might affect both sleep and mortality, b) Most Americans get 6.5 hours of sleep nightly, Kripke says, and this study, appearing in the February 1 5 Archives of General Psychiatry, shows that they shouldn't feel guilty about not sleeping more. "What we can say to the average American is, 'You don't have to sleep eight hours. It isn't necessary for health.'
On most of us the effect of our general education has been such that we have tended to believe rather uncritically, first that liberty is good thing, and secondly that the possession of it is likely to increase our happiness.
On most of us the effect of our general education has been such that we have tended to believe rather uncritically, first that liberty is good thing, and secondly that the possession of it is likely to increase our happiness.
They might agree or disagree, but they could easily understand the claim that Jesus was the Messiah, rescuing man from sin and heralding the coming judgment day. The Greeks and Romans, however, had a long and sophisticated philobsohical tradition. They were moving away from the idea of man-like gods, towerds the metaphysical concepts of absolute ideas.How should Chirist's mission be explained to them?