Congratulation to you birthday! This present is a passport case. It took much of my time to choose. It can contain small changes, you feel comfortable at the gate of highway or vending machines. I hope you like it. Please stay as a tender father of mine.
"Is Princess Aiko autistic?" screamed the headline of Shukan Jyosei, a weekly tabloid magazine geared towards middle-aged women. One woman said that she never saw thetwo-year-old princess cry or smile, and so-called experts quoted in the article suggested that that was one symptom of autism. Media speculation has ranged from Princess Masako seeking a divorce from her husband, to her having tried to commit suicide. (ワシントンタイムズより)
They include talk of the Prince and the Princess being estranged and of Princess Aiko suffering from autism. But the Crown Prince’s remarks yesterday set out the most credible reasons for Masako’s distress: the extraordinary difficulties of imperial life for a highly educated, cosmopolitan woman. (英タイムズより)
We wanted to send you a card but didn’t have your mailing address. So we just ordered you a “New Year” present from L.L. Bean. Unfortunately – it will take 3-4 weeks to be shipped to you. Please let us know when it arrives and if you like it.
>But beyond nonagons and decagons, professional mathematicians >prefer the aforementioned numeral notation (for example, >MathWorld has articles on 17-gons and 257-gons).
>>104 Is there any place where you want to see? I have some places in mind for you. There are many places where you can feel the culture of Japan or enjoy shopping. Please expect many nice pleasures here. See you soon.
The ratio of the number of a medal to those of player is very low. And I insist that we should make a more point of quality of players and, in so doing, cut down the number of players.
1)「週何度テニスをするのですか。」「週1度です。」 “How often do you play tennis a week?” “Once a week.” 2)「その手紙を今日出したのですか、昨日出したのですか。」 「昨日です。」 “Did you mail the letter today or yesterday?” “Yesterday.” 3)名前はボールペンで書いてください。 Please write your name with a ball-point pen.
>>107 TITLE: PLEASE let me know where to buy ARTICLE: Hi there, this is from Japan. I want to buy the video tapes you edited , but I don't know if there is any online shops that deal with them. So let me know that if any. Best Regards
>>121 X If you have, I would be very appriciated it very much if you would let me know. 〇 If you have, I would appreciate it very much if you could let me know.
「近年多発する災害で、私たちはしばしば建築物崩壊の映像を見る。」 In recent years, we often see images that building collapsed, for frequent occurrence of disaster. 「それらを見て私は、いったいそれらはどのようなとき、どのようにして起こるのか気になった。」 I, seeing them, became interested in whenever and however those will occur.
>>148 > 『めざまし代わりに爆弾セット!朝が怖くて眠れない!』 A time bomb for my alarm clock! Too scared to fall asleep! > 『準備体操で筋肉痛!準備体操の準備しろ!』 Had a muscle ache after a warm-up! Got to warm up for a warm-up! > 『新聞読むのに2日間!すごいどんどん時代に遅れてく』 Takes two days to read the daily newspaper! Can't keep myself up-to-date! > 『テストはいつも100点だ!すごい5教科あわせて100点だ!』 My test score is one hundred every time! Five subjects added up!
>>151 > 3月1日から3月10まで、春の火災予防運動週間です。 > そのために火災を想定した、あの様な演習をしたのです。 > 因みにタスキを掛けた年配の男の人は 有名な俳優です。 > 彼は一日署長として、あの演習を指揮したのです。 March 1 to 10 is the fire-prevention week of the spring. That's why we had a fire drill, preparing for a fire disaster. And that elderly man who was wearing a sash is a famous actor. He conducted the fire training as the one-day commissioner.
> 3月1日から3月10まで、春の火災予防運動週間です。 > そのために火災を想定した、あの様な演習をしたのです。 > 因みにタスキを掛けた年配の男の人は 有名な俳優です。 > 彼は一日署長として、あの演習を指揮したのです。 During 3/1-3/10 we celebrate the annual Salamander Carnival here in Japan. That bald man with gangster poise was the legendary Yusaku Matsuda resurrected. He was sent up from Hell to play havoc in the city of oversleep. We were glad to wake up and smell the smoke.
From March 1 through up to 10 is the week for fire-prevention in spring. That's why we had such a drill for a fire disaster. And that elderly man who is wearing a sash is a famous actor. He has conducted the fire training as the one-day commissioner.
Memories concern like opening the wound. I'm picking me apart again. You all assume. I'm safer in my room unless I try to start again.
I don't want to be the one who battles always choose. Cuz inside I realize that I'm the one confused.
I don't know what's worth fighting for or why I have to scream. I don't know why I instigate and say what I don't mean. I don't know how I got this way I know it's not alright So I'm breaking the habit, I'm breaking the habit tonight.
Cultured my cure. I tightly lock the door. I try to catch my breath again. I hurt much more than anytime before. I have no options left again.
>>169 今から乗ってこいよw 以下案内放送のうろ覚えなど This is Nanboku-line and Saitama subwayline. This train is bound for Urawa-Misono(Sirokane-Takanawa). I'll go to UM. (駅員に向かって)"Can I have the ticket?"
I am not good at dealing with people and easily make them get angry. I am far from having girl friends. Yes I have especially difficulty to secure a steady sincere girl.
>>181 Imagine please! The story is ten year later. You live an happy life as an employee of the big company. Suddenly some day, you are thrown out of the organization for some reason. You must feed yourself by money you must earn by yourself. What can you imagine you can do?
>>189 I know that my question will alienate you from me. But I can’t suppress my desire to know you mind. So I am now calling you by phone. In this summer, I can’t see you, true? Are you back in your home town? I really hate asking you this kinds of questions, But I like you very much. That is only reason why I want to know your mind.
Anyway, I will come to Hotel which you are going to stay in. If you mail me immediately on your arrival at Hotel, I will be there soon. Is this possible? If not, give me a call. But my concern is a scarcity of public telephones in Japan.
>>204 As for the next order, I don't wanna see any faults to our ordered products, I would like to ask you to put buffer [cushioning] materials in the next shipping carton.
If you have a plan to watch Kabuki, you would better bring the earphone with English interpretation and explanations, and an opera-glass fro better eyesight
>>248 Dear *** I'm sorry for being out of touch for a long time. I have left e-mail to you unsent for a couple of months by mistake which I haven't been aware of.
>>212 Character can be changed, but the nature can not. Though the nature can be changed according to character, a home environment and living conditions to some extent, the nature can not be changed because it is indigenous to each of the individuals. It is because the nature is an attribute gifted by the God. It is something fundamental and essential in order for the individual to fulfill one's mission here on the earth. It is just like the relationship between destiny and (good or bad) fortune. The former can be changed, but the latter can not.
>>258 The technology of a Japanese cellular phone is advancing by quantum jumps. It provides us with a means of not only sending and receiving an e-mail, chatting and taking a picture but also shopping and commuting. But I think it is not good to depend too much on a cellular phone for everything.
a means ofのsを落とさない事。
>>260 In the US, the new school term(a new academic year) begins in September, but in Japan it does in April.
Enclosed, please find 2 magazines I'm sending to you. One of them is an art magazine called PLUS EIGHTY ONE. This issue is not the latest one published in the summer 2004. So, it does not contain the latest information, but I bought this issue because I thought you would enjoy it since many Japanese artists are introduced in it.
>>266 >>268さんの指摘はもちろん、その他にも達人さんにしては全体的に流れが スムーズではないように感じます。 (例えば新しい文章をSo,と始めるところなど。そのような区切りの悪い 文はネイティブはあまり使いません) とは言えど、なるべく原文に忠実に訳して下さったのでしょうね。 たとえですが、以下のようにしてもOKだと思います: Enclosed are two magazines I'm sending you. (toは省いてかまいません) One of them is an art magazine called PLUS EIGHTY ONE. Since it's from summer 2004, it doesn't contain the latest information but but I bought it because many Japanese artists are introduced in it and I thought you might enjoy that.
The other one is a comic magazine called AA. The publisher of this AA magazine is called BB, formerly called CC that used to publish a comic magazine called DD. (中略) The AA issue I'm sending to you this time contains works by variously ranged comic artists from famous ones to those who are known to hardly anyone. I would be happy if you feel something special by taking a look at this magazine by which many Japanese artists are influenced.
>>271 少し簡潔にしてみました: The other one is a comic magazine called AA. The publisher of this magazine, currently called BB, was formerly named CC and used to publish a comic magazine called DD. (中略) The issue I'm sending you contains works by a wide range of artists, from famous to virtually unknown. I would be glad if you felt something from it since many artists are influenced by this magazine.
I do not have the authorization and was told to give you a gift voucher for 5% off of this order.If your next order is bigger than this order we will work something out on that order.
>>284 Don't forget, there is a more important thing than money. Don't forget, nothing is more important than yourself. も可能。
> 本当はThere is nothingと思っているくせに白々しいですよね、街金風情が。 Of course they think there couldn't be nothing more important than money. What nerve those loan sharks have!
>>267 Regarding the payment method, international bank transfer would cost me extra charges when sending and receiving the money, which sum up to 4,000 yen. If possible, I would like to send cash (bills) in dollars to you. Would that be okay?
>>267 Regarding to the payment, we'd like to send it in cash instead of putting it into your account, because the charge to transfer is 4,000 yen. Would you accept that?
1)甲子園球場へ野球を見に行こう。 Let's go to Koshien Stadium to see a baseball game. 2)テレビを消さないでください。 Please don't turn off the TV. 3)授業中は静かにしなさい。 Be quiet during the class.
He is a soft tou.But he is also a traveler who is walking around the world. Originally,he was a normal soft toy for little girl. But one day ,something made him able to move and he left girl's home at once. Since then,he had a lively interest in around the world and started to wander the world. He can talks with any kind of animals or plants,and he can make friend easily as well. He made by soft fabric,cotton and button.
>>319 I had mistakenly believed that your party was to be held until 28th. On 24th, I went there and was shocked to find there was none. I had been looking forward to seeing at the party. I want to see you surely at next opportunity.
>>318He is a soft stuffed doll. But he is also a traveler who is walking around the world. Originally, he was a stuffed soft doll for a little girl. But one day, something made him able to move and he left girl's home immediately. Since then, he had a lively interest in the world around and started to wander the world. He can talks with any kind of animals or plants, and he can easily make friend with anybody soon. He is made from soft fabric, cotton and buttons.
>>325 The prereserved tikets may have already been sold out. You may not be able to buy them now. I think the tikets will be sold on the day the act opens.
特定の掲示板に、勝手にアクセスし書きこみをしてしまうというコンピュータウィルスが流行しています。 Computer viruses which you access a specific bulletin board and write without permission are popular. アンチウィルスソフトの中にはまだ未対応のものもありますので、 少しでも心当たりのある方は下記のサイトでこれらのウィルスのチェックをお願いします。 There is still a thing of non-correspondence in anti-virus software. So if you have uneasiness a little, I ask for a check of a virus in the following site. 特にジャンプやヤングジャンプの漫画ファイルをダウンロードしたならば、早急にウィルスチェックをお願いします In particular,if you downloaded comics file of a jump and young people jump, I ask for a virus check immediately.
A virus has recently been virulent, causing unintentional accesses to and writing in some specified bulletin board. Since some of anti-virus-software are not completely prepared for these viruses, we recommend you with any misgiving to check at the following sites. Especially if you downloaded comical files of JUMP or YOUNG JUMP, you should check if your system might be contaminated.
母は私に自分の部屋を週末ごとに掃除するようにとしきりに言う。(insistを用いて) My mother insists that I should clear my room every weekend. あなたの隣の家の空き地に車を駐車してもいいですか。 May I park in a vacant lot next to your house? 重役たちは、神戸に新しい研究所を建てる社長の計画を全面的に支持している。 Executives of board are supporting the plan of the president to make a new research institute in Kobe. 私は学力だけで生徒を評価することに反対です。 I am against to the evaluation of students only based on the tests of school.
環境保護運動家たちは、自然を破壊するといってゴルフ場の建設に反対している。 Active environmentalists are protesting against the construction of the golf course as the menace to nature.
ウィルスに感染しているファイルって何て言うのでしょうか viral infection fileとsource-of-infection fileのどちらがより自然なのか悩んでいます このフレーズを使いたい文章も一応貼っておきます We thought a viral infection file was distributed via P2P software "Winny", but infection from other tools is doubted, too. (ウィルス感染ファイルのダウンロードによって感染するようです。 感染源ファイルはWinnyで配布されたようですが、他のツールからの感染も疑われます。) この上の文章も校正していただけると助かります
>>348 A computer virus, which write a message into specific BBS illeagally, is spreading. Some vaccine programs are not effective to the virus, then we recommend you to check your PC at the following site. In case of having downloaded the files of comics in ..., you should check up yours ealier.
1)あなたの新しい住所知らせて下さい。 Please let me know your new address. 2)彼はなんて偉大な指導者だったんだろう。 What a great leader he was! 3)この赤ん坊はなんとぐっすり眠っていることだろう。 How soundly this baby is sleeping!
>>395 Thanks for letting me know your new address. I've actually sent a parcel to your old address already but I'll contact the local post office and see if they can redirect it to your new address. But if it's aready been shipped outside of Japan, they won't be able to do it. Is there any way you've arranged your mail to be redirected?
>>387 My mottos are to think positively of anything, be bright and be accommodating to other persons.
>>395 Thank you for your new address. Though I've alraedy sent the package to your old address, I'll contact the post office to have the destination changed to your new address. But if the package is already out of the border, I can not go through this procedure in Japan. Have you already applied to have your postal matter forwarded to your new address?
This world is called three dimensions generally. And you may make what the next axis anyway because there is the virtual world, but, to the fourth dimension, it is good, and "time" is used because utility is high and is easy to do imagination.
I get possible to express a solid a position changes by a trace of a ball or speed or time of a car when I can gain the favor of a variable by time that is move.
Because it is indigestibility to me who will be rich to become than 5 dimensions, it is only words, but a thinker saying with Ouspensky is in the time when the fourth dimension axis moves linearly and I become plane in time and preach the sixth dimension axis in his dimension theory more when I add the fifth dimension axis if, in addition, I become three-dimensional in time.
Perhaps I think that it may be said in a meaning that 7 dimensions of Christ transcends 6 dimensions of ideas of this Ouspensky.
1. This world is called three dimensions generally. この世界は、一般に3つの局面と呼ばれています。
2. And you may make what the next axis anyway because there is the virtual world, but, to the fourth dimension, it is good, and "time" is used because utility is high and is easy to do imagination. そして、あなたは作るかもしれませんなんと次の軸がいずれにしろあるだろう仮想世界があるので、 有用性が高くて、イマジネーションをするために簡単であるので、四次元にとって、利益と「時間」であることが使って。
3. I get possible to express a solid a position changes by a trace of a ball or speed or time of a car when I can gain the favor of a variable by time that is move. 私は、私が動きである時間までに変数の支持を得ることができるとき、 位置がボールまたは速度の跡または車の時間までに変える 固体を表すために可能になります。
4. Because it is indigestibility to me who will be rich to become than 5 dimensions, it is only words, but a thinker saying with Ouspensky is in the time when the fourth dimension axis moves linearly and I become plane in time and preach the sixth dimension axis in his dimension theory more when I add the fifth dimension axis if, in addition, I become three-dimensional in time. それが5つの局面より起こるために裕福である私への消化不良であるので、 それは語だけです、しかし、ウスペンスキーと言っている思想家は四次元軸が 線形に動く時にいます、そして、そのうえ、 私が遅れずに三次元になるならば私が5本目の局面軸を加えるとき、 私は時間内の飛行機になって、より彼の局面論で6本目の局面軸を説きます。
5. Perhaps I think that it may be said in a meaning that 7 dimensions of Christ transcends 6 dimensions of ideas of this Ouspensky. おそらく、私はそれが意味でその7つの局面を言われるかもしれないために、 キリストがこのウスペンスキーについての考えの6つの寸法を越えると思います。
"In case" and "if" are normally used in quite different ways. 'Do A in case B happens' means 'Do A (first) because B might happen later'. 'Do A if B happens' means 'Do A if B has already happened'. - Let's buy a bottle of wine in case Roger comes. (= Let's buy some wine now because Roger might come later.) Let's buy a bottle of wine if Roger comes. (= We'll wait and see. If Roger comes, then we'll buy the wine. If he doesn't we won't.)
テンプレにあった『excite翻訳』を使おうと思ったのですが。どの程度翻訳されるのでしょうか? 試しに「焦らなくてもゆっくり確実に行けば必ず辿り着けます」と入力してみたのですが、 It is possible to reach it at last surely if surely going slowly even if not in a hurry. と 出ました。これはそのまま使って通じますか? 駄目でしたら訳して頂きたいのですが…お願いします.
>>472 We are planning to visit you, if you do not come to Japan.
>>473 Of course, I'll welcome you, but it is unfortunate that I can't speak English. Is that OK with you?
>>512 I'm not talking about a misfortune for my relative, but something about my boyfriend, It is too tough for me to talk about more than this now. I'm sorry.
I'm not talking about a misfortune for my relative, but something about my boyfriend living in Tokyo, It is too tough for me to talk about more than this now. I'm sorry.
I don't mean that something's happened to a relative, I'm sad about my boyfriend who's living in Tokyo. It's too difficult for me to talk more about it right now, I'm sorry.
ありがとうございます。 ついでにもう1つ・・・ 「若者が夏休みに海外旅行するのは、いまや全く当たり前のことである」 は It is natural today that young people travel abroad on summer vacation. [まったく]というのをどこに入れればいいのか・・・
It is quite natural today that young people travel abroad on summer vacation. 当然ではないのかも。。 It is a quite common phenomenon today that young people travel abroad on summer vacation.
Yesterday, I went shopping with my friends to refresh ourselves. I found a sweet rabbit there to buy it on impulse. Now I am enraptured by this rabbit.
She came to me just when I was going to phone to her. The water of the pond will freeze by tomorrow morning. You are always an obstinate seeker of flaws of others.
A guy like 541 should check by himself more thoroughly. Only after that, he can be allowed to speak arrogantly and eloquently. Otherwise, he would destroy cooperative atmosphere with too level complaints..
I am not responsible for the content of the above sentence.
I have been looking for a French friend of mine. Are you working as a doctor, as you have graduated from a medical school? In Japan, medical students study for six years. If you want to ask anything about Japan, let me know.
>>608 That's all places for sight seeing Tokyo has. But I think you might enjoy them. Please send e-mail to this address while you're in Japan. Because I can check it and respond to you anytime.
I have read your infesting experiences in Japan. I am very happy to have had a short time to talk with you. Especially your impressions on the way Japanese are using “GAIJIN” (man of outside world) are very interesting and stimulating to me. We have a 300-years-old history of Edo ear while Japan had been closed internationally, so we are accustomed to the way that we call foreigners “man of outside world”, namely GAIJIN. That is why we have been accustomed a simple dichotomy of Japan and outside country.
>>600 Concerning a varity of stories about your experience in Japan, I would appreciate them with much interest. I really enjoyed a good time talking with you, though it was far from enough. In particular, your idea of a Japanese way of expression of why Japanese call foreign people Gaijin was interesting and instructive. I think that it is because, due to Japan's policy of isolation which lasted for more than 200 years during the Edo period, most of the Japanese had little opportunity to make contact with foreign people, Japanese tried to divide people into two groups, which simply consisted of Japanese and others(Gaijin).
>>641 In Japan, English education is not given until a child enters a junior high school(13 years old), but it is too late, I think. In additon to this, in effect, most of the Japanese can not speak, listen to, or write English, though they study English for as much as 6 years at junior and senior high scgool, and I am also among them. It may sound a little strange, but it is true.
>>648 I believe that you are busy traveling around the world all the time. But I'm always cheering for you. I can really sympathize with the lyrics you write. But I think some of your lyrics are a bit pessimistic. I hope you would sometimes write brighter lyrics.
>>641 Children in Japan start learning English at the age of 13. In my opinion, that's too late to begin. As a result of that, most of them can't speak, listen, or write in English despite the fact that they study for six years. I'm one of them, by the way. I know you won't believe me.
>>641 In Japan, we start studying English from the age of 13 (when we enter junior high school), but in my opinion, it’s too late (a time to start). The fact is that after 6 years of English education, most of us can’t talk, can’t listen to, and can’t write English. Actually, I can’t do any of these, too. You would think it’s a weird story.
>>600 1. I read the story of your experiences in Japan with great interest. 2. It was nice talking to you. I wish we had more time. I was very interested in your opinion why the Japanese say "Gaijin". Let me tell you my idea of how it started. Since Japan closed the country and had little contact to outside the world in the Edo period, the Japanese started drawing a mental line between Japan and the rest of the world.
>>648 I know you are busy traveling all over the world. But I'm always with you. Your lyrics always hit a chord. Some of them sound sad. I am looking forward to happy ones too.
Today I am healthy as usual and Tabaco tastes good. Why only damage of smoking saying to also the exhaust being bad to the body? The how lie 800 which the copy produces the photograph of the lung where the smoker is black, becomes the lung cancer. The cult group has instigated the hateful smoke. The person who is not secondary flow smoke how many thing, dies being the secondary flow smoke how it is not. The hateful smoke should not have come near. The occult groug where inhaling anywhere, it does former times, is good and is. Because, being bad to the body understanding, it inhales it shoots. Smoking is right, those which damage that are fascism. As for being noisy with just hateful smoke mad as for the normal non smoker the expectation which is not thought at all. Healthy fanatic guys dies, w. The tax large quantity paying, therefore the noisy it is, make inhale. Because it is stopped with anytime, it does not stop. When the tobacco is prohibited, the riot rises, yak the gains, therefore useless. The pop inside the tobacco inhales lived to 90 years old.
As for the validity of the account, I find that I have passed the extermination date of the credit card. Therefore I hope you will process my account by the new card with a following number.
Since he went abroad for the study of language, it is not a problem even if you are not so good in term with people there as long as you have mastered French.
>>719 The time while I have been with you is now valueless to me. I am grateful to you for giving nice lectures. I hope you will continue to be active and healthy.. I expect to see you soon somewhere.
My situation is as follows. I was thinking of expressing my gratitude to him who had given me a nice present. But a business interrupted to take my time for our meeting. So, this time I am going to see him at least to express my thanks.
>>737 As my job schedule doesn't allow me to stay, I'll go to work today. But what I wanted to say to you was just "Thank you", it was good for me to have this opportunity this time.
>>737 As my job schedule doesn't allow me to stay, I have to go to work today. But what I wanted to say to you was just "Thank you", it was good for me to have this opportunity this time.
choke a darkie // do one's business // drop the kids off at the pool〈米俗〉 // empty one's bowels // evacuate the [one's] bowels // give birth to a politician // have a crap // lay an egg // lay cable〈俗〉 // move one's bowels // pass a stool / perform the work of nature // push out a grumpy〈米俗〉 // relieve one's bowels // relieve oneself // take a crap [dump, shit]〈卑〉
>>800 What is the worst drawback of audio materials? The learners get a wrong idea that their listening skill improves by listening the same material over and over again.
>>801 Listening to a single tape for many times leads to better comprehension. But it doesn't mean your listening skill improves by that. You just get used to it. It should not be considered a language study.
>> 815 Udon should be tasted by throat (you can enjoy it when it go through your throat) not to be taseted by tongue. You can make noises when you have it (or eat it).
1)夏休みは7月21日から始まります。 The summer vacation begins on the 21st of July. 2)来週物理の試験があります。 We'll have an examination in physics next week. 3)信号が青に変わるまで待ちなさい。 Wait until the traffic light turns green.
People in English world make it clear that time for hearing and speaking should be differentiated. So、 incessant gesture of agreement is felt rather disturbing and sometimes too rude for speaker. >>829
>>833 This is about the picture which I sent you a year ago. A person who drew it told me that he(she) wanted to get it back. Are you OK with that? Of course I'll pay for the carriage which costs you to send it.
>>865 My key ring is attached to my bag and my room is decorated with the bottle/ You will see very interesting scene at this time. I'm expecting it but I am also anxcous about it.
>>868 やめなよ、めちゃくちゃ書きこむの my room is decorated with the bottle私の部屋はビンで飾られている?? veryの前にaつけなよ。at this timeはthenにでもしたら?? I'm looking forward to it and feeling uneasy about it at the same time. あまりよくないのは認めるが>>868よりはマシだろう。 日本語もなんか繋がってないような気もするな。
Key holder is attached to my bag and the bottle is displayed in my room. This time, you are to see a wonderful scene. It is my pleasure as well as anxiety.
もし世界中を旅するなら、もちろんイギリスに行きたい。 カナダとかオーストラリアにも行ってみたい。 日本と違う文化に触れることはとても面白いことだと思う。 Of course, I want to visit UK if I trave all over the world. I also want to go to Canada, Australia and so on. I think that it's very interesting to touch a culture different from Japan. この文でおkですか?
Then we see very interesting scene. That is, you can see both of priests and monks gather there. And priest pray words of congratulations, and then monks read Buddhism sutras.
しいていじれば Of course, I want to visit UK if I can travel all over the world. I want to go to Canada or Australia too. I think that it's very interesting to touch a culture different from Japan.
>>884 If I were to travel all over the world, of course I would go to the UK. I also would go to Canada and Australia, and other countries. Being exposed to a different culture will be a great experience.
>>888 I asked my parents if I can go to the United States this summer vacation, but the answer was a flat 'No'. 'We don't have enough money to let you go to the US. And you can't speak Engisl at all to start was!' Those were their words. Well, I do admit that I can't speak English, well, not very well, anyway.
>>888 I asked my parents if I could go to the States for summer vacasion, but they didn't say yes. They said they can't afford it and pointed out that I can't speak English. Well, they are right about it..
I asked my parent if I can go to US during summer vacation. They responded in negative, because we couldn’t afford enough money and additionally I was poor in English conversation. Yes they are quite right. But I want to go and I am determined to anyway.
>>897 お前が日本語やりなおせクソキチガイが。 なんならお前のクソ英訳さらしてみろよヘタレの口先だけ野郎。 You study YOUR Japanese right from the first grade, you half baked nutcase!! You show YOUR English translation, if you can translate at all. C'mon, you big mouth, where's YOUR English!?
>>943 Among the members of the band, xx looks best, but I think yy has the best character. Well, a good guy should be both good looking and good-natured, though.
It's not common idea for a Japanese person to give a card or a bunch of flowers to another in Japan. Instead, a person almost always gives someone else chocolates. In Japan, most girls give chocolates to their friends and the boy they like and express their feelings on valentines day. The proper manners for the recipients are that they should duly reciprocate the gifts on White Day (March 14th).
別に割るいとこほとんどないじゃん It's not common custom to give a card or a bunch of flowers to another in Japan. Instead, a person almost always gives someone else chocolates. In Japan, most girls give chocolates to their friends and the boys they like and express their feelings of favor on valentines day. The proper manners for the recipients are that they should duly reciprocate the gifts on White Day (March 14th).
All of you! Let’s eat boiled been curd together. By doing so, we can change the world. What a wonderful idea it is! Can’t you imagine anything more exciting?