Tokyo Breakfast is the name of a spoof television situation comedy pilot produced in 2000, seemingly intended for Japanese TV viewers, although the characters speak in japanese, peppered with american English idioms, and salaryman style business English . The show is a parody of the the Japanese perception of day-to-day doings of an american family, with an emphasis on the emulation of African American culture by american-caucasian youths. Characters use the term "nigga" with unusual regularity and familiarity.
The film, produced by Mike Maguire and Tom Kuntz, appeared in the 2001 Ohio Film Festival and also spread as an Internet phenomenon
Directed by Tom Kuntz Mike Maguire Writing credits (in alphabetical order) Tom Kuntz Mike Maguire Cast (in alphabetical order) David Fujino .... Grandfather Ben Hur .... Son Peter Kosaka .... Father Mark Mills .... Delivery Guy Dawn Obokata .... Mother Hiromi Okiyama .... Daughter Produced by Geoff Cornish .... line producer Rick Hess .... producer Original Music by Pink Noise Music Cinematography by Neil Shapiro Film Editing by Carlos Arias