海外の反日宣伝活動に英語で対応するスレ Part 28

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<丶`∀´> すれ違い!
608名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/06/21(水) 03:01:25
<丶`∀´> イルポンを粉砕したウリの英雄ヒディンク監督を叩くのはスレ違いニダ!
<丶`∀´> 名誉ウリ市民のヒディンク監督は安重根以来の英雄ニダ!

Hiddink Keeps Promise to Beat Japan for Korea
Hiddink had previously said he was an honorary citizen of Korea and vowed to crush the Japanese team in the country's name.
"Korea loves you Hiddink"

Guus Hiddink, who guided 150-1 outsider South Korea to the 2002 World Cup semifinals,
began his latest campaign with an underdog by masterminding Australia's first win at soccer's showpiece.

The achievement earned him an honorary citizenship from the South Korean government - a first for a sports figure
and four years' free first-class travel on Korean Air Lines Co., the nation's biggest carrier.
The World Cup stadium in Gwangju was renamed Guus Hiddink Stadium.

THE most popular man in Australia
When the team did so well, the whole country went nuts.
President Kim Daejung wept and hugged Hiddink on television.
Hiddink himself was nominated for president.
Massive corporations such as Samsung and LG sought his acumen.
Stamps were made bearing his image; statutes were erected.
Sixteen biographies were written.
He was the first foreigner to be given honorary citizenship.
A football stadium was named after him.
He was given free air travel on the country's airline, for life. Free taxi rides.
And he was given a private villa on Jeju Island, an eco-resort.
609名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/06/21(水) 03:03:14
<ワールドカップ> ロイター '韓国関連誤審 4年前と類似'

(ソウル=連合ニュース) 特別取材班 = ロイター通信が 19日(以下韓国時間) 開かれた韓国-フランス前の
判定是非に対して "韓国と係わった審判判定論難が続いている"と指摘した.
ロイターは "韓国がこの日フランソワ喩えたことは 2002年大会で 4強まで進出した思い出を思い浮かぶ

記事を作成したこの子はロゾス記者は "韓国は経った大会でイタリアとスペインを弾き出して 4位まで占

"TVの遅い画面ではフランスがビエラのヘディングシュートで 2-0で先に進んで行かなければならなかった
がメキシコ人ベニトアツンデ?ア主審はこれを無視したうえに後半 40分 Zinedine Zidane に警告まで与え
てプランス人たちを腹立つようにした"と指摘したロイターは "これは去る 2002年 8強戦でスペインが韓国
を相手で 2ゴールを入れてからも無效判定を受けたし競技(景気)どん詰まりに離反エルゲラが警告を受


Refereeing controversy still following Koreans