海外の反日宣伝活動に英語で対応するスレ Part 27

Ichiro....may be a fantastic baseball player (this series aside),
but his attitude and ego more than make up for any of his skills on the field.
He is, essentially, a spoiled brat and does not deserve any place in an international

competition or league when his attitude is so bluntly racist.
I was happy Japan lost SOLELY to see Ichiro throw a spasm at the end.
That's 0 for 2 now pal. I hope you NEVER live it down.

Sorry this is unfair for the other J-players, but Ichiro is also supposed to be
representing his team to an extent, and with leaders like that...
70名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:36:04
This game will be remembered because Japan lost twice in two weeks
after making arrogant remarks.

Ichiro said that Korea wouldn’t beat Japan in 30 years. It took us only two weeks
to beat you twice.

Let me remind you that the first game between Korea and Japan was very big
for the Japanese.

So big in fact that the stadium was full and eve the crown prince and his family
was at the stadium. Let me also remind you that the WBC is more successful
then the creators had thought it would be.

Most of the matches were sold out. Heres a quote-
71名無しさん@英語勉強中:2006/03/17(金) 07:36:50
Had Japan won im pretty sure you would be spewing out nationalistic bullshit
and telling everyone how important baseball is in japan.

If the Japanese won their games against korea then it would be front page news.

Its sad how your minimizing this loss to korea and make pathetic remarks about the matches.

Whos being nationalistic now? Did you even see the second match?

The Japanese players were crying. Grown men crying and hanging their heads in shame.

Ichiro was flailing his arms and cussing like some spoiled brat who didn’t get his lunch money.

Not a big match? Hello this match decides if Japan advances to the semi finals or not
in a worldwide baseball tournament.

Now the sad Japanese media will try to minimize this loss just like what your doing. What a bunch of babies.