海外の反日宣伝活動に英語で対応するスレ Part 27

>With Koreans it's a certain kind of negative fixation on Japan.

You're throwing your negative fixation on Korea/Korean on this thread.

Zip you babyish mouth. Drink some warm green tea or hot sake.

And just pray for Mexico. So you and Mr. Oh could reveal the truth in the third match.

Dude! do not make me to ask "Why are Japanese so babyish?" to my lovely Japanese GF.
74名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:41:02
Did you watched Ichiro face?

Ichiro kun,Your face will be laughable for 30 years!
75名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:41:43
Ichiro's reaction

On TV, it looked like Ichiro said the naughty "F" word at the end of the game.
76名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:44:22
the bad call gives Japan and all her apologists, the excuse to say
"we were robbed", as opposed to admitting that they simply got beat.

At least the Japanese have no excuse when it comes to Korea.

Korea beat them fair-and-square twice.

That must be a tough pill to swallow for Oh and the other blowhards running the Japanese team.
77名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:46:15
Japan Arrogance

Despite the "blown" call in the US v. Japan game,
Japan lost to South Korea not once (on home turf no less) but TWICE!!!

Japanese players should learn to shut the hell up especially when you consider
their "best" player is about the same size of a hobbit (with much smaller feet).

Ichiro may have the single season record for # of hits but his OBP that season
was not so good - he just wanted the personal stat and did not care
about actually winning...sounds very Japanese to me...

The arrogance of this place boggles my mind sometimes...
78名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:47:59

It was nice to see arrogant Japan lose to Korea for the second time.

Japanese hubris and Ichiro's big mouth came back to haunt them.

I think the entire Japan team should commit seppuku to atone for such a shameful loss.
79名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:49:29
Some people can't handle losing,

when they think themselves as superior. Ichiro comes to mind.

He said "the most he has ever been embarrassed in his whole baseball career!"

80名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:51:42
"Ichiro may have the single season record for # of hits but his OBP that season was not so good"

Yeah, you're right he's useless, single hit record, pathetic, he should give up...
We all know that Ichiro's achievements so far are amazing.

He's one of the best batters that Japan has had he can be as arrogant as he wants,
Arogance? I think we would have seen a lot of that if the call was the other way round.

Oh, the manager, as a representative of the players said that the decision was in the past
and that it was part of baseball. Is that so arrogant?
Well Japan, good effort, good luck getting through to the Semis. But then they'll be playing
Korea again... for the third time... who came up with the format for the WBC...
81名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:54:20
That was a Great Game. No doubt about it. Japan had a chance to advance
but failed...no more whining.

and oh yeah..

Japan sucks.
82名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:55:05
>i am in japan and there has been little coverage of the other games.. stinks..

Welcome to Japan's narcissism.
83名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:57:08
Personally, I prefer that to the childish sour grapes you often hear when Japan loses to Korea.

This pretending 'we're not really bothered when we lose' nonsense.
84名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:57:40
> にんにくのパワーの即効性はホントに凄いよ。
> 清原もにんにく注射何本も打ってるのテレビで見た事ある。
> でもその他にもなにかありそう。スポーツは人間がやることだから
> あまり極端な状況や成績の変化はやはり不自然。色々な国々が
> シューズや水着や運動着などを少しずつ改善していって、あるい
> は東洋人の肉体の限界の中で筋力を上げて体を少しずつ改善し
> ていきやっとの思いで結果を出しているのに、韓国みたいな極端
> な不自然な成績のアップはWC2002のときやマー軍団の時と同様
> にやっぱり怪しい。
> ES細胞の時も、「ほんとかよ」と思った人多いと思うけど、やっぱり
> 嘘だったもんなあ。まあ、いずれボロが・・

Personally, I prefer that to the childish sour grapes you often hear when Japan loses to Korea.
This pretending 'we're not really bothered when we lose' nonsense.