1,You will need ( ) more money to buy such a luxurious car. @a great many Aa lot of Bmuch Cvery 2,The movie is monotonous and ( ) than the book. @by far enjoyable Afar from enjoyable Bfar less enjoyable Cfar more enjoyable 3,George and Michael are brothers. Michael is the ( ) of the two. @big Abigger Bbiggest Cmore big 4,There was an audience of fifty people ( ) at his lecture. @as most Aof best Bin the least Cfor the worst 5,I know ( ) than to buy something like that. @worse Amore Bquicker Cbetter 6,He knows little of mathematics, ( ) of physics. @still more Astill less Bas well Cno less than 空所に入れるのに最も適切な語句を選んでください。 出来れば日本語もお願いします。 よろしくお願いします。
1試験問題が多すぎたので時間内に終わらなかった There were so many problems in the exam that I couldn't finish them all. 2悪くならないように卵を冷蔵庫に入れなさい Take the eggs in the fridge so that they don't go bad. 3日本ではどこへ行っても自動販売機を見かけます Wherever you may go you'll see vending machines in Japan.
We had a heavy rain last night. (→it…) Lake Towada is only a ten-minute drive from here. (→It takes…) To solve the problem is not easy for me. (→It is…)
和訳お願いします One bond of union this family had which few families posses. For example , they took four papers , not so much that there might be one for each of them as that ther might entertainment of seeing how different the same news can be made to appear. They always united , so to speak. So were what occupied the family's heart on that day.
>>110 many も平叙文では使わないっていうのと同じだろ。 補語としては、a lot が使いにくいから使うようだけれどな。 Those Japanese who cannot speak English are many. は、 Those Japanese who cannot speak English are a lot/lots. といえないから、many でいいとか。
>>130 【1】the fuel tank (is)(as)(good)(as)(new) 【2】Nancy loves Ron (none)(the)(less)(because)(he)(has)a lot of faults. 【3】He is (never)(happier)(than)(when)(he)(is) stripping down a car. 【4】For nature lovers, (nothing)(is)(more)(refreshing)(than) pure cold water from a mountain stream. 【5】American people are (more)(likely)(to)(get)(divorced)(than) Japanesd couples. ミスってたらフォローよろ。
次の数字の中で間違いを指摘し正しい英語になおしなさい。 [1]@(there were) four A(times many people)B(as) we expected C(at) the party.
[2]Mr.White is @(most intelligent)A(than)B(anyone)C(else)D(working in) his field. [3]The @(warm a place) is, A(generally speaking), the B(more typesof plants and animals) it C(will usually support.)
[4]Research @(has shown that) cranes A(in) Hokkaido are B(far numerous) than C(previously) estimated.
1,You will need ( ) more money to buy such a luxurious car. @a great many Aa lot of Bmuch Cvery 2,The movie is monotonous and ( ) than the book. @by far enjoyable Afar from enjoyable Bfar less enjoyable Cfar more enjoyable 3,There was an audience of fifty people ( ) at his lecture. @at most Aof best Bin the least Cfor the worst ( )に入るのを教えてください。
>>150 1,You will need (Bmuch) more money to buy such a luxurious car 2,The movie is monotonous and (Bfar less enjoyable ) than the book. 3,There was an audience of fifty people (@at most) at his lecture.
1,He is one of the ( ) actors in the United States. @most greatest Agreater Bmore great Cgreatest 2,They found the nicest castle they ( ). @have ever seen Ahave never seen Bhave once seen Chad ever seen 3,Mary likes skiing better than ( ) else. @something Aanything Bnothing Cother thing お願いします。
1,彼女は3行で3つづりの間違いをした。 She made three spelling mistakes in ( ) many lines. 2,メルボルンはオーストラリアで二番目に大きい都市です。 Melbourne is the ( ) ( ) city in Australia. ( ) に入る語を教えてください。 お願いします。
>>190 you would be kind enough to open it were just about to leave when you should be careful not to say i am so sorry to have kept you waiting don't fail to learn these basic words by heart
意味が同じになるように()内に適語を入れなさい。 the beautiful shrine is older than any other building in my hometown. =the beautiful shrine is ( )( ) building in my hometown.
He doesn't have as many good ideas as I. = He has ( ) good ideas ( ) I.
He is five centimeters taller than I am. =He is taller than I ( ) five centimeters.
文の切れ目にコンマを補う場合、どの語とどの語の間か示せ。 To those visitors who come from countries where social relationships develop more slowly during a longer period of time the America way may seem too personal and rude.
Of all Bobs' miracles, the most incredible, amazing, and central to the Christian faith is his resurrection.Naturally, many people find it hard believe that a man who was killed could come to life again.
He asked me if I (was,were,had ever been) abroad. 答えは、had ever beenなんですが、wasでも間違いではないと思うんですが。 wasだったら、彼は私に私が外国にいるかどうかたずねたってことですよね? なぜwasが間違いなのか教えてください。
>>256 Each of the brothers(兄弟の誰もが) wants to make (創り出したいと欲している)his own sounds. (自分自身の演奏スタイルを) They say(彼らは言う), "We are, and will be,(私たちは今も,そして将来も) rivals in playing the shamisen."(三味線奏者として競い合います)
訳お願いします。 He drew back in surprise and waited anxiously till the ruffled water became smooth, when again he saw the beautiful girl. He spoke to her, and her lips answered him, though he heard no sound; he slowly put out his hands towerds her, and her hands came to meet his.
>>264 We could not sleep because a dog kept barking all night long. He had a used car for a few years before buying a brand new car. The apples harvested in this region are very delicious. I am sorry that I have kept you waiting for such a long time. He bought a TV set and had it delivered to his house. She stopped by a meat shop and bought some beef for dinner.
>>265 He drew back in surprise(驚いて退いた) and waited anxiously till the ruffled water became smooth (そして荒れた水面が静まるまで,ジレながら待つことにした) , when (そしてその時に) again he saw the beautiful girl.(あの美少女に再会した) He spoke to her,and her lips answered him, (話しかけると彼女の唇が答えた) though he heard no sound;(聞こえなかったが) he slowly put out his hands towerds her,(彼女の方にそっと手を伸ばした) and her hands came to meet his.(すると彼女は両手で彼の手を握った)
I am sure that he will arrive in time We are deeply impressed whenever we read him Is this also a picture that you have drawn by yourself He is not only performs his duty , but often writes interesting essays When we learn a foreign language it is necessary to adbance step by step She teaches music at home ; she makes her living by it
私にもう一度やらせてください。 Please(another/have/let/me/try). 僕の友人は誰も結婚していません。 (are/friends/married/my/none/of). 私には兄弟が2人いますが1人は秋田に、もう1人は広島にいます。 I have two brothers;(in/in/Akita/Hiroshima/the/one/other/is/is/and).
( )内にboth,either,neitherから適語を選んで補いなさい。 1.I invited Jack and jill to my party,but( )of them came. 2.Tom and I hadn't eaten breakfast,so ( )of us were very hungry. 3.Would you like tea or coffee?You can have( ). 4.A:Which jacket do you prefer,this one or that? B:I don't like( )of them.
()内から正しいほうを選びなさい。 1.(All/Evrey)the students in the class have passed the examination. 2.(All/Evrey)children should be taught how to read and write. 3.(Each/Evrey)of the rooms has a telephone. 4.We all got wet because(all/note)of us had an umbrella. 5.A:How much money do you have?B:(No/None).
>>293 Without being deeply impressed we can't read him. Is this also a picture of your own drawing. Advancing step by step is necessary. Her teaching music at home makes her living.
英作の問題です。 @今朝から何も食べていない。 A駅前のレストランで夕食をおごってあげるよ。 B英語のニュースを5分以上見るのは本当に疲れる。 という問題です @I haven't eaten anything since this morning. AI will treat you to dinner at the restaurant in front of the dinner. BIt is really tired to watch the news in English for over five minutes.
@ 特に不安要素はありませんが、確認のため。 A the restaurant の前置詞は"at"でいいのかどうか。 B tiredの主語が人でないのはどうしても違和感があります。 というのが疑問です。 辞書を探しても適当な例文がなくて・・・。 お願いします。
()内に下の語群から適当なものを選びなさい。 1.I ate hamburger and orderd (). 2.Do you have any books on farming?I want to borrow(). 3.She carried a case in one hand and anumdrella in (). 4.I can't do question 4 and 5,but I've done all(). 5.Bacteria are everywhere;some are helpful,while()cause disease.
[ ]内の語を並べ替えなさい。 Just smile and say that after a while you will use first names but you [used / more formal / to / are / being ] when you first meet someone.
1.I ate hamburger and orderd (another). 2.Do you have any books on farming?I want to borrow(one). 3.She carried a case in one hand and anumdrella in (the other). 4.I can't do question 4 and 5,but I've done all(the others). 5.Bacteria are everywhere;some are helpful,while(others)cause disease.
>>393 Gel of more various smells is sold in the shop. >>395氏の指摘を参考に考えてみた。 Not only these types of the gel but also many other fragrances are available. 「これらのゲルだけはなく、他のいろいろな香りが用意されている。」 一つの参考として。
Don't be afraid of making mistakes when you study English. という文の、when以降を節でなく句に書き換えたいのですが、 Don't be afraid of making mistakes in studying English. とすれば良いのでしょうか?
>>404 あえて差を見出すとすれば 1) He sat on the bench. sit という動作が主体。 2) He seated himself on the bench. seat は席が主体。 彼は彼にベンチの上に席を取らせた。 人に席を促がす時落ち葉をどかしたりハンカチで拭いたりするかもしれない。 その一連の動作。 3) He was seated on the bench. 彼はベンチの上に席を与えられた。席を指定された。
The younger sister tempted it touching elder brother's pocket monster.
The elder brother said. "The nourishment of the liquid that floats on the yogurt is abundant. " The younger sister said. "Does elder brother's pocket monster also have the liquid that the elder brother explained?" The elder brother said. "It is you that find the answer. "
it was during his acceptance speech for the republican nomination to the senate in Springfield that he declared, "a house divided against it self cannot stand." 上手く訳せないのでお願いします
So I had a bowl of spaghetti for lunch. In the evening my wife reported that her hairdresser said lobster or shrimp or club meat were non-fatting, and since she coldn't remember either, so I ate all of them. どなたか日本語訳お願いします。
すいません、正しくは In the evening my wife reported that her hairdresser said fresh lobster or shrimp or clab meat were non-fattening, and since she coldn't remember which one I liked,she bought all three. I couldn't remember either, so I ate all of them. でした。よろしくお願いします。
誰か日本語訳を お願いします what do Audrey Hepurn angelina jolie and Fujiwara norika have in common? They are famous for the role they play in movies But they have also helped many people in another role audrey hepaurn the great aatress loved by many people around the world spent the last five years of her life working as a UNICEF Goodwill Aabassa dor
お願いします Angelina jolie a top Hollywood star went to cumbodia in 2000 to make a movie she saw the severe living conditions of refuges there she was shocked and started to help the refugees she has visited refugee camps in tanzania pakistan and other countrier since then she works hard to let the world know about the suffering people
最後ですお願いします Fujiwara norika born in kobe experienced the Great hanshin_Awaji Earthquake in1995 Many volunteers came to kobe to help she was moved by their warmth and felt the importance of helping each other when she visited new york after the terrorist attacks she thought about afghanistan she went there and took many pictures of the children,
>>457 What do Audrey Hepurn, Angelina Jolie, and Fujiwara Norika have in common? They are famous for the role they play in movies. But they have also helped many people in another role. Audrey Hepaurn, the great aatress loved by many people around the world, spent the last five years of her life working as a UNICEF Goodwill Aabassador.
>>458 Angelina Jolie a top Hollywood star went to Cambodia in 2000 to make a movie. She saw the severe living conditions of refuges there. She was shocked and started to help the refugees. She has visited refugee camps in Tanzania, Pakistan, and other countries since then. She works hard to let the world know about the suffering people.
>>459 Fujiwara Norika, born in Kobe, experienced the Great hanshin_Awaji Earthquake in1995. Many volunteers came to Kobe to help. She was moved by their warmth and felt the importance of helping each other. When she visited New York after the terrorist attacks, she thought about Afghanistan. She went there and took many pictures of the children,
Taliban in Afghanistan released a video today showing the executions of four alleged spies. 1 of the men is shot whilst the other three are beheaded. As far as we can tell this video origionates from Afghanistan (Possibly the Afghan / Pakistan border). We will bring you more details as we get them.
Unlike nomadic hunters, for example, who follow food and might die if food becomes ( ), agricultural communities could be reasonably sure of having a regular food supply.
次の文を仮定法に書きかえると,正しいものはa〜dのどれか記号で答えよ。またそれぞれ日本語訳せよ。1 He did not come at the appointed time,so I started alone. (a)If he did not come at the appointed time,I would have started alone. (b)If he had come atthe appointed time,I would not have started alone. (c)Even if he had come at the appointed time,I would have started alone. (d)If he had not come at the appointed time,I would have started alone.
2As I did not studyEnglish hard in school,I cannot speak it well.
(a)If I studied English hard in school,I could have spoken it well. (b)If I studied English hard in school,I could speak it well. (c)If I had studied English hard in school,I could speak it well. (d)If I had studied English hard in school,I can speak it well.
1. How often each month do you ( ) ( ) your mother at home? 月に何回故郷のお母さんに手紙を書きますか。
2. Have you ever ( ) a short poem? 短い詩を今までに書いたことがありますか。
3. ( ) ( ) what I am going to say. 私の言うことを書き留めなさい。
4. Won't you please ( ) ( ) this application form? この申込用紙に記入していただけませんか。
5. Shall I ( ) ( ) ( ) in English or in Japanese? 英語で書き入れましょうか、それとも日本語で書きますか。
6. Please ( ) a list of what you want to buy. 買いたいものを書き出してください。
7. Don't ( ) the answers of the student beside you. 隣の学生の答を写して書いてはいけません。
8. I can't attend the literature class this morning. Please ( ) good ( ) on what the professor says. 今朝は文学の授業に出席できないので、先生の言うことをしっかりノートしておいてね。
9. You are requested to ( ) your answers with a pen. You are not allowed to ( ) a pencil. 答えはペンで書いてください。鉛筆を使ってはいけません。
10. She ( ) something on a piexe of paper and handed it to me. It ( ) "Meet me at the Union after class." 彼女は紙切れに何か走り書きをして、僕に手渡した。それには「授業が終わったら学生会館で会ってね」と書いてあった。
並び替えをお願いします 1.これらの挨拶はとても違って見えます。 These two(look/different/greetings/very) 2.でも実は両方の挨拶は同じこと"You are early."を意味します。 But in fact(meaning/the same/greetings/have/both)-"You are early". お願いします。
>>550 SVOOのときのreadは「読み聞かせる、講義をする」という意味で、 ただの「読む」とは異なる行為で、「誰に?」という要素が必要です。 playは、人のためであっても「楽器をひく」という行為はかわっていません。 ただし、play A to B が絶対に間違いだというわけではありません。forになりやすいだけです。
>>549 The names (by which distinctions are made / between things) are all nothing but conventional names / estabished for the convenience of practical life. 名前とは物を区別するためのものだが、 それらはすべて実生活に便利なように、型通りに決められるに過ぎない。
We have balanced the ratio of native/nonnative speakers, balanced the ratio of European/Asiatic speakers and moved speaker with small portion of speech or keyword to the training set. 後半部分がうまく訳せないので訳お願いします。
(1)The day was to decide the fate of japan. (2)How are you to keep it from him? (3)The wealthy are not always to be envied. (4)You are to come down.Mamma wants you. どなたか訳おねがいしますm(_ _)m
My rules must be followed at all time: 1) wake up @ 5:00 am; 2) brush your fucking teeth; 3) clean up ur fucking room; and 4) go fucking kill yourself.
The things that have brought them to Japan are various, but the fact that they have chosen to live in Japan gives them a common bond. この文の中の二つのthatをそれぞれ文法的に説明しなさいって問題なんです どうかよろしくお願いします
>>597 He went to the US to study American literature. His statement was clear enough to remove all doubt. 彼の言及はすべての嫌疑を取り除くほど、明確なものだった。 They were standing near enough for us to overhear their conversation. 私達が彼らの会話を聞き取れるほど、彼らは近くに立っていた。
1,It is said that many college students are becoming more and more indifferent ( ) politics. @at Afor Bfrom Cto 2,As is often the case with him, he is ( ) from school today. @absent Asick Bpresent Cwell 3,Bill is ( ) on his work. @eager Ainterested Bkeen Cabsorbed 4,I don't know who painted the picture since I'm not very familiar ( ) modern art. @with Ato Bof Cfrom 5,The trouble is that we are ( ) of money. @few Alittle Bshort Csmall ( ) に入る語句を教えてください。
The main things is not to go it alone. You need friends. If it weren't for the people who have encouraged me already , I don't think I would ever make it. 和訳お願いします。
Harry White had lost his umbrellas several times and his wife had complaind to him about it;( a ), he did not say anything to her when he lost the umbrella which he had bought a few weeks before. (a)に、 ア.however イ.anyway ウ.somehow エ.therefore のいずれかを入れて、この文章の和訳をお願いします。
>>610 Harry White had lost his umbrellas several times and his wife had complaind to him about it;( a ), he did not say anything to her when he lost the umbrella which he had bought a few weeks before.
>>611-612さんありがとうございました。 Instead, he desided to go to the lost property office and inquire (b) his umbrella had been found. (b)に ア.unless イ.whether ウ.in aase エ.so that のいずれかを入れて、和訳お願いします。
>>614さんありがとうございました。 もう少しお手伝い願います。 He described his umerella to the attendant at the office, but since a lot of similar umbrellas had been handed in on the day that he had lost his, it was difficult for the attendant to tell which of them was Harry's. He therefore told Harry to come behind the counter and look ( c ) his umbrella himself. ( c )に ア.at イ.round ウ.for エ.over のいずれかを入れて和訳お願いします。
The club is open to all ( ) You can find laughter clubs everywhere in Singapore, India, Canada, and Australia. There are hundreds of these clubs in the USA. A bank in Osaka, Japan, opened a laughter club, too. ( )people( ) there and make the bank, says the director. It is fun to laugh, but it is hard to is fun to laugh, but it is hard to do it ( .) Clubs like Catherine's can help.
bankers, adults, funny, jobs, by yourself, perform
The club is open to all ( ) You can find laughter clubs everywhere in Singapore, India, Canada, and Australia. There are hundreds of these clubs in the USA. A bank in Osaka, Japan, opened a laughter club, too. ( )people( ) there and make the ( )laugh. So they like their ( ) better now. This is a happy bank, says the director. It is fun to laugh, but it is hard to is fun to laugh, but it is hard to do it ( .) Clubs like Catherine's can help.
bankers, adults, funny, jobs, by yourself, perform
1.私はクラシックがわからない。 I have () () for classical music. 2.私はギターよりもバイオリンを弾くのが好きだ。 I () playing the violin () playing the guitar. 3.ラジオもテレビもなかった時代を想像できますか。 Can you imagine a time when there was () radio () television?
He described his umbrella to the attendant at the office, but since a lot of similar umbrellas had been handed in on the day that he had lost his, it was difficult for the attendant to tell which of them was Harry's. He therefore told Harry to come behind the counter and look for his umbrella himself. どなたか和訳お願いします。
申し訳ありませんがどなたか次の問題を解いてください。お願いします The girl () I went to the movies is not my girlfriend. @whoAwhomBwith thatCwith whom () surprised me most was a huge rock.@thatAwhoBwhichCwhat He is not () he used to be. @whichAwhoBthatCwhat This is the house () Picasso lived as a child. @whereAwhichBin whereCwhen This is the house () John bought ten years ago. @whereAwhichBin whichCwhere I went to Hong Kong, () as warm as I had expected. @when wasn'tAwhere it wasn'tBwhere wasn'tCwhich it wasn't Tom said he was ill, () was a lie. @whoAwhichBthatCwhen
Unlike nomadic hunters, for example, who follow food and might die if food becomes unavailable, agricultural communities could be reasonably sure of having a regular food supply.
New, more fertile lands could be found and cultivated.
>>639 Unlike nomadic hunters, for example, who follow food and might die if food becomes unavailable, 例えば、食べ物を追っかけ、もしそれが手に入らなければ死んでしまうような遊牧的な狩猟民族とは違って、 agricultural communities could be reasonably sure of having a regular food supply. 農業社会の場合は、定期的な食料供給を当てにすることが出来る。 New, more fertile lands could be found and cultivated. 新しくてより肥沃な土地を見つけて、耕作することができるからだ。
問題が多くて申し訳ないのですが、次の問題をどなたか解いてください。お願いします。 This book is exactly () I wanted. @whatAwhichBof whichCthat How can you do () know is wrong? @thatAwhatBwhyCwhen Christamas Day is () everybody feels happy. @whyAwhenBwhatCthat Last night she told me about her new job in Tokyo, () she appears to be enjoying very much. @whichAwhereBwhatCwhen This is the boy () I am sure will win first prize. @whoAwhomBwhoseCwhat I enjoyed talking to the man () I sat next to on the plane @whereAwhichBwhomCwhose The hotel () I stayed was comfortable and cheap. @in thatAthatBwheqeCwhich He said nothing, () seemdd to irritate her. @asAsoBwhatCwhich
The ending was different from my expectation, though, I was very moved and thrilled. My expectation was that the ending would be the hero's wish brought his mother's life back. It was scary to see that the state was about to collapsed along the way.
After over a year of capativity he was freed by the clever god Mercury, who succeeded in loosening the chains so silently that the giants heard no sound. Mars also took part in the Trojan War, when he was actually wounded.
1 recommend 2 fully enjoy 3 continue 4 Enjoy, carry it out 5 watch Waratte-Iitomo 6 fully abide by 7 make 8 loved you 9 stop masturbating 10 still continued
1.a.The climbers became increasingly uneasy while waiting for the rescue team. b.The climbers became ( ) ( ) ( ) uneasy while waiting for the rescue team.
2.a.There were only ten survivors of the accident. b.There were ( ) ( ) ( ) ten survivors of the accident.
3.a.As I got to know him better, I came to like him more. b.( ) ( ) I got to know him, ( ) ( ) I liked him.
4.a.We didn’t expect that there would be so many applicants. b. There were ( ) applicants ( ) we ( ) ( ).
1,Japan is ( ) to earthquakes. @acceptable Aaccidental Blikely Csuject 2,I am really ( ) of music. @likely Afond Blikable Cexcited 3,Itchiness is very ( ) from pain, although they are alike in many ways. @different Aaway Bout Cfar 4,This car is very similar in size and color ( ) the one my brother bought a week. @from Aby Bfor Cto 5,You're not afraid ( ) ghosts, are you? @to Aof Bfor Cbecause ( ) に入る語句を教えてください。
We talked about ( ) on our usual trip this summer. 1,not to go 2,not going 3,not to going 4,to not to go
Thay are very proud of ( ) the first group of students to attend that college. 1,for 2,going 3, having been 4,to have been
Listen, my dear. You have to be aware that our daughter is not a baby any more. objects to ( ) like a small child. 1,treat 2,being treated 3,be treated 4,treating
We had a lot of difficulty ( ) his new house. 1,to try arriving 2,trying no find 3,to try to find 4,trying to arrive
>>699 > We talked about (2 ) on our usual trip this summer. > 1,not to go 2,not going 3,not to going 4,to not to go > Thay are very proud of (3 ) the first group of students to > attend that college. > 1,for 2,going 3, having been 4,to have been > Listen, my dear. You have to be aware that our daughter is not > a baby any more. objects to (? ) like a small child. > 1,treat 2,being treated 3,be treated 4,treating > どれが正しいか教えて下さい。 > We had a lot of difficulty (4 ) his new house. > 1,to try arriving 2,trying no find 3,to try to find 4,trying to arrive
Listen, my dear. You have to be aware that our daughter is not a baby any more. Amy objects to ( ) like a small child. 1,treat 2,being treated 3,be treated 4,treating
日本語の意味になるように、英文を完成させなさい。 1.チンパンジーを笑わずに見ることはほとんど不可能だ。 It is almost【 】the chimpanzees【 】. 2.彼らのおかしな動きを見ることが最高です。 【 】their funny actions is the 【 】. 3.ときどき、彼らは人間よりも利口だと思います。 Sometimes I think they【 】humans.
>>718 > すいません!!Amyが抜けてました。見直しが甘くて申し訳ないです。 > Listen, my dear. You have to be aware that our daughter is not > a baby any more. Amy objects to ( 3) like a small child. > 1,treat 2,being treated 3,be treated 4,treating
>>719 > 日本語の意味になるように、英文を完成させなさい。 > 1.チンパンジーを笑わずに見ることはほとんど不可能だ。 > It is almost【 impossible to see 】the chimpanzees【 without smiling (laghing) 】. > 2.彼らのおかしな動きを見ることが最高です。 > 【 Looking at (Observing) 】their funny actions is the 【 best 】. > 3.ときどき、彼らは人間よりも利口だと思います。 > Sometimes I think they【 are smarter than 】humans.
>>718 > すいません!!Amyが抜けてました。見直しが甘くて申し訳ないです。 > Listen, my dear. You have to be aware that our daughter is not > a baby any more. Amy objects to ( ) like a small child. > 1,treat 2,being treated 3,be treated 4,treating
>>715 The trouble is that TV keeps us from reading a book or studying. If he had played in the game, we would have won. It is a pity that the practice game on Sunday was called off because of the rain.
>>699 >Listen, my dear. You have to be aware that our daughter is not >a baby any more. objects to ( ) like a small child. ↑ ここはピリオドですか? また、 objects の前には何もないですか?
objects の主語は my daughter じゃないかと思われるので( )の中は being treated でしょう、きっと。
かっこの中の語を適当な形に変えて、各分の意味を言いなさい。必要があればto を使いなさい。 1.I have a lot of letters(answer). 2.(Fish)is my father's favorite sport. 3.Hiroshi's English is good enough(communicate) with Bill. 4.Try (go) to bed earlier. You'll feel better. 5.Would you mind (open) the window?
>>733 > かっこの中の語を適当な形に変えて、各分の意味を言いなさい。必要があればto > を使いなさい。 > 1.I have a lot of letters(to answer). わたしはへんじをかかなきゃならない手紙がたくさんある > 2.(Fishing)is my father's favorite sport. つりは父の好きなスポーツである > 3.Hiroshi's English is good enough(to communicate) with Bill. ひろしの英語はビルとコミュニケートするのに十分 > 4.Try (to go) to bed earlier. You'll feel better. なるべく早く寝ろ きぶんがよくなるから > 5.Would you mind (opening) the window? 窓あけてもらえる?
2文が同じ意味になるように単語を入れなさい Time is the most precious thing. ( ) is ( ) precious as time.
並べ替えよ コンピューターは間違いなく蒸気機関やガソリンエンジン同様、重要な発明となるだろう The computer ( important / than / certainly going / an invention / no less / to be / is ) the steamand the petrol engine.
>>739 > ()内の語句を使って正しい英文にしてください。 > ・昨年あの山に登ったとき、全世界が自分たちのものになったような気がした。 > When we climbed that mountain last year, it seemd (the,world,as,belonged,if,whole,to,us). as if the whole world belonged to us
> ・今年見た映画で一番よかったのはどれだと思いますか。 > What (do,think,is,you,best,film,the)that you have seen this year? do you think is the best film
> ・彼の仕事は趣味と実益をかねている。 > His work is (as,as,well,fun,profitable,being). fun as well as being profitable
>>737 Nothing is as precious as time. The computer is certainly going to be no less important an invention than the steam and the petrol engine. コツはいいかげんなこと言ってしまいそうなのであえて書きません
>>738 > 各文の誤った箇所を訂正するのですが、誰か教えてくれませんか? > Start by ASKING the students if they are hungry and what they > would like to eat.
> I am really looking forward to WORKING for a bank in a large city. > I don't feel like PLAYING tennis today. > The idea of my watch BEING wrong didn't occur to me.
>>738 Start by [asking] the students if they are hungry and what they would like to eat. I am really looking forward to [working] for a bank in a large city. I don't feel like [playing] tennis today. The idea of my watch [being] wrong didn't occur to me.
[ ]内の語を正しく並べかえてください。 Just smile and say that after a while you will use first names but you [used / more formal / to / are / being] when you first meet someone.
@Bob ( ) Tom are good friends. AI believe ( ) he is an honest person. BWhich do you like better, English ( ) math? C( ) it is finc tomorrow , let's go to the sea. DI had a lot of work to do, ( ) I was able to finish them. EHe was watching TV ( ) his mother came home.
Kumiko is sick today, but she is usually very active. She sometimes does volunteer work at a tourist office. She never takes a rest while she is working. She is always kind to others. She often receives thank-you letters from tourists.
JICA regularly recruits members of JOCV. JOCV was originally under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
@Bob (and ) Tom are good friends. AI believe (that ) he is an honest person. BWhich do you like better, English (or ) math? C(If ) it is finc tomorrow , let's go to the sea. DI had a lot of work to do, (but ) I was able to finish them. EHe was watching TV (when ) his mother came home.
One night Alectryon fell asleep, and so was too late to warn Mars of the sun's approach. Apollo saw them from his chariot as he drove across the sky, and told Vulcun, the God of Fire, who caught them in a net of steel, and thus held them prisoner, while the other gods made fun of them.
Yesterday a friend of mine met an accident and I (had to take, must have taken) him to a hospital.
答えはhad to take なんですが どうしてmust have taken ではいけないのでしょうか? 彼を病院に連れて行かなければいけなかった、という ふうに訳すのだと思うんですが 答えがhad to takeだけなのがよく分かりません。 きっちりとした理由を教えてほしいです。 おねがいします。
文法の問題です。 I saw that the paper in the ashtray ( ). ( )に入る語を選ぶ問題で、was on fire が正解となっているの ですが、別の選択肢に burns というのがあって、間違えてそれを選んで しまったのですが、burns ではなぜいけないのでしょうか? see + 目的語 + 動詞原形で「(目的語)が〜するのが見える」 という用法かと思ったのですが。
1,A wife can have property independent ( ) her husband. @over Aupon Bof Con 2,Sam may be ( ) of the fact that Mary has left the school already. He was talking as if she was still there. @convinced Aignorant Bpositive Csupportive 3,Mike's friends were ( ) of his marriage. @unaware Aunhappy Buninvited Cunlikely 4,My father is very ( ) about the taste of wine. @peculiar Ageneral Bparticular Cshort 5,When you enter your hotel room, ( ) sure to lock the door. @go Acome Bbe Chave ( ) に入る語句を教えてください。
お願いします♪次の( )にa.an.theのどれかをいれ,不要ならば×を書き入れなさい。 1,Have( )good time! 2,Kousuke has ( )part-time job.He works three nights( )week. 3,Did you hear( )noise just now? 4,I am tired.I am going to( )bed. 5,We had( )dinner in( )most expensive restaurant in Tokyo. 6,He often plays( )football with his friends.
指示にしたがって書き換えなさい。 1,George's sister is a Christian.(sisterを複数にして) 2,A sheep is seen in the meadow.(AをManyにして) 3,She bought a lily at the store.(aをa fewにして) 4,I made a little box yesterday.(aをtwoにして) 5,There was an ox in the street.(anをsomeにして)
( )に指示された文字で始まる適切な語を入れなさい 1,I didn't have much luggage.Just two small(b ). 2,Tom is unemployed.He is looking for a(j ). 3,Mt.Fuji is the highest(m )in japan. 4,Our plane was late. We had to wait at the(a )for three hours.
次の@〜Cのうち、誤ってる箇所を選び正しくなおしなさい。 @(Turning to)A(the right,) you B(will see a very old) building C(was built in 1785.) @(Most of the people)A(attended) the recent seminar B(on effective teaching) C(were high school teachers.)
There are many things @(Those we would throw)A(away, if we)B(were not afraid that others)C(might pick them up.)
@(The days)A(gave long gone)B(how we fed our families)C(from our own gardens.)
>>825 C(was built in 1785.) was不要 A(attended) attendingに。 @(Those we would throw) thoseが不可。thatかwhich A(gave long gone) gaveをhaveに。 B(how we fed our families) howをwhenに。
>>817 1,George's sisters are Christians.(sisterを複数にして) 2,Many sheep are seen in the meadow.(AをManyにして) 3,She bought a few lilies at the store.(aをa fewにして) 4,I made two little boxes yesterday.(aをtwoにして) 5,There was some oxen in the street.(anをsomeにして)
>>849 There are 50 students in our class He spoke before an audience. I would like to drink some green tea. Lucy bought two loaves of bread this morning.
>>816 1. ( only young people with skills are ) recruited as its members. 2. In 1970 ( the number of volunteers was only ) six, and ( they were all judo coaches).
1. A (frequently) 2. A (JPVC never) 3.D (badly) 4.(rarely) 5.(seriously)
次の空所にはいる適切な語句を選べ。 ( ) is usual with him, he is late for the meeting today. @AsAThatBWhatCWhich
Mary is now very different from ( ) she was five years ago. @asAwhatBwhichCwhom
I found the city different from ( ) it had been on my earlier visit. @whatAwhenBwhereCwhich
Reading is to intellectual development ( ) is to physical development. @which foodAthat foodBhow foodCwhat food
The roadside restaurant we stopped at yesterday was really nice. Food was quite good and,( ), the staff was friendly. @that is to sayAwhat is moreBso to speakC more or less
We were given alot of information, ( ) useless. @almost of which was found Amost of which was Bwhich make for the most part Cwhicg mostly are
NHKの英語Tの英訳の問題で、 「地震が起こった時に私はテレビを見ていました。」 の英訳についての質問ですが、 答えは「When the earthquake happened, I was watching television.」 でしたが、 エイサイト翻訳でも「When the earthquake happened, I was watching television.」 ぴったり翻訳できました。
これでは間違いですか? ヤフー翻訳です。 「When an earthquake was generated, I watched television.」
エキサイト翻訳は結構、賢いのだね。100パーセント翻訳出来たし。 どこが間違えているかわからないので教えて頂けませんか? 「地震が起こった時に私はテレビを見ていました。」 「When an earthquake was generated, I watched television.」 よろしくお願いします。
次の日本語を英語になおしなさい。私の知り合いに、家に三度雷が落ちた人がいる。 I know aperson ( )( ) has been hit by lighthing thrre times. その男性はどんな質問であれ、答えることができた。 The man was able to respond( )( ) was asked. どの部屋を使おうと、後で必ず綺麗に掃除しておいてください。 _______________, make sure you clean up afterwards. 私が子供の頃、町を流れる川にはたくさんの魚がいた。(thatを用いて) When I was a child, the river ______________. 君が賛成しようとしまいと、僕は自分が正しいと信じることをするつもりだ。(whether〜or notを用いて) ______________________.
>>884 whose house/to whatever/Whichever room you use/that run through the town was abundant in fish Whether you agree or not, I will do what I think is right.
>>889 1. I like to study something [little by lillte]. (副詞句 ) 2. I prefer to finish one thing at a [time]. (名詞) 3. Homer is a musclehead and [full of himself]. (形容詞句) 4. I ma in [a Catch-22 situation]. (名詞句) 5. Did you see [the basket full of beautiful flowers]? (名詞句) 6. The basket [in front of the Italian restaurant] was very nice. (副詞句) 7. You shouldn't say things [like that]. (形容詞句) 8. Peter is [in a way] irresponsible. (副詞句)
( 彼女が結婚していた事に実際は驚かなかったんだ ) と言いたい時には、次のどれが正しいのでしょうか。 そして、この3種類の違いを詳しく説明してください... actually I wasn't surprised she had got married. In fact I wasn't surprised she had got married. As a matter of fact I wasn't surprised she had got married.
もう1つお願いします 買い物に誘ったけど断られた時に、(じゃあ1人で行くよ )という時 I will go shopping on my own. I will go shopping by myself. どちらがそれらしいでしょうか...
The likelihood of being called on to answer is considerably greater とほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に入る語句を教えてください。 One is much ( ) ( ) to be called on to answer. お願いします。
>>960 英語の単語はとくに品詞が決まっていないからな。 なんでも名詞になるし、なんでも動詞になる。なんでも形容詞になる。 I betweened it. そいつを間においた。 He lowered his head. 頭をさげた。 The room was quietted. 部屋は静かになった。 You you me, but he thous me.あんたはオレを「あんた」と呼ぶが、彼はオレを「おまえ」と呼ぶ。