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訳お願いします。 “skimming the Introduction and the Conclusion”is fifth Previewing skill necessary for reading critically. After identifying where the introduction and the conclusion for reading critically.After identifying where the introduction and the conclusion are in the text,you should skim them to determine their main points. When you skim a paragraph,look for the topic sentence and the concluding sentence,which often reflect the auther's opinions on the topic.Remember this is not the actual reading;it is still the Previewing stage,so don’t pay attention to each word in the reading. While skimming the introduction,ask yourself the following questions: ・From the introduction,can I predict what the author will include in the text? ・From the conclusion,what is the body of the text likely to be about?
The most important difference, however , between the United States and other more formal societies is that it is easy for people in America to move from one class to another by their own efforts. ↑誰か訳してください。
Americans enjoy telling stories about people who began as poor factory workers and later, through their own hard work, became owners of factories. ↑すみませんが、これも至急お願いします。
High wages, the arival-ability of inexpensive clothing and other goods, and informality in social situations combine to give the nation a classless appearance, especially to visitors. ↑また すみませんが、お願いします。
“This is our chance to grab power from the LDP. This is the most important general election since the end of World War U,” DPJ President Katsuya Okada said at the meeting of the party’s Diet members Monday afternoon. Despite the fear of losing power, Koizumi was still confident of winning public support for his reforms. Koizumi said at the LDP executive meeting that the party would field its own candidates in every constituency, including those represented by the 37 LDP members, who likely would quit the party.