■英語 (´・ω・`)hi. Welcome to bourbon house. The tequilla is service, so drink it and calm down. Yes, "again". sorry. (仏の顔もって言うしね、)I'm not even thinking of asking you to forgive me. But when you saw this thread title, I think you felt an indescribable "excitement". In this bloody world, don't forget such a feeling. (そう思って、このスレを立てたんだ。) Now, (注文を聞こうか。)
We are the GAT, We are the NULLPO, we are the GAT to make a bigger sound, so let's start NULLPO. There's a GAT we're making, we're beating found NULLPO, it's true; we make better GAT just for NULLPO.
>>1 Hello, Welcome to the Burbon House. Please have this tequilla first and calm down. Oh, don't worry, this one is to be my treat. Yes, you are right... this is "Yet Another" Bourbon house, sorry. Of course, everything has its limit, and I konow your patience isn't the exception... so I don't expect you forgive me by just applogizing... However, I bet you felt some excitement that you can't say what it really is when you read this thread's title... I made this thread, hoping people not forget the feeling in this cutthroat sociaty. Now, which would you like to drink?