>>715 It's illegal for people under the age of 20 to drink beer, but I have drunk it once. I didn't think beer tastes good at that time so I don't think I'll try beer again.
>>745 The balance of the world is collapsing. Poeple are working busily but without aiming. The vision on their eyes are dreams or deaths of different world. People's mind is getting insane. Gedo the great wiseman made a journey to seek for the origin of disasters, who happened to meet a boy, the son of King Enlad, who has darkness in his mind. The boy was chased by the shadow. Before the boy scared by the shadow appears a girl named Telou on whose face is a burn. I hate such a guy who dooes not address his life. Miyazaki Goro's first movie. This summer, men and dragons are going to unify.
There is nothing in the world that could live eternally. That we know that our life is finite is the great gift from heaven given to us. All that we own is all that we have to lose someday. Our life that is the source of our distress, our treasure and the mercy from the heaven are as well.
The world is losing its balance. The people, working relentlessly, can't find thier purpose, and in their eyes appeared the dream, or the death, or the completely unfamiliar world. Craziness has eroded people's mind. Gedo, the great wise, in his journey to reach the cause of the evil, sees Allen, the Prince of Enlad, who hides the darkness in his soul. The Shadow was hunting after the boy. In front of Allen, being scared by the Shadow, emerges Teru, the girl who has a scar of burn on her face. Hate the guys who luck the respect to life! This summer, human and dragon become one in the movie directed by Mitazaki Goro.
>>750 話者が誰かに言い聞かせているという印象を受けたので、 oneじゃなくてweで訳してみた。下の日本語は英語をさらに和訳してみたもの。 Nothing lasts forever in this world. この世に永遠に続くものなどない。 (We all die at some point, but) knowing that is a great gift that heaven gives us. (われわれはいつか死ぬが)それを知っていることは天によって与えられた偉大な贈り物である (注・heaven "gives" us…行為に終わりがないので、現在形になると思います) Everything we own is to be given up someday-- われわれが所有するすべてのものはいつか失われると定められている― even our lives that cause us distress, but are gift and grace from heaven at the same time. . . われわれに苦しみをもたらすと、同時に天からの授かり物で恩寵でもある われわれの命でさえも…
>>754 友達へのメールとインフォーマルなメールと仮定して、 I was thinking of studying English in 国名, but I (changed my mind and) decided to work in Japan. So I will be visiting the U.S. in the end of the year when my work is over. (in 国名のかわりに、inなしでabroadでもよし。 in the end of the yearよりin Decemberとかのほうがいいかもです)
>>758 少し考えてみたけど、"in the end of the year" のほうが範囲が広いんじゃないか?詳しくは知らないけど。 年末の休暇=winter holidays/ vacationには賛成。 ただこれから仕事ををしていくとのことなので、 workという言葉を入れて強調したほうがいいのかも。