I am enclosing an incense set made in Japan. Place one incense on the attached holder and light it at the tip. When it starts to burn, put the flame out immediately. A good fragrance spreads with smoke. set fireよりlighterのlightで良いでしょう。
If you feel you're always treated badly, please let me know. You should remember, you don't have to accept anything unreasonable. I can help you with this. Let's pray to God to start with, so that your life will be happier in this country! でいいじゃん?
I don't think this conversation will go anywhere... There's no point talking about the true definition of the words and try comparing the two differen languages in such a limited space...
>>119>>117 The town xxxxx in my childhood, and the town I saw recently. 後は変えないでxxxxxを補ってください "I had seen in my childhood" 95 "I had seen as a child" 420 これを書いたヨーロピアンをガンガン罵ってやってください 参考ですよ参考ね
I saw recentlyが文法的にそこまで悪いかどうかはわからないけど、 I've seen it recentlyのほうがI saw it recentlyより正式だね 専門的にわかんなくてごめんね。 過去完了は、過去の時点よか前のこと?を言わなきゃいけないから、 幼少の頃のことを言うなら、普通の過去形じゃなきゃいけないよ。 I saw it as a childhood.
recentlyは現在形にはつかえないが過去形には使える。 the town I saw recently. が過去だから、その前の大過去を表現するために過去完了をつかって the town I had seen in my childhood, 「(一度経験として)見たことがある」と「よく目にしていた」というニュアンスの違いがあれど"文法的に"めちゃくちゃな点がまったく見当たらん
We're introducing what it's called "The number portability" system later on this year. This system enables you to change the キャリア without change your phone number. It will be a lot easier to change your キャリア and therefore we can expect the improvements in the whole mobile phone market.
I am sorry for the delay of the payment of the rent. I will pay surely by the end of next week.
And I would like to consult that we will think about left our home during this month. Therefore I would like to talk with you as soon as possible you can. So could I make an appointment to talk with you? Additionally, if I need penalty fee to move, is it possible to tell me how much do I need?
>>148 I am really sorry that payment of a rent is late. I think that I can pay it surely within next week. And there can be the thing that I talked. I think that we 1 pulls a house with 1 cup a month with a payment. I want to call for the procedure there within this week, but what time of how many days will be convenient? In addition, I am glad when money such as cancelation cost is necessary if I had you teach it by total whether it is how much rank need.
"I saw * in my childhood" の検索結果 約 268 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.23 秒) "I saw * as a child" の検索結果 約 35,100 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.27 秒) "I saw * when I was a child" の検索結果 約 940 件中 1 - 10 件目 (0.18 秒) "I saw * as a childhood." の検索結果 2 件中 1 - 2 件目 (0.75 秒)
>>143のことわかる・・・ I saw it as a childhoodは、例えば街だったら、街自体を子供の頃の目で見てるって意味だからでしょ。 こんなちょっとしたこと、asでもduringでもいいと思うよ。 こんなことでグジグジ悩んでないで、もっとたくさん話せるように練習したほうがいいんじゃないかな。
>>162 I know what you mean... It wouldn't matter when you say "as my childhood" or "in my childhood", I hardly notice it when I speak it. I think there are lot more important things Japanese need to get to learn, things like the difference between "a" and "the" lol...
Well it's best not to taking a micky out of anyone here... they're all learners! All make mistakes. even I get confused somehow when I keep re-phrasing sentences.
>>202 See I don't get it, they should just speak out more before they discuss if that's on or in or at or about... I was awful when I was learning Japanese て and を and stuff... lol. Well still don't quite get it but doesn't somehow seem matter as long as I can get the point..
What kind of words occur in you mind except “Samurai” when you hear “Japan”. As for me, a MacDonald or NFL, namely fat people surface, when I hear “AMERICA”
>>251 I love to mail you everyday, but I should have my sentences translated by M-chan. I'm sometimes reluctant to ask her. Than's why I don't often mail you. Sorry.
>>251 I really want to write letters to you everyday, but my letter must be translated into English by my M, you know. To tell the truth, I feel a little burden to ask her to do translation. This is why I have sent you rather few letters. I am sorry for that.
Bend your elbows with right angle and heave them up to the horizontal line of your shoulder. Then swing them revolving around shoulder. In the early phase of your neck stiff, you’d better practice these kinds of exercise to warm up the blood and improve its smooth flow
>>148 We are very sorry for the late payment of rent. (the late rent payment) However, we are certain that we will pay it by the end of next week.
I regret to inform you that we have decided to move out (of the house) by the end of January. I would like to visit your place at your earliest convenience so that you and I can discuss the matter in detail. Is it possible to make an appointment with you sometime this week? Please let me know the date and time you can see me.
If we need to pay any penalties for vacating the house early, please let us know how much it will be. (please let us know the total amount.)
>>326 I live in America. I want to read a book written by American, partly for English learning. However, I have no idea which kind of the book is good. Please tell me your recommendation. Any genre(category) is OK.
written by Americanは「アメリカ人に書かれた」となりますので 「アメリカで出版された」の場合→published in America 「英語で書かれた」の場合→written in English となります。一番適切なものを選んでください。
330です。 >>326さんへのレスで、「本屋へ行っても」を入れるのをわすれました。 ので三行目は However, I could not find good one though I went to a bookstore. ってな感じでしょうか。 個人的には上に書いたものの方がすっきりしてていいと思います。
I live in the USA. I'm thinking about reading a book in English to improve my English skill. But, I don't know which one to choose when I go to bookstore. Would you have any recommendation? Any category is OK for me.
>>335 There is a student in my group who thinks his/her English right even though the grammar is broken. When I point out the mistakes, s/he replies "How about this?", using other words or expressions, but the new one also has mistakes. Mr/s. ---, is it wrong to point out the mistakes to such kind of people? Is it good to leave as s/he is? I'm younger than him/her, so I'm troubled with the way to deal with.
>>344 Do you know I've been in love with you? I was too shy to tell you that though I loved you... I felt happy just talking with you... But now, it's not enough... I love you.
>>392 That's right. XXX is a Scotish band. I like XXX best among their songs. I play their music while I'm working. Every time XXX is played, I find my self stopping my work and listening to it.
中三です。 英作文「彼女はギターの弾きかたをしりませんでした」を She didn't know how to play the guitar. の箇所をplayではなくuseにしてペケになりました。しかし辞書を見ると 「利用する」とか、いいっぽいです。先生のところにクレームを言いに行くべきでしょうか。
学校で名詞とセットに習う動詞の定番で practice karate, play tennis,等スポーツ関連の があるが、同様に楽器に関しても学校で playを使うように言われているはず。 全てのニュアンスを拾う必要は無いと思うが、少なくても学校で 名詞とセットで習う動詞はしっかり押さえないとペケもらう。
>>325 I have a かいこう口. Though the a row of teeth is good except the two front teeth, only two of my front teeth don't match the teeth below. Is it possible to reform the just two front teeth? And how much does it cost?
>>384 ありがとうございます。 ところで、I have been looking for that thing more than 6 months の文章は、今も探し続けているという風に取れてしまわないですか? I had been 〜では違う意味になってしまいますか? 英語は苦手なので、もし的外れならすみません。 よろしくお願いします。
(1) The American protection of the environment agency enacted the new rule which is applied wide-ranging yesterday, it causes damage healthily to as a measure to the sooty smoke in the atmosphere which is discharged from the thermal power plant of ozone and the east and the Nakanishi section which have been decreased. This long-awaited rule, thousands calls rescues life, probably means to prevent the loss of no 1000000 day thing work which is by the sickness which originates in air pollution. As for CAIR, the peroxidized sulphur which is discharged from the thermal power plant of the state & area of 28 and something which sets the upper limit to nitrogen oxide it is. In addition, also discharge right transaction is permitted.
383 U.S. Enironmental Protection Agency (EPA) yesterday enacted a new ordinance with the comprehensive measures for ozone which is decreasing to the harmful level to health,and for airborne soot emitted from powerplants in eastern and middle western states. Decreasing でいいの? This long awaited ordinance is expected to save thousands of lives and millions of days of sick-leave caused by pollutant air.
CAIR will cap emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in 28 eastern states and districts. It will also grant emissions trading.
Although CAIR is expected to improve gradually the air quality, further regulatory measurements to reduce the gas emissions from vehicles and so on are said to be neccessary in order to meet the new standards. Nitrogen Oxides change into smog by reacting with sun ray under the warm atomosphere, which is a risk of respiratory system and causes damages to farm crops. Sulfur Dioxide on the other hand is the primary causes of acid rain which has caused the damages to environments in the east over the years.
これで通じるでしょうか? 変なところがあればご指摘ください。 よろしくお願いします。 ↓ I cannot do a conversation complicated in English. The visitor reception and telephone manners can be done by easy sentences. The business sentences can be exchanged with mail. It is good reading sentences from the conversation. It is possible to digest even by sentences with a comparatively high difficulty.
I was very suprised to have visit my friend family with the help of their new address. My friend who he is younger than me bought a condminium and they had just moved in that place two weeks ago.
I cannot do a conversation complicated in English, but I can talk and call with the visitor and write e-mail by easy sentences. I am good at reading better than speaking. I can read comparatively difficult sentences.
pretender 【名】 ふりをする人、詐称者{さしょうしゃ}、王位{おうい}を狙う者 【変化】《複》pretenders、【分節】pre・tend・er pretender to the crown 王位を狙う者 pretender to the throne 《be 〜》王を僭称{せんしょう}する
pretend 【形】 偽りの 【自動】 装う、取りつくろう ・ I can't pretend anymore. もうこれ以上自分を偽ることはできない。 【他動】 〜のふりをする、〜だと偽る、見せかける、あえて〜しようとする ・ The little boy liked to pretend he was a cowboy. その少年はカウボーイのふりをするのが好きだった。
>>>451 I was very suRprised to visit my friend family with the help of their new address. My friend, who is younger than me, bought a conOdminium, and they just moved in that place two weeks ago.
>>501 動物実験によって安全とされながら、後に事故が起こり人体(や環境)への 危険性が明らかになった化学物質がたくさんあります There are numerous chemicals that were originally considered harmless to humans (and the environment) after experiments on animals which later turned out to be quite the opposite.
>>505 Though I said 500 time JK execution of a senior high school and competed with a friend, it was it in the no excitement state that nothing felt when I graduated from two ずつやってて every day and seems to have come to run in medicine or SM,
But I picked アナル with beer pot to the girl whom I stepped on medicine because a disabled person-like guy knew it and remained and passed through a sexual intercourse for one yearless state, and came back commonly, and last what をやってるんだって talked to itself
It is expected, but it is said quality of the atmosphere to be improved slowly with indispensability measures named to restrain discharge gas of a car to meet a new standard. A nitrogen oxide reacts with a sunbeam in the warm atmosphere and wakes up an obstacle in the smog neighbor, respiratory system and harms farm products. The hyperoxidation sulfur damaged environment of the eastern part over acid rain neighbor, how many years.
>>502 383のB It is hoped 61% 73%, a nitrogen oxide hyperoxidation sulfur from a point in time for 2003 years between the next 10 years by CAIR when I decrease. In addition, consideration to a state to be located in leeward begins. Furthermore, regulation for mercurial discharge is going to be announced in next week, too. CAIR and mercurial discharge regulation are exposed to cheers from an environmentalist group. A place to show intention of a welcome although I complain has industry. I contain existing regulation fired at random and promote an investment for technical progress and say that I contribute to development of improvement and economy of quality of the atmosphere.
>>502 383のC However, in an environmentalist group, there is a place to look at from a severe viewpoint. CAIR I say that I "am too small, and は is too slow". However, it is sure that there is a constant effect, and a burden of a cost side is not heavy. It is expected in particular that electricity bill for families is left unredeemed at least until 2020.
>>524 She was born in Nagasaki-shi at about 3:00 p.m. of October 9. I run now from home of Nagoya-shi for two hours and go to school. She is loved by an older brother of parents and 2, older sisters, and is not crowded || if was not crowded, was brought up. I belonged to a junior high school / a senior high school and tennis club and left a splendid grade in many meetings. I do my best in hockey club at a university. She is good at ancient writings and intends to take a teacher license of national language. In inborn brightness and charmingness, she is a popular person of all.
>>527 There is it, but saying good-bye to you is really hot, but there is not a certain time that, by the way, a boyfriend makes with 現在仕事忙 overdoing thinking that there is an encounter if there is farewell again saying good-bye to you experience ね me who was disappointed whether there was able to be such a thing afterwards if there is an encounter either || す (sweat;) Your mind state declines and wears the matter that I asked for the other day, and do not break いてからでかまいませんよどうか physical condition
>>453 I do not understand everything if the topics are complicated in English. However, I am capable of receiving visitors, answering phones, and communicating by e-mail. My strength is on reading rather than speaking, and I am able to read comparatively difficult writings. 部分否定部分は「全てを理解できる訳ではない」っす フォロよろすく
>>547 Only one draws a halo of Judah thinly, and Giotto of the 14th century excludes カスターニョ and ギルランダイヨ from a line of a saint and posts Judah outside a table
>>572 xxx rarely comes to Japan. Their most recent visit to Japan was three years ago. I'll go to see their concert by all means, if they would come (to Japan).
The adverb "maybe", which is a conjugation of the helping verb "may" and the verb "be", is frequently used. Recently, the adverb "mightbe", on the same mode, has been often used . >>565
X 線回折でもわかるとおり、この酵素タンパク質の N 末端は酵素本体 から離れて「ぶら下がっており、不安定」であり、また、単離された 「完全な」この酵素のタンパク質 Y との親和性は、N 末端断片が欠落 したそれよりも著しく低いことが電子伝達試験や親和性クロマトグラ フィから判明している。このことから、この N 末端が基質 Y に立体 障害している可能性が強く示唆される。しかしながら、この酵素の膜 状における基質との反応は悪いとはいえない。また、N 末端の欠落し た酵素は精製途上の人工産物であることはすでに判明している。これ らのことから、この酵素が生体内にあっては、膜状でその N 末端が隠 されるなどの処置を施されていることが示唆されるのである。
As recognized even with x-ray diffraction, N end of this enzyme protein is dangled separated from the enzyme itself, it is unstable", in addition, was isolated "as for affinity of protein Y of the complete" this enzyme, being lower than that N terminal fragment misses considerably has been ascertained from electron transport test and affinity chromatography. From this, this N end the possibility steric hindrance of having done is strongly suggested to substrate Y. But, it is bad with you cannot call the reaction with the substrate in the membrane condition of this enzyme. In addition, to miss as for the enzyme of N end it is as for being the artificial product of refining way already it has been ascertained. From this and others thing, this enzyme being an in vivo, being filmy, the N end it is suggested hat disposal such that hidden it is done has been administered
>>659 It is the event which the cutting rice cake eats the round rice-cake which in New Year's Day is offered in year God asks the harmony of family in the rice soup, and the soup. The mirror dividing is the name. Those which are custom of samurai society generalized. In order to make hara-kiri associate, it divides the fact that it cuts with the edged tool by the hand, shatters with the wooden spear. In addition, avoiding the word that "it cuts", the word where the luck that "you open", is good is used. Originally, it was done on January 20th, but because Tokugawa house light dying 20 days (c#keian April of four) is it is modified on January 11th, has reached to the present. Besides the fact that there is a district which even now is done on January 20th, in Kyoto it is done on January 4th. Separately from this, dividing, the cover of the liquor barrel in such as banquet with the wooden mallet, opening you call the cutting rice cake or mirror dividing.
>>622 Present coming-of-age ceremony gives out the edge to the youth festival which is executed 1946 November 22nd, in Saitama prefecture bracken city. By the holiday method of 1948 promulgation enforcement, "you celebrate the youth whom personally it tries you will be conscious of the fact that ou have become the adult, probably to survive and encourage" the origin of gist, January 15th was day of adult from next year, in most districts coming-of-age ceremony reached the point where it is done in this day. However, amendment holiday method (happy Monday law) to pertaining, there is also a place where day of adult is January 2nd Monday from 2000, Sunday of preceding day of day of adult does. In addition, it includes the city and for the person entering school of higher grade & being employed, the district which does coming-of-age ceremony in time of the August back number tray (in Iwate prefecture above the half of town village) it is to distant town. As for the new adult the or more of the half was the labor young people to the sixties, but after the seventies, from increase of the university entrance into a school person and decrease of medium soldier/finishing high soldier/finishing employment, also ratio of the attending person who is occupied adult in the whole new yearly has increased, it has reached to the present.
When it becomes the eighties, attendance ratio of coming-of-age ceremony hovered, "coming-of-age ceremony of the young person left and" started closing up. And, the whisper of the new adult who attends coming-of-age ceremony is not settled, the new adult does not enter into the meeting place, focusing on the incident where at part, problem such that it rages at the meeting place occurs, designates official business execution disturbance as the reason there is also city town which develops into the noise of the extent where the arrest person is present. Because of that, meaning of existence of the event, itself coming-of-age ceremony is questioned.
In this thread, from midnight through to dawn, there appear many Funny people such as so-called Native, talkative KansaiBaka,or self-player and sticky master of evil tactics. This is a usual fuss. Enjoy it.
>>655 As is apparent through x-ray diffraction, the N-terminal of this enzyme protein is separated from the enzyme itsel and is "dangled and unstable." In addition, it can be ascertained from electron transfer tests and affinity chromatography that the affinity of this isolated "perfect" enzyme and protein Y, is considerably lower than that which is missing the N terminal fragment. From this, the possibility is strongly suggested that this N terminal steric hindrance is causing three-dimensional hindrance to substrate Y. However, it cannot be said that the reaction of the substrate in the membrane of the enzyme is bad. In addition, it has already been ascertained that the enzyme that is missing the N terminal is an artificial product that is in the process of refining. From these, it is suggested that when this enzyme is in vivo, processes take place such as its N-terminal becoming hidden in the membrane.
>>693 As I was eating a tangerine, a girl who usually avoided me and called me weird came up to me and said, "let me have a tangerine, too." I was pretty pissed off, so I pretended to bite her neck and to pass the tangerine I was eating from my mouth to hers. I didn't care whether she was going to hit me or start screaming, I just didn't want her to come near me again. But, to my surprise, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth slightly. I freaked out and stepped back. After a little while, she said under her breath, "I thought he was really going to do it," and took the tangerine and ran away. A few days later, that girl was eating a tangerine so this time, I said give me one. Then, like she was making fun of me, she put a piece that she was licking between her lips, and stuck her mouth out. I took the tangerine in my mouth, along with her lips. Now that girl is my girlfriend. And the tangerine we were licking was, of course, summer neet. Needless to say, she is also a special existence. Thank you very much.
>>710 We awoke because of dazzling light in the morning from the window. And, I went to in the market in this town early morning of the early summer. Traffic there a lot though it is early morning. The smell of the bread of the combustion setting up has worn the walking. I bought the flower that decorated the table with the Amasan tile grapefruit and the croissant of the combustion setting up in groups of two and returned to the apartment. It was a very happy start during a day.
>>710 I was awoken by the dazzling morning light from the window. Then, in this early morning of early summer, I headed to the town market. Even though it was early morning, there were a lot of people. As I wandered, I smelled freshly-baked bread. I bought sweet-sour grapefruits and freshly baked croissants for two, and then some flowers to decorate the table and returned to the apartment. It was a very happy start to the day.
>>712 as soon as possible(ASAP)の問題は、依頼を受ける側の都合に委ねていることです。 それなので、>>713さんの翻訳のようにas early in the morning as possibleとして、 具体的に午前中内でなるだけ早く欲しいと伝えることによって、緊急感を伝えます。
>>722 「追いやる」の意味が違います。drive away the lionであれば「ライオンをおいやる」 になりますが、drive away my mindは英語で存在しない慣用語です。 Put it out of my mind Push to the back of my mind が意味が通じると思います。