He had gotten on Rorraidar.His name is Eddie Guerrero. Everyone still loved him though it was stolen or it told a lie or it was cheated. In the driver's seat of Rorraidar that he had gotten on, he is not any longer. Because he...
I'm not allowed to say pro wrestling. I'm not allowed to say wrestler. I'm supposed to say sports entertainment and call wrestlers superstars. I'm told to deliberately ignore the moves and the holds to tell stories. Well ignoring the moves and the holds is insulting to the wrestlers – not entertainers – to leave their families 300 days a year to apply their craft in that ring. I am sick of sports entertainment. I am sick of cheerleaders and boogers and bathroom humor. I'm sick of our own chairman who talks about his own semen and who mocks God – he mocked God! I am sick of you fans who actually buy into this sports entertainment crap!!