Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 50

903lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 00:59:01

the netherlands
904Disastorm "Sleep Man":2006/05/29(月) 00:59:58
Do any of you like "Naruto Gekitou Ninja Taisen 4" ?
905Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 01:57:36

Never played it :(. Don't have a Gamecube

I'm more of a fan of the ps2 series. The new Narutimette hero is really fun.
906sage ◆SlooOOOooo :2006/05/29(月) 02:08:37
907名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 02:17:37
Will you buy PS3 when available?
908名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 02:27:50
No.There's no exciting softwares.
I remember old Nintendo.
909lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 02:37:40

Im poor (´ー`)
910Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 02:39:46

For $599 USD I doubt it. Unless they remake FFVII like is rumored, there's no chance in hell I will.

I'm definitly getting a Wii though. That thing looks like so much fun. Especially the new Zelda, Super Smash Bros, and Mario Galaxy
911lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 02:50:45
even the nintendo rev. is too expensive for me (´ー`)
912lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 03:19:40
that really shouldnt be a happy smiley... il have to search for a sad one.
913lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 03:33:09
(×_×)('A`) _| ̄|○ _| ̄|..............○ (`・ω・´)

one of those perhaps
914Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 03:42:44
915名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 03:45:41
  ;y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵. ターン
  \/| y |)
916名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 03:46:52
  ;y=ー( ゚д゚)・∵. BANG
  \/| y |)
917Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 03:50:01

918lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 05:11:13
gotta go sleep soon...have work in the morning..
and I gotta find an excuse to leave after

oh well..
and gonna turn down the 3 month offer... dunno if its a good or bad decision..but I think its better this way..
919aa?:2006/05/29(月) 05:13:49
wow, this thread has over 900 posts, that's amazing, this forum is huge!
I really wish I could read Japanese... for now I have only this thread and another to post inXD
920Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 05:35:56

Me too TT_TT

I really wish I could browse this whole forum and understand what people were talking about.
921 ◆qQ6wK6czCM :2006/05/29(月) 08:41:43
The same goes for our part. 70% of the information on the net is written
in English. I suppose many Japanese people can understand written English
to some degree thanks to 6 years of compulsory education of English, but it's sometimes
really tiring to read English because rumors, disscussions, or anything bandied
between English speakers are hard to understand, especially when they are
conducted both in an excessively casualy way and in much too sophisticated a way.
922名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 13:56:17
anybody here?
923Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 14:03:21

924名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 14:18:45
mgs 4 will be out for PS3?
that would be the only reason for me to buy it.
925Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 14:36:04

As of right now that's the only reason I'd want to buy one too, and to me one game isn't enough of a reason to buy it.

If they actually decide to remake FFVII though, I'd buy one in a heartbeat.
926名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 14:53:12
true. it's still on the expensive side...
FFVII... a friend burnt me a backup but didn't work.. that's all i remember.
i guess it's consider as the very best?
927Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 15:00:42

To me it's the best. I've played FF1-3 and 6-X2

And my fav 2 by far are FF7 and FF6 (3 in America).
928名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 15:12:49
holly... you played FF1 on the original Nintendo?
i started from FF4 on Super Nintendo and just a couple on PS.
what was the CG movie they made? i liked it but don't know which.
929Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 15:29:59

Haha nah, I played FF1&2 on the GBA, I was too young to appreciate RPGs back in the NES era.

You mean the new movie? It was FF7 =P.
930名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 15:36:42
olo. i see
yeah, i just googled it: "Avent Children"
that was really good, though i hadn't played the game.
931名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 15:38:45
I watched the japanese version.
is it dubbed?
932Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 15:52:54

It's dubbed, but I watched the Japanese version too :P.

The American DVD didn't come out until a couple weeks ago. I saw that Japanese version like 8 months ago :)
933名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 16:07:10
Nice:) The graphics at the ending(where Cloud cruises on his bike) was awesome.
I couldn't tell if it was real or CG..
934名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 16:23:33
Too exaggerated!
Anyway, How about the story?
935Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 16:27:57

The story wasn't amazing, or nearly as good as the game, but it worked well. If it were a normal movie I doubt it would have done as well, but since it was FF7 you get a really strong sense of nostalgia, and it makes it that much better.
936名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 16:29:42
i did, but the background graphics like the sky and how the grass moves
are seriously detailed. i still wonder if they mixed CG and real films.
i don't quite remember the story..but lots of funny characters.
937名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 16:43:11
anyway, i got to go.
nice talking to you guys. :)
938Butt Pirate:2006/05/29(月) 16:43:57

Goodnight ^_^
939名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 19:36:25
Horikita Maki is my angel.
940lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 20:27:32
back from work...
941 ◆qQ6wK6czCM :2006/05/29(月) 20:58:58
942名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 22:00:37
I want more Hentai
943名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/29(月) 22:38:40
I am not only a hental but also a lolicon. That's all. Thanks!
944lonely man:2006/05/29(月) 23:03:56
Im back again..

loli? thats wrong man ;/
945Disastorm "Sleep Man":2006/05/30(火) 00:00:18
Hm kind of almost 1000 posts. Maybe someone should make part 51 soon.
946名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/30(火) 00:05:05
you want to try it? will be fun.
947lonely man:2006/05/30(火) 00:12:33

I asked some girl at work out a few days ago...and didnt get an answer over teh weekend...
today at work, I was walking through the corridor and she literally popped out just to say im thinking...ok...thats good..
then later I get a reply, and she didnt mention if she wants to go out for lunch at all...

948lonely man:2006/05/30(火) 00:13:10
do you now understand why Im called lonely man...?

949名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/30(火) 00:20:00
I do know.
950lonely man:2006/05/30(火) 00:48:34
951名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/05/30(火) 01:44:21
<< UU CC
How larger are Saki Fukuda's tits?