>>17 usually my dick is small enough to be held in my pants but once I see a vopuptuous woman's naked body, my dick become a huge throbbing one immediately. after that ,my pants will be ,of course,broken into pieces.
>>19 Your dick becomes a huge throbbing one? Even if you say this, it won't convince me anything, because you admitted that you have small dick. Your soft cock is small, so your hard cock will be small as well. But don't worry you are handsome
Is this a mainstream chat thread? or a waidan thread? Why don't you divide into two. waidan should go to waidan thread while the normal posts come here.
well,I'm against your opinion,which is "your soft cock is small, so your hard cock will be small as well". Is that a generally accepted opinion ? I think it's your prejudice that comes from jealousy toward mine.
Refraction is the change in direction of a wave due to a change in its velocity. This is most commonly seen when a wave passes from one medium to another. Refraction of light is the most commonly seen example, but any type of wave can refract when it interacts with a medium, for example when sound waves pass from one medium into another. In optics, refraction occurs when light waves travel from a medium with a given refractive index to a medium with another. At the boundary between the media, the wave's phase velocity is altered, it changes direction, and its wavelength increases or decreases but its frequency remains constant. For example, a light ray will refract as it enters and leaves glass; understanding of this concept led to the invention of lenses and the refracting telescope.
Hundreds of idol fans have been posting in the BBS. But Yukorin has the largest number of fans.
For one thing, she's cute and attractive. For another, inspite of her looks, she confessed she breaks the air of vanilla. Those two elements are really appealing to most males.
So I'm curious, have you people been talking about vanilla-scented farts for the last..... 53 threads? That's 53000 posts just about farts. And Yukorin. Wow.
>>62 No, you are wrong. Of course, Yukorin's discussion will never die, but Maki will NOT. In fact, Maki has just started to be mentioned. Yukorin has longer history in this thread.
How about Maki's fart? Do you think her fart smells of rotten fish? No way! Maki chan is an angel! An angel can cut the cheese and it must smell like a very sweet apple.
The reason why that thread has confined to people loves yukorin, maki and 猥談 is >>1 of that thread. That thread contains 猥談 in that thread's title and yukorin, makichan in >>1 message of that thread.
A fun made that thread, thus that thread is not for everyone but for those who loves yukorin and makichan. The fact has, for me, no problem and good! Threfore, It can eliminates topics for yukorin, makichan and 猥談 from here. This indicates to make an environment to discuss for intellectual topics (i.e. polics, science, histories) As that thread overlap another, the fact would have a problem on the management of the English board managers as well.
>>38 Zidane was the great performance on BRA vs FRA. Although he retire after the end of the fifa worldcup, I want to look at his play. If he gets the cup, he would be the best regend player of Europa.
I sought the first game of the cup, versus the swtherland. Zidane of the first game was a bad performance. Perhaps he felt the differnce between his images and his condition. After FRA vs ESP, he have rebrightened on the cup.
I am an authentic NEET. I am ne'er-do-well. My room is not neat and my mother is always angry at the way I behave. She often says to me, "Go away, foolish guy!"
Watch for the manga-turned-anime "NHK ni yokosou" airing next week - it's about the life of a hiki. Maybe the hikis here can tell us how accurate it is.
you know the reason of north korea's attack? it's because recently, there was a talk between our prime minister and U.S.Bush, right? at that time they talked about what to do with N Korea in the future. not only Koizumi enjoyed the visit Presley's hometown...lol but also Koizimi implied the next prime minister will be Abe and Abe is the one who will be more severe and do economic sanctions against N.Korea. NK received that info thru China and started to attack us. their がけっぷちattack That's what I heard. But this info is just what I've heard. Not sure.
>>110 That may be a reason, but not the one and only, I guess.
If Abe becomes the next prime minister, what will become of the pension system of Japan? I think people will have to wait until they become 70 years old to receive pension money...
Government told lies. those missles exploded in the vicinity of not Russian shore but Japan shore. North Korea must have attempted to wipe out Korin Planet at all.
>>142 Wow!! hard to breathe...or I'm too lazy and forgot to breathe...lol but kenji I have some bf in this board. They get angry if I talk to you too friendly...
>>181 Sorry that was mistake. but you really have to go to bed earlier than that...1 hr sleep may ruin your health...you need 6 hrs a day at least.. take care^^;;
>>183 it's not just an advice...it's more like an order. if you'd continue your life style like that...I don't know how many years you will survive. ^^;;
Who am I ? Me ? I am nobody. I think therefore I am It's not true. 仏道をならふといふは、自己をならふなり。 自己をならふといふは、自己をわするるなり。 自己をわするるといふは、万法に証せらるるなり。 万法に証せらるるといふは、自己の身心、および他己の身心をして 脱落せしむるなり。
Maki chan is my angel. She alone can make me afraid of things that's come about recently. If I lost her because of a missile, I wouldn't live any more in this crazy world.
Sorry, I don't have anything to say about economics or politics. Anyway, the reason I say I'm good at English is because I'm an American and it's my native language, so it would be ridiculous if I were bad at it... I really am 戦戦恐恐.
Hmm, I suppose 戦戦恐恐1 ◆snYkydKhpg had believed his English was good enough to affect to be an American, but we easily saw through him. That's why he lost his temper. Look what he's doing now.
He may be learning Spanish too, and still from his level of English, we can't rule out the possibilities that his Spanish is also awful.
>>234 Hi, then. There are many people trying to impersonate me in this thread. Isn't that sad? One claims to be an American, and the other one is Mexican, I think. I hope they don't come back.
Hey! I found the interesting posts in the love section. This thread is for people who are in the internet love(?). This boy fell in love with one boy(!!!) on RO. He said he experienced the futurist love. it crossed the gender..he said he's not a gay. well if you can read Japanese, try to take a look 956 - 990. It was really touching.
>>240 I would prefer not to reveal my nationality here, because I would not like to be tracked down. Anyway, I think that if a man falls in love with a man, he must be gay. That is the definition of being gay.
haha...yeah but he claimed that he is not. He has never had that feeling before. but with this experience, he maybe discovered he was gay. But this story, the way he wrote, it really made me cry. In a sense, it looks stupid, the stupidest person in the world...but his love was so pure...
Well, I think that no matter what, if you're a guy and you fall in love with another guy, you have to be gay, or bisexual possibly. Anyway, how long have you been studying English?
>>246 since jr high school. but I was not really into it and I was not a good student in school (I mean I was kind of hikikomori so I didn't go to school) but later I started to learn eagerly. I guess last few years, I 've been reading and writing with much effort.
You are right. Even how attractive she would be, I can never imagine myself to fall in love with someone who has breasts.
>>247 Hi! there! well even handicapped! as long as he is funny nice man, I would very much like to go out with him! my criteria of choosing man is a bit different from others. I don't care about handicapped.
>>254 haha that's no prob at all....why do I have to hate him as same as other classmates? eh? I am kind of twisted person, so more other general ppl hate him, more I start to like him lol
>>259 Oh yeah...lol I understand what you meant. I was like that too. I guess most of the people who come to internet to gain their strength are fed up with their life at the moment. or maybe just enjoying doing this. In my case, when life sucks, I come to internet more than usual.
>>257 oh good, i agree. cuz i have the same thinking with u. cuz i've went through a damn thing like this. there was one of boys who was artless and not that kinda outstanding type and i liked him. but from some day or other, he became stand out from any girls and guys in our class. and then he became no longer my typed artless boy. so he wont be like that tho he is hated and regected by ppl like this state. and if itll being so, he've been my typed guy who is artless. so i started to think he's totally good!! however if ill go out with him, i might be their target of regecting like him... so ive been losing my way whether go out with him or not... and at the same time ive been waiting for good opinions from u guys!!
>>257 oh good, i agree. cuz i have the same thinking with u. cuz i've went through a damn thing like this. there was one of boys who was artless and not that kinda outstanding type and i liked him. but from some day or other, he became stand out from any girls and guys in our class. and then he became no longer my typed artless boy. **my story in the past ends** so he(handicapped) wont be like that tho he is hated and regected by ppl like this state. and if itll being so, he've been my typed guy who is artless. so i started to think he's totally good!! however if ill go out with him, i might be their target of regecting like him... so ive been losing my way whether go out with him or not... and at the same time ive been waiting for good opinions from u guys!!
>>261 Yeah. I spend a lot of time on the Internet... Anyway, I don't like how people always ask me personal questions. Why do they have to be so curious? And how people pretend they want to be my friend, but they don't really... And I always feel on the outside, out of the know...
1)why he became kinda outstanding type all of a suddent? 2)why you started to think he is totally good? (I didn't understand what you said) 3)do you still like him?
>>265 Oh yeah. I agree. Also I don't like to msn with random people. That's why I like this 2ch. We don't have to open our status. Nobody asks me to chat on msn blabla...
>>267 Oh, well I was talking more about real life. When I'm at school, sometimes people will ask me things like "What do you do when you go home?", and in such a way that you can tell they don't think you do much... Then there's other things I won't go into... But, anyway, do you get what I'm saying?
yes. i love this kinda questions like a paper test tho hehe.
1)why he became kinda outstanding type all of students? he became such kinda type why is they classmates saw us and got envy us when we've talked with full of love in the class all the time. plus im the outstanding type from the first
2)why you started to think he is totally good? (I didn't understand what you said) cuz he never become such a outstanding type tho he's regected from ppl in my class. so he's totally good why never stood outs and for ever artless
3)do you still like him? i no longer like the ex-guy tho.
>>269 1)that make sense...so you are like a star(?) in the class so ppl envy him 2)oh I see (only 60% understanding) 3)ok
then why are you still thinking you go out with him or not? even you no longer liking him...some kind of compassion? I don't understand why you asked us this question even you know that you don't like him anymore. You are young so you have many chances to meet new friends everyday. You might meet a nice boy one day, I guess.
>>284 nope...I am not. There are many Makis in this world. I am not your angel Maki. We can all use same username or I can put my birthday after Maki then...but I don't have to do that. I think.
>>336 neither I like Nakata even though ppl here say bad things about him. many ppl said he is just a show off, a narcissist type. I hate to hear and see TV ppl say bad things about him...
>>406 oh yeah....I do hope they will live together eventually. Yokota Shigeru san is such a gentle person. I can't believe the old couple of Yokota could have survived all these years with such strength. and trying to strive.
>>420 do you really? then hopefully she'll come back.. with some support, she might come back. She sounds strong, but actually her heart is like little bird's.
>>427 hey マキ, can you do me a favor?? i will not check this thread often so if you see bernardo here again, tell her that there was a guy who was wating for you... if you can do that, it is appreciated a lot.
>>438 Most places in Japan have it worse than here, but I do not have an electrical fan nor airconditioning, and the ventilation in my room is rather bad, sadly.
"24°C Clear Wind: SW at 9 km/h Humidity: 57%" And it's going to get 29°C later today in my city.
>>452 Ah, I'm afraid you aren't with me. I was talking about her and Kim Jong Ill. I mean, she alone can talk him out of attacking Japan with missiles by luring him into her corrupt world. He will forget about politics, won't he?
>>449 Ah? What temperatures have you been having so far?
>>451 Hehh.. Not quite. something more along the line of this: Age: 22 years Now My Feeling is: tired but chipper. My Walking Speed is: don't really know Height: 5'3-5'4 ft And I'll get married at some point in time at some place. Where and when isn't really as relevant as with whom.
>>462 I have a lot of things to be cheerful about, so why not ;-) And yesterday it was 29 degrees too as worst. Ah well, I'll live. Hmm.. Though I do think I'll take that cool shower now.
>Yes, it's a russian name, a pet name from Ludmila (Ludmila - Luda - Ludochka); >should be pronounced as "LudoCHka", a stress on the first syllable (U); U - >somewhat like a "yü" in "beauty".
Hi, k-tan. They were some characters on a TV show. Possession of marijuana is severely condemned in Japan. I don't know what it's like in your country, though.
>>478 Ahh. Thank you for the explenation! ^_^ Possession of drugs are not lightly viewed on here, no. As far as I know at least.
>>479 Not really strange. Governments/people in war with others generally try to demonize their opponents as much as possible, in order to gain maximum support amongst the people, making it more clear for them who they are supposed to think of as the "bad guys", as far as they are concerned. It makes a lot of sense that the more extreme people get, the more of a separatist they get, as it's too difficult to maintain strong, biased stereotyped views when you keep getting reminded of that the stereotypes are not real people.
>>479 Heh. I just finished reading it.. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, even though it indeed was not nice. But then again, I'm not aware of any common nice documents about opponents in any war.
wow, this is one of the wierdest stuff i've ever seen in my life. lol can't believe this was officially issued as a guide for the soldiers to follow. i guess it was like that back then.. i wondered if they really believed it?
>>480 yeah, that's what they do during a war; rationalization and justification. a funny thing is, this wasn't just propaganda for the masees but for the soldiers. i guess they could've appreciated a little more accurate info. lol
I'm worried Japan will get involved in war sooner or later.
If the government passes the amendment to the Constitution and makes the self defence force lawfully acceptable, there will be no turning back to the peaceful nation that doesn't wage war.
>>502 I don't really know how rich he is. but that's one of the choices. She's already over 30 and she doesn't really have someone she could devotes herself so far. so she's maybe decided to get married to one rich man instead of staying single and do some バラエティの司会 in Japan.
>>508 but as for me, I don't want to live like her. I only want to fall in love, burn with love first and then what will lie ahead...that is the marriage.
She's very cute. But as a singer...she is madamada(has a long way to be a certain level of singer). I like her fasion. She's really charming but more like for girls. Maybe boys are not really into her.
>>526 You don't know what you are talking about. She's cute. Yeah, that's the biggest point here. Nobody said her song was better than any other. All that matter is her smiles. You should go if you are not interested in girls. Bye-bye!
The girls who are big fans of Jyani-zu, is very stupid and slut i bet, Those male idols are handsome, but not intelligent. they are very bad at computers
>>535 lol I just like to see them. I don't need intelligence from them. As long as they are cool and cute, that's fine. Do you want your idol to be intelligent? truth is, I like somebody whois good at computer.
but you must know, idols betray her fans. she thinks fan is eventually fan, not her husband. Kaela hates you because your looks are musty and messy idols want her fans to stop mustarbate...
>>555 who attracts who? too many idos names are listed, I dunno Kaela? I like her. she's charming. I just want to go out with her. I just want to make her laugh and watch her smiling face. I don't want sex with her yet.
>>583>>587 A lavatory in the basement? Almost sounds as if you've been reading The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy too many times O.o;; Oh well.. At least you don't have to put up with Vogon poetry appearing everywhere you log in?
People here, are you going to watch the FIFA final match? it will start around 3 am. It's hard to make a decision whether you sleep or not until that time.... I will probably take a nap(?) for 2 hrs after the match. I'll come back later!! see ya
I think Ishihara Satomi is the cutest girl, isn't she?
>>645 what is beautiful girl club 31? lol Akiba something? I liked the original Morning musume. The very first version when Sayaka was there...I liked her.
>>663 really? You also? but you have a desire to go out, right? then you are no longer NEET. If you have an energy to go out and try new things, you are no longer NEET, I think. definition of NEET is somewhat loose.
>>634 Hi! I'm doing okay I guess, my sister just finished showing me a comedy Bollywood movie, "Deewane Huye Pagal" [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0444781/ ] . It was rather amusing. It was a Bollywood version of the Hollywood movie "There's Something About Mary" [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0129387/ ]. Another amusing thing about it was that the main male character was a pretty-boy that looked as if he was dragged onto the set from Smalville [ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0279600/ ]. Hm.. To be honest, it was like four times as silly as "There's Something About Mary", though not in a bad way, as well as being a lot less sexual and more marriage oriented.
The final match was today? Hmm.. Definitely need to check on it.
659>> interesting... so that would mean they would be living with their parents (considering the lack of income), right? Why do they put up with NEETs ? Are there a lot of NEETs in Japan ?
>>678 >Bukkake is the noun form of the Japanese verb bukkakeru >(打っ掛ける, to dash [water]), and means simply "splash" >or "dash." The compound verb can be decomposed into two verbs: > butsu (ぶつ) and kakeru (掛ける). Butsu literally means to hit, >but in this usage it appears to be an intensive prefix as in >buttamageru (ぶったまげる, "completely astonished") or butchigiri >(ぶっちぎり, "overwhelming win"). Kakeru in this context means to >shower or pour. The word bukkake is often used in Japanese to describe >pouring out water (or other liquids) with sufficient momentum to >cause splashing. >Indeed, bukkake is used in Japan and Tanzania to describe a type of >dish where the toppings are poured on top of noodles, as in >bukkake-udon and bukkake-soba. Ahh. Neat.
Porn bukkake seems highly unpleasant. Although "Dream Shower" type just sounds rather silly. Ah well.
>>690 As to why cooking itself is enjoyable.. It's not really related to cooking.. ^_^ More of that it's enjoyable to do any hand-craft and get an interesting/good/fun result. Yesterday for my sister's birthday I amongst other things gave her a necklace I had made by hand. It turned out a lot better than what I hoped it would, so that was rather nice.
Cooking is handy in the way that not only can you get good and enjoyable results, but it also doubles as nourisment. I like doing things with results that can be applied to several areas.
I usually cook to experiment and to fool around with what it possible to do, rather thank because it's a chore for me to cook dish X. Food is something that a lot of people like to have in their life (lest they die.. though people do enjoy good food for the sake of the enjoyment of consuming quality dishes too, and not just as mere nourishment), and I like investigating what I can do with such a medium. Food is just one out of the many different media I'm interested in, and is a more generic interest.
I don't think as many people would care if I went "I just drew a really neat looking abstract pencil sketch, but I can't really show it because I don't have a scanner any more.", or "Heh, I just completely out-logicked a friend in a debate, proving that he needed to not be a hypocrit in matter X." or "Wow, you know, the design of this room/item is really brilliant because of x and y and those elements over there, as well as brilliant incorporation of those into the theme z" and so on. That is why I speak of food, rather than something geekier. That topic is more easy for others to become interested in. And I don't really have a check on idols, so I can't really talk about the photo-album by x or y, and even if I did, I'm too likely to start talking about the artistical quality of those, rather than mere fwapability of their images or their songs. I'm too interested in art not to do so, and I'm too unlikely to be interested in the various types of fwapability of idol photos.
(I'm sorry if I've offended any idol fans by implying that the main interest-determinant for an idol's fans is how well the idol tickles the fancy of the fan's libido. This is naturally not true in all cases, though the percentage of those types of fans seem rather high here.)
What is your favorite recipe? Anyone actually know any good Japanese recipes ? Not okonomiyaki though, I love it, but I don't have any baking-plate to bake it on :S
>>702 I don't have a favourite recipe, the same way I do not have a favourite dish nor band/type of music. I tend to improv frequently. Lately I've been making soups a lot, I blame the hot weather for my need for more liquid yet filling food. I keep drinking a lot of water but I'm still frequently thirsty.
You can always rummage through http://4-ch.net/food/ to see if anyone has any good Japanese recipes. Someone did a variant of melonpan and was happy with the result. Do you have any access to more Japanese type food items for cooking? To state the obvious, you'll need that if you want to do things more properly.
Hmm.. As I've been on a soup spree the past week, miso soups come to mind, as they're nice, quick, and easy. Have you ever tried making any of that?
I recently got into cooking too. I like to impress my guests by cooking or BBQing them a good meal. It shows you're not lazy and you take care of yourself, and you'll get invited to more parties =)
One Uni student in Osaka killed his mother. He goes to one of the leading national unis and had a good reputation among others. He is a 3rd child and all of his big bros are elite. Everybody says he was the sun shines out of his mother's eyes. He beated up his mother many times and strangled many times. He hated her very much. Mother blamed him because he plays pachinko everyday instead of going to school. He also claimed that she always compared him with his two elite bros.....
Poor Zidane... last soccer match of his career he was red carded!! headbutted Italy Maiterazzi in the chest. What words they have exchanged and it pissed him off like that? I wonder...
but having seen him like that, I can tell he is just a hot blooded guy. Because normally if it was last match of his great career, ppl want to make it as great match as possible. we normaly try to make it as a glorious page of our life. Because FIFA the final stays in our memories forever, you know? But he just doesn't care and do with his heart. But that was cute. lol
>>725 Well, I'm an American who has learned hiragana, katakana, and ~500 kanji, and what I have to say is... You just have to practice them. It's as simple as that.
>>725 Using flash cards to train to remember may be rather useful. http://goalsuccess.typepad.com/goaltips/2006/07/the_nofail_flas.html The above link is to a good page about making as efficient flash cards as possible. Train with them as often as you get a few seconds over as it really is not a time consuming activity to just whip up a few cards from your pocket or so, and look at them for a brief while.
And about the writing it self, that too is remedied by practice, practice, practice. Once again, doesn't have to be anything fancy, just scribble a little every time you get a short while over.
I can not do much on a forum that is largely in a language I am completely incapable of reading, so all I can do right now is just talk normally with you guys in English. I hope I can be of some help somehow.
Oh yes; for the flash cards, how should I do it? I was thinking I could have the character on one side, and the romaji (and English translation of it, if it is a kanji) on the other side.
Do you think that is good? Sorry for the double post. (^-^;;)
>>729 No worries ^_^ And at least you can speak some Japanese, I sadly know nothing, except for a few words. I'm contemplating learning hiragana and katakana.
>>730 Double post? I've done worse, so far, nobody has strangled me nor yelled at me for it, so I don't see why you can't do so too. =) About kanji, don't know if that's the best way to do it, but otherwise sounds good. I'm assuming more experienced people will give you proper help within that field soon, here. I'll email and ask my boyfriend about how he did it (he studies Japanese), I should get an answer tomorrow or so.
My Japanese extends as far as being able to pronounce it properly and throw together a sentence or two.
This comes largely from watching over a thousand episodes of various anime... I have been exposed to dozens (actually, probably hundreds) of hours of listening to the language, so I suppose it is only natural that I pick up a little of it.
It is very frustrating, though, because I feel that I am on the brink of understanding it and yet I can not wrap my mind around it.
>>735 Hehhh.. As a multilingual person, I know that feeling far too well :-D Good luck with that! ^_^ And you're a fellow subtitle-preferrer, I assume? As opposed to dubs.. Though in my case it's culturally ingrained.
Yes, for several reasons. Voice acting in other languages is rarely as good... they just do not put as much feeling into it as the seiyuu do.
I want to be able to watch anime without subtitles completely, of course. I have tried it before and my eyes are trained to look at the bottom. I feel weird when there is nothing there.
>>739 Swedish is my main language, English is my second best. I can understand a lot of German (studied it for several years many years ago, and my boyfriend is German) and Hungerian (almost daily exposure to the language for the past 22 years), but my ability to compose sentences in those languages are awfully shoddier than my level of understandment in them. I can understand Norwegian and Danish well, but I can't really write/speak any of those two languages (Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish are similar enough for us to be able to understand the other languages decently/well). I can understand some French (studied it for 1½ years many years ago), and appart from that I'm able to identify a smaller chunk of words in Dutch (used to know several Dutch people, and I used to try to memorize Dutch words) I can identify fewer words in Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and I know a few words in many other languages. I am able to identify a lot more languages in writing than what I actually know. I've prolly left out something out. Ah well.
And about the subtitles.. In Sweden, unless the foreign movie/tv-series is aimed at small children, they subtitle it. So I've pretty much grown up with subtitles.
>>745 Nah, you're not missing out on anything interesting.
>>746 My boyfriend introduced me to it, and I do not know a lot of Japanese dictionaries/learning tools. So I don't really know how common Wakan is. And regarding the listing.. I'll ask my boyfriend if he knows of one.
You really have to put in a lot of time (a few hours a day for about 4 weeks), but by the end you'll know all hiragana and katakana, tons of grammar, and be introduced to about 100 kanji.
From there, I've been reading raw manga containing furigana together with an online dictionary and verb conjugation reference. It's fun (and sometimes tedious!) and improves my grammatical understanding. My kanji has been getting better that way too, but very slowly.
>>749 Hahaha.. A pity Google removed the Carmen Sandiego bit in their search engine. I live in Malmö, Sweden. I've seen too many random episodes of animes here and there. Name an anime series, and I'll state if I've seen any of it or not. Hm... Maybe some day I should start making a list of all the anime I've ever seen. Perhaps I should make similar lists for all the books I've ever read... That would be a horribly long list.. Ah well.. The movie Captain Harlock in Arcadia as well as an anime version of Swan Lake were my first exposures to anime, I was somewhere between 7-9 years old, I think? I still have the dubbed VHS tape of Captain Harlock in Arcadia, too. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0084881/ That one, though I'm slightly confused at that my tape claims the runtime is 120 minutes, while as IMDB says 130.. I guess they must have cut out some scences, as by some reason this movie was supposed to be "children's entertainment".
>>750 Oh ah, I see. Interesting name for the program :-D
hm... I may be wrong about the Harlock VHS, it may be subbed.. I don't really remember, as I haven't seen it for over half a decade.. I should watch it again.
>>766 Why not? After all, it's only computing to investigate on where there is the most resistance and drag on a human body in water, in order to speed up swimming. Not really anything that can be applicable for anything sexually enticing. Unless someone has the fetish of having people dragged through water as quick as possible.
http://home.ccil.org/~cowan/essential.html Hehhh.. Lovely. 'This page comprises a list of 794 "essentialist explanations" of the form "Language X is essentially language Y under conditions Z".'
"Swedish is essentially English spoken backwards." --Dave Yarwood *giggles madly* I think someone's seen 'Top Secret!' one too many times. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0088286/trivia : '# The scene where Hillary and Nick go into the Swedish bookstore was staged, shot and then run backwards to make the dialog sound "unique." If you record the scene and play it backwards, you will find all of the dialogue to be exactly what is shown in the subtitles except for the title of the book Hillary asks for. The title she actually asks for is "Europe On 5 Quaaludes A Day."' There the so-called Swedish indeed was English backwards :D
>>780 Nah, there are plenty of females who can relate to such things, though they may be scarce in your circles. You'll find someone eventually. ^_^ Besides, I already have someone to marry.
Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, and Windows Millennium Edition Support ends on July 11, 2006. If I'm seeing the right calendar, that's tomorrow.
>>784 I thought WinME was already taken off support o.O;; I remember seeing some oekaki on that subject, ME-tan in the hospital, being taken off life support..
>>790 That's cute (o.O);; it's the first time for me to see that smiley. This 2ch doesn't have smilies. Without smilies, it's hard to express my emotion XD
>>730 My boyfriend just called me, and he gave the following tips for the kanji-flashcards: - do NOT use romanji for kanji, whatever you do. - use hiragana for the kun-yomi (Japanese reading) - use katakana for the on-yomi (Chinese reading)
>>791 Ah.. I usually use smileys if I want to be sure that people won't misread the tone of the text, and/or I find that rephrasing it would make it too long, or feel too clumsy.
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