As millions of years pass, fish build on their basic design.
The muscles around their backbone evolved into a powerful tail and fins appeared.
They evolved a distinct head.
It may not look like (view or eye)??? but this odd fish is becoming a blue print for our own bodies.
Over millions of years the fish's gills are ??? to form a first jaw with the very first teeth.
Now they are equiped to go on the attack.
Some develop tougher bones and muscles in their fins and shoulders, which became the first limbs.
This is where our amrs and legs began.
With this four limbed design our ancestors finally hold themselves out of water onto land.
They evolved a hard water-proof case which protect the young inside from the drying sun so they can be laid on land.
Evolution takes over.
Lacking restrictive armour means the reptiles can start to make it big.
Their muscles and bones broaden and extend.
Their bodys mushroom into huge new shapes and forms.
Our distant ancestors have come long way.
They've now conquered the land.
Their legs straighten and lengthen holding them more upright and giving them speed.
Their backbons and muscles get stronger.
They even start to look like mammals.
... larger brains skull bones expand into an enormous head.
And out of their jaws trust huge sharp teeth.
A new age of specialist reptiles has doomed.
As millions of years go by, the climate shifts again.
And reptiles are among the first to recover and repopulate the empty earth.
From creatures like little ??? larger stronger ??? evolved.
These tough four ??? mammls seem poised to cease control for good.
They are in fact out set to play out to their final scene.
Our ancestors reduced to small creatures hiding in the shadows.
Their time will come.
And for the next 170 millions years the world belongs to the dinosaur.
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